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FEBRUARY 2020 l £4.99 l











Contents FEBRUARY 2020

Winter’s frozen
dawn in the
Lake District
Tristan Tinn

Hope Technology is a homegrown
success story, crafting precision Canyon Strive CF 8.0 77
components from aluminium Cotic BFe Gold 98
and steel, adding its anodised Marin Mount Vision 8 77
colourful flare, and now exploring Merida eOne-Forty 9000 36
carbon-fibre for its new HB.130 Norco Sight A2 29 40
trail bike. We head to Lancashire
Norco Sight C NX12 VLT 76
to meet the brains behind the
NS Synonym TR2 74
project, and check out the bike’s
proving ground Nukeproof Reactor 290C
Elite 72
58 LAKE DISTRICT Pace RC 627 GX 100
It’s too easy to get stuck in a rut
and ride the same trails, so in
an effort to shake things up we
BIKES & GEAR Ribble HT Ti GX 102
Vitus Mythique 29 VRX 32

discard our smartphones and

put our faith in local knowledge, e-bike, Marin Mount Vision and eight on test, ranging from
heading to the Lake District in 28 FIRST RIDES Canyon Strive super-lightweight fixed full-face
search of fun off the beaten path The Trust Shout fork offers models to convertible helmets
178mm of travel in a package 78 PRODUCT with removable chinbars, with a
quite unlike anything else on the Muc-Off’s Pressure Washer Kit wide spread of weight, price
market. Plus first rides from the claims to be the only bike-specific and functionality
new Vitus Mythique budget trail washer out there; we see if its
bike, Merida’s eOne-Forty e-bike bearing-saving lower pressure
designed for fun over fast, and can still shift the crud. Plus reviews 94 BIKE TEST: BOUTIQUE
Norco’s pumped-up Sight of of the latest Bike Yoke dropper BRITISH HARDTAILS
now with 29er wheels and post, Thule ThruRide bike rack, A properly made hardtail
150mm travel SQ Lab saddle, Madison Zenith is a thing of beauty, as well as
waterproof jacket and more dishing a thrillingly direct
connection between rider
Nukeproof’s first new bike in a and trail. We’ve got three
while joins our longterm test 84 TESTED: high-end bikes from Pace,
fleet, the Reactor 290C Elite ENDURO HELMETS Cotic and Ribble, made from
takes over where the old short- Blending downhill levels of steel and alloy, and titanium,
travel version of the Mega left full-face protection with the all featuring 27.5in wheels and
We hit the trails that shaped off, with aggressive geometry breathability of trail lids, the new all boasting high-level spec
Hope’s new bike, p50 and attitude. Plus the latest takes breed of enduro helmets promise (because hardtails deserve
on the NS Synonym, Norco Sight the best of both worlds. We’ve got top-end components too)

FEBRUARY 2020 mbr 5


Don’t let rain stop play

Winter means it’s time to boost
your skills and strength
o far this winter has been record

S breaking — for all the wrong reasons.

Rainfall has been almost incessant
since the clocks went back, leaving
trails swampy and saturated and
motivation at an all-time low. But not so fast.
This month, we show you how, by thinking
outside the box,
you can turn rain
Turn on, tune in and drop
off like our skills guru, p66
into gains.
Mucking about
in the car park may

HOW TO Leave the slop on the

singletrack, p26
seem like a waste of
time — something
ON THE COVER for kids and show-
24 BUZZ: GET FIT FOR RIDING offs — but spending
Riding your bike can only get you so time on your bike
far, if you want to ride faster for longer learning tricks can do Manual for success: get
you’ll need to add in some strength
amazing things for skilled and you’ll get fast
work, so we’ve teamed up with
Fit4Racing to show us how to do it; your balance and bike
from no-equipment exercises right up control. Transfer those skills back to the trails
to full-gym strength training and it’ll transform your riding. Andy Barlow
ON THE COVER from Dirt School gives you some pointers on
page 66.
66 CAR PARK SKILLS: PART 1 If you’re already pretty handy, but feel weak
Messing about on your bike is more than
just killing time and putting a grin on and fatigued on longer rides, maybe think
about doing some strength training. If the
your face, it teaches you essential bike
handling and placement skills for proper
trail riding. Mess-about man in chief
REGULARS thought of gym work fills you with boredom,
our new series of drills with Fit4Racing is
Andy Barlow from Dirt School shows us 8 BIG PICTURES something that will benefit your riding on as
how to play and call it work
12 BUZZ little as two hours’ training a week. Read more
The Summit at Swinley is a new pay- on page 24.
monthly skills area with training to boot Hopefully by keeping busy, trying new things
and achieving specific goals, you can survive
45 MAILBOX the slop and emerge from winter
Your rants, raves and witty ripostes
fitter, faster and stronger t
106 MY BEST TRAIL ever before.
Trail builder Rowan Sorrell has raced,
ridden and dug tracks all over the
world, and his favourite trail can be
Strength training to take
found in Jamaica — sounds like the
your riding up a level, p24 perfect excuse to us to go and check
out why it’s so good Editor, mbr

Now available on the iPad,
Kindle & all Android devices FOR JUST £6!
Turn to page 48 for details

6 mbr FEBRUARY 2020

Fowl. Weather. Proven.
The waterproof Agent kit takes to wet weather
like a, well, you know...

Big picture
After weeks of creative conception,
I headed north to Wyoming for
the total solar eclipse in August
2017. The goal was to capture the
eclipse and showcase mountain
biking utilising an in-camera
double exposure. After capturing
the first image successfully during
two minutes of totality, all we
had to do was endure the midday
sun, waiting for twilight and the
attempt at the second frame.
Unfortunately, I was unaware I had
damaged the hot shoe connection
on my camera, preventing me
from triggering my flashes. Our
only option required Chris Brule
to hit the feature in near darkness,
allowing me to set the camera to
a 2.5-second exposure, firing the
flashes and freezing Chris mid-air.
Red Bull Illume 2019, Noah Wetzel

8 mbr FEBRUARY 2020

FEBRUARY 2020 mbr 9

10 mbr FEBRUARY 2020

Big picture
Crystalline spicules of frost
form upon the desolate fell
tops. When suitably humid air
meets the ground frost, spicules
form, if the moisture does not
pass the liquid phase. These
minuscule spicules of frost
are individual masterpieces of
nature, something all too easy
to overlook, as our attention is
stolen by the wider view of the
landscape around us. Take a pause
for thought next time you ride.
Consider an alternative viewpoint.
Sometimes it’s good to look at
things differently.
Tristan Tinn

FEBRUARY 2020 mbr 11


Edited by Jamie Darlow


MTB Swinley has a new skills zone
called The Summit, and and it
uses a unique subscription model

usic, TV, phone, car, gym, books, right, the new skills park features a range and Bronze, costing £30, £20 or £10 a month
meat, underwear… you name it, of carefully designed obstacles, expertly respectively. Bronze membership gets you an
you can pay for it monthly with a packaged into a 10-acre site. More on the details induction session and two open sessions per
subscription service. It’s quickly later, because perhaps the most interesting month where you can go along and ride. That’s
become the default method of spreading thing about The Summit is the payment plan not the whole picture though, membership
costs. And now you can add riding your that could be a first for UK mountain biking. also gets you on to one group coaching session
bike to that list with the launch of The “It’s super scary for us, as mountain bikers a year. “So that’s £120 a year, which is almost
Summit, a pay-monthly skills venue at are new to all this, but we’ve tried to find a the price of an average coaching session,” Tom
Swinley in Berkshire. model that works for everyone,” Tom says. says. “We wanted to make the pricing super
Designed and built by Tom Reynolds, little The model goes something like this. There easy for people.” Gold and Silver allow you
brother to Sam and freeride pinner in his own are three levels of membership, Gold, Silver greater access and more coaching.

12 mbr FEBRUARY 2020

FEBRUARY 2020 mbr 13

The Summit isn’t a bike park then, it’s a

training zone and a stage for Tom and his I T COU L D AC T A S A C YC L I NG H U B/
team to teach mountain biking skills, and
your subscription gets you a coaching CLUB WITH THE SENSE OF BELONGING
session per year. Bolted onto that is access
to The Summit.
“It’s like anything really; skills coach Tom
has a rock climbing membership, I have a
gym membership, and this is just taking it to the trail network here that has 400,000 riders to be flattened, and there were two rules for
mountain bikers in a really good value way.” on it a year,” he says. “We wanted to call it a The Summit to follow, Tom says. It had to be
destination so people feel like they’re going progressive, and it wasn’t to be a bike park in
T H E C OAC H somewhere; it’s all about reaching your peak.” the way we think of one, where you turn up and
Tom is one of the new school of skills coaches, Tom has built The Summit for that purpose. ride what you see. “It’s an SSSI, so there’s a lot of
passionate, prodigiously talented on the bike, Anyone familiar with Swinley will remember that nature they want to protect, and I think having
but also patient and dedicated to teaching it did have a new skills area just a few years ago a bike park was just a little bit rowdy when they
people the sport he loves. that was completed but never officially opened. wanted something managed,” he says.
“The Summit is for all abilities, it’s not elitist “It was a volunteer project that didn’t hugely
because everyone is here for the same thing, to follow the plans,” Tom says. “It had to be FUTURE SUMMIT
improve their skills, although everyone’s goal is progressive, but it started too big with an 8ft Tom has big plans for The Summit, with phase
different,” Tom says. drop, and the Crown Estate, which owns the two starting in a year’s time with a review of the
“That’s one of the reasons we’re capping the land, didn’t sign it off.” trails, and reshaping or changing the parts that
membership at 200-300 — compare that to That skills area was unworkable and had need it. There will also be a natural gym at the

14 mbr FEBRUARY 2020

Members will have
the chance to ‘unlock’
some serious air


Managed means there’s with one side of a take-off smaller line perfectly,
supervised riding, with built as a table, and the then we’ll unlock the
an instructor overseeing other side dug out to form next feature.”
everything for safety, with a proper gap. “That means There’s also an Enduro
trails unlocked as and when once you’re happy with the Line with more natural
members ask for them. distance you can hit the gap feeling features, and a
Those trails start small, and get over the mental Technical Line loam track
with a Fundamentals Zone, barrier,” Tom says. The that’ll be scraped back in
“full of small and friendly Black Line has 10ft tables, again every six months. And
versions of the obstacles into 12ft gaps that actually wrapping it all up are the
that intimidate people,” cross the Red Line and act Hero Drops — an eight and
Tom says. Then there’s a as a qualifier for the big 40ft a 12ft wooden ladder step
Dual Zone, 180m of dual table finisher. down, definitely something
slalom track that diverges You have to earn the for most of us to build up
in the middle before coming trails though, Tom explains. to, and as yet Tom is the
back together again for the “You pay in ability. You have only rider to have landed
finish. “I got the inspiration to show that you can do a the 12-footer.
The Summit’s singletrack
from Crankworx; it adds
is just a stone’s throw theatre if you don’t know
from the Lookout where the other person is,”
Tom explains.
The Drop Zone is next.
top of the hill with Rocky-style logs and natural It features progressive
weights to work on, while back on the bike a drops from 1ft to 6ft, and
pump track and skinnies are also being mooted. two lines, all with exit
“Phase three… I don’t know. It would be good paths if you want to bail
to have a pro line from top to bottom,” Tom out. “That’s a way to really
says. “Something like the DMR Line at Rogate quickly progress to a level
that’s got that feel, that vibe of awe. But I’ll that maxes out the UK race
be happiest when I’m at the top of the hill and series,” Tom says. “You
surrounded by people just riding it all.” don’t find a drop bigger
The Summit does have a good feel to it; than 6ft in the UK enduro
everything we rode felt well made, and despite race series. The idea really
the rinsing the UK has received recently, it’s was to build everything here
holding up OK. It’s not a venue that will draw in that people will come across
riders from across the land, Tom knows it and in other parts of the country.
he’s set the place up differently to your average So we have a 40ft table, a
bike park. Instead, we think it will attract a loyal 12ft drop and big gaps too.”
membership of southern riders looking to hone Naturally, there are
their skills and push their boundaries. It’s more gaps at The Summit then. A series of Lines
than that though, The Summit could act more The Jump Zone has a Red have been laid out
like a cycling hub/club, with all the sense of and Black Line — the Red at The Summit
belonging and camaraderie that brings. That’s features clever split jumps
got to be worth £10 a month.

FEBRUARY 2020 mbr 15



The new ProGuard Bolt On is one
of those products that it’s hard to
believe no one thought of before.
RRP has taken its excellent ProGuard
and added a mount that’ll attach to
certain fork braces via a couple of
bolts, transforming it into a neat,
waste-free and easily removable
guard in one fell swoop. So long zip-
ties, rubber bands and Velcro straps.
We like it because it could be
the easiest and quickest oversized
mudguard out there to fit or remove.
Rejoice all ye who transport their bike
in the boot of their car and have to The ProGuard Bolt On comes in two
lay it flat, as this has been bending lengths: Mini at 388mm and Standard
and deforming mudguards for years. at 503mm. You can fine-tune the
Remove the bolts and keep your angle of the guard with tilt brackets
guard straight for easy portage, (supplied), and adjust the height by
or quickly adapt to changing trail 6mm to fit all wheel sizes and up
conditions pre-ride. to a 3in tyre. There are rubber
Hang on a minute though, surely bumpers on the guard’s side to brace
this is nothing new? Marzocchi had one against the fork legs, and the whole
10 years ago, more recently DVO forks thing is made in the UK.
have come with bolt-on guards, and It’s not all clover though — the
there’s also the Syncros Trail Fender, new guard fits most Fox, new
but these two are both too small to Marzocchi, Öhlins and Suntour
provide decent mud coverage. Then forks, but not those from RockShox.
there’s the huge Crud XL Fender — not Nor is RRP planning to anytime
the sleekest solution. The only guard soon. Brackets to fit DVO, X-Fusion,
to match it is Mojo’s Dfender, which Cane Creek and the Fox 40 are in
clamps to the fork brace of Fox forks the works, though, according to the
and older Marzocchi forks… but company. Full test coming soon.
it costs almost £50.

16 mbr FEBRUARY 2020

This smart-looking Vectra glove from Dakine is built on a four-way stretch The Alpine Stars Nevada Thermal Jacket is built for super-cold days, and
mesh shell for comfort, and features a silicone mesh palm with touch- combines a ripstop softshell outer, wind membrane and brushed mesh
screen-compatible fingers. It’s cuffless, comes in three colours and even lining. Features include stretch inserts for movement, vents, pre-curved
has a two-year warranty. £30, sleeves, hood and zipped pockets. £140,


Cube’s ANT kids’ helmet has 11 vents complete with insect nets to stay More stealthy storage, this time courtesy of Wolf Tooth and its EnCase
cool and bug-free, and a big dial to tighten it up and keep it in place. System. There’s a 14-function Allen-key wrench to slide into one bar
Comes in six lairy colours and there’s a light on the back too. end, and a chain tool and tyre-plug ensemble to go into the other. Sold
£39.95, separately or as a combo. $119.95,

The Megmeister Drynamo Winter base layer boasts good wicking The Gravity Strix shoe is a burly, clipless number from Cube. Designed
and cold-weather insulation as well as antibacterial and anti-odour to offer maximum protection for your plates, it features a reinforced toe
properties. Seamless for less irritation, it has a dropped hem at the back, box and neoprene instep to cushion your ankle. Laces are secured with a
and comes in two sizes and three colours. £59.95, Velcro tab, there’s a mesh toe, and lace holder. £149.95,

FEBRUARY 2020 mbr 17



These Funndamental Pedals from Funn have an innovative grease port SIS says its Beta Fuel energy drink lets your body absorb 90g of
on the pedal body to keep them spinning. Made from 6061 alloy, running carbohydrate per hour, 50 per cent more than from glucose alone. It
on cartridge bearings and sealed bushings, and bristling with 24 pins. comes in two flavours and is designed to be easy on your stomach, too.
£75, £2.50,

Pieced together by Cycling UK, the Great North Trail is an 800-mile route Specialized has stitched together casual hoodie styling and mountain
linking the Peak District with Scotland’s most northerly mainland points, bike performance, with the Therminal Mountain Jersey, for cool, dry
taking in the Pennine Bridleway and Cross Borders Drove Road. days. It features two pockets (side and breast), three-panel hood and
Free to view and download, longer arms for riding coverage. £75,

Add your wrist measurement, riding style and body shape to the Dirt Juice from Juice Lubes is a biodegradable bike cleaner-come-light-
WTB website and it’ll now tell you your ultimate saddle, thanks to the degreaser, and now features a Super Foamy Trigger to maximise the
new WTB Fit Right System. Ours is the Rocket, in narrow, with Ti rails. froth levels and help you cut through the crud.
£109.99, £7.99,

18 mbr FEBRUARY 2020

P R O S E N D E R C O R E S K I L L S T R A I N E R £ 1 3 9. 9 9
This is the Sender Core Skills Trainer (CST), fixings, this Pro version is robust enough for Sender says there’s loads more to the
but it’s probably better known as the Manual coaches to use, according to Sender Ramps. CST — it’ll work as a bike stand, you can do a
Machine, and if it came in a tin it would do Pop your back wheel into the uprights (it’ll gym workout on it, or use it as a tool station
exactly what it says on the side. Pulling and take anything from 20in to 29in wheels), then if you buy the upgrade kit. But most people
holding a manual is the Holy Grail for both practise finding that balance point. There’s are going to use it for one thing only, learning
showing off in the car park and progressing a loop-out strap to stop you from, you know, the hallowed art of the manual. Anything that
your skills, and Sender claims the CST can looping out, and this new version will take makes that just a little bit easier has got to be
make the process easier and safer. stretchy resistance bands to make finding good, we reckon.
Built from wood, and with stainless steel the balance point that bit easier.

FEBRUARY 2020 mbr 19


N O - M O U N TA I N
RIDES Five rides for short winter days,
lacking stature but overflowing
with fun, as chosen by Sim Mainey

22.85km (14 .19 miles)
Riding time is precious and of top-quality singletrack. low level, it is in a remote area
limited, especially in winter. We’ve named it Trail Of The so still demands respect for
Rides that get to the point Year in the past and every conditions and provisions —
(ie. the fun stuff ) and pack a time we ride it we’re reminded last time I rode it in the height
punch are what we’re after. why — it just keeps the good of summer, I ran out of water
The Doethie Valley doesn’t stuff coming. It’s the kind of and gasped the last mile
mess about. You pedal to the trail you get to the end of and back to the car. The irony of
top of the valley on admittedly think, “And that wasn’t built it finishing at a reservoir was
dull tracks but you are paid for mountain bikes?” While not lost on me.
back with one long, sweet hit the route itself is relatively GPS download

20 mbr FEBRUARY 2020

LY N T O N , E X M O O R L O N G M Y N D,
23.82km (14 .80 miles) SH ROPSH I R E
You don’t get much lower than sea level 24.57km (15.26 miles)
without attaching SPD flippers, but this Mynd means mountain in Welsh,
route lets you dip your tyres in the sea although strictly speaking this lump
if you fancy it. The combes and coves that straddles the English/Welsh border
that make up the north of Exmoor are doesn’t quite qualify for mountain
filled with rainforest and fun trails of the status. That said, it’s steep enough that
steep, rocky, rooty, twisty kind. your legs might say otherwise. At 516m
Unfortunately that applies for both Pole Bank is the highest point, and while
uphills and downhills, and even though this is a decent elevation, the actual
you might not be racking up height in ‘good stuff ’ is hidden away lower down
one fell swoop you’ll have gained and on the flanks of the valleys. The great
lost a lot more altitude than you thought but annoying thing about the Mynd is
you would. As a bonus the coastal views the number of options for getting up
are stunning, plus this route passes and down it. You are almost goaded into
through somewhere called The Valley Of riding back up for ‘just one more trail’,
Rocks — worth riding just for the name. despite the fact that there’s no easy way
In summer you can finish the ride with to the top. It’s worth it though and if you
a dip in the Bristol channel, in winter a pack an OS OL217 map you’ll have more
pot of tea and fish and chips is a more than enough options for a day’s worth
tempting option. of riding.
GPS download GPS download

B O R R O W DA L E B A S H , C U M B R I A
2 7. 1 1 k m ( 1 6 . 8 4 m i l e s )
If you’re looking for a non-mountain ride then The Lakes might not be the most
obvious place to go, but The Borrowdale Bash is a clever loop. It manages to
take you around and about rather than up and over the fells. This is a ride with
a real big-mountain feel thanks to its grand surroundings. Combined with
some great bits of trail, it’s possible to feel like you’ve done a proper day in the
mountains. Sure, keeping to lower terrain means you’re more likely to bump into
other trail users, but it’s The Lake District — you have to really go out of your
way to find true peace and quiet. Fun fact: I have a wonky nose thanks to a pair
of crap tyres and a slab of wet slate on the Watendlath descent.
GPS download

K I N D E R S C O U T,
22.85km (14 .19 miles)
Despite the name, The Peak
District has plenty of good riding
without you having to bag any
peaks. In fact there are only three
actual mountains in the UK’s most
visited National Park. This ride
takes you close to the highest of
these, Kinder Scout, and despite
not being big in outright elevation
it certainly has a big country feel.
Rocky best sums up the riding
here. Big rocks, little rocks,
ordered rocks and random
rocks — who needs a mountain
descent anyway when you have
The Peak. That’s not to say the
riding here is one dimensional,
though. Moorland singletrack
and picturesque bridleways add
variety few mountains have, as
well as providing a break from the
rock-based battering. Despite the
heavy rock content, weather and
heavy use can take their toll on the
trails here, so ride responsibly.
GPS download

FEBRUARY 2020 mbr 21

FA S T & F I T

M T B ’ I N G S AV E S
More and more of us are finding solace in the singletrack

ountain biking is a great way out that he’d raced BMX back in the Eighties, a series of one-to-one sessions, they turn up
of distracting yourself from the and that he’d stopped riding altogether when with a particular goal in mind. It might be an
commitments and pressures of he ruined one of his knees landing after a event in the future, a riding holiday to an exotic
everyday life. It keeps you fit, it’s parachute jump in the TA. Over the years he’d place, or perhaps they want to get more out
sociable, and it’s a great way of discovering stopped exercising, put on a bit of weight, and of a new bike and keep up with their mates.
new places or leading you on epic adventures. seemed keen to get back into it. Inevitably as the sessions progress though,
Is there more to it though? Should we We ended up selling him a heavy-duty you get to know them fairly well.
consider a ride with some old buddies a crucial hardtail with chunky tyres and a good quality These are normally people who run their
part of our mental health? And can we use long-travel fork. It was incredible to see him own businesses, have teams of people look
mountain biking to switch on new learners? ride. Everyone would have to wait for him on the up to them, or are in charge of a team. They
In this article, Andy Barlow from Dirt School climbs at first, but he’d blow absolutely anyone understand the value in training somebody
breaks down a few different clients that he’s away and the descents. Over the next few properly and that’s one of the reasons that
worked with over the years and how the sport months we watched him lose tons of weight, set they’re getting lessons from us. During those
of mountain biking ties them all together some decent goals, and less than two years later sessions we’ve had people open up about
through one shared experience. he was racing in mountain marathon events on a divorces, talk about building and selling their
light weight full-susser. Mountain biking had got companies, difficulties that they’re going
T U R N A ROU N D him fit again, helped him deal with the death of through with family members. It’s almost like
A few years ago I was working in a local bike his mother, and turned his life around. as they get better on their bikes they’re also
shop and we had a guy that used to come by making progress in their lives. The mountain
and wash the windows every month. Through G O O D T O TA L K bike is a metaphor for how to get their head
chatting with him every few weeks it turned Quite often if we work with a client who wants around their problems and continually move

22 mbr FEBRUARY 2020

forwards. By helping them achieve their themselves academically intelligent. We get to slow down. I couldn’t understand it because
goals we also allow them to overcome all kinds them hooked through riding, but in time switch it was so natural for me to want to climb higher
of problems. them on intellectually and encourage them or go faster. When I started mountain biking it
to take this same approach to their academic all clicked. Straight away my parents could see
B A S E M O U N TA I N B I K I N G work at the college. As the course goes on they I was in my element.
For over 10 years, Dirt School has worked with start to work out that they can apply this same They quickly started taking me to races
Borders College in the Scottish Borders to run strategy to passing their modules, running a where I was suddenly being encouraged to
a genuine academic course that focuses on business, travelling to New Zealand or Canada go faster, push myself harder, or jump further.
performance mountain biking. Students study for a season, or even go to university. The real I’ve been hooked on that same feeling for the
modules in anatomy, nutrition, psychology, trick is that they think they’re there to learn last 25 years, and still enjoy seeing what my
and strength and conditioning. about riding their bikes. We’re there to help now broken and battered body is capable of.
They also get to ride their bikes twice a week them become awesome human beings. It’s been a hell of a journey so far and I can’t
as part of a structured syllabus that starts imagine functioning as a normal human being
with body position, and goes right through S AV I N G L I V E S without having the physical and mental escape
to setting goals in competition. Through Dirt When I was a kid I was uncontrollable. I had so of mountain biking. It’s taught me focus and
School’s involvement we essentially break much energy that no one knew how to handle discipline. It’s prepared me for running a
down riding problems into their component me. My mum would have to take me to the park business, allowed me to gain qualifications,
parts, work on their weaknesses, then get and tire me out before we did anything social, and has now been my job for over 10 years.
them to rebuild it stronger and with a plan or or I’d be jumping all over the furniture. As I Mountain biking has saved my life in so many
particular goal in mind. We typically attract went through school I was always being told to ways. All my best friends ride, and I honestly
riders and racers that wouldn’t really consider sit still, stop running, wait for everyone else, or don’t know what I would have done without it.

FEBRUARY 2020 mbr 23

FA S T & F I T

Let your bike know who’s the boss
this year with the help of our
tailor-made strength sessions
We all want to be better riders. Whether it’s railing corners
faster, learning to jump, muscling up steep technical climbs,
or simply reacting to terrain in the blink of an eye and making
better line choices.
But just like any physical pursuit, practice alone won’t make
perfect. You need to train, because being stronger and fitter
will make every other aspect of riding easier. And while we’re
all happy to spend hours on the bike working on specific skills,
or simply riding around hoping to improve, a more focused
approach can bring more rapid results. So if you want to
improve, but only get the opportunity to ride once or twice a
week, keep reading.
In as little as two hours per week, you can do as much off-bike
training as some pro riders. By training sensibly you can fill in
strength and intensity deficits in a short space of time, eliminate
areas that are holding you back and reap massive benefits on
the bike. We’re not saying it’s going to be easy, but it won’t take
the hours of monotonous gym time you might think.
This month we’re going to cover the kit you need to get
started and one fundamental exercise, the push-up. So even
if you have no gym equipment, you can set this magazine
down and get after it in your living room. We’ll bring you new
exercises each month and they will all be scalable, so it doesn’t
matter where you are on your fitness journey — you’ll still be
able to join in and improve.

Jonny Thompson is head coach W H AT E Q U I P M E N T
for Fit4Racing, an online fitness
programme for mtb riders. DO I NEED?
Once a forensic scientist, Jonny Having access to gym equipment will increase the benefits
has devoted the last 10 years of training massively, but we understand it’s not always
to coaching athletes from practical or affordable to have a pro-level gym where you
Paralympians to world number live. Which is why we have created three levels of equipment,
one enduro racers. His main based on available space and funds. Also, if time is tight,
focus with the Fit4Racing team is having a good garage gym will make it much easier to
developing and delivering fitness train efficiently than attending a commercial gym — not to
programmes to pro and amateur mention savings on the monthly membership.
riders. Training the likes
Jonny also sends 1 Kettlebell / Pull-up bar / Resistance bands – Total cost:
digital programmes £100-150
to riders all over
of whom ride Gymnastic rings (TRX) / Medicine ball / Plyo Box (bench) /
professionally. Cardio equipment + All Level 1 kit – Total cost £250-300


Barbell & weight plates / Squat rack / Wattbike or
rowing machine + All Level 1 and Level 2 kit – Total cost

24 mbr FEBRUARY 2020

The press-up is an amazing full bike, it also activates your core riding alone, as the stress and
body exercise that’s stood the test and butt, so it improves overall adaptation is much greater. So if
of time. Not only does it target the stability too. Doing press-ups you want to take your handling in
very muscles you need to hold a regularly will increase your upper technical terrain to the next level,
confident riding position on the body strength quicker than add press-ups to your training.


Doing a full press-up where your chest
touches the floor is a great achievement.
And doing 10 reps is the benchmark.
Don’t get soft when it gets hard though
a dipping lower back could be a sign of
a weak core. Can’t do 10 full press-ups
yet? Scale back and go to your knees.


If you’re confident with the press-up
and can do multiple sets of 10 with strict
form, then to progress you need to make
the exercise more difficult. Using a band
for more resistance will help overload
the muscles and increase the benefits.

n LEVEL 3 FLOOR PRESS is restricted but this actually with good form, increase the total
If you have a barbell and weights, makes it a better option than the weight on the bar by 2.5kg. If the
the floor press is a great way to traditional barbell bench press gym you train in doesn’t have
overload the muscles involved for riders with cranky shoulders. fractional weight plates, buy some
in pressing. The range of motion Once you can do three sets of 10 and keep them in your kit bag.


FEBRUARY 2020 mbr 25


Removing mud-spattered clothes without
painting your car interior brown is easy
with a little planning and the right kit
If you ride when it’s wet and muddy it’s If you decide not to wear full
inevitable that some of that crud is going waterproof trousers and stick with
to get splattered all over your clothing shorts, you can clean off any splatter
and, if you’ve driven to the trails, your in two ways. First you could try this old
car’s upholstery. It makes sense then, to XC racer tip — get a washing up bowl,
have a bit of a post-ride clean up, and stand in it (yes, that’s right) fill it with
get rid of as much dirt as possible. some soapy water, which you’ve brought
The first step to speed up post-ride in a bottle, and mop yourself down with
cleaning is to wear full waterproofs. a sponge.
They’re not always super-nice against The other option is to use baby wipes
the skin and, you may need to layer up or rather these huge versions designed
in really cold weather, but you can peel for outdoor use. Durt Wipes (€6 pack
off both top and bottoms and all the dirt of 20, and Wilderness
goes with them. We’d also advise you Wipes (£3 pack of 12, seatosummit.
to get changed on a portable changing are both four times the sizes of
matt/bag. There are several of these regular baby wipes and much thicker
listed opposite, and they’re basically too, meaning they’ll get most of the
large draw-string bags that you stand clag off without falling apart. Both are
on when getting changed out of your eco-friendly and smell nice, bonus!
wet gear. Once you’ve disrobed, you Once you’ve arrived back at the
then pull up the strings and all the wet ranch, it’s worth giving that dirty kit
clobber is in a self-contained easy-to- a hose down before bunging it in the
handle bag that you can just throw in washing machine. You just need a
the back of the car without getting hose pipe, but to remove the worst
everything dirty. mud a pressure washer is dead handy,
Alternatively, there are several especially for cleaning footwear
gear bags on the market with fold-out/ and kneepads.
removable changing mats, like the After a wet ride, there’s also some
Showerspass Refuge Waterproof clean-up, but if you plan ahead and
Duffel (£145, follow our simple post-ride steps,
or Fox Podium Gear bag (£138, you won’t make a mountain out of a molehill or take it home with you.

■ If you wear Lycra shorts under Durable Water Repellency (DWR)
your waterproofs then you should surface treatment, and once the
wash them after every ride to fabric is sodden, it also impairs
kill any bacteria that may cause its breathability. Tech Wash from
soreness or infections. It’s best to Nikwax cleans but also revitalises
use either non-bio washing powder the DWR, even if you have
or a dedicated sports wa d a conventional cleaner.
can help retain the Lycra
wicking properties. Despite using a dedicated
aner, the DWR will need
■ Waterproof cycling wing. We recommend
jackets lose their water ax TX Direct Spray-On
resistance when you use you can just boost
wash then, especially DWR where it’s faded the
if you use a detergent. t, like on the shoulders, Leave the dirt on
This strips off the ws and knees. the trail where it belongs

26 mbr FEBRUARY 2020

V R O O M B AG € 3 9. 9 9
At over a foot in diameter, the Vroom Bag is twice the size of
the Muc-Off Grime Bag. It’s not as well-padded but the vast
size means it can easily double as a boot liner or picnic mat.
The Ripstop nylon material gets a waterproof lining to keep all
the dirt in and the cords are big too, so it’s easier to tighten.
Features two mesh stuff pockets for cleaning gear, and it
even comes with a carry pouch. The perfect mtb changing
matt, currently on sale at the Vroom site.

M U C - O F F G R I M E B AG £ 2 9. 9 9
Although this is not as big as the Vroom bag,
he Muc-Off Grime Bag has a lip round
the edge to keep all the dirt and any
spills in check. It’s built from a coated
polyester and is also thickly padded,
so you won’t stub a toe on hard ground
when standing in bare feet. Extra-long
draw-strings allow you to really batten
down the hatches. Features twin
rry handles for easy transportation
d storage.

F OX T R A N S I T I O N DU F F L E £95
Built into the bottom of the Transition Duffle is a squa
changing mat and expandable wet space. The mat isn
padded, but it packs away neatly and the compartme
swallow dirty clothes and footwear. Gets a ton of inte
organisation, and waterproof zips stop the dry stuff
getting wet. A twin shoulder harness lets you sling it
your back if you have to ride home. A big investment
but the perfect privateer enduro/race bag.

I O N W E T B AG £ 2 7. 9 9
Designed initially for surfers, the Ion Wet Bag can easily swallow your dirty mtb
han others, so a secondary
do it up tight and the
ylon material keeps a lid
nt dirt. It’s lightweight,
y to keep clean and comes
ith a leash to hang it up.
Typical ION gear —
top quality, great value
and does what it says
on the tin.

WAT E R P R O O F D U F F L E £ 1 4 5
With three main internal compartments, the Refuge
Waterproof Duffle ensures clean and dirty clothes
are kept apart. It also has padded storage for
delicate electronics and a ton of pockets for all
those pre-race gels and potions. You also get
removable padding and dividers to customise
the storage, a mahoosive fold-out changing
mat, and waterproof zips at all the openings
to stop water ingress. Pricey but this a
heavy-duty trail/race bag.

FEBRUARY 2020 mbr 27


First rides


£ 1 ,9 0 0 / 2 9 i n / u p g r a d e b i ke s .c o.u k

NEED TO The Shout fork certainly looks radical, but can

KNOW it live up to Trust’s bold claims?
hat is it with suspension co-founder of Competitive Cyclist, was

● Latest trailing
engineers and their charged with delivering the goods.
linkage fork from
Trust, boasting overwhelming obsession On the table, the Trust Shout is
178mm travel with linkage forks? an impressive-looking piece of kit.
● Full carbon Maybe it’s the desire Constructed entirely from carbon, it’s
construction, to make a statement and produce a trailing linkage design with 178mm of
including links and something radically different. Or it travel. On the scales it weighs 2.23kg
tapered steerer
● Takes regular
could be, as complex as a linkage (4.92lb), so it’s a hair heavier than the
15mm front hubs fork is, the advantages of being able equivalent RockShox Lyrik. But with
and is fully Torque to manipulate the axle path and an axle to crown height of 580mm,
Cap compatible progression rate make the it’s 1mm lower than a 170mm-travel
● Twin-tube endeavour genuinely worthwhile. Lyrik 29.
damper with three-
Either way, it’s every suspension The Shout uses standard 110x15mm
mode adjuster
● Weighs in at engineer’s dream. To make the Trust axle spacing, making it fully compatible
2.23kg (4.92lb) fork a reality, however, it actually took with the current crop of Boost hubs.
including 15mm the merging of three great minds. Dave Trust also states that the same fork is
alloy axle Weagle developed the suspension 29in and 27.5in compatible, but this
design, Jason Schiers, formerly of isn’t really a unique feature as all 29er
Enve Composites, transformed it into forks take 27.5in wheels. What’s cool
a carbon reality, while Hap Seliga, about the Shout though, is that it has

The Shout’s trailing-linkage

design offers unforgetable
looks and 178mm travel

28 mbr FEBRUARY 2020

FEBRUARY 2020 mbr 29

Very sensitive off the

top... that intial touch
is friction-free
inserts in the dropouts that snugly HOW IT RIDES Travel dial makes setting
cup regular 15mm hubs for easy axle OK, let’s dispense with the elephant in the sag a cinch
location, but these can also be removed the room: this fork looks, well, different.
to make it fully Torque Cap compatible, Yes, that’s the polite way of putting it.
something we’ll get deeper into in It’s weird for sure, and I still can’t get
a minute. used to the way the oversized carbon
It isn’t just the linkage that makes legs extend way out in front of the
this fork different. It has self-equalizing axle, making every bike I’ve seen it
air-spring assemblies in both of those on look like it’s been dropped from a
beefy carbon upper legs. And with no great height, choppering out the fork.
stanchions or O-rings to indicate sag, Sit behind it, however, and it looks
Trust employs a neat travel dial on one reassuringly stout.
of the pivots to help with initial set-up. If you’ve got this far you’re not
A three-position compression lever interested in how the Trust fork looks; covers on each leg, unscrew the valve
atop the right leg delivers three distinct you want to know how it rides. First up, caps with an Allen key, attach a shock
modes within easy reach: open, mid it’s very sensitive off the top. That initial pump and inflate to your body weight
and firm, where even the firm setting touch is totally friction-free, making it in lbs. So for me at 85kg, that’s 187lb
remains active and plush for the first 20 incredibly sensitive to small bumps. This which is 187psi in each leg. I found that
per cent of the travel. is more impressive still when you realise lower pressures and more sag definitely
Halfway down the same leg, peeling that the negative spring volume isn’t offered a more sensitive response,
back a small rubber seal reveals the very large. In fact, the fork appears to probably due to the small negative
adjusters for the twin-tube thru-shaft use a hydraulic top-out, to eliminate any spring volume, but to get the support I
damper that lets you vary the low- knocking that would normally go hand craved, I needed to add volume spacers.
speed compression damping and high- in hand with such a set-up. Easier said than done.
speed rebound using an 3mm Allen key. Getting a ballpark setting for The fork comes stock with volume
The main rebound adjuster resides at the air pressure couldn’t be more spacers in each air-spring assembly, but
the base of right leg. straightforward. Flip open the rubber you actually need to unbolt the linkage

30 mbr FEBRUARY 2020

For maximum stiffness,
we’d recommend running a
a Torque Cap-compatible hub

Front the front, it could

almost be a regular fork...

Rebound adjuster dial

is housed at the base
of the right leg

Allen-key adjusted
thru-shaft damper Material Full carbon
chassis, steerer tube
and linkages
Travel 178mm trailing
multi-link design
Quick to react and slow Axle to crown 580mm
to return makes the Shout Weight 2.23kg
a frustrating proposition (4.92lb)
Wheel size 29in
(also takes 27.5in)
Adjustments Three-
and remove the spring assembly from transmitting input at the handlebar to So the important lesson here is way mode adjust —
each leg to add more. Once dismantled, the contact patch of the tyre and vice that now the Trust fork is in the hands Firm, Mid, Open
it’s the same process as any other fork versa. And while some flex is necessary of everyday riders, it needs to adapt Damping Trust
and, to be fair, it’s a time-consuming for off-camber traction and control, I its range of adjustment to make it engineered
operation rather than a difficult one. think it’s excessive on the Trust fork. suit a wider range of rider weights twin-tube, thru-shaft
damper, with high
With the spring rate and progression I’ve ridden this fork on a variety of and styles. I’ll try to get the rebound and low-speed
sorted, my focus instantly switched to different bikes with different wheel sizes, damping re-tuned before doing a full rebound and low-
the damping. And much to my surprise, and the best option was a stiffer 27.5in review, but until then I won’t be taking speed compression
the fork wasn’t returning fast enough wheel with a hub sporting oversized the RockShox Lyrik Ultimate off my
Easy set-up with air
even with the rebound fully open. As I Torque Caps. Which isn’t really a favourite bike. pressure equal to
mentioned earlier, I weigh 85kg in my surprise, given the flex. Alan Muldoon rider weight
riding kit, so if you’re lighter than me, Also, after riding it on faster, rougher Max tyre widths
this fork is going to suck the life out of trails that really load up the fork, I’m 29x2.6in, 27.5x2.8in
your ride. I’m also convinced it is why convinced that being able to run the 1ST IMPRESSION Axle spacing Boost
15x110mm thru-axle
my hands were fatiguing on longer runs. rebound faster may reduce control
and Torque Cap-
Hand or arm pump is not something I rather than improve it. compatible
normally suffer from, but I’m convinced Critical as this First Ride sounds, I Low breakaway force and Brake mount
that the extra pulling force that I was should qualify it by saying that Trust impressive small-bump sensitivity. Direct 180mm rotor
exerting on the bar was making my isn’t the first brand to get it wrong and Great square-edge performance and (203mm max)
Fits existing mountain
hands ache. As the fork isn’t stiff it’s unlikely to be the last. The first Fox fore-aft stiffness. No quirky anti-dive
bikes with tapered
torsionally, I was constantly fighting the forks were totally over-damped, and traits. Distinct looks. head tubes
steering or, lack of it. more recently even RockShox updated
Yes, the Shout has good fore-aft
stiffness, thanks to the oversized carbon
the range of high-speed compression
adjustment on its RC2 damper after just
Over-damped on rebound.
upper legs and one-piece steerer one year. Öhlins, Specialized, Bos — all Lacks torsional stiffness and steering
assembly. But, just like a telescopic brands that have promised the world precision. Costs a pretty penny.
upside-down fork, there’s is a delay in and failed to deliver. Distinct looks.

FEBRUARY 2020 mbr 31


32 mbr FEBRUARY 2020

Vitus’s new trail bike
range delivers an impressive
package for the price


£ 1 , 5 9 9.9 9 / 2 9 i n / v i t u s b i k e s . c o m

NEED TO Vitus’s new trail bike is right on the money but

KNOW how can the Mythique survive the reality?

I All three bikes offer

● New range of
f the new Vitus Mythique looks
affordable 140mm familiar, it’s probably because it

a choice of 29in or
full-suspension shares the same battleship grey
trail bikes from the finish, bright red Marzocchi Bomber
hardtail kings fork and most of its build kit with the
● A Marzocchi
Bomber Z2 fork
is paired with a
popular Sentier VR hardtail we featured
in Editor’s Choice. 27.5in wheels
RockShox Monarch Alternatively, it could be the angular
R shock for a lines the Mythique derives from its full-
cool, calculated suspension sibling, the Vitus Escarpe, Regardless of wheel size, travel on the
that grabbed your attention. Either way, top two models is 140mm front and rear,
● All models the Mythique 29 VRX is the flagship where the entry-level Mythique VRs get
available with 27.5in bike in a new range of full-sussers that 10mm less at both ends.
or 29in wheels are designed to blow your mind, not And it’s not just the angular profile
● Entry-level VR your budget. And by top end we mean that the new Mythique shares with the
models start at £1,599.99 for the VRX model featured more expensive Escarpe, it also gets
£1,249 and have
10mm less travel
here. Impressive, given the specification its superbly sensitive suspension. So
and the fact that most brands struggle even though it doesn’t benefit from the
to deliver a frame and shock, let alone a pierced seat tube and floating shock
complete bike, for this kind of money. design of its more expensive stablemate,
More impressive still is that you have it’s still a four-bar design and has that
the choice of 29in or 27.5in wheels pitter-patter response to the 140mm
at each of the three price points. rear end. A dialled shock tune also
makes it a set-and-forget affair, but you
do need to tweak the saddle position
to get the most from this bike on the
climbs, which we’ll get to in a minute.
Sensitive suspension however,
isn’t the only personality trait that
the Mythique has inherited from the
Escarpe. Less desirable attributes are
the elevated BB height and limited
seatpost insertion, both of which need
addressing separately.
Let’s look at seatpost insertion first.
To get the reach I wanted, I needed
Slamming the saddle
is a sticking plaster to be on the size large, and at 5ft 11in
for slack seat angle that’s obviously the correct size bike
for anyone my height or thereabouts.

FEBRUARY 2020 mbr 33


I’m convinced the

27.5 version is the
one to go for
The thing is, I have relatively long legs
and I still couldn’t get the seatpost
low enough in the frame without it
interfering with the function of the
dropper-post mechanism. Having less
of a kinked seat tube would probably
be enough to fix this, an added benefit
being that it would also steepen up the
seat tube angle and stop me having
to run the saddle slammed all of the
way forward on the head of the post
to avoid being too far behind the
BB on the climbs. This is the tweak
I was referring to earlier, as it really
Raised riding position
compromises an helps stop the rear suspension from
otherwise sorted geometry squatting too much when climbing
sat down.

34 mbr FEBRUARY 2020

RockShox Monarch R
shock with 140mm of
supple suspension

Wide pivot stance

but stiffness could Frame 6061-T6
be better aluminium,
140mm travel
Shock RockShox
Monarch R
Fork Marzocchi
Bomber Z2,
140mm travel
Wheels Vitus sealed
hubs, WTB ST i30
rims, Schwalbe
Magic Mary/Hans
Dampf Performance
27.5x2.35in tyres
Drivetrain SRAM
SX 32t chainset, SRAM
SX Eagle 12-speed
r-mech and shifter
Brakes Shimano
MT501, 180mm
Nukeproof Neutron
800mm bar, Neutron
45mm stem, Brand-X
Ascend 150mm post,
Neutron saddle
Now let’s take a closer look at the BB and rocks long before the suspension Shimano brakes are paired Sizes S, M, L XL
height. Measured in the mbr workshop, gets you in over your head. with a SRAM drivetrain
Weight 15.28kg
it sits 347mm from the floor, a height So the new Vitus Mythique 29 VRX (33.69lb)
you’d more likely find on a 170mm- didn’t fully live up to expectations, but
travel enduro bike, not a trail bike with all is not lost. The more compact frame GEOMETRY
140mm travel and considerably less sag. design and smaller wheels on the 27.5in Size ridden L
Thankfully, the dynamic ride height of the version should make it markedly stiffer, Rider height 5ft 11in
Mythique 29 isn’t as high as the number and looking at the geometry chart on Head angle 66°
suggests, so the bike actually feels good the Vitus website it’s 10mm lower too, Seat angle 66.9°
on rolling flowing singletrack, where the so I’m convinced that’s the one to go for. BB height 347mm
balanced suspension, generous sizing The only way to verify that though is to Chainstay 442mm
and relatively slack head angle make it test one, so watch this space. Front centre 782mm
a fun, fast and engaging ride. Alan Muldoon Wheelbase 1,224mm
Get it on anything steep, up or down, Down tube 739mm
however, and the tipping effect of being Top tube 621mm
perched on the bike, rather than sat in it, 1ST IMPRESSION Reach 465mm
becomes that much more pronounced
and unsettling. Start to push the
Mythique in these situations and you
Great suspension and
quickly discover that the bike doesn’t competitive pricing. Dialled cockpit.
feel stiff enough to be ridden as hard as
the slack head angle, long wheelbase
and superb suspension encourage.
BB height is too high. Seatpost
Hard Schwalbe
At least the hard-compound Schwalbe doesn’t go far enough into the frame. tyres fight more
tyres act as an early warning device, so Hard-compound Schwalbe tyres than they bite
you’ll hear them ping and pop off roots lack grip.

FEBRUARY 2020 mbr 35


36 mbr FEBRUARY 2020

£ 7, 0 0 0 / 2 9 - 2 7. 5 i n / m e r i d a - b i k e s . c o m

NEED TO The eOne-Sixty’s short-travel stablemate has

KNOW features aplenty but will its less aggressive
geometry help or hinder out on the trails?
● Short-travel
e-bike with 133mm ust like pure aerobically- The frame in question is easy on the
travel rear and
140mm-travel fork
● Full carbon
frame, internal
504Wh battery
and Shimano
E8000 motor
● Trail bike
J powered bikes, e-bikes are
designed with a specific kind
of riding in mind. Take the
Specialized Turbo Kenevo: it has
a dual-crown fork and a ‘shuttle mode’,
and is unashamedly aimed at bike park
bombing. The YT Decoy we featured last
eye, with sculpted carbon mated to
an alloy rear end. And Merida claims
those distinctive vents you see behind
the head tube aren’t just for show; they
really help cool the motor and battery,
as well as doubling as internal cable
routing ports. I think they look tacky,
ethos, designed
to be fun and
month works best on big, all-mountain but plenty of people seem to like them.
manoeuvrable, trails because the frame is stiff and the It boasts some other interesting
with climbing suspension progressive. The Merida features too, some of which I like, some
prowess eOne-Forty here is most definitely a trail I don’t. The on/off button looks great
● More bike, which means it’s comfortable, fun inset in the top tube, but you have
and manoeuvrable, and totally suited to to push it hard to get it to work. The
geometry than
the burlier eOne- the kind of terrain most of us ride. battery cover feels robust, but it’s only
Sixty, but it gets Merida’s eOne-Forty is the little
mullet wheels
● Three-bike range
from £4,350
sibling to the well-known eOne-Sixty,
and gets the same facelift, with the It’s comfortable,
battery now hidden away inside the
down tube. It shares the same frame
design and styling too, albeit with 27mm
less travel. It’s also more compact, with
a 10mm shorter reach and a 1° steeper
and fun to ride
head angle. Merida says this makes
the bike better at slow speeds and
when climbing.
Merida’s definition of trail riding
is obviously different from mine, as I
want to have maximum confidence and
control when I’m riding down any kind
of trail, and that comes from long, low
and slack geometry. I’d rather Merida
had retained the eOne-Sixty’s geometry,
which incidentally might even have
helped the bike climb, as it has a longer
overall wheelbase and more generous Top tube power button
reach. As such, at 6ft 1in I would lacks sensitivity
definitely upsize to an XL frame.

DT Swiss fork is sleek

and works well

FEBRUARY 2020 mbr 37


secured with a rubber O-ring, which

eOne-Forty: efficient but
could be a little less uptight has stretched over the 500-mile life of
this particular demo bike and doesn’t fit
snugly anymore. No matter, Merida has
designed the O-rings to be replaceable,
so you can always get a rattle-free fit.
You can take the 504Wh battery out
and charge it off the bike; the release
mechanism is ingenious because you
use the bolt-thru lever from the rear axle
to unlock it. You can also charge the
battery in the bike, although the charge
port is located on top of the BB housing,
meaning it was full of water every time I
went to use it. Finally, there’s a headset
block to restrict the controls from
hitting the top tube in a crash, and the
chainstay protector does a great job at
keeping the bike silent.
Merida has stuck with the Shimano
STEPS E8000 motor, despite the
popularity of the new Bosch unit. I’ve
always been a fan of the Japanese
system for its smooth operation and
reliability, but I have to admit it is

38 mbr FEBRUARY 2020

Shimamo STEPS
E8000 motor is
light and compact

Frame Carbon/6016
alloy, 133mm travel
Shock Fox Float
Performance Elite
Fork DT Swiss F535
One, 140mm travel
Motor Shimano STEPS
E8000, 250W
The QR lever
Battery Shimano
E8035, 504Wh
unlocks the battery
Display Shimano
Wheels DT Swiss
Spline HX1501
ONE 30 Boost,
Maxxis Minion DHF/
DHR II 29x2.5in/
27.5x2.6in tyres
Drivetrain Shimano XT
crankset, r-mech and
12-speed shifter
Head tube venting
Brakes Shimano XT
ports double as Charging port cum four-piston, 203mm
cable conduits water feature
Components Merida
Expert eTR 780mm
bar, Merida 35mm
now outclassed by its German rival. graphics, but it is approachable trails with berms and jumps it felt a little stem, Merida 170mm
post, Merida Expert
Considering this 9000 model costs and friendly to ride — fluoro orange more vague and less trustworthy.
CC saddle
£7,000, it’s facing some pretty hefty would better reflect its personality. If you’re in the market for an enduro Sizes S, M, L, XL, XXL
competition when it comes to power, A combination of the linear shock e-bike that can hammer fast, steep and Weight 22.2kg
refinement and battery capacity. tune and short 438mm back end help rough trails, this is not the bike for you. (48.94lb)
make the bike easy to manual, and this But if your idea of fun is sliding around in
HOW IT RIDES contributes to a feeling of agility. I’d say the woods on natural trails, searching for GEOMETRY
The eOne-Forty has gone full gangster, it did a good job of flattering my skills. grip, and riding for pure kicks, then the Size ridden L
decked out in matt black with subtle The mullet wheel set-up is a popular eOne-Forty does a great job, albeit at a Rider height 6ft 1in
with e-bikes and the eOne-Forty makes hefty price tag. Head angle 66.1°
good use of it: the 29in Maxxis Minion Jamie Darlow Seat angle 72.1°
Fox Float shock
DHF tyre up front grips without being BB height 332mm
with 133mm travel
draggy, while the slightly wider but Chainstay 438mm
smaller 27.5in DHR II helps the bike react 1ST IMPRESSION Front centre 767mm
Wheelbase 1,205mm
willingly to changes in direction.
Down tube 726mm
The flattery came to an end when I
Top tube 603mm
pushed the bike harder and faster, or on Fun and exciting ride, easy
Reach 450mm
rougher trails, where the eOne-Forty to play with on the trail, proven
ripped through its travel and left me at Shimano motor, and boasting loads
the mercy of its relatively conservative of smart features.
geometry. The flexy back feels good on
the slow, muddy and natural trails we
have in abundance all over the UK right
Too flexy when trails get faster
now, dishing out grip where I hadn’t and firmer, geometry is needlessly
expected to find it, but on firmer, faster conservative. Too pricey.

FEBRUARY 2020 mbr 39


40 mbr FEBRUARY 2020

£ 2 ,9 9 5/ 2 9 i n / e v a n s c yc l e s .c o m

NEED TO Will increased wheel size and travel equate to

KNOW more fun on the new Norco Sight?

his is the new Norco Sight A2 29, not sure if this is the shock tune or just
● New 150mm-
travel Sight and the big change this year is that the bike needs more time to bed in.
platform with the switch to 29in wheels. Travel Size-wise, the Sight A2 29 is available
29in wheels has also increased, the latest in four options, and to keep the handling
● Long and low version getting a 160mm-travel consistent they all get size-specific
geometry with
fork and 150mm out back. Price-wise, chainstays (430mm small, 435mm,
increased reach and
slacker head angle the alloy A2 29 featured here is pretty 440mm large and 445mm extra large).
● Shorter seat tube competitive, but if you want to spend Norco also fits size-specific dropper
on all sizes allows more (or less), there is an A1 above it posts — there’s a 150mm on the small
longer dropper and a A3 bike below, and if money is no frame size, 170mm on the medium and
post fitment object, there are also two carbon bikes, large and a whopping 200mm on the XL.
● Powerful Code
R disc brakes
called the C1 and C2. Most models are In-keeping with the refocused Sight,
with 200/180mm available in a women’s build and also Norco has updated the geometry.
rotors boost come as an option with 27.5in wheels. With its 64° head angle and a long
stopping power To keep the price competitive, Norco 1,250mm wheelbase, the Sight A2 29
fits a second-string Performance series feels incredibly planted and confidence-
Fox 36 fork and a Float X2 rear shock inspiring on fast, gnarly terrain. Drop the
to the Sight A2 29. These feel totally saddle, point it downhill and this bike is
in-keeping with the new aggressive literally out of sight.
all-mountain attitude, but the rear The effective seat tube angle is
suspension did feel a little lifeless. I’m around 77° and this puts you in a great
position for keeping on top of the
gear and the front wheel down on the
climbs too; just don’t expect to set any
hill-climb KOMs on this bike. And that’s
primarily because the Sight A2 29 isn’t
particularly light — the hefty frame,
entry-level components and budget
SRAM NX Eagle drivetrain are really
punishing on the scales. Thankfully, the
Sight doesn’t ride heavy, but it’s not a
lithe or agile bike either.
So it’s clear that Norco has got the
Chain guide keeps
basics right, but it’s also sweated the
the Norco’s details — like the extra frame protection
flow airtight on the underside of the down tube, a
proper water bottle mount, a secondary

One-piece rocker and

clevis pivots keep the
rear end on track

fitting for tube/tool carry under the SPECIFICATION

top tube, easy access internal cable Frame Sight
routing, stiff rocker link, mini ISCG aluminium,
150mm travel
chain device and vast rear tyre and
Shock Fox X2
standover clearance. Performance
Fork Fox 36 Rhythm,
HOW IT RIDES 160mm travel
Fettling is par for the course with any Wheels DT Swiss 370
new bike, but setting up the Norco was hubs, Stans Flow rims,
easy, and this is because the company TR 29x2.4in tyres
has just launched a new web-based app Drivetrain SRAM
called Ride Aligned that helps simplify Descendant 6K 32t
suspension set-up. Obviously, this chainset, NX Eagle
shifter and r-mech
isn’t a new idea but Norco’s system is
Brakes SRAM Code R,
skill-centred and not just based on body 200/180mm
weight, so the more skilful or fast you Components Norco
are, the firmer the suspension settings. Out of Sight: internal 800mm bar, Norco
When I tapped my details into the cable routing keeps the
40mm stem, TransX
170mm post, WTB Volt
app I got back fork and shock pressures, Norco’s lines clean
250 Sport saddle
damping settings, tyre pressures and Sizes S, M, L, XL
even a recommended bar width and bar Weight 16.7kg
height. I used the suspension and tyre Minion DHR II front tyre for the softer the Norco Sight A2 29 is an absolute (36.82lb)
pressure guidelines on my first ride, but compound Maxx Terra 3C option and shredder. And with Norco’s Ride Aligned
to be honest I didn’t chop the 800mm I’d maybe add a thicker Double Down app easing set-up, that adrenaline GEOMETRY
bar down or run extra spacers under the casing tyre to the rear, just because rush is also going to come sooner than Size ridden L
stem, simply because I like a wide bar, you’re going to be slamming that rear you think. Rider Height 5ft 10in
and with the conical spacer on top of the end into a lot of nasty stuff. I’d also Paul Burwell Head angle 64.6°
headset my hands were already too high. upgrade the inner cable in the dropper Seat angle 72.8°
There are a couple of things I would post because the stock one is sticky, BB height 350mm
change though — I’d swap the 60a causing the remote to jam open a few 1ST IMPRESSION Chainstay 445mm
times. The grips need to go too — sure Front centre 805mm

Norco’s new app they have a nice profile and texture,

but they’re way too hard.
Size-specific geometry and
Wheelbase 1,250mm
Down Tube 745mm

helps simplify
Top tube 621mm
Despite some minor concerns dropper post, excellent value for
Reach 485mm
with the spec, the Sight A2 29 is still money and a breeze to set up

the set-up
excellent value. It’s not lightweight or
the quickest uphill, but if you’re looking
for an aggressive all-mountain bike to
Hard grips, 60a front tyre and
take to somewhere like BikePark Wales, packing quite a few extra pounds

42 mbr FEBRUARY 2020


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Help please if you can. I have just WORTH

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had a total left knee replacement and
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on an eMTB, not DH or bike parks.
What kneepads do you think would
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and more confused. Any help you can
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Group chief sub editor Dan Thomas
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07572 116044, [email protected]
reviews at, or you great all-round kneepad
Account director Jess Holmes,
07583 011551, [email protected]
can’t go far wrong with the Race Face for trail riders

Account director Ben Day, Ambush pad.

07817 253123, [email protected]
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years. Anyway, I am a member of Cycling
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decided to give my own a go: 12V LED groups, mental health support groups
Editorial Complaints We work hard to achieve the highest standards of
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light bar £6.99; Switch £5; Lipo 12V and organisations are just some of the
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If you have a complaint about our editorial content, you can email us at
battery £18. Will see how it goes, settings where Community Cycle Clubs
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thanks for the inspiration. are taking place.”
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We will endeavour to acknowledge your complaint within 5 working days and
interested in looking down this avenue,
we aim to correct substantial errors as soon as possible.

but I would be willing to contact Cycling

I have just read the star letter from UK and find out more. I would also be

13 , 508
Chris Jones [ MTB Missionaries, January
2020]. I am a 67-year-old still very active
mountain biker living in Plymouth and
willing to help where I can. I have not
done anything like this before so it
would all be new.
have ridden off-road for the last 55 John Woolley
God’s Own Country
YOU R L E T T E R S basks in a layer of
sun-kissed snow

I write to you seeking help! I am having
a terrible time finding a mountain biking
helmet that is full-face with a removable
chinbar in an XL size. I recently had
a pretty good fall in which I was
concussed and cut my face up pretty
good so I want more protection for
certain rides but don’t want the chinbar
on for easy trail rides. I ordered the Bell
Super DH MIPS in a large and it was just
a bit too small. I want a helmet with the
MIPS technology.
What are my options? Are there
certain brands, in your experience of
reviewing helmets, that run bigger than

Bell in a size large that may work for me? page 84, but to cut to the chase, Sweet
I’ve checked multiple company sites and Protection’s Arbitrator has a removable
done a number of Google searches and chinbar and comes in an XL size. Could
nothing seems to fit my criteria. be just what you’ve been looking for.
Any help is greatly appreciated!
Thank you, NICE OUT
Gary Mahoney Sleddale, North Yorkshire, Sunday
December 15. How good does winter
Ed — Gary have you been hacking our look here? The riders are Jon Reaman,
Sweet Protection
servers? It’s almost as if you knew we Simon Hailes, Andy Bainbridge,
Arbitrator: lid to had a bumper enduro helmet test in Johnny Johnson.
please big heads this issue. For the full test, head over to Paul Whittle


Serious bikes for serious

terrain on test, including the
Specialized S-Works Enduro 29,
Pivot Firebird 29 and
Giant Reign Advanced 29


46 mbr FEBRUARY 2020

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50 mbr FEBRUARY 2020


The HB.130 is the realisation of a dream for Hope’s

founders. We head to Lancashire in order to find out
the story behind this ambitious project
Words & photos: Sim Mainey

FEBRUARY 2020 mbr 51


Hope’s workshop is
where the magic
happens for all to see

Gallic guru Guillaume’s

the man with the
carbon plan

52 mbr FEBRUARY 2020

ne wall of Hope’s meeting
room is fully glazed.
The smartly appointed
mezzanine looks out across
the workshop floor and
rows of machines, the
double glazing blocking
out the noise and giving the
scene a strange serenity.
These large anonymous
looking machines run
around the clock turning
steel and aluminium into
bicycle components with
high-speed precision. Working with metal has a
reputation for being grim and grimy but here it’s
light, airy and almost suspiciously clean. This is
cutting-edge manufacturing.
Hope is one of the UK cycling industry’s great
success stories. Over its 30-year history, Hope has
forged — or rather machined — a reputation for
pragmatic, robust design combined with colourful
anodised flare. For this reason, and many others,
it has earned itself something of a soft spot in the
hearts of British riders. In turn it has never been
afraid to wear its heart on its sleeve — the fact that
its workshop is on view to visitors is proof that it’s
proud, not just of what it makes, but how it goes
about making it.
Pride of place in front of the reception room’s
window is Hope’s latest bike — the HB.T track bike.
Designed in collaboration with Lotus Engineering
and the Great Britain Cycling Team, the HB.T has
been designed with the goal of bringing Olympic
medals back from the 2020 Tokyo games. It’s a
stunning bike, with a mantis-like design constructed
from 3D printed alloy and composites.
But it’s Hope’s facility with carbon, rather than
its metallurgical knowledge, that has lead to its
involvement in the project. Olympic success or not,
it will look incredible in action, especially on the
velodrome Hope is planning to build just over the
Hope, skip and jump:
hill in its hometown of Barnoldswick. That’s right,
field-testing the HB.130 this is a company not short on ambition.
as up and down affair For Hope’s founders, the move into frame
building was born from the simple desire to


Even straight out of the
mould, the HB frames
are a thing of beauty
The UK is a world leader in mountain bike design.
We boast a proud engineering heritage and
a stoic pragmatism that has forged a reputation for timeless,
practical design. At the same time we are open-minded and
innovative, unafraid of pushing boundaries and reluctant to rest
on our laurels. From enthusiasts tinkering in sheds to large-scale
engineering firms, we are a nation of thinkers and doers, a point
evidenced by the number of bike brands that call the UK home.
We’ve more than just curiosity and engineering know-how to
thank for this though; the geography of the British Isles has played
an equally important role in influencing the design of our bikes.
In this series we’re going behind the scenes at leading UK brands
and exploring the trails that have influenced their design decisions.
We’ll be asking if there is one trail that informed a bike’s design,
whether a particular section of a ride led to a eureka moment and
how Britain’s landscape has shaped the bikes we ride today.

FEBRUARY 2020 mbr 53


54 mbr FEBRUARY 2020
The HB. 130’s geometry Despite a factory full of CNC machines and three
is the outcome of decades of working with aluminium, Hope didn’t
exhaustive testing have any real background with welding. But with
the tooling and the ability to machine a mould from
a slab of metal, creating a carbon frame was both
easier and cheaper. And Hope did in fact have some
experience with carbon prior to the HB, producing a
limited number of bars and seatposts.

Hope believed if it was going to create a bike, it had
to do it properly. Producing a carbon frame requires
quality at every step — in materials, tools and labour.
So the corner of the factory that dealt with carbon
was expanded, composite expert Chris Clarke was
hired to oversee things, and staff and resources were
allocated to make things happen.
When the production version of the HB.211
— the HB.160 — was finally offered to the public
it was met with a mixed response. The looks,
quality and attention to detail were undoubtedly
there but, for what in most people’s books was a
cutting-edge super-bike, the geometry was a little
behind the times. Guillaume acknowledges that
the geometry had been one of the first aspects of
the bike to be signed off. After that, the team had
spent the majority of their time concentrating on the
suspension design and, crucially, the manufacturing
process. By the time the HB.160 went into
production, the geometry that had been approved at
the start of the project seemed dated. That’s not to
say it was bad — Guillaume says that the geometry
works perfectly on his local trails in Briançon where
Hope machines and bonds things are tight and technical, but, call it fashion or
the back end in-house progress, the HB.160’s numbers weren’t perceived to
be as progressive as the bike could have been.
Progress and change don’t stop, and even within
make a bike for themselves and to have something Hope things had moved on. The Enduro race team
unique to hang their components on. When faced was starting to be less of a priority and staff riders
with a blank sheet of paper, and with the ability to were looking for a bike better suited to the trails
machine components to suit in-house, Hope saw closer to home, rather than one designed for racing.
an opportunity to innovate and do things its own The new breed of shorter-travel 29ers seemed
way. Arguably it was the company's co-founder, the to be what most riders, both in Hope and in the
late Simon Sharp, who was the driving force of this general market, seemed to be gravitating towards.
project, but the man charged with designing the Guillaume got to work.
first bike, and every subsequent model, is Guillaume With a lot of the frame manufacturing process
Leon. Guillaume has worked for Hope since 2002, in place, and lessons learned from developing
but now lives and works in Briançon in his native the HB.160, there was more time to concentrate
France, travelling back to the UK as and when on the geometry of the new bike. A great deal of
needed. After 17 years of working in Barnoldswick, comparison testing was done, buying interesting
there’s an umistakable Lancastrian twang to his bikes and giving them to staff to ride, creating a
French accent, adding a je ne sais quoi to his already bank of feedback. Opinions were also gathered from
affable personality. outside the company to make sure they broke out of
Today he is busy torture testing brakes on a dyno, their echo chamber. The geometry of the new bike
watching as numbers slowly change on the computer was updated three times before Hope was happy
that is monitoring the exercise, and the brake disc with it. The fourth iteration became the HB.130 —
starts to glow. As a designer and engineer he’d spent Hope’s 29inch, 130mm-travel trail bike.
his spare time playing with ideas of what an entirely
Hope-built bike might look like. He’d drawn sketches GISBURN FOREST
and built models of what he thought might work, Gisburn Forest is half an hour’s drive north of Hope.
so when the time came to actually make a frame, With Guillaume busy setting fire to brakes on his test
Guillaume was the man for the job. rig, I’m being shown round by Doddy. Rob ‘Doddy’
The first bike — the HB.211 — was a 160mm-travel, Dodsworth is the HB brand manager. Responsible
27.5in-wheeled enduro bike. It was meant to be for for sales, specs, customer service and a whole host of
internal use only — something for the race team and other things, he’s understandably passionate about
employees to ride. With a blank sheet of paper and the bikes in his charge.
enough engineering power to comfortably disregard, Hope has a strong association with the trails at
or work around, industry standards, Hope was able Gisburn. The Hope Line trail is the most obvious
to try new ideas, such as a slimline 130mm custom tie, but the hugely successful Hopetech Women’s
hub spacing, bespoke crank and BB interface, a Enduro race is held here and Hope is a strong
motorcycle-inspired radial rear brake mount and supporter of the PMBA (Pennine Mountain Bike
other clever touches. Probably the biggest talking Association) race series which invariably uses
point was the carbon mainframe. For a company best Gisburn as a venue.
known for working with metal, this seemed an odd The forest is wearing Hope livery today —
choice, but for Hope it was the obvious way forward. black cut through with vibrant green. In among

FEBRUARY 2020 mbr 55


Project manager
Doddy blasts through
the green room

Gisburn’s tight trails

are ideal for testing
short-travel rippers

the dense darkness of the forest, pockets of light
illuminate the moss that carpets the ground. The
HB.130 was designed with a broad remit, but it feels
very much at home here. Tight and twisty, the trail
has little in the way of full-bore, wide-open sections.
Lots of travel and a raked-out head angle aren’t AND THE WAITING
necessarily the key to going fast at Gisburn. Instead
a more balanced, nuanced, approach is needed.
Naturally for Lancashire in December it’s raining.

Builders brew-coloured puddles dot the trail,
corners are started with a bow wave and exited with
a hero splash. Water and traffic have laid down a
beating in places, giving the man-made trails a more
natural touch; 130mm of travel and 29-inch wheels
feels just enough here.
The HB.130 uses the same suspension design as
the HB.160 but with a little more anti-squat dialled
into the kinematics, giving a zip to the bike that lends hippy-dippy, but they are often perceived to have
itself to accelerating from one corner to the next. a character other materials can’t match. To some
Guillaume says he uses his HB.130 for rides below people this is just guff, to others it’s an important
1,000 metres and his HB.160 for anything above part of choosing a bike. Carbon has generally been
that. Bearing in mind where he lives, that should overlooked by those looking for that ‘something’.
mean the HB.130 is fine for just about anything this From a technological standpoint it’s a wonder
country can throw its way. material, but one often associated with production-
line bikes. There might be something in the Gisburn
CUSTOM OPTIONS puddle water, but the HB.130 feels like a bike that
The weather-resistant trails lend a consistency that has a bit more to it. Maybe it’s the carbon layup,
allows for solid comparative testing to be done, and the fact it’s been made by people I’ve looked in the
it’s also representative of the kind of riding many eye, or just that it’s to my liking, but the HB.130
of us do. A lot of the bikes Hope brings in to test are has a definite personality to it. Sometimes it’s those
lapped round the forest. But it’s not all trail centre intangibles that make a bike feel special.
here. In among the dense woods are some off-piste Despite the sizeable investment in producing the
sections — local-built trails and leftovers from HBs, Doddy says there isn’t pressure to hit targets
various races. The good ones feel almost official; the and push sales. Hope is a component manufacturer
raw dirt and roots in the corners the only giveaway first and foremost, and that’s what brings in the
that these are not built to a spec, more to a feel — money. With its current set-up it can only make five
much like the HB.130. frames a week, each frame is made to order and the
Steel and titanium frames have a reputation for waiting list stands at five weeks.
possessing something special. ‘Soul’ sounds a bit Hope being Hope, HB buyers can customise their

56 mbr FEBRUARY 2020

bike to suit. One customer is having one side of in-house, but also means that there are fewer
their HB finished with silver components and the alignment issues.
other side red. Why? Because they can. Every HB Two riders join us at the top of the Hope
customer is given updates as their frame progresses Line. Both are on ex-Hope staff bikes and are
from sheets of carbon through to final build, and understandably interested and enthusiastic about
when it’s ready, it can be collected from the factory. the HB.130. Well-built and supported products,
It’s an intensely personal affair, and although the along with plenty of homegrown pride, has made
frame might not be truly custom for each rider, each Hope part of the fabric of the UK riding scene;
bike is certainly unique. now that cloth has a carbon weave. The weather
Low cloud snags on the tops of the trees and deteriorates further and after riding down the
rain whips across our faces. There are a couple of dark Hope Line by feel more than sight, we beat a
vantage points that offer fine views over the forest retreat to the van.
and towards the Trough of Bowland, but we’re Back at the factory a freshly built long-travel 29er
avoiding them today. It’s a day for hiding in the from a large well known brand sits in reception.
trees, even if this makes photography tricky. Another bike in for comparative testing and a
We explore some dirty but fun off-piste trails hint at what’s to come? Maybe. At Hope anything
that straightline down the hill before wiggling is possible.
through the trees. Claggy mud coats the frame, Talk to the people behind the HB range and each
but the slim, angular stays shrug it off. The alloy is keen to stress it’s a team effort, and not just one
subframe isn’t welded, instead it uses a bonding person’s vision. Many minds have played a part in
process that is also used on the wings of an Airbus turning the HB project from idea to reality, proving
A380. This means that Hope can keep the assembly it truly does take a factory to build a bike.

FEBRUARY 2020 mbr 57


58 mbr FEBRUARY 2020

Sometimes, the best trails are the
ones your phone can’t find
Words: Barney Marsh
Photos: James Vincent

FEBRUARY 2020 mbr 59


am guilty of a great many things

for which I feel a slight sense
of shame. An overwhelming
fondness for bed in the
mornings — when my children
are at their most hyperactive,
and my wife is an early riser.
Drinking too much coffee when
I know I’ll not be near a loo for
the next hour. Conveniently
using ‘in a minute’ to mean ‘at
some point in the next three
weeks’. I know I’m not alone.
Unfortunately, among these
vague embarrassments is
laziness. Not necessarily from a
‘physical activity’ point of view
(OK, OK, that too) — but laziness
of thought. It’s easy to get stuck
in a rut and to not even realise
it. It’s easy to always eat the same thing for
breakfast, go the same way to work every day,
to ride the same trails over and over again.
The ones from my doorstep, or the ones a
20-minute drive away. They’re ‘easy’ because I
know where I’m going, I don’t have to look too
hard, and even the technical stuff I know well
Big skies and grassland
enough that I can pucker and squeeze down singletrack are the gateways
most of it, and it’s easy to congratulate myself to old-school adventure
that I’ve ridden it — when I couldn’t ride it 10

Even when you put your

phone away it’s difficult
to get properly off-grid

60 mbr FEBRUARY 2020

Barney gets river deep
and mountain bike high

years ago. I should bloody hope so too, after And to an extent, it’s even a bit isolating.
10 years of practice at the same bloody feature, Sure, there’s always the shared camaraderie
when all that time and riding has probably of riding trails with friends, and the euphoria
eroded it a bit more anyway, and made it that that brings, but of actually ‘discovering’ them?
much easier to ride. Of not quite knowing what you’re getting into?
And even when I do venture further That secret thrill of finding something that’s
afield to ride, it’ll either be to trails I know, not on Strava, that no one knows about? The
or places that I know contain awesome joy that your mate feels when they turn to
trails. And from there, it’s a simple click you at the end of the run with the connection
and tap of my phone to find trails that of something shared? That little (allowably
other people I’ve never met have labelled selfish) delight of knowing something that
‘awesome’, or ‘nadgery’, or whatever. your peers don’t? Sure, I suppose there’s an
There may well be photos of the salient element of that to ‘discovering’ trails on the
features. There might even be video. internet, but it’s the ones that you stumble
It’s all very safe; it’s all very easy. upon by accident, or that a mate shows



FEBRUARY 2020 mbr 61


you, that are the most rewarding. And the

more time goes by, the more I'm stuck in the
same invisible ruts,
and those joys become more infrequent.
This isn’t something it’s easy to make a
concerted effort to change, except to say “Nothing like a splash
that when the opportunity presents itself of sunshine!”
to experience new stuff with old mates, it
should be grabbed with both hands.
And so, when James Vincent (a.k.a the
Fresh Prince of Carlisle, photographer and
occasional wearer of Extremely Short Shorts)
called and exhorted me to ride a far-flung
trail in the Lake District, I didn’t really feel as
if I could say no — not least because turning
James down feels a bit like kicking a puppy.
The precise location was something of a
mystery, however. James had been waxing
lyrical for ages about some new trail that Shoulders to the
he’d been shown, and he’d decided to share wheel once more
it at long last — but the precise location and
topology was to be kept a closely guarded
secret until we got there. All we knew was bolt, a Coke can, three pipe cleaners and a wad
that it was in the Lakes somewhere, and that it of used chewing gum, and… it wasn’t raining!
would be fab. Well, OK then. So, armed with This fact, however, offered scant comfort, as
this exhaustive intel, James and I, along with the previous deluge — and apparently plenty
our mates Tom and Rik, hastily convened on more in the days prior — had served to cover
what we hoped would be a dry-ish day. the road in a glistening sheen of water that
Dry-ish. Well, during the long trip up was only too keen to transfer itself to our arses
from Yorkshire to the Lakes, sitting in the with gleeful abandon, via our back tyre. The
passenger seat of an ancient Nissan van, (five minute prior) decision to not bother with
listening to Tom regale me with stories and waterproof shorts was proving a little, um,
facts about pylons (not nearly as boring as premature. And this was just the bloody road
it sounds), the rain on the windscreen was to the trail.
rather foreboding. At first, it sprinkled. Then The first bit of trail proper — or, at least, the
it beat, then blatted, and then deluged almost first off-road — was a stiff climb. I don’t think
to the point of the wipers not working. I took I’m alone when I say that long, open climbs
out my phone and looked at it; the MET office aren’t the most fun bits, but there are plenty
forecast was all “cloudy with some sunshine”. of good reasons why a climb is best done at
Hmm. This was going to be interesting. the beginning; hopefully you’ll wind up with
an excellent descent at the end of the day, it’s a
WETTER THAN AN OTTER’S POCKET good way to warm up and get the worst stuff Rocky descents are
Upon arrival, then, vans were parked, bikes out of the way first, all that jazz. However, a just reward for the
were assembled — including some spectacular this one in particular was lent an extra special indignities of Trench Arse
last-minute fettling involving a missing shock aura by the chafing of now-dripping shorts

Spray time: sometimes

going with the flow isn’t a
metaphor, it’s a method

62 mbr FEBRUARY 2020

against thigh, and a somewhat uncomfortable totally unaware of which bits of trail actually We tried to ride it, we really did. First
feeling from a now thoroughly moistened had traction and which bits didn’t until we’d of all, James waded through and got his
chamois. As we swung towards a slightly less ridden over them and found out the hard camera out with a gleeful cackle to record our
than exceptionally pretty phone mast, there way. By the time we reached the bottom, my misadventures. One by one, we set out to ride
was a break in the clouds, and the sun came spirits had begun to rise substantially. That. through, only to find out that two to three feet
out. This was just the excuse James needed to Was. Fun. And — er — wet. But mostly fun. of very fast sideways-moving water presents
perch himself somewhere discreet in order And wet. something of a challenge. And frankly, not
that the rest of us could ride backwards and Curiously, after a short spin up the valley on one that can easily be defeated when there’s a
forwards through a wide selection of ever- mercifully well-drained double track, the trail highly amused man with a camera trying to
deepening puddles. I didn’t realise that Trench split into two. On one side, it continued up the capture you looking ridiculous. On the plus
Arse could be a thing, but I was beginning to side of the valley, and headed over to the trail side, it was weirdly warm, and hence not
suspect it might be before the day was out. we needed; on the other, it crossed a bridge completely unpleasant, until we’d struggled
And then came the first descent. Although over the river before winding up the opposite and spluttered to the other side, that is, and the
it had stopped raining, there was absolutely side of the valley. James was adamant we chills set in. I made a mental note that, next
no chance of us remaining dry; the trail was should go this way. The reason soon became time I was faced with a ride as moist as this, I
a beautiful ribbon of gleaming silver, as the apparent — crossing the river again was a was going to bring a small portable stove and
light reflected off the water that covered it. It ford, with some pretty stepping stones which some sausages. Either to eat, or to stuff in my
was difficult to admire the view, glorious as it enabled moisture-averse riders to skip daintily socks to warm my feet up.
was, as we tussled with bikes, water, wildly across the river while ensuring that their
variable grip and the fickle vicissitudes of tootsies remained dry. Or, at least that’s what I THE LONG AND GRINDING ROAD
James’ lens on the way down. Once we’d imagine may have happened if weather hadn’t After the ford, we’d seen a few 4x4s labouring
managed to persuade James that we might happened with a capital “W”. As it was, water up the other side of the hill. Slower than
actually need to get going before we came cascaded over the stones with vim and gusto; walking pace; frequent stopping; lots of yelling
down with something fatal, the descent was a it soaked our whimpering, pathetic feet with and gesticulation. As it happens, that sentence
(very gloopy) delight. Aquaplaning, we were brio and pep. described us as well as it did them, as the

FEBRUARY 2020 mbr 63


Sun-gilded fells are

a golden opportunity
to catch up with friends

slipperiness, or the gradient, or the terrain,

or pure unadulterated laziness meant that
pushing was by far the most civilised option
after a short while. Especially if we wanted to
look our best for James’s camera. And I needed
all the help I could get.
I don’t know what it is about bikers that
we are capable of so many different shades
of delayed gratification. For every sweet
thread of glorious nadgery singletrack,
there’s another horrendous climb that has
to be ground, gurned, or — more likely with
my increasing years and waistline — pushed
up. But that weary trudge keeps us coming
back and back again, for a brief taste of the
sweetest gossamer trail on the other side.
Or, in this case, the huge, wide doubletrack “Now what was it that
of maximum steppyness. Oh, this promised Andy Barlow said about
to be fun. neutral positioning?”

By now, the weather had well and truly seems to gravitate towards places it *knows*,
cleared up, and we were treated to a truly even if there are options of trails elsewhere
glorious descent — wide, for sure, but that might be far, far less trodden. It makes
massively slate-y with plenty of slithery line sense — after all, if you’ve never ridden the
choice options (and mistakes) for the unwary. Lakes before, the first place you’ll head to
It was usually best to let the bike go where will be one of the honeypots. Keswick, say.
it wanted, to try and keep the front wheel in It’s all to the good, then, that there’s still a
front of the back one, and to issue direction place for friends, and their magical powers How many mtbers
changes by nothing so much as some sort of persuasion. Computers or phones can’t does it take to fix
of puckered-arse telepathy. Eventually, we cajole. They can’t convince, or wheedle. a tyre? Three
finally caught up with the 4x4ers, who’d all They can’t promise anything beyond what
regrouped at the bottom of the descent for a fag you allow yourself to be open to; people have
and a dog-walking break. Offers of beer and access to much more mysterious ways of
smokes politely declined, all that remained getting you to do what they want, and can
was a brief waterlogged climb, followed by convince you that they know better trails.
another waterlogged descent back to the Ones that aren’t nearly as well ridden, but
waiting car. which can offer the same thrill of technical
It seems that, even in the throes of either a challenge, as well as a sense that you’re riding
New Technological Dawn, or the End Times, something not often ridden. People, in short,
whichever this turns out to be (my money’s are much better than computers at convincing A proffered packet
on the latter), and even with new trails at our you that they know best. is sweet salvation
fingertips, the collective cultural mindset still And sometimes, they’re right.

64 mbr FEBRUARY 2020

Dirt School’s coaching
app lets you see
the right and wrong
techniques in slow-mo

Wheelies, back hops

and cutties are fun but
will also improve your
trailcraft, so stop being
self-conscious and
upgrade your skills by
relearning how to play
Words: Andy Barlow
Photos: Andy McCandlish

66 mbr FEBRUARY 2020
t’s that time of the year again where the Why is that? Are we to assume they are just
trails are slippery, the weather is offensive,
and your bike time is limited. Instead of
naturally gifted? Or is there something else
going on? Over the next few issues we’re going
concentrating on winter skills, or even to encourage you to find a quiet corner and
regular mountain bike technique, we just muck about on your bike. Wheelies, skids,
thought it an ideal time to take a fresh endos and track stands mostly seem like tricks Before joining Dirt School
approach and encourage you to play. for kids, but they will give you such a hard-wired Andy liked to win things — races
Take a look at any good rider and you’ll understanding of how to balance your bike that like the Scottish XC Champs and
see how they are able to flick their bike around practising them will undoubtedly make you a the Scottish Downhill Champs.
with ease and somehow have this innate better rider on the trails as well. So why do so Since 2009, though, he’s coached
ability to place it exactly where they want to. few of us take time to master these skills? some of the world’s best riders
with Dirt School and helped
bring on the BASE MTB course
at Borders Coll
in the Tweed V
really likes to d
Firstly we are all way too Or even worse: exposing us for zone and ride things that we communicate t
self-conscious. There seems someone that’s just making it know how to do well. That way pro techniques
to be a culture among a lot of up as we go. We don’t want to we can always look like we everyday rider
mountain bikers that you’re not look like the weakest one in a know what we’re doing.
allowed to look stupid. We’re group, so we all just pretend The trouble is, if you only
all terrified of coming off our that we’ve got it worked out ever do things to keep up
bikes in front of anyone for and make sure that we always appearances, you will remain
fear of them taking the piss. stick well within our comfort stuck at your current skill level.

No one can do any of this

stuff first time. Allow
yourself the time and don’t
worry what people think
about you stumbling.

With a little time, and

a lot of failure along
the way, you’ll be able
to do the skill without
any help at all.


If you’re really worried about then throwing your weight back and

FEAR OF FAILURE what other riders will think about

you, then perhaps you need to
accelerating while staying seated.
How quickly does your front wheel
We’re all scared of stumbling or falling off our bikes. It’s find a quiet corner of a car park rise? Whereabouts on the lift do you
almost like we think crashing our bikes is a stupid thing to somewhere and just muck about on have to pull the rear brake to stop
do, and that you should just be able to do stuff immediately. your own for a bit. With no one to looping out? Can you just step off
Failure is a normal part of learning, and no one can do a new see what you’re doing, it might be the back when it does? All of these
skill immediately. You need to try it a few times to even get easier to try something new. You can are going to be complete disasters
your head around it. Then there will be a few more shots just play and get your head around the first time you try them. But if no
where you’re learning the feeling. Only after a bit of feedback, how much you can pull your brakes one is around to see then what’s the
determination and encouragement will you start to get near. before they lock, and what happens harm in trying? Maybe you can try
The first thing we try and do at any Dirt School session is when you pull your front brake with it in front of your mates later once
create a safe learning environment. This means we celebrate your weight back versus rolling your you’ve tried it 25-30 times on your
any person taking part in a new skill or activity. Regardless of weight forwards while increasing the own first. At least then you’ll feel like
whether or not they succeed at it. The last thing you want to pull on the lever. You can try coming you’ve got a slightly better feeling
do to a person is make them feel self-conscious about failing, to a complete stop on your brakes, for it.
or scared to try something new.

FEBRUARY 2020 mbr 67


This is the most accessible of all the tricks for kids. It’s
fairly straightforward and will be a useful skill on technical
or steep climbs once you master it. It’s also one that you
can try almost anywhere and will turn a boring ascent on a
fire road into a new challenge.
■ Tip 1: Stay seated throughout. Although you can
lower your upper body as you slow down on the way in
by bending your elbows, make sure you stay seated as
you accelerate and rock your upper body back upright.
This throwing your weight back will aid you, but as soon
as you stand up you’ll be going forwards again so sit
down throughout.
■ Tip 2: Pedal don’t pull. Aim your bike uphill, use your
brakes to slow down to a walking pace. Use powerful pedal
strokes to accelerate the front of the bike up. Don’t pull
on the bars as you’ll just pull your weight forward. Instead
select a gear that you can accelerate into and use that to
get the front wheel up.
■ Tip 3: Cover the rear brake. As soon as you feel off
balance, or like you’ve gone too far and could loop
out, pull the rear brake. This will cancel the wheelie
immediately, and after a bit of practice you can use a
light squeeze of the lever to adjust your balancing point.
■ Tip 4: Step off the back. This is a lot easier on flat pedals
because you can just step off the back of your bike. Make
sure you’re getting a feel for pedalling into the balancing
point, then just go past it and step off the back. This won’t
work above a certain speed though, so slow speeds only.

Just play about

when you have
an idle moment

THE ONE-HANDED WHEELIE The no-hander is a

lot harder but one
This one is slightly trickier, but a good progression for those of you that have already
that you can master
mastered the wheelie. With a little practice it’s actually no more difficult either, with a lot of practice
because you have an arm that you can use to balance your tipping point with. Just
remember to keep your rear brake covered with the hand that remains on the bars.
■ Tip 1: Skip to wheelies round a pole further on in this article.
■ Tip 2: Engage your core and lock out the arm that remains on the bars with a slight
bend in the elbow.
■ Tip 3: Try and land with both hands back on the bars again.

This one is a lot more difficult and is a lot easier on slightly
steeper climbs. Make sure that you are very comfortable with
regular wheelies and one-handed wheelies before you try this.
■ Tip 1: Find a comfortable balancing point with a
The one-hander is easier
than you think because regular wheelie.
your arm becomes a ■ Tip 2: Lean slightly forward as you take your hands off.
movable weight you ■ Tip 3: Cross your legs over the front of the nose of the saddle
can use for balance as you pedal to stop sliding backwards.
■ Tip 4: Keep the speed low.

68 mbr FEBRUARY 2020

Wheelies are one of the
easiest tricks to get your
head around because you
can do them anywhere This one is a bit of a trials skill that is just fun to you’re centred and just hop like you were on level
learn. It will give you a great understanding of ground as before.
where your timing point is and allow you to n Step 3: With your front wheel getting higher
make quick adjustments when you run out of on the step or bench, play with rocking your
other options. It’s also the same technique that weight back so you can do one or two hops on
you use to nudge your back wheel up difficult your rear wheel. Just touch your front wheel
step-up climbs, and is a good way of getting back on the bench if it feels unstable. With a
out of trouble if you come to a complete stop little practice you will be able to go away from
but don’t want to plant a foot. the obstacle on your back wheel. Or rock onto
n Step 1: Learn how to come to a complete the back wheel without needing a step or bench.
stop with both your
brakes locked and use
a level bunny hop, or Progressing on familiar
shapes will mean you
speed hop, to balance.
can practise the same
This involves basically skill anywhere you go
hopping both your
wheels from side to side
depending on which way
you’re leaning, so that
you stay upright.
n Step 2: Do the exact
same thing but with
your front wheel slightly
higher. Ideally you can
lean this on something
wedge shaped so that
you can work your way
along and the front wheel
can get higher as you go
along. To start though,
a step, a kerb, or even a
bench will do. Once your Play about on
front wheel is on, find a whatever is in front
of you at the time
place on your bike where

Once you can

wheelie it comes in
handy for a lot more CLIMBING
than you first realise

Using the wheelie to raise

your front wheel over step-
ups on climbs is a great way
of continuing to accelerate
at the obstacle and keeping
your momentum going. Just
remember to stand up out of
the saddle once your front
wheel is over the step to allow
your rear wheel to roll up
with very little weight on it.
Having a good understanding,
or feeling, for where your
balancing point is, will mean
you can raise your front wheel
on steeper climbs without fear
of looping out. This is great
for your regular balance as
you can place your front wheel
exactly where you want it to
be and pick your way through
rougher sections with balance
and control.

FEBRUARY 2020 mbr 69


This is basically a manual.
Remember that when you see
riders with their weight back they
are actually throwing it back there
to counterbalance the front end
of their bike. What they’re also
doing is pushing with their legs
so that the front end is driven up
from underneath with a powerful
leg push. They’re not lifting the
front end up or pulling on the bars.
Learning the wheelie or back hop
will give you more confidence to
trust that tipping point and will
let you move about on your bike
with confidence.
n Tip 1: Learn to manual on the flat.
This is probably the hardest one to
master as your rear wheel doesn’t
fall off anything. You have to be
doing it right to make it work.
n Tip 2: Practice with the rear brake Taking the time to
covered, but once you get it try and master a manual will
spend time at the tipping point by mean drops like these
aren’t as difficult as
controlling the leg push — NOT by
they first appear
using the brake to keep it there.
n Tip 3: Start small and work your
way up.

ROUND A POLE THE CUT TIE Andy is coming in

low and pushing
his legs straight to
This is a car park classic. Look about give him more grip
This is a great one to learn safely as you’re always holding on in any busy trail centre car park and
to something solid. It’s also a good way of learning the one- you’ll see deep ruts at the edge of
handed wheelie because it will teach you the control over parking spaces or carved into the
your rear brake and where exactly the tipping point is. grass. These are formed by kids
n Tip 1: Select a low gear so you can easily accelerate into the coming in low and cornering by
wheelie and raise the front wheel with minimal effort. pushing with their legs. This will
n Tip 2: Cover the rear brake with the hand that remains on cause the back end of the bike to
the bars and lean away from the pole. As you pedal you should slide. You can control the slide by
be able to rotate around the pole by relaxing your grip and backing off the pressure.
allowing your fingers to slide round the cylinder. n Tip 1: Come in low with your
n Tip 3: Keep going! Once you find all the balance and tipping pedals level.
points, this is one of the easiest tricks in this article. You won’t n Tip 2: Corner tight and stand up
get it first time though, so keep at at. If it all goes wrong the powerfully.
worst that will happen will be you slowly slide down the pole n Tip 3: If it slides, back off the
and end up in a heap at the bottom. It’s low risk and fun. pressure.
n Tip 4: Keep your body low.

Grab any signpost,

goalpost or even a
tree, and lean how to
wheelie one-handed

Go find a quiet corner of a trail and have fun. You won’t be able to do any of
this stuff first go. No one can. But with the right mindset you can make quick
progress and have a much better feeling for what you can get away with on your
bike. Ultimately you want to just raise a smile and play. As adults we are told that
we have to act responsibly and grow up. This is one of those times where you
throw that advice out of the window and just have fun. Play as much as you can
on your bike and you’ll enjoy it so much more. That’s the whole point after all.
Don’t ride like other people think you should. Do it for yourself.

70 mbr FEBRUARY 2020




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MONTH 1: Fresh from his tenure with the

Vitus Sentier 27 VRS, Benji takes on a new trail
bike from a brand better known for big-hitters

he Reactor is Nukeproof’s first about the Reactor. And then I rode one.
trail bike for quite some time. And it was flipping fast. Everywhere.
THE RIDER The nearest it’s got to bikes Particularly over rocks and roots. The
BENJI HAWORTH like this previously was the front and rear (especially the rear)
Position Deputy cult favourite Mega TR back in suspension is incredible on this bike. And
digital editor
2015. But even then, the Mega TR was it means I get to type things like ‘rides
Mostly rides
The North something of a radical ripper pushed like it has way more travel than it has’
Height 6ft 1in into trail duties, as opposed to a proper and ‘bottomless feel’. That bearing in the
Weight 73kg all-in trail bike. There’s no shoehorning rear shock mount is actually witchcraft.
with the new Reactor though, it’s It makes all other bikes feel like they’re Stone protection
THE BIKE designed to be capable and concerned broken when I ride them. on down tube lives
■ 29in trail bike with with climbing, not just about shredding At the end of the first few rides up to the name
130mm travel, also the descents. I found myself thinking ‘amazing
available in 27.5in
with identical build
Reading the Reactor’s geometry suspension, shame about the geometry…
kits and pricing chart is actually rather underwhelming: if only they’d put a steeper seat angle on in a straight line, but bike riding is not
■ Four-bar linkage 65.5° head angle, 75° seat angle, it and made it with a longer reach’. After about being half a second faster. It’s
is designed around 480mm reach on a large…so far, so meh. the next few rides I realised I’d been about enjoying yourself. Nukeproof
wide-range cassettes
Where’s all the ‘progressive geometry’ hasty. With the saddle shuffled forward makes the Mega 290 if you want an
■ Carbon and alloy
frame options,
hype man? Doesn’t Nukeproof know on its rails (does anyone pay attention enduro plough. Trail bikes are about
all with flip-chip we’re living in the era of near-80° to the Min-Max marking on saddle rails weekend fun not time-chasing. The
geometry adjustment seat angles, sub-64° head angles any more?) and factoring in the healthy Reactor walks the fine line between
■ Elite model gets a and 500mm-plus reach? What 440mm chainstays, making uphill playful and skittish impressively well.
140mm-travel Fox 36 was it thinking? Has Nukeproof progress is actually fine. It’s Having said that, I would like to slap
fork, and Fox Float
DPX2 rear shock bottled it? Has it missed great in fact. an angle adjust headset in this bike —
■ Ten-model range the boat with the WHY IT’S HERE While it is often that or a 150mm fork just like the top-
with four 29in and six new Reactor? tempting to want for end Reactor 290c RS gets. You know,
27.5in models Well, that’s pretty
It’s Nukeproof ’s longer reach, there is a for science. Will knocking a degree or
much what I, and no first dedicated real-world tipping point two off the head angle improve the
doubt plenty of others, short-travel where play turns into bike’s technical ability with no ill-effects?
thought upon first reading trail bike plough. Ploughing is faster Hopefully I can find out.

72 mbr FEBRUARY 2020

Fox shock and
linkage work IN THE
like a dream

2 9in
Canyon Strive CF 8.0 £4,099

Marin Mount Vision 8 £4,750

Frame T-700/800
Monocoque carbon,
130mm travel
Shock Fox
Float DPX2 27.5in
Performance EVOL Norco Sight C NX12 VLT £5,900
Fork Fox 36 Float
140mm travel
Wheels DT Swiss
Slam the saddle forward M1900 Spline
on its rails to get wheelset, Maxxis
that steep seat angle
Assegai/DHR II WT
3C MaxxTerra EXO+
29x2.5/2.4in tyres
Drivetrain Shimano
SLX M7100, 30t 2 9in
Nukeproof have
nailed trail riding chainset, r-mech NS Synonym TR2 £4,199.99
with this newbie and shifter
Brakes Shimano SLX
M7120 four-piston,
Nukeproof Horizon
800mm bar,
Nukeproof Neutron
45mm stem, Brand-X
Ascend 150mm 2 9in
dropper, Nukeproof
Horizon SL saddle Nukeproof Reactor 290C Elite £3,799.99
Sizes M, L, XL
Weight 33lbs (14.95kg)
Contact nukeproof.

Size tested L
Head angle 66.1°
Seat angle 71°
BB height 330mm
Chainstay 440mm
Front centre 794mm
Wheelbase 1,235mm
Down tube 745mm
Top tube 640mm
Reach 480mm

FEBRUARY 2020 mbr 73


£ 4 , 1 9 9.9 9 / 2 9 i n / h o t l i n e s - u k . c o m

MONTH 2: It’s impressive on XC trails, and upgrades have SPECIFICATION

Frame Superlite
made it even better. But nothing is ever perfect in this life... carbon, 120mm travel

Shock Fox
ike parks are not the usual domain for Elite Float DPS
XC-style whippets, but the NS Synonym Fox lockout lever 2-pos remote
action and position
seems to lap it up anyway. As I stated Fork Fox 34 Float
THE RIDER last month, its modern geometry inspires
is work in progress
Performance Grip,
120mm travel
BEN DAY confidence but can get you into trouble if Wheels Rotary
Position the tracks are rough and loose. Seeing as most bike hubs, WTB ST
Account director
parks have a good selection of groomed trails, light 29in rims,
Mostly rides Trails Maxxis Rekon/Ikon
around Dorset I’ve enjoyed the speed and ease at which
29x2.4/2.35in tyres
Height 6ft this bike rips through the flow trails and
Drivetrain Truvativ
Weight 80kg red-line jumps at Windhill. In fact, WHY IT’S HERE Stylo 7K chainset
I’ve never ridden an XC bike that has 34t, SRAM GX Eagle
THE BIKE made me feel so confident. What’s The promise shifter and r-mech
more, it’s a breeze to pedal back up, of XC pace click). This is fine once you are used Brakes SRAM Level T,
■ Aggressive
‘down-country’ which is a massive bonus as I much with enduro to it, which I’m not, so I’ve mounted
trail bike with a full Components NS
prefer to ride than push. attitude it further inboard on the bar as it’s Licence Mini Rise
carbon frame and
120mm travel
To boost the bike’s potential I have easy to knock accidentally when I’m Lite 760mm bar,
made a number of small changes to the searching for the dropper remote. So Synonym Trail 60mm
■ Rolls on 29in
spec; fitting a wider, higher-rise bar and a much so, that on a couple of occasions I stem, X-Fusion Manic
wheels to keep speed
150mm post, Octane
and efficiency high shorter stem. I’m hoping the vibration-damping have got to the bottom of a rocky downhill and One Crit saddle
■ First XC bike to Spank Oozy Trail 780 Vibrocore bar will make up for discovered that I had mistakenly released the lever Sizes S, M, L, XL
come from NS with
a focus on big days
the lack of fork travel, and I instantly noticed how and have been descending on an almost rigid bike. Weight 12.7kg (28lb)
in the saddle much easier the bike is to manual with the shorter, Now, as much as I loved riding fully rigid in
■ Available in four 48mm Split stem. 1989, I wasn’t quite expecting time travel and the GEOMETRY
frame sizes and two Interestingly the modified riding position hasn’t subsequent arm pump that I have encountered Size tested L
price points degraded the bike’s climbing ability, even if the at the push of a button. Initially I put it down to Head angle 66°
higher front end has certainly helped in the steeper rider error, but having moved the remote inboard, Seat angle 70°
chutes that I’ve ridden. it’s happened a couple of times, so it’s definitely BB height 345mm
One niggle is with the Fox lockout lever. It’s a releasing by itself in larger rock gardens and on Chainstay 435mm
bit plasticky and its function is counterintuitive stutter bumps. Front centre 796mm
— depressing the lever and tensioning the cable I have played around with the cable tension and Wheelbase 1,229mm
opens the damping on both the fork and shock. it seems better now, but I will be speaking to Fox Down tube 755mm
Top tube 610mm
Releasing the lever locks out the suspension and about solving the problem once and for all.
Reach 491mm
requires very little thumb force (there’s a faint I’ll update you with my progress next month.

74 mbr FEBRUARY 2020

A n ew t r avel site made for people who love to tr avel by pe ople w h o l ove to tr avel.
Specialising in l u x ur y, f amil y and adventur e tr avel inspir a t ion.


£ 5 , 9 0 0 / 2 7. 5 i n / e v a n s c y c l e s . c o m

MONTH 7: Range anxiety has been the preserve of e-car SPECIFICATION

Frame Carbon,
drivers, but now it’s creeping up on well-used e-bikes 150mm travel

Shock RockShox
Deluxe RT
’ve been whizzing around on the Norco Sight C Fork RockShox Pike
NX12 VLT for over six months now and I’ve just Charging port is
RC, 160mm travel
seeing a lot of
started to experience some battery anxiety. It Motor Shimano
THE RIDER was innocuous at first — I was riding along with
action of late
PAUL BURWELL the display showing two tokens of fun, then Battery In-tube
Position Freelance Lithium Ion 630Wh
suddenly in the space of a few minutes the red light
writer/tester Wheels Novatec/
of death started flashing. DT Swiss H370
Mostly rides
Surrey Massif Obviously, lithium-ion batteries do degrade, hubs, WTB ST
and the rule of thumb is that after 1,000 charging i29 rims, Maxxis
Height 5ft 10in
Weight 79kg cycles there is a 20-25 per cent reduction
27.5x2.6in tyres
(on a good day) in storage capacity. However, if you go Drivetrain Shimano
onto the Shimano e-bike site it says it WHY IT’S HERE E8000 chainset
THE BIKE will guarantee a minimum of 60 per 32t, SRAM NX
■ Shimano STEPS cent health after the same number Powered version r-mech and shifter
equipped e-bike with of charge cycles. I don’t know how of Norco’s Brakes SRAM
150mm of travel Guide T, 200mm
Shimano has arrived at this figure, and award-winning sat in the hallway of my house on an
■ 27.5in wheels shod Components Norco
with 2.6in Maxxis if there is a sliding scale, like 90 per trail bike almost daily basis. I appreciate the 800mm bar,
Minion 3C tyres cent after 200 charges. I have asked, but clean looks, but I’d much rather unclip Forged 50mm stem,
■ Has a whopping so far I’ve not had anything back from the the battery and just bring that indoors for TranzX YSP12JL
630Wh lithium-ion Stealth 150mm
guys in Japan. charging. Being able to swap the battery out dropper post, WTB
battery hidden in
the down tube
While I’m waiting, I thought a good idea would also mean I could have a spare to extend the Volt Sport saddle
■ E-bike-specific would be to sync the Norco Sight C NX12 VLT to run time, or for those times when I forget to charge Sizes S, M, L
SRAM NX groupset the Shimano e-Tube i-Phone app to check if it it, or want to go on a really long ride. Weight 22.75kg
and ultra-short included any information about battery capacity. To end this month’s update, I was going to rabbit (50.16lb)
165mm Shimano Unfortunately, this app isn’t the most reliable and it on about how I’ve been enjoying the Norco Sight
E8000 crank arms GEOMETRY
took me a good hour to get it to connect. I deleted C NX12 VLT even with the reduced battery life, but Size tested L
some of the redundant settings, but I couldn’t find the bike just died and I had to pedal about 10 miles Head angle 66.2°
any info about battery health. back to my van with no assistance. It seems that the Seat angle 69.5°
I need to visit a Shimano Service Centre and plug screen has also suffered from water ingress, and it’s BB height 333mm
the bike into a sort of ‘mother’ app to access that now fuzzy and grey. Chainstay 445mm
information. Shimano is trying to arrange a visit so I’ve checked the troubleshooting tips but found Front centre 795mm
hopefully I’ll update this next month. nothing, so I’m going to have to improvise, which Wheelbase 1,240mm
So I don’t know how healthy the battery is, but means unplugging everything and getting the hair Down tube 740mm
I have started to charge more often between rides. dryer out. If I can bring it back from the dead you’ll Top tube 600mm
Since the Norco Sight C NX12 VLT has an integrated see an update next month. If not, this may be its last Reach 470mm
battery, it means having a heavy, unwieldy bike will and testament.

76 mbr FEBRUARY 2020

MOUNT VISION 8 £ 4 ,0 9 9 / 2 9 i n / c a nyo n .c o m

£ 4 , 7 5 0 / 2 7. 5 i n / m a r i n b i k e s . c o m
MONTH 4: Even the stock
MONTH 6: New shock tyres are hard to beat

or new bike?

pgrades are
he top-of-the-range Mount Vision common on WHY IT’S HERE
9 costs £1,200 more than my the mbr
longtermer. That’s no small change,
THE RIDER longtermer
Does the
but after trying the posh X2 shock BEN SMITH
fleet — Shapeshifter
THE RIDER Position Art editor
from the pricier bike, I’m convinced swapping out tyres, really offer two
JAMIE DARLOW Mostly rides
Position Mag writer, it’s worth the upgrade. For starters, that Fox Surrey Hills changing bars and bikes in one?
vid maker, risk taker X2 shock lends the bike some much-needed Height 5ft 9in stems or, if you’re Jamie,
Mostly rides calmness on technical trails. Weight 77kg systematically upgrading
Surrey Hills and I’d got used to the rowdy feel of my bike, every single component on the
South Downs
Height 6ft 1in
reacting to every obstacle in the trail as the THE BIKE bike to get it just-so.
suspension holds the bike in a stable position ■ 29er enduro race No such shenanigans are needed with the
Weight 78kg
without diving or extending, but it’s way bike with up to Canyon, though. Its bulletproof build means no
THE BIKE more forgiving now. The superior damping 150mm rear travel compromises, and I can concentrate on upgrading
■ 27.5in trail bike from the X2 eats up roots and rocks without ■ Shapeshifter my skills instead. Fantastic if you’re buying this bike,
with 2.6in tyres switches between
transferring the impact to my feet, and I’m XC and DH modes but it makes it tough for me to pick holes in it.
and blinging
full-carbon frame
in much less danger of them being blown off on the fly It's taken me four months but I think I’ve finally
■ 150mm-travel the pedals. I’ve settled on a light touch with ■ High-end Fox found a chink in its carbon armour. The Strive comes
R3ACT 2Play the four-way damping on the new shock, Performance Elite stock with Maxxis Minion DHR II 2.4in tyres, a choice
suspension front
suspension from adding just a click or two of compression, and rear
that can’t be faulted as they’re superb in pretty
Naild offers a unique which is all the bike seems to need. much every condition. Interestingly, though, Canyon
perspective and look ■ Carbon Reynolds
You could, of course, buy the Mount Vision wheels and SRAM fits a super-sticky 3C Maxx Grip compound on the
■ RockShox Deluxe
R shock and Pike RC 8 and upgrade the shock for around £500 X01 groupset front, and on the fast, hardpacked trails of BikePark
Solo Air fork balance from Silverfish UK. Yes, you’d miss out on complete dream- Wales I couldn’t help but think how much this extra
travel front and rear build specification
the better SRAM drivetrain the top-end bike drag was slowing me down on flatter trails.
■ Entry-level bike in boasts, but you’d save £700. I initially considered swapping it for a faster-
a three-strong range,
with the 9 and Pro Unfortunately, upping the performance of rolling Maxx Terra compound to match the rear,
models above it the back end has shone a light on the front but ultimately I prefer my trails steep and natural,
end, which could also benefit from the Fox 36 where a little extra front-end grip is definitely a
the pricier bike has as stock. It’s not that the bonus. So the Maxx Grip DHR II stays put, and my
RockShox Pike fork fitted to my longtermer is chink turned out to be a dust speck that vanished as
bad — far from it — but suddenly it doesn’t quickly as it appeared.
feel as composed as the back end. Given that the Strive CF 8.0 seems to have no
WHY IT’S HERE So if I was starting over and picking weaknesses, I find it strange that Canyon has just
Has Marin made a Mount Vision as a longtermer, dropped the price from £4,099 to £3,639. Still,
I would now go for the 9, as the if you do want to run different tyres for different
a trail bike with
bike’s performance outweighs the conditions, you can now afford to have them
game-changing additional cost. mounted on a second set of wheels and still be
suspension? quids in. Bonus!

FEBRUARY 2020 mbr 77


SPECIFICATION Weight: 451g • Drop: 125, 160 and 185mm • Sizes: 30.9 and 31.6 • Contact:

he Divine dropper is the are also lighter and, like all Bike Yoke

T third addition to the Bike

Yoke dropper range, sitting
alongside the Revive, which
I tested back in the summer,
and the Divine SL, the company’s
lightweight XC option. The Divine and
Divine SL share similar architecture
posts, it can be serviced by any home
mechanic with some simple tools.
The other big plus with the Bike
Yoke design is the collar that sits just
above the seat clamp is super-shallow,
so you generally get an extra 20mm
to play with — in other words you can
but the former is £50 cheaper and squeeze a 150mm dropper in the space Triggy X remote lever
has a longer, adjustable drop (the of a 125mm. uses sealed bearings
Divine SL is a 80mm post). This is done To improve durability, Bike Yoke’s
by clipping small plastic spacers to a Triggy X remote lever turns on a sealed
shaft inside the body of the dropper cartridge bearing, but I find that when especially if you’re coming off a mid-
and allows users to reduce drop by fitting the cable, it’s easy to kink. The range cable-operated dropper.
20mm in 5mm jumps. remote is adjustable laterally, but With their top-quality construction
Importer TFTuned claims adding there’s no angle adjustment and, with and internals, Bike Yoke droppers are
the spacers is a five-minute job, but the lever having quite a lot of throw, it undoubtedly expensive, but the Divine
it does require some specialist tools can be a bit of a stretch if you have small bucks this trend — it undercuts the
and we found it more like a 20-minute hands. The fixing clamp isn’t hinged Fox Transfer, DVO Garnet, KS Lev and
task. Obviously, the lower portion of either, so you have to remove the grip the new RockShox Reverb. It’s lighter
the post still remains the same length, to fit it, although cleaner Matchmaker- than most of these by around 150g
so if you’re struggling running a longer style options are available. too, plus it’s more reliable and has
dropper in the frame due to a kink Like the Revive we tested six months the added benefit of being fully travel-
in the seat tube or suspension pivot back, the Divine takes its time to return adjustable. That makes it one of the
placement, it’s not a substitute but it to full extension, and if you half-press most versatile dropper posts on the
does offer greater flexibility. the lever it creeps up at a snail’s pace. market, and a must-buy if you can’t
The Divine shares the same Auto Once it reaches full extension it does decide what drop you
Revive feature as the Divine SL and produce a metallic clunk, so you do need and just want
Revive, which resets the post with each know your seat is at full height before to play around with
full compression/extension cycle. This you sit down; I’d just like it to be a tad different options
eliminates some of the sagging at the quicker. Back-to-back with the Revive, before making
top of the travel you get with some the Divine is not as smooth, but you’d be a decision.
hydraulic posts. The Divine internals hard-pushed to notice this difference, Paul Burwell

Road tripping for our Trail of the Not tested anything yet this Spotted half-clad a car park, Testing big-coverage enduro
Year awards, seen Leeds Urban century, he’ll get round to it one sponging himself down in a helmets this month. Near
Bike Park and Hamsterley Forest of these years. Too busy riding washing up bowl. All in the boiled alive after wrapping
and almost all of the M1 at its the new Trust linkage fork and name of product testing, cling film over the vents to
wettest best. building a gym. you understand. increase waterproofing.

78 mbr FEBRUARY 2020

£ 175
SPECIFICATION Accepts 15mm and 20mm, Boost and non-Boost axles • Contact:

Usually I transport my bike in the straps if you want to keep the interior
boot, but from time to time I’ll need completely mud-free. The axle clamp
to carry two bikes, or I need more is effective, and all the bikes I tried
interior space. For those occasions I’ve remained safe and secure on a mix of
been using Thule’s new ThruRide roof motorways and B-roads.
rack, mounted to its aerodynamic Evo Mounted to Thule’s teardrop Evo
Wingbars (from £203). The ThruRide Wingbars, this roof system is not a
uses a clamp to secure your fork’s cheap option, but it’s sleek and secure,
thru-axle, and because the jaws are and additional wind noise is minimal
easily adjustable, it’ll accommodate when not carrying a bike. Despite
both 20mm and 15mm options (there’s monitoring it closely, I didn’t notice
also an adaptor for 9mm quick-release any change in fuel economy either.
systems). A hidden thumbwheel varies If speed and convenience are
the clamping force, and the large, hinged your number one priorities, the
handle gives you plenty of leverage Thule ThruRide’s sophisticated
when closing it. The lever locks in place refinement and tool-free clamp will
with a supplied key, securing the bike be irresistible. If you can live with
to the rack and the rack to the car as a a more awkward mount,
detterent to opportunistic thieves. but want to carry your
The rear wheel holder slides along bike in a similar way,
an extruded alloy rail and uses an there’s also Pendle’s
integrated ratchet strap to hold it cheaper Fork
in place. The rack is long enough to Mount rack.
accommodate most modern full- Danny Milner
suspension bikes — a 29er with a
1,275mm wheelbase fitted fine.
Much more though, and the rear
wheel would be hanging off the end.
Once the front wheel is removed,
putting the bike into the rack takes
seconds and can be done without
worrying about scratching the roof of
your car. You can even wedge the front Thru-axle clamp
wheel between the pedals and the locks in place
handlebar and secure it with a couple of

explained 1-4 Something’s wrong. It’s rare, but sometimes
a product will have a design flaw or some
other weakness that means we can’t
5-6 OK — one or two
faults but it has
7 Good —
worth 8Very
considering. — for the
9 Excellent
— a slight
mod or two
10 Simply
the best
— we couldn’t
The scores recommend it. Steer clear. money, and it might fault it.
on the doors we’d buy it. be perfect.

FEBRUARY 2020 mbr 79

£ 9 9.9 9
SPECIFICATION Weight: 338g • Sizes: S-XXL • Contact:

We couldn’t squeeze the Zenith tight in against your cheeks,

into the waterproof jacket so it doesn’t restrict your
test last month, which was peripheral vision. The cuffs
disappointing because it’s a get small Velcro tags and
lot of jacket at a decent price. there’s a big elasticated
It’s built from a 2.5-layer stretch adjuster on the waist.
fabric, which simply means it At 10K/10K the breathability
has a polyester outer layer, a and waterproof figures are
membrane and then a printed evenly split but I found the
inner surface — that’s the half Zenith more waterproof than
layer to save weight and cost. breathable. It’s great for really
All the seams are fully taped cold wet weather, or when
and there are waterproof zips riding an e-bike, but on milder
on the pockets and underarm winter days I noticed some
vents. The front zip is also clamminess next to the skin.
waterproof and it’s backed With it nice and snug round
up by an internal storm flap. the collar, it will keep out the
This stops water ingress, but I worst of the weather and
constantly snagged it in the zip the water run-off has been
at the top — it has a soft fleece impressive due to the extra-
backing here and it causes the durable DWR outer finish.
flap to bunch slightly when you At just under a £100,
do up the zip. the Zenith is a great value,
On the front there are a lightweight waterproof that
couple of massive pockets for you can wear from the outset,
gear and the pit vents are also or something
big so you can really vent some you pull out
heat when working hard. The from your
hood features an extended and pack when
stiffened peak that’s designed the weather
to go under the helmet. A breaks.
couple of draw-strings pull it Paul Burwell


£ 1 3 4 .9 5
SPECIFICATION Weight: 260g • Dimensions: 270x143mm • Contact:

Bikes and gear may come and go, but some seat’s ride feel, but I couldn’t determine any without being harsh, provides a good platform
saddle stalwarts, like the superlative SDG Bel difference between them. Elastomer reacts to without being obtrusive, and it’s very light
Air, have dominated our group tests for over temperature changes, as anyone who rode with too. At £135 it’s really expensive
a decade. Their traditional high-arched shape suspension forks in the 90s will remember, so though — you can get a
is under threat from the latest wave of saddles it’s possible this isn't the best time of year to titanium-railed SDG Bel Air
though, which look vastly different with the aim test their efficacy. 2.0 for less money than the
of creating anatomical superiority. The Ergowave’s rear end has a distinctive lip alloy-railed Ergowave.
The Ergowave is just such an animal, it to it, and this worked wonders for keeping me in Jamie Darlow
features a very wide and flat rear section that the right position when climbing up steep stuff.
SQ-Lab says offers more support and optimal It’s supportive without being cumbersome and
pressure distribution for your sit bones. This reminds me of Canyon’s brilliant e-bike saddle.
would make no sense at all if the Ergowave The snub nose looks wrong, but on the bike
came in just one size, as sit-bones vary from it proved really unobtrusive. No short
person to person. Fortunately there are four snagging, no rubbing, no soreness.
widths to choose from, and it’s easy to figure SQ-Lab has created a beguiling
out which size you need thanks to instructions saddle in the Ergowave
on SQ-Lab’s website. Active; it’s supportive
Without question, the Ergowave is the most
comfortable saddle I’ve used. Perhaps it’s a
coincidence, as I didn’t try any other widths,
but the fit is excellent and I didn’t suffer
from pressure points, hotspots or
discomfort. This version of the
Ergowave also features three different
elastomer dampers connecting
the saddle to the rails to tune the

80 mbr FEBRUARY 2020

Valais is a land of adventure par excellence, a vast playground
for altitude junkies. This is where well-marked mountain-bike
trails lead past rushing mountain streams and Alpine lakes, or
wind their way over mountainsides and through dense forests.


SPECIFICATION Weight: 439g (with remote) • Lumens : 3,400, 2,200, 900 • Contact:

At 3,400 lumens on full power, high — and also an emergency

Lithium-ion battery with
the eXesSiVe (or XSV for short) dim setting. In Commuter you
6,800 mAh energy capacity
is the brightest Gloworm light just get high, low and flashing.
I’ve ever tested. It has three Run time is a claimed 1.5hrs in
Cree LED emitters, arranged high beam, but I experienced a
laterally in the machined bit less than that in the recent
aluminium body and, like all cold weather.
Gloworm lights, these can be Gloworm offers several
swapped out, allowing you to mounting options. I went
customise the beam pattern. with the QR plastic 31.8mm
A wide and two spot lenses are bar clamp, but a 35mm clamp against a curved frame tube.
fitted as standard but to mix option is available, and two With the stock optics, the
things up, spare spot, wide tabs on the bottom of the lamp Gloworm XSV has an excellent
and flood optics are included in also let you attach it to a Go Pro spread of light — you can easily
the box. armature, be that on the bar or see things in the far distance,
The unique feature of the your helmet. An extension cable but there’s still plenty of light
XSV is you can sync it with one allows you to route it up top. for close-in work. On full beam
of Gloworm’s dedicated helmet The XSV hooks up to a 6,800 I could really ride fast with this
lights and, using the included mAh Lithium-ion battery, light, just not for that long. The
two-button remote, both which now has a built-in fuel light integration is a neat idea
lights can then be activated gauge, although with the — but to make it really useful
together. The syncing process battery mounted on the frame, I’d like to see run time
is straightforward too — you it’s not easy to monitor when for both lights
just press the button a couple of you’re riding. I’d rather have displayed up
times and you’re done. this readout on the back of the front, rather
Two light modes are offered main unit, like on Exposure and than tucked
— Trail and Commuter. In Trail Genesis lights. I’m also not a fan away where I
mode there are four power of the hard-case battery pack can’t see it.
settings — low, medium and because it doesn’t fit that well Paul Burwell


£ 8 9.9 9
SPECIFICATION Weight: 466g • Sizes: S-XXL • Colours: Green, black • Contact:

Tapered, lightweight riding pants were everywhere fine when riding. Less lanky folk will be well within
in 2019. I was something of a long kecks latecomer, the fit adjustment range.
but I am now fully sold on both the form and the I left the ratchet strap alone, as tightening it just
function. It’ll have to get pretty warm for me to opt made the front bunch up off-centre. I think the
for baggy shorts now. pants could ditch this ratchet strap altogether.
For me, riding pants can be broken down into At the other end of things, there are elasticated
three main concerns: fit, fabric and features. panels on the inside ankle to keep things flap-free
These MT500 Burner Pant II trousers are with an on-trend taper, while retaining the ability to
predominantly made from a four-way stretch fabric. be pulled on over riding shoes and kneepads.
The exceptions are the seat panel (made from a The funny rubbery chevrons on the outside of
durable, non-stretchy material) and panels behind the knee are rather curious, and although I initially
the knees and at the top of the thigh (made from wrote them off as pointless styling, while riding
airy, stretchy mesh fabric). There are also laser-cut they do seem to help keep the pant in place around
breather holes in the inner thigh area. The breather knee pads; helping prevent snags or pull-creep.
holes feel a bit unnecessary, but I like how the All-in-all, the fabric choices and locations have
airy mesh panels help keep things comfier where proven to be excellent. If the weather is mild, just
clothing (kneepads, liner shorts) can bunch. wear liner shorts underneath. If it’s cold and/or wet,
The rear waistband features sticky silicone lines pull on some three-quarter length bib-knickers or
to help keep the trousers from slipping down and full-length tights underneath.
there’s also the Endura logo on the outside of the Yes there are a couple of superfluous features
rear waistband to stop your jersey from riding up. (breather holes and ratchet waist adjuster), but
The pants have a front zip with a ratchet waist the fabrics are really good and the fit is fine for
adjuster and Velcro waist adjusters that pull the average rider (and offers good
forwards from the top of each bum cheek and adjustment for slimmer, taller
anchor on landing strips just below your hips. riders too). They ain’t cheap,
I am on the lanky side. I have a 32-33in waist but they have genuinely
(fluctuating beer belly depending) with 34in inside revolutionised, streamlined and
leg. The length of these pants was fine, but I had to improved my riding wardrobe.
run the Velcro adjusters fully cinched. Which was Benji Haworth

82 mbr FEBRUARY 2020

£ 1 1 9.9 9
SPECIFICATION Kit contains three lances, foam washer, bag and one-litre wash, one-litre concentrate • Contact:

Most people tend to fall into with reassuring security. There’s from 60mm away with the
one of two schools of thought also a built-in quiver for the bicycle lance and checked the
when it comes to bike cleaning. lances and a cleat for the power internals. Inside, the bearings
Either jet washing is the ultimate cable. Certainly it feels better were still thick with grease, but
maintenance sin, blasting away quality than a £50 own-brand job water had got past the seals. It
grease and oil and decimating from your local DIY superstore. passed our overly demanding
the life expectancy of your pride So does it work? Well yes, test then. Not with flying colours,
and joy. Or providing you don’t and no. Firstly the snow foam but successfully enough to
fire the jet directly into your attachment: this screws onto the suggest that your bearings will
bearings, then it’s nothing to top of the bike wash bottle and be safe if you use it sensibly.
worry about — they’re supposed mixes the contents with water What undermines this result,
to be mountain bikes, after all. to spray a sudsy lather over your and herein lays my fundamental
If you’re of the former mindset, bike (or car). As it does with the issue with this product, is that
Muc-Off ’s new low-pressure manual spray bottle, this helps if you want to wash your bike
washer aims to convince you to soften dried dirt so that you sympathetically you can just use
otherwise. To do this it comes don’t need to scrub every nook a hose — you don’t actually need
with a special low-pressure and cranny during washing. to spend over £100 on a jet wash.
lance, that’s claimed to be safe The only difference being that The hose is also quicker to set up
on bearings. In fact you get three it coats absolutely everything, and pack away, and if you want
lances in the heavy-duty roll- turning your bike into a ghost to mess around with snow foam,
top carry bag, all with specific and your garden into Santa’s you can buy ones that work
applications. One is a regular grotto if you’re not careful. After with a hose attachment. And if
high-pressure lance, designed leaving the foam for five minutes poor water pressure means you
for all those heavy-duty cleaning you then rinse it off. Don’t expect need a boost from the pump,
jobs. Alongside that you get a miracles — the best results still something like the cordless Worx
motorcycle attachment, with a come from attacking the dirt washer would be less of a faff to
slightly reduced pressure, and before it’s had a chance to dry — use for a similar price.
then there’s the aforementioned but it’s reasonably effective as a If you need a jet wash and
bike lance, and a snow foam pre-wash. are happy to pay a premium,
attachment. Also included for The real selling point of this Muc-Off ’s Pressure Washer Kit is
the £20 premium over the jet pressure washer is the bearing- a good product.
wash on its own, are two bottles safe bicycle attachment. So to But it’s also
of Muc-Off cleaning fluid. put Muc-Off ’s claim to the test, solving a
The jet wash itself gets a we took a Shimano XT wheel problem
familiar hot pink and black colour with a cup and cone bearing and that doesn’t
combo, and feels well made, with pumped it full of fresh grease. really exist.
all the parts snapping together Then we blasted it for one minute Danny Milner

FEBRUARY 2020 mbr 83


Enduro helmets
Want extra protection without getting got-headed? You need one of the latest enduro lids
Words & photos: Mick Kirkman

ountain bike helmet design has One added benefit being that safety-conscious breed can do double duties without turning

M been on a technology crash

course in the last few years. New
lids are more advanced than ever
in terms of safety features, and
plenty are now modular too; something that
enables adaption for trail riding, bike park
shredding and big mountain terrain.
riders will get fewer weird looks when rocking
a full-face for trail riding.
Blending disciplines, enduro kit combines
features optimised for cross-country efforts
with those for downhill speed. Like many other
bike components touched by the enduro bug,
the products here merge the extra protection
into a sweat bucket.
All eight helmets here represent the latest
kit from leading brands. There’s plenty of
cutting-edge, impact-reducing technology to
be found, along with designs that range from
super-lightweight fixed full-face models to
convertible helmets with removable chinbars.
Lightweight full-face (and even convertible) of full-face DH helmets with well-ventilated, Each brand goes about its design goals
helmets have been around for ages, but the open-face trail lids. And, whereas downhill differently, so there’s a wide spread of weight,
do-it-all remit of enduro racing has made helmets used to be too hot and heavy for price and functionality to best suit the needs
them way more versatile and commonplace. pedalling around in all day, the new helmet of any rider.

84 mbr FEBRUARY 2020

Know your enduro helmet STANDARDS
All mountain bike helmets have to
pass certification tests before they
can be sold. Parameters include
puncture resistance, strap integrity
PEAK/VISOR GOGGLE/EYEWEAR and handling impacts of different
Peaks help keep the sun, STORAGE velocities. DH-certified helmets
rain and mud out of your eyes The ability to park your goggles must resist higher impact energy
and should stable, rattle-free and under the peak is useful if you’re loads, but require more material
adjustable for tilt. It also needs stopping and starting a lot. (and weight) to achieve this.
to look good and remain out of Rear goggle clips can be a bit of
your peripheral vision when riding. a gimmick though, considering
Flexible materials and breakaway elasticated straps with silicone
fixtures improve safety by grippers do an excellent job of
preventing visors becoming a lever staying put anyway. Some helmets
that can twist your neck in a crash. also offer eyewear stow points
that will be useful if you wear
glasses rather than goggles.
Ports or vents are
essential to increase
airflow over the
head. Most helmets
mpacts of
use a system of intake
ids also
(front) and exhaust
(rear) vents to channel
air through internal
grooves and regulate
internal temperature.
Used cleverly, vents can
ntly of
also reduce weight and
hell to
improve looks.
st too.

A typical retention system takes
the form of a compressible cradle
that cinches down onto the scalp.
The best will tighten one-handed,
exert pressure evenly and be
multi-adjustable in terms of tilt
CHINBAR ATTACHMENT PADDING and circumference to suit all head
Removable chinguards allow Internal cushioning is essential to
shapes. Look for solid and sturdy
switching between uphill and helmet stability and comfort, as
adjusters too, as small plastic pieces
downhill modes in selected well as heat management. Pads
are prone to damage over time.
helmets. Each system has its own soak up a lot of sweat so should
unique clamp mechanism, with be removable for washing. Not
the best versions fitting quickly all fabrics are equal in terms of
and easily with the helmet in next-to-skin comfort. Some lids
place. Safety standards on rely on multiple pad densities to
chinbars range from trail riding tune fit over heavier and more
to full DH certification. costly retention systems, and while
thicker pads can be more comfy,
they also run hotter.

Securing the helmet safely is essential, but look for comfort and adjustability
here and straps that aren’t too itchy, flappy or dig in ears or the jawline. Many
helmets use magnetic clasps to speed up installation, although simpler plastic
buckles can sometimes be lighter and less obtrusive.

FEBRUARY 2020 mbr 85



£ 2 74 . 9 5
SPECIFICATION Weight: 674g (428g minus chinbar) • Sizes: S, M (tested), L • Seven colours •

Bell already offers two top-scoring convertible Bells, and was relatively
helmets, and now this Super Air R, too. The easy to fix once we got
all-new lid’s standout feature is that it’s much used to lining up the
lighter and better ventilated than Bell’s previous slots in front of the ears.
Super 3 and Super DH MIPS pair. It took a little persistence
It uses Bell’s ‘Flex Spherical’ protection, to get it right every
with dual foam layers tethered by squidgy time, though, and it’s
elastomer buttons that allow each layer to definitely not as easy to
rotate separately in an impact. This is also learn as some.
bolstered by a MIPS liner, where the slippery With 26 vents, the Super
plastic cradle is able to twist independently Air feels incredibly light on the
of the main shell for more energy absorption, head and delivers copious airflow.
helping isolate the head in a rotational impact. Under the three-way adjustable peak, four
Of the two foam layers, the outer EPS liner brow slots are especially effective, funnelling
uses a firmer density than the inner, which Bell cooling wind onto forehead and temples and Bell’s new helmet
claims absorbs impacts more effectively across drying sweat before it drips into eyes. The is stylish, versatile, comfortable and
a broader velocity range. With all this lot, it’s fair forward and peripheral vision is excellent too. lightweight. Being nowhere near as
to say the Super Air R hasn’t scrimped on safety The chinbar isn’t totally solid, so the vibe is hot or restricting as a proper DH
for the lofty £275 price. definitely of a pumped-up trail lid rather than full-face, it’s nailed the form and
The lid’s twist-to-tighten retention system full-on enduro race lid. Bell’s safety certification function as a trail or e-bike lid
cinches up without wriggling, and you can reflects this so look to the brand’s Super DH if with added protection, but
change the height to alter interior dish and tilt. you’re going big, or are accident prone! if you prioritise security
Fit and padding is extremely comfortable, and That said, it is one of the best looking and over versatility, there are
sizing is conventional. functioning convertible helmets for trail riding. better options. It comes
The Air’s removable chinbar fastens via two With the chinbar removed, it basically functions with a seriously hefty price
rear buckles. That’s one buckle less than older exactly like a normal trail lid. tag too.


£ 1 8 9.9 9
SPECIFICATION Weight: 644g • Sizes: S/M, M/L (tested), L/XL • Black, Forest Green • Contact:

Endura’s new MT500 full-face is the lightest reassuring, and nice

fully DH-certified product on test. With sculpted detailing too like metal
good looks, it’s aimed at enduro racing or visor bolts and cushy
hitting downhill trails at full speed. chinstrap padding.
The fixed chinbar design means you can’t Endura’s visor is lower
remove it to increase airflow, so the MT500 than others and strayed
relies on vents and intakes for sufficient all-day into our line of sight at
comfort. Having minimal padding inside aids downhill speeds when
cooling, but, especially around the brow and trying to scope lines
ears, there isn’t as much airflow as rivals, so it further down the trail.
runs a bit hotter than the competition and can In terms of fit, the
get steamy on warmer days. MT500 is less deeply
Endura helmets use Koroyd’s honeycomb dished and sat more
technology. The main structural part is made perched on our head, and
from welded-together, energy-absorbing, we also experienced a few
plastic tubes that can crush and deform in hot spots where the harder
an impact. The chinguard uses an in-house interior touched the skull, while
designed internal skeleton structure for the cheek pads pressed uncomfortably
reinforcement, and an extra green Koroyd panel on our ears. These cheek pads can also wriggle
insert at the front. Presumably to save extra loose, since they’re only held in place by a small Endura’s new
grams, the helmet has exposed polystyrene Velcro patch. lid is a decent price and good quality, but
at the edges, brow and chinbar, which can get The multi-adjustable retention system uses there are niggles. Significantly, it was neither
damaged by small stones firing up, or from an easy-to-twist dial and is comfy, but the cradle as comfortable nor as cool as
knocks in transit. needs waggling right back before worming your some rivals, especially for
The MT500 has passed stringent impact head in. Even cinched up tight, the MT500 can all-day use. So despite
and stress tests for competitive DH and enduro rock a little front to back on the roughest trails. being the lightest DH-
racing. While it wouldn’t be our first choice for This was despite us testing the recommended certified helmet on test, it
the former, there’s still a very solid, stiff and M/L size, and the fact that it felt cramped, had the hottest and most
secure feel to the construction that’s certainly and tighter than some medium lids on test. claustrophobic fit.

86 mbr FEBRUARY 2020

£ 2 6 9.9 9
SPECIFICATION Weight: 957g (671g minus chinbar) • Sizes: S, M (tested), L • Three colours •

Giro’s Switchblade was one of the first The brand’s

helmets with a removable chinbar offering well-proven Roc Loc
more protection for enduro and was quickly retention system
popularised by some of the fastest racers cranks the helmet tight
around, such as Richie Rude. and grips the head
Like others here, it offers a MIPS liner to evenly. All internal pads
help reduce rotational impact damage, inside are well located and
a tougher exterior. This liner is well integrated the interior shape is
with the pads and able to twist independently very comfortable. The
of the outer shell in the event of a glancing blow. Switchblade doesn’t
The Switchblade’s exterior is certainly built budge however hard you
tough, as it comes with full DH-certification ride, but one drawback
against denting and piercing, and it feels of being so locked down
plenty solid and sturdy. is it runs very hot. So
Without the chinbar, the Switchblade’s shape toasty in fact, that it’s best
is unique, rocking what Giro labels a ‘full-cut’ suited to colder weather only,
style. Basically, the lid extends right down over especially if you sweat a lot.
the ears and almost to the side of the cheeks to The shell is well vented, with 20
offer significantly more coverage than a regular ports overall feeding internal channels that
open-face lid in the event of an accident. It’s a aim to divert cooling air through the cheek some
great option when you’re looking for a bit more pads, so it’s likely the forehead area that of the newer
security, but don’t want the extra heat or bulk of makes it feel warmer. Above this zone, Giro’s generation convertibles and lightweight
a downhill lid. visor is flexible so it can handle knocks without full-faces here. In regular trail lid mode it
With buttons underneath, the chinbar is breaking, and lifts high enough to stash looks cool and offers a good
very easy to remove and fit, in part due to the goggles underneath. halfway house in terms of
extended cheek portion being visible when The Switchblade’s quality and finish is top protection, but it’s more
lining up the two pieces. With metal fixing notch, and Giro’s lids last a long time before expensive, a lot less well
tabs, it is also rock-solid, if a tad chunky, so you getting wrecked in everyday use. We love ventilated and bulkier than
can feel the weight on the front of the helmet the look of the open Switchblade, but this is a ‘standard’ extended rear
compared to when it’s removed. noticeably chunkier, heavier and hotter than coverage open-face helmet.

£ 1 9 9.9 9
SPECIFICATION Weight: 679g • Sizes: S/M, M/L (tested) • Four colours • Contact:

The brand new Trigger helmet from iXS is one problem to have, however,
of a new generation of super-lightweight, fully seeing as you can always
DH-certified full-face lids. The stealthy angular make yourself warmer.
design is a fixed structure, so you can’t remove Such cooling and airiness
the chinbar, but this ensures it tips the scales comes without scrimping on
at a featherweight 680g, even in the biggest comfort either, as internal
size offered. padding is well positioned
The Trigger achieves this in part by a and feels super-cushy.
proprietary, patent-pending, ‘X-Frame’ Unobtrusive cheek pads
construction inside the chinbar. It’s essentially come in two sizes, but
an internal roll-cage webbing moulded inside can detach easily as their
the EPS that reinforces crucial joints in the shell ‘popper’ fixing method isn’t
and is a structural part of the lid. This extends the most secure.
rearwards to just over the ears, and also enables iXS’s rotating rear dial is
massive vents to be shaped into the chinbar for easy to use and covers a wide
extra airflow and cooling. size range without putting any
Another reason for the aggressive weight pressure or snag points on the skull
saving is a more basic offering in terms of — a trait that’s very useful considering the
protection. There’s no rotational system like Swiss brand doesn’t offer as many size options
MIPS, or other own-brand alternatives. iXS relies as rivals. If you have a small or big head you’re With class-leading
on the more traditional in-moulded construction sorted, but we had to go for a M/L unit, despite airflow for a DH-certified lid, the Trigger makes
whereby expanded polystyrene is fused to a being on the cusp of both measurements. a convincing case for a permanent lightweight
harder outer shell. It must be effective though, If iXS’s skimpy sizing options do suit your head full-face, if you don’t need
as the lid has passed extensive DH testing for perfectly, this is a really unobtrusive full-face. It’s the option to remove the
impact resistance, fixing and security. super-lightweight and feels almost invisible on chinbar for climbing on the
Ventilation here is ridiculously good, to the your head while riding, and, once cinched tight, hottest days. It’s the joint
point the Trigger is actually cooler than plenty there’s no looseness or weight swinging around. best-ventilated helmet here
of open-face lids, and can even feel too chilly Forwards and peripheral vision is excellent and it with Bell’s Super Air, and a
on long rides in wintry weather. This is a good plays nicely with goggles. well-sorted bit of kit.

FEBRUARY 2020 mbr 87


£ 2 2 9.9 9
SPECIFICATION Weight: 887g • Sizes: XS, S, M (tested), L, XL • Three colours • Contact:

Kali’s reputation is built on putting safety first. damper to absorb different

The UK distributor explained that, for this exact strike velocities. As they
reason, Kali doesn’t offer a removable chinbar collapse, the cones also direct
helmet, instead preferring to make the safest, energy sideways and away
lightest, helmet at any given price point in from the brain.
either fixed full or open-face mode. The full- The Alpine feels super
face Alpine is still plenty light enough though, solid and protective like
weighing less than most DH helmets and also a proper full-face, and is
convertible models like Giro’s Switchblade and secured with a sturdy D-loop
Sweet Protection’s Arbitrator. strap. It’s fully lined with
The brand’s many proprietary technologies snug padding, and only has
reflect its commitment to protection. The minimal, small vents, which make
Alpine’s visor is ‘breakaway’, and the internal it by far the hottest helmet on test.
construction uses ‘LDL’ (Low Density Layer) and Temperatures are equivalent to a regular DH
‘Composite Fusion Plus’. These tongue twisters lid then, but, by virtue of being around 200g
describe firstly a layer of viscoelastic pads under lighter than even full carbon helmets, it’s only With excellent
the padding, and secondly a thinner exterior this interior warmth that feels like a DH lid. comfort, five sizes, a good
shell moulded directly to a structure built from Even with the protective, locked-down feel, price, refined finish and solid construction, Kali’s
interlocking foam pyramids. the Alpine feels very light on the head and the Alpine has a lot going for it. Many riders will love
And if that sounds equally bewildering, the exterior silhouette and size isn’t especially bulky the sense of security, but if you’re a racer that
viscoelastic pads use an impact-hardening either. We also felt really reassured by it being runs hot and need an extremely airy lid, this isn’t
material (like D30) that solidifies under impact, absolutely rock-solid on our head, so charging the one. Kali has a brand new
but also works like memory foam, shaping to downhill on e-bikes during testing, there was a Invader lid coming though,
the skull for extra comfort and reduced hotspots. very locked-down feeling, with the Kali staying which is a super-lightweight
The foam pyramid is formed of two layers of totally motionless no matter how wild the trails full-face with a more open
opposing, interlocking cone-shaped spikes. got. With this in mind, it would be our helmet design and better cooling,
There are two densities of material used, and of choice for Alpine riding or enduro racing if so we’re very keen to try
in an impact, these cones act as a progressive protection was a sole priority. it out.


SPECIFICATION Weight: 839g (461g minus chinbar) • Sizes: S, M (tested), L • Six colours • Contact:

One of the original lightweight full-face helmets, really precise increments, and
Met’s Parachute has been around for years. the MIPS integration and plastic
Over that time, it’s seen multiple revisions, to webbing is all well designed. A
the point we reckon this MCR version is by far huge peak out front is flexy and
the best looking, most sorted yet. can be tipped up right out of
MCR refers to the new chinguard mechanism, sight, which means goggles will
which uses magnets to orientate ‘plugs’ into fit underneath easily too.
ports on the main helmet. The design work was A neat design touch is how
done with Fidlock, whose reputation was forged the front of the wraparound
making the magnetic chinstrap buckles featured BOA headband sits slightly
on several helmets here, including this Met. away from the outer shell,
This magnetic chinbar attaches just behind allowing a small gap for extra
the ears and is released by twisting two small, airflow between the exterior and
flip-up, dial wheels that ‘pop’ the guard free. padded webbing. It’s a small
It’s reasonably solid in place, but wobbles and detail, but extra effective at
twists more than other convertibles here (with cooling the brow. Elsewhere, Met’s
the exception of Bell’s Super Air R). It’s easy to 21 vents direct loads of air inside,
install once you figure out the locators, but also especially down the sides and over ears.
bit vague, so we were never entirely sure when However, the interior’s still marginally warmer
it was completely locked. Having said that, than a couple of helmets here. While
a quick jiggle of the chinbar was all that was Run in open-face mode, the temple zone at £300, it isn’t
needed to confirm the magnets had done their feels slightly roomier than most medium lids, cheap, the Met’s quality and
job and it was secure. but the retention system dials in slack uniformly finish is top-notch; it feels
Padding, straps and retention dials are of and comfortably. Three different height properly sturdy and Alpine-
the highest quality. The two cheek pads inside positions ensure tilt can be tuned perfectly too, ready in full-face mode.
the chinbar are well positioned and feel snug and the Parachute stays firmly put in either trail Factor in the good-looking
without being constricting, which helps with the or full-face mode. It should last well too, since open-face mode, and it’s a
Met’s stable, planted feel. The BOA cradle has it’s fully wrapped with tougher material. very versatile combination.

88 mbr FEBRUARY 2020



REFLEX++ TECHNOLOGY automatically boosts lights to

our highest lumen outputs when riding hard and fast to then
instinctively dim when going slow, the right lumens for right
terrain and speed without the need to reach for a button whilst
on the move, by using a combination of thermistors and the
latest in 3D digital accelerometer and gyroscope technology.

TAP TECHNOLOGY, quickly switch between modes on

helmet lights by tapping either the body of the light or the
helmet without needing to locate the function button for
fast control to match the pace of the trail.

SPECIFICATION Weight: 1,018g (549g minus chinbar)• Sizes: S/M, M/L (tested), L/XL • Colour: Black,
blue, green • Contact:

Norwegian brand Sweet Protection’s new that can also adjust the
Arbitrator full-face is really streamlined at the helmet’s dish.
sides, angular and futuristic-looking. It’s a Venting is plentiful and
two-piece convertible lid that has a unique most effective above the ears
fixing system pairing the open-face portion where triangulated ports
with a full carbon chinbar. funnel air over arteries to cool
Sweet’s raft of safety features include low- blood at the temples. Testing
density EPS foam inside (that claims better in Italy at 30°C, cooling and
impact absorption than denser polystyrene), ventilation was excellent, with good
along with raised ‘bridges’ and sunken sweat absorption, so it never got overly
‘channels’ to help soak up any smashes if you steamy inside.
get too wild. A four-piece shell uses variable The Arbitrator is formed from distinct upper
densities of polycarbonate, and also hides a and lower halves, rather than front and rear internal
Zytel nylon ‘skeletal’ reinforcing framework segments, so the way the carbon chinguard rubber pouches before
inside. The removable chinbar is pre-preg attaches is unique. The lower carbon piece reattaching the chinguard. It’s essential to
carbon-fibre to save weight and resist heavy overlaps the ‘open face’ portion with carbon tabs remove the lid to do this, making it slower than
impacts. And all this added together yields a full that slot inside it. The pair lock and unlock with a others to convert.
DH-certified protection rating as a full-face. single rear compression lever that’s reassuringly The Arbitrator looks great and has good
The Arbitrator also packs the industry- chunky, and there’s a small security tab to cooling, but it’s also the heaviest lid here
leading MIPS system with its low-friction plastic prevent it being knocked open accidentally. at over a kilo. To be fair, it works
liner. Two sets of pad thickness on top of this are This design means both parts have dedicated extremely well as a full-face
included, and the tensioning band cinches all straps. DH-mode uses a much beefier, padded and is cooler than most.
the way round the head for more even pressure ratchet system chinstrap that’s very comfy, and The ‘open face’ part is
distribution. These pads feel really silky against open-face mode gets a lighter plastic clasp. A less convincing and feels
the skin, are well positioned and especially significant drawback to this, however, is the trail weighty, overly top heavy,
comfy at the rear on the fit-tuning plastic dial helmet’s chinstrap needs folding and stashing in and perched.


SPECIFICATION Weight: 702g • Sizes: XS/S, M/L (tested), XL/XXL • Six colours • Contact:
Troy Lee was early to offer alternatives to the to tune fit, and spare anti-
road cycling-inspired helmets that used to bacterial pads are included
dominate mountain biking. In fact, as far back as in the helmet bag. These
the 1990s, it pioneered lids with extra coverage well-positioned pads make the
for aggressive riders, of which this Stage is a interior comfortable, but it’s
natural heir. also aided by a nicely dished-
Designed to be ultra-lightweight and have out shape that fitted a wide
better ventilation than a regular full-face, the variety of head shapes.
Stage is still fully DH-certified. To achieve this Stable, and with no annoying
protection rating, it uses dual-density EPP/EPS fore and aft rocking, the Stage
foam layers in the main structure, with each also feels light with no internal
material type better handling a different impact pressure points or too much
velocity. There’s also a slippery MIPS liner bulk swinging around. It soaks
under the internal pads that reduces force from up sweat effectively and doesn’t
rotational impacts before it gets to your brain. run too hot either. You can occasionally
Troy Lee’s lid goes the route of a fixed, rather feel the chinstrap if you cinch it tightly, as
than removable, chinguard. This arguably it sits very close to the rear of the jawbone,
reduces versatility, but enables weight saving and the Stage doesn’t have a full shell wrap on branches or
(at comparable stiffness levels) and also better the underside. To be fair though, this is likely a stones if you’re really unlucky.
ventilation. There are 11 intake and 14 exhaust conscious choice to keep the weight down to Rock-solid when shredding, and delivering
ports in total, forcing air very effectively just over 700g, and only small areas of EPS are good airflow and comfort, the Stage is totally
through the internal channels and over exposed, covered with a tougher coating that dialled, but pricey. It’s
your scalp. highlights Troy Lee’s attention to detail. easy to find at a discount,
All this airflow ensures effective cooling, so Being quite close-fitting helps with the great however, which makes it
it’s one of the airier helmets on test, despite looks, and is achieved by using less material, pretty enticing as a fixed,
being very cushy and padded. The Stage relies so protection levels are reduced compared to lightweight full-face if
on a variety of different-thickness liner pads, a full-bore ‘DH’ full-face. Also, there are large you don’t want to go the
rather than an adjustable retention webbing, ventilation holes that could be skewered by convertible route.

90 mbr FEBRUARY 2020

Dan Atherton has been knocked down and out, but always got back in the ring again.

Anyone who has witnessed a World Cup downhill race will realise that it falls squarely into the category of dangerous sports
which come with a risk of serious injury. There’s zero run-off in wooded sections and there’s no air-fence to cushion your fall
should you take a tumble in a rock garden or misjudge a gap jump. Every competitor has to face the fact that there’s a real
risk of getting badly beaten up. You will crash. You will get hurt, there will be bruises, no matter how well protected you are.
Why did he go on after repeatedly hurting himself - and, in particular after breaking his neck?

It’s a question that elicits a Dan Atherton trademark pause. “Hmmm. It’s hard to was just...passion really. It’s passion
that makes you get up at five or six in the morning to go training. It was just impossible to put the bike down. The thing is
riding downhill is something that is so much a part of you, ingrained so deeply, that you can’t stop.”

The eldest of the three Atherton siblings is a reflective soul. You get the strong feeling that he is a steadying presence
in the Atherton Clan, but his exterior calm shouldn’t be interpreted as a blissed out state, because
riding downhill always meant facing up to a potential beating from an unyielding opponent.

He is still a formidable driving force behind the scenes of the race team but these days Atherton measures himself against
his fearsome engineering in the Welsh hills rather than against the clock on the World Cup circuit. An undisputed track
visionary and a king of trail construction, but the challenge is fundamentally the same, you are going head-to-head with a scary
opponent, risking a battering from the terrain. He now pits his design wit as well as his skills, nerve and fitness against the
mountain, and, although he’s been knocked down a few times, he’s not ready to stop riding or digging, not anytime soon.

Dan Atherton wears Endura’s award winning MT500 collection.


The choice of lightweight helmets That makes it harder than ever to
suitable for tackling gnarly terrain has single out a helmet to recommend,
skyrocketed recently, and there are but the unanimous favourite among our
loads of excellent products here. testers was the Troy Lee Stage. It’s well
Prices have risen too, and many of vented and lightweight, to the point
us will baulk at paying £300 for a where it’s like wearing a trail lid with
lightweight/convertible full-face, added protection — perfect when you
especially if we own (or want) a pure want to push your limits and not risk
DH or lighter open-face helmet already. smashing your face up. iXS’s Trigger
Bell Super Air: versatile
performer but not up
to the roughest stuff

Full Face is also sorted

and offers even more in
the way of ventilation,
but lacks a few extra
features like MIPS.
Bell’s Super Air
R does exactly what
the brand claims, but
the price is high and the helmet is
considerably less sturdy and solid
compared to other convertibles like
Met’s excellent Parachute or Giro’s
heavier Switchblade. The Parachute
is arguably the most versatile and
well-rounded product here, but it’s
also the top-dollar helmet with a £300
asking price.
Endura’s latest MT500 proved
a bit of a disappointment, and
Sweet Protection’s Arbitrator
works fantastically as a lightweight
full-face, but has issues when used
as a trail lid — in terms of speed of
conversion — and is heavy. Kali’s
Alpine is light and feels really
protective, but not much better
ventilated than a regular DH lid so
feels like a bit of an outlier in this

TEST company. We’re excited to try the

brand’s new Invader lid to see if it
WINNER! better fits the bill. So although we
picked a winner, all of the helmets
here impressed in different ways,
and all of them come recommended
to varying degrees.

Price Weight Sizes Contact Rating

Bell Super Air R £274.95 674g S, M, L

Endura MT500 Full Face £189.99 644g S/M, M/L, L/XL

Giro Switchblade £269.99 957g S, M, L

iXS Trigger FF £199.99 679g S/M, M/L

Kali Alpine £229.99 887g XS, S, M, L, XL

Met Parachute MCR £300 839g S, M, L

Sweet Protection Arbitrator £269 1,018g S/M, M/L, L/XL

Troy Lee Stage £275 702g XS/S, M/L, XL/XXL

92 mbr FEBRUARY 2020


With classic frame materials, top quality parts and modern
geometry, our trio of test bikes from Cotic, Pace and Ribble
may be hardtails but they’re anything but humble
Words & photos: Mick Kirkman

94 mbr FEBRUARY 2020



£3 179 99


FEBRUARY 2020 mbr 95


ack in the October issue we bikes adapted to the discipline’s racing needs by riding position similar to full-suspension bikes,
tested four of the best British becoming more stable, the best hardtails have that naturally compress in corners, against
hardtails for under £1,700. All done the same. crank clearance while climbing and pedalling.
had alloy frames and all were These rangier rigs are easier to ride fast, Having tested numerous hardtails, we’ve come
designed right here in the UK. because the extra stability makes it harder to the conclusion that a good recipe for BB
This month we’ve upped the to get bucked off line, and helps counter any height is basically as low as possible, before
ante with three boutique pitching you get on repeated hits. And, guess it causes frequent pedal strikes. So that’s
British hardtails from Pace, what? That’s even more useful when you something we’ll be considering when testing
Cotic and Ribble. don’t have rear suspension to iron out creases these boutique hardtails. But enough of the
The Cotic and Pace are manufactured from in the trail. theory, let’s dive straight in and find out which
high-end steel tubing, while Ribble’s first It’s no surprise then, that all three of the bike delivers in practice.
mountain bike in over 20 years boasts a raw brands here know that a little extra ‘give’ goes a
titanium frame. And with price tags in excess of long way on a hardtail frame, which is why they
£3k, all come smartly dressed with top-end kit. use steel and titanium instead of aluminium. WHERE AND HOW
Aimed squarely at riders who crave the Used correctly, these materials tend to have
unadulterated connection to the trail that only a
hardtail can provide, the top-level specifications
greater compliance and different damping
characteristics to aluminium, which can help Tale of the test
should really showcase the ride quality of the absorb vibrations while still maintaining the raw, Testing in December felt like the perfect
frame materials and geometry, as the parts reactive ride that’s unique to a hardtail. time for hardtails. With most rides ending
certainly aren’t the limiting factor here. Rolling on 27.5in wheels, and with nothing with filthy kit and an urgent need to jet
Our trio also reflect how 27.5in hardtails more that a tyre’s width of rubber and air to wash bikes as much as yourself, it’s clear
haven’t been immune to the longer, lower, comfort you from rock and root, these rigid where hardtails gain an advantage, with
slacker enduro trend that has swept through the frames feel more direct under power than any no bearings or links to act as potential
full-suspension category. So, just as suspension full-suspension bike, injecting life into even mud pockets.
the dullest trails. But there are other crucial Getting them dirty in the first place
differences too. Hardtail geometry changes involved a selection of off-piste runs
Top-level specs should more while riding, as the bike essentially pivots
around the rear axle as the fork compresses.
at local trail centres, linked by some
beaten-up armoured trails that really
really showcase the This can get unsettling if fork travel is too long,
or if the static head angle isn’t slack enough to
revealed each frame’s ability to absorb
trail chatter. The trio also got treated to
ride quality of the compensate for the additional sag. With all three
of the bikes in this test sporting 150mm forks, it
a local jump spot that’s littered with mini
DH-style trails and short, action-packed
frame materials will be interesting to see how this plays out.
Another consideration with hardtail frame
runs that really allowed us to focus on the
nuances of handling.
design is balancing the BB height to give a

96 mbr FEBRUARY 2020

Ribble HT Ti
Full specs, geometry,
suggested builds & RRP’s:

Custom build with BikeBuilder | 0% Finance | Cycle to Work Scheme Available

No bottle bosses on
the seat tube makes
BIKE TEST it easy to fit longer
dropper posts
Reynolds 853 down tube and The Bfe frame is
oversized, heat-treated seat rated for use with
tube form the foundation of any fork from
a rock-solid chassis 100-160mm travel

Hope brakes with

floating rotors are
a £200+ upgrade


£3,102 or 2020, Cotic’s Bfe has been COMPONENTS since it’s reactive and stiff without being
revamped. The head angle is Cotic offers Hunt Enduro Wide wheels as so intractable that it rattles fillings
now a full degree slacker for an option over the Hope Fortus 26 or 35, or induces headaches, even on long
SPECIFICATION more control, while a steeper and this is our second recommendation. rock-strewn descents. Cane Creek’s
Frame Reynolds 853/ seat tube improves the climbing For the same price, they feel zingier, silky Helm fork plays a big part in that.
cro-mo position. The latest frame also has a stiffer and faster, with rims rocking extra The extra support also reduced forward
Fork Cane Creek lowered top tube that really boosts thick sidewalls and more spokes at the pitching on steeper descents, partially
Helm Air,
150mm travel
standover clearance, and, at 463mm, rear for extra strength where it’s needed compensating for the instability of the
Wheels Hunt Enduro the reach on the size medium is most. And yet they are still the lightest taller BB.
hubs, Hunt Enduro generous, extending to a whopping wheels on test. Fitted with those Hunt wheels, the
Wide rims, WTB 609mm on the new extra large size. Shod with the latest WTB G2 Series Bfe is a fast bike, the rapid acceleration
Vigilante/Trail Boss At £549 for the frame only, the Bfe is tyres, consisting of a Vigilante 2.5in putting wind in the Cotic’s sail along
27.5x2.6in tyres
Drivetrain SRAM GX
still competitively priced, given that it Light/High Grip front and a Trail Boss twisty singletrack, despite it not being
Eagle 32t chainset, retains a Reynolds 853 steel down tube 2.4in Tough/Fast Rolling rear, it’s a great the lightest in test. So the Bfe has a
SRAM GX r-mech and heat-treated cro-mo elsewhere. combo for balancing grip and speed, twinkle in its eye and real sense of charm
and shifter To increase stiffness, the top tube is even if both tyres lost air over the test that helps get you past the fact it’s not
Brakes Hope Tech 3 ovalised and gusseted underneath. A duration; be sure you have extra sealant. the most ground-hugging machine, nor
X2, 180mm
traditional threaded BB with ISCG 05 We’ve been impressed by X-Fusion’s the lightest on test.
Components Cotic
Calver 780mm bar, mounts sits at the base of an oversized latest dropper with its light action and
Cotic Short 35mm 35mm seat tube. solid remote. SRAM’s GX Eagle 12-speed
stem, X-Fusion Manic
Stealth 150mm post,
To the rear, curved, bridgeless stays drivetrain shifts smoothly, and while VERDICT
Cotic saddle
are welded to compact dropouts that Cotic uses longer 175mm cranks, the Bfe Cotic’s new Bfe is much improved.
Sizes S, M, L, XL are secured by a Syntace X-12 Boost has plenty of ground clearance. The steeper seat angle ensures a
axle, which employs an expanding seated riding position that’s balanced
Weight 13.65kg
(30.1lb) wedge for extra wheel security. and efficient for pedalling, and the
Contact Our first impression was that the steel frame is rock solid. Thankfully,
SUSPENSION bar height on the Bfe felt too low. So there’s enough suppleness too, so it’s
GEOMETRY To get the Cane Creek Helm fork you we’d prefer more headset spacers, not too jarring or uncomfortable on
Size tested M need to drop an extra £300, but we think especially if shelling out extra cash on long days in the saddle.
Head angle 64.1° it’s worth it. Sporting 150mm travel and the Cane Creek Helm upgrade. After The Bfe is at its best
Seat angle 74.1° stout 35mm upper tubes, it’s air-sprung, digging a little deeper, however, we bombing along beaten-up jeep
BB height 327mm with three-way damping adjustment. quickly realised that this sensation is a tracks and bridleways though,
Chainstay 429mm
Extra support can be gained by consequence of the elevated 327mm as the higher bottom bracket holds
Front centre 772mm
opening the upper leg and twisting a BB height. Thankfully, it didn’t really it back a bit on steeper, twisty and
Wheelbase 1,201mm
wingnut that moves a piston to reduce the hamper the steering or handling too more challenging
Down tube 710mm
Top tube 635mm
positive spring volume. Delving deeper, much. The slack head angle feels spot downhill trails
Reach 463mm you can also tweak the balance between on when linking turns and the Bfe steers as the riding
the positive and negative air chambers for neutrally, so it was easy to adapt to and position is much
a different spring feel. If you’re prepared ride confidently straight away. less composed
to experiment, it’s a sorted piece of kit With no excessive elasticity or twang, compared to the
that’s every bit the match for RockShox’s the steel frame is solid if a little dull. Pace RC627.
top-level Pike Ultimate on the Pace. This directness is a positive though,

98 mbr FEBRUARY 2020

chassis feel
without being

Still needs
a much
lower bottom

Cotic’s Bfe takes Reynolds 853 Hope stoppers

an unashamedly down tube and are a worthwhile
beefy approach gusseted top tube upgrade

FEBRUARY 2020 mbr 99

800m Renthal bar
BIKE TEST and Pace’s new
35mm stem make
for a great cockpit With the reduced offset
Pike fork, the 64° head
Ample tyre clearance angle feels like the
inside the slender sweet spot — not too
rear stays sluggish, not too light

Dialled geometry
offers the perfect
feel and fit


£ 3 , 1 7 9.9 9 he RC 627 is Yorkshire-based slack 64° head angle to stop it feeling geometry that’s as confident and
Pace’s no-nonsense 27.5in steel too floppy at lower speeds. stable as Pace’s, we actually had a
hardtail. But should you desire ton of fun anyway, and not only
SPECIFICATION larger hoops, there’s also a 29er COMPONENTS survived, but thrived in the mud.
Frame Reynolds version called, not surprisingly, Hope Fortus 35s use wider rims than the This is down to the RC 627 being
853/cro-mo the RC 529. 30s but they are also a fair bit lighter. totally at home pointed down rooty,
Fork RockShox For 2020 the 27.5in frame has The extra width means they can easily slippery off-piste trails. It’s equally adept
Pike Ultimate,
150mm travel
become 1x-only, inherited a lower top handle fatter 2.8in tyres, and the frame at railing corners and ruts too, without
Wheels Hope Pro 4 tube, a one degree slacker head angle has plenty of mud clearance if you want getting deflected or making you feel like
hubs, Hope Fortus 35 and similarly steepened seat tube. to upsize — either for extra traction, you’re teetering over the bike.
rims, Schwalbe Magic It’s made from an interesting mix of comfort or even pedal clearance. In With the adjustable stays in the
Mary/Hans Dampf materials too. The front triangle is fact, the shorter 170mm SRAM GX Eagle shortest position, it’s easy to lift the
27.5x2.35in tyres
Drivetrain SRAM GX
Reynolds 853 tubing while the rear stays cranks are very sensible given how low front wheel, with seemingly no penalty
Eagle 32t chainset, are cro-mo steel with 6082 aluminium the RC 627’s BB is. when it comes time to smashing through
GX Eagle r-mech dropouts thrown in for good measure. Talking of wheels, the 2020 spec has braking bumps and roots.
and shifter Or, to be more precise, the alloy now been changed to include Hunt Trail If your idea of fun is being urged
Brakes SRAM Guide dropouts are slotted and allow 13mm Wide wheels and Maxxis Minion DHF/ to go faster down challenging trails,
R, 180mm
of chainstay adjustment, from 425mm DHR tyres at no extra cost. That’s a this is definitely the bike for you.
Components Renthal
Fatbar 35 800mm, to 438mm. win-win in our view.
Pace 35mm stem, Like most steel frames, the Pace Pro 4 Hope hubs are proven UK kit,
RockShox Reverb
150mm post, Charge
RC 627 has a traditional threaded BB. but the rear DT RWS axle unwound VERDICT
Spoon saddle
Bosses on the down tube house the fully slightly multiple times during testing. Even though the geometry
Sizes M, L, XL external gear and brake housing. Not Huge lateral forces go through differences between our three test
Weight 13.7kg only is the full-length gear outer easier aggressive hardtails, but it needed bikes were quite small, it’s surprising
(30.2lb) to maintain, all of the cables are tucked cranking up super-tight and the prime how different the Pace RC 627 felt.
Contact pacecycles. neatly out of the way, their position culprit for this issue is flex in the It’s stable, has completely neutral
com making it much more comfortable to adjustable dropouts. steering and the weight distribution
shoulder the bike. Yes, the dropper hose Guide R brakes are no-frills in terms is very balanced. Even flat-out, it
GEOMETRY is a bit floppy, and the RC 627 could of adjustment, but plenty sharp enough never feels sketchy.
Size tested L probably do with an additional non- in action with the lightweight, cutaway, The Pace isn’t the most eager
Head angle 63.9° drive side clip to secure it. Aztec rotors on the RC 627. uphill, but the pay-off on the way
Seat angle 73.8° down more than makes up for it.
BB height 299mm
SUSPENSION PERFORMANCE The Pace never had us wondering
425-438mm With 150mm travel, the new RockShox On the first ride, the rear brake on the ‘what if…’ and there were no little
Front centre 793mm Pike Ultimate fork is befitting of any RC 627 had air trapped inside and niggles to spoil
Wheelbase high-end build. It gets the Charger II stopped working properly so we ended the fun. The RC 627
1,218-1,231mm damper first developed for the big- up riding several steep, hand-cut tracks is the complete
Down tube 748mm hitting Lyrik, so it has both high and in sloppy conditions with a rear wheel package then and
Top tube 655mm low-speed compression adjustment. Its that wouldn’t stop. the clear winner
Reach 475mm action is super-plush and supportive. On some hardtails, it might have despite the hefty
Pace also uses a shorter 37mm offset been game over, but with the super- price tag.
crown, which perfectly balances the smooth Pike Ultimate fork and

100 mbr FEBRUARY 2020


handling that
makes you
ride faster

dropper post
Skinny cro-mo seat Slotted alloy dropouts
stays with rack bosses offer 13mm of
chainstay adjustment

Reynolds 853 steel

front triangle

FEBRUARY 2020 mbr 101

Internal cable routing
looks sleek because
BIKE TEST you can’t see it —
you’ll hear it though
Grippy 2.6in Maxxis
tyres offer good comfort
Swoopy, curved stays and a very stable and
and clean lines combine supportive ride
modern geometry with
a retro look

Ribble’s first mountain

bike for 20 years
comes with a five-year
frame warranty

£3,289 his is Ribble’s first mountain COMPONENTS This might also be due to flex —
bike in almost 20 years, but The Race Face Chester 780mm bar and the frame exhibiting that titanium
you’d never guess looking at forged 40mm stem are flex-free, but the hallmark of being a little softer and more
SPECIFICATION the beautifully crafted titanium remote for the Level 150mm dropper compliant than steel or alloy. Even with
Frame 3Al/2.5V frame with its fancy gussets and isn’t, so it feels soft and mushy in use; a a gusset between the curvy seatstays
triple-butted titanium swoopy back end. The angles are far trait that got worse when the anodising and extra reinforcement at the bottom
Fork RockShox from dated either — the HT Ti boasting on the post got scratched by grit. bracket junction, flex is noticeable
Pike Select +
150mm travel
the slackest head angle and longest Weighing over 2.3kg, Hope’s Fortus leaning hard into corners, and also
Wheels Hope Pro wheelbase on test. 30 wheels are heavy. Granted they were when stomping on the pedals.
4 110/148mm hubs, It’s light too. The smoothly welded designed for downhill racing, with the Unfortunately this flexier feel doesn’t
Hope Fortus 30 3Al/2.5V triple-butted titanium frame bonus of being totally bombproof, but translate to a smoother ride when trails
rims, Maxxis weighing a scant 2.1kg in size medium. there’s no ignoring the rotating weight of get more chopped up and rocky. Both
Minion 3C DHR II
27.5x2.6in tyres No surprise then, that it is also the the rims. So even with smooth, reliable of the steel bikes in this test feel more
Drivetrain SRAM GX lightest bike on test. Pro 4 hubs, the wheels feel noticeably damped, and isolated the rider better
Eagle, 32t chainset, It’s the only frame on test with harder to accelerate. The 30mm internal from vibrations. In fact, even though
GX r-mech and shifter internally routed cables, trading a rim width does support the fatter 2.6in Cotic’s Bfe is pretty chunky and solid,
Brakes SRAM Guide cleaner look for occasional rattle. Maxxis Minion 3C DHR II tyres nicely at there’s still less feedback transmitted to
R, 180/160mm
This also makes it harder to plumb in the lower pressures, laying down a footprint your hands and feet.
Race Face Chester rear brake if you go with the frame-only of grippy rubber for enhanced traction
800mm bar, Race option. Mud clearance isn’t as plentiful on, and off, the brakes.
Face Chester 40mm
stem, Level 150mm
as its rivals, but it’s adequate for foul Yes, the SRAM Guide R brakes aren’t VERDICT
dropper post, WTB
conditions, even with 2.6in Maxxis tyres. quite as smooth to the touch as the Ribble’s new HT Ti hardtail has
Koda Race saddle RS model with its swinglink cam, but modern geometry, beautiful welds
Sizes S, M, L, XL SUSPENSION modulation is still good, even if the and looks fantastic. With sorted
Weight: 13.2kg The 2020 RockShox Pike on the Ribble smaller 160mm rear rotor is not the best parts, the price is good value too.
(29.1lb) is the Select + model, rather than the for killing pace rapidly. When it comes to ride quality,
Contact ribblecycles. Ultimate version found on the Pace. It however, Ribble’s rig is good, but
gets a Charger 2.1 damper inside though, PERFORMANCE other brands with more experience
just minus the independent high and With the most relaxed steering tuning frame tubing offer more
GEOMETRY low-speed compression adjustment. The geometry, Ribble’s HT Ti can hold an dialled handling, and a sweeter
Size tested L
new DebonAir air spring on the Pike has impressively straight line through rough stiffness and compliance balance.
Head angle 63.3°
a tweaked negative/positive ratio, and rocks and chunder at speed. It’s also So while Ribble’s debut shows
Seat angle 71.9°
BB height 322mm
combined with the low-friction SKF seals roomy enough to shift your weight promise, and we wouldn’t bet
Chainstay 430mm it’s super-supple off-the-top. freely about the bike to correct line against the brand improving
Front centre 799mm Just like the Cotic and Pace, the Ribble choice errors and adjust body position fast, the wonder
Wheelbase 1,229mm is rocking 150mm travel, where the slack as the terrain dictates. material hasn’t
Down tube 735mm 63.3° head angle and 1,229mm wheelbase When you’re not dropping your heels delivered the
Top tube 650mm help mitigate any adverse swings in and hanging off the back, the 322mm ride quality
Reach 473mm geometry as the fork compresses. BB height makes the bike feel too tall. to match its
Slack geometry means you can run the So it’s not as reactive to the flicky moves progressive
fork a little softer for extra grip without required to avoid obstacles or bounce attitude.
negatively impacting the steering. from one side of the trail to the other.

102 mbr FEBRUARY 2020

Slack, low
and long with
a beautiful
finishing quality
and details

Titanium’s softer
quality, married
to stretched-out
modern geometry,
equals a flexier

Titanium frames Stylish gussets, Ribble has opted for

remain a benchmark but stiffness could swooping retro-
for aesthetics be improved style seatstays

FEBRUARY 2020 mbr 103


Conclusion ombing down a trail on a

B hardtail is completely engaging.

You sense every little ripple
and undulation through your
feet, and if you pump or
pedal there’s no delay; acceleration is
instantaneous. We’re also convinced
that hardtails are a great way to sharpen
Cotic’s Bfe is high-octane
bridleway basher

your skills: as they are inherently harder

to control, you quickly develop ninja-like
reflexes. But you probably know all of
this already. What you’re here for is to
find out which boutique British hardtail
is worthy of your hard-earned.
On paper our three test bikes are Ribble’s slick Ti frame
pretty similar. All share broadly similar trumps its ride
prices and geometry, but riding a variety
of trails quickly highlighted significant
differences between them. And we’re feel sorted on the trails. It’s hard to
not talking about frame materials, as pinpoint the issue, but we suspect
differences in frame shape and rider it’s a consequence of the titanium
balance will always influence handling frame being less stiff and precise,
more than material choice. In fact, tyre the progressive geometry and sizing
choice and pressure overrule slight stretching the material beyond its
nuances in vibration damping and limits so you never feel confident
stiffness from one frame to the other. reaching yours. There are plenty of
And, for this reason, Pace’s latest positives to draw on though, with
RC627, with its super-low BB height modern geometry and sizing, and
that delivers a glued-to-the-floor, also how the frame’s construction
super-stable feel, was our favourite; and welding appears to be top
particularly when slashing through notch. Ribble also has a steel model
corners or blasting down trails. coming soon and that material may
It didn’t hurt that Pace’s frame is also well better suit the long, stretched-
smooth and calm hammering across out frame shape of modern hardtails,
repeated root webs or rocks, a sensation so we’ll report back on that as soon
amplified by the calm and composed as we can.
RockShox Pike Ultimate fork. On both For now though, if you’re in
the Pace and Ribble, however, Hope’s the market for a boutique British
new Fortus wheels feel significantly hardtail, we can’t recommend the
worse than Hunt’s Enduro Wides on Pace RC627 highly enough. It’s got
the Cotic that are zippier and livelier. the ride quality and specification to
Cotic’s Bfe has come a long way in back up the geometry, and with that
recent years, and with the previous sleek, slender look that only steel
generation’s niggles tweaked, it now provides, we suspect it will rapidly
offers a dynamic and engaging ride. become a modern classic.
With the steeper seat angle, the seated
climbing position is now in a sweet spot
over the cranks, and there’s some sorted RANGE FINDER
kit too, including a really impressive
Cane Creek Helm fork. Bottom line,
however, is it still has a lofty BB that Our test winner’s stablemates
leaves you a tad upright, less ‘in’ the bike
and more disconnected from the trail. PACE RC 627 (CHASSIS) PACE RC 529
So that just leaves Ribble’s HT. It
£ 1 ,78 9 £ 3 , 1 7 9.9 9
has got good geometry, but doesn’t
Got a drivetrain, The brand’s big-wheeler looks just as progressive

Pace’s RC627, with and cockpit

already? If
so, then the
as the 27.5in version that won this test. The price is
the same and the spec is identical apart from the
size of the wheels. You can even chose to
its super-low BB rolling chassis
could be
spec Hunt wheels and Maxxis tyres at
no extra cost. S
height, delivered a right up your
bridleway. With
want the same
of ride quality,
glued-to-the-floor, a RockShox Lyri
fork (ignore the Fox fork pictured,
but prefer the
idea of 29in
super-stable feel the spec has since changed), Hope headset and
Hunt wheels, it represents a big saving over
wheels, go
for the Pace
the complete bike. RC 529.

104 mbr FEBRUARY 2020


TEST The lowdown on BB height G

WINNER! With only front suspension to cushion and stabilise the
rider and chassis, geometry really is king on hardtails. D E
Subtle differences of a degree here and there, and a few
millimetres difference in sizing, can significantly shift the C
rider’s centre of gravity, or hands in relation to feet. F
A large contributory factor to Pace’s
627 fun factor was having the lowest Cotic Pace Ribble
bottom bracket height on test. At 299mm A Head angle 64.1° 63.9° 63.3°
from the ground, the amount of drop
B Seat angle 74.1° 73.8° 71.9°
beneath the axles is that much greater
than the others on test. The end result is C BB height 327mm 299mm 322mm
that your rider mass is lower, so overall D Chainstay 429mm 425-438mm 430mm
stability increases, and you feel less E Front centre 772mm 793mm 799mm
rattled around whatever the trail chucks F Wheelbase 1,201mm 1,218-1,231mm 1,229mm
at you. Also, because you are closer to
Pace’s high-end hardtail G Down tube 710mm 748mm 735mm
is a thrillingly sure- the ground, you have a more secure base
H Top tube 635mm 655mm 650mm
footed trail ripper from which to get really dynamic when
slashing turns. I Reach 463mm 475mm 473mm


This month’s bikes at a glance

Make/model Cotic Bfe Gold RC 627 GX Ultimate Ribble HT Ti GX
Price £3,102 £3,179.99 £3,289
Weight 13.65kg (30.1lb) 13.7kg (30.2lb) 13.2kg (29.1lb)
Sizes S, M, L, XL M, L, XL S, M, L, XL
Size tested M L L
Frame material Reynolds 853/cro-mo Reynolds 853/cro-mo 3AL/2.5V Titanium
Suspension fork Cane Creek Helm Air RockShox Pike Ultimate RockShox Pike Select +
Rear shock N/A N/A N/A
Front travel 150mm 150mm 150mm
Rear travel N/A N/A N/A
Hubs Hunt 110/148mm Hope Pro 4 110/148mm Hope Pro 4 110/148mm
Rims Hunt Enduro Wide Hope Fortus 30 Hope Fortus 30
Spokes Stainless steel Stainless steel Stainless steel
Schwalbe Magic Mary/Hans Dampf Addix
Tyres WTB G2 Vigilante/Trail Boss 27.5x2.6in Maxxis Minion 3C DHR II 27.5x2.6in
Soft 27.5x2.35in
Shifters SRAM GX Eagle 1x12 SRAM GX Eagle 1x12 SRAM GX Eagle 1x12
Cassette SRAM GX Eagle 10-50t SRAM GX Eagle 10-50t SRAM GX Eagle 10-50t
Rear mech SRAM GX Eagle SRAM GX Eagle SRAM GX Eagle
Crank SRAM GX Eagle, 32t SRAM GX Eagle, 32t SRAM GX Eagle, 32t
Brakes Hope Tech 3 X2 SRAM Guide R SRAM Guide R
Rotor sizes 180mm 180mm 180/160mm
Saddle Cotic Cro-mo Rail Charge Spoon WTB Koda Race
Seatpost X-Fusion Manic 150mm RockShox Reverb 150mm Level 150mm
Handlebar Cotic Calver 780mm Renthal 35 800mm Race Face Chester 780mm
Stem Cotic Short 35mm Pace 35mm Race Face Chester 40mm

FEBRUARY 2020 mbr 105

Mtb’s movers and shakers select their favourite places to ride

A S C H O S E N B Y. . .

sk any long-standing biker first run where you hit it blind and don’t Jamaica. The whole experience is out of

A what their favourite trail is,

and I think most would say
it is difficult to choose just one.
Mountain biking is a rich and
engaging sport because of the hugely
varied terrain and the landscapes
that we get to ride in. In some respects,
know what is around the next crest or
bend. I’ve been fortunate enough to
travel to ride in many countries on some
truly amazing trails in my time. Just in
the past year I can think of a few that
stand out as being right up there as
favourites. Riding in the Aosta valley
this world — a short but steep technical
climb that gets your heart pounding
out of your chest before a brief downhill
respite within the woods spits you out
into a grassy clearing and one of the
best views from a trail in the world.
Overlooking the Caribbean Sea, with
Rowan raced World
Cup downhill the bike is simply the tool to allow had some all-time great trail riding; the trail and forest descending below,
for years before us to access and experience some the Karma Gutza trail used in this year’s it’s ridiculously idyllic. The trail continues
founding trail special places that can reach deep EWS in Blue Derby Tasmania is a very on down past patches of farmland, tall
building company
into our soul and create that feeling of special trail, combining the tech of the grasses and bamboo before going back
Back On Track,
responsible awe that only being truly surrounded natural slab and boulders in the area into woodland and pushing on down
for some of the by nature provides. with crazy flow; and in BC I rode a trail a fast and flowy rock-strewn gulley
best-loved trails That’s why I was drawn to my line near Lillooet last year that just had so requiring full commitment. The trail
in the UK. He’s of work, trail-building, as for me the much speed and incredible dirt that you finishes on a secluded small bay with a
also a director at
experience that a trail can give you got to the bottom thinking it was the black sand beach. This is tropical island
BikePark Wales
blows any bike tech out of the water — best run you had ever done. life at its best, away from any crowds
it’s all about the trail and the ride. However, the trail that I think takes it and vivid in colour — it’s the one trail
In particular, trails in the Czech Republic for me is Pressure Drop near Robins Bay, I always want to relive.
and India stand out as having given
me cultural experiences that have
stayed with me long after leaving. Overlooking the Caribbean Sea,
That said, my favourite trail isn’t one
that I have worked on.
No, my favourite rides are on trails
with the trail and forest descending
that have generally been created by man
many years ago and continually shaped
below, it’s ridiculously idyllic
by nature and what I enjoy most is that

106 mbr FEBRUARY 2020

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