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Lesson 3

- Good morning. Susan Blake's office.

- Hello. I'd like to speak to Ms. Blake, please.
- I'm sorry. Ms. Blake is in Washington today. Can I help you?
- Well, I'd really prefer to speak to Ms. Blake.
- Certainly. She'll be back next Monday.
- Fine. I'll call her then.

- Buenos días. La oficina de Susan Blake.

- Hola. Me gustaría hablar con la Sra. Blake, por favor.
- Lo siento. La Sra. Blake está en Washington hoy. ¿Puedo ayudarte?
- Bueno, realmente preferiría hablar con la Sra. Blake.
- Ciertamente. Ella volverá el próximo lunes.
- bien La llamaré entonces.

Lesson 4

- Weren't you able to stop?

Well, I was able to stop, but the other
- driver wasn't.

- ¿No pudiste parar?

- Bueno, pude parar, pero el otro
conductor no lo hizo.


Lesson 4

- I feel tired all the time, doctor. What can I do?

- Eat well and exercise. You'll feel better.
- Oh no! I hate exercising!

- Me siento cansado todo el tiempo, doctor. ¿Que puedo hacer?

- Comer bien y hacer ejercicio. Te sentirás mejor.
- ¡Oh no! ¡Odio hacer ejercicio!
Lesson 5
1 to find out . finding out
2 fighting
3 Learning About The Law
4 traveling around the country by train
5 camping

Lesson 6.
- I'm thinking about quitting school and getting a job.

- You can't get a good job without finishing school.

- But I need the money.

- Estoy pensando en dejar la escuela y conseguir un trabajo.

- No puedes conseguir un buen trabajo sin terminar la escuela.
- Pero necesito el dinero.

1. cutting.
2. Reading
3. taking
4. saying
5. not going
Lesson 6.
College Universidad

Course curso

Examination examen

Fail fallar

high school escuela secundaria     

learn aprender

pass pasar

subject tema

test prueba

training formación

step 1

1. I'm studying histoty at college.

2. She's taking a course in dressmaking.
3. I'm studying for my examination in mathematics tomorrow.
4. I failed the exam so I have to take it again.
5. After my son finishes high school, he will go to college.

Step 2

He speaks Spanish but is learning English.

I passed the exam with an 80%.
School students learn many subjects like history, science and art.
We had a test in Spanish today and I think I did well.
The training for the job is six months.

Step 3

1. College
2. Course
3. Examinations
4. Failed
5. High school
6. Learn
7. Passed
8. Subjects
9. Test
10. trainig



Hello, Mr. James? This is Don Barnes, the president of Greater Electric. I'm calling about
your plans for the new factory. I'm interested in discussing the matter with you. Can we
make an appointment for lunch instead of meeting at my office? Do you mind if I invite
my bank manager, too? It's impossible for me to make any decision about the project
unless I have his approval. Please call me this afternoon. I'll be in meetings all morning.
I'll talk to you later. Goodbye.

Hola señor James Este es Don Barnes, el presidente de Greater Electric.

Llamo por tus planes para la nueva fábrica. Estoy interesado en discutir
el asunto con usted. ¿Podemos hacer una cita para almorzar en lugar de
reunirnos en mi oficina? ¿Te importa si invito a mi gerente de banco,
también? Es imposible para mí tomar una decisión sobre el proyecto a
menos que tenga su aprobación. Por favor llamame esta tarde Estaré en
reuniones toda la mañana. Hablo contigo más tarde. Adiós.

From: Arlene Ericson

To: Yvonne Billingsly
Subject: Waiting for your answer

Dear Yvonne,

I'm in London on business. I plan to choose a location for another T-shirt factory near the
city. I have some offers, and I'm going to see two places this afternoon. Please think about
our discussion. I must have an answer as soon as possible.

I disagree with your opinion that you can't manage the business. I think you'll be great for
the job.


De: Arlene Ericson

Para: Yvonne Billingsly
Asunto: Esperando tu respuesta

Querida Yvonne,

Estoy en Londres por negocios. Planeo elegir una ubicación para otra
fábrica de camisetas cerca de la ciudad. Tengo algunas ofertas, y voy a
ver dos lugares esta tarde. Por favor, piensa en nuestra discusión. Debo
tener una respuesta lo antes posible.

No estoy de acuerdo con tu opinión de que no puedes administrar el

negocio. Creo que serás genial para el trabajo.


Step 2: Practice


building in which things are made

conversation about something

be in charge of

have a different opinión

2 3

London She wants her to manage the new T-shirt factory.

See two locations for the T-shirt factory.

e-mail quickly.


London – business – location – offers – places


1. to set up a T-shirt factory

2. Arlene thinks that Yvonne can manage the business.
3. Yvonne
4. their discusión
5. has experience in management

- Could you give this to Mr. Block? It's very important.

- I'm sorry. Mr. Block's at the New York office today.
- Oh, I see. Well, will he be here this afternoon?
- No. He's going to be in New York all week.
- Then could you fax it to him?
- Sure. I'll send it right away.

- ¿Podrías darle esto al Sr. Block? Es muy importante.

- Lo siento. El señor Block está en la oficina de Nueva York hoy.
- Oh ya veo. Bueno, ¿estará aquí esta tarde?
- No. Estará en Nueva York toda la semana.
- Entonces, ¿podrías enviárselo por fax?
- Por supuesto. Lo enviaré de inmediato.


must have

must have – mustn´t miss - must get there – mustn’t worry


- Why are you so tired?

I had to finish a paper so I stayed up all night. Then I got to class and found out that we
didn't have to hand it in.

- ¿Por qué estás tan cansado?

- Tuve que terminar un papel así que me quedé despierto toda la noche.
Luego llegué a clase y descubrí que no teníamos que entregarlo.


- Don't worry. These bottles are not dangerous. You don't have to wear gloves over here.
- And over there?
- Ooh.. that's different. You mustn't touch anything without gloves over there.

- no te preocupes Estas botellas no son peligrosas. No tienes que usar

guantes aquí.
- ¿Y por allí?
- Ooh ... eso es diferente. No debes tocar nada sin guantes allá.

mustn't - don't have to

mustn't - don't have to

don't have to - mustn't

don't have to


an appointment
an interview
a job
a bank manager
a suit


He applied for a job in a department store.

I want to make an appointment to see Mr. Jones.

I can’t do anything without my wife’s approval.

He needs to speak to the bank manager about the money he wants to take out.

His career is in education.


That company makes furniture.

She has a full-time job so she gets home late every day.

I have an interview for a job today.

This is a good location for a factory.

He worked 2 hours overtime last month.

4. 5.

Interview company
Applied location – full-time - apply




Unit 3 planning A Vacation
Ladies and Gentlemen, Flight 441 to Mumbai is delayed. We apologize for the
inconvenience. Thank you for your patience.
Daniel: You're going to India, too?
Rebecca: Yes, my company has a factory in Mumbai.
Daniel: So, you fly there a lot?
Rebecca: Yes, I do.
Daniel: This is my first trip abroad.
Oh, you'll love Mumbai. It's a wonderful city. There's so much to do and see
Daniel: Yeah, I'm really excited about going.
Rebecca: I hope we board the plane soon.
Ladies and Gentlemen, Flight 441 to Mumbai is now ready to board. Please
Announcer: have your passport and boarding pass ready for the agent at the gate. Thank
you for flying Indian Skies Airlines.
Rebecca: Wait! You forgot your passport!
Daniel: Thanks.


Señoras y señores, el vuelo 441 a Mumbai está retrasado. Pedimos disculpas por las
molestias. Gracias por su paciencia.

Daniel: ¿También vas a la India?

Rebecca: Sí, mi empresa tiene una fábrica en Mumbai.

Daniel: Entonces, ¿vuelas mucho allí?

Rebecca: Sí.

Daniel: Este es mi primer viaje al extranjero.

Rebecca: Oh, te encantará Mumbai. Es una ciudad maravillosa. Hay mucho que hacer
y ver allí.

Daniel: Sí, estoy muy emocionado de ir.

Rebecca: Espero que abordemos el avión pronto.


Señoras y señores, el vuelo 441 a Mumbai ya está listo para abordar. Tenga a mano el
pasaporte y la tarjeta de embarque del agente en la puerta. Gracias por volar con
Indian Skies Airlines.

Rebecca: ¡Espere! ¡Olvidaste tu pasaporte!

Daniel: Gracias.
Lesson 1
1. Ladies and Gentlemen, Flight 441 to Mumbai is
delayed We apologize for the inconvenience. Thank you for your
2. Ladies and Gentlemen, Flight 441 to Mumbai is now ready to
board . Please have your passport and boarding pass ready for the agent at the
gate . Thank you for flying Indian Skies Airlines.

3. Daniel and Rebecca are waiting for a flight . They are going to Mumbai . They
hear an announcement that the plane will be delayed . Daniel is a tourist and
Rebecca is a businesswoman . Daniel is going abroad to travel. Rebecca is going
to work . They finally get ready to board the plane. Daniel forgets his passport

4. ..

Words Definitions
passport official document that states what country you're from

abroad in or to a foreign country

apologize say you're sorry

inconvenience trouble

delayed leaving later than it's supposed to leave

board get onto a plane

6. The flight is not on time.

7. Mumbai is a wonderful city.

8. strangers.
9. She wants to get on the plane.
10. His passport
11. True

Flight 441 goes to Mumbai. Daniel says Mumbai is a wonderful city.

Daniel has never been abroad. The flight is delayed until the next

Rebecca's company has a factory in India. Rebecca and Daniel are

going to different cities.

12. They hear an announcement.


El hombre escribe un correo electrónico a su amigo sobre su viaje a la India.

Escribe el e-mail. ¿Qué cosas ha visto? ¿Qué es lo que más le gusta de la India?
¿Está disfrutando su viaje?

Hola amigo del alma te escribo este correo para saber de tus vacaciones a la india,
es maravilloso, cuéntame ¿ qué cosas increíbles has visto ?, ¿ que mas me gusta de
la india ? he escuchado que es maravilloso este viaje, y dime ¿Estás disfrutando su

Bueno esperare ansiosamente tu respuesta.


do some work.
He never went to another country.
There are many things to do there.

Lesson 2

Do you dislike taking boring vacations? Does having a good time mean sightseeing in
interesting towns and villages?

Then you should come see us today! It's not smart to delay. Village Tours has daily non-
stop flights to twenty-seven foreign capitals. We sell one-way and round-trip tickets. If you
decide to cancel, we'll return all your money.
Village Tours: We'll send you where the fun is!

¿No te gusta tomar vacaciones aburridas? ¿Pasar un buen rato significa hacer turismo en
ciudades y pueblos interesantes?

¡Entonces deberías venir a vernos hoy! No es inteligente retrasar. Village Tours tiene
vuelos diarios sin escalas a veintisiete capitales extranjeras. Vendemos boletos de ida y
ida y vuelta. Si decides cancelar, te devolveremos todo tu dinero.

Village Tours: ¡Te enviaremos donde está la diversión!

sightseeing – capital – foreign – roundtrip - cancel

1. Go where the fun is
2. The clerks
3. You don’t want to go
4. Brazil
5. Cancel

Lesson 3

- Vacation at last. I'm going to the beach every day.

- Me, too. But...
- But what? What's the matter?
- First I'm going to go shopping.
- Shopping?
- Yeah. I forgot to bring my swimsuit.

- Vacaciones al fin. Voy a la playa todos los días.
- Yo también. Pero...
- ¿Pero que? ¿Qué pasa?
- Primero voy a ir de compras.
- ¿De compras?
- si Olvidé traer mi traje de baño.

Lesson 5

- Do you like jazz, too?

- Well, I like to listen to jazz sometimes, but I LOVE to play rock 'n' roll.
- ¿También te gusta el jazz?
- Bueno, a veces me gusta escuchar jazz, pero me ENCANTA tocar rock and roll.

1. To spend – to think
2. To travel
3. To type
4. To look
5. To give me a ride - not to go

Lesson 6

- When are you going to finish talking?

- In a minute. Do you mind waiting?
- No, I don't mind. I enjoy listening to you.

- ¿Cuándo vas a terminar de hablar?

- En un minuto. ¿Te importa esperar?
- No, no me importa. Me gusta escucharte


don't mind helping

doing their homework
flyning - tryning

Lesson 7


go sightseeing

reserve a hotel room

make travel arrangements

take a vacation

rent a car
We have round-trip tickets to Hawaii.
I love sightseeing vacations and I take lots of pictures.
We´re going on a tour of the old city.
Best Tours is a great travel agency if you want to go to
The agency made our travel arrangements.

We canceled our vacation because I was sick.

You have a connecting flight to New York.
There is a non-stop flight from Los Angeles to New York.
When we are on vacation we always rent a car so we can
drive to different places.
The travel agent reserved a hotel room.

Vacation – canceled – travel agency – a hotel room – rented –


travel agency - non-stop flight – connecting flight – round-trip

– tours – sightseeing

connecting flight
non-stop flight
rent a car
travel agency
travel arrangements

Unit 4 Eating Out

Hello, listeners! This is Gore May with another restaurant review!

I made a reservation at Prima Vera Restaurant as soon as I heard about it. I

was expecting Prima Vera to be a very special place, and I was looking
forward to eating there. I came on time for my 1 p.m. reservation, but I had to
wait forty-five minutes! The manager didn't even apologize. While I was
waiting, I looked at Prima Vera's menu. What prices! Strawberries and cream
cost $15! Finally, my table was ready, but it was dirty. The rolls weren't
fresh, and the grilled fish was cold. "Perhaps the desserts are better," I
thought. I ordered a slice of chocolate nut cake. While I was eating it, I broke
a tooth! I found a small stone in the cake! I complained to the waiter, and
phoned my insurance company.

Listeners, don't go to Prima Vera Restaurant! Eat at home. I promise you that
you'll enjoy it a lot more

Hola, oyentes! ¡Este es Gore May con otra crítica de restaurante! Hice
una reserva en el restaurante Prima Vera tan pronto como me enteré.
Esperaba que Prima Vera fuera un lugar muy especial, y tenía muchas
ganas de comer allí. Llegué a tiempo para mi 1 p.m. Reserva, pero
tuve que esperar cuarenta y cinco minutos! El gerente ni siquiera se
disculpó. Mientras esperaba, miré el menú de Prima Vera. ¡Qué
precios! Las fresas y la crema cuestan $ 15! Finalmente, mi mesa
estaba lista, pero estaba sucia. Los rollos no estaban frescos, y el
pescado a la parrilla estaba frío. "Quizás los postres son mejores",
pensé. Pedí una rebanada de pastel de chocolate y nueces. Mientras
lo comía, me rompí un diente! ¡Encontré una pequeña piedra en el
pastel! Me quejé al camarero y llamé a mi compañía de seguros.
Oyentes, no vayan al restaurante Prima Vera! Comer en casa. Te
prometo que lo disfrutarás mucho más.
Star Test

forty-five minutes
Nut cake
rolls,grilled fish, nut cake
eating at home


Are you expecting guests for an important dinner party? Are you worried that you won't be
able to plan the party successfully? We at Pearl's Party Service will prepare the perfect
party for you.

Here is a sample menu.

We usually start with salad and freshly baked rolls. Then, we give you a choice of grilled
fish or chicken. And make sure you have room left for dessert. Our desserts are delicious!
Your guests will love our fresh strawberries with whipped cream and homemade chocolate
nut cake.

We think of everything: our waiters will even tell a few jokes!

So, if you're planning a party, call Pearl's Party Service today for a party we promise that
you'll never forget!

¿Está esperando invitados para una cena importante? ¿Te preocupa que no puedas
planificar la fiesta con éxito? Nosotros, en Pearl's Party Service, prepararemos la fiesta
perfecta para ti.

Aquí hay un menú de muestra.

Por lo general, comenzamos con ensalada y panecillos recién horneados. Luego, le

ofrecemos una opción de pescado o pollo a la parrilla. Y asegúrate de que te quede
espacio para el postre. Nuestros postres son deliciosos! A sus invitados les encantarán
nuestras fresas frescas con crema batida y pastel de chocolate casero.

Pensamos en todo: ¡nuestros camareros incluso contarán algunos chistes!

Entonces, si está planeando una fiesta, llame al Servicio de fiestas de Pearl hoy mismo
para una fiesta que le prometemos que nunca olvidará.

¿Está esperando invitados para una cena importante? ¿Te preocupa que no puedas
planificar la fiesta con éxito? Nosotros, en Pearl's Party Service, prepararemos la fiesta
perfecta para ti. Aquí hay un menú de muestra. Por lo general, comenzamos con ensalada
y panecillos recién horneados. Luego, le ofrecemos una opción de pescado o pollo a la
parrilla. Y asegúrate de que te quede espacio para el postre. Nuestros postres son
deliciosos! A sus invitados les encantarán nuestras fresas frescas con crema batida y
pastel de chocolate casero. Pensamos en todo: ¡nuestros camareros incluso contarán
algunos chistes! Entonces, si está planeando una fiesta, llame al Servicio de fiestas de
Pearl hoy mismo para una fiesta que le prometemos que nunca olvidará.

Banquetes señor castro

Le ofrecemos los mejores servicios gastronómicos,

atendemos sus fiestas con los mejores pasabocas,
tenemos comidas internacionales como pescado al curry,
lomo de res al vino y para rematar un buen postre de

Visítenos para tener el gusto de atenderlo.

Star test

strawberries with cream

the waiters
it will be a big success
They grill steak.


- Where do you want to have dinner?

- Let's go to that new Japanese restaurant on Park Avenue.
- Do you want to walk or take a taxi?
- Oh, if it's not far, let's walk.
- Would you like to see a movie after we eat?
- Sounds good to me.

- ¿Dónde quieres cenar?

- Vamos a ese nuevo restaurante japonés en Park Avenue.
- ¿Quieres caminar o tomar un taxi?
- Oh, si no está lejos, vamos a caminar.
- ¿Te gustaría ver una película después de que comamos?
- Suena bien para mí.

Star test

Did - were waiting – landed

Landed – landed
Was thinking – did you say
wasn´t typing – went
burned – was putting


the best
more frequently that
as cheaply as
more frequently

I got food on my shirt and now it´s dirty.
I have freshly baked rolls for breakfast.
I took the meat out of the freezer an hour ago so it´s still frozen.
We had grilled steaks at the restaurant.
Here is some homemade jam with fruit from our tree.
I prepared some vegetables for the soup.
The food is ready, come and eat!
These chips are very salty.
This cake is very sweet because it has a lot of sugar.
Would you like whipped cream with your pie?

freshly baked - grilled - sweet - prepared - whipped cream

- salty

prepare – frozen – grilled – homemade - freshly baked

dirty – prepare – homemade – frozen – ready


dirty homemade
freshly baked prepare
frozen ready
grille salty - sweed -
whipped cream

Unit 5 Traveling Abroad

Alan: John
John: Alan! Were you waiting long?
Alan: No, just a few minutes. How was your flight?
Too long. From Sydney to London was twenty-three hours. We had one stopover in Bangkok for about
an hour.
Alan: Where's your luggage?
John: This is it.
Alan: That's it? No luggage. Where are your clothes?
John: The airline lost my suitcase and all of my clothes with it.
Alan: Oh no! Well we'd better get you some clothes today. We have a very important meeting tomorrow
John: I know. Where can I get a new suit?
Alan: I think I know of a couple of shops nearby. Don't you want to get some breakfast first?
John: No, thanks. I had breakfast, lunch, and dinner on the plane. Twice, I think!
Alan: Oh!
John: Alan, let's just see about the suit.

Alan: Juan

Juan: Alan! Estabas esperando mucho tiempo Alan: No, sólo unos minutos. Como estuvo tu

Juan: Demasiado largo. De Sydney a Londres fueron veintitrés horas. Tuvimos una parada
en Bangkok durante aproximadamente una hora.

Alan: Donde esta tu equipaje

Juan: Eso es todo.

Alan: ¿Eso es? Sin equipaje ¿Dónde está tu ropa?

Juan: La aerolínea perdió mi maleta y toda mi ropa con ella.

Alan: ¡Oh no! Bueno, será mejor que te traigamos algo de ropa hoy. Tenemos una reunión
muy importante mañana por la mañana.

Juan: Lo sé. ¿Dónde puedo conseguir un traje nuevo?

Alan: Creo que sé de un par de tiendas cercanas. ¿No quieres desayunar primero?

Juan: No, gracias. Desayuné, comí y cené en el avión. ¡Dos veces, creo!

Alan: Oh!

Juan: Alan, veamos el traje.

John doesn't want breakfast.

Alan knows where John can buy a new suit.

John and Alan have an important meeting tomorrow morning.

John just got off a 23-hour flight.

John had a stopover in London.

John's flight came in late.

John and Alan plan to meet for lunch.

The airline lost John's briefcase with his computer in it.

Hi Larissa,

I have finally arrived in London . The trip took about twenty-three

hours. Our stopover in Bangkok was only one hour. And guess what happened! The airline
lost my luggage . Now I have to buy a suit . Alan and I have a very important meeting
tomorrow morning. Wish me luck


Star test

He has a business meeting.

only has a small bag with him.
The airline lost his luggage.
He ate a lot on the plane.
Look for a suit

Lesson 2

Rita's Trip Abroad

"Ladies and gentlemen, our flight is arriving shortly in Washington, D.C." Rita was looking
out the window. Around her people were talking excitedly. Rita was nervous. It was not
only her first time abroad, but it was also her first time outside her small village in Mexico.
She was visiting her aunt and uncle for the summer. She couldn't wait to go sightseeing.
But she was a little worried about her English. She knew some English from school, and
she hoped it was good enough.
"Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to the capital of the United States."

Rita checked to make sure she had everything: her passport, the immigration form, and her
round-trip ticket. She followed the people out of the plane. She waited with the other
foreigners while the immigration officials asked each person many questions. Rita was
nervous, but the immigration officer patiently repeated each question slowly and clearly.

Rita found her suitcase, and started walking toward the exit. Many people were waiting
outside. She was looking around, when she suddenly heard someone shout her name.

"Rita! Rita!" It was her aunt and uncle!

"We're so happy you're here!"

Rita smiled. She knew that she was going to have a good time that summer in America.

El viaje de Rita al extranjero

"Damas y caballeros, nuestro vuelo llegará pronto a Washington, DC." Rita estaba
mirando por la ventana. Alrededor de ella la gente hablaba con entusiasmo. Rita
estaba nerviosa. No solo fue su primera vez en el extranjero, sino que también fue
su primera vez fuera de su pequeño pueblo en México. Ella estaba visitando a su
tía y tío para el verano. Ella no podía esperar para hacer turismo. Pero ella estaba
un poco preocupada por su inglés. Ella sabía algo de inglés de la escuela y
esperaba que fuera lo suficientemente bueno.

"Damas y caballeros, bienvenidos a la capital de los Estados Unidos".

Rita se aseguró de tener todo: su pasaporte, el formulario de inmigración y su

boleto de ida y vuelta. Ella siguió a la gente fuera del avión. Ella esperó con los
otros extranjeros mientras los oficiales de inmigración hacían muchas preguntas a
cada persona. Rita estaba nerviosa, pero el oficial de inmigración repitió
pacientemente cada pregunta lenta y claramente.

Rita encontró su maleta, y comenzó a caminar hacia la salida. Mucha gente

estaba esperando afuera. Ella estaba mirando a su alrededor, cuando de repente
escuchó a alguien gritar su nombre.

"¡Rita! ¡Rita!" ¡Era su tía y su tío! "

¡Estamos tan felices de que estés aquí!"

Rita sonrió. Ella sabía que iba a pasar un buen rato ese verano en Estados



immigration officials





round-trip ticket

immigration form




Aboart – nervous – passport – immigration – slowly


Washington, D.C. - her English - "A Visit To America" - a credit card – sknew she

- Excuse me. How can I get to the Tower Hotel?

- The easiest way is by taxi, but there's a bus, too.
- Where's the bus stop?
- It's in front of this building.
- How often does the bus stop here?
- Every 30 minutes.

- Perdóneme. ¿Cómo puedo llegar al Hotel Torre?

- La forma más fácil es en taxi, pero también hay un autobús.
- ¿Dónde está la parada de autobús?
- Está frente a este edificio.
- ¿Con qué frecuencia el autobús se detiene aquí?
- Cada 30 minutos.

IS GOING TO play - isn't he - 's going to go - won't be

I'll be

Am - I – going – Will

Is – Will

are going – Will

Will – wont let


Do – they – deliver -- arrives

Do you have – have


Opens – goes


Are you giving - are taking

Is moving – isn’t - am helping

Are opening – is opening

Are you ding – is letting – am driving

Is teaching – is coming

They´re flying abroad for their vacation.

The flight is boarding at gate 12.

He´s not from this country, he´s a foreigner.

Everybody got an immigration form on the plane.

A lot of officials work at the airport.

All the passengers are getting off the plane now.

She arrived in the country and showed her passport.

I called many times before I reached her.

He couldn´t find his suitcase when he got off the plane.

They are on vacation and are having a good time.

immigration form – passengers – abroad – passport – foreigners

vacation – reach – abroad – suitcase - passport – passengers
on vacation - suitcase – reach – abroad – official

Abroad – boarding – foreigners - immigration form – official – passengers – passport –
reach – suitcase - vacation

Read the sentences and choose the correct option to complete them.
1. Next Saturday, I to eat in my favorite restaurant!
2. Gina runs more than her sister does.
3. My mother called me while I my favorite tv program.
4. You mustn’t in the university; it is prohibited.
5. Barbara her exam yesterday so she needed to take the course again.
6. I really enjoy at the weekends.
7. My grandmother didn’t have to a uniform when she was in school.
8. Mary decided in a different city.
9. I have a difficult exam next Wednesday, maybe I should tonight.
10. Do you mind the window? It’s very cold!


Here we are with another episode of "Hospital Adventures." You'll remember

that last time, Chad was in an accident. He was walking home from work. He
wasn't looking where he was going, and he fell down and hit his head. Now, he's
in the hospital and doesn't remember who he is.
Friend: Oh, Morgan, I came as soon as I heard! How is he?
Morgan: He's still sleeping. The nurse just took his temperature. He has a fever.
Friend: Look! He's getting up!
Chad: What a headache! Where am I? Who am I? Who are you?
Morgan: Chad, it's me, Morgan, your wife. Don't you remember?
Friend: Here comes the doctor.
Morgan: Doctor, I'm so worried. What are we going to do?
Doctor: You must relax. It is important to stay calm. It seems that we'll have to operate.
Morgan: Oh, no!
Friend: Oh, no!
Chad: Oh, no!
Will Chad get well? Will he get back his memory? Does he have health
insurance? Tune in tomorrow for the next episode of "Hospital Adventures."


Aquí estamos con otro episodio de "Hospital Adventures".

Recordarás que la última vez, Chad estuvo en un accidente. Él
estaba caminando a casa desde el trabajo. No estaba mirando
a dónde iba, y se cayó y se golpeó la cabeza. Ahora está en el
hospital y no recuerda quién es.

¡Oh, Morgan, vine tan pronto como lo oí! ¿Como es el?

Él todavía está durmiendo. La enfermera acaba de tomar su
temperatura. Tiene fiebre

¡Mira! ¡Se está levantando!


¡Que dolor de cabeza! ¿Dónde estoy? ¿Quién soy? ¿Quién eres


Chad, soy yo, Morgan, tu esposa. No te acuerdas


Aquí viene el doctor.


Doctor, estoy tan preocupado. ¿Qué vamos a hacer?


Debes relajarte. Es importante mantener la calma. Parece que

tendremos que operar.


¡Oh no!

¡Oh no!

¡Oh no!

¿Chad se pondrá bien? ¿Recuperará su memoria? ¿Tiene

seguro de salud? Sintonízate mañana para el próximo
episodio de "Hospital Adventures".


2. On the last episode of Hospital Adventures, Chad had an accident on the way home
from work.

In today's show, Chad is in the hospital . He is asleep, and he has a fever .

3. Chad wakes up with a terrible headache . He doesn't remember who he is.

Morgan is very worried . The doctor says they'll need to operate . To find out what
will happen, watch tomorrow's show.

4. If you have a headache...

you have a fever.

you need to see a doctor.
you're wearing a hat.
your head hurts.

If you have a temperature...

you need to go to hospital.

you need to see a doctor.
you have a headache.
you have a fever.

To stay calm is...

to stay at home.
to operate.
to look where you're going.
He was walking home from work.
He wasn't looking where he was going.
He fell down.

He hit his head.

He's in hospital.
He doesn't remember where he is.

Narrator Here we are with another episode of 'Hospital Adventures'.

Friend I came as soon as I heard.

Chad Who am I?

Morgan Doctor, I'm so worried.

Doctor You must relax.


 Husband
 Chad
 We don't know.
 she's worried
 sleeping
 listen to tomorrow's episode of the program

Lesson 2: Malcolm's Special Day


Malcolm's Special Day

Malcolm was lying in bed at 7 a.m. on a sunny morning. He was excited because it was his
birthday. His wife was still asleep. Malcolm woke her up.

"Debbie, do you know what day it is?"

"May 15th."

"And ... "

"And you have a 9 a.m. appointment with the dentist today. You have to get up!"

Malcolm was upset. "Debbie forgot my birthday," he thought while he was brushing his

"Bye, Debbie," said Malcolm. He was trying to seem calm and relaxed. "Maybe we'll go to
a restaurant for lunch."

"Why? What's special about today?" she asked.

"Oh, nothing."

Malcolm wasn't nervous at the dentist's office. The pain didn't even bother him. He was
thinking about his birthday, and was feeling lonely. "Even my mother forgot to phone!" he

When Malcolm came home, he slowly opened the door. "Surprise!" All his friends and
relatives were smiling and laughing.

"Happy birthday, Malcolm," said Debbie. "Do you forgive me?"

Día especial de Malcolm

Malcolm estaba acostado en la cama a las 7 de la mañana de una mañana soleada.

Estaba emocionada porque era su cumpleaños. Su esposa aún dormía. Malcolm la

"Debbie, ¿sabes qué día es hoy?"

"15 de mayo". "Y ..."

"Y tiene una cita a las 9 de la mañana con el dentista hoy. ¡Tiene que levantarse!"

Malcolm estaba molesto. "Debbie olvidó mi cumpleaños", pensé mientras se lavaba los

"Adiós, Debbie", dijo Malcolm. Estaba tratando de parecer tranquila y relajada. "Tal vez
vayamos a un restaurante a almorzar".

"¿Por qué? ¿Qué tiene de especial hoy?" ella preguntó

"Oh nada.

" Malcolm no estaba nervioso en la oficina del dentista. El dolor ni siquiera le molestaba.
Estaba pensando en su cumpleaños, y se sentía solo. "¡Incluso mi madre se olvidó de
llamar!" He pensado
Cuando Malcolm llegó a casa, poco a poco abrí la puerta. "¡Sorpresa!" Todos sus amigos
y familiares sonreían y reían.

"Feliz cumpleaños, Malcolm", dijo Debbie. "¿Me perdonas?"

2. Exited – upset – calm – calm – lonely – happy

3. it's his birthday - she doesn´t say anything about it. - are you still angry with me?
4. Trule
Debbie wants Malcolm to think she has forgotten his birthday.
Debbie planned a surprise party for malcolm´s friends and relatives.
Malcolm invites Debbie to a restaurant.
5. Calm

¿Cómo celebraste tu cumpleaños este año? ¿Tienes una fiesta? ¿Recibiste algún regalo
6. Este año realicé una fiesta en celebración de mi cumpleaños, tuve muchos
invitados realmente fue muy especial, todos mis invitados trajeron regalo, pero uno
de ellos fue mi favorito algo muy especial que me lleno de orgullo.


 False
 He was thinking about his lonely birthday.
 "A Surprise Party"
 Debbie remembered Malcolm's birthday.
 Debbie

Lesson 3: There's Tom

- Look. There's Tom.

- Why don't you go over and talk to him?
- Do you think I should?
- If you like him, you really ought to.
- But what if he doesn't want to talk to me?
- Well, you shouldn't worry about that.

- Mira. Ahí está Tom.

- ¿Por qué no vas y le hablas?
- ¿Crees que debería?
- Si te gusta, realmente deberías.
- ¿Pero y si él no quiere hablar conmigo?
- Bueno, no deberías preocuparte por eso.

Step 2: Practice


Who are the speakers discussing?

Their employer
Their children
A person they know
A famous actor

What is the problem?

The second speaker is worried.
The first speaker feels shy.
The first speaker feels unwell.
The second speaker is angry.


What does the second speaker suggest?

Getting a drink
Talking to Tom
Going home
Calling a friend


Why is the first speaker worried?

She's afraid Tom won't want to talk to her.

She doesn't know what to say to Tom.
She's afraid Tom will like her.
She's afraid of meeting new people.

Step 3: Interact 1

Lesson 4: Past Progressive: Statements

Step 2: Practice

1. Kathy wasn't watching the TV , so her mother turned it off.

2. Barbara wasn't studying at the library last Saturday. She was at the movies with
her boyfriend.
3. Barbara wasn't studying at the library last Saturday. She was at the movies with
her boyfriend.
4. At this time year, I wasnt´WORKING was going to school.
5. Wasn’t
Step 3: Test

was listening
was waiting
wasn´t paying attention
weren’t hiring
wasn´t looking forward to

Lesson 5: Past Progressive: Questions and Answers

Step 2: Practice

1. I tried to call you, but the line was busy. Who were you talking to?
2. I saw you and Jerry near the cinema. Were you going to the movies?- Yes, we were.
3. - We had a terrible time at the beach!- Why? Was it raining
- No, but it was cold and windy.
4. Was your father waiting for you at home? Yes , he was
5. - Why were you running
6. - I was playing football.
7. - Because she was traveling by plane.
8. - Because it was too hot, and the students were falling asleep.

Step 3: Test

 How – fast – was – I – GOING

 Wasn’t feeling well
 What – was – happening
 Was having
 Who – were – you – waiting

Lesson 6: Adjectives 3

Step 2: Practice










I´m bored with this game, let´s play something else.

He was scared before, but now he's calm.
I'm excited about my birthday party.
He's lonely because he has no friends.
He's always nervous at the dentist's office.

The patient teacher answered all his questions.
I'm relaxed on the weekends because I don't have to work.
She is very smart and always gets good grades in school.
He was surprised by the phone call so late at night.
He's always tired in the mornings because he goes to sleep very late.

5. Smart – bored – excited – lonely – patient

6. Nervous – patient – calm – surprised – relaxed – smart
7. Nervous – calm – patient – tired - surprised

Step 3: Test

1. Bored 2 - Calm 3 - Excited 4 – lonely 5 – Nervous 6 – patient 7- relaxed 8- smart

9- surprised 10- tired

Unit 7 Making Excuses

Lesson 1: Family
Step 1: Explore

Hi, Mom! It's Susan. I might not come to Aunt Carol's party tonight. I have a cold and a
terrible headache. I'm taking a pill for the pain right now, and I'm going to lie down and
relax. Don't worry! I'll call when I get up and tell you if I'll be able to come to the party.

¡Hola mamá! Es Susan Puede que no vaya a la fiesta de la tía Carol

esta noche. Tengo un resfriado y un terrible dolor de cabeza.
Estoy tomando una pastilla para el dolor en este momento, y voy a
acostarme y relajarme. No te preocupes Llamaré cuando me levante y
te diré si podré ir a la fiesta.
Step 2: Practice

Why is Susan calling her mother?

to invite her mother to Aunt Carol's party
to find out what time the party is
to say she might not go to Aunt Carol's party
to say she's sick and wants her mother to come over

Which sentence is true according to the message?

Susan wants her mother to come and take care of her.

Susan is going to sleep and doesn't want anyone to call.
Susan will call her mother again later.

She is going to lie down.
She is going to take a warm bath.
She is going to go to the doctor.
She is going to go to a party.
She is going to relax.
She is going to take a pill.

Susan says that she might not go to the party tonight. This means...
she will go to the party.
she doesn't know if she'll go to the party.
she wants to go to the party.
she won't go to the party.
Susan is making excuses. She probably...

likes Aunt Carol's parties.

wants to go to the party.
doesn't want to go to the party.
will go to the party.
Susan takes a pill for the pain. She takes...
her temperature.
a walk.

Susan's headache isn't very bad.

Susan will see if she feels better when she gets up.
Susan's nose and head are hurting.
Susan doesn't feel well.
Susan really wants to go to the party.
Susan will call her mom tomorrow.

Hi, Mom. It's Susan. I not come to Aunt Carol's party tonight. I have
cold terrible
a and a headache. I'm taking a pill for the
pain relax
right now, and I'm going to lie down and . I'll call
get up
when I , and tell you if I'll be able to come to the party.


Might – not – party – headache – cold – pain – lie – excuses


1. To say that she mingh not go to the party

2. True
3. Susan is going to lie down and relax.
4. False
5. She'll tell her she´sgoing to the part.

Lesson 2: The Party

Step 1: Explore
The Party

After a long, busy day at work, Jason was finally going home. He was tired. He wasn't
thinking about anything special.

"Perhaps I should go into the supermarket in our neighborhood, and pick up a couple of
pounds of strawberries," Jason thought.

While Jason was driving to the store, his phone rang. It was his wife, Jenny.

"Jason, where are you? Last night you promised to come home early to help me prepare the
food and decorate the house. You know that we're having a party tonight."

"Oh, no!" Jason said. "I had so much work today that I forgot about the party."

"I know it's always a good idea to remind you to come home early, even when you
promise," said Jenny. "However, this time I expected you to remember."

At first, Jason didn't understand what Jenny was talking about, but then he remembered:
Jenny was having a party for him that night. It was his fiftieth birthday!

La fiesta
Después de un día largo y ocupado en el trabajo, Jason finalmente se iba
a casa. Él estaba cansado. No estaba pensando en nada especial.

"Tal vez debería ir al supermercado en nuestro vecindario y recoger un

par de libras de fresas", pensó Jason.

Mientras Jason conducía a la tienda, sonó su teléfono. Era su esposa,


"Jason, ¿dónde estás? Anoche prometiste venir a casa temprano para

ayudarme a preparar la comida y decorar la casa. Sabes que tendremos una
fiesta esta noche".

"¡Oh no!" Jason dijo. "Tuve tanto trabajo hoy que me olvidé de la

"Sé que siempre es una buena idea recordarte que vengas a casa temprano,
incluso cuando lo prometes", dijo Jenny. "Sin embargo, esta vez esperaba
que lo recordaras."

Al principio, Jason no entendía de qué estaba hablando Jenny, pero luego

recordó: Jenny tenía una fiesta para él esa noche. ¡Era su quincuagésimo
Step 2: Practice

Party – birthday – promise – prepare - decorate – early – supermarket –



1. The forgotten party

2. He had a loto f work that day

3. Jason and jenny

4. True

5. Making food

Lesson 3: Lunch

How about having lunch with me, Carol?

- I'm afraid I can't today, Ted. I'm too busy.
- But you have to eat.
- No. Really, Ted, I have to work.
- Well, maybe tomorrow, then?
- Maybe.
¿Qué tal almorzar conmigo, Carol?
- Me temo que no puedo hoy, Ted. Estoy demasiado ocupado.
- Pero tienes que comer.
- No. De verdad, Ted, tengo que trabajar.
- Bueno, tal vez mañana, entonces?
- Tal vez.

Step 2: Practice

Lesson 4: Infinitives: After Adjectives


1. To watch – to listen to

2. To have

3. To talk to
4. To let – not to do

5. To drink

Lesson 5: Infinitives: After Objects

Step 1: Explore

Step 2: Practice


1. her to bring some

2. her - how - to – drive
3. her to get up
4. them - to - move – it
5. me to brush

Lesson 6: Gerunds: As Subject

Step 2: Practice

1. Buying
2. Studying
3. Dancing
4. Being able to sleep late
5. Meeting

Lesson 7: Health

Step 2: Practice

He brushes his teeth in the morning and at night.

He has a cold so he is staying at home.
I go to the dentist every six months to keep my teeth healthy.
He has a fever so he can't go out.
Please be quiet because my mother has a headache.

The doctor is operating on the man to fix his knee.

I have a pain in my leg and I need to sit down.
My doctor says I need to take this pill every morning.
The nurse took the man's temperature and it was very high.
I bit into an apple and broke my tooth!

Tooth – dentist – pain – pill – brush

Headache – cold – pill – fever – temperature

Have a cold - Have Headache – temperature – a fever – operate

1. Brush your teeth
2. Has a cold
3. Dentist
4. Fever
5. Headache
6. Operated
7. Pain
8. Took a pill
9. Took my temperature
10. tooth

Unit 8 Tickets, Please!

Lesson 1: The Audition Michael, I think I got a part for you. Franklin Theater is doing 'Cat on a Hot
Tin Roof.' I know you'd like to do this one. Am I right?
Michael: Yes! You're right! I love that play! When are they doing the auditions?
Barry: Actually, the auditions are today. Can you make it?
Michael: Oh, today is bad. How about tomorrow? I'm free tomorrow.
Barry: Let me check. You're in luck.
Michael: Great!
They're having auditions tomorrow as well. Is it ok to be the last audition of the
Michael: Yes, it's OK. I was the last one before, and it was fine.
Barry: There's an opening at 5:30 p.m. Does that work for you?
Five-thirty is fine. Six-thirty is fine. Morning, noon or night, is OK. Just please
make the call and get me an appointment.
Barry: OK, OK, relax. I'll call them right now.
Michael: Great! Thank you. I'm really excited about this audition!
Barry: Me too. Hey, Ed? This is Barry...
... Michael, creo que tengo una parte para ti. El teatro Franklin está
haciendo 'Gato en un techo de hojalata caliente'. Sé que te gustaría
hacer esto. Estoy en lo cierto

¡Sí! ¡Tienes razón! ¡Me encanta esa obra! ¿Cuándo están haciendo las

En realidad, las audiciones son hoy. ¿Puedes hacerlo?


Oh, hoy es malo. ¿Qué tal mañana? Mañana estoy libre


Dejame revisar. Estás de suerte.



Ellos también tendrán audiciones mañana. ¿Está bien ser la última

audición del día?

Si esta bien. Yo fui el último antes, y estuvo bien.


Hay una apertura a las 5:30 p.m. Eso funciona para ti?

Las cinco y media está bien. Las seis y media está bien. Mañana, mediodía
o noche, está bien. Solo por favor haga la llamada y consiga una cita.

Ok ok ok relájate Los llamaré ahora mismo.


¡Genial! Gracias. Estoy muy emocionado por esta audición!


Yo también. Oye ed Este es Barry ...

Step 2: Practice

Barry tells Michael good news.

There will be auditions tomorrow.

Michael might be the last audition of the day.

Michael doesn't like "Cat on a Hot Tin Roof".
Michael wants a different part.

Barry will call tomorrow to make the appointment.


Barry thinks he has a part for Michael.

The auditions are today and tomorrow.
Michael is free tomorrow.
Barry will make an appointment for Michael.
Michael llama a su amigo para contarle sobre la audición. ¿Qué le dice
Michael a él? ¿Sobre qué fue la reunión de Michael? ¿Para qué es la
audición? ¿Cuándo será la audición? ¿Cómo se siente Michael?

hola amigo mío, te llamo para contarte que fui convocado para presentar
una adición, no será fácil pues los jurados son muy exigentes, la
audición es para hacer el papel protagónico de una película, la audición
será la próxima semana, me siento muy feliz que me dieran esta
oportunidad, con seguridad me ganare ese papel.

Star test

1. actor
2. To try out for a part in a play
3. His agent told him about it.
4. B ecause there are auditions the next day, too
5. He is excited.

Lesson 2: Tickets, Please!

Tickets, Please!

by Lily Macbeth

Ushers in theaters and concert halls around the world see performances and plays for free,
and never have to wait in line for tickets. What is it like to be an usher?

"People often think that being an usher is an easy job, but it isn't," says Peter Sullivan, an
usher at the Palladium Theater. "It's difficult to stand so much! When I'm tired, I sit in an
aisle seat during intermission, but my boss could fire me for that."

Ushers usually stand at the entrance to the auditorium. They give people programs, look at
their tickets, and show them their seats. Ushers must keep the audience quiet, especially
after the curtain goes up. It isn't always easy.
"Last night one man was talking in a loud voice while the orchestra was playing," says
Xavier Marcos. "I told him to be quiet, but he didn't stop talking. Some people were very
angry, but there was nothing I could do."

Actors and musicians sometimes work as ushers, too. Samantha Page studies acting and is
also an usher. "I won't be an usher forever," she explains. "I'm going to be famous one day.
But I'll always remember beginning my career as an usher!"

¡Boletos por favor!

por Lily Macbeth

Los acomodadores en teatros y salas de conciertos de todo el mundo ven

presentaciones y obras de teatro de forma gratuita, y nunca tienen que
esperar en la fila para comprar boletos. ¿Cómo es ser un ujier?

"La gente a menudo piensa que ser un acomodador es un trabajo fácil, pero
no lo es", dice Peter Sullivan, un acomodador del Teatro Palladium. "¡Es
difícil aguantar tanto! Cuando estoy cansado, me siento en un asiento de
pasillo durante el intermedio, pero mi jefe podría despedirme por eso".

Los acomodadores suelen estar en la entrada del auditorio. Dan programas

a las personas, miran sus boletos y les muestran sus asientos. Los
acomodadores deben mantener al público tranquilo, especialmente después
de que se levante el telón. No siempre es fácil.

"Anoche, un hombre hablaba en voz alta mientras la orquesta tocaba", dice

Xavier Marcos. "Le dije que se callara, pero no dejó de hablar, algunas
personas estaban muy enojadas, pero no había nada que pudiera hacer".

Los actores y músicos a veces también trabajan como usuarios. Samantha

Page estudia actuación y es también un acomodador. "No seré un ujier para
siempre", explica. "Voy a ser famoso un día, ¡pero siempre recordaré
haber comenzado mi carrera como acomodador!"

Step 2: Practice

A break during a performance


A place where performances are held


A booklet that gives information about the actors and the play


A group of musicians who play together


The people watching a play or another kind of performance


Lily Macbeth

writes an article on what it's like to be an usher.

Peter Sullivan

works at the Palladium Theater.

Xavier Marcos

tells us what happened last night.

Samantha Page

wants to be famous.

See performances and plays for free

Don't have to stand in line for tickets

Stand for a long time

Having to keep people quiet


What are the advantages and disadvantages of being an actor? Write a short

False - sitting during the intermission - allow talking during a performance - he's tired -
"Ushering Isn't Easy"
Lesson 3: Excuse Me

- May I see your ticket and passport, please?

- Ahh... Excuse me?
- I need your ticket and your passport, please.
- Oh, sorry. I didn't understand you. Here they are.
- ¿Puedo ver su boleto y pasaporte, por favor?
- Ahh ... disculpa?
- Necesito tu boleto y tu pasaporte, por favor.
- Oh, lo siento. No te entendí. Aquí están.

Step 3: Interact 1

Lesson 4: Adverbs: Frequency

I often travel to new and exciting places, but I never travel by plane. I always travel by
ship. And of course, I always go first class.

- A menudo viajo a lugares nuevos y emocionantes, pero nunca viajo en

avión. Siempre viajo en barco. Y por supuesto, yo siempre voy en primera

- Should we sing "Happy Birthday" to Mary now?

- No. We always - sing after she blows out the candles, not before.
- Gary is - usually in bed by 9 o'clock.
- Mark, do - you - ever watch the TV show, "Police Beat"?
No. We don't have a TV.
Star test
1. rarely - have
2. sometimes - traveled
3. always - says
4. Do - lawyers - ever -have -to
5. always – use

Lesson 5: Gerunds: Gerund or Infinitive

1. to say

2. flying / to fly

3. to speak / speaking
4. to dance / dancing

5. seeing

Lesson 6: Impersonal Statements: Empty Subject

1. it might – it won´t

2. it was a great idea

3. it wasn´t easy

4. it´s not

5. it wasn´t - there was

6. it’s so exciting

7. it´s only a few blokcs

8. it was surprising not to see

9. it´s not took me forever

Lesson 7: Entertainment 2
The actor got a part in the play.

He likes the aisle seat because he has long legs.

He had an audition yesterday to be in the new play.

The concert will be in the new auditorium.

The curtain goes up in ten minutes.

Her father is a famous actor.

The musician gave a great concert last night.

He plays the violin in the national orchestra.

The names of the actors are in the theater program.

The usher is taking us to our seats.

Audition – part – auditorium – curtain – famous –

auditorium – aisle seat – orchestra – program – famous

auditorium – usher - aisle seat – orchestra – musician – program

star test

1. part
2. aisle seat
3. audition
4. auditorium
5. curtain
6. famous
7. musician
8. orchestra
9. program
10. usher

Lesson 8 Reading

From: Michelle Benn

To: Rachel Snowe

Subject: Sorry

Dear Rachel,

I apologize for not writing sooner. Joe fell a week ago, and needed an operation. He was a
terrific patient, but I was nervous all the time. It's difficult to have this happen when we're
away from home. Thank goodness for insurance.

Joe's improving all the time. I'm making him a surprise party when we come back. I hope
you can come.



De: Michelle Benn

Para: Rachel Snowe
Asunto: Lo siento

Querida Raquel,

Pido disculpas por no escribir antes. Joe cayó hace una semana, y
necesitaba una operación. Era un paciente estupendo, pero yo estaba
nervioso todo el tiempo. Es difícil que esto suceda cuando estamos lejos
de casa. Gracias a Dios por el seguro.

Joe está mejorando todo el tiempo. Le haré una fiesta sorpresa cuando
volvamos. Espero que puedas venir.


To have an operation – are away form – joe was in the hospital – have a
party – hopes

1. joe
2. joe was a good patient.
3. For not writing before
4. When thy return
5. False

Lesson 2: At Huckleberry Hills

At Huckleberry Hills, Seeing is Believing!

Do you believe that dreams can really happen?

Then you must see the new homes at Huckleberry Hills!
You'll love the clean, fresh air and the peace and quiet.
Your children will grow up in a safe neighborhood that has no traffic at all.

Discover the unusual beauty of Huckleberry Hills today.

Call 555-4477 for more information.

En Huckleberry Hills, ver es creer!

¿Crees que los sueños realmente pueden suceder?

¡Entonces debes ver las nuevas casas en Huckleberry Hills!
Te encantará el aire limpio y fresco y la paz y tranquilidad.
Sus hijos crecerán en un vecindario seguro que no tiene tráfico.

Descubre la belleza inusual de Huckleberry Hills hoy.

Llame al 555-4477 para más información.

Your dreams hose

It´s beautiful, safe place.
Calm and not
They can call for information
The customer

Lesson 3: We Can Change the World

We Can Change the World

Santiago was fifteen years old when the war started. He lived in a small village. The
women continued to work, while the men went away to fight. It was a strange time. It was
unusual to hear laughter, and parties were rare. Santiago listened to the news reports every
day. So many people were dying, and he couldn't understand why.
Santiago had his own opinion of the war, but no one wanted to listen to him. He thought
that the politicians weren't doing their job. They said that they wanted peace, but what they
really wanted was power.

"People should tell the government that they want peace," he thought. He believed that the
people should try to change their lives.

Although Santiago was young, people began to listen to him. Santiago kept telling them
that they could change the world, and now they were ready to try. They talked to each
other, and organized groups. They wrote letters to the politicians. The politicians soon
discovered that they needed the support of the people if they didn't want to lose their jobs.

Santiago was in his last year of high school when the war ended. He decided to study law.
Now, he works for the government. He fights hard to keep the peace that they now have.
He remembers how terrible the war was for everyone.

Podemos cambiar el mundo

Santiago tenía quince años cuando comenzó la guerra. Vivía en un pueblo

pequeño. Las mujeres continuaron trabajando, mientras los hombres se iban
a pelear. Fue un momento extraño. Era inusual escuchar risas, y las
fiestas eran raras. Santiago escuchaba los reportajes todos los días.
Mucha gente se estaba muriendo, y él no podía entender por qué.

Santiago tenía su propia opinión de la guerra, pero nadie quería

escucharlo. Pensó que los políticos no estaban haciendo su trabajo.
Dijeron que querían la paz, pero lo que realmente querían era el poder.

"La gente debería decirle al gobierno que quiere la paz", pensó. Creía
que la gente debería tratar de cambiar sus vidas.

Aunque Santiago era joven, la gente comenzó a escucharlo. Santiago les

decía que podían cambiar el mundo, y ahora estaban listos para
intentarlo. Hablaron entre ellos, y organizaron grupos. Escribieron
cartas a los políticos. Los políticos pronto descubrieron que necesitaban
el apoyo de la gente si no querían perder sus empleos.

Santiago estaba en su último año de escuela secundaria cuando terminó la

guerra. Decidió estudiar derecho. Ahora, él trabaja para el gobierno. Él
lucha duro para mantener la paz que ahora tienen. Recuerda lo terrible
que fue la guerra para todos.
Fifteen – the politicians – santiago´s fight for please – people should
try to change their lives - false

Lesson 4: Police Arrest Bicycle Thief

Police Arrest Bicycle Thief

by Roxy Randolph

While eating lunch yesterday, police officer Jeremy Brixton arrested Johnny Troublemaker,
the famous bicycle thief. Officer Brixton was eating a hot dog just opposite City Animal
Hospital when Troublemaker passed by on a new bike.

Brixton reports, "I didn't know it was him. He was riding very fast, and I moved to get out
of his way. But his hand hit my hot dog, and ketchup went all over my shirt. I was angry, so
I decided to chase him. I caught him when he turned the corner at the intersection of
Jackson Street and Ash Street.

Men were repairing Ash Street, so it was closed and there was a fence across it.
Troublemaker tried to jump over the fence, but it was too high. I grabbed him before he
could run away."

Johnny Troublemaker is famous for stealing bicycles from little kids. He rides them all over
town and then throws them into the ocean.

Winnie Smith, a mother of three, says, "He should stay in jail for a long time. He broke the
law and is guilty, guilty, guilty!"

There are many other parents who feel the same way.

Troublemaker's trial will begin next Monday, October 31st, at Hammond Pond Court

Policía arresto ladrón de bicicletas

por Roxy Randolph

Mientras almorzaba ayer, el oficial de policía Jeremy Brixton arrestó a

Johnny Troublemaker, el famoso ladrón de bicicletas. El oficial Brixton
estaba comiendo un perro caliente justo enfrente del Hospital de Animales
de la ciudad cuando Troublemaker pasó en una nueva bicicleta.

Brixton informa: "No sabía que era él. Él estaba montando muy rápido, y
me moví para apartarme de su camino. Pero su mano golpeó a mi perro
caliente, y el ketchup me cubrió la camisa. Estaba furioso, así que
Decidí perseguirlo. Lo atrapé cuando dobló la esquina en la intersección
de Jackson Street y Ash Street.

Los hombres estaban reparando Ash Street, por lo que estaba cerrado y
había una cerca a través de ella. Troublemaker trató de saltar sobre la
cerca, pero era demasiado alto. Lo agarré antes de que pudiera huir ".

Johnny Troublemaker es famoso por robar bicicletas de niños pequeños. Los

monta por toda la ciudad y luego los arroja al océano.

Winnie Smith, madre de tres hijos, dice: "Él debe permanecer en la cárcel
por mucho tiempo. ¡Él violó la ley y es culpable, culpable, culpable!"

Hay muchos otros padres que sienten lo mismo.

El juicio de Troublemaker comenzará el próximo lunes, 31 de octubre, en

Hammond Pond Court House.

Cat1 Cat2
Name of police officer: Jeremy Brixton
Name of suspect: Johnny Troublemaker

Crime: Stealing a bicycle

Arrested at: Intersection of Jackson and Ash Streets

Time of arrest: Lunchtime

Trial to be held at: Hammond Pond Court House

a hot dog – angry - o ctober 31st - johnny Troublemaker - brixton Catches Troublemaker"

Lesson 5: Old Town University

From: Karen Creek

To: Jane Kato

Subject: Hi and new job

Dear Karen,

Guess what! I just got a job at the university library.

All the other part-time people are university students. I'm going to be working evenings,
and I'll have one day off a week, probably Mondays. I'm interested in becoming a librarian,
so I can learn about library work while I'm actually working.

Write and tell me about your summer plans.



De: Karen Creek

Para: Jane Kato
Asunto: Hola y nuevo trabajo

Querida Karen,

¡Adivina qué! Acabo de conseguir un trabajo en la biblioteca de la

Todas las demás personas a tiempo parcial son estudiantes universitarios.
Trabajaré por las noches y tendré un día libre por semana, probablemente
los lunes. Me interesa convertirme en bibliotecario, por lo que puedo
aprender sobre el trabajo de la biblioteca mientras estoy trabajando.

Escribe y cuéntame sobre tus planes de verano.


Star test
1. No
2. True
3. will learn about libraries
4. about what she's doing during the summer
5. work every day

Businesswoman Nicole Hunt tells all in new book

by Vicki Wu

A new book is coming out next month by Nicole Hunt, a successful businesswoman. In this
book, Ms. Hunt describes how she got started in business, as well as her plans for the

Hunt started as a factory worker in a small town in Mississippi. After five years she was the
manager of the factory.

"I knew right away that I had to work hard if I wanted to succeed," Hunt explains in her

Today, Nicole Hunt is president of her own company. She owns three factories and is
looking for a new location for a fourth one. She still lives in Mississippi but is often out of
town on business. She says that she doesn't mind traveling and prefers to be busy.

Ms. Hunt is currently working on a new project. She is starting a group to help other
women succeed in business. "It's going to be an information center for all women interested
in starting their own business," Hunt says.

"It's not impossible to start from nothing and succeed. But it's necessary to work hard and
never give up. I owe my success to hard work and a little luck."

La empresaria Nicole Hunt lo dice todo en un nuevo libro.

por Vicki Wu

El próximo mes saldrá un nuevo libro de Nicole Hunt, una exitosa

empresaria. En este libro, la Sra. Hunt describe cómo se inició en los
negocios, así como sus planes para el futuro.

Hunt comenzó como obrero de una fábrica en un pequeño pueblo de

Mississippi. Después de cinco años fue la gerente de la fábrica.
"Supe de inmediato que tenía que trabajar duro si quería tener éxito",
explica Hunt en su libro.

Hoy, Nicole Hunt es presidenta de su propia compañía. Ella posee tres

fábricas y está buscando una nueva ubicación para una cuarta. Ella
todavía vive en Mississippi, pero a menudo está fuera de la ciudad por
negocios. Ella dice que no le importa viajar y prefiere estar ocupada.

La Sra. Hunt está trabajando actualmente en un nuevo proyecto. Ella está

comenzando un grupo para ayudar a otras mujeres a tener éxito en los
negocios. "Va a ser un centro de información para todas las mujeres
interesadas en comenzar su propio negocio", dice Hunt.

"No es imposible empezar de la nada y tener éxito. Pero es necesario

trabajar duro y nunca rendirse. Le debo mi éxito al trabajo duro y un
poco de suerte"

1. becomes a factory worker

2. manages factory

3. becomes the president of her own company

4. starts an information center for women interested in business


1. a factory

2. she worked hard

3. factory

4. a bussineswoman´s success

5. false

Unit 10 Listening
Lesson 1: Interview - Step 1: Explore

This is Alexis Kaye. Welcome to our weekly radio program "Can You Believe
It?" Today's guest is Patrick Sykes, president of Sykes Shoes. He's going to
tell us about what happened to him while he was out of town on business last
month. Hello, Mr. Sykes.
Sykes: Hello.
Announcer: Please describe what happened.
Well, I manage a big business, so it's often necessary for me to travel. On
November 3rd I had an 8 p.m. appointment with a sales manager at one of my
factories. While I was driving there, I noticed a bright, white light in the sky. It
Sykes: came closer and closer, and I heard a loud buzzing sound very clearly. I
stopped the car and opened the door to get out. But when I looked up, the light
was gone. All night long I stood next to my car, waiting for the light to return,
but nothing happened. I missed my appointment, but I didn't care.
Announcer: Do you think it was a spaceship, Mr. Sykes?
Sykes: Perhaps, but it's impossible to say.
Announcer: Thanks for telling us your story.


Esta es Alexis Kaye. Bienvenido a nuestro programa de radio semanal "¿Puedes creerlo?" El
invitado de hoy es Patrick Sykes, presidente de Sykes Shoes. Nos contará lo que le sucedió
mientras estuvo fuera de la ciudad por negocios el mes pasado. Hola, Sr. Sykes.

Sykes: Hola.


Por favor describa lo que pasó. Sykes:

Bueno, administro un gran negocio, por lo que a menudo es necesario que viaje. El 3 de noviembre
tuve un 8 p.m. cita con un gerente de ventas en una de mis fábricas. Mientras manejaba allí, noté
una luz blanca brillante en el cielo. Se acercó más y más, y escuché un zumbido fuerte muy
claramente. Detuve el auto y abrí la puerta para salir. Pero cuando miré hacia arriba, la luz se
había ido. Durante toda la noche estuve al lado de mi auto, esperando que regresara la luz, pero
no pasó nada. Perdí mi cita, pero no me importó.

Locutor: ¿Crees que fue una nave espacial, Sr. Sykes?


Quizás, pero es imposible decirlo. Locutor: Gracias por contarnos tu historia .

2. on november 3

3. the ligth

4. missing his appointment

5. factory
Lesson 2: Friends

Hi, Cindy! It's Kim. I waited in line for hours, and I finally got two tickets for the
symphony concert on Wednesday evening. The program is interesting, and our seats are
fantastic! They're in the third row, right near the stage. I hope you'll be able to come.
Phone me tonight. I should be home around 6:30.

Hola cindy Es kim Esperé en la fila durante horas y finalmente conseguí dos entradas para el
concierto sinfónico el miércoles por la noche. El programa es interesante, y nuestros asientos son
fantásticos! Están en la tercera fila, justo al lado del escenario. Espero que puedas venir. Llamame
esta noche Debería estar en casa alrededor de las 6:30.

Lesson 3: Business


Alan: John! Sorry I'm late. Did you just get here?
John: Right-o. Just a few minutes ago.
Alan: How long was your trip?
Too long. From Sydney to London it was twenty-three hours. We had one stopover
in Bangkok for about an hour.
Alan: Where's your luggage?
John: This is it.
Alan: No luggage? Where are your clothes?
John: The airline lost my suitcase with all my clothes in it.
Alan: So what are you going to do? We have a very important meeting tomorrow morning.
John: I know. Where can I get a new suit?
Alan: I think I know a couple of shops nearby. But don't you want some breakfast first?
No, thanks. I had breakfast, lunch, and dinner on the plane. Twice, I think. Alan, let's
just see about the suit.


¡Juan! Lo siento estoy tarde ¿Acabas de llegar?

Derecho-o. Hace apenas unos minutos.

¿Cuánto duró tu viaje?


Demasiado largo. De Sydney a Londres fueron las veintitrés horas. Tuvimos una parada
en Bangkok durante aproximadamente una hora.

Donde esta tu equipaje


Eso es todo.

Sin equipaje? ¿Dónde está tu ropa?


La aerolínea perdió mi maleta con toda mi ropa en ella.


Entonces qué vas a hacer? Tenemos una reunión muy importante mañana por la

Lo sé. ¿Dónde puedo conseguir un traje nuevo?


Creo que conozco un par de tiendas cercanas. ¿Pero no quieres desayunar primero?

No, gracias. Desayuné, comí y cené en el avión. Dos veces, creo. Alan, veamos el traje.

He's on the trip for business.

He waited in the airport.

John only has a briefcase with him

He waited in the airport.

Lesson 4: Sales

Hi! Are you a high school student? I'm calling to see if you are interested in a great
summer job. Come and apply for a job at Eddie's Fast Food Empire. No student should
miss this excellent chance to make money and perhaps pay for his or her education.
Employees get two days off per week, and get paid extra for overtime hours. You're going
to love working at Eddie's! Call us for an interview today!

¡Hola! ¿Eres un estudiante de secundaria? Llamo para ver si estás interesado en un gran
trabajo de verano. Venga y solicite un trabajo en Eddie Fast Food Empire. Ningún
estudiante debe perder esta excelente oportunidad de ganar dinero y tal vez pagar por su
educación. Los empleados tienen dos días libres por semana y se les paga extra por las
horas extras. Te va a encantar trabajar en Eddie! ¡Llámanos para una entrevista hoy!

False – five – a teenager – emplayees get paid extra if they work overtime

Yes –

Lesson 5: News

Announcer: And now, a special news report by our crime reporter, Eileen Wright.
I'm standing on the street corner opposite the city courthouse. A few minutes
ago, Blacky Smith's trial finally ended. Our listeners should remember that the
famous robber was arrested six months ago. He was trying to steal paintings
from the Metro Museum when the police caught him. As soon as the lawyers
come outside, I'll ask them what happened at the trial.
Ah, the lawyer for the State is coming down the courthouse stairs now, and his
assistant is following him.
Wait a minute, Mike, I'm going to move closer.
Sir, can you tell us what the judge said?
Is Blacky Smith guilty or innocent?
Lawyer: Blacky Smith is guilty! He's going to jail for a long time.
Eileen: Thank you. Now, back to the studio.
Locutor: Y ahora, un reportaje especial de nuestra reportera de delitos, Eileen Wright.
Estoy parado en la esquina frente al palacio de justicia de la ciudad. Hace unos minutos,
el juicio de Blacky Smith finalmente terminó. Nuestros oyentes deben recordar que el
famoso ladrón fue arrestado hace seis meses. Estaba tratando de robar pinturas del
Museo Metro cuando la policía lo atrapó. Tan pronto como los abogados salgan, les
preguntaré qué sucedió en el juicio. Ah, el abogado del estado ahora está bajando las
escaleras del juzgado y su asistente lo está siguiendo. Espera un minuto, Mike, voy a
acercarme. Señor, ¿puede decirnos lo que dijo el juez? ¿Es Blacky Smith culpable o
inocente? Abogado:
Blacky Smith es culpable! Va a ir a la cárcel por mucho tiempo. Eileen:
Gracias. Ahora, de vuelta al estudio.

Lesson 5: News

Lawyera – courthouse

Lawyer – guity – to jail

Start test

1. Blacky Smith is going to jail.

2. City courthouse

3. he was trying to steal paintings

4. the lawyers

5. He's guilty

Lesson 6: Weather

This is Sam the Weatherman, and I'm here to tell you about the weather. Today will be
cloudy and cool, with a little rain. Drive carefully, as the roads may be slippery. This
weekend, the weather will be perfect for camping, hiking, or just going on a picnic.

And now, for the international weather report. There was a big storm yesterday on an
island off the coast of England. The storm destroyed many fields, and farmers had to move
their cows, horses, and other animals to a different location. We'll bring you more news on
this later today.
That's all for now. This is Sam the Weatherman, and I'll be bringing you more weather
news today at 12:00 noon.

Este es Sam el hombre del tiempo, y estoy aquí para hablarles sobre el clima. Hoy estará nublado
y fresco, con un poco de lluvia. Maneje con cuidado, ya que las carreteras pueden estar
resbaladizas. Este fin de semana, el clima será perfecto para acampar, hacer caminatas o
simplemente ir de picnic.

Y ahora, para el informe meteorológico internacional. Ayer hubo una gran tormenta en una isla
cerca de la costa de Inglaterra. La tormenta destruyó muchos campos y los granjeros tuvieron que
mover sus vacas, caballos y otros animales a un lugar diferente. Te traemos más noticias sobre
esto más tarde hoy.

Eso es todo por ahora. Este es Sam el hombre del tiempo, y hoy te traeré más noticias del clima a
las 12:00 del mediodía.

Start test

1. True

2. England

3. Sam

4. Noon

5. false

Unit 11 Speaking
- What's the matter? Can't you find our tickets?
- I'm sure I put them in my pocket.
- Are you sure that you didn't leave them at home?
- Yes, I'm sure. I had them a few minutes ago.
- That's right. I saw them. I think you put them in your bag.
- I don't think so, but... YES! Here they are.

- ¿Qué pasa? ¿No encuentras nuestras entradas?

- Estoy seguro de que los pongo en mi bolsillo.
- ¿Seguro que no los dejaste en casa?
- Sí estoy seguro. Los tuve hace unos minutos.
- Está bien. Los vi. Creo que los pones en tu bolso.
- No lo creo, pero ... ¡SI! Aquí están.

- I'd like to return this sweater.

- Could I see your receipt, please?
- Can I return it without the receipt? It was a present.
- Well, I'm afraid that's not possible.
- Oh. What can I do?
- I guess you'll have to keep it, madam.

- Me gustaría devolver este suéter.

- ¿Puedo ver su recibo, por favor?
- ¿Puedo devolverlo sin el recibo? Era un regalo.
- Bueno, me temo que eso no es posible.
- Oh. ¿Que puedo hacer?
- Supongo que tendrás que quedártelo, señora.

Lesson 3: Too Large

- We'll take this shirt, please.

- But it's so large.
- It doesn't matter. He likes big clothes.
- We do have shirts in his size.
- No. It's all right. He wants this one.
- Yes, ma'am.
- Tomaremos esta camisa, por favor.

- Pero es tan grande.

- No importa. Le gustan las ropas grandes.
- Tenemos camisas en su talla.
- No. Está bien. Él quiere este. - Sí, señora.

- Do you have this dress in blue?

- I'm afraid not. We sold the last one yesterday.
- Would it be possible to order one for me?
- How soon do you need it?
- Tomorrow afternoon.
- I'm afraid that's impossible.

- ¿Tienes este vestido en azul?

- Me temo que no. Vendimos el último ayer.

- ¿Sería posible pedir uno para mí?

- ¿Qué tan pronto lo necesitas?

- Mañana en la tarde.

- Me temo que eso es imposible.

Lesson 5: Which Tie?

- The dark blue tie is nice.

- Yes, but I prefer the light blue one.
- The light blue one is more expensive.
- Umm. Yes, but I still like it better.
- What about the shirts? Which one do you prefer?
- I like the yellow one. How about you?
- La corbata azul marino es bonita.

- Sí, pero prefiero el azul claro.

- El azul claro es más caro.

- Umm. Sí, pero todavía me gusta más.

- ¿Qué pasa con las camisas? ¿Cuál prefieres?

- Me gusta el amarillo. ¿Qué hay de tí?

Lesson 6: Glass of Water

- Would you like some coffee before we start the meeting?

- No, thanks. I don't drink coffee.
- Some tea, then? How about some tea?
- No, thanks. But I would like a glass of water, please.
- Sure. I'll get it for you.
- Thanks.

- ¿Quieres un poco de café antes de comenzar la reunión?

- No, gracias. Yo no bebo cafe

- ¿Un poco de té, entonces? ¿Qué tal un poco de té?

- No, gracias. Pero me gustaría un vaso de agua, por favor.

- Por supuesto. Yo te lo traigo. - Gracias.

Unit 12 Grammar
- I always drive carefully.
- Yeah, but you don't drive fast enough.
- A lot of people drive more slowly than I do.
- Only the people behind you.

- Siempre conduzco con cuidado.

- Sí, pero no conduces lo suficientemente rápido.

- Mucha gente conduce más despacio que yo.

- Sólo la gente detrás de ti.

Star test

1. slowly – faster
2. well too hot

3. more cheaply – sooner

4. louldly – more softly

5. quietly – slowly

6. perfectly - don´t – often – taste

7. freshly – always – bring

8. heavily enough - later than

9. roughly – safely

10.noisily - always

11.too – cold warm – enough

12.hard – as well as never – usually arrives – works

14.more quickly than –

15.terrifically – well – enough – easily

Lesson 2: The Future: Review

- Who is riding to the party with me?

- I'll go with you.
Are you really going to ride with him?
I'm not. I'm taking the train. It leaves at six.

- ¿Quién va a la fiesta conmigo?

- Iré contigo.

- ¿De verdad vas a montar con él? No soy. Estoy tomando el tren Sale a
las seis.

Star test
1. i’m going – ‘m going to sell

2. opens – are

3. doses – start

4. are – playing are going

5. is having – will - ‘l feel

6. will break – will put

7. is your family taking – are going

8. starts – going to be – ‘ll be

9. are – aren’t – Ill – I’m

10. leaves – are traveling

Lesson 3: Gerunds: Review

I know you dislike taking tests, but remember, getting a good score is not as important as
- doing your best. Be careful and think hard before answering.

- Sé que no te gusta tomar exámenes, pero recuerda que obtener un buen puntaje no
es tan importante como dar lo mejor de ti. Ten cuidado y piensa mucho antes de

Star test

1. laughing - wearing - doing

2. planing - doing - talking to

3. to pick up - getting

4. speaking - having

5. going up - not using

6. cashing the thief - jumping

7. paiting - going

8. to prove - hiring

9. standing in line - arriving

10. sleeping - waking up

11. taking – making – leaving

12. cheking – ordering

13. beinig - not knowing - to rain

14. hiking - walking

15. going – shopping – getting

Lesson 4: Infinitives: Review

- Sheila! I'm so happy to see you!

- I didn't have anything to do so I came to help you get ready for the party.
- Great! Can you help me prepare the food?
- Sure. I love to cook.

- Sheila! ¡Estoy tan feliz de verte!

- No tenía nada que hacer, así que vine a ayudarte a prepararte para la fiesta.

- ¡Excelente! ¿Puedes ayudarme a preparar la comida?

- Por supuesto. Yo amo cocinar.

Star test
1. not to have - to let

2. not to park - to give

3. not to be – to score

4. to wake – go to

5. to find out - to know

6. to come – not to have

7. to report – not to move – him not to

8. to buy – to know – to get

9. to be - to stop

10. to marry – to get

11. us to go – to take

12. to go – not to ask – to do

13. to hear – to know

14. to say – to do – to start

15. to pick – to see

Lesson 5: Infinitives: Other Uses

- Can you tell me how to get to the stadium?

- Why do you want to go to the stadium tonight?
- To see the game, of course.
- But the game was this afternoon. It's over now.

- ¿Puedes decirme cómo llegar al estadio?

- ¿Por qué quieres ir al estadio esta noche?

- Para ver el juego, por supuesto.

- Pero el partido fue esta tarde. Ya se terminó.

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