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2/2/2020 G.R. No. 175316 | People v.



[G.R. No. 175316. March 28, 2007.]


DURANO, appellant.



Before us for review is the Decision 1 dated April 28, 2006 of the Court
of Appeals in CA-G.R. CR.-H.C. No. 00204-MIN affirming the Judgment 2
rendered by Branch 17 of the Regional Trial Court of Davao City convicting
the appellant of two counts of rape.
On July 9, 1999, appellant was charged with four counts of rape and
one count of robbery 3 docketed as Crim. Case Nos. 43505-99 to 43509-99.
He was acquitted of two counts of rape in Criminal Case Nos. 43507-99 and
43508-99 for insufficiency of evidence, and of robbery in Crim. Case No.
43509-99. However, he was convicted of two counts of rape in Criminal Case
Nos. 43505-99 and 43506-99. cTAaDC

The Information in Criminal Case No. 43505-99 reads as follows:

The undersigned Prosecutor, at the instance of the
complainant, AAA, whose affidavit is hereto attached as Annex "A"
and made an integral part hereof, accuses the above-named
accused of the crime of RAPE under Article 266-A, par. 1 (a) of the
Revised Penal Code in relation to Republic Act 8353, committed as
That on or about April 13, 1999, in the City of Davao,
Philippines, and within the jurisdiction of this Honorable Court, the
above-named accused conspiring and confederating with each other,
by force, threat and intimidation, with Roger N. Durano, as principal
by direct participation, did then and there, willfully, unlawfully and
feloniously have sexual intercourse with AAA, against her will.

while the Information in Criminal Case No. 43506-99 states: 1/13
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The undersigned Prosecutor, at the instance of the

complainant, AAA, whose affidavit is hereto attached as Annex "A"
and made an integral part hereof, accuses the above-named
accused of the crime of RAPE under Article 266-A, par. 1 (a) of the
Revised Penal Code in relation to Republic Act 8353, committed as
That on or about April 13, 1999, in the City of Davao,
Philippines, and within the jurisdiction of this Honorable Court, the
above-named accused conspiring and confederating with each other,
by force, threat and intimidation, with Roger N. Durano, as principal
by direct participation, did then and there, willfully, unlawfully and
feloniously have sexual intercourse with AAA, against her will. SEHACI

Appellant pleaded not guilty to both charges.
The facts as summarized by the Solicitor General:
Private complainant is a working student who stays at the
convent of the BBB Sisters at Ulas, Davao City (TSN, p. 4, May 10,
At 3:45 in the afternoon of April 13, 1999, private complainant
left the convent and proceeded to Fuji Photograph Center located at
San Pedro Street, Davao City for the copying of some pictures. Since
the process would take an hour, she decided to watch a movie at
Queens Theater (TSN, p. 9, May 10, 2000). jurcda

After leaving the movie theater and while she was nearing a
gasoline station along Bonifacio Street, private complainant noticed
that appellant was following her. She continued walking but she was
surprised to see that appellant was already beside her. (TSN, p. 23,
May 11, 2000; p. 32, June 30, 2000). Appellant, then, held her right
shoulder. He identified himself as a member of the police and junior
drug buster and showed private complainant his identification card
(TSN, p. 7, 23, May 11, 2000). Appellant told her that she was Grace
of Maa, a drug user and a "buntog" (prostitute) and for which reason
he had to arrest her (TSN, p. 7, May 10, 2000; p. 32, June 30, 2000).
Private complainant insisted that she was not Grace of Maa
and she was neither a drug user nor a prostitute (TSN, p. 8, May 10,
2000). When appellant insisted on arresting her, private complainant
agreed to go with appellant to Rizal Park near the Legislative Building
to prove that she was not the person of loose morals appellant
claimed her to be (TSN, p. 8, May 10, 2000; p. 33, June 30, 2000). In
the park, they sat on the grass and talked. She freely talked about
her life and even gave her telephone number to appellant to prove to
him that she was not Grace of Maa (TSN, p. 37, June 30, 2000). 2/13
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Appearing to be convinced that she was not Grace of Maa,

appellant told her that before she could be released, she needed to
sign some release papers. Eager to be released and gripped with
fear, she went with appellant and they proceeded to Talisay Lodge
(TSN, p. 6, June 30, 2000). She noticed that two men, referred to as
"Ricky" and "Dante" by appellant, followed them (TSN, p. 10, May 10,
2000). cEHSIC

At Talisay Lodge, appellant requested for a room. Once inside

the room, complainant asked where the release papers were.
Appellant replied that before she could sign the papers, she must
have sex with him (TSN, p. 11, May 10, 2000). Thus, instead of
handing her the papers, appellant forced her to undress. Thereafter,
appellant pushed her toward the bed. He kissed her shoulder, chest
and inserted his penis into her vagina. When he could not penetrate
his (sic) vagina, he spit on it. He made push-and-pull movements and
after ejaculating, he leaned on the floor. He pulled her by the
shoulder and while lying on the floor, he inserted his penis on her
mouth and made push-and-pull movements. Then he pulled her
again to the bed. In the bed, she was made to lie on her back so
appellant could insert his penis into her anus. Since he could not
penetrate her anus, he went on top of her and made push-and-pull
movements for the second time (TSN, pp. 13-17, May 10, 2000).
After appellant finished, he went outside. She remained in bed crying.
Later, two other men ravished her (TSN, p. 18, May 10, 2000). They
left the lodge afterwards.
Initially, private complainant hesitated to report the rape
incidents because appellant had threatened her that he would tell the
sisters at the convent that she was a "buntog" or prostitute (TSN, p.
21, May 10, 2000). However, she later confided the rape incident to
her best friend, CCC, a co-intern in the convent (TSN, p. 7-8, May 14,
2000). Two days after the incident or on April 15, 1999, CCC
accompanied her to the Toril Police Station. They were told to
proceed to the Women and Child Desk in Davao City, where SPO1
Christine Bitgue attended to them (TSN, pp. 22-24, May 10, 2000). 6

AAA decided to report the incident upon the advice of CCC because on
April 15, 1999, appellant showed up at their house on the pretext that
complainant has to sign some papers. He also ordered AAA to meet him at
the Mercury Drug Store the following day. AAA felt shame and fear upon
seeing the appellant. 7
CCC testified that on the night of April 13, 1999, complainant confided
to her the rape incident. Complainant appeared agitated and afraid as she
was crying and shivering while recounting the incident. The following day,
complainant was not her usual self at work. Thus, she advised and
accompanied complainant to report the incident to the authorities at the Toril
Police Station. 8 3/13
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Sis. DDD, Treasurer and In-charge of working scholars at the BBB

Sisters' Convent, testified that she had known complainant since 1986; that
complainant is responsible, honest, open and receptive to advices because of
her desire to finish her studies; that complainant never manifested bad
behavior during her stay in the convent; that sometime in April 1999, she
noticed a change in complainant's behavior as she was always crying and
isolating herself from the rest of the group; that complainant eventually
confided to her the rape incident. 9 SITCcE

SPO1 Bitgue testified that on April 15, 1999, complainant went to the
Women and Child Desk in Davao City crying and trembling. She moved from
one table to another and stared at the window from time to time. Thus, she
transferred her in a closed room to make her feel safe and comfortable. She
then transcribed the narrations made by complainant in the blotter report
marked as Exhibit B. 10
Dr. Samuel Cruz, Medical Officer of the City Health Office, examined
complainant the following day. He found purplish contusions on her breast and
a deep hymenal laceration. 11 He testified that the age of the physical injuries
is consistent with the alleged date of infliction. 12
Dr. Marilou Villanueva, a psychiatrist connected with the Davao Medical
School Foundation, diagnosed complainant on April 19, 1999. In her
psychiatric report, 13 she found complainant as suffering from acute stress
disorder, post-traumatic stress disorder, and major depression, moderate. She
testified that during the rape incident, complainant was experiencing acute
stress disorder which impaired her consent. 14
Appellant admitted having sexual intercourse with complainant on April
13, 1999 but alleged that it was consensual. His version of the events was
summarized in Appellant's Brief 15 as follows: IcHDCS

Accused-appellant ROGER DURANO is 21 years of age,

single and a resident of Sasa, Davao City. He was a student of
Criminology at the University of Mindanao. On April 13, 1999 at
around 3:00 to 3:30 in the afternoon, while he was crossing San
Pedro Street, he accidentally bumped AAA, private complainant in
the instant case, while the latter was coming out of Fuji Film Center.
He immediately apologized to her and she readily accepted his
apologies. Thereafter, they parted ways. When accused-appellant
passed by San Pedro Church, he saw the private complainant sitting
in front of the Legislative Building. Upon seeing her, accused-
appellant smiled at her and the latter smiled back. He approached
private complainant, who at that time was looking at the pictures she
got from the Fuji Film Center. Accused-appellant asked her
permission to take a look at those pictures to which private
complainant agreed. It was at this point when the two of them
introduced each other. Accused-appellant came to know that private 4/13
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complainant was also known as AAA to her friends. Thereafter,

accused appellant accompanied AAA to a convent but the nun she
was supposed to meet at that time was not around. He asked AAA if
the two of them can have a talk at the Osmena Park near the
Legislative Building. Although she did not answer, AAA nevertheless
went with the accused-appellant. The two of them sat on the park
and talked about each other's lives. She told [him] that she was a
graduate of . . . with a course in Education. AAA admitted that she
had a boyfriend at that time. She likewise told him about her sickly
mother and the financial problem she was undergoing at that time.
She further confided to him that due to financial distress, her mother
has tolerated an affair that she had with a married man. Accused-
appellant advised her to stop the relationship with the said married
man for she might be charged in court later on. He even offered help
to her financial problems.HASDcC

As the hours went by, their conversation turned serious.

Accused-appellant found himself attracted to the private complainant.
Right there and then, he expressed his feelings for her, which she
accepted. He proposed that they check-in at a lodge that evening. At
first, she was hesitant because she was afraid that accused-appellant
would just abandon her afterwards. He told her that her fears will not
happen and as proof, he promised to visit her after two days. AAA
seemed convinced hence she agreed to go to the lodge. The new
lovers left the park and later boarded a passenger jeep. The couple
alighted at Talisay Lodge and entered the building. Upon reaching the
counter, accused-appellant talked to the one in-charged therein and
asked for a room. Before entering the room however, AAA told the
accused-appellant to go ahead because she wanted to go to the
bathroom first. He lied in bed and in less than a minute, AAA knocked
at the door and came in. They embraced and kissed each other. After
removing her upper clothing, accused-appellant removed his own
shirt. They continued kissing until both of them removed their pants.
They were still standing at that time wearing only their underwears
(sic). Thereafter they both jumped into bed and made love. They had
several rounds of sexual intercourse experimenting on different
positions. When they finished, they laid at each other's side and AAA
told him that she was indeed very happy with what happened to
them. Moments later, they dressed up and went out of the room
passing by the same counter. AAA held the arms of the accused-
appellant with her face on his back as she was a little bit ashamed of
being identified by the people therein.
The couple went out of the lodge and crossed the street. They
waited for a passenger jeep and when they saw one, accused-
appellant volunteered to bring AAA home. However, AAA told him
that she can manage to go home on her own. Accused-appellant
promised her though that he would visit her at her house after two
days. 5/13
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On April 15, 1999 at around 8:00 o'clock in the evening,

accused-appellant visited AAA as promised. AAA brother was
outside the house at that time. He introduced himself and he was told
to proceed inside. A woman met him inside and asked for his name.
He told him he was Roger Durano, a former classmate of AAA. The
two have agreed beforehand that they would introduce each other as
former classmates. Thereafter, AAA came out of her room together
with her mother, who went towards the balcony. The two of them had
a short talk and accused-appellant apologized for not bringing the
medicines that he promised for her mother. He said he would visit her
again on Sunday. AAA told him to call her at the BBB Convent
instead. Accused-appellant was not sure if he could call AAA at the
convent, so he asked her to see him at the Mercury Drug Store at
2:00 o'clock in the afternoon on Sunday. Nevertheless, he was able
to call her up and told her he would wait at the said drug store up to
4:00 o'clock in the afternoon. Accused-appellant waited but AAA did
not arrive. To his great surprise, AAA accused him of raping her.
(TSN, August 29, 2000, pp. 2-36; TSN, August 30, 200, pp. 2-36.) 16

On March 15, 2001, the trial court rendered its Decision convicting the
appellant of two counts of rape. The dispositive portion of the decision reads:
WHEREFORE, finding the evidence of the prosecution, more
than sufficient, to prove, the guilt of accused, Roger Durano only in
Crim. Case No. 43,505-99, and Criminal Case No. 43,506-99, in two
counts of rape pursuant to Art. 334 of the Revised Penal Code as
amended by Republic Act 7659, under Art. 9 of said amendatory act
without any aggravating circumstances, proved by the prosecution
against accused, Roger Durano, in the commission of the offense
charged, said above-mentioned accused, is sentenced to suffer a
penalty of reclusion perpetua in each of the above-criminal cases
together with all accessory penalty as provided for by law. DaHISE

In Criminal Case No. 43,507-99, Crim. Case No. 43-508-99,

both for rape against accused, Roger Durano and alias Ricky and
alias Dante, accused, Roger Durano is ordered acquitted, said cases
are ordered dismissed, for lack of sufficient identification of the two
other accused, in the commission of the offense charged, along with
accused Roger Durano and for their non-arrest, without jurisdiction of
this court against both accused, designated only in their alias, Dante
and Ricky.
In Criminal Case No. 43,509-99 for robbery against Roger
Durano and his co-accused, is likewise ordered dismissed, for lack of
any evidence, to prove the commission against all the above-
mentioned accused. 6/13
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However, in accordance with Art. 100 in relation to 104 of the

Revised Penal Code in Crim. Case No. 43,505-99, and another Crim.
Case No. 43,506-99, accused, Roger Durano is furthermore ordered,
to pay complainant, AAA, the amount of P50,000.00 by way of civil
indemnity and another amount of P50,000.00 by way of moral
damages and still another amount of P50,000.00 by way of
exemplary damages, in both above-criminal cases, for all the
sorrows, humiliation, worry and sufferings of complainant, AAA,
brought about in the commission and filing of the above-criminal
cases against said accused. . . .


The case was brought before this Court on automatic review, however,
pursuant to our ruling in People v. Mateo, 18 the case was referred to the Court
of Appeals.
On April 28, 2006, the appellate court rendered its Decision affirming
the appellant's conviction with modification as to damages. The dispositive
portion of the Decision reads as follows:
WHEREFORE, premises considered, the instant appeal is
DISMISSED. The assailed Judgment rendered by the court a quo is
hereby AFFIRMED subject to the MODIFICATION that the Appellant
is further ordered to pay the Appellee the amount of Php 50,000.00
as moral damages, Php 50,000.00 as civil indemnity and another
Php 25,000.00 as exemplary damages for each count of rape. HEISca

Hence, this appeal.
Appellant assails the credibility of the complainant's testimony. He
claims that her account of the alleged rape is unbelievable considering her
conduct before, during and after the incident. He argues that complainant's
claim that she was arrested or mistaken for a drug user is highly improbable
considering that he never employed force, intimidation, or threat on
complainant or used deadly weapon upon her person. On the contrary, she
went with him voluntarily to the park and during their lengthy conversation
even gave her telephone number to him. She willingly talked to him and told
him about her life and family, including her financial woes. More importantly,
she voluntarily accepted his invitation to go to Talisay Lodge. 20
According to appellant, complainant who is a college graduate should
know that Talisay Lodge is a lovers' rendezvous. Yet, she never resisted or
attempted to seek the help of other people despite opportunities to do so.
We are not persuaded. 7/13
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Rape is committed when the accused has carnal knowledge of the

victim by force or intimidation and without consent. Having admitted the
sexual intercourse between him and complainant, the determination of
appellant's innocence or guilt hinges on whether such act was voluntary or
was attended with force or intimidation. Crucial in this respect is the credibility
of the testimony of the complainant, for the accused may be convicted solely
on the testimony of the victim provided that it meets the test of credibility. The
testimony should not only come from the mouth of a credible witness, it
should likewise be credible and reasonable in itself, candid, straightforward
and in accord with human experience. 21
We find no reason to disturb the trial court's finding on the credibility of
complainant's testimony, for it is in a better position to properly evaluate
testimonial evidence having the full opportunity to directly observe the
witnesses' deportment and manner of testifying. Well-settled is the rule that
unless the trial court overlooked, misunderstood, or misapplied some facts of
substance and value which, if considered, might affect the outcome of the
case, its findings carry great weight and will not be disturbed on appeal. 22
A rape victim, who testifies in a categorical, straightforward,
spontaneous and frank manner, and remains consistent, is a credible witness.
23 When the testimony of a rape victim is simple and straightforward,

unshaken by rigorous cross-examination and unflawed by any serious

inconsistency or contradiction, the same must be given full faith and credit. 24
The Court Appeals found her narration candid, straightforward, and credible.
25 It likewise found it incredible that an innocent girl like the private

complainant, who practically grew up in a religious institution would concoct a

tale of defloration, publicly admit having been ravished, allow the examination
of her private parts, and endure the pain and trauma of public trial had she not
in fact been truly violated. 26 CAIHaE

There is likewise no reason shown on the part of complainant to testify

against the appellant and impute to him so grave a crime as rape making her
testimony worthy of full faith and credit. As consistently ruled by this Court:
(W)hen a woman says that she has been raped, she says in
effect all that is necessary to show that rape has been committed.
Her testimony is credible where she has no motive to testify
against the appellants, as in the case at bar. Verily, a rape victim
would not publicly disclose that she had been raped and undergo the
trouble and humiliation of a trial if her motive was not to bring to
justice the persons who had abused her. More specifically, no young
Filipina of decent repute would publicly admit that she has been
criminally abused and ravished unless it is the truth. It is her natural
instinct to protect her honor. 27 (Emphasis supplied) 8/13
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Appellant's claim that the sexual act between him and complainant was
consensual must fail. The bruises 28 found on complainant's body corroborate
her testimony that she resisted appellant, albeit unsuccessfully. 29 Physical
evidence of bruises or scratches eloquently speaks of the force employed
upon the rape victim. 30 Besides, the trial court observed that complainant was
naïve and can be easily manipulated or influenced by others, to wit:
Moreover, other than her shy personality and appearing
without firm judgment of herself, as could easily be drag by strong
influence of others, complainant can be an easy victim of accused's
intimidation and clever maneuvering for purely professional and
selfish motivation. EDISaA

As the court observed and gathered, tediously during the

appearance and lengthy testimony of complainant, in court, she
appears indeed lacking of firmness and rigid personality, to stand on
her own decision, even if the court also found her naturally humble
and simple, honest in her disposition and apparently modest in her
speech and expressions. aEHASI

She is submissive and prone easily to suggestion and easy

victim of exploitation, as that described by Dr. Marilou Villanueva,
who examined and subjected the complainant, in a psychological
analysis, when she voluntarily come to her for assistance on account
of her emotional stress and disturbances brought about by the rape
incident committed by accused. 31
Moreover, she believed that appellant was a person in authority who
mistook her for another person, and that appellant had companions who were
watching her thereby making any resistance or escape futile.
At any rate, resistance is not an element of rape as rape could be
perpetrated through the use of force or intimidation. Lack of physical
resistance can not be considered consent. In People v. Loyola, 32 this Court
held that:
The test is whether the threat or intimidation produces a
reasonable fear in the mind of the victim that if she resists or does
not yield to the desires of the accused, the threat would be carried
out. Where resistance would be futile, offering none at all does not
amount to consent to the sexual assault. It is not necessary that the
victim should have resisted unto death or sustained physical injuries
in the hands of the rapist. It is enough if the intercourse takes place
against her will or if she yields because of genuine apprehension of
harm to her if she did not do so. Indeed, the law does not impose
upon a rape victim the burden of proving resistance. 33
In the instant case, complainant believed that her life was in danger;
that appellant was a person in authority determined to arrest or even salvage
her; and that appellant had other companions looking after her which would 9/13
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make her escape impossible. 34 Indeed, all these led her to believe that it
would be futile for her to resist appellant. Failing to resist the advances of her
malefactor is not a manifestation of consent, but rather an indication of
involuntary submission. 35 cITAaD

Behavioral psychology teaches that people react to similar situations

dissimilarly. Most women would resist sexual assault with a wild struggle.
Others become virtually catatonic because of the mental shock they
experience. Yet it can never be successfully argued that the latter are any less
sexual victims than the former. 36
The trial court gave weight to the explanation of Dr. Villanueva, the
psychiatrist who treated complainant, that she had been suffering from an
acute stress disorder caused by her traumatic experience. Dr. Villanueva
testified that complainant's consent was affected by the stress and the trauma
which made her more submissive, for it was easier for her to follow than to
fight. Her psychiatric history also showed the same response when faced with
a traumatic experience such as when she stayed motionless inside the Davao
church during its bombing. 37
The "sweetheart defense" is also unavailing. Appellant failed to present
convincing proof that he and complainant had an affair. 38 Complainant
vehemently denied that they were lovers. The fact that appellant visited
complainant two days after the incident did not prove that they are
sweethearts. In fact, it was the realization on the part of the complainant that
appellant knew her whereabouts which prompted her to report the incident to
the police authorities. 39 As correctly observed by the trial court:
If indeed complainant became a sweetheart of accused as
vigorously invoked by the latter, complainant would not have
immediately, two days after the rape incident, on April 15, 1999, from
April 13, 1999, reported the rape incident at Toril Police Station, then
formally filed her complaint with the child and women's desk of
Davao City Police Station, after she submitted herself, in a thorough
physical examination by Dr. Samuel Cruz of the City Health of Davao
The immediate and spontaneous action of complainant in
reporting the rape incident with the authorities, clearly shows; she is
aggrieve of what accused did, in violating her honor and person on
what she furiously testified, she was treated by accused like a pig, in
the visayan, "binaboy niya ako." The very word of complainant,
showing in no equivocal terms, complainant's manifestation, of how
she was seriously offended, as a result she wanted, to find
vindication, of a wrong done to her.
The allegation of accused, precisely because he believe, he
and complainant were already sweetheart, he readily visited her in
their house, on April 15, 1999, at about 8:00 p.m., to confirmed his 10/13
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alleged promise to complainant but despite all his pretensions that

complainant attended to him, complainant in fact was afraid accused
came to know their house and to provide her security, she
courageously decided to report the rape incident that very night, with
the Police, to prevent accused from further molesting her. 40 CAHTIS

Besides, even granting that appellant and complainant were

sweethearts, it does not necessarily negate rape. "A sweetheart cannot be
forced to have sex against her will. Definitely, a man cannot demand sexual
gratification from a fiancée and, worse, employ violence upon her on the
pretext of love. Love is not a license for lust." 41
As regards the amount of damages, this Court has consistently held
that civil indemnity ex delicto is mandatory upon finding of rape while moral
damages are awarded upon such finding without need of further proof
because it is assumed that a rape victim has actually suffered moral injuries
entitling the victim to such award. 42 Hence, complainant is entitled to
P50,000.00 as civil indemnity and P50,000.00 as moral damages for each
count of rape consistent with existing jurisprudence on the matter. 43
However, with respect to the award of exemplary damages, Article 2230
of the Civil Code provides that it may be imposed as part of the civil liability
when the crime was committed with one or more aggravating circumstances.
Considering that no aggravating circumstance attended the commission of the
crime, the award of exemplary damages in the amount of P25,000.00 is
without basis and should be deleted. 44
WHEREFORE, the Decision of the Court of Appeals in CA-G.R. CR.-
H.C. No. 00204-MIN which affirmed the March 15, 2001 Decision of the
Regional Trial Court Davao City, Branch 17 finding Roger Durano guilty
beyond reasonable doubt of two counts of rape and sentencing him to suffer
the penalty of reclusion perpetua and ordering him to pay P50,000.00 as
moral damages, P50,000.00 as civil indemnity and another P25,000.00 as
exemplary damages for each count of rape is AFFIRMED with the
MODIFICATION that the award for exemplary damages is DELETED for lack
of basis. caIEAD

Austria-Martinez, Callejo, Sr., Chico-Nazario and Nachura, JJ., concur.

1. Rollo, pp. 5-23. Penned by Associate Justice Ricardo R. Rosario and
concurred in by Associate Justices Romulo V. Borja and Myrna Dimaranan-
2. CA rollo, pp. 25-53. Penned by Judge Renato A. Fuentes, dated March
15, 2001. 11/13
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3. Id. at 9-13.
4. Id. at 9.
5. Id. at 10.
6. Id. at 144-148.
7. TSN, May 10, 2005, pp. 22-25.
8. TSN, March 14, 2000, pp. 7-12.
9. CA rollo, p. 32; TSN, May 10, 2000, pp. 4-12.
10. TSN, March 24, 2000, pp. 4-6.
11. Exhibit "A;" Annex "B," records, p. 10.
12. TSN, March 21, 2000, p. 12.
13. Exhibit "C," records, pp. 74-75.
14. TSN, July 5, 2000, pp. 12-15, 36-38.
15. CA rollo, pp. 74-94.
16. Id. at 83-86.
17. Id. at 52-53.
18. G.R. Nos. 147678-87, July 7, 2004, 433 SCRA 640.
19. Rollo, p. 22.
20. CA rollo, p. 88.
21. People v. Cantila, Jr., 442 Phil. 641, 650-651 (2002).
22. People v. Quiachon, G.R. No. 170236, August 31, 2006.
23. People v. Vedra, G.R. No. 108615, October 9, 2000, 342 SCRA 317,
24. People v. Suyu, G.R. No. 170191, August 16, 2006.
25. Rollo, pp. 16-17.
26. Id.
27. People v. Domingo, G.R. No. 97921, September 8, 1993, 226 SCRA
156, 174.
28. TSN, March 21, 2000, p. 12.
29. TSN, May 10, 2000, pp. 14-17; June 30, 2000, pp. 47-48.
30. See People v. Cantila, Jr., supra note 21. HATICc

31. CA rollo, p. 41.

32. 404 Phil. 71 (2001).
33. Id. at 78. 12/13
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34. TSN, May 10, 2000, p. 8-10; June 30, 2000, pp. 32-35.
35. People v. Domingo, supra note 27 at 169.
36. People v. Ibay, G.R. No. 101631, June 8, 1994, 233 SCRA 15, 25.
37. TSN, July 5, 2000, pp. 36-38.
38. People v. Loyola, supra note 32 at 77.
39. TSN, May 10, 2005, pp. 22-25.
40. CA rollo, p. 49.
41. People v. Loyola, supra note 32 at 77.
42. People v. Calongui, G.R. No. 170566, March 3, 2006, 484 SCRA 76,
43. Id.
44. Id. at 88-89. 13/13

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