Quick Walkthrough: The First Step

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Quick walkthrough

Here is described the optimal path… but you shouldn’t try it because you will need a lot of time for that!
It’s probably better to takes more opportunities with girls, even if you will miss some events...

The first step

Raise all girls from level 0 to level 1, except Shizuru (Street I in Northside), Utako (Library)
and Emiri (strip club) that you should avoid to meet. You won’t be able to raise Anael neither.
8th day: go to downtown and find the church. There, trigger the Angelvoice event: you can now
raise Lily from level 0 to level 1.
When Yatsumi is level 1, go to the library to get the Utako introduction (better with Yatsumi at level 1+).
Now, you can raise Utako to level 1 as well. Keep in mind that the suit you have chosen in this event is
important: it will have some consequence in her 4th Obedience event.

The second step

Raise all girls at level 1 to level 2, but take care to follow these instructions:

 Kumiko before Utako (her second obedience event needs Kumiko level 2+)

 Aiko before Hanae (her second obedience event needs Aiko level 2+)
 Still avoid to meet Shizuru (Street I) and Emiri (strip club)
 Kristina’s second obedience event is better if you are already friends with Kanto (Note: that’s not
possible yet in v0.23)
When Lily reaches level 2, it triggers Lilyplan event. Now, you can raise Anael as well.
When Kristina reaches level 2 and Lilyplan event has been triggered, you can have the first event of
the secret book quest by meeting Kristina when she’s in her shop. Then, if Utako is level 2, lead Kristina to
the library to have the second event of the secret book quest.

The third step

You should now have almost 60 in Academic and Fitness.

Raise all girls at level 2 to level 3, but take care to follow these instructions:

 Academic 60+ required for Kumiko (her third obedience level needs this grade)
 Fitness 70+ for Okimi (her third obedience event will be better with this grade: you will be able to
kick her ex-husband’s ass!)
 Mitsuko before Ryoko (her third obedience event will be better with Mitsuko at level 3+)
 Aiko or Sarah before Hanae (you will need one of those girls at level 3+… or you can wait
for Shizuru to be level 2+)
 Ayumi before Yatsumi (her third obedience event will be better with Ayumi at level 3+)
 Yatsumi before Utako, with Fitness or Swimming at 60 (this grade is necessary and her third
obedience event will be better with Yatsumi at level 3+)
 Be sure that Nabila is level 2+ before raising Kristina at level 3 (her third obedience event will be
better with Nabila at level 2+, but that’s not possible yet in v 0.24)
When Okimi is level 3, go to Street I to get the Shizuru introduction (far better with Okimi at level 3+).
Now, you can raise Shizuru to level 3 as well: for her third level event, you will need Hanae to be level 2+,
or Rin or Naomi to be level 3+.
When Utako is level 3, go to the stripclub to get the Emiri introduction (better with Utako at level 3+).
Now, you can raise Emiri to level 3 as well.
When Naomi is level 3 and Lilyplan has been triggered (it should have happened during the second step),
you can enjoy Naomi confession, which will be necessary for last step.
When Kumiko is level 3 and the second event of the secret book quest has been triggered,
lead Kristina to Utako’s house one evening to have the last event of this quest, unlocking the harem ending
option. For that you will need Academic 80+ or Stamina 16+ to avoid a game over. For more H-pictures,
let Kristina read the book alone… but be sure to have more than 15 in Stamina to not be fucked to death!
When Emiri is level 3 and Lilyplan has been triggered (it should have happen during the second step), you
can have the first event of the secret girl quest by meeting Emiri at the stripper club.

The last step

Raise all girls at level 3 to level 4, but take care to follow these instructions:

 Be sure that Hikari is level 2+ before raising Ryoko at level 4 (if not, you will have no other
choice than humiliating Hikari and choosing Ryoko)
 Aiko before Hanae (her last obedience event needs Shizuru to be level 3+, and is better with Aiko
at level 4)
 Aiko, Sarah and Hanae before Shizuru (Aiko must be level 4, but the event is even better if Sarah
and Hanae are level 4 too)
 Rin & Ayumi before Naomi (her last obedience event will be better with Rin at level 4)
 Utako before Kumiko (her last obedience event will be better with Utako at level4)
 For Utako, be sure that the suit’s owner (event level 1, remember?) is level 4 before raising her to
level 4 too: her last obedience event will be better like this.
 Naomi confession must have been triggered to allow you to raise Emiri at level 4.
When both Emiri and Naomi are level 4 and the first event of the secret girl quest has been triggered, you
can have the second event of this quest by leading Naomi to Emiri at the stripper club. Finally,
when Rin, Ayumi, Hikari and Ryoko are all level 4, lead the four of them at the same time to Emiri at the
stripper club : you will reach the last event of this quest, unlocking the harem ending option.

Reaching endings
When Anael reaches level 4, you can access the ending by going to the church. You will then have two
options: good ending (by helping Anael) or bad ending (by helping Lily). You will have a third option only
if you have unlocked the harem ending option, by finishing either the secret book or the secret girl quests.
Good ending allows you to choose a level 4 girl and to make her your beloved, when Anael will take the
glasses back;

Bad ending allows you to choose a level 4 girl and to make her your obedient and devoted slave, when Lily
will take the glasses back;

Harem ending allows you to keep the glasses and to finish all the girls at the same time (not implemented

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