Senate Bill No. 2770 (March 31, 2011) RA 544

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ARATO March , 2020

Senate Bill No. 2770 (March 31, 2011)

RA 544

What is Civil Engineering?

A professional discipline deals with the:
- Planning
- design
- construction
- maintenance etc.
What is the meaning of Law?
A system of rules that a particular country or community recognized as
regulating the actions of its members and may enforce by the imposition of

 This Bill, therefore, seeks to achieve the following objectives:

1. To attune the law to the needs for national development;
2. To strengthen the profession and enable the civil engineers to cope with the
formidable challenges brought about by globalization and cross-border practice;
3. To continually upgrade the level of competence of the civil engineers.
4. To define more clearly the practice of civil engineering in the Philippines by
foreign nationals;
5. To promote the growth of the consulting sector by making it cognizant of the
international philosophy of multi-disciplinary consultancy services.
6. To remove a provision that makes contracting of multi-disciplinary consultancy
services unnecessarily difficult, complicated and impracticable and which now
adversely affects the infrastructure of the government to the extent that work and
payment to contracted parties on projects are suspended; and
7. To make the law better serve and safeguard public interest by establishing a
clear, precise and practicable delineation of professional and corporate contractual
accountability in the civil engineering practice.

Article I
Section 1. This Act shall be known as the "Civil Engineering Law of 2011."
Section 2:
a. The practice of Civil Engineering shall embrace services.
b. Civil Engineer as used in this Act shall mean a person duly registered with
the Board of Civil Engineering in the manner as hereinafter provided.
Article II
Sec. 3. Composition of The Board
- Create three (3) months after the approval
- Commission to be composed of a chairman and four members
- (1) year as member of the Board shall be qualified to be appointed as chairman.
Sec. 4. Terms of Office of Board Members
- three years after appointment or until their successors shall have been
appointed and shall have duly qualified.
- the chairman: three years; two members: two years; and two members: one
Sec. 5. Powers and Duties of the Board
- to administer oaths, issue, suspend and revoke certificates of the registration for
the practice of civil engineering.
- To issues certificates of recognition to civil engineers
- To investigate at least once a year educational institutions offering courses in
civil engineering, civil engineering works, projects or corporations.
- To discharge such other powers and duties as may affect ethical and
technological CE standards.
Sec. 6. Promulgation of Implementing Rules and Regulations
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- The PICE shall prepare a code of ethics in the practice of Civil Engineering, which
shall also be part of the implementing rules and regulations upon approval by
the Board. The Board shall also adopt an official seal to authenticate its official
Sec. 7. Qualifications of Board Members
- Be a citizen and resident of the Philippines;
- Be at least thirty (30) years of age and of good moral character;
- Be a holder of a bachelor's degree in Civil Engineering from a recognized and
legally constituted school, institute, college, or university;
- Be a Civil Engineer duly qualified to practice Civil Engineering in the Philippines;
- Has practiced Civil Engineering, with a certificate as such, for a period of not less
than ten (10) years prior to his appointment. At least five (5) years of such
practice must be as either Civil Engineer-of-Record, Civil Engineer In-charge of
Construction, or Civil Engineer Prime Professional;
- Not be a member of the faculty of any school, institute, college, or university
where Civil Engineering course is taught, nor have a pecuniary interest in such
- Be an active member in good standing of the PICE.
Sec. 8. Compensation of The Board
- 100 php per examiner
- Another 50 php for certificate of registration
- Each member of the board shall receive 15 php for every applicant examinee.
Sec. 9. Annual Report - The Board shall, at the end of each fiscal year, submit to
the Commission a detailed report of its activities and proceedings during the period
covered by the fiscal year ended.
Sec. 10. Examination Requirement - All applicants for registration for the
practice of Civil Engineering shall be required to pass a technical examination as
hereinafter provided. "
Sec. 11. Holding of Examination - shall be conducted at such places and on such
dates determined, fixed, and announced by the Commission in accordance with the
laws, rules, and regulations governing the conduct of licensure examinations for all
existing professional regulatory boards under the Commission.
Sec. 12. Subjects of Examination - Applicants for registration for the practice of
Civil Engineering shall be examined, in the discretion of the Board, on the following
(a) General Civil Engineering including, but not limited to project planning, designs and management, manual of practice,
codes and regulations, economics, environmental impact assessment; materials testing and inspection, surveying, highway and
railroad surveying; plane, topographic and hydrographic surveying, and advanced surveying; numerical methods for computer
application; mathematics such as algebra, plane and spherical trigonometry, analytic, descriptive and solid geometry, differential
and integral calculus, and rational and applied mechanics.
(b) Construction management and engineering including, but not limited to contracts, environment, cost estimates, unit
cost development, construction schedule, manpower and equipment scheduling and control, material control, pert-cpm, bar chart
schedule, project monitoring, s-curve, network analysis, time scheduling, project activities, project cost, project control, quality
assurance, bidding, tender doclll1lents, specifications, construction supervision.
(c) Transportation engineering including, but not limited to theory and practice of transportation engineering,
transportation and traffic engineering studies, pla1111ing, design and construction of highways including pedestrian facilities,
railways, ports and harbors, and airports.
(d) Structural engineering including, but not limited to theory of structures, properties of materials, lateral load analysis,
earthquake engineering, wind engineering, fW1ctional planning, floor plans, elevations, sections, utilities, design of wooden,
reinforced concrete, steel, and composite buildings, bridges, towers, walls, foundations, silos, and masonry structures.
(e) Geotechnical engineering including, but not limited to soil composition, classification of soils, compaction of soils, flow
of water in soils, permeability, seepage, flow nets, effective stress, compressibility of soil, shear strengths of soil, lateral earth
pressure, soil bearing capacity, slope stability, solid waste disposal systems and ground improvement.
(f) Water resources and hydraulics engineering including, but not limited to hydrology, hydraulics, design of piers, ports,
wharves, aqueducts, reservoirs, spillways, open channels, pressure conduits, navigation canals and locks, sanitary engineering
works, water supply system, dikes, dams, and irrigation and drainage canals, hydropower.

Sec. 13. Qualifications for Examination

- Be at least twenty-one (21) years of age;
- Be a citizen of the Philippines;
- Be of good reputation and moral character; and
- Be a holder of a bachelor's degree in civil engineering from a recognized and
legally constituted school, institute, college, or university
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Sec. 14. Oath of Civil Engineers - All successful candidates in the examination
shall be required to take a professional oath
Sec. 15. Certificate of Registration - Individual certificates of registration shall
be issued by the Board and the Commission to all successful candidates in the
examinations and who have taken the professional oath, subject to payment of
required fees prescribed by the Commission.
Sec. 16. Membership in The PICE - All registered Civil Engineers shall
automatically become members of the Philippine Institute of Civil Engineers (PICE)
Sec. 17. Professional Identification Card - Individual professional identification
cards shall be issued by the Commission to all registered Civil Engineers, each card
to bear the name and picture of the registrant, registration number, date of
issuance of card, expiry date of card, and signature of the chairman of the
Sec. 18. Indication of Certificate of Registration Professional Identification
Card and Professional Tax Receipt - The Civil Engineer shall be required to
indicate his/her Certificate of Registration and Professional Identification Card, its
date of issuance and the duration of validity, including the professional tax receipt
number, on the plans and documents he/she signs, uses or issues in connection
with the practice of his/her profession.

Sec. 19. Seal and Use of Seal- he serial number of the certificate issued by the
Board shall be included in the design of the seal. Plans and specifications prepared
by, or under the direct supervision of a Civil Engineer shall be stamped with said
seal during the life of the registrant's certificate, and it shall be unlawful for anyone
to stamp or seal any documents with said seal after the certificate of the registrant
named thereon has expired or has been suspended or has been revoked, unless
said certificate shall have been renewed or re-issued

Sec. 20. Refusal to Issue Certificate

- The Board shall not issue a certificate of registration to any person convicted by
a court of competent jurisdiction of any criminal offense
- The Board shall not issue a certificate to any person who has not taken the oath
of Civil Engineers.
- the Board shall give to the applicant a written statement setting forth its reason
for such action, which statement shall be incorporated in the records of the
Sec. 21. Suspension and Revocation of Certificates and Cancellation of
Professional Identification Cards
Sec. 22. Re-Issue and Replacement of Certificates and Professional
Identification Cards
Sec. 23. Continuing Professional Development (CPD)
Sec. 24. Certificate of Specialization- In order to encourage the continuing
professional development of registered Civil Engineers. The holder of such
certificate of specialization may use the specialist title in the signing of relevant
plans and documents.
Sec. 25. Specialist Identification Card - Individual specialist identification card
shall be issued by PICE to all registered Civil Engineer with certificate of
Sec. 26. Transitory Provisions
Article IV
Sec. 27. Preparation of Plans and Supervision of Construction By
Registered Civil Engineer
- Plans and designs of structures must be approved as provided by law or
ordinance of a municipality, city or province where the said structure is to be
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Sec. 28. Individual and Personal Qualifications - The practice of Civil

Engineering is a professional service, admission to which must be determined upon
individual, personal qualifications.
Sec. 29. Partnerships and Corporations Engaged in Civil Engineering and
Multi-Disciplinary Consultancy- A sole proprietorship, partnership or corporation
engaged in providing consultancy services in the field of Civil Engineering may
further offer and engage in providing multi-disciplinary consultancy services
provided that such professions are closely related to or allied with Civil Engineering
or incidental and indispensable to the practice thereof. Individual members of such
sole proprietorships, partnerships, or corporations shall be responsible for their own
respective professional acts.
Sec. 30. Practice of Profession By Foreign Nationals - Sec. 30. Practice of
Profession By Foreign Nationals - All foreign nationals, including former Filipino
citizens desiring to practice the profession of Civil Engineering in the Philippines and
are authorized by law in accordance with the provisions of of Republic Act No.
Sec. 31. Roster of Civil Engineers - A roster showing the names and places of
business of all registered Civil Engineers shall be periodically prepared by the
Commission through the Board.
Article V
Sec. 32. Enforcement of The Act by Officers of the Law
Sec. 33. Registration Required - No person, sole proprietorship, partnership or
corporation shall practice or offer to practice Civil Engineering, or engage or offer to
engage in providing Civil Engineering consultancy services in the Philippines without
having obtained the proper certificate of registration from the Board.
Sec. 35. Positions in Government Requiring the Services Of A Civil Engineer
- Within six (6) months from the effectivity of this Act, designation shall be filled
only by registered Civil Engineers who are members in good standing of the PICE.
Sec. 36. Penal Provisions
- shall be guilty of a misdemeanor and shall, upon conviction, be sentenced to a
fine of not less than one hundred thousand pesos (PIOO,OOO) nor more than
one million pesos (PI,OOO,OOO), or to suffer imprisonment for a period of not
less than six months nor more than three years, or both, at the discretion of the
- Foreign nationals who engage in the practice of Civil Engineering in the
Philippines without the benefit of a special temporary permit shall also be
subject to deportation.
Sec. 37. Repeal
Sec. 38. Constitution of this act - If any part or section of this Act shall be
declared unconstitutional, such declarations shall not invalidate the other provisions
Sec. 39. Effectivity - This Act shall take effect upon its approval.

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