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w/o compromising the ability of future generations to meet own needs DEVELOPMENT (WCED): To examine the important
environmental and developmental problems; To
1. Economic- able to produce goods in continuous basis
suggest solutions that can be implemented
2. Environment- avoid over-exploitation and includes
3. Social- distributional equity, adequate social services REQUIRES:

THE GLOBAL GOALS FOR SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT  A political system that secure effective citizen
participation in decision making (Democracy)
1. No Poverty
2. Zero Hunger  An economic system that is able to generate
3. Good Health and Well-Being surpluses and technical knowledge on a self-reliant
4. Quality Education and sustained basis (Mixed Economic System)
5. Gender Equality
7. Affordable and Clean Energy
Overcoming Poverty
8. Decent Work and Economic Growth
9. Industry, Innovation, and Infrastructure  Agenda 21 if the PH emphasizes the ongoing fight against
10. Reduced Inequalities
11. Sustainable Cities and Communities
 We cannot find a single solution to poverty. Can be
12. Responsible Consumption and Production
13. Climate Action solved by launching nationwide programs that are
14. Life Below Water supported by worldwide policy/action
15. Life on Land
Health and Inequalities
16. Peace and Justice Strong Institutions
17. Partnerships for the Goals
 To attain sustainable development, following
THE STOCKHOLM MEETING: UN’s first major conference on vulnerable groups must be protected
women youth
International environment issues, marked a turning point in
Indigenous people infant
the development of international environmental politics
- Recognize environmental education as a potential tool to better the lives
of many nations
- Engage the International Community in environmental policy debate
 People now consume vast resources and product nowadays.
EARTH SUMMIT: Paved the way to outlined and
These have put a strain on the resources of Earth
strengthened Agenda for the Century known as Agenda 21
Energy sustainability
2 Natural Resources must be safeguarded  UN report suggests: improve access, reliable, affordable,
3 Earth’s capacity to produce renewable resources must economically viable, socially accepted, and environmentally
be maintained
sound energy services
4 Wildlife must be safeguarded
5 Non-renewable resources must be shared and not be  Recognize that energy services have positive impacts on
exhausted poverty eradication
6 Pollution must not exceed the environment’s capacity MIGRATION
to clean itself Temporary/permanent movement of people from one place to
7 Damaging oceanic pollution must be prevented
8 Development is needed to improve the environment
1 Environmental education is essential
9 EMIGRATION- Out migration
2 Weapons of mass destruction must be eliminated IMMIGRATION- In migration

INTERNAL countries disagree over the possession of land or

bodies of water
1. RURAL-URBAN: Movement of people away from rural areas
UN Charter: All members shall refrain in their international
IMPACT relations from the threat or use of force against the territorial
RURAL URBAN integrity or political independence of any state, or in any other
Depopulation Widespread Unemployment manner inconsistent with the Purposes of the United Nations.
Social Problems overcrowding SOVEREIGNTY: freedom from external control
Women take care greater Rise of informal settlers
share on farm INTERNATIONAL
Declining farm activity Rise of crime rates
Strain on urban facilities 1. VOLUNTARY MIGRATION: based on one's free will


2. SEASONAL MIGRATION Labor migration
Movement of people away from their homes to find a TYPES OF FORCED MIGRATION
livelihood usually in temporary basis
1. Conflict-Induced Displacement: the state authorities are
3. PLANNED MIGRATION Transmigration unable or unwilling to protect them
Large – scale migration of people within the country 2. Development-Induced Displacement: Oustees;
usually carried out by the government compelled to move as a result of policies and projects implemented
to supposedly enhance ‘development’
Uneven Population Cultural clash of migrants/locals 3. Disaster-Induced Displacement: people displaced as a result
Raise standard of living of natural disasters and man – made disasters
Plans to develop Overome landless problem/food shortage
underdeveloped Widespread deforestation/soil erosion TYPES OF FORCED MIGRANT
areas Disrupt local way of life
Development Displaces (Development-Induced Displacement)
FACTORS AFFECTING MIGRATION Environmental and disaster displaces (Disaster-Induced Displacement)

REFUGEES: a person residing outside his or her country of

nationality who is unable or unwilling to return because of a
‘well-founded fear of persecution. 

ASYLUM SEEKERS: people who have moved across an

international border in search of protection under the 1951
Refugee Convention, but whose claim for refugee status has
not yet been determined


been forced to flee their homes unexpectedly in large numbers,
because of armed conflict, internal strife, systematic violations
of human rights or natural or man-made disasters

TRAFFICKED PEOPLE: people who are moved by deception

TERRITORIAL CONFLICT: or coercion for the purposes of exploitation .
border conflicts which occur when two or more
Population Culture and history Government Sovereignty
Natural resources
1. It is related to the right of each state and country the Philippines has sovereignty or jurisdiction consisting of its
2. Important in maintaining peace in the whole world terrestrial, fluvial, and aerial domains. Including its territorial
PHILIPPINE CONSTITUTION ARTCLE 1: The national territory sea, seabed, subsoil, insular shelves, and other submarine areas.
comprises the Philippine archipelago with all the islands and The waters around, between, connecting
waters embraced therein, and all other territories over which islands regardless of breadth and dimension form part of the
internal waters of the Philippines


THIN: a political clan that has two members – like a father 3. EVASION OF PUBLIC BIDDING IN THE AWARDING OF
and son – swapping certain positions, as when a mayor- CONTRACTS: members of bids and awards committees are
very subjective of awarding the contract to those who can
father, at the end of his maximum three terms, lets his provide them with personal benefits
son, who may also have reached his three-year term either 4. PASSING OF CONTRACTS: contractors have the practice of
as vice mayor, councilor, provincial governor or vice passing the work from one contractor to another and in the
process certain percentage of the project value is retained
governor, running for each other’s position
by each contractor and subcontractors resulting to the use
of substandard materials or even unfinished projects
FAT/THICK: dynasty monopolizing power is an undesirable
1. Vote Buying.
situation, as checks and balances among elected officials in
2.Easily bypassed security measures.
a certain local government are difficult if they are all from
3.Gullibility of the Population.
one family. In Maguindanao, the “fat” Ampatuan dynasty
4.Absence of an Anti-Dynasty Law.
held eight out of the 37 mayoralty posts in the province’s
5.Government programs (used by local governments to obtain money)
37 municipalities
“phenomenon that concentrates political power and
CONSTITUTIONAL PROVISION: This provision clearly
public resources within the control of a few families
prohibits the existence of political dynasties in the
whose members alternatively hold elective offices,
country to preclude equal access to public service and
deftly skirting term limits.”
the right of people to choose in the local election.
– Antonio Carpio
However, it is not self-executory, meaning the provision
“the State shall guarantee equal access to needs an implementing law before it can be applied.
opportunities for public service and prohibit political
dynasties as may be defined by law.” -Article II, Section 26 of
the Philippine Constitution
“A political dynasty exists when two or more individuals who
are related within the second degree of consanguinity(by
Constitution prohibits political dynasties and limits the blood) or affinity hold or run for national or local office in
terms of office for elected officials. successive, simultaneous or overlapping terms,”
“No spouse, or person, elevated within the second civil degree
of consanguinity or affinity, whether legitimate or illegitimate,
full or half blood, to an incumbent elective official seeking re-
CORRUPTION - form of dishonest or unethical conduct by a election shall be allowed to hold to run for any local or national
person entrusted with a position of authority, often to elective office in same election,”
acquire personal benefit when you pay for something illegal
TYPES OF CORRUPTION President 6 year term-no re election
Senator 6 year tenure term w/ maximum of 2
1. TAX EVASION: Refusal of those engaged in private businesses consecutive terms = 12 years
to honestly declare their annual income and to pay the Congressman 3 – year tenure per term with a
corresponding taxes to the government , maximum of 3 consecutive terms,
2. GHOST PROJECTS & PAYROLLS: non-existing projects are Governor,
financed by the government while non-existing personnel or = 9 years
pensioners are being paid salaries & allowances.
GRAFT: acquisition of public funds through questionable TERRORISM: deliberate creation and exploitation of fear
and improper transactions when you pay for something through violence or threat of violence in pursuit of
legal political change. not organized crime.

 Terrorism is socially and politically motivated

 Terrorists tend to seek media attention
5. NEPOTISM/FAVORITISM: appointment/employment of
 Terrorists want to be recognized by the government
relatives/friends to government positions even if they are
not qualified/eligible to discharge the functions of that The Structure of Terrorist Groups
6. EXTORTION: done by government officials against clients by
demanding money, valuable items, or services from Members
ordinary citizens who transact business with them or their Command Centers
office Funds
7. BRIBERY (“LAGAY” SYSTEM): the act of citizens to bribe
government officials occupying sensitive positions in ISIS: Islamic State of Iraq and Syria
government is perpetuated due to bureaucratic red tape
8. PROTECTION MONEY (“TONG”): form of bribery which is GENOCIDE: refers to violence shit keme
done by citizens performing illegal activities and operations

1987 Philippine Constitution Section 1 Article XI, 1. Office of the Ombudsman “people’s watchdog” of the
“Accountability of Public Officers” “public office is a public government
trust.” Public Officers and employees must at all times be
2. The Civil Service Commission (CSC): mandated to establish a
accountable to the people, serve them with utmost
career service and promote moral, efficiency, integrity,
responsibility, integrity, loyalty, and efficiency, act with
responsiveness, progressiveness, and courtesy in civil service
patriotism and justice, and lead modest lives."
3. The Commission on Audit (COA): watchdog of the
RA 3019 Anti-Graft and Corrupt Practices Act of 1960 financial operations of the government
enumerates all corrupt practice of any public officer, 4. Department of Justice: conducts preliminary investigations on
declares them unlawful and provides the corresponding complaints of a criminal nature against public officials that are
filed with the Department, subject to the approval of OMB if the
penalties of imprisonment (6- 15 years) perpetual
offense investigated was committed by the public official in
disqualification from public office, and confiscation of relation to his office. Prosecutes in these cases if the public
forfeiture of unexplained wealth in favor of government officials involved belong the ranks lower than salary grade 27.
5. Sandiganbayan: Anti-graft court of the Philippines. It has
RA 7080 Act Defining and Penalizing the Crime of
jurisdiction over civil and criminal cases involving graft &
Plunder: penalizes any public officer who by himself or in corruption and such other offenses committed by public
connivance with members of his family, relatives, by affinity or officers and employees. It is in charge of maintaining morality,
consanguinity, business associates, accumulates or acquires ill- integrity, and efficiency in the public service
gotten wealth, through combination of event criminal acts, an
6. NBI & PNP: conduct fact-finding investigations on graft cases.
aggregate amount of P50,000,000.00
conduct entrapment operations which, if successful, result
PD 46: declares it unlawful for government officials to receive in the arrest and filing of criminal complaint against the
perpetrators in the courts may issue subpoena & serve
gifts and for private persons to give gifts on any occasion
warrants of arrest issued by the courts acts as witness for the
including Christmas, regardless of whether the gift is for past or
prosecution during journal preliminary investigation and the
future favors.
prosecution of the case by the ombudsman
PD 677: requires the Statement of Assets and Liabilities to be 7. Presidential Commission on Good Government (PCGG):
submitted every year created primarily to go after ill-gotten wealth
8. The Presidential Commission against Graft & Corruption:
PD 749: grants immunity from prosecution to givers of bribes under Executive Order No. 151 by President Ramos to
and other gifts and to their accomplices in bribery charges if investigate graft and corruption cases in the executive
they testify against the public officials or private persons guilty department.
of those offences
Terrorism in the Philippines - Left Wing
seek to overthrow capitalist democracies and establish
New People’s Army socialist or communist governments While these groups still
exist they are not as prominent as they were during the Cold
= Jose Maria Sison War.
-Right Wing
Aims to overthrow the Philippine government through Aims to combat liberal governments and preserve traditional
violence. social orders. commonly characterized by militias and gangs;
to overthrow the government and establish a Maoist- many times, these groups are racially motivated and aim to
marginalize minorities within a state
style communist regime that will end "US imperialism" in
the former American colony. Religious Terrorism: Form of political violence driven by
spiritual crisis or reaction to changes in society and politics.
Moro National Liberations Front (MNLF)
= Nur Misuari State- sponsored terrorism: consists of terrorist acts on a
Aims to regain all provinces and cities state or government by a state or government.
in Mindanao that are predominantly of Muslim
Population State Terrorism: can use force or the threat of force, without
declaring war, to terrorize citizens and achieve a political goal.
Abu Sayyaf Group Germany under Nazi rule has been described in this way.
= Abdurajik Abubakar Janjalani
to promote an independent Islamic Bio Terrorism: intentional release of toxic biological
state in western Mindanao and the agents to harm/terrorize civilians, in the name of a
Sulu Archipelago political or other cause

Eco Terrorism violence in the interests of environmentalism.

recently coined term describing In general,
environmental extremists sabotage property to inflict
economic damage on industries or actors they see as
harming animals or the natural environment. These have
 Establishing of social and economic programs included fur companies, logging companies and animal
 Weakening of citizens’ support for terrorist groups research laboratories, for example.
 Instituting changes in the government
DISCRIMINATION: negative and unjust of people due to their
 Partnership with other countries differences in traits such as race, age, gender, disability, creed.
 Putting priorities of the government in order
a. Use of power/force Direct: treated differently and worse than someone else
b. Allocation of budget for certain reasons.
c. Implementation of “No Concessions” Policy
d. Enforcement of the law  who you are
 who someone thinks you are
FORMS OF TERRORISM  someone you’re with.
Ethnic Terrorism “Nationalist Terrorism.” Indirect: there’s a practice, policy or rule which applies
Aims to overthrow colonial rule or occupation to everyone in the same way, but it has a worse effect on
Often has goal of gaining independence for an ethnic, some people than others. 
religious or national group
1. The Kurdish Workers Party  there’s a policy, practice or rule which applies to
2. Irish Republican Army everybody in the same way
3. Tamil Tigers in Sri Lanka  it places people who share your protected characteristic at
a disadvantage
4. Hamas and Hezbollah in Israel
 it places you personally at a disadvantage
Ideological Terrorism: Can be set apart from other
terrorists causes by its emphasis on redefining political
structure rather than campaigning for a single cause. Racial: discrimination against individuals on the basis of their race

Religious: treating a person differently because of what they believe in

Age: discrimination to people who are old or young age are
sometimes discriminated against by his intellect or wisdom that
each person has

Sex: when you are treated differently because of your sex

Impairment or Disability: are treated less well or put at a

disadvantage for a reason that relates to your disability


Multiculturalism: philosophy that teaches acceptance PHYSICAL NTELLECTUAL

Loss or gain weight Lack of motivation to study /work
and respect for diversity among people
Lack of energy Narrow mindedness
Difficulty sleeping Lack of decision – making skills
Feminism: belief that women should be equal to men Headache
in matter of freedom in life SOCIAL EMOTIONAL
Communications problems Low self – esteem
Human Rights: kind of right mandated granted and with other people Depression
protected by the Constitution of country Use of drugs Fear
Being alone Anxiety
Excessive alcohol drinking Anger

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