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BackCountr Navigator

User Guide
Mobile Map Soft are for Outdoor Recreation

Home screen

1. Find a Place button

2. Location button (displa s Location Menu)
3. La ers button (displa s Map Control Panel)
4. Screen-changer button
5. Menu button (displa s the main Menu)
6. Create/Select wa point (use the crosshair to point to a location or a wa point)
7. Crosshair
8. Zoom in map
9. Zoom out map
10. Indicates the current oom level


Displa s Find a Place screen

Displa s the Map Menu
T ip Da a
D ( )


Se ing

A ( )
S ( )


A , , H D

Take a surve and help improve BackCountr Navigator

Purchase add-ons (PRO onl )

Find a Place
Search and center (if found) the map on a specific location.

Map Con rol Panel

Displa s map la er options:

Toggle map preview

Switch to recentl used map source
Choose map source from the list of all available map source
Use mobile atlas
Download maps tiles of selected areas
Toggle add-on overla s (PRO onl )
Sc een-change

Go back to map view


Displa list of nearest wa points or tracks (on current trip file)

Displa Trip Computer
GPS Satellite ie
Displa GPS stats and available satellites

P e ie ing map
To p e ie /di pla map f om a map o ce:

1. Make e o de ice ha a able in e ne connec ion

2. Enable p e ie
3. Choo e a map o ce ha co e he a ea o an o di pla map fo
4. Cen e he map o a loca ion co e ed b he ac i e map o ce

Toggling map p e ie
To enable o di able map p e ie :

1. Go o Map Con ol Panel

2. Check/ ncheck he p e ie mode checkbo

Choo ing a map o ce

To change he ac i e map o ce:

1. Go o Map Con ol Panel

2. Tap Choose Map So rce
3. Tap on a ca ego and elec a pecific map o ce
Centering the map to a specific place
To search for a place:

1. Make sure our device is connected to the internet

2. Tap Fi d a Place from the action bar or from the Menu
3. T pe in the name of the place and tap on the search button

Find a place using coordinates

You can also use coordinates in the search field. The images below shows Find a Place used with Lat/Long,
UTM and MGRS coordinates.

Using histor
Click on the places ou have searched for in the past to center the map on it. BC Nav saves succesful searches
locall so ou can use it even without an internet connection.
Do nloading and Deleting maps
Do nloading and deleting map tiles can be done ith the Map Toolbar. To access it:

1. Go to Map Control Panel

2. Tap on Select Areas for Do nload

Do nloading map tiles

To do nload map tiles:

1. Enable Select tool

2. Press-Hold and drag on the screen to create rectangular selections

3. Tap on the the do nload button to initiate do nload

4. Change ma oom and/or the map source to suit our needs

5. Tap Begin o begin do nload

6. Tap Done o e i he do nload dialog

To ie info ma ion abo o cancel he do nload, click on he BC Na map do nload en in he no ifica ion

To do nload map ile f om ano he map o ce f om he ame a ea o ha e c ea ed, change he map o ce

and ap Begin befo e apping Done.

Dele ing o ed map ile

To dele e o ed map ile :

1. Di able P e ie f om he Map Con ol Panel o onl o ed map ile a e di pla ed ( ee Toggling map
p e ie abo e)

2. Enable Selec ool

3. P e -Hold and d ag o c ea e ec angle ha co e he ile o an o dele e. Zoom o o make e all

ile o an o dele e a e co e ed. Repea a needed.
4. Tap the Rec cle button

5. Confirm cleanup

Displa ing downloaded maps

To displa downloaded map tiles from map source M for, sa , place X

1. Use M as map source

2. Center the map on X (use Find a Place histor )

So if ou download map tiles from Open C cle Map for, sa , Camas, Washington; to displa those map tiles, ou
use Open C cle Map as map source and ou center the map (using Find a Place) on Camas, Washington.

GPS is not turned on by default. You have to turn it on when you need it, i.e., when using M Location
(center) and when recording a track.

BackCountry Navigator onl uses your device's GPS to identify your position. It does not use cell
towers or WiFi to determine your location. Hence, acquiring your location will only work outdoors.
Another downside of solely using GPS for determining your location is that it quickly consumes battery
power. To circumvent this, you can turn off the GPS by clicking on Stop using GPS (saves power)
button from the Location menu.

Centering the map on our location

To get a GPS fix of your global position:

1. Go to Location menu
2. Click on M Location (center)
3. Enable your device s GPS when prompted

“Acquiring…” means the app is still trying to get a fix. When the app acquires a fix, your position and bearing will
be displayed using a pink arrowhead.

Auto-center will be enabled once BC Nav acquires a fix. It will be disabled when you drag the map
around when GPS is disabled.
In BC Na , ip a e file he e o oe o ack and a poin . Befo e o a c ea ing a poin o
eco ding ack , o need o ha e an ac i e ip file. To ha e an ac i e ip file, c ea e a ne one o load an
e i ing one.

Creating trip files

To c ea e a ne (emp ) ip file:

1. Go o Menu
2. Click Trip Data
3. Click Create Ne (Empt ) Trip File
4. Gi e he ip a name and click OK

BackCo n Na iga o hip i h a defa l ip file named default ha i al ead ac i e hen o fi

n he app. Thi i mainl fo he con enience of fi ime e . U e ip file (a o o ld e
folde ) o o gani e o ack and a poin .

Loading e isting trips

To load an e i ing ip file:

1. Go o Menu
2. Click Trip Data
3. Click Load E isting Trip
4. Click on a ip file f om he li
5. Click Choose this trip

Deleting a trip file

To dele e an e i ing ip file:
1. Go to Menu
2. Click Trip Data
3. Close the trip file you want to delete if it is currently active
4. Click Load E isting Trip
5. Click on a trip file from the list
6. Click Delete this trip
7. Confirm that you want to delete the trip

Creating/Selecting wa points
There are two ways to create/select waypoints:

1. Using the and the crosshair

2. Long-pressing on a point in the map

Using to create/select a wa point

To create a waypoint:

1. Position the crosshair where you want to create a waypoint

2. Click
3. Click on Create Ne Wa point
4. Edit the waypoint s details
5. Click on the Action drop-down menu
6. Click Sa e

To select a waypoint:

1. Position the crosshair to a waypoint you want to select

2. Click
3. Click on the waypoint
4. Edit the waypoint s details
5. Click on the Action drop-down menu
6. Click Sa e
Long-pressing on the map to create/select a wa point
Long-pressing on the map to create/select a waypoint is not enabled by default. To enable this:

1. Go to Menu
2. Click on Settings
3. Check Long Click on Map under Display Options

To create a waypoint:

1. Long-press on a point in the map

2. Click the Define New Wa point balloon
3. Edit the waypoint s details
4. Click on the Action drop-down menu
5. Click Save

To select a waypoint:

1. Long-press on a waypoint in the map

2. Click on the waypoint s balloon
3. Edit the waypoint s details
4. Click on the Action drop-down menu
5. Click Save
Recording a rack
To a eco ding a ack

1. Go o Loca ion men

2. Click on Reco d a T ack

Click on Pa e T ack Reco ding o pa e and S op T ack Reco ding o op he eco ding.

To ie he T ip Comp e hile eco ding a ack:

1. Go o Screen-changer
2. Click on S a

Displa ing list of Tracks and Wa points

T di la a li f all ack a d a i i he ac i e i file:

1. Acce Screen-changer
2. Click Li

Thi di la a li f a i a a ged b di a ce ( ea e fi ).

B defa l , he li ill di la a i ea e . T di la ea e ack , click a d elec nea e


Y ca al ea ch a i a d ack b i ga e i he ea ch b .

Working with wa points Edi , Ce e,G , Dele e

While he li ( ee ei ec i ), ca click a a i a dd he f ll i g:

Ce e
Dele e
Edit the selected waypoint s:


Displays a straight line between your current location and the Gotoed waypoint. Also shows the distance and bearing
during Goto in the Trip Computer.

Center the map on the selected waypoint

Delete the selected waypoint

Working ith tracks Edit, Color, Center, Graph, Delete

Here s another way of displaying a list of tracks in the active trip file:

1. Go to Menu
2. Click Trip Data
3. Click Sho Track s in Trip: tripname
Clicking on a track from the list lets you do the following:

Edit: edit the track s details

Color: change its color
Center: center the map on that track
Graph: display elevation profile and speed profile of the track
Delete: delete the track

Sha ing/e po ing ack and a poin

Uploading/Sha ing ip ihE e ail
BackCountry Navigator supports uploading/sharing tracks and waypoints to EveryTrail. To do this:

1. Go to Men
2. Click on Trip Data
3. Click on Share
4. Click The Internet
5. Login using your EveryTrail account or signup if you don t have one
6. Input information about your trip (name, type, story, and tips)
7. Click Sa e
8. Upload the trip

E po ing ack and a poin locall

You can also export your tracks and waypoints into a GPX file and store it locally. To do this:

1. Go to Men
2. Click on Trip Data
3. Click on Share
4. Click A GPX File
5. Type a name for the GPX file
6. Click OK
Imported GPX files can be found on your storage path under the directory / oo - o age-
pa h/bcna /o

Importing tracks and wa points

BackCountry Navigator can import tracks and waypoints contained in GPX or KML files.

To import from these file formats:

1. Go to Menu
2. Click on Trip Da a
3. Click on Impor GPX or KML
4. Locate the file to import
5. Choose an existing trip or create a new one to hold the data to import
6. Click on S ar Impor

Changing Root Storage

By default, BackCountry Navigator will store data in bcna folder under /mn / dca d/, your device s internal
storage. To make the app store data under a different (on your external storage card, for instance) you have to change
the root storage path. To do this:
1. Go to Menu
2. Click on Settings
3. Click Root Storage (Advanced) under Storage Options
4. Type in a valid path
5. Confirm the change
6. (Optional) Transfer your bcna folder from the old storage path to the new path

Checking BackCountr Navigator's version

To determine what version of BackCountry Navigator you have:

1. Go to your device s Settings app

2. Click Applications
3. Click Manage Applications
4. Look for BackCountry Navigator and click on it to display information about the app

Updating BackCountr Navigator

This guide only applies to BC Nav purchased from Android Market

To see if an update is available for BC Nav:

1. Open your device s Android Market app

2. Access Menu
3. Click M Apps
4. Look for BackCountry Navigator and click on it

The app will be under Updates if an update is available.

To update the app:

1. Click on BackCountry Navigator under Updates

2. Click Update
3. Click Accept & download to start the update

Check Allow automatic updating if you don't like to do the above manually everytime an update is available
Reinstall BackCountr Navigator without repurchasing
If ou purchased BackCountr Navigator PRO, it will be tied to our Google Account and can be installed an unlimited
amount of times on an device. If ou lost our BC Nav PRO, perhaps during an upgrade or perhaps ou lost or
damaged our phone and ou have a new one, ou can reinstall it with no charge b simpl visiting M Apps on the
Android Market (Menu > M Apps)

If ou are being asked to purchase the app ou might be using a different account than the one ou were using at the
time ou made our purchase.

For more information about this topic visit the original article from Google here

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