Vocabulary Booster July 2019

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The Hindu Editorial Vocabulary Booster July 2019 Free vocabulary e-book

Reading “The Hindu” has always been recommended by the Government Exam Toppers, as it
offers an aspirant not only the daily news but also with views and perspective on daily current
affairs. It also offers its readers a means to enhance their vocabulary on a day to day basis. As
we all know that English Language plays a prominent role in competitive Exams whether be
it IBPS PO, SBI PO, RBI Grade B, SSC CGL, NABARD and many more Banking, Insurance &
other Government Exams. Many of these exams also have a Descriptive section which again
requires a good vocabulary to score high in it. Also, descriptive section can help aspirants
increase their overall marks in the Exam and thereby increasing their chances of getting
selected. Therefore, to help aspirants enhance their vocabulary we have come up with this
monthly vocabulary eBook “Vocabulary Booster July 2019” comprising of difficult words,
their meanings, synonyms, antonyms and correct usage. We hope that you will like it and
benefit from it as well.
Sample Questions:
Q. What is the antonym of “Accede to”?
1. Refuse
2. Accept
3. Consent
4. Grant
Answer: (1)
Q. What is the one word for “Prod someone gently with one’s elbow in order to attract
1. Apportion
2. Nudge
3. Wane
4. Stall
Answer: (2)
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with mock tests from Oliveboard. Also, refer to informative articles on Exam
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The Hindu Editorial Vocabulary Booster July 2019 Free vocabulary e-book

The Hindu Editorial Vocabulary Booster July 2019

Sr. No. Words Meanings & Synonyms Antonyms Usage
1. Abduction The action of forcibly taking Give up, Goons organized
someone away against their Release, the abduction of Mr Cordes on
will; Redeem, his way to the airport.
Kidnap, carry off, Seize, Rescue, let go,
Capture Return
2. Abjure To say formally or publicly that Adhere to After Spain passed a law
you no longer agree with a banning parties that
belief or way of behaving; supported terrorism, some of
To reject solemnly; the group’s leaders created a
Abnegate, Forswear, Recant, new party, EH Bildu,
Renege, Renounce, Repeal, which abjured violence.
3. Absenteeism The practice of regularly Presence, Students with
staying away from work or Attendance chronic absenteeism can pull
school without good reason; down the school’s
Absence, Defection performance.
4. Abstain Restrain oneself from doing or Indulge, He took a vow to abstain from
enjoying something; Undertake alcohol and smoking.
Abjure, Forbear, Forgo, Keep
from, Refrain
5. Accede Agree to a demand, request, Refuse, Deny The factory authorities did
or treaty; not accede to the strikers’
Consent to, Accept demands.

6. Accountability The fact or condition of being Unaccountable Lack of accountability has

accountable; Responsibility, , Unreliable corroded public respect for
Liability, Answerability business and political leaders
in our country.
7. Aggressive Ready or likely to attack or Meek, The mood of the crowd
confront; characterized by or Friendly, suddenly turned aggressive.
resulting from aggression; Peaceful;
Hostile, Belligerent, Bellicose; Submissive,
Behaving or done in a Diffident
determined and forceful way;
Assertive, Forceful,
Competitive, Insistent,
8. Allegation A claim or assertion that Several of her patients have
someone has done something made allegations of
illegal or wrong, typically one professional misconduct
made without proof; against her.
Claim, Assertion, Declaration,
Statement, Proclamation,
The Hindu Editorial Vocabulary Booster July 2019 Free vocabulary e-book

9. Amass Gather together or accumulate Dissipate She has amassed a huge

a large amount or number of fortune from her novels.
material or things over a
period of time;
Collect, Assemble
10. Ambition A strong desire to do or Indifference, His only ambition in his life is
achieve something; Purposelessne to become a doctor that is
Aspiration, Intention, Goal, ss, why he has taken up the study
Aim, Objective Aimlessness, of Biology.
11. Amendment A minor change or addition Unchanged, Presidential power was
designed to improve a text, Unedited reduced by a
piece of legislation, etc; constitutional amendment in
Adjustment, Alteration, 1991.
Change, Modification,
12. Amicable Characterized by friendliness Unfriendly, Eventually we reached to
and absence of discord; Hostile an amicable settlement.
Friendly, Good-natured,
Cordial, Civil, Courteous
13. Amoral Lacking a moral sense; Moral, Humans, he argues,
Unconcerned with the Principled are amoral and what guides
rightness or wrongness of them is not any sense of
something; morality but an instinct for
Unprincipled, Without survival.
standards, Without morals
14. Annul Declare invalid an official Restore, Enact The elections were annulled
agreement, decision, or result; by the general amid renewed
Nullify, Invalidate, Void protests.
15. Apportion Divide up and share out; Begrudge, The investigation into the air
Allocate, Distribute, Allot, Deny, Deprive crash would
Assign, Dispense inevitably apportion blame to
certain members of the crew.
16. Apprehension Anxiety or fear that something Excitement, There is some apprehension in
bad or unpleasant will happen; Hope, the office about who the new
Anxiety, Angst, Alarm, Worry, Confidence, director will be.
Uneasiness, Nervousness Optimism

17. Arbitrate Reach an authoritative Avoid, hold An outside adviser has been
judgement or settlement; aloof, hold off, brought in to arbitrate the
Adjudicate, Judge, Adjudge, Keep aloof dispute between the
Referee, Umpire management and the union.
18. Astound Shock or greatly surprise; Casual, Jaded, Considering how badly they’re
Amaze, Astonish, Stagger, Unsurprised, paid and what little support
Surprise, Startle Dispassionate they get, the dedication of
these teachers astounds me.
The Hindu Editorial Vocabulary Booster July 2019 Free vocabulary e-book

19. Atrocity An extremely wicked or cruel Good The leader is on trial for
act, typically one involving behaviour, committing atrocities against
physical violence or injury; Kindness, the civilian population.
Cruelty, Abomination, Pleasantness
Enormity, Outrage, Horror,
20. Austerity Sternness or severity of Extravagance, The wartime austerity of my
manner or attitude; Indulgence, early years prepared me for
Asceticism, Non-indulgence Luxuriousness later hardships.
21. Autonomy The right or condition of self- Dependence The universities want to
government preserve their autonomy from
central government.
22. Bar Prevent or prohibit someone Admit, Accept A lack of formal education is
from doing something or from no bar to becoming rich.
going somewhere;
Debar, Preclude, Forbid, Ban,
Interdict, Inhibit
23. Beleaguered Put in a very difficult situation; Emancipate, The arrival of the fresh
Hard-pressed, Troubled Free, Liberate, medical supplies was a
Release, welcome sight for
Rescue the beleaguered doctors
working in the refugee camp.
24. Bereft Deprived of or lacking Filled, Flush, Alone now and almost
something Fraught, Full, penniless, he was bereft of
Replete, Rife hope.
25. Besmirch Damage someone’s Honour, He had besmirched the good
reputation; Enhance name of his family.
Sully, Tarnish, Blacken, Stain,
Taint, Smear, Befoul
26. Bilateral Having or relating to two sides; Unilateral, France and Germany have
Affecting both sides; one-sided, signed a bilateral agreement
Involving two parties, Asymmetric, to help prevent drug
especially countries Nonreciprocal smuggling.
27. Bleak If a place is bleak, it is empty, Bright, The World economic outlook
and not welcoming or Cheerful, is bleak.
attractive; Comforting,
If a situation is bleak, there is
little or no hope for the future
28. Blue-Sky Thinking that is not grounded Believable, Everyone said Einstein was a
thinking or in touch with the realities of Practical, fool when he was growing up,
the present; Realistic, but his blue-sky thinking led
Open minded thinking Pragmatic to some of the greatest
scientific advances of his time.
29. Botched Of a task carried out badly or Accomplish, Our landlord redecorated the
carelessly; Did well house, but it was such
Wreck a botched job that we decided
to redo it.
The Hindu Editorial Vocabulary Booster July 2019 Free vocabulary e-book

30. Brazen Bold and without shame; Ashamed, He went about his illegal
Shameless Shamefaced business with a brazen
31. Breach An act of breaking or failing to Respecting, The judge ruled that the
observe a law, agreement, or Upholding doctor’s actions were
code of conduct; in breach of her contractual
Contravention, Violation, duty.
Breaking, Non-observance,
32. Breakthrough A sudden, dramatic, and Setback Scientists are hoping for
important discovery or a breakthrough in the search
development; for a cure for cancer.
Advance, Development, Step
forward, Leap forward
33. Bribery The crime of giving someone Honesty, The Officer was indicted in
money or something else of Truthfulness a bribery scandal over subway
value, often illegally, to supply contracts.
persuade that person to do
something you want;
Kickback, Payoff
34. Brinkmanship The activity, especially in The talks have collapsed and
politics, of trying to get what both sides have resorted
you want by saying that if you to brinkmanship.
do not get it, you will do
something that could be
harmful or dangerous;
Manoeuvring, Politicking
35. Budge Make or cause to make the Resist, Freeze, I’ve tried moving the desk, but
slightest movement; Still I can’t budge it.
Move, Shift, change position,
36. Carnivore An animal that feeds on other Herbivore, Some of these
animals; Vegan, giant carnivores from the Ice
Predator Vegetarian Age were able to hunt
37. Castigate Reprimand someone severely; Approve, Health
Rebuke, Admonish, Chastise, Endorse, inspectors castigated the
Chide, Upbraid, Reprove, Sanction kitchen staff for poor
Reproach, Scold Extol, Laud, standards of cleanliness.

38. Catalyse To make something start Impede, Limit, Will this budget be enough
happening or start being Restrict to catalyse the country’s
successful moribund manufacturing
The Hindu Editorial Vocabulary Booster July 2019 Free vocabulary e-book

39. Ceasefire A temporary suspension of Conflict, Neither party ever broke

fighting; Hostilities, Hot the ceasefire.
A truce; war, War
Armistice, Truce, Peace
40. Cede Give up power or territory; Keep, Gain Only a short campaign took
Surrender, Concede, place in Puerto Rico, but after
Relinquish, Yield the war Spain ceded the island
to America.
41. Charismatic Exercising a compelling charm Repellent, He was a charismatic figure
which inspires devotion in Repugnant, with great appeal to the
others; Repulsive, public.
Charming, Fascinating, Full of Revolting,
personality, Strong in Unalluring
42. Chauvinistic Feeling or displaying Internationalis It is a deeply chauvinist
aggressive or exaggerated t, community where the few
patriotism; Neutralist women who have jobs are
Undue partiality or attachment ridiculed.
to a group or place to which
one belongs or has belonged;
Believing that or behaving as if
women are naturally less
important, intelligent, or able
than men
43. Combat To try to stop something Agreement, The government is spending
unpleasant or harmful from Accord, Truce, millions of dollars in its
happening or increasing; Concord attempt to combat drug
Combat is also a fight between abuse.
two people or things
44. Concede Admit or agree that something Deny, Retain I had to concede that I’d
is true after first denying or overreacted.
resisting it;
Admit, Acknowledge, Accept,
Allow, Grant, Recognize
45. Concur Be of the same opinion; Disagree The board concurred that the
Agree editor should have full control
over editorial matters.
46. Condemnable Bringing or deserving severe Guilt-free, Adultery is as condemnable
rebuke or censure; Inoffensive for a husband as for a wife.
Deplorable, Reprehensible,
47. Confer Grant a title, degree, benefit, Withhold, The Government is exceeding
or right; Remove the powers conferred on him
Bestow on, Present with/to, by Parliament.
Grant, Award to
The Hindu Editorial Vocabulary Booster July 2019 Free vocabulary e-book

48. Confiscate Take or seize someone’s Return The courts can confiscate
property with authority; assets from people who have
Impound, Seize, Appropriate, committed offences.
Expropriate, take possession
of, Sequester, take away, take
over, Take, Annex
49. Confrontation Tending to deal with situations Non- He distanced himself from
al in an aggressive way; aggressive, the confrontational approach
Hostile or argumentative Non- adopted by his predecessor.
50. Consensus A general agreement; Disagreement, We managed to get
Agreement, Harmony, Minority view a consensus about not
Concord, Like-mindedness smoking in the office.
51. Consequence A result or effect, typically one Antecedent, The slightest error in the
that is unwelcome or Causation, launch can have
unpleasant; Cause, serious consequences.
Result, Outcome Occasion,
52. Constructive Having or intended to have a Destructive, The diplomatic talks between
useful or beneficial purpose; Negative the foreign secretaries of the
Positive, Useful, of use, two countries will be fruitful
Helpful, Encouraging and constructive.
53. Contempt The feeling that a person or a He rewarded their kindness
thing is worthless or beneath Respect with hostility and contempt.
Scorn, Disdain, Disrespect,
Deprecation, Disparagement
54. Contention Heated disagreement; Agreement The POK territory is still the
Disagreement, Dispute, main area
Disputation, Argument, of contention between the
Variance two countries.
55. Conundrum A confusing and difficult Proposition, Arranging childcare over the
problem or question; Solution, school holidays can be a
Problem, Difficult question, Explanation, real conundrum for working
Vexed question, Difficulty, Answer. parents.
Quandary, Dilemma
56. Credibility The quality of being trusted Implausibility, His arrest for lewd behaviour
and believed in; Incredibility seriously damaged
Trustworthiness, Reliability, his credibility as a religious
Dependability, Integrity, leader.
57. Cripple To make something much less Doctor, Fix, Higher taxes could cripple
effective; Mend, Patch, small businesses.
The Hindu Editorial Vocabulary Booster July 2019 Free vocabulary e-book

Damage, Weaken, Enfeeble, Recondition,

Debilitate, Undermine Reconstruct,
58. Crisis A time of intense difficulty or Calm, Good The oldest political party’s
danger; Fortune leadership is in crisis.
Catastrophe, Calamity,
Cataclysm, Emergency
59. Crucial Decisive or critical, especially Minor, Her work has been crucial to
in the success or failure of Unimportant the project’s success.
Pivotal, Critical, Key,
Climacteric, Decisive, Deciding,
60. Cryptic Having a meaning that is Straightforwar He finds his boss’s utterances
mysterious or obscure; d, Clear too cryptic.
Enigmatic, Mysterious, Hard to
understand, Confusing,
Mystifying, Perplexing,
61. Culminate Reach a climax or point of Start, Begin My arguments with the boss
highest development; got worse and worse, and
Come to a climax, come to a finally culminated in my
crescendo, come to a head, resignation.
Reach a finale, Peak, Climax
62. Defection The desertion of one’s country Faithfulness, Recent changes in policy have
or cause in favour of an Loyalty resulted in large-
opposing one; scale defection from the party.
63. Defiant Full of or showing a disposition Amenable, The protesters blocking the
to challenge, resist, or fight, Biddable, entrance to the offices
Full of or showing defiance; Compliant, remained defiant this
Bold, Impudent Conformable, morning.
64. Defraud Illegally obtain money from Be honest The film is based on the
someone by deception; memoirs of a stockbroker
Swindle, Cheat, Rob, Deceive, who defrauded investors out
Dupe, Hoodwink, Double- of millions of dollars in the
cross, Fool, Trick 1980s.
65. Deluge A severe flood; Dribble, Drip, Many homes were swept
Flash flood, Torrent; Trickle away by the deluge in Odisha.
A great quantity of something
arriving at the same time
The Hindu Editorial Vocabulary Booster July 2019 Free vocabulary e-book

66. Demeanour Outward behaviour or bearing; Impropriety There was nothing in

Manner, Air, Attitude, his demeanour that suggested
Appearance he was anxious.
67. Deplete Use up the supply or resources Augment, If we continue to deplete the
of; Increase earth’s natural resources, we
Exhaust, use up, Consume, will cause serious damage to
Expend, Spend, Drain the environment.
68. Deport Expel a foreigner from a Allow, Keep, The Government has decided
country, typically on the Permit that the refugees
grounds of illegal status or for were deported back to their
having committed a crime; country of origin.
Expel, Banish, Exile, Transport
69. Detention The act of officially detaining Discharge, Concern has been expressed
someone Release about the death in detention
of a number of political
70. Detract Diminish the worth or value of Enhance More than likely, the poor
a quality or achievement; traffic will detract from the
Belittle, take away from, enjoyment of our road trip.
Diminish, Reduce, Lessen
71. Diplomatic Of or concerning diplomacy; Gauche, It’s a new country, hoping
Ambassadorial, Consular, Impolitic, for diplomatic recognition
Foreign-policy, Political Tactless, from the international
Undiplomatic, community.
72. Disadvantage An unfavourable circumstance Advantage, One disadvantage of living in
or condition that reduces the Benefit the town is the lack of safe
chances of success or places for children to play.
Downside, stumbling block,
Catch, Pitfall
73. Discreet Having or showing good Imprudent, They are very good assistants,
judgment and restraint Indiscreet, very discreet – they wouldn’t
especially in conduct or Injudicious talk to the press.
Intelligent, Judicious, Prudent
74. Discriminate Recognize a distinction; Impartiality It is unethical
Differentiate to discriminate against people
because of their culture or
75. Disenchantme A feeling of disappointment Enchantment, The members of the party
nt about someone or something Encouraged showed their
you previously respected or growing disenchantment with
admired; disillusionment; the leadership.
Dissatisfaction, Discontent
The Hindu Editorial Vocabulary Booster July 2019 Free vocabulary e-book

76. Disequilibrium A loss or lack of equilibrium or Balance, There is a need to shorten the
stability, especially in relation Stability duration and extent
to supply, demand, and prices; of disequilibrium in the
Instability, Unbalance international balance of
77. Disqualificatio To stop someone from being in Allow, Include, Two top athletes have
n a competition or doing Permit been disqualified from the
something because they are championship after positive
unsuitable, or they have done drug tests.
something wrong;
Bar, Exclude
78. Disregard Pay no attention to; Heed, Pay He disregarded his father’s
Ignore attention to advice and left school.
79. Disrupt Interrupt an event, activity, or Organize, The meeting was disrupted by
process by causing a Arrange a group of protesters who
disturbance or problem; shouted and threw fruit at the
Distort, Damage, Buckle, Warp speaker.
80. Dissent The holding or expression of Agree, Assent, Three of the justices dissented
opinions at variance with concur, from the majority opinion.
those commonly or officially Accord,
held; Agreement,
Disagreement, Lack of Concord,
agreement, Difference of concordance
81. Disservice A harmful action; Favour She has done a
Unkindness, bad turn, great disservice to her cause
Disfavour, Mischief by suggesting that violence is
82. Dissident A person who opposes official The China Government
policy, especially that of an Conformist conducted a mass execution of
authoritarian state; the dissidents of the
Dissenter, Objector, Protester, Government policies.
83. Distaste Mild dislike or aversion; Liking His distaste for publicity of any
Disfavour, Disdain sort is well known.
84. Distinct Recognizably different in Alike, The sales chart shows
nature from something else of Identical, a distinct decline in the past
a similar type; Indistinguishab few months.
Clear, Definite, Sharp le
85. Distrust The feeling that someone or Trust Many politicians are
something cannot be relied deeply distrusted by the
upon; electorate.
Mistrust, Suspicion, Wariness
86. Divergence The process or state of Convergence, The divergence between the
diverging; Accord, incomes of the rich and the
Separation, Dividing, Parting Agreement poor countries seems to be
The Hindu Editorial Vocabulary Booster July 2019 Free vocabulary e-book

87. Divisive Tending to cause United The Vietnam war was an

disagreement or hostility extremely divisive issue in the
between people; US
Alienating, Estranging,
Isolating, Schismatic
88. Downgrade Reduce to a lower grade, rank, Advance, My job’s been downgraded to
or level of importance; Elevate, that of ordinary editor.
Demote, Lower, Lower in Promote, Raise
89. Dubious Not to be relied upon; We were always a bit dubious
Suspect, Doubtful, Uncertain, Certain, Definit about the advantages these
Unsure e, changes would actually bring.
Trustworthy, D
ecisive, Clear
90. Elitism Organized for the good of the Egalitarian Many remember sport at
few people who have special school as elitist, focusing only
interests or abilities; on those who were good at it.
Someone who believes that
some things should be
controlled or owned only by
the richest or best educated
91. Emulate Match or surpass a person or Shun, Forego, The new company hopes
achievement, typically by Abandon, to emulate the success of
imitation; Despise, other software companies.
Imitate, Copy, Reproduce, Contemn,
Mimic, Mirror, Echo, Follow Waive
92. Espionage The practice of spying or of Forthrightness, Adams’ wife was told that he
using spies, typically by Honesty faced a 20-year jail term for
governments to obtain industrial espionage.
political and military
Spying, undercover work,
cloak-and-dagger activities,
93. Euphemism A mild or indirect word or Dysphemism, “Senior citizen” is
expression substituted for one Calling a spade a euphemism for “old
considered to be too harsh or a spade person”.
blunt when referring to
something unpleasant or
Polite term, Substitute, Mild
alternative, Indirect term,
94. Evade Escape or avoid someone or Confront, Face An Olympic gold medal is the
something, especially by guile only thing that has evaded her
or trickery; in her remarkable career.
The Hindu Editorial Vocabulary Booster July 2019 Free vocabulary e-book

Elude, Avoid, Dodge, Escape

95. Exception A person or thing that is Norm, I like all kinds of movies with
excluded from a general Ordinary, the exception of horror
statement or does not follow a Usual movies.
Anomaly, Irregularity,
Deviation, Special case,
Departure, Inconsistency
96. Expedient Convenient and practical, Inexpedient, The management has taken a
although possibly improper or Ill-advised series of expedient measures
immoral; to improve the company’s
Convenient, Advantageous financial situation.
97. Facade A deceptive outward Innards, He kept his hostility hidden
appearance; Inside, Interior behind a friendly façade.
Show, Front, Appearance
98. Facetious Treating serious issues with Serious We could spend all our income
deliberately inappropriate on health care,” she
humour; Flippant, Glib, said facetiously.
Frivolous, Tongue-in-cheek,
Waggish, Whimsical, Joking
99. Fallacious Based on a mistaken belief; Logical, It’s fallacious to say that
Erroneous, False, Untrue, Rational, something must exist because
wrong, Incorrect, Faulty, Reasonable, science hasn’t proven its
Flawed Sound, Valid, nonexistence.
100. Falter Lose strength or momentum; Proceed, Run, Nickie’s voice faltered and he
Hesitate, Delay; Speed, Flow stopped speaking.
Stammer, Stutter, Stumble;
Move unsteadily or hesitantly
101. Fiasco A complete failure, especially a Blockbuster, The show was a fiasco – one
ludicrous or humiliating one; Hit, Smash, actor forgot his lines, and
Failure, Disaster, Catastrophe, Success, another fell off the stage.
Debacle, Shambles Winner
102. Flee Run away from a place or Confront, It is likely that the suspects
situation of danger; Dare, abide, have fled the country by now.
Abscond, Break out Clear out, hang around,
Escape, Fly linger, remain,
stay, stick
103. Forfeit Lose or be deprived of Reward, Gain According to the new law,
property or a right or privilege those unable to meet their
as a penalty for wrongdoing; taxes were liable
A fine or penalty for to forfeit their estates.
The Hindu Editorial Vocabulary Booster July 2019 Free vocabulary e-book

104. Forfeiture The loss or giving up of Win, Gain, He was deep in debt and
something as a penalty for Earn facing forfeiture of his
wrongdoing; property.
The loss of rights, property, or
money, especially as a result of
breaking a legal agreement;
Damages, Fine, Forfeit, Mulct,
105. Formidable Inspiring fear or respect Pleasant- She is a formidable figure who
through being impressively looking, commands a great deal of
large, powerful, intense, or Comforting, respect.
capable; Easy, Weak
Intimidating, Forbidding,
Redoubtable, Daunting,
106. Fortified Provide a place with defensive Weaken Property owners have
works as protection against to fortify their oceanfront
attack; homes against weather
Build defences round, damage.
strengthen with defensive
works, Secure, Protect,
107. Fractious Irritable and quarrelsome; Contented, The fractious crowd grew
Grumpy, Grouchy; Affable violent.
Group or organization difficult
to control;
Unruly, Wayward,
Uncontrollable, Unmanageable
108. Fragile Easily broken or damaged; Robust, Sound, He felt irritated and
Easily destroyed or Durable, strangely fragile while
threatened; Strong recovering from a severe bout
Tenuous, Weak, Delicate, Frail, of flu.
109. Fraught Filled with or likely to result in Calm The negotiations have
something undesirable; been fraught with difficulties
Causing or affected by anxiety right from the start.
or stress;
Anxious, Worried, Upset,
Distraught, Overwrought
110. Furore An outbreak of public anger or Quiet, The government’s decision to
excitement; Quietude, raise taxes has caused a
Commotion, Uproar, Outcry, Rest, Stillness, great furore.
Disturbance, Fuss Tranquillity
The Hindu Editorial Vocabulary Booster July 2019 Free vocabulary e-book

111. Gladiatorial Of conflict or competition Non- Some cricketers see the game
intense, ruthless, and hard- aggressive, as an esoteric test of skill,
fought; Non- others as a raw personal
Battling, Fighting, Warring belligerent, battle, a gladiatorial contest
pacific, between batsman and bowler.
112. Glaring Giving out or reflecting a Mild, Obscure, It was a glaring mistake on his
strong or dazzling light; Unnoticeable part to inform the authorities
Dazzling, Blinding, Blazing, on time.
Staring fiercely or fixedly;
Of something bad very obvious
113. Glitch A sudden, usually temporary Strength, We’d expected a few glitches,
malfunction or fault of Perfection but everything’s gone
equipment remarkably smoothly.

114. Grave Seriously Bad, Life threatening Frivolous, His carelessness could
Insignificant, have grave consequences.
Lite, Little,
115. High- Having or showing no regard Humble, It certainly appears that some
handedness for the rights, concerns, or Lowly, of his followers, had given
feelings of others; Modest, good cause for offence
Arrogant, Assumptive, Unarrogant, by highhanded and selfish
Bumptious, Overbearing Unpretentious acts.
116. Humane Having or showing compassion Inconsiderate Not that I am
or benevolence; less humane than others, but I
Compassionate, Kind, Kindly, did not perceive that my
Kind-hearted, Considerate feelings were much affected.
117. Humanitarian Concerned with or seeking to Selfish, Self- The United Nations is
promote human welfare; seeker sending humanitarian aid to
Compassionate, Humane the areas worst affected by
the conflict.
118. Imitation The action of using someone Original She can do a
or something as a model; wonderful imitation of a
Emulation, Copying, Following, blackbird’s song.
119. Imminent About to happen; Late, Recent He warned that an enemy
Impending, at hand, Close, missile attack was imminent.
Near, Approaching, Fast
120. Impasse A situation in which no Solution, The dispute had reached
progress is possible, especially Breakthrough an impasse, as neither side
because of disagreement; would compromise.
a deadlock;
The Hindu Editorial Vocabulary Booster July 2019 Free vocabulary e-book

Dead end, Stalemate,

Checkmate, Stand-off
121. Imply Indicate the truth or existence Explicit, Direct Some salesmen use jargon
of something by suggestion to imply superior knowledge.
rather than explicit reference;
Implicit, Indirect, Hinted
122. Incisive Intelligently analytical and Rambling, We have all been the
clear-thinking; Vague beneficiaries of his incisive,
Penetrating, Acute, Sharp, profound, original thinking.
Razor-sharp, Keen
123. Incongruous Not in harmony or keeping Appropriate, It seems incongruous to have
with the surroundings or other Harmonious a woman as the editor of a
aspects of something; men’s magazine.
Out of place, out of keeping,
Inappropriate, Unsuitable,
124. Indefinite Lasting for an unknown or Fixed, Limited It was a wonderful
unstated length of time; opportunity, but it meant
Unknown, Indeterminate, leaving family and friends for
Unspecified, Unlimited an indefinite period, perhaps
125. Indictment A formal charge or accusation Acquittal These rapidly escalating crime
of a serious crime; figures are an indictment of
Charge, Accusation, our society.
Arraignment, Citation,
A thing that serves to illustrate
that a system or situation is
bad and deserves to be
126. Indigenous Originating or occurring Expatriate, So, who are the indigenous
naturally in a particular place; Migrant, people of this land?
Native, Aboriginal, Local Adventitious
127. Inequity Lack of fairness or justice; Justice or Inequities in the healthcare
Unfairness, Injustice, Fairness system needs to be removed.
Unjustness, One-sidedness
128. Inevitable Certain to happen; Avoidable, The accident was
Unavoidable, Inescapable, Uncertain the inevitable consequence of
bound to happen carelessness.
129. Inflexible Unwilling to change or Flexible, Once she had made up her
compromise; Accommodatin mind, she was inflexible.
Stubborn, Obstinate, g
Obdurate, Intractable,
The Hindu Editorial Vocabulary Booster July 2019 Free vocabulary e-book

130. Inherent Existing in something as a Acquired, He believes in the inherent

permanent, essential, or Extrinsic goodness of all human beings.
characteristic attribute;
Intrinsic, Innate, Immanent,
Built-in, Inborn, Ingrained
131. Innocuous Not harmful or offensive; Adverse, Bad, Some mushrooms
Benign, Harmless, Hurtless, Baleful, look innocuous but are in fact
Innocent, Inoffensive Baneful, poisonous.
132. Inopportune Occurring at an inconvenient Difficulties seem to crop up at
or inappropriate time; Opportune, Co the most inopportune times.
Inconvenient, Untimely, Ill- nvenient
timed, badly timed, Mistimed,
133. Insurmountabl Too great to be overcome; Superable, Nothing is insurmountable if
e Insuperable, Unconquerable, Surmountable, one is determined enough.
Invincible, Unassailable Vincible
134. Interlocutor Someone who is involved in a Inquirer, Abraham was able to act as
conversation and who is Interviewer, interpreter
representing someone else Questioner and interlocutor for our
135. Intervention The action or process of Non- Two patients were referred for
intervening; involvement, surgical intervention by the
Involvement, Intercession, Non- physician.
Interceding participation,

136. Intimidation The action of intimidating Encourage, They were intimidated into
someone, or the state of being Inspirit, accepting a pay cut by the
intimidated; Animate, threat of losing their jobs.
Frightening, Menacing, Reassure
Terrifying, Scaring, Alarming
137. Introspect Examine one’s own thoughts What they don’t do
or feelings is introspect much about the
reasons for their plight.
138. Invalidate Make or prove an argument, Enact, lay A few minor factual errors
statement, or theory unsound down, should not invalidate the
or erroneous; Legislate theory.
Disprove, Show/prove to be, Establish,
False, Refute, Explode, Found,
Contradict Institute
The Hindu Editorial Vocabulary Booster July 2019 Free vocabulary e-book

139. Invariably In every case or on every Sometimes, High blood pressure is

occasion; Never almost invariably accompanie
Always, Every time, Each time, d by high blood cholesterol.
On every occasion
140. Irreparable Impossible to rectify or repair; Correctable, The oil spill did irreparable
Irreversible, Irremediable, Corrigible, harm to the bay.
Irrevocable, Irretrievable Fixable,
141. Lacklustre Lacking in vitality, Force, or Inspired, Britain’s number-one tennis
conviction; Brilliant player gave a
Uninspired or uninspiring; disappointingly lacklustre
Dull, Humdrum, Colourless, performance.
142. Leapfrog To improve your position by Retreat, She leapfrogged several older
going past other people Demote, Fall colleagues to get the
quickly or by missing out some back manager’s job.
143. Leeway The amount of freedom to Constraint, Local councils will be given
move or act that is available; Restriction some leeway as to how they
Freedom, Scope, Room to implement the legislation.
144. Lopsided With one side lower or smaller Even, Level, The article presents a
than the other; Balanced somewhat lopsided view of
Asymmetrical, Unsymmetrical, events.
Uneven, unevenly balanced,
145. Machination A plot or scheme; Artlessness, Despite a commitment to a
Schemes, Plotting, Plots, Candor, more open government, the
Intrigues, Conspiracies, Fairness, public is still being kept in the
Designs, Plans Frankness, dark about the
Guilelessness inner machinations of the
146. Machination A plot or scheme; Good plan She complained about
Schemes, Plotting, Intrigues, the machinations political
Conspiracies candidates employed to win.
147. Manifest Clear or obvious to the eye or Hidden, Secret She manifested signs of
mind; depression and I feel she
Obvious, Clear, Plain, needs medical help.
Apparent, Evident, Patent,
Palpable, Distinct
148. Manoeuvre Carefully guide or manipulate Reversing around a corner is
someone or something in one of the manoeuvres you
order to achieve an end; are required to perform in a
Operation, Exercise, Plot, driving test.
Scheme, Plan
The Hindu Editorial Vocabulary Booster July 2019 Free vocabulary e-book

149. Mediation Intervention in a dispute in Avoid, Eschew, Many cases are settled out of
order to resolve it; Arbitration, Shun court through mediation or
Conciliation, Reconciliation, Disregard, other means.
Intervention, Intercession, Ignore,
Interposition Overlook
150. Menace A person or thing that is likely Auspicious Government of Punjab has
to cause harm; introduced a new initiative
A threat or danger; aimed at beating
Peril, Risk, Hazard, Threat the menace of drugs in the
151. Misogynist A person who dislikes, Philogynist, She left the Church because of
despises, or is strongly Feminist its misogynist teachings on
prejudiced against women; women and their position in
Womanhater, Anti-feminist, society.
Male chauvinist, Male
152. Mockery Teasing and contemptuous Applause, App The trial was a mockery – the
language or behaviour roval, judge had already decided the
directed at a particular person Commendatio verdict before it began.
or thing; n,Praise
Ridicule, Derision, Jeering,
Sneering, Contempt
153. Nail-biting Causing great anxiety or Restful, England won the World Cup
tension; Calming, Easy after a nail-biting finale.
Anxious, Edgy, Jittery
154. Nasty Very bad or unpleasant; Nice, She has a nasty habit of
Unpleasant, Disagreeable, Delightful, picking on people in meetings.
Disgusting, Distasteful, Awful Lovely,
155. Nitty-gritty The most important aspects or Big picture Let’s get down to the nitty-
practical details of a subject or gritty of the actual building
situation; costs.
Basics, Essentials, Essence,
Core, Heart, Centre,
Quintessence, Point, Crux
156. Notwithstandi In spite of; According to, If Notwithstanding the
ng Nevertheless, Nonetheless, necessary evidence, the consensus is
Even so, All the same that the jury will not reach a
157. Nudge Prod someone gently with Bang, Bash, If you choose inspiring books
one’s elbow in order to attract Bump, Clash, for your child to read, you may
attention; Collide, Crash have to nudge, but eventually
Poke, Elbow, Dig, Prod; they will take off on their own.
A light touch or push
158. Oblique Not expressed or done in a Direct, Explicit The Governor of RBI has made
direct way; several oblique references to
the current financial situation.
The Hindu Editorial Vocabulary Booster July 2019 Free vocabulary e-book

Indirect, Inexplicit,
Roundabout, Circuitous,
Circumlocutory, Implicit
159. Onerous Of a task or responsibility Easy, Effortless He found his duties of his new
involving a great deal of effort, job increasingly onerous.
trouble, or difficulty;
Burdensome, Heavy,
Inconvenient, Troublesome
160. Onus Something that is one’s duty Exoneration, The onus is on the pharmacist
or responsibility; Guiltlessness, to make sure the medications
Burden, Responsibility, Irresponsibly are properly dispensed.
Liability, Obligation, Duty
161. Palpable Of a feeling or atmosphere so Intangible, Her joy was palpable after she
intense as to seem almost Imperceptible won the race.
Perceptible, Perceivable,
Visible, Noticeable,
162. Pandemic Of a disease prevalent over a Particular, In some parts of the world
whole country or the world; Specific malaria is still pandemic.
Widespread, Prevalent,
Pervasive, Rife, Rampant,
163. Paradigm A typical example or pattern of Gross international happiness
something; is a new concept in economic
A pattern or model; thinking aimed at replacing
Model, Pattern, Example, the western paradigm of
Standard, Prototype, economic productivity and
Archetype well-being.
164. Perpetrators A person who carries out a Abusee, The perpetrators of the
harmful, illegal, or immoral Victim, massacre must be brought to
act; Sufferer, justice as war criminals.
Offender, Delinquent, Target
Criminal, Malefactor
165. Persecute Subject someone to hostility Comfort, The director’s latest film is
and ill-treatment, especially Soothe, Help about the experience of
because of their race or being persecuted for being
political or religious beliefs; gay.
Oppress, Abuse, Victimize, Ill-
treat, Mistreat
166. Persuade Induce someone to do Dissuade, Health boards were
something through reasoning Discourage, finally persuaded of the
or argument; Deter desirability of psychiatric units
Coax, Convince, Get, press in the government hospitals.
someone into, Induce
The Hindu Editorial Vocabulary Booster July 2019 Free vocabulary e-book

167. Perverse Showing a deliberate and Accommodatin She took a perverse pleasure
obstinate desire to behave in a g, Cooperative in hearing that her sister was
way that is unreasonable or getting divorced.
Awkward, Contrary, Difficult,
168. Portentous Of momentous significance; Unthreatening In 1969 people regarded the
Being a grave or serious first landing on the moon as a
matter; truly portentous event.
Baleful, Dire, Direful, Doomy,
Foreboding, Ill, Ill-boding
169. Pragmatic Dealing with things sensibly Impractical, In business, the pragmatic
and realistically in a way that is Unrealistic, approach to problems is often
based on practical rather than Idealistic more successful than an
theoretical considerations; idealistic one.
Practical, Matter of fact,
Realistic, Sensible, Down-to-
earth, Commonsensical
170. Precarious Not securely held or in Advantageous, Many borrowers now find
position; Beneficial, themselves caught in
Dangerously likely to fall or good a precarious financial position.
collapse; Ultra-safe
Uncertain, Insecure, Harmless,
Unreliable, Unsure, Innocent
Unpredictable Innocuous

171. Precept A command or principle Ambiguity, This policy goes against

intended especially as a Disorganisatio common precepts of decency.
general rule of action; n,
Principle, Rule, Tenet, canon, Disorganizatio
Code, Doctrine, Guideline n

172. Prejudice Preconceived opinion that is Objectivity, Laws against racial prejudice
not based on reason or actual Open- must be strictly enforced.
experience; mindedness,
An unfair and unreasonable Unbiasedness
opinion or feeling, especially
when formed without enough
thought or knowledge
Preconceived idea,
Preconception, Preconceived
173. Prelude An action or event serving as Postscript, The changes are seen as
an introduction to something Epilogue a prelude to wide-ranging
more important; reforms.
The Hindu Editorial Vocabulary Booster July 2019 Free vocabulary e-book

Preliminary, Overture,
Opening, Preparation
174. Prima Facie Based on the first impression; Arguable, There is prima facie evidence
Accepted as correct until Contestable, that he was involved in the
proved otherwise Debatable, fraud.
175. Promulgate Promote or make widely Conceal, Hush, The new law was promulgated
known an idea or cause; Silence, on December 19, 2014.
Make known, make public, Suppress,
Publicize, Spread, Withhold
Communicate, Propagate, Recall
176. Proportionate Correct or suitable in size, Asymmetrical, The extra field cultivated
amount, or degree when Distorted, meant a proportionate
considered in relation to irregular, increase in work.
something else; lopsided
177. Proposition A statement or assertion that Acceptance, He wrote to me last week
expresses a judgement or Denial, regarding a
opinion; Disapproval, business proposition he
A suggested scheme or plan of Refusal, thought might interest me.
action, especially in a business Rejection,
context; Repulse
Proposal, Scheme, Plan,
Project, Programme
178. Proroguing Defer, Postpone; Launch, Open The legislative session
To suspend or end a legislative Carry on, was prorogued for the
session Continue, summer
draw out,
179. Protestations An emphatic declaration in Acceptance, Ignoring my protestations,
response to doubt or Agreement they went ahead and chopped
accusation; the tree down.
An objection or protest;
Objection, Protest, Statement
of opposition
180. Protocol The official procedure or Disagreement The Geneva Protocol of 1925
system of rules governing prohibits the use of poisonous
affairs of state or diplomatic gases in war.
Agreement, Treaty, Entente,
Concord, Concordat,
Convention, Deal, Pact
181. Prudent Acting with or showing care Unwise, No prudent money manager
and thought for the future; Imprudent, would authorize a loan
The Hindu Editorial Vocabulary Booster July 2019 Free vocabulary e-book

Wise, Well judged, Judicious, Incautious, without first knowing its

Sagacious, Sage, Shrewd Extravagant purpose
182. Pump-Priming The stimulation of economic The government is awarding
activity by investment small, pump-priming grants to
single mothers who are
starting their own businesses.
183. Pursuit The action of pursuing Retreat I enjoy outdoor pursuits, like
someone or something; hiking and riding.
Chasing, Pursuing,
Stalking, Tracking
184. Pussyfooting Act in a cautious or non- Confront, Face I realized I could no
committal way; longer pussyfoot around.
Equivocate, be evasive, be
non-committal, Evade
185. Quadrennial Recurring every four years The Olympic Games is
a quadrennial gathering of
athletes from around the
186. Ramification A complex or unwelcome Antecedent, Have you considered all
consequence of an action or causation, the ramifications of your
event; Cause suggestion?
Consequence, Result,
Aftermath, Outcome, Effect
187. Rash Acting or done without careful Careful, That was a rash decision – you
consideration of the possible Cautious, didn’t think about the costs
consequences; Impetuous, Prudent involved.
Reckless, Impetuous,
Impulsive, Hasty
188. Rationale A set of reasons or a logical Irrational, He tried to explain the
basis for a course of action or Non-rational, scientific rationale behind his
belief; Unintelligent, work.
Reason, Reasoning, Thinking, Unreasonable,
Basis, Logic, Grounds
189. Rebellion An act of armed resistance to Obedience The rebellion would have
an established government or failed if not for the aid sent by
leader; other countries.
Uprising, Revolt, Insurrection,
Mutiny, Defiance,
190. Reckon To think or believe; Question, He reckons all policemen are
Estimate, Compute, Conclude, Suspect fascists and bullies.
Deduce, Extrapolate, Gather,
191. Reconcile Restore friendly relations Agitate, Fight It is sometimes difficult
between; to reconcile science and
Conform, Attune religion.
The Hindu Editorial Vocabulary Booster July 2019 Free vocabulary e-book

192. Redemption The action of saving or being Forfeiture, The bonds will be redeemed
saved from sin, error, or evil; Abandonment, at 100% of their principal
Saving, Saving/freeing from Loss, amount, plus interest to
sin, Vindication, Absolution; Deprivation, the redemption date.
The action of regaining or Sacrifice,
gaining possession of Betrayal
something in exchange for
payment, or clearing a debt;
Retrieval, Recovery,
Reclamation, Repossession
193. Regrettable Giving rise to regret; Desirable, Wel The omission of a sponsor’s
Undesirable; come name on the program was
Unwelcome, Undesirable, a regrettable error.
Unfortunate, Unwelcome, Sad,
Sorry, Woeful
194. Rejoice Feel or show great joy or Mourn, Let us rejoice together on this
delight; Lament great occasion!
Happiness, Pleasure, Joy,
Gladness, Delight
195. Relentless Unceasingly intense; Short-lived, Her relentless optimism held
Persistent, Continuing, Irresolute, the team together.
Constant Intermittent
196. Remarkable Worthy of attention; Striking, Ordinary, Nelson Mandela was a
Extraordinary, Exceptional, Commonplace, truly remarkable man.
Amazing, Astonishing Run-of-the-
197. Reminiscent Tending to remind one of Amnesia, That song is so reminiscent of
something; Forgetfulness my adolescence.
Evocative, Suggestive
198. Rendezvous Meet at an agreed time and Break up, This restaurant is a
place; Disband, popular rendezvous for local
Meeting, Appointment, Disperse, Split artists.
Engagement up
199. Repatriation The return of someone to their Admit back The government had
own country into the to repatriate him because he
country had no visa.
200. Repercussion An unintended consequence of Antecedent, Any decrease in tourism could
an event or action, especially Causation have serious repercussions for
an unwelcome one; the local economy.
Consequence, Result, Effect,
Outcome, By-product
201. Reprieve Cancel or postpone the Charge, Punish Under the new regime,
punishment of someone, prisoners under sentence of
especially someone death were reprieved.
condemned to death;
Pardon, Spare, Acquit
The Hindu Editorial Vocabulary Booster July 2019 Free vocabulary e-book

202. Resentment Bitter indignation at having Contentment, He resents having to explain

been treated unfairly; Happiness his work to other people.
Irritation, Pique, Displeasure,
203. Resilience The capacity to recover quickly Rigidity, The exercise had helped make
from difficulties; Fragility, the company resilient to bad
Toughness Vulnerability, luck.
204. Resolute Admirably purposeful, Faltering, He has remained resolute in
determined, and unwavering; Hesitant, his opposition to the bill.
Determined, Purposeful, Indecisive,
Purposive, Resolved, Decided Irresolute
205. Resuscitate Revive someone from Extinguish, Kill, Her heart had stopped, but
unconsciousness or apparent Quench, the doctors
death; Suppress successfully resuscitated her.
Resurrect, Restore,
Regenerate, Revitalize
206. Retrenchment Reduction in the extent or Intensify In retrenchment, central
quantity of something; Redouble government may seek to limit
Shortage Aggrandize, the total expenditure of all
Amplify, local governments for
Augment, economic stabilization.

207. Retrieval The process of getting Lose, Mislay, Goodwill that is lost is
something back from Misplace extremely difficult to retrieve.
Get back, Re-collect,
Reacquire, Recapture
208. Revels Enjoy oneself in a lively and Grieve, Cats positively revel in heat,
noisy way, especially with Deplore whether natural or man-
drinking and dancing; made.
Celebrate, make merry, Have a
209. Rigorous Extremely thorough and Clement, According to Gopalan,
careful; Forbearing, more rigorous tests are being
Strict, Severe, Stern, Stringent Gentle, planned with support from the
Indulgent, Lax, Council of Scientific and
Lenient, Industrial Research, Delhi.
210. Roadblock A hindrance or obstruction; Catalyst The issue is still a
Obstruction, Barrier, major roadblock in the
Hindrance negotiations.
211. Scrutinise Examine or inspect closely and Glance at The Policeman scrutinised the
thoroughly; men’s faces carefully, trying to
Survey, Scan, Study, look over, work out who was lying.
The Hindu Editorial Vocabulary Booster July 2019 Free vocabulary e-book

212. Sedition Conduct or speech inciting He was tried for sedition and
people to rebel against the sentenced to ten years in jail.
authority of a state or
213. Sequel Something that takes place Antecedent, I’m reading the sequel to
after or as a result of an earlier Causation, “Gone with the Wind”.
event; Cause,
Published, broadcast, or Occasion,
recorded work that continues Reason
the story or develops the
theme of an earlier one;
Follow-up, Continuation
214. Skulduggery Underhand, unscrupulous, or Artlessness, The company’s apparently
dishonest behaviour or Forthrightness, healthy bottom line was
activities; Guilelessness, merely an illusion, the result
Trickery, Swindling, Ingenuousness of years of
Fraudulence, Double-dealing, , Sincerity accounting skulduggery.
Sharp practice
215. Slugfest A situation in which people Agreement, Both were settling into the
compete very hard with each Calm, fight, which was establishing
other in order to be successful Harmony, itself as a boxing match and
Peace not a slugfest at all.

216. Slump A sudden severe or prolonged Rise, Soar Car sales have slumped
fall in the price, value, or dramatically over the past
amount of something; year.
Steep Fall, Plunge, Drop,
Collapse, Tumble, Plummet
217. Snag An unexpected or hidden Convenience, The drug is very effective – the
obstacle or drawback; Assistance only snag is that it cannot be
Obstacle, Difficulty, produced in large quantities.
Complication, Catch, Hitch,
Stumbling block, Pitfall
218. Soaring Rising very quickly to a high Plummet, The soaring price of natural
level; Descent, Dip, gas is a serious concern, since
Ascension, Ascent, Climb, Rise, Dive, Drop, many power plants are fuelled
Rising Fall, Nosedive, by it.
219. Spectacular Beautiful in a dramatic and Dull We came
eye-catching way; across spectacular mountain
Striking, Picturesque, Eye- scenery on the way to the
catching, Breath-taking, hotel.
220. Spook Frighten; Unnerve Soothe, Seeing the police car outside
Bolster, the house
Comfort really spooked them.
The Hindu Editorial Vocabulary Booster July 2019 Free vocabulary e-book

221. Staggering Deeply shocking; Unimpressive, Nursing care costs

Astonishing, Uninspiring, a staggering Rs 15,000 per
Astounding Unremarkable week!
Boring, Dull
222. Stall Stop or cause to stop making Expedite, I stalled the car twice during
progress; Further, my driving test but still
Obstruct, Impede, interfere Encourage managed to pass.
with, Hinder
223. Status Quo The existing state of affairs, Reversal, They have no wish for any
especially regarding social or Setback change in the status quo.
political issues
224. Statute A written law passed by a Unwritten The state legislature passed
legislative body; the statute by an
Law, Regulation, Enactment, overwhelming margin
Act, Bill, Decree
225. Stigma A mark of disgrace associated Honour, Credit The stigma of having gone to
with a particular circumstance, the prison will always be with
quality, or person; him.
Shame, Disgrace, Dishonour
226. Straddle To be unable to decide which Decisive It’s not the first time this year
of two opinions about a that the president has been
subject is better and so partly accused of straddling an issue.
support both opinions
227. Stringent Strict, Precise, and Exacting Lenient, We need to introduce
Flexible more stringent security
measures such as identity
228. Strip If you strip someone of Dress, Cover Because of the pollution, the
something, you remove it from trees are almost
that person completely stripped of bark.
229. Suffice Be enough or adequate; Check, Deny, The problems were of global
Meet requirements, Satisfy Disappoint, importance, and only an
demands Refuse, international effort
Restrain would suffice to deal with
230. Taint Contaminate or pollute Chasteness, His reputation was
something Chastity, permanently tainted by the
Modesty, financial scandal.
231. Thrilling Causing excitement and Boring The book is
pleasure; a thrilling adventure story.
232. Thwart Prevent someone from Forward, Our holiday plans
accomplishing something; Foster, were thwarted by the airline
Further, pilots’ strike.
The Hindu Editorial Vocabulary Booster July 2019 Free vocabulary e-book

233. Transcend Go beyond, Rise above, Cut Fail, Fall The underlying message of the
across; film is that
Surpass a person or love transcends everything
achievement; else.
Excel, Exceed, Beat, Trump
234. Transition The process or a period of Sameness, The transition from a
changing from one state or Stoppage totalitarian state to a free
condition to another; country will be long and slow.
Change, Move, Passage,
Transformation, Conversion
235. Transpire Come to be known; Perish, Recede No one is willing to predict
Be revealed what may transpire at the
peace conference.
236. Tread Walk in a specified way; He trod heavily and reluctantly
Walk, Step, Stride, Pace, Go up the stairs.
237. Turmoil A state of great disturbance, The country is in a state of
confusion, or uncertainty; Calm, Peace political turmoil.
Confusion, Upheaval,
Turbulence, Tumult, Disorder,
238. Twilight A period or state of obscurity, Peak, Height I knew him when he was in
ambiguity, or gradual decline; the twilight of his career.
Decline, Waning, Downturn,
239. Undermine Lessen the effectiveness, Enhance, The president has accused two
power, or ability, especially Improve, cabinet members of working
gradually or insidiously; Strengthen secretly to undermine his
Subvert, Sabotage, Threaten, position.
Weaken, compromise,
240. Underpin Support, justify, or form the Hinder This partnership
basis for; will underpin the long-term
Promote, Nurture, Encourage, financial health of global
Stimulate, Develop cricket.
241. Underwhelm Fail to impress or make a Overwhelm, American voters
positive impact on someone; Blow your seem underwhelmed by the
Disappoint mind choices for president
242. Unmistakable Not able to be mistaken for Ambiguous, Cl But the editorial bears
anything else; ouded, the unmistakable impress of
Very distinctive, Well defined Cryptic, Dark, E his age-old racial views.
243. Upscale Relatively expensive and Dime-store, He needs to extra funds
designed to appeal to affluent Discount, to upscale the business.
consumers; Upmarket; Down-market,
The Hindu Editorial Vocabulary Booster July 2019 Free vocabulary e-book

Increase the size or improve Downscale,

the quality of Low-end
244. Verdict A decision on an issue of fact Deadlock, The jury returned a verdict of
in a civil or criminal case or an Draw, Halt, not guilty in the double
inquest; Stalemate, murder case.
Judgement, Adjudication, Standoff, Tie
Adjudgement, Decision
245. Vest Confer or bestow power, Call off, Drop, Executive power is vested in
authority, property, etc. on Recall, Repeal the President.
Entrust to, invest in, bestow
on, confer on, Grant to, Give
246. Vetting Make a careful and critical Ignore, Each of the job applicants will
examination of something; Overlook, be vetted by police.
Screen, Assess, Evaluate, Neglect
247. Virulent Bitterly hostile; Benevolent, She is a virulent critic of US
Vitriolic, Malicious, Benign, energy policy.
Malevolent, Malignant, Malign Benignant,
248. Volatile Liable to change rapidly and Stable, Calm He had a volatile temper and
unpredictably, especially for couldn’t have been easy to live
the worse; with.
Tense, Strained, Fraught,
Uneasy, Uncomfortable,
249. Vulnerable Exposed to the possibility of Insusceptible, It is on economic policy that
being attacked or harmed, Invulnerable, the government is
either physically or Unexposed most vulnerable.
In danger, In peril, In jeopardy,
At risk, Endangered, Unsafe
250. Wane To decrease in size, extent, or Accumulate, The scandal caused her
degree; Balloon, Build, popularity to wane.
Abate, De-escalate, Decline, Burgeon
251. Yo-yoed Move up and down; Fluctuate, Fix, Hold, Stay Popularity polls yo-yoed up
Oscillate, Swing, Fluctuate, and down with the flow of
Alternate, See-saw, Veer, events.
Waver, Sway
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