Qualification of Gas Turbine Engines For U. S. Navy Shipboard Use

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R. S.

C A R L E T O N Qualification of Gas Turbine Engines for

U. S. Navy Shipboard Use
U. S. N a v a l Ship Engineering Center,
W a s h i n g t o n , D. C.
Mem. A S M E

The author emphasizes the need for thorough proof testing of gas turbine engines prior
to shipboard use. He describes some of the gas turbine testing programs in which the
U. S. Navy has been involved and the type of testing that will be required in the future.

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Introduction gines than any of those in service. A look at the current ap-
The Need for Proof Testing proved shipbuilding budget will show that potential applications
continue to be small although any one of several programs now
I HE United States Navy lias a very definite interest being studied might change this picture.
in the gas turbine engine as a source of shipboard power [l]. 1 Because of the relatively small shipboard requirements, it is
Navy interest goes back as far as 1939 when the National impossible to invest in the several-huiidred-million-dollar de-
Academy of Sciences was requested to investigate the possible velopment programs common to aircraft which normally include
advantages and disadvantages offered by the gas turbine engine; several thousands of hours of testing required to adequately prove
the first Navy contract for a gas turbine power plant was awarded out the engine. Nor can we expect engine manufacturers to
to Allis-Chalmers in 1940. The need for proof testing of some make such an investment. However, with a judicious test pro-
kind has always been recognized. In many instances, lack of gram, based on an engine's prior testing and background and
adequate funds, timing, and other exigencies have forced the guided by the particular use to which the engine will be put, it is
Navy to use engines without an adequate testing program. In possible to assure the Navy of well-qualified engines.
most of these instances, the results have not been good. Even
engines that have operated successfully for tens of thousands of Historical Review
hours in commercial or aircraft applications have been plagued Early Efforts at Development and Testing
with problems in shipboard applications.
The first Navy step into the gas turbine field included con-
In some other instances, there have been major shipboard
tracts with Allis-Chalmers, Elliott, and DeLaval to develop and
problems in engines considered to have been thoroughly tested
test engines. DeLaval built one 750-hp complex-cycle plant in-
and evaluated prior to use. This can be attributed to several
corporating regeneration, intercooling, and two stages of reheat.
factors. One of the foremost of these was the desire to see gas
Testing was accomplished by the manufacturer but the plant
turbines accepted for U. S. Navy service. The Navy people in-
never did attain predicted design efficiency and performance [2].
volved in the pioneering gas turbine programs, and this can be
Elliott built and tested two plants both also being complex
extended to include those people involved today, have been a
cycle plants incorporating regeneration, intercooling, and reheat,
very dedicated group. They recognized the potentials of the gas
and both featuring Lysholm positive-displacement compressors.
turbine and saw what it had done for aircraft; they worked hard
The first unit was designed to deliver 2500 hp and the second,
to convince the proper officials to have it tried in shipboard ap-
3000 hp. As with the DeLaval plant, both Elliott plants were
plications. It was the unexpressed wish of this group to have
tested by the manufacturer [3]. Problems with the Lysholm
gas turbine engines look good during testing. They minimized
compressor made it appear that the plant was unsuitable for
problems and allowed changes during the course of the test to
marine propulsion [2, 4].
help the engine successfully reach completion. Another factor
has been the inability to successfully predict the complete en- Allis-Chalmers built and delivered a regenerated plant de-
vironment in which gas turbine engines would operate in ship- signed to deliver 3500 hp. The plant was tested at what was
board applications and therefore the inability to duplicate the then the United States Naval Engineering Experiment Station
environment during testing. at Annapolis, Md., for a total of 3700 hr [5], Maximum out-
put during the test was 2990 hp. The plant was designed for
Because of the experience with many different applications, laboratory testing and not for shipboard use.
both successful and unsuccessful to date, the Navy has learned
It was during this test that the need for environmental testing
to duplicate much of the operating environment and recognizes
was recognized, and during the test 1 ppm of salt water was in-
the need for meaningful proof testing.
gested in the air inlet at all times. This was based oil the best
Shipboard Applications Relatively Limited knowledge available at the time. Recently completed measure-
ments indicate a much lower figure. The salt ingested caused
Complete acceptance by the U. S. Navy of the gas turbine for quite a few problems and much effort was expended on developing
shipboard use in those applications where lightweight, small salt separators.
volume, low maintenance, high reliability, and low noise make it
attractive would not result in a large market as compared to First Shipboard Installations and Testing
aircraft and automotive standards. It must also be pointed out
Boeing made some of the first gas turbine engines built and
that low maintenance and high reliability are still goals to be at-
tested by the U. S. Navy that eventually resulted in shipboard
tained in sliipboard service. The total number of gas turbine
applications. The first interest was in the model 502-2 engine
engines in U. S. Navy shipboard applications has declined in the
starting in 1946. This engine was a simple open-cycle engine
past few years although the total installed horsepower has risen
with a free power turbine rated at 160 hp. First testing was
as the result of some programs using much higher horsepower en-
done in a truck since this was considered to be a good mechanical
1 Numbers in brackets designate References at end of paper. test of the engine and transmission. Several hundred hours of
Contributed b y the Gas Turbine Division and presented at the testing were accomplished. The first environmental testing of the
Gas Turbine Conference, Washington, D . C „ March 17-21, 1968, of engine began when one engine was installed in a Plane-Personnel
T H E A M E R I C A N S O C I E T Y OP M E C H A N I C A L E N G I N E E R S . Manuscript
Boat ( P P B ) and somewhat later another was installed in an
received at A S M E Headquarters, November 30, 1967. Paper No.
68—GT-3. LCVP. These craft were tested a total of a few hundred hours

Journal of Engineering for Power OCTOBER 1 96 8 / 361

Copyright © 1968 by ASME

at the U. S. Naval Engineering Experiment Station. An ac- ment testing at the manufacturer's plant. Twenty-eight propul-
celerated hot-section corrosion test was also conducted at the sion engines (10 m v ) were installed in landing craft ( L C S R )
Experiment Station. During this test, marine diesel fuel con- following a total of 350 hr of testing on two engines in an L C P L
laminated with seawater (0.4 percent water by volume) was run by the manufacturer. The only shore testing by the Navy
burned for a total of 127 hr. A decline of 27 percent in power was the successful shock test of a 750-kw generator set. Several
output was experienced in G4 hr of intermittent operation due to a other 750-kw generator sets have been installed in other CLG's
deposit, primarily sodium sulfate (Na-)S0 4 ) on the turbine blades. and on a destroyer ( U S S Thomas, DD-833), and several 300-kw
Corrosion of first-stage turbine nozzle box at the end of the test generator sets driven by Saturns have been installed on DE's.
indicated probable failure prior to 500 hr of running [6]. The Solar gas turbine engines have suffered because of the lack
Based on what was considered to be satisfactory results of test- of an adequate test program. These excellent engines have ac-
ing to that point, a contract was awarded to Boeing to supply gas cumulated hundreds of thousands of hours of successful operation
turbine engines to drive minesweep generators in small minesweep- in commercial service but have continued to be plagued by
ing boats ( M S B ) . The model 502-6 engine, an improved ver- problems in U. S. Naval service. An adequate test program

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sion of the 502-2, was supplied. A total of 192 of these engines would have foreseen the environmental problems, especially
was installed with the benefit of only about 200 hr of testing by those that have been experienced burning marine diesel fuel. A
the manufacturer. A number of problems with combustors, ig- well-dasigned test would also have pointed out the need for a
nitors, first-stage turbine blades, ami accessory gears showed up better fuel supply system designed to protect the engine from the
in service, indicating the lack of sufficient testing of this model dirt and water so often found in shipboard fuel. A product im-
prior to service use. A "get well" program was started and, when provement program has been accomplished on the Saturn engine
improved components had been developed, two engines with all and a complete test program, starting with 500 hr at the manu-
of the modifications were tested by the Navy at Annapolis. facturer's plant followed by several thousand hours at the U. S.
This was started as a 1000-hr test but eventually over 3100 hr Naval Ship Engineering Center, Philadelphia Division ( N A V S E C ,
were accumulated. During the last 1000 hr, forced down time Philadelphia), is about to start. The test at NAVSEC, Phila-
was only 6 hr [7]. delphia, will include sea salt in the air intake and a simulated
shipboard fuel system.
The next application of Boeing gas turbine engines was the use
of the model 502-10C engine in a new class of minasweeping
Wolverine and COSAG Plant Tests
launches ( M S L ) for propulsion and for minesweep generator
drive. This engine was rated at 220 hp. Short at-sea evaluations The Wolverine and COSAG tests were short term but useful
of this engine were conducted in a commercial personnel boat and tests. Wolverine was the test of a 3000-hp semiclosed-cycle plant
in a U. S. Navy 28-ft personnel boat prior to the application. considered for submarine applications. It was overtaken by the
Concurrent with the first installation, tests of both the propulsion age of nuclear power in submarines. During the few hundred
and generator configurations were started at Annapolis. A total hours of running at the U. S. Naval Engineering Experiment
of more than 3000 hr was accumulated on four test engines with Station, full-load specific air rates and part-load specific fuel con-
more than 1000 hr on one of the engines. Several deficiencies sumption comparable to the bast marine plants available were
were noted during this testing, the most serious being fatigue demonstrated. The primary problem was the short life of the
failures in the compressor inducer blades and impeller shaft. precooler brought about by the formation of sulfuric acid be-
These deficiencas were corrected and the fixes backfitted into cause of the partial recirculation of combustion air [10].
those engines already installed. A test of a combined steam and gas turbine ( C O S A G ) plant
In retrospect, the total test and evaluation program on the at the U. S. Naval Boiler and Turbine Laboratory (now N A V -
Boeing engines would appear to have been successful. These SEC, Philadelphia) accumulated 450 hr, including 300 hr on gas
engines, designed in the late 1940's and early 1950's, are still in- turbine [11], This plant combined three Westinghouse 7500-hp
stalled in U. S. Navy MSB's and MSL's. They do not have long model 75-mv (J-40 jet engine with free power turbine) with a
overhaul lives but are maintainable. The biggest problem today 17,500-hp steam turbine. While the short-term running did not
is availability of repair parts. demonstrate long-term life and reliability aspects for shipboard
use, it did prove many of the advantages of combined plants and
Solar was another company with which the Navy was initially
led to many further studies and exercises using combined plants
involved. In 1947, a contract was awarded to Solar to supply a
utilizing aircraft engines.
250-kwgas turbine-driven emergency generator set (engine model
T-400) on the experimental destroyer USS Timmerman,
DD-828. The unit was installed after 90 hr of testing at An- Prototype Vehicle Applications
napolis. It accumulated several hundred hours of operation in Many of the applicat ions of the gas turbine engines by the U. S.
this installation, during which a number of design deficiencies were Navy to date have been in experimental and prototype vehicles.
uncovered. A modified version of this engine (model T-520, These have included early hydrofoils such as Halobates, Flying
generator drive, and model T-522, propulsion) were installed in a D U K W , L V H X l and X 2 , FRESH-1, and P C H - 1 ; hovercraft
variety of ships and boats for evaluation. A 40-ft personnel boat such as S K M R - 1 and the PACV's which have been operated in
and a 40-ft L C P L both tested at Annapolis accumulated almost Southeast Asia; and other high-speed landing craft such as LCA,
1100 hr and 2700 starts together, with good results reported [8]. L V W , and L V T P X 1 0 [12, 13].
Two engines installed driving mine.sweeping generators in an A lot was learned about the application of gas turbine engines
MSB accumulated 1500 hr in an accelerated test, again with good in these applications, and the state-of-the-art of building hydro-
reported results [9], A generator set was installed in USS foils and hovercraft for Naval applications was definitely ad-
Gyatt (DD-712) in 1956. This same set has only recently vanced. But it is also true that, in many instances, engine prob-
been replaced by a later model T-520 engine. The only shore lems due to the use of gas turbine engines with little or no pre-
tasting done by the Navy was a shock test and less than 10 hr of vious experience in marine applications hindered the program.
running on a generator set at Annapolis. The model T-522 en- In programs of this nature, it would pay to take some sacrifice in
gines were installed in 10 LCPL's and the T-520 engines were in- performance to use an engine with previous marine experience or
stalled in 18 guided-missile destroyers (DLCi) and several oceano- else to expend the effort and funds required to test the engine and
graphic research ships ( A G O R ) . work out any problems prior to its application.
The 1100-hp Solar "Saturn" (model 10 mv propulsion and 10
mc generator drive) was then introduced to Naval service. The Recent and Present Test Programs
first 750 kw generator (10 mc) was installed on the USS Okla- The present specification for marine gas turbines, M I L - E -
homa City ( C L G - 5 ) after accumulating about 800 hr of develop- 17341B, contains a requirement for previous service or satisfactory

362 / OCTOBER 19 6 8 Transactions of the A S M E

completion of a 1000-hr lest either in a test craft or in a (est cell. first part of the program, plus some new materials and coatings
This specification was the U. S. Navy's first attempt at "qualify- which seemed to hold out promise. The engine was once again
ing" gas turbine engines for marine use. It certainly cannot be operated for 500 hr using seawater-contaminated diesel fuel and
considered qualification in the strict sense used in the aircraft 0.3 ppm seawater in the air inlet and using several of the best
industry but, in at least two instances, has required the engine materials and coatings from the laboratory evaluation. The
manufacturer to complete 1000-hr tests. These include the complete 500-hr test has been completed as of this writing but the
AiResearch CC100-1 used as an aircraft starting and cooling air evaluation of the results is still under-way.
supply unit on the USS America (CVA-66) and the Rolls-Royce The third part of the program will be to run a gas generator
" T y n e " now being used in the hydrofoil, USS Flagslaff with the final recommended materials and coatings for another
(PGH-2). Both these engines suffered failures at just under 900 500 hr under the same conditions as before.
hr which caused the tests to be rerun. While the overall program will not be sufficient to allow us to
In some instances, the manufacturer and the Navy have co- predict the long-term life of the engine at sea, it will provide as-
operated in testing programs to gain experience and qualify cer- surance that it is being protected from seawater contamination.

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(ain engines with no specific program in mind. Where funds USS AsheviUe, PG-84, and USS Gallup, PG-85, have been
permit, the Navy is anxious to cooperate in programs of this operating at sea for several months and have accumulated
nature to broaden the base of engines with marine experience several hundred hours of gas turbine operation. No serious de-
available for new programs. These programs have included test- fects had been experienced at the time the paper was submitted.
ing the Pratt & Whitney Model FT12 in an L C M 8 [14], the Those engines presently installed have materials and coatings
Canadian Pratt & Whitney ST-6 in a special commercial^ built chosen as a result of the first part of the program.
boat, and the Lycoming T-55 in a specialty built boat. In both The most complete test and evaluation program yet under-
cases, the Pratt & Whitnej' engines completed sufficient testing
taken by the U. S. Navy for a marine gas turbine has been the test
to meet the requirements of MIL-E-17341.
program for the Pratt & Whitney model FT4A engine. This
engine, rated at 25,000 hp as a boost engine for combined plant
Some Present Test Programs propulsion systems, consists of a J75 jet engine modified for marine
The U. S. Navy has been involved with the Canadian govern- use and a free power turbine. The F T 4 A has not been used
ment and Orenda Limited in the development of the model in any N a v y program to date but has been considered for several
OT-4 recuperated 600-hp gas turbine engine [15]. As part of the major programs.
development effort, two of these engines have been installed in Initial testing was 50 hr at the engine manufacturer's plant.
the USS Kingbird (MSC-194) for an at-sea evaluation to last N o salt environmental conditions were employed and the engine
at least one year. During this period, the engines will probably was limited to 20,000 hp by the capacity of the dynamometer
accumulate about 4000 hr of experience. While these are not available. At about the same time, a gas generator (J-75) was
production engines and the installation was intended to be part run, also by the manufacturer, to test the initial coatings and
of the overall development effort, the engines were not installed materials selected for the engine. This test was run for 100 hr
until 1000 hr of development testing, including 360 hr of testing at a thrust equivalent to 20,000 hp. During the test, 1 ppm salt
without a forced outage, had been completed on the configuration was ingested in the inlet air at all times and high sulfur diesel fuel
(o be installed in the ship. was used.
The first large-scale use of modified aircraft jet engines by the The next phase of testing was a scheduled 1000-hr test (1118
U. S. Navy for shipboard use has been the General Electric actual) at N A V S E C , Philadelphia. Rating during this test was
LM1500 (J-79 with free power turbine) used in the PG-84 class 17,000 hp. During the test 0.5 ppm of salt water was ingested
patrol boats. A total of 17 boats has been built, are being built in the inlet duct for the last 10 hr of each 100 hr and high sulfur
or are on order. The engines are rated at 14,000 hp in this appli- (1.0 percent) diesel fuel was used. A laboratory materials
cation as boost engines. Two diesel engines provide cruising and evaluation was started to select more corrosion-resistant ma-
maneuvering power. The LM1500 did have prior marine use in terials.
the Maritime Administration hydrofoil, HS Denison [16, 17]. In order to check the 25,000-hp rating being used for a design
Two engines accumulated 399 hr of operation with 259 hr on one study, the next test, was run for a scheduled 150 hr (242 actual) at
engine. Even with this prior service, the Navy considered a 25,000 hp. N o salt water was ingested during this test.
thorough test program mandatory. However, the initial program Since the engine was being considered for applications where
of only two boats made it impossible to support funding for the H - I shock resistance was required, a gas generator (J-75) was
complete program recommended. Therefore, a program was de- shock-tested by the Navy in the standard floating barge test.
signed to fit the funds available [18] and is, in general, an ac- Based on the results of this test, modifications were made to the
celerated materials evaluation program that would result in the design of the mounts for the complete engine package. A com-
best combination of materials and coatings for the gas generator to plete engine was then tested on the barge followed by a teardown
operate in a marine, salt-water environment using high sulfur for examination and reassembly with no changes. The engine
diesel fuel. Phase I included an accelerated test of the fuel system was then tested at a rating of 25,000 hp for 242 hr to test its
using seawater-contaminated high sulfur diesel fuel, laboratory mechanical integrity. The onlj' problem encountered was a tear
testing of materials and coatings, and a 30-hr engine test without in the exhaust elbow where it had been weakened during the shock
seawater but operating on diesel fuel. Phase II included a 30-hr test. The tear was repaired by a shipyard welder and testing
engine test operating on high sulfur diesel fuel (1.0 percent) con- continued.
taminated with 0.01 percent seawater and with 1 part per Another endurance test was run for a total of 1672 hr at. a
million (ppm) seawater ingested directly into the engine inlet.
rating of 20,000 hp. Once again during this test, salt water was
The third phase included a scheduled 500-hr engine test once
ingested into the inlet duct at a rate of 0.5 ppm and high sulfur
again including high sulfur diesel fuel contaminated by seawater
diesel fuel was used.
and a continuous ingestion of 0.3 ppm seawater into the inlet.
At the start of the F T 4 A test program, a very complete litera-
Various materials and coatings were tried, including some hot
ture survej' was made to determine the latest available informa-
parts with no protection, that had been included as a base line.
tion on the amount of salt present in the air under various con-
At the end of 340 hr, complete failure of one of the base-line com-
ditions. Very little information was obtained based on actual
bustion cans caused the test to be terminated.
measurements. Therefore, in order to obtain actual data, a
Starting with the results of the engine testing the second part measuring technique was developed [19] and samples were taken
of the program has been started. The first phase again included on several destroyers operating under various conditions [20].
laboratory testing of the materials that had looked best in the Based on these measurements and a study of U. S. Weather

Journal of Engineering for Power OCTOBER 1 96 8 / 363

Bureau Ocean Station observations throughout the world, il was Table 1 F T 4 A endurance test cycle
possible to predict with a fair degree of accuracy the type of salt- Percent power hb rpm Hours
in-air conditions a destroyer could expect to encounter. A tech- 6 1500 2778 6.0
nique was developed at NAVSEC, Philadelphia, to duplicate 14 3500 2878 3.0
these conditions, not only on a total weight basis but also by 23 5750 2971 1.5
32 8000 3058 1.5
particle size distribution.
44 11000 3168 1.5
A 4000-hr endurance test is now under way. A test, cycle has 56 14000 3277 1.5
been developed, Table 1, based on operation as the boost engine 68 17000 3367 31.5
of a combined plant in a destroyer doing typical antisubmarine 81 20250 3465 31.5
100 25000 3600 31.5
warfare, aircraft carrier plane guarding, and escort, missions
Idle — — 40.5
during its life. Salt water will be added in a varying cycle, Table
2, based on the salt measurements made at. sea and simulating " There will be 13 starts during each 150-hr cycle.
h Time at each power and not cyclic variation shown for brevity.
varying conditions expected to be encountered during the life of

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the ship. A salt separator will be installed in the inlet, ducting
Table 2 F T 4 A endurance salt conditions
between the point of salt-water ingestion and the engine inlet.
The engine fuel tank will simulate seawater ballast conditions Percent of endurance time 50% 45% 3% 2%
but the engine will be protected by strainers and coalescer filter- Total ppm of salt concentration 0.005 0.015 0.035 0.060
Particle size range as percent of
separators in a system similar to that recommended for shipboard total ppm
fuel systems. High sulfur diesel fuel will be used during the test. Above 13 micron 25% 45% 45% 50%
The engine will incorporate modifications and improvements de- 5-13 micron 25% 30% 30% 25%
veloped during the previous part of the program. Less than 4 micron 50% 25% 25% 25%
The endurance test, just outlined should yield data upon " Salt ingestion cycling independent of power cycling.
which the U. S. Navy can predict overhaul life and reliability of a
Pratt & Whitney model FT4A gas turbine used as a boost en- Table 3 Base load engine test cycle
gine in a destroyer. The overall program has been costly and Percent power Percent rpm" Hours
time-consuming but has yielded much information. It, is not 10 50 2.00
considered necessary to test, each and every engine to that same 85 90 1.00
degree. It is believed that successful completion of the overall 20 55 0.25
test program by the Pratt & Whitney FT4A will establish the 100 100 2.00
40 70 0.25
ability of the present generation of aircraft gas turbines to suc- 85 100 2.00
cessfully bridge the gap between aircraft and ship propulsion. 40 70 0.25
Another complete program, however, will be recommended for 100 100 2.00
one of the future generation of advanced air-cooled, high-tem- 50 75 1.00
100 100 2.00
perature engines now under development.
60 80 1.00
100 100 2.00
20 65 0.25
Future Testing 70
Q u a l i f i c a t i o n of E n g i n e s 100 100 2.00
It is to the advantage of the U. S. Navy to have gas turbine en- 50 75 1.50
gines throughout the complete power range available, qualified as ° Constant-speed (single-shaft) engines shall be operated at normal
marine power plants. There are many very good engines now speed for all powers.
operating in commercial and aircraft service that are not, now
considered acceptable for U. S. Navy service. Many of these
drives will also be tested for 1000 hr in accordance with the load
engines could be adapted for marine use and do a very good job
cycle of Table 1 but with no speed variations.
for the U. S. Navy. Unfortunately, experience has shown that a
(rf) Successful completion of a 2000-hr test in accordance with
complete and thorough investigation of each engine component
Table 3 for engines to be used as base load engines in combined
must be made to determine its suitability for use in the marine
plants and engines to be used for ships service generator set
environment. In order to determine whether or not, a manu-
facturer has been successful in modifying an engine for marine
use, or in some rare instances developing it for marine use, a All testing will be done either in a test cell with a simulated
stringent proof test is required. The military specification cover- salt atmosphere in accordance with Table 2 or in a boat or ship
ing U. S. Navy shipboard gas turbines, MIL-E-1734IB, is now operating in a salt-water environment. Use of separators in the
being rewritten. One of the major changes will be in the quali- engine inlet will be allowed.
fication requirement. Consideration is also being given to the development of a
Where engines are procured to MIL-E-17341, the}' will be re- referee fuel specification. This would require that diesel fuel
quired to meet one of several conditions. While not finalized, the generally in accordance with military specification MIL-F-16SS4
conditions being considered are as follows: be used. However, the fuel would be at the upper end of the
permissible range for such things as distillation, pourpoint, vis-
(«.) Previously accepted by the U. S. Navy for shipboard use cosity, carbon residue, sulfur, and ash.
at the rating proposed. Any major changes to the engine pre-
viously accepted will require reacceptance.
(t>) Demonstrated successful service in shipboard use in a Conclusion
seawater environment at the rating proposed by other than U. S. The need for exhaustive testing for aircraft power plants has
Navy. A 360-hr test in accordance with Tabic 3 will be re- long been recognized. This is understandable duo to the possible
quired in addition to meeting this condition. Any major changes loss of life associated with aircraft power-plant failures. The
to the engine used will require a complete test program. need has not always been as obvious when applying the same type
(c) Successful completion of a 1000-hr test following the load power plants to ships and boats. However, aside from the very
cycle shown in Table 1 for engines to be used as booster engines in large investment in dollars involved in most ships which can be
combined plants; engines to be used in hydrofoils or hovercraft; jeopardized, there remain the very real possible loss of life and
engines to be used in small boats, patrol boats, landing craft, and failure of mission with far-reaching consequences resulting from
amphibians. Engines to be used as emergency generator set use of untried and unreliable power plants in combat situations.

364 / OCTOBER 19 6 8 Transactions of the A S M E

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.-I.nnapolis, Md.
3 Sawyer, 'V. 1'., "The :\o(ari ne Gas·Turbine Power P lant in
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Archit ects nnd Mnrine E ngineers, 195 1.
4 J ackson, 1. E., Jr., "Rotary Gas Turbine 'olllp ressors," JOIII-
nltl of Th e A m ericaI~ Sociely of Noral Engilleers, IlIc .. Vol. 6 1, TOV .
5 Skor tz, A. C., alld Gessner, F. n., Jr., "Te t Experie nce With

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the Annapoli 350()'hp Experi mental Gas·Turbine P la nt, " AS :\! E
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6 Pasman, J. S., "Effect of Sea Water Contnm in ation in F uel on
n Small Open Cycle Gas Turbine," U. '. Nayn l Engineering Station
Report 070097B, July 11 ,1055.
7 Pasmnn, J . S., Miller, C. L ., nnd F isher, ' . E., " Accelerated
Life Tests of n Pa ir of Nava l Gas Turbines," AS:\'! E Paper No.
58- GTP·7,
8 Sawyer, J. 'V., a nd SilllP on, H. M., "195 Gns Turbine
Progress Heport- !vrarine," J OUltl<.'.1I. OF ENG INEER Il<.'G FOil PO WEll,
TIIANS. ASi\1E, Se ries A, \' 01. 81, No.3, July 1959, pp. 3 11-343.
9 P icbel, P . W., Blackwood , D. E., nnd Henry, \\' . 1'., J ,'.,
"Shipbonrd Gns Turbine Engine Tests," ,1Iecitonicai Ellgill eerillO,
Yol. 79, No. 12, Dec. 1957, pp. 1119- 11 22.
10 Davis, R . C., "Final Test of Wolverine Gns Turbine Plan t,"
. S. Naval Engineering Experiment Station Confidential Rcport
030076. Aug. 14, 1956.
11 Swe nson, G. C., and \\'ei nert, E. P., "LaboratolY Test Ex·
perience Wit h n Combined Stennl unci Gns Turbine Propulsion
Unit," Society of Naval Architects and .Marine E ngi neers Paper No.
5· 6, :\lar. 1963.
12 G raves, G. L., nnd Ca rleton, n. S., " Gn s TIIl'bine for Uncon '
venlional Cra ft", SAE Pnper 685:\, SAE-ASNE Aero National
:\!eeting, Wnshin gton, D . C .. Apr. 1963.
13 Austin, K. A., "Turbine Powe red Amphibian ', Engine De·
velopment a nd Sen Experience," AS:\IE Gas Turbine Conference ,
Feb. 2 - Mar. 4, 1965.
U Nolte, G. H. , "Sen EXI erie nce With Pratt & Whitney Ai r·
cra ft F'1' 12 Gns Turbine in L C ;\f·8," AS~! E Pllpe,' 0.65-GTp·26.
15 Qua n, D., "The De 'ign aud Development of the Orcnda
OT·4 Gas Turbine," AS M E Paper No. 66- GT/ M·23 .
JG H a rd grove, G. A., "TurboshafL Power for i\Inrine Propulsion,"
AS :\! E Paper No. GG-WA·332 .
17 We nn agel, G . J ., "Chnrncted sticti of the U. S. :\!al'ilime Ad-
ministrnlion H ydrofoil Test Vehicle," SAG Paper No. 355C, t961.
18 Stoeckly, E. E ., ",\lnl'iniwtion of Ihe Genem l Elect ric L:\I 1500
Gas Turbine," ASi\lE Paper No. 65- GT I'·20.
19 ]{aufmnn, n. E., nnd Pollini, n. J ., "Recen t 'ea·Sa llri n·Air
Implications as Highlighted by :\1:trinc Gas Turbine Hequirements,"
AS:\IE Paper No. 67- GT· 44.
20 J{aufmllll, R. E., .. 'alt ' Vatcr Aerosoil epa rator Develop·
melli," ASi\I E Paper No. 65- GTP-9.

Journal of Engineering for Power O CT 0 8 E R 1968 / 365

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