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42 OKU

A. Background of Study
The basic one for mastering English, as an International language comes
from the roots of English, that is, a word of English, namely vocabulary. In
learning English as a foreign language, vocabulary had an important part. It was
an element which linked four language skills, namely speaking, listening, writing,
and reading skills. It supports an effective communication with sufficient
vocabulary; a student could understand the English language and speak
successfully with other people. Vocabulary is generally a matter of remembering,
unlike learning grammar, which was based on rules. When teacher teaches
vocabulary, it was important to know, how words are remembered and stored in
mind and how long term memory is recognized (Thornbury, 2004).

Today, some English teachers have begun to improve their students’

ability in English to be started from learning English vocabulary as young as
possible that are claimed to be such effective as by using creative ways
(Anugrahwati cited in Ferawati, 2009:2). Bekoff cited in Ferawati (2009) believes
that play creates a brain that has greater behavioral flexibility and improved
potential for learning including hardthing like speaking; it’s about more
connectedness throughout the brain. Playing andfun is recommended to the
teacher to be adapted to students’ brain maximally.

In EFL classroom, learning strategies, technique, method or media for can

be adopted by the teacher for learning process. In the process of teaching
vocabulary, it would be beneficial for English teacher for designing his/her
classroom management. Teaching strategies, technique, method or media could be
used for teaching new vocabulary.

There are various approaches coming up from the strategies, technique and
method that can be creatively made by the teachers. The teacher may consider that
learning English is fun. As a result, they should create the learning environment of
English is pretty sure enjoyable and meaningful. One thing should be paid for is
that the using of games.

According to Wright (2006) the word game means an activity which is

entertaining engaging, often challenging. An activity is which the learners play
and usually interact with each other in class activity. In additional, Harmer, (2002)
stated that many game from television and radio (and the game which people play
at home in their daily life) can be adopted for classroom activities.

Games, therefore, can create the joy activity for the learners, in which they
stimulate their physical response toward learning. They think, they learn, and they
activate themselves. Game also promoted an interactive communication between
the students and their teacher, the students’ critical thinking, their active role in
the learning process, and their ability to solve problems. In additional, game could
stimulate the students for learning process in the’ real situation and facilitate the
students to speak and communicate actively (Talak, 2010).

Silvers (2002) says many teachers are enthusiastic about using games as “a
teaching device”, yet they often perceive games as mere times-fillers. He also
claims that many teachers often over look the fact that in relaxed atmosphere, real
learning takes places, and the students can use the language they have been
exposed to and have practiced earlier. However, while discussing game,
appropriacy is needed to be considered. They must be suitable with the students’
level or age, or to the material that is to be introduced or practiced. Furthermore,
Erzoz (2000) says that games are highly motivating since they are amusing and at
the same time challenging. In addition, as well as Wright, Erzoz also says that the
game encourage and increase cooperation.

The essence of board games, then, some used to choose to be the samples
of implementing games in learning activity. This comes as the communicative
activation done in whilst activity in learning, in which the students will enjoy
themselves to learn while play. Snakes and Ladders game was a simple board with
counters and dice. According to (Kusrini, 2012) there are some procedures used
for teaching vocabulary with the game that can be considered well to avoid the
unpredictable things outside the objectives of the teaching and learning activity
through this games. Hence, the teacher must be well-managed the classroom via
this kind of activity, i.e. the games should be appropriate. In addition, Yuliana
(2012) states that the game was appropriate media for teaching vocabulary. The
students are very interested in learning vocabulary. Moreover, the students
became more active in English learning process with the game.

By considering this, the writer used to apply the snake and ladder games to
improve students’ mastery of vocabulary, in this case English vocabulary. The
writer conducts the research entitled “Teaching English Vocabulary by Using
Snake and Ladder Games to the Third Grade students of SD Negeri 42

B. Problem Of Study
1. Limitation of Problem
In this study, the writer limits the problem to focus on the use of snake and
ladder games in improving students’ mastery of things in the house vocabulary
coming up from noun, the characteristic if its noun, and the location of noun, that
can be orally questioned by the teacher. Furthermore, the limitation is also
focused on the third grader of SD Negeri 42 OKU.

2. Formulation of Problem
The writer formulates the problem of the study to answer the question: “is
it significantly effective to teach vocabulary by using snake and ladder games to
the third grader of SD Negeri 42 OKU?”

C. Objectives of Study
Relating to the formulated problem, the writer intended to find out the
effectiveness of teaching vocabulary by using snake and ladder games to the third
grader of SD Negeri 42 OKU.
D. Significances of Study
The result of this study is hopefully useful for:
1. For Students
The result of this study hopefully can make the students feel enjoy in
learning but they also get the point on how to master English vocabularies by
using the snake and ladder games.
2. For Teacher
The teacher can get information about new strategy that he/she can use to
teach vocabulary in high school, especially the use of snake and ladder games.
3. For Researcher
This study aims to add additional experience and knowledge for the
researcher himself about teaching vocabulary by using snake and ladder games.
4. For TEFL
This study can give a contribution to the teaching English as a foreign
language by introducing the snake and ladder games in teaching vocabulary to the
high school students.

E. Hypotheses
A hypothesis is a tentative explanation for certain behaviors, phenomena,
or events that have occurred or will occur. A hypothesis states that the
researcher’s expectations concerning the relations between the variable in the
research problem (Gay, 1992:142). Here in this study, two hypotheses are
presented as follow:
Ho: It is not significantly effective to teach English vocabulary by using snake
and ladder games to the third grader of SD Negeri 42 OKU.
Ha: It is significantly effective to teach English vocabulary by using snake and
ladder games to the third grader of SD Negeri 42 OKU.

F. Criteria for Testing Hypotheses

The purpose of criteria for testing hypothesis is to accept or reject the Null
Hypothesis. The study is tested by the comparison between the critical values of t-
table with the result of t-test calculation. At the significance level 5%, if the value
of t-obtained is lower than the critical value of t-table, Alternative Hypothesis
(Ha) is rejected and Null Hypothesis (Ho) is accepted. On the other hand, if the
value of t-obtained is higher than the critical value of t-table, it means Null
Hypothesis (Ho) is rejected and automatically the Alternative Hypothesis (Ha) is

G. Literature Review
1. Concept of Teaching
According to Brown (2000:7), teaching is guiding and facilitating
learning, enabling the learners to learn, setting the condition for learning. It means
that, we as a teacher should be able to give the material and explain it to the
students in front of the class, a teacher should give more facility and a comfortable
condition in order to the students get many opportunity and participation for
learning in the classroom. In the teaching and learning process, the teacher
functions are as a facilitator, moderator and motivator.
Teaching activities helped motivate students in learning. Learning needed
support and encouragement from others to sustain in schoolwork. According to
Brown (2007:7), teaching is showing or helping someone to learn how to do
something, giving instruction, guiding in the study of something, providing with
knowledge, causing to know or understand.
From the definition above the writer concluded teaching is an activity to
give or transfer the knowledge to the students and process to create good
condition in learning process for the student so that the students are interest and
enjoy in teaching learning process. It means that teaching is process and activity
that done by teacher to transfer the knowledge and manage or organize
environment in around the students.
2. Concept of Vocabulary
Vocabulary is a word in particular language. Vocabulary has become the
important tools in learning English, as it is as the first step to master English.
Most of students less effective learn vocabulary due to several factors. First, they
got bored with teacher’s explanation. In this case, the students played passive
order in learning process. They only listened to their teacher. Second, students
only thought of learning vocabulary as knowing the primary meaning of new
words. Third, students usually acquired new vocabulary through new words only
from textbooks or classroom. For example, the students found many new words in
a text and then asked the teacher to explain the meaning and usage. Forth, many
students were not confident to practice new words which they just learned.
In conclusion, vocabulary is a word that comes in all language. In English,
vocabulary may vary in parts of speech, including nouns, adjectives, verbs,
preposition, conjunction, etc. Vocabulary plays the important role in learning a
language as it is the first or earlier stage to master English.

3. Concept of Games
According to Kim (1995) “a game is a concrete operation through which a
student can experience a new concept before he can recognize it formally”.
Moreover, Erzoz (2000) says that game is an activity in which the interaction
existed among the contestants with certain rules to gain a special objective.
Meanwhile, Wright (1984) says that game is kind of activity under a certain rules
to reach a certain goal with the element of fun.
According to Wright (1984), “games help the teacher to create contexts in
which the language is useful and meaningful”. Furthermore, Erzoz (2000) says
that games are highly motivating since they are amusing and at the same time
challenging. In addition, as well as Wright, Erzoz also says that the game
encourage and increase cooperation.
In conclusion, games provides lot of joy and fun in doing activity related
to study in which it is stimulating the students’ interest and motivation in learning,
especially English vocabulary in an attractive and enjoyable activity.
4. Concept of Snake and Ladder Games
According to Muaddab (2012), snake and ladder game was created in the
2nd century BC by the name of “Paramapada Sopanam” (Ladder to Salvation). The
game has been developed by the Hindus to teach their children as a lesson of
morality whereby the snakes are bad omens and the staircase represents good
values. Then the game has become part of the traditional game in Indonesia
although there is no detailed information about its emergence in Indonesia. This
game can also be used as a tool to educate, entertain and to build up interactive
communication among the players.
A game board for snake and ladder game is with squares measuring 10 x
10. Squares on the board are counted starting with the number 1, which is from
the bottom left corner up to number 10 in the lower right corner, from right to left
starting number 11 on the second line until number 20 and so on until the number
100 in the upper left corner. The parcels have pictures with a message and deed.
Order or good deeds will usually via a ladder to reach the higher box while bad
deeds will recoil into the lower compartment through the snake. According to
Janah (2009), the report states that there is no standard game board for snake and
ladder game. Everyone can create their own game boards with the total number of
compartments, different number of snakes and ladders respectively that suit the
According to Faizal (2010), there are some rules in snake and ladder
a. Every player must begin the game at the compartment number 1 and ended
in the compartment number 100.
b. There are certain amounts of snakes and ladders located on particular parcels
on the board.
c. Each player will be represented by a piece of dice and a few objects.
d. Snakes and ladders of various sizes are being used whereby the snake will
cause the players to take a few steps of backward compartment and the
advanced players will make some forward compartment.
e. Each player must throw the dice in order to determine the highest value
during the first round of the game.
f. The player gets a turn to throw the dice again when getting number six and
move forward to the appropriate compartments according to the figures
g. There can be more than one object that represents the players in a parcel.
h. If the player is in the box with the snake, the player must go down to the box
indicated by the head of the serpent.
i. If the player is in the box with the ladder, the player must move to the boxes
indicated by the peak of the ladder.
j. The player who made it to the box of 100 will be the winner of this game.

H. Teaching Procedure
1. Pre-Activity
a.Firstly, teacher opens the class by greeting and praying
b.The teacher engages the students by giving motivations
2. Whilst-Activity
a.Teacher teaches about things in the house in the form of noun.
b.Teacher gives students an exercise about things in each of their own house.
c.The teacher instructs the students to collect the exercise after the students
d.Next, the teacher tells the students they are going to have an ice breaker in
the form of snake and ladder games.
e.The teacher tells the rules of the games. And, lets the students in group play
the games. And, should answer the question in each tiles of the board-games.
3. Post-Activity
a.Teacher concludes the material about noun.
b.Teacher closes the class

I. Related Previous Study

The study deals with Snake and Ladder Games in teaching vocabulary was
done by the previous researcher. Under the title “The Use of Snake and Ladder
Games to Improve Students’ Vocabulary Mastery”, Meipina (2014) conducts the
same topic like the writer does.
The similarity is the strategy used and the strategy used and the vocabulary
focus. Meanwhile, the differences are found in the sample, time and place the
research done.

J. Method of Study
The writer conducts this research with the experimental method.
According to Cohen, et al (2005:212) states the pre-experimental method is one
group pre-test and post-test. So on the pre-experimental method there are two kind
of test, they are pre-test and post-test.
The researcher has three steps that do in this research. The first step is
done by giving pre-test to the students. The second is the researcher teaches
listening by using Snake and Ladder Games strategy, and the third is the
researcher gives post-test to the students to know the effectiveness of method that
use. The design of this research is diagram below:

O1 X O2
Experimental (Cohen, et al, 2005:213)
X : Treatment
O1: Pre-test in experimental group
O2: Post-test in control group

The writer conducts this research to found out whether there is a

significant improvement of students vocabulary mastery score from pre-test and
post-test after threatening by snake and ladder games Strategy. Pre-test is given to
know how far the competence of the students in vocabulary mastery before the
treatment. Then, the students are given treatments by using snake and ladder
games Strategy. Pos-test is gave know the progress of students vocabulary
mastery after will be taught through snake and ladder games strategy.

K. Operational Definition
In order to avoid misunderstanding about the key words, the researcher
considered that is necessary to define the terms used in this study.
1. Teaching
Teaching is a process of transferring knowledge that enables the learners to
learn with guide and facilitate of learning.
2. Vocabulary
Vocabulary is the tool in language used in the form of word to be the roots
to communicate, express and transfer language.
3. Snake and Ladder Games
Snake and ladder is the strategy that can be used in teaching English to
students in the form of boardgames that stimulate students’ learning through
enjoyable and meaningful activity.

L. Variables
According to Frankel & Wallen (1993:31) variables are as characteristic
that is not always the same, any characteristic that varies. They also states that
variable also defined as a concept – a noun that stands variation within a class
subject. There were two kind of variables, dependent and independent variable
that the independent variable influenced the dependent variable.
In this study, the researcher states that students’ vocabulary mastery as the
dependent variable and teaching listening by using snake and ladder games as the
independent variable.

M. Population
Population is the group of interest to the researcher; the group which she or
he would like the result of the study is generalize (Gay, 1992:24). The population
in this research is all of the third grade students at SD Negeri 42 OKU. They
consisted of five classes. So, the total numbers of population in this research are
175 students. All of those students are given same opportunity to become a
sample in this study. The specific of the population describe by the table 1 below.

Table 1
Population of the study

Class Total
III.A 35
III.B 35
III.C 35
III.D 35
III.D 35
Total 175

N. Sample
According to Gay (1992:123), sampling is the process of selecting a
number of individuals for a study in such a way that the individuals represent the
larger group from which they were selected. In this case, the researcher used
cluster random sampling technique to assign the sample. Based on Frankel &
Wallen (1993:97) Cluster random sampling is a sample in which every member of
the population has equal chance of being selected. The sample chosen is class
III.D that consisted of 35 students.
The procedure of assigning cluster random sampling is as follows:
1. First, prepare the papers and write down the name of each classes.
2. Roll the paper and put them into a glass.
3. Shake the glass off.
4. Then, put only one paper indicating the sample of the research.

The sample in this research is the III grader of SD Negeri 42 OKU. The
distribution of the students in showed table 2.
Table 2
The Sample of the Study
No Class Total
1 III.D 35
Total 35

O. Technique for Collecting Data

The researcher used to collect data by using test. According to Frankel &
Wallen (1991:111), tests are frequently criticized because they do not adequately
measure ‘thinking skills’. A test is instrument that is given for individual to get
the answers that is hoped written or action (Sujana & Ibrahim, 2009:100).
The writer teaches the students by using Snake and ladder games strategy
for 8 meeting (2 x 45 minutes). The test is in the form of multiple choice
questions by using transcript by the students, video camera / tape recorder. The
procedure of collecting the data was as follows:
1. Pre-test
b. The researcher gives pre-test to the students to measure the students’
vocabulary mastery before treatment.
c. The students do the test 90 minutes.
2. Treatment
The researcher applies snake and ladder games strategy, teaching strategy
as treatment for 8 meeting @ 2 x 45 minutes.
3. Post-test
After giving treatment the writer gives post-test to the students to know far
of the use snake and ladder games strategy in vocabulary mastery with the same
test. Before doing the real study the writer gives a try out in the other class.

P. Validity and Reliability of Test

Validity is an important key to effective research (Cohen, et al, 2005:105).
Validity is actually the quality of a measuring instrument in which the result
obtained from the test really shows the actual achievement of the students. In
other words, a measuring tool is said to be valid if it provided the true data that
indicated the intended ability we wish to assess. A valid instrument had high
validity. Conversely, instruments that were less valid mean to have low validity.
So, to make a good test and have high degree of content validity, the researcher
had consulted with her advisors to give suggestions advice, and correlation in
taking the test material. The test validity is tested through SPSS 21.00.
Reliability is essentially a synonym for consistency and reliability or time,
over instruments and over groups of respondents (Cohen, et al, (2005: 117).
According to Arikunto (2010:321), the correlation coefficient can be used by
Rank Order Correlation formula from spearman. Rank order correlation is used to
decide the correlation between two parts, which have order correlation. In this
research, Rank Order Correlation would relate the correlation between the
students score rater one (RI) and rater two (R2).
The formula is as bellow:

6 (∑ d2)


n( n2 – 1)

where :

P : rank order correlation

∑d2 :
total deviation sequence

n : number of students (Arikunto, 2010: 319)

Q. Technique for Analysing Data

In scoring the students’ vocabulary mastery achievement, the writer uses
the spss 21.00 program to analyze the data.

1. Scoring Criteria
To analyze the students’ score through pre-test and post-test, the writer
uses to gather the data into spss 21.00 program

2. Percentage
To calculate the percentage of the students’ score, the writer uses the
formula as follows:
P= x 100 %

P : Percentage
F : Frequency of the Students
N : Number of the Students

3. Normality Test
To check whether the sample of this study has normal distribution or not,
the researcher uses the Kolmogorov-Smirnov Test by using SPSS (Statistical
Package for Social Science) 17.00. To determine that the data has normal
distribution or not, compare the Asymp. Sig.(2-tailed) with the Alpha Point
(α=0,05). The normal data distribution has the Sig.(2-tailed) point more than alpha
Point (α).
4. The Analyzing of Matched T-test
After getting score for pre-test and post-test, the writer begins to analyze
the data by using matched T-test to get result of the investigation. In order to
know the significant the treatment effects, the writer uses Paired Sample T-test by
using SPSS 21.00 to analyze the pre-test and post-test score. There are two
hypotheses as the conclusion of this analysis steps, Ha and Ho.

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