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Introduction :-
Adidas was formed by German sports apparel by the founder Adi Dassier during the 1920s. For
over 80 years, Adidas has been part of the world of sports on every level, delivering state of the
art sports footwear, apparel, and accessories. Today, Adidas is a global leader not only in the
shoe industry, but also in the sporting industry. Shoe from Adidas are available in virtually every
country of the world. Besides sports footwear, the company also produces other products such
as bags, shirts, watches, eyewear and other sports and clothing – related goods. The company is
the largest sports wear manufacturer in Europe and the second biggest sportswear
manufacturer in the world, after its American rival Nike.
Adidas was founded in 1949 and named after its founder “Adi” from Addi and “Das” from
Dassler . Nowadays, Adidas is one of the largest sportswear brand in the world and it is
well known for its three stripes logo. The company offers variety of products which
include footwear, clothing, and accessories . Sportswear industry has grown significantly
and become a fashion trend among Young people.

Objective of the Study:-

I choose Adidas as my target company because Adidas is one of the leader in sports wear
industry and I would like to know the consumers view of this brand today and how has
purchasing behavior changed for past years. The primary objective of our research on
Adidas is to explore young consumer’s opinions, attitudes and beliefs towards Adidas
and how brand loyalty is created within this community.
a) Evaluate people’s current attitudes towards Adidas endorsement ( athlete or
b) Define Adidas’s biggest target market and which target group is increasing or
Declining ?
c) Identify whether celebrities can fit in with the Adidas’s brand image and can
Influence people in terms of fashion and trends.

Scope of the study :-

This project takes a look in various kinds of merchandising activities. Market share
different sports Industry. There are many global players in sportswear industry but
Adidas dominate the sportswear industry in India. India is one of the few battle
ground in the world where there is neck to competition between companies. The
Companies claim to be in number one sport coating the data produced by two
different marketing research companies. Advertisement plays a crucial role in the
brand selection, so how much it is impactful in giving the message and attracting
the customer to shift and stick their brand.

Limitation of the study:-

While surveying I encounter with some problems like:
 In some of the retail showrooms it is not allowed to get the questionnaire filled. .
Many of the respondents were not willing to fill the question.
 Another problem which I face people were hesitating to give information about the
reviews freely.
 Another limitation was that the data was only collected from friends, classmate,
Thus, the results cannot be generalized. Using students as primary samples might
create restraints on external validity and the representativeness of the data limited.
Low response rate is also another limitation of research project.
 The study used online survey to collect, it’s possible that people tend to receive
a large amount of messages on a daily basis and it’s easy to people to delete
survey request .
Thus it created difficulties in interpreting the findings. To achieve better results for
future Studies, a larger scale of sample size should be selected. Furthermore, using a
focused group.
 Might help the researcher to gain more specific insights into consumer’s
opinions, attitude and beliefs.
Definition of Research :-
1.) “A systematic research for knowledge “
2.) “ Movement from known to unknown “
3.) Research in common refers to search knowledge . One can also define
as a scientific and systematic research for pertinent information on specific
Research Objective :-
The purpose of research is to discover answer to question through the application of
questionnaire procedure . The main aim of research is to find out the truth of
consumer’s Preference through different question of research . Though each question
study has its own Specific purpose, I think this research objective as filling into a
number of following broad groupings :
1.) To gain familiarity with a phenomenon or to achieve new insight into it ( studies
with this object in view are termed as exploratory or formulate research studies)
2.) To portray accurately the characteristics of a particular individual, situation or a
group ( studies with this object in view are known as descriptive research
3.) To determine the frequency with which something occurs or with which it is
associated with something else ( studies with this object in view are known as
diagnosis research studies.)

4 .) To test a hypothesis of a causal relationship between variables ( such studies

are Known as hypothesis - testing research studies )

Research Methodology :-
 The research design adopted for the study is descriptive in nature . To collect
the required Primary data, a well structured questionnaire has been personally
administered and collected from the people through social media platforms . For
measuring the basic information about the brand (Adidas ) multiple choice
questions have been asked in the questionnaire , and for measuring the consumer
attitude various direct question has been asked to respondent.

 There are the five types of questions included in the questionnaire. The first
one is Simple - dichotomy question which requires the respondent to choose one
of two alternatives. The second one is determinant - choice question which
requires the respondent to choose One response from among multiple
alternatives. The third one is frequency- determination Question which ask for
an answer about general frequency of occurrence ( Business research Method) .
The fourth is checklist question that allows the respondent to provide
multiple answers to a single question by checking off items. The last type
is a contingency question, in which the question need to be answered only
when the respondent Provides a particular response to a question prior to
 This questionnaire is designed to ensure relevancy and accuracy,
accompanied by status bar and interesting layout to keep respondents
engaged. A copy of the survey questionnaire is included in the appendix. This
particular design suited well to the study because it provide information
regarding activities that will help ADIDAS to increase their consumer brand
loyalty . The online survey also provide convenience for our respondents, since
they were able to access the survey in anywhere and anytime. In addition,
gathering information via survey is quick, inexpensive, efficient and accurate.

Sample Design :-
The population targeted for my study are young people . In my sample units my
friends classmates, seniors, relatives in the age group between 0-35 years old.
They were selected by random sampling which means every individuals within those
constraints has equal and independent chance of being selected. 53 respondents
were sampled and 34 respondents were completed the survey .In other words,
the response rate for this survey is 91 percent . The detailed statistics to Support
this result is supplemented in the appendix. Sample size is correlated to random
. sampling error . A smaller sample makes a larger error in estimates

Data Collection and Field Work :-

This being a descriptive research, a close - ended questionnaire was prepared using
online tools . The sample was intended to capture demographic heterogeneity . The
survey was sent out online on social networking sites, blackboard and emails, gathering
a quick and complete responses, which made it easier to analyze the data.

Discussion :-
 The report outline the findings of identifying and gain insight into the
marketing strategy that Adidas group is lacking in the India. To figure out the
reasons and method of improvement, online questionnaire and interviews have
been taken from group to the public. Hypothesis, Adidas does not meet the
stylish and fair price requirement from generation and competitive market
among other brands. There are 33 responses including 84 percent male and 16
percent female, mostly are from 18-25 and single. The research can be
regarded as a descriptive glimpses of the young consumer’s attitudes and
beliefs towards Adidas in the Indian market and how brand loyalty is created
within this community. According to the data analyzed, it can be safely
assumed that the said consumer’s attitude doesn’t put Adidas as
frontrunner in the marker.

Analysis :-
The data so collected was tabulated individually and the percentages represented
in Pie charts that answered the questions pertaining to the respondent’s buying
behavior towards sports goods in way of price, buying frequency, influencing factors
preference Adidas standing against it’s competitors, the mode of promotion etc.
The responses to above were also compared against the demographics, to get a
better understanding of consumer’s brand loyalty on the basis of gender, age,
income and education.

Literature Review :-
 During the 1960s, Adidas was the world's driving games footwear producer. Situated in
Bavaria and with a history extending to the 1920s, the organization overwhelmed world
class sports through forceful advancement and inventive shoes that took into account
competitors' needs. The 'Whiz' is one of the organization's best models, still underway
more than a long time since its dispatch in the late 1960s. Intended to wrest control of
the ball showcase from American elastic organizations, in the two decades that tailed it
created social implications a long ways past those conceived by Adidas, turning out to
be related with hip jump, an adolescent music and subculture conceived in 1970s New
York. Contending that plan is molded by use and utilization is associated to rehearse,
this article looks at the procedures by which the 'Genius' appeared, setting it into a
more extensive setting of changes inside ball, corporate desire, and worldwide
exchange. Following the activities and impact of youthful buyers in New York, it likewise
thinks about how better approaches for speculation regarding the shoe emerged,
spread, and were in the end commoditize by Adidas. It contends that an item's
importance can never be fixed, that makers and buyers are occupied with a steady
discourse over how things are utilized and seen.

 This proposition talks about how Adidas separate their correspondence to arrive at
ladies and make the Adidas brand all the more engaging females. The Adidas brand has
consistently had their principle center around sportswear for men. This has prompted
the brand being seen as manly and it makes it difficult for the female buyer to relate to
Adidas. We have examined six Adidas adverts from the most recent five years to
perceive what Adidas have conveyed to ladies. The fundamental reason for this theory is
to comprehend why Adidas have not prevailing with regards to speaking with ladies
over the most recent five years.

 . The hypothetical section is separated into three sections; Brands, Communication and
Consumer Behavior. The initial segment depicts what a brand is, the means by which it
is constructed and proceeds with how a brand can be gendered. A brand isn't probably
going to keep a solid position if the qualities associated with the brand are not
strengthened through correspondence. While shaping a correspondence system,
organizations need to see how purchasers carry on. When selling a gendered item,
organizations need to comprehend the differentiation among people and how they vary
in utilization.



Particulars No. of respondents

Below 18 2
18 to 30 30
30 to 60 2
Above 60 0

 Interpretation

From the above data we came to know that more than 85% of the people whose age group 18

to 30 use the product.

 Interpretation
from above data we can see that more than 85.3% of male use the Adidas product and rest is
used by females.

3.What kind of footwear do you buy?

Particulars No. of respondents

Sports shoes 5
Formal shoes 4
Informal shoes 4
Slippers 4
All of the above 17

 Interpretation
From the above data we came to know that 50% of the people use all kind of Adidas shoes.
26.9% of the people use sports shoes and 7.7 % of the people use the formal , in formal ,
 Interpretation
This survey was conducted through online mode most of the respondent are students due to
this the % of student in the graph is high but it is also conducted relatives , known people so
rest of the % of people occupation is given in the graph.
 Interpretation
From the above data we came to know that 94.1% people purchases Adidas product rest
purchase other product.
 Interpretation

From the above scale we came to know that 82.4% people use shoes,23.5% people use cloth
wear ,5.9% people use only bag and accessories, sports are used by 8.8% people.
 Interpretation

From the above pie chart we came to know that 44.1 % people agree from this product 29.9%
people strongly agree to the product , 26.5 % people are neutral.
 Interpretation

From the above pie chart we came to know that 38.2 % people come to know about product
through advertisement ,32.4% people aware through word of mouth, 26.5% people through
self rest through the retail stores.
 Interpretation
From the above pie chart we came to know that 70.6% people are brand conscious and 29.4%
people are not conscious of brand.
 Interpretation

From the above pie chart we came to know that 44.1 % people are may get affected their
purchase decision 29.4 % people have no matters who is brand ambassador of this product they
will use the product but 26.5 people affected their purchase decision through brand
 Interpretation

From the above scale we came to know that 4/5 is given by 35.3%of the people purchase from
Adidas showroom ,32.4% people from outlets, 35.3% from online retail and rest from retail
 Interpretation

From the above pi chart we came to know 61.8% people are highly select this product only
because of quality of the product 35.3 people use because this brand feels comfortable and rest
people use this because of reasonable price.
 Interpretation
From the above pie chart we came to know that 47.1 people use this brand because of quality
of this brand from its competitors, 20.6% people use because of performance with respect to
competitors, 8.8 people use this brand because of innovation, 14.7 people use because of
market strategy in term of competitors, 5.9 people use because of stability of those brand.
 Interpretation
From above data we came to know that 79.4% people refer Indian brand over international
brand, 20.6 people prefer international brand over Indian brand.

 Interpretation

From the above pie chart we came to know 73.5% people are satisfied with their product and
26.5% people are highly satisfied.
 Interp
From the
above pie
chart we
came to know
that 32.4%
people think
that Adidas
need to make
in their
of location,
17.6 people
think that
staff manner
must be
11.8% people
think that
customer hot
line service
should need to be improve, 26.5% people demand for improvement in after sake services, 11.8
people are totally satisfied they said that there is no need of improvement.
 Majority of male respondent are using Adidas
 Most of the student's respondents are like to wear Adidas shoes, and etc products of
 Maximum respondents like to wear sports shoes, & minimum respondent are like
formal shoes, casual.
 Majority of respondents are aware of Adidas shoes and product by advertisement,
maximum of the respondent by friend and minimum by other and exclusive.
 Most of the respondent are like to purchase ,Adidas from departmental.
 Majority of customer get affected by advertisement and minimum are not affected.
 Majority o respondent like Adidas shoes, maximum like cloths to wear, minimum like
Adidas begs and wallet.

From the study we conclude that people use and shop for Adidas products online more often
and they are satisfied with the money spent and the product purchased . discount and offers
play an important role in the customer and it is source of attraction for the customer. there are
many footwear brand but people are still a regular customer of Adidas because of its quality of
product, brand profile and seasonal discount and offer etc. and at last people are satisfied with
the product.

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