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Deep Speech 2 : End-to-End Speech Recognition in English and Mandarin

Dario Amodei, Sundaram Ananthanarayanan, Rishita Anubhai, Jingliang Bai, Eric Battenberg, Carl Case,
Jared Casper, Bryan Catanzaro, Qiang Cheng, Guoliang Chen, Jie Chen, Jingdong Chen, Zhijie Chen,
Mike Chrzanowski, Adam Coates, Greg Diamos, Ke Ding, Niandong Du, Erich Elsen, Jesse Engel, Weiwei Fang,
Linxi Fan, Christopher Fougner, Liang Gao, Caixia Gong, Awni Hannun, Tony Han, Lappi Vaino Johannes,
Bing Jiang, Cai Ju, Billy Jun, Patrick LeGresley, Libby Lin, Junjie Liu, Yang Liu, Weigao Li, Xiangang Li,
Dongpeng Ma, Sharan Narang, Andrew Ng, Sherjil Ozair, Yiping Peng, Ryan Prenger, Sheng Qian,
Zongfeng Quan, Jonathan Raiman, Vinay Rao, Sanjeev Satheesh, David Seetapun, Shubho Sengupta,
Kavya Srinet, Anuroop Sriram, Haiyuan Tang, Liliang Tang, Chong Wang, Jidong Wang, Kaifu Wang, Yi Wang,
Zhijian Wang, Zhiqian Wang, Shuang Wu, Likai Wei, Bo Xiao, Wen Xie, Yan Xie, Dani Yogatama, Bin Yuan,
Jun Zhan, Zhenyao Zhu
Baidu Silicon Valley AI Lab1 , 1195 Bordeaux Avenue, Sunnyvale CA 94086 USA
Baidu Speech Technology Group, No. 10 Xibeiwang East Street, Ke Ji Yuan, Haidian District, Beijing 100193 CHINA

Abstract learning to replace most modules with a single model as

in (Hannun et al., 2014a) and (Graves & Jaitly, 2014b).
We show that an end-to-end deep learning ap- This "end to end" vision of training simplyfies the train-
proach can be used to recognize either English ing process by removing the engineering required for the
or Mandarin Chinese speech–two vastly different bootstrapping/alignment/clustering/HMM machinery often
languages. Because it replaces entire pipelines used to build state-of-the-art ASR models. On such a sys-
of hand-engineered components with neural net- tem, built on end-to-end deep learning, we can employ a
works, end-to-end learning allows us to han- range of deep learning techniques: capturing large training
dle a diverse variety of speech including noisy sets, training larger models with high performance com-
environments, accents and different languages. puting, and methodically exploring the space of neural net-
Key to our approach is our application of HPC work architectures.
techniques, enabling experiments that previously
took weeks to now run in days. This allows us This paper details our contribution to the model archi-
to iterate more quickly to identify superior archi- tecture, large labeled training datasets, and computational
tectures and algorithms. As a result, in several scale for speech recognition. This includes an extensive in-
cases, our system is competitive with the tran- vestigation of model architectures, and our data capturing
scription of human workers when benchmarked pipeline that has enabled us to create larger datasets than
on standard datasets. Finally, using a technique what is typically used to train speech recognition systems.
called Batch Dispatch with GPUs in the data cen- We benchmark our system on several publicly available test
ter, we show that our system can be inexpen- sets with a goal of eventually attaining human-level perfor-
sively deployed in an online setting, delivering mance. To that end, we have also measured the perfor-
low latency when serving users at scale. mance of crowd workers on each benchmark for compari-
son. We find that our best Mandarin Chinese speech system
transcribes short voice-query like utterances better than a
typical Mandarin Chinese speaker.
1. Introduction
The remainder of the paper is as follows. We begin with a
Decades worth of hand-engineered domain knowledge has
review of related work in deep learning, end-to-end speech
gone into current state-of-the-art automatic speech recogni-
recognition, and scalability in Section 2. Section 3 de-
tion (ASR) pipelines. A simple but powerful alternative so-
scribes the architectural and algorithmic improvements to
lution is to train such ASR models end-to-end, using deep
the model and Section 4 explains how to efficiently com-
Contact author: [email protected] pute them. We discuss the training data and steps taken to
further augment the training set in Section 5. An analysis
Proceedings of the 33rd International Conference on Machine of results for our system in English and Mandarin is pre-
Learning, New York, NY, USA, 2016. JMLR: W&CP volume sented in Section 6. We end with a description of the steps
48. Copyright 2016 by the author(s). needed to deploy our system to real users in Section 7.
Deep Speech 2 : End-to-End Speech Recognition in English and Mandarin

2. Related Work CTC

This work is inspired by previous work in both deep learn- Connected
ing and speech recognition. Feed-forward neural net- Lookahead
work acoustic models were explored more than 20 years
ago (Bourlard & Morgan, 1993; Renals et al., 1994). Re-
current neural networks and networks with convolution
Vanilla or GRU
were also used in speech recognition around the same Uni or Bi
time (Robinson et al., 1996; Waibel et al., 1989). More Batch directional
recently DNNs have become a fixture in the ASR pipeline Normalization RNN

with almost all state of the art speech work containing some
form of deep neural network (Mohamed et al., 2011; Hin-
ton et al., 2012; Dahl et al., 2011; N. Jaitly & Vanhoucke,
2012; Seide et al., 2011). Convolutional networks have also 1D or 2D
been found beneficial for acoustic models (Abdel-Hamid Convolution
et al., 2012; Sainath et al., 2013). Recurrent neural net-
works are beginning to be deployed in state-of-the art rec- Spectrogram
ognizers (Graves et al., 2013; H. Sak et al., 2014) and
work well with convolutional layers for the feature extrac- Figure 1: Architecture of the deep RNN used in both En-
tion (Sainath et al., 2015). glish and Mandarin speech.
End-to-end speech recognition is an active area of re-
search, showing compelling results when used to re-
score the outputs of a DNN-HMM (Graves & Jaitly, et al., 2009; Hannun et al., 2014a). Existing speech systems
2014a) and standalone (Hannun et al., 2014a). The RNN can also be used to bootstrap new data collection. For ex-
encoder-decoder with attention performs well in predict- ample, an existing speech engine can be used to align and
ing phonemes (Chorowski et al., 2015) or graphemes (Bah- filter thousands of hours of audiobooks (Panayotov et al.,
danau et al., 2015; Chan et al., 2015). The CTC loss 2015). We draw inspiration from these past approaches in
function (Graves et al., 2006) coupled with an RNN to bootstrapping larger datasets and data augmentation to in-
model temporal information also performs well in end- crease the effective amount of labeled data for our system.
to-end speech recognition with character outputs (Graves
& Jaitly, 2014a; Hannun et al., 2014b;a; Maas et al.,
2015). The CTC-RNN model also works well in predicting 3. Model Architecture
phonemes (Miao et al., 2015; Sak et al., 2015), though a Figure 1 shows the wireframe of our architecture, and lays
lexicon is still needed in this case. out the swappable components which we explore in de-
Exploiting scale in deep learning has been central to the tail in this paper. Our system (similar at its core to the
success of the field thus far (Krizhevsky et al., 2012; Le one in (Hannun et al., 2014a)), is a recurrent neural net-
et al., 2012). Training on a single GPU resulted in substan- work (RNN) with one or more convolutional input layers,
tial performance gains (Raina et al., 2009), which were sub- followed by multiple recurrent (uni or bidirectional) lay-
sequently scaled linearly to two (Krizhevsky et al., 2012) ers and one fully connected layer before a softmax layer.
or more GPUs (Coates et al., 2013). We take advantage of The network is trained end-to-end using the CTC loss func-
work in increasing individual GPU efficiency for low-level tion (Graves et al., 2006), which allows us to directly pre-
deep learning primitives (Chetlur et al.). We built on the dict the sequences of characters from input audio. 2
past work in using model-parallelism (Coates et al., 2013), The inputs to the network are a sequence of log-
data-parallelism (Dean et al., 2012) or a combination of the spectrograms of power normalized audio clips, calculated
two (Szegedy et al., 2014; Hannun et al., 2014a) to create a on 20ms windows. The outputs are the alphabet of each
fast and highly scalable system for training deep RNNs in language. At each output time-step t, the RNN makes a
speech recognition. prediction, p(`t |x), where `t is either a character in the
Data has also been central to the success of end-to-end alphabet or the blank symbol. In English we have `t 2
speech recognition, with over 7000 hours of labeled speech {a, b, c, . . . , z, space, apostrophe, blank}, where we have
used in (Hannun et al., 2014a). Data augmentation has added the space symbol to denote word boundaries. For
been highly effective in improving the performance of deep the Mandarin system the network outputs simplified Chi-
learning in computer vision (LeCun et al., 2004; Sapp et al., 2
Most of our experiments use bidirectional recurrent lay-
2008; Coates et al., 2011) and speech recognition (Gales ers with clipped rectified-linear units (ReLU) (x) =
min{max{x, 0}, 20} as the activation function.
Deep Speech 2 : End-to-End Speech Recognition in English and Mandarin

Architecture Baseline BatchNorm GRU 60

5-1 BN
5-layer, 1 RNN 13.55 14.40 10.53 5-1 No BN
5-layer, 3 RNN 11.61 10.56 8.00 50 9-7 BN
7-layer, 5 RNN 10.77 9.78 7.79 9-7 No BN
9-layer, 7 RNN 10.83 9.52 8.19


9-layer, 7 RNN
no SortaGrad 11.96 9.78 30

Table 1: Comparison of WER on a development set as we 50 100 150 200 250 300
vary depth of RNN, application of BatchNorm and Sorta- Iteration (⇥103 )
Grad, and type of recurrent hidden unit. All networks have
38M parameters—as depth increases, the number of hidden Figure 2: Training curves of two models trained with and
units per layer decreases. The last two columns compare without BatchNorm (BN). We see a wider gap in perfor-
the performance of the model on the dev set as we change mance on the deeper 9-7 network (which has 9 layers in
the type of the recurrent hidden unit. total, 7 of which are vanilla bidirectional RNNs) than the
shallower 5-1 network (in which only 1 of the 5 layers is
a bidirectional RNN). We start the plot after the first epoch
nese characters. of training as the curve is more difficult to interpret due to
At inference time, CTC models are paired a with language the SortaGrad curriculum method mentioned in Section 3.2
model trained on a bigger corpus of text. We use a special-
ized beam search (Hannun et al., 2014b) to find the tran- As in (Laurent et al., 2015), there are two ways of applying
scription y that maximizes BatchNorm to the recurrent operation. A natural extension
is to insert a BatchNorm transformation, B(·), immediately
Q(y) = log(pRNN (y|x)) + ↵ log(pLM (y)) + wc(y) (1)
before every non-linearity as follows:
where wc(y) is the number of words (English) or charac- hlt = f (B(W l hlt 1
+ U l hlt (3)
1 )).
ters (Chinese) in the transcription y. The weight ↵ con-
trols the relative contributions of the language model and In this case the mean and variance statistics are accumu-
the CTC network. The weight encourages more words in lated over a single time-step of the minibatch. We did not
the transcription. These parameters are tuned on a held out find this to be effective.
development set.
An alternative (sequence-wise normalization) is to batch
normalize only the vertical connections. The recurrent
3.1. Batch Normalization for Deep RNNs computation is given by
To efficiently absorb data as we scale the training set, we
hlt = f (B(W l hlt 1
) + U l hlt 1 ). (4)
increase the depth of the networks by adding more recur-
rent layers. However, it becomes more challenging to train
networks using gradient descent as the size and depth in- For each hidden unit we compute the mean and variance
creases. We have experimented with the Batch Normaliza- statistics over all items in the minibatch over the length
tion (BatchNorm) method to train deeper nets faster (Ioffe of the sequence. Figure 2 shows that deep networks con-
& Szegedy, 2015). Recent research has shown that Batch- verge faster with sequence-wise normalization. Table 1
Norm can speed convergence of RNNs training, though shows that the performance improvement from sequence-
not always improving generalization error (Laurent et al., wise normalization increases with the depth of the network,
2015). In contrast, we find that when applied to very deep with a 12% performance difference for the deepest net-
networks of RNNs on large data sets, the variant of Batch- work. We store a running average of the mean and variance
Norm we use substantially improves final generalization er- for the neuron collected during training, and use these for
ror in addition to accelerating training. evaluation (Ioffe & Szegedy, 2015).

A recurrent layer is implemented as 3.2. SortaGrad

hlt = f (W l hlt 1
+ U l hlt 1 + b). (2) Even with Batch Normalization, we find training with CTC
to be occasionally unstable, particularly in the early stages.
where the activations of layer l at time step t are computed In order to make training more stable, we experiment with
by combining the activations from the previous layer hlt 1 a training curriculum (Bengio et al., 2009; Zaremba &
at the same time step t and the activations from the current Sutskever, 2014), which accelerates training and results in
layer at the previous time step hlt 1 . better generalization as well.
Deep Speech 2 : End-to-End Speech Recognition in English and Mandarin

Training very deep networks (or RNNs with many steps)

from scratch can fail early in training since outputs and
gradients must be propagated through many poorly tuned Row conv layer rt rt+1 rt+2 rt+3
layers of weights. In addition to exploding gradients (Pas-
canu et al., 2012), CTC often ends up assigning near-zero Recurrent layer ht ht+1 ht+2 ht+3
probability to very long transcriptions making gradient de-
scent quite volatile. This observation motivates a curricu-
lum learning strategy we title SortaGrad: we use the length
of the utterance as a heuristic for difficulty and train on the Figure 3: Lookahead convolution architecture with future
shorter (easier) utterances first. context size of 2.
Specifically, in the first training epoch we iterate through
minibatches in the training set in increasing order of the
length of the longest utterance in the minibatch. After the
We report results on two datasets—a development set
first epoch training reverts back to a random order over
of 2048 utterances (“Regular Dev”) and a much noisier
minibatches. Table 1 shows a comparison of training cost
dataset of 2048 utterances (“Noisy Dev”) randomly sam-
with and without SortaGrad on the 9 layer model with 7
pled from the CHiME 2015 development datasets (Barker
recurrent layers. SortaGrad improves the stability of train-
et al., 2015). We find that multiple layers of 1D convolu-
ing, and this effect is particularly pronounced in networks
tion provides a very small benefit. The 2D convolutions
without BatchNorm, since these are even less numerically
improve results substantially on noisy data, while provid-
ing a small benefit on clean data. The change from one
layer of 1D convolution to three layers of 2D convolution
3.3. Comparison of vanilla RNNs and GRUs
improves WER by 23.9% on the noisy development set.
The models we have shown so far are vanilla RNNs which
are modeled by Equation 3 with ReLU activations. More 3.5. Lookahead Convolution and Unidirectional
sophisticated hidden units such as the Long Short-Term Models
Memory (LSTM) units (Hochreiter & Schmidhuber, 1997)
Bidirectional RNN models are challenging to deploy in an
and the Gated Recurrent Units (GRU) (Cho et al., 2014),
online, low-latency setting because they cannot stream the
have been shown to be very effective on similar tasks (Bah-
transcription process as the utterance arrives from the user.
danau et al., 2015). We examine GRUs because experi-
However, models with only forward recurrences routinely
ments on smaller data sets show the GRU and LSTM reach
perform worse than similar bidirectional models, imply-
similar accuracy for the same number of parameters, but
ing some amount of future context is vital to good perfor-
the GRUs are faster to train and less likely to diverge.
mance. One possible solution is to delay the system from
Both GRU and vanilla RNN architectures benefit from emitting a label until it has more context as in (Sak et al.,
BatchNorm and show strong results with deep networks. 2015), but we found it difficult to induce this behavior in
The last two columns in table 1 show that for a fixed num- our models. In order to build a unidirectional model with-
ber of parameters the GRU architecture achieves better out any loss in accuracy, we develop a special layer that we
WER for all network depths. call lookahead convolution, shown in Figure 3. The layer
learns weights to linearly combine each neuron’s activa-
3.4. Frequency Convolutions tions ⌧ timesteps into the future, and thus allows us to con-
trol the amount of future context needed. The lookahead
Temporal convolution is commonly used in speech recog- layer is defined by a parameter matrix W 2 R(d,⌧ ) , where
nition to efficiently model temporal translation invariance d matches the number of neurons in the previous layer. The
for variable length utterances. Convolution in frequency at- activations rt for the new layer at time-step t are
tempts to model spectral variance due to speaker variability
more concisely than what is possible with large fully con-
nected networks. ⌧
X +1

We experiment with adding between one and three layers of rt,i = Wi,j ht+j 1,i , for 1  i  d. (5)
convolution. These are both in the time-and-frequency do-
main (2D) and in the time-only domain (1D). In all cases
we use a “same” convolution. In some cases we specify
a stride (subsampling) across either dimension which re- We place the lookahead convolution above all recurrent
duces the size of the output. layers. This allows us to stream all computation below the
lookahead convolution on a finer granularity.
Deep Speech 2 : End-to-End Speech Recognition in English and Mandarin

Architecture Channels Filter dimension Stride Regular Dev Noisy Dev

1-layer 1D 1280 11 2 9.52 19.36
2-layer 1D 640, 640 5, 5 1, 2 9.67 19.21
3-layer 1D 512, 512, 512 5, 5, 5 1, 1, 2 9.20 20.22
1-layer 2D 32 41x11 2x2 8.94 16.22
2-layer 2D 32, 32 41x11, 21x11 2x2, 2x1 9.06 15.71
3-layer 2D 32, 32, 96 41x11, 21x11, 21x11 2x2, 2x1, 2x1 8.61 14.74

Table 2: Comparison of WER for different configurations of convolutional layers. In all cases, the convolutions are
followed by 7 recurrent layers and 1 fully connected layer. For 2D convolutions the first dimension is frequency and the
second dimension is time. Each model is trained with BatchNorm, SortaGrad, and has 35M parameters.

3.6. Adaptation to Mandarin machines, we have found that our ability to scale well is of-
ten bottlenecked by unoptimized routines that are taken for
To port a traditional speech recognition pipeline to another
granted. Therefore, we focus on careful optimization of the
language typically requires a significant amount of new
most important routines used for training. Specifically, we
language-specific development. For example, one often
created customized All-Reduce code for OpenMPI to sum
needs to hand-engineer a pronunciation model (Shan et al.,
gradients across GPUs on multiple nodes, developed a fast
2010). We may also need to explicitly model language-
implementation of CTC for GPUs, and use custom mem-
specific pronunciation features, such as tones in Man-
ory allocators. Taken together, these techniques enable us
darin (Shan et al., 2010; Niu et al., 2013). Since our end-
to sustain overall 45% of theoretical peak performance on
to-end system directly predicts characters, these time con-
each node.
suming efforts are no longer needed. This has enabled us
to quickly create an end-to-end Mandarin speech recogni- Our training distributes work over multiple GPUs in a data-
tion system (that outputs Chinese characters) using the ap- parallel fashion with synchronous SGD, where each GPU
proach described above with only a few changes. uses a local copy of the model to work on a portion of
the current minibatch and then exchanges computed gra-
The only architectural changes we make to our networks
dients with all other GPUs. We prefer synchronous SGD
are due to the characteristics of the Chinese character set.
because it is reproducible, which facilitates discovering
The network outputs probabilities for about 6000 char-
and fixing regressions. In this setup, however, the GPUs
acters, which includes the Roman alphabet, since hybrid
must communicate quickly (using an "All-Reduce" opera-
Chinese-English transcripts are common. We incur an out
tion) at each iteration in order to avoid wasting computa-
of vocabulary error at evaluation time if a character is not
tional cycles. Prior work has used asynchronous updates to
contained in this set. This is not a major concern, as our
mitigate this issue (Dean et al., 2012; Recht et al., 2011).
test set has only 0.74% out of vocab characters.
We instead focused on optimizing the All-Reduce opera-
We use a character level language model in Mandarin as tion itself, achieving a 4x-21x speedup using techniques
words are not usually segmented in text. In Section 6.2 we to reduce CPU-GPU communication for our specific work-
show that our Mandarin speech models show roughly the loads. Similarly, to enhance overall computation, we have
same improvements to architectural changes as our English used highly-optimized kernels from Nervana Systems and
speech models, suggesting that modeling knowledge from NVIDIA that are tuned for our deep learning applications.
development in one language transfers well to others. We similarly discovered that custom memory allocation
routines were crucial to maximizing performance as they
4. System Optimizations reduce the number of synchronizations between GPU and
Our networks have tens of millions of parameters, and a
training experiment involves tens of single-precision ex- We also found that the CTC cost computation accounted
aFLOPs. Since our ability to evaluate hypotheses about for a significant fraction of running time. Since no public
our data and models depends on training speed, we created well-optimized code for CTC existed, we developed a fast
a highly optimized training system based on high perfor- GPU implementation that reduced overall training time by
mance computing (HPC) infrastructure.3 Although many 10-20%.4
frameworks exist for training deep networks on parallel Details of our CTC implementation will be made available
along with open source code.
Our software runs on dense compute nodes with 8 NVIDIA
Titan X GPUs per node with a theoretical peak throughput of 48
single-precision TFLOP/s.
Deep Speech 2 : End-to-End Speech Recognition in English and Mandarin

5. Training Data Fraction of Data Hours Regular Dev Noisy Dev

Large-scale deep learning systems require an abundance of 1% 120 29.23 50.97
labeled training data. For training our English model, we 10% 1200 13.80 22.99
use 11,940 hours of labeled speech containing 8 million 20% 2400 11.65 20.41
utterances, and the Mandarin system uses 9,400 hours of 50% 6000 9.51 15.90
labeled speech containing 11 million utterances. 100% 12000 8.46 13.59

Table 3: Comparison of English WER for Regular and

5.1. Dataset Construction
Noisy development sets on increasing training dataset size.
Parts of the English and Mandarin datasets were created The model has 9-layers (2 layers of 2D convolution and 7
from raw data captured as long audio clips with noisy tran- recurrent layers) with 68M parameters.
scriptions. In order to segment the audio into several sec-
ond long clips, we align the speech with the transcript. For
a given audio-transcript pair (x, y), the most likely align-
ment is calculated as
6. Results
To better assess the real-world applicability of our speech
system, we evaluate on a wide range of test sets. We use
Y several publicly available benchmarks and several test sets
`⇤ = arg max pctc (`t |x; ✓). (6)
`2Align(x,y) t collected internally. All models are trained for 20 epochs
on either the full English dataset, or the full Mandarin
dataset described in Section 5. We use stochastic gradient
This is essentially a Viterbi alignment found using a RNN descent with Nesterov momentum (Sutskever et al., 2013)
model trained with CTC. Since the CTC loss function inte- along with a minibatch of 512 utterances. If the norm of
grates over all alignments, this is not guaranteed to produce the gradient exceeds a threshold of 400, it is rescaled to
an accurate alignment. However, we found that this ap- 400 (Pascanu et al., 2012). The model which performs
proach produces an accurate alignment when using a bidi- the best on a held-out development set during training is
rectional RNN. chosen for evaluation. The learning rate is chosen from
[1 ⇥ 10 4 , 6 ⇥ 10 4 ] to yield fastest convergence and an-
In order to filter out clips with poor transcriptions, we build
nealed by a constant factor of 1.2 after each epoch. We use
a simple classifier with the following features: the raw CTC
a momentum of 0.99 for all models.
cost, the CTC cost normalized by the sequence length, the
CTC cost normalized by the transcript length, the ratio of
the sequence length to the transcript length, the number of 6.1. English
words in the transcription and the number of characters in The best English model has 2 layers of 2D convolution,
the transcription. We crowd source the labels for building followed by 3 layers of unidirectional recurrent layers with
this dataset. For the English dataset, we find that the fil- 2560 GRU cells each, followed by a lookahead convolution
tering pipeline reduces the WER from 17% to 5% while layer with ⌧ = 80, trained with BatchNorm and SortaGrad.
retaining more than 50% of the examples. We do not adapt the model to any of the speech conditions
Additionally, we dynamically augment the dataset by in the test sets. Language model decoding parameters are
adding unique noise every epoch with an SNR between set once on a held-out development set.
0dB and 30dB, just as in (Hannun et al., 2014a; Sainath We report results on several test sets for both our system
et al., 2015). and an estimate of human accuracy. We obtain a measure
of human level performance by asking workers from Ama-
5.2. Scaling Data zon Mechanical Turk to hand-transcribe all of our test sets.
Crowdsourced workers are not as accurate as dedicated,
We show the effect of increasing the amount of labeled
trained transcriptionists. For example, (Lippmann, 1997)
training data on WER in Table 3. This is done by ran-
find that human transcribers achieve close to 1% WER on
domly sampling the full dataset before training. For each
the WSJ-Eval92 set, when they are motivated with extra
dataset, the model was trained for up to 20 epochs with
reward for getting a lower WER, and automatic typo and
early-stopping based on the error on a held out develop-
spell corrections, and further reductions in error rates by
ment set to prevent overfitting. The WER decreases by
using a committee of transcribers.
⇠40% relative for each factor of 10 increase in training set
size. We also observe a consistent gap in WER (⇠60% rel- We employ the following mechanism without rewards and
ative) between the regular and noisy datasets, implying that auto correct as a valid competing "ASR wizard-of-Oz" that
more data benefits both cases equally. we strive to outperform. Two random workers transcribe
Deep Speech 2 : End-to-End Speech Recognition in English and Mandarin

Test set Ours Human from the WSJ test set collected in real noisy environments
WSJ eval’92 3.10 5.03 and with artificially added noise. Using all 6 channels of
WSJ eval’93 4.42 8.08 the CHiME audio can provide substantial performance im-

LibriSpeech test-clean 5.15 5.83 provements (Yoshioka et al., 2015). We use a single chan-
LibriSpeech test-other 12.73 12.69 nel for all our models, since access to multi-channel audio
is not yet pervasive. The gap between our system and hu-
VoxForge American-Canadian 7.94 4.85 man level performance is larger when the data comes from

VoxForge Commonwealth 14.85 8.15 a real noisy environment instead of synthetically adding
VoxForge European 18.44 12.76 noise to clean speech.
VoxForge Indian 22.89 22.15
CHiME eval real 21.59 11.84 6.2. Mandarin

CHiME eval sim 42.55 31.33

In Table 5 we compare several architectures trained on
Table 4: Comparison of WER for our speech system and Mandarin Chinese speech on a development set of 2000
crowd-sourced human level performance. utterances as well as a test set of 1882 examples of noisy
speech. This development set was also used to tune the de-
coding parameters. We see that the deepest model with 2D
convolution and BatchNorm outperforms the shallow RNN
every audio clip, on average about 5 seconds long each.
by 48% relative.
We then take the better of the two transcriptions for the
final WER calculation. Most workers are based in the
Architecture Dev Test
United States, are allowed to listen to the audio clip mul-
tiple times and on average spend 27 seconds per transcrip- 5-layer, 1 RNN 7.13 15.41
tion. The hand-transcribed results are compared to the ex- 5-layer, 3 RNN 6.49 11.85
isting ground truth to produce a WER estimate. While the 5-layer, 3 RNN + BatchNorm 6.22 9.39
existing ground truth transcriptions do have some label er- 9-layer, 7 RNN + BatchNorm
ror, on most sets it is less than 1%. + frequency Convolution 5.81 7.93

6.1.1. B ENCHMARK RESULTS Table 5: Comparison of the different RNN architectures.

The development and test sets are internal corpora. Each
Read speech with high signal-to-noise ratio is arguably the model in the table has about 80 million parameters.
easiest task in large vocabulary continuous speech recog-
nition. We benchmark our system on two test sets from
the Wall Street Journal (WSJ) corpus of read news arti- Test Human RNN
cles and the LibriSpeech corpus constructed from audio 100 utterances / committee 4.0 3.7
books (Panayotov et al., 2015). Table 4 shows that our sys- 250 utterances / individual 9.7 5.7
tem outperforms crowd-sourced human workers on 3 out
of 4 test sets. Table 6: We benchmark the best Mandarin system against
humans on two randomly selected test sets. The first set has
We also tested our system for robustness to common ac- 100 examples and is labelled by a committee of 5 Chinese
cents using the VoxForge ( speakers. The second has 250 examples and is labelled by
dataset. The set contains speech read by speakers with a single human transcriber.
many different accents. We group these accents into four
categories: American-Canadian, Indian, Commonwealth5 Table 6 shows that our best Mandarin Chinese speech sys-
and European6 . We construct a test set from the VoxForge tem transcribes short voice-query like utterances better than
data with 1024 examples from each accent group for a total a typical Mandarin Chinese speaker and a committee of 5
of 4096 examples. Human level performance is still no- Chinese speakers working together.
tably better than that of our system for all but the Indian
7. Deployment
Finally, we tested our performance on noisy speech us-
ing the test sets from the recently completed third CHiME Bidirectional models are not well-designed for real time
challenge (Barker et al., 2015). This dataset has utterances transcription: since the RNN has several bidirectional lay-
ers, transcribing an utterance requires the entire utterance
“Commonwealth” includes British, Irish, South African, to be presented to the RNN; and since we use a wide beam
Australian and New Zealand accents. search for decoding, beam search can be expensive.
“European” includes countries in Europe without English as
a first language. To increase deployment scalability, while still providing
Deep Speech 2 : End-to-End Speech Recognition in English and Mandarin

low latency transcription, we built a batching scheduler application-specific data can significantly enhance perfor-
called Batch Dispatch that assembles streams of data from mance for the application. Similarly, application-specific
user requests into batches before performing RNN forward language models are important for achieving top accuracy
propagation on these batches. With this scheduler, we can and we leverage strong existing n-gram models with our
trade increased batch size, and consequently improved ef- Deep Speech system. Finally, we note that since our sys-
ficiency, with increased latency. tem is trained from a wide range of labeled training data
to output characters directly, there are idiosyncratic con-
We use an eager batching scheme that processes each batch
ventions for transcriptions in each application that must be
as soon as the previous batch is completed, regardless of
handled in post-processing (such as the formatting of dig-
how much work is ready by that point. This scheduling
its). Thus, while our model has removed many complexi-
algorithm balances efficiency and latency, achieving rel-
ties, more flexibility and application-awareness for end-to-
atively small dynamic batch sizes up to 10 samples per
end deep learning methods are open areas for further re-
batch, with median batch size proportional to server load.
Load Median 98%ile
8. Conclusion
10 streams 44 70
20 streams 48 86 End-to-end deep learning presents the exciting opportunity
30 streams 67 114 to improve speech recognition systems continually with in-
creases in data and computation. Since the approach is
Table 7: Latency distribution (ms) versus load highly generic, we have shown that it can quickly be ap-
plied to new languages. Creating high-performing recog-
nizers for two very different languages, English and Man-
We see in Table 7 that our system achieves a median la-
darin, required essentially no expert knowledge of the lan-
tency of 44 ms, and a 98th percentile latency of 70 ms
guages. Finally, we have also shown that this approach
when loaded with 10 concurrent streams. This server uses
can be efficiently deployed by batching user requests to-
one NVIDIA Quadro K1200 GPU for RNN evaluation. As
gether on a GPU server, paving the way to deliver end-to-
designed, Batch Dispatch shifts work to larger batches as
end Deep Learning technologies to users.
server load grows, keeping latency low.
To achieve these results, we have explored various net-
Our deployment system evaluates RNNs in half-precision
work architectures, finding several effective techniques:
arithmetic, which has no measurable accuracy impact, but
enhancements to numerical optimization through Sorta-
significantly improves efficiency. We wrote our own 16-bit
Grad and Batch Normalization, and lookahead convolution
matrix-matrix multiply routines for this task, substantially
for unidirectional models. This exploration was powered
improving throughput for our relatively small batches.
by a well optimized, high performance computing inspired
Performing the beam search involves repeated lookups in training system that allows us to train full-scale models on
the n-gram language model, most of which translate to un- our large datasets in just a few days.
cached reads from memory. To reduce the cost of these
Overall, we believe our results confirm and exemplify
lookups, we employ a heuristic: only consider the fewest
the value of end-to-end deep learning methods for speech
number of characters whose cumulative probability is at
recognition in several settings. We believe these techniques
least p. In practice, we find that p = 0.99 works well,
will continue to scale.
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