Rizal in His Time and in The 19 Century: Buela, Frances Bianca V. Bsact 4

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Buela, Frances Bianca V.



1861 1880
June 19 – Rizal is born in the town of Calamba, Laguna, the April 13 – Rizal wins first prize for the allegory “El consejo
seventh child of Francisco Mercado Rizal and Teodora Alonso de los Dioses”
y Quintos December 8 – Ateneo Municipal de Manila produces Rizal’s
June 22 – Rizal is baptized as José Rizal Mercado operetta “Junto al Pasig”

1872 1881
February 17 - Three Filipino priests, Mariano Gomez, José January 25 – Rizal writes a poem for the Ateneo rector
Apolonio Burgos and Jacinto Zamora, are executed on charges entitled “Al muy R.P. Pablo Ramón, S.J., rector del Ateneo en
of subversion sus días”
June 26 – Rizal attends Ateneo Municipal de Manila as a day February 10 – Rizal becomes secretary of the Academia de
scholar Ciencias Filosóficonaturales
April 30 – Rizal sketches a pencil drawing of Leonor Rivera
November 14 – Rizal composes the poem “Al Niño Jesús” 1882
May 3 – Rizal sails for Spain and enrolls at the Universidad
1875 Central de Madrid with financial help from his brother
December 5 – Rizal writes the poems “El Combate: Paciano
Urbiztondo,” “Terror de Joló,” “El embarque,” and “Y es August 20 – Diariong Tagalog publishes Rizal’s first essay
español: Elcano el primero en dar vuelta al mundo” “Amor Patria,” using Laong Laan as pen name while in
April 1 – Rizal pens the poem “Alianza íntima entre la 1883
religión y la buena educación” June 17 – Rizal arrives in Paris
December 3 – Rizal pens the poems “El cautiverio y el June 18 - Rizal visits Leannec Hospital
triunfo,” “Entrada triunfal de los Reyes Católicos en Granada” June 20 – Rizal visits Lariboisiere Hospital where Félix Pardo
and “La conquista de Granada” de Tavera is an extern
September 28 – Rizal goes back to Madrid and enrolls in
1877 Universidad Central for a second course in medicine
March 14 - Rizal at the age of sixteen obtains his bachelor of November 4 – Rizal’s sister Soledad marries
arts degree from the Ateneo Municipal de Manila with the
general average of sobresaliente (excellent). 1884
June – Rizal meets Miss Segunda Katigbak March 11 – Rizal begins to study German seriously
June 21 – Rizal is conferred the degree of licentiate in
1878 medicine
January 6 – Rizal enrolls in philosophy and letters at the June 25 – Rizal delivers a speech honoring Filipino painters
University of Santo Tomás (UST) Juan Luna and Félix Resurrección Hidalgo
May 21 – Rizal passes the surveyor’s examination (but is July 1 – Through the newspaper El Progreso, Rizal asks for
granted a license only after three years) freedom of the press and the Filipino right of representation in
June 2 – Rizal enrolls in preparatory and proper medicine at the Spanish Cortes
UST August 31 – News of Rizal’s speech about the two Filipino
September 11 – Using the pen name P. Jacinto, Rizal begins painters makes him famous in the Philippines
his diary Memorias de un estudiante de Manila
1879 January 1 – In a letter, Paciano tells Rizal that it would be too
November 22 – Rizal composes his award-winning poem, “A dangerous for him to return immediately to the Philippines
la juventud filipina” (To the Philippine Youth) June 16 - Rizal is informed by Manuel Hidalgo about cholera
in Manila
June 19 – Rizal finishes his degree in licentiate in philosophy
and letters in Universidad Central de Madrid with a grade of July 12 - Rizal arrives in Paris, spending days proofreading
sobresaliente Sucesos de las Islas Filipinas
November 19 – Rizal learns about the gambling habit of September 10 – Rizal meets Sr. Segismundo Moret, a former
Filipinos in Madrid minister of the Spanish government who admires Noli Me
December 4 - Rizal goes to Paris and practices ophthalmology Tangere
with Dr. de Wecker at the Crugen Clinic, against his brother
Paciano’s wishes 1890
February 2 – Rizal arrives in Brussels, Belgium
1886 May 26 – Rizal’s annotations of Morga’s Sucesos de las Islas
February 2 – Rizal arrives in Germany Filipinas become widely read in the Philippines
April 22 – Rizal writes the poem “A Las Flores de May 28 – Through a letter Rizal informs M. H. del Pilar about
Heildelberg” (To The Flowers of Heidelberg) the Filipinos’ gambling habit in Madrid
July 14 - Rizal becomes a member of the Chess Club of June 28 – Friars harass Rizal’s family in Calamba
Germany July 20 – Rizal’s family loses the land case against the friars

October 31 – Rizal meets Dr. Adolf Bernard Meyer, naturalist 1891
of the Dresden University March 21 – Rizal finishes his second novel El Filibusterismo,
December 11 – Máximo Viola joins Rizal in Berlin but plans to revise some chapters
December 15 – Rizal starts teaching Viola the German October 7 – Rizal informs del Pilar that he will stop writing
language for La Solidaridad
October 9 – Rizal tells Ferdinand Blumentritt of his decision
1887 to cease writing for La Solidaridad in order to avoid a schism
January – Rizal becomes a member of the Ethnographic among the Filipinos in Spain
Society of Berlin December 6 - Rizal’s family reunites in Hong Kong
February – Rizal becomes a member of the Anthropological December – Rizal is almost attacked by an Augustinian friar
Society and the Geographic Society of Berlin
March 21 – Copies of Noli Me Tangere become available 1892
April – Rizal submits his thesis “Arte Métrica del Tagalog” to January 30 – Juan Luna endorses Rizal’s plan of establishing
the Ethnographic Society of Berlin a Filipino colony in North Borneo
June 19 – Rizal celebrates his 26th birthday in Geneva, February - The Kataas-taasang Kagalang-galangang
Switzerland Katipunan ng mga Anak ng Bayan is founded by Andrés
August 5 – Rizal arrives in Manila Bonifacio
August 30 – An order prohibiting the possession and reading June 21 – Rizal writes a letter to Governor-General Eulogio
of Noli Me Tangere is issued Despujol, informing the latter of his return to the Philippines
September - Olimpia, Rizal’s sister, dies of hemorrhage while July 6 – Rizal is arrested and imprisoned in Fort Santiago for
giving birth sedition and anti-religion
September 1 – Rizal starts corresponding with Father Pablo
1888 Pastells on matters of philosophy and religion
February 8 – Rizal arrives in Hong Kong July 7 – Despujol orders Rizal’s exile to Dapitan
February 28 – Rizal arrives in Japan August 20 – Rizal writes a poem “A Don Ricardo Carnicero”
March 15 – Rizal sees O-Sei-san for the first time for his guardian in Dapitan
April 28 - Rizal arrives in the United States September 21 – Rizal wins the lottery’s second prize
May 8 – Rizal starts travelling across the American continent
June 2 - Rizal arrives in London, England 1893
July 9 – Spanish senator Vida denounces Rizal in the Senate April 30 – Rizal’s “El consejo de los Dioses” is published in
of Madrid, calling Noli Me Tangere anti-Catholic La Solidaridad
December 13 – La Solidaridad is founded with Marcelo H. May 16 – Rizal’s prison guardian Carnicero is replaced
del Pilar as editor in chief August 28 - Leonor Rivera, Rizal’s girlfriend for eleven years,
1889 August 29 – Rizal’s mother visits him in Dapitan
March 31 – Rizal’s “Me piden versos” (They Ask Me For
Verses) is published in La Solidaridad under the pen name 1894
Laong Laan February – Governor-General Ramón Blanco visits Rizal in
April 12 – Dr. Luis M. de Pardo delivers a speech against Dapitan
Rizal and Noli Me Tangere before the Spanish Congress June – Rizal makes a successful operation on his mother’s
May 23 – Rizal’s brother-in-law Mariano Herbosa dies of cataract
August – Rizal encourages businessmen in Dapitan to form a On December 30th the ashes of Rizal were transferred to the
company Rizal Mausoleum and December 30th is declared a national
August 21 – Rizal exchanges information with Dr. Adolf holiday in honor of his memory. José Rizal's life and works
Meyer about animal and insect classification were critical to those from the Philippines who were looking
for an end to Spanish colonization.
January 1 – Rizal finishes the draft of the statutes and 1956
regulations for the Society of Dapitan Agriculturists June 12. The Philippine Government passes Republic Act No.
February - Rizal meets Josephine Bracken 1425 which mandates all public and private schools, colleges
February 22 – Rizal asks George Taufer for the hand of and universities to include a curriculum on the life and works
Josephine Bracken of José Rizal, particularly a study of his novels Noli Me
June 1 – Governor-General Blanco permits Rizal to establish Tangere and El Filibusterismo.
an agricultural colony in Dapitan
October 22 - Rizal sends a poem to his mother entitled “Mi
retiro” (My Retreat)

July 1 – Pío Valenzuela visits and informs Rizal of the
impending revolution against the Spanish colonial government
July 30 – Rizal receives a letter informing him that his
application to go to Cuba to serve the Spanish army as a
military doctor has been accepted
August 23 – The Philippine Revolution starts with the Cry of
September 4 – On the ship bound for Spain, Rizal receives
news implicating him as the cause of disturbances in the
December 11 – In the presence of his defender Lt. Luis Taviel
de Andrade, Rizal is charged with sedition. The following day
he writes his defense
December 15 – Imprisoned in Fort Santiago, Rizal writes a
manifesto to the Filipinos to stop the revolution. The Spanish
authorities, however, do not publish the document
December 27 – Rizal is sentenced to death
December 29 – Rizal is reputed to have written an unsigned
poem, later to become known as “Mi último adios” (Last
Poem of Rizal)
December 30 – At 7:03 am Rizal is executed. In the
afternoon, Narcisa discovers a newly dug grave at Paco
Cemetery. She marks it with a marble plaque, with Rizal’s
initials in reverse

May 1 – The Spanish fleet surrenders to the Americans in the
Battle of Manila Bay
July – Narcisa retrieves Rizal’s remains, storing them in an
urn made by Romualdo Teodoro de Jesús

June 11 – The Philippine Government passes Act No. 137
which renames the province of Morong to Rizal in honor of
the national hero
September 28 – The Philippine Assembly approves Act No.
243 to build the Rizal monument in Luneta


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