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An Undergraduate Research Paper Presented to the Faculty of Polytechnic University of the


In Partial Fulfilment of the Requirements

for the subject Politics, Governance at Citizenship

Name of Students:

Calimlim, Ariane Nicole

Dela Paz, Nicole

Dimalanta, Hadassa

Esteban, Renniel Philippe

Hernandez, Kristine Joy

Obispo, Ma Daribeth

Suson, Pamela

Tulod, Princess Lorraine

Villas, Alessandra

Zenarosa, Loryn

March, 2020

Approval Sheet






ALESSANDRA VILLAS and LORYN ZENAROSA in partial fulfilment of the subject

requirements for POLITICS GOVERNANCE AND CITIZENSHIP, has been examined and

recommended for acceptance and approval for Oral Examination.

Mr. Nestor Navarro


Approved by the Committee on Oral Examination with a grade of _______ on March



Panel Chair

__________________________ __________________________

Member Member


One of the most common problems in the Barangay Balon Anito is the improper waste

disposal, aside from the problem in out-of-school youth and flooding. This improper waste

disposal could affect the current living of the residents of the Barangay in terms of their health

and environment. To prevent the harmful effects of improper waste disposal, the researchers

determine the causes of wrong practices towards waste disposal through gathering information

about the ordinances regarding proper waste disposal and actions of the Barangay Officials

towards the ordinance; the awareness and actions of the residents towards the ordinance, the

residents’ behaviour upon the practice of proper waste disposal; and their opinions about the

existence and importance of proper waste disposal upon which the information gathered became

the 3 main theme of the causes of improper waste disposal as testified by the participants. Their

suggestions to solve the problem and the effects of improper waste disposal were also collected

from the participants. Causes of improper waste disposal were determined for the researchers to

develop solutions to achieve and maintain proper waste disposal in the Barangay of Balon Anito.

The type of research approach is a qualitative research. In this study the researchers aim

to create a solution for the main problem. Similar research conducted by students from De La

Salle Lipa entitled “A Case Study about the Improper Waste Disposal in Barangay Mojon

Tampoy” was mainly used as a reference throughout the course of the study. 70 respondents

were interviewed from the chosen Barangay which is the Barangay of Balon Anito.

According to the findings, causes of improper waste disposal were all connected to the

actions and ordinances of the Barangay Balon Anito Officials about having and maintaining

proper waste disposal; the behaviour of the residents towards it; as well as their opinion and

awareness about the existence of this problem and the importance of practicing proper ways of

disposing their waste. The participants also stated their own suggestions for solving the improper

waste disposal in their area such as having strict implementation of ordinance in regards to

improper ways of waste disposal, 3 times a week collection of garbage, presence of garbage

collection system in the area of Porto and Vista Grande, and seminars about proper waste

disposal. They were also aware of its bad effects to their health and environment.


Thank you to our esteemed Research Paper Professor, Mr. Nestor Navarro, for his

invaluable guidance and support.

To all the Barangay Balon Anito Officials and Residents the researchers have had the

pleasure of meeting with, thank you for all the lessons that you have shared to polish this study.

To our family and friends, it goes without saying that the researchers wouldn’t be here

without your love and encouragement. Your unwavering support and kind words inspired the

researchers every day.

And last, but definitely not the least – a very special thank you to Heavenly Father who

dignified us with wisdom and knowledge that are vital in completing this study.

The Researchers

Table of Contents








Introduction 9

Statement of the Problem 11

Significance of the Study 12

Scope and Limitations of the Study 12

Theoretical Framework 13

Conceptual Framework 16

Definition of Terms 18


Related Literature 21

Related Studies: Foreign Studies 24

Related Studies: Local Studies 25

Significant insights 27


Research Design 33

Sources of Data 34

Participants of the Study 34

Research Locale 35

Research Tools and Instruments 35

Data Gathering Procedure 36

Ethical Consideration 37



Summary 66

Conclusion 67

Recommendations 69









Figure No. Page

Figure 1. The Theoretical Framework of the Study 13

Figure 2. The Conceptual Framework of the Study 16

Figure 3. Number of Participants 40


Table No. Page

Table 1. Age of Participants 40

Table 2. Gender of Participants 43

Table 3. Open Codes for Question 1 46


Table 4. Open Codes for Question 2 46

Table 5. Open Codes for Question 3 46

Table 6. Open Codes for Question 4 46

Table 7. Open Codes for Question 5 47

Table 8. Open Codes for Question 6 47

Table 9. Open Codes for Question 7 49

Table 10. Open Codes for Question 8 50

Table 11. Open Codes for Question 9 50

Table 12. Open Codes for Question 10 50

Table 13. Open Codes for Question 11 50

Table 14. Open Codes for Question 12 51

Table 15. Open Codes for Question 13 51

Table 16. Open Codes for Question 14 52

Table 17. Open Codes for Questions 15-19 53

Table 18. Open Codes for Question 20 58

Table 19. Open Codes for Question 21 61

Table 20. Open Codes for Question 22 63

Table 21. Open Codes for Question 23 65





The researchers gathered information coming from the Barangay Balon Anito

chairman regarding the common issues that they are facing and out of those issues, the

researchers decided to take on the problem about the improper waste disposal. According to

some residents of Barangay Balon Anito, there are several ordinances that the officials had done

for the said issue. However, the problem wasn't improving and such problems are piling their

garbage at an area that is prohibited to, throwing garbage anywhere when they see no trash bins,

not segregating of garbage, taking their garbage outside even it is not the schedule to be taken

out etc.

The residents are also aware that this way of waste disposal can also lead to a

number of diseases especially respiratory diseases, such as asthma, bronchitis and emphysema.

Burning trash can be also dangerous if not been supervised; fire can spread and burn nearby

trees, wood houses and can harm animals. This way of disposal contributes so much in

worldwide known global warming as burning waste leads to air pollution since greenhouse gases

have been released. This situation currently evident in the whole world, these problems should be

managed because these cause global warming and climate change that can harm the people of

future generation.

The Barangay Officials of Balon Anito once decided to have an area which the

people will be able to put their garbage however, this policy didn't last for so long due to the

complaints that they receive coming from the residents near the said area and according to them,

having that area as a designation for garbage leads to severe land, air and water pollution as the

street dogs scatter the garbage everywhere and the stink of it surrounds the area including the

houses near it. Other ordinances were imposed by the officials but the problem is still there and

on the process of conducting the study the researchers concluded that it wasn't because of the

lacking of actions of the Barangay Officials but the discipline itself of some residents.

The general objective of the study is to lessen or even solve the problem of

improper waste disposal in Barangay Balon Anito by strictly observing the behaviour of the

residents for the officials to be aware of the misbehave practices that their residents are doing

and to remind them of the important details of the policies and procedures that they must follow.

Through this, the Barangay Balon Anito can have the opportunity to be free from pollution and

at the same time free from any diseases coming from any kind of pollution.

The specific objectives of the study are to examine the misbehave practices of

Barangay Balon Anito citizens towards proper waste disposal management to obtain the causes

regarding this problem and develop solution to solve improper waste disposal; achieve

cleanliness and orderliness of the Barangay. Promotion of ecological awareness to the residences

in the Barangay is also the aim of this study. The enhancement of proper waste disposal and

segregation as a key to prevent the problem on where to put their waste, to promote cooperation

among Barangay Balon Anito residents for community development and improvement, to teach

the residents to observe proper waste segregation.


Statement of the Problem

The purpose of the study was to examine the misbehave practices of Barangay Balon

Anito citizens towards proper waste disposal management which focused on its causes and

awareness of Barangay Balon Anito Officials and Barangay Balon Anito Citizens regarding this

problem. This study was also conducted for the researchers be able to develop possible solution

to solve the Barangay's problem regarding improper waste disposal management.

Specifically this study seeks to find answers to the following questions:

1. What are the profile of participants in terms of their age and sex?

2. What are the ordinances and actions of Barangay Balon Anito Officials regarding proper

waste disposal management? What are the actions of the citizens towards the ordinance?

2. What are the behaviour and attitude of Barangay Balon Anito citizens towards proper waste

disposal specifically in their methods of disposing their wastes?

3. What are the opinions of Barangay Balon Anito citizens about the existence and importance of

proper waste disposal?

4. What are the suggestions and recommendations of Barangay Balon Anito citizens for the

Barangay to lessen the problem concerning improper waste disposal and achieve a clean


5. What are the causes of misbehave practices of the Barangay Balon Anito citizens in terms of:

1. The ordinances and actions of Barangay Balon Anito Officials towards proper waste


2. Behaviour of Barangay Balon Anito citizens towards proper waste disposal

3. Opinions and awareness of Barangay Balon Anito citizens about proper waste disposal

6. What are the effects of misbehave practices of the Barangay Balon Anito citizens to their

health, environment, and lifestyle?

Significance of the Study

The importance of this study is that, if proper waste management is fully implemented, it

could be the start of a new and improved Barangay. Having the knowledge of how to dispose the

garbage properly could help improve the public health and could also help prevent the additional

pollution in our environment. It would reduce the waste growth and there will be less waste

materials to be sent to landfills and incinerators. The segregation of wastes from biodegradable

to non-biodegradable could turn plastics, papers and bottles into a source of extra money.

The results of this study would be of great help to the government, students, community,

readers and future research such like: This study would help the students to know the ways of the

residents of Barangay Balon Anito in managing their wastes. In addition, it will give them an

idea managing their own wastes. This study would encourage every members of the community

to take the responsibility of their own wastes. This study would help the future researchers as

their basis of their study and additional literature for their future investigations.

Scope and Delimitation

This study focuses specifically in one problem at Barangay Balon Anito, Mariveles,

Bataan where in there are seventy (70) participants for the survey conducted to cover and find a

solution about the misbehave practices of the residents in the Barangay towards proper waste


Theoretical Framework

Misbehave Practices toward

Proper Waste Disposal

Waste Management Behaviour of Waste Disposal Ordinances

the residents and Actions of officials

Effective and Strict

Discipline Awareness Actions towards proper
waste disposal

Figure 1. Theoretical Framework

This study employs J. Pelekamoyo Theory on Causes and Effects of waste disposal which

tackled waste disposal as one of the most common form of land and water pollution (to pollute

means to contaminate or make dirty). Waste disposal is harmful to human livelihoods, fauna, and

flora, both in water and on the land. The most profound waste that pollutes the land includes

plastics, paper and other materials. Food and paper are biodegradable which means they can be

made to rot by bacteria. However, waste is not pleasant to look at despite the fact that it can bio-

degrade over time, as it usually smells foul and unpleasant and can cause respiratory diseases and

illness. Some waste products take long to decay, wastes like aluminum products which can take

about 200-500 years for it to disintegrate, tin cans can take about 100 years, etc. As the

population grows, so does human consumption with increasingly excessive liquid and solid

waste. Most solid waste is composed of non-biodegradable trash (glass, plastics bags, tins, etc.),

cannot be broken down by bacteria and by other natural biological means such as microbial

enzymes in a short while. Even some biodegradable materials do not get completely broken

down by microbial enzymes.

In addition to his theory, many households and schools in Chingola are facing a lot of

challenges concerning the disposal of waste. The Municipal Council barely collects the waste,

thus many household and schools have resorted to use other means of waste disposal, such as

burning of waste, dumping the waste along institution fences and burying the waste.

This study also takes up E. Pongrácz, P. S. Phillips, and R. L. Keiski’s Theory on Waste

Management (2004) which discussed about the conceptual analysis of waste, activity upon

waste, and a holistic view on the goals of waste management. The Theory of Waste Management

is a unified body of knowledge about waste and waste management, and it is founded on the

expectancy that waste management is to prevent harm to human health, environment and

promote optimization of resources’ usage.

Misbehave practices toward proper waste disposal is affected by two main reasons which

are waste management behaviour of the people and waste disposal ordinances and actions of the

officials. Without the help and contribution of these two, we cannot properly manage or organize

the massive pile of waste in the community. Waste management behaviour includes the

behaviour and awareness of the residents towards proper waste disposal like being disciplined

regarding this matter and being aware upon its existence. For the reason that, without discipline,

the people or actors of the community cannot handle things effectively and properly. While

ordinances and actions of the officials in regards to proper waste disposal include the effective

implementation and strict action upon achieving and maintaining proper waste disposal.

The Barangay Officials and the residents referred to are the actors who perform the

ordinances, practices, conduct, and actions regarding waste disposal.


Conceptual Framework

Input Output

Seventy (70) participants from  Examine the ordinance of the

Barangay Balon Barangay towards proper
waste disposal
Misbehave Practices  Examine the actions of the
residents towards the
 Littering
 Not following the right
 Examine the actions towards
schedule of disposing
implementation of the
 Not practicing
 Analyze the behaviour of the
segregation of waste
residents in regards to proper
(Not recycling
Process waste disposal
materials that can be
 Understand the opinion and
Interview awareness of the residents to
 Burning garbage and
the existence and importance
burying waste
of proper waste disposal
 Throwing hazardous
 Determine the causes of
waste to land
improper waste disposal in
terms of the actions and
Ordinance of the
ordinance of Barangay
Barangay towards
towards proper waste
proper waste disposal
disposal, behaviour of
and their actions
residents towards the proper
towards the
waste disposal, and awareness
implementation of it
of residents to importance and
existence of proper waste
Actions of the residents
towards the ordinance
 Determine the
recommendations of residents
Behaviour of the
in order to solve improper
residents in regards to
waste disposal
proper waste disposal
 Analyze the effects of
Opinions towards the improper waste disposal to
existence and health and environment
importance of proper  Developed solution to solve
waste disposal the problem concerning the
improper waste disposal

Figure 2. Conceptual Framework


The conceptual framework shows the misbehave practices; ordinance of the

Barangay towards proper waste disposal and their actions towards the implementation of

it; actions of the residents towards the ordinance; behaviour of the residents in regards to

proper waste disposal; opinions towards the existence and importance of proper waste

disposal and 70 participants from Barangay Balon Anito as the inputs that will be used in

the study to arrive in a specific result. By the process of interviewing the participants, the

researchers will be able to examine the ordinance of the Barangay towards proper waste

disposal, the actions of the residents towards the ordinance, and the actions towards

implementation of the ordinance, analyze the behaviour of the residents in regards to

proper waste disposal, understand the opinion and awareness of the residents to the

existence and importance of proper waste disposal, determine the causes of improper

waste disposal in terms of the actions and ordinance of Barangay towards proper waste

disposal, behaviour of residents towards the proper waste disposal, and awareness of

residents to importance and existence of proper waste disposal, determine the

recommendations of residents in order to solve improper waste disposal, and analyze the

effects of improper waste disposal to health and environment. Upon finishing it, the

researchers will be able to suggest a solution to improper waste disposal.


Definition of Terms

For clearer understanding of this study, following terms were defined conceptually and


Waste - Solid, liquid or gas discharged emitted by people that are unwanted and refuses from

places of humans and animals habitat. Either non-biodegrable or biodegrable.

Waste Disposal - Refers to the disposition of discarded and discharged materials.

Waste Management - Collection, transport, processing or disposal, and managing and monitoring

of waste materials.

Waste Segregation – Process by which waste is separated into different elements.

Barangay Balon Anito - One of the Barangay in Mariveles, Bataan


Chapter II

Review of Related Literature and Studies

This chapter presents the reviewed related literature that gave significant insights,

important concepts and ideas for the development of the study.

Legal bases, review of related literature and studies

This chapter contains some related studies and related literature having bearing on the

study. This gave important concepts and ideas for the development of the study.

Legal Bases

Solid waste shall refer to all discarded household, commercial waste, non-hazardous

institutional and industrial waste, street sweepings, construction debris, agricultural waste, and

other non-hazardous/non-toxic solid waste.

Solid waste management shall refer to the discipline associated with the control of

generation, storage, collection, transfer and transport, processing, and disposal of solid wastes in

a manner that is in accord with the best principles of public health, economics, engineering,

conservation, aesthetics, and other environmental considerations, and that is also responsive to

public attitudes. Ecological solid waste management shall refer to the systematic administration

of activities which provide for segregation at source, segregated transportation, storage, transfer,

processing, treatment, and disposal of solid waste and all other waste management activities

which do not harm the environment.


Article 4 Recycling Program Section 26 of R.A 9003 Inventory of Existing Markets for

Recyclable Materials. The DTI shall within six (6) months from the effectively of this Act and in

cooperation with the Department, the DILG and other concerned agencies and sectors, publish a

study of existing markets for processing and purchasing recyclable materials and the potential

steps necessary to expand these markets. Such study shall include, but not be limited to, an

inventory of existing markets for recyclable materials, product standards for recyclable and

recycled materials, and a proposal, developed in conjunction with the appropriate agencies, to

stimulate the demand for the production of products containing post-consumer and recovered


Disposal shall refer to the discharge, deposit, dumping, spilling, leaking or placing of any

solid waste into or in a land.

Section 25 of R.A 9003. Guidelines for Transfer Stations. Transfer stations shall be

designed and operated for efficient waste handling capacity and in compliance with

environmental standards and guidelines set pursuant to this Act and other regulations: Provided,

That no waste shall be stored in such station beyond twenty-four (24) hours. The siting of the

transfer station shall consider the land use plan, proximity to collection area, and accessibility of

haul routes to disposal facility. The design shall give primary consideration to size and space

sufficiency in order to accommodate the waste for storage and vehicles for loading and

unloading of wastes.

Related Literature

Solid waste management

In technical note, the term ‘solid waste’ is used to include all non-liquid wastes generated

by human activity and a range of solid waste material resulting from the disaster, such as general

domestic garbage such as food waste, ash and packaging materials; human faeces disposed of in

garbage; emergency waste such as plastic water bottles and packaging from other emergency

supplies; rubble resulting from the disaster; mud and slurry deposited by the natural disaster; and

allen trees and rocks obstructing transport and communications. Other specialist wastes, such as

medical waste from hospitals and toxic waste from industry, will also need to be dealt with

urgently, but they are not covered by this technical note (World Health Organization, 2011).

The Municipal Council enacted an ordinance establishing solid waste management also

known as “Perkash Fashura Ordinance Na Isadanga.”The ordinance prohibits dumping of

garbage anywhere other than those recognized and established garbage facilities; dumping of

unclean and unsegregated waste at the redemption center/facility; discharging of human feces

along the creeks and rivers; throwing of wastes in creeks, rivers, public places such as roads,

sidewalks and establishments; and burning of garbage particularly non-biodegradable wastes. It

also requires residents to practice segregation of wastes at source. Reusable solid wastes such as

bottles, plastics, cellophanes and papers shall be brought to the Barangay material recovery

facility duly segregated or directly to the agent-buyers. Non-recyclable materials and special

solid wastes will be brought to the material recovery facility, while hazardous wastes or

chemicals will be disposed in coordination with concerned government agencies according to

prescribed methods. The local government is responsible for collecting reusable, recyclable and

non-biodegradable waste materials from the material recovery facilities; and transporting them to

the recycling centers and or to the municipal material recovery facility. Collection of segregated

solid wastes is scheduled per Barangay (Saley, 2012).

3R’s (Reduce Reuse Recycle)

The Environmental Protection Agency has determined a three tiered approach for

managing solid waste. Each of these should be practiced to reduce the amount material headed

for final disposal. They are in order of importance: REDUCE, the best way to manage solid

waste. Don't create waste in the first place! Buy only what you need. Use all that you buy. Avoid

heavily packaged products. Avoid disposable items like paper plates and plastic silverware. Buy

the largest size package for those items that you use are often. REUSE, the better way to manage

solid waste. Reuse items use them over and over until they are completely worn out. RECYCLE,

the good way to manage solid waste. Recycle means taking something old and making it into

something new. In Seminole County, all residents who live in a single family home can recycle

right in front of their house. Those residents who live in apartments or condominiums can drop

off their recyclables at several different locations. Old newspapers, #1 and #2 plastic bottles,

green, clear and brown glass bottles and jars, aluminium and steel cans can all be recycled at the

curb. Simply rinse out containers and remove lids. That's it; it's very simple and very worthwhile.

Not only does it keep items out of the landfill, recycling conserves natural resources (Seminole

County Government, 2012).

Australia may be a large country, but we live in a throw-away society that is rapidly

filling it with our waste. Our insatiable desire to constantly upgrade disposable technology and

consume over-packaged products has continued unabated for decades. At the same time

however, there has been a trend away from both burning waste in incinerators and burying it in

landfills. Waste management policies now seek to minimize waste disposal by reducing its

generation and by reusing and recycling. This book reveals the extent of our growing waste

problem and examines the waste and recycling practices of households, and includes many tips

on how to reduce, reuse and recycle. Topics include green waste, plastics, glass, paper, metal and

electronic waste (Healey, 2010).


There are many stringent regulations governing the treatment and disposal of waste in the

UK, both onshore and offshore, and in most other countries as well. Facilities involved in waste

transfer and treatment require licenses, and all personnel who work at such facilities require the

proper kind of training that goes with the handling of waste that can often be dangerous if not

handled properly. Waste management facilities also need to be able to respond quickly to

emergency situations. By their very nature there is rarely any warning that an emergency is about

to occur. For that reason emergency response teams need to be on standby every hour of every

day, and every day of every year. Waste management disposal and treatment can originate from

both domestic and industrial sources (Rose, 2009).

When it comes to citizen participation, may people express positive attitude on

participating on a particular policy, but only few of them would exercise their behavioral

intention to participate (Maeda, Hirose, Sugiura, & Yagishita, 2008), making it a social dilemma

in supplying public goods (Olson, 1965). Although Planning and providing policy is necessary

with the participation of the citizens, since few citizens only are really willing to participate, the

public goods provided would be unusable.


Related Studies

Foreign studies

A detailed investigation was made regarding the methods of practices associated with

sources, quantity generated, collection, transportation, storage, treatment and disposal of

municipal solid waste in Mysore City. The data concerning to SWM in Mysore was obtained

through questionnaire, individual field visit, interacting with people and authentic record of

municipal corporation. Photographic evidences were also made about generation, storage,

collection, transportation, treatment and disposal of MSW. This study reveals that the present

system of MSWM in Mysore City is not satisfactory based on Municipal Solid Waste

Management & Handling Rules 2000 (Chandra, et al., 2009).

Another case study across North America conducted by Whoilistic Environmental

Consulting (WEC, 2007), yard and food waste make up over a quarter of all the ordinary garbage

we throw away. That's 25% by weight. In the U.S., that 25% is almost equally divided between

yard waste (32.6 million tons, or 12.8% of all MSW) and food scraps (31.7 million tons, or

12.5%). And then there's all the other organic stuff that could be composted: all the clothing,

towels, and bedding made of organic fibers, plus wood, old furniture and sawdust. Then there's

paper, which at 83 million tons accounts for another 30% of municipal solid waste. As of 2006,

the latest year for which figures are available, over 64% of the yard waste we throw away was

recovered and composted, as was 54.5% of the paper and cardboard. Only 2.6% of food waste

reached a compost heap.

According to the study conducted by Davies, Taylor, Fahy, Meade and O’Callaghan-Platt

on 2005, findings show that most householders benchmark their waste management behaviour

against the door-to-door collections they receive. Meaning, their waste management performance

greatly depends on the door-to-door collection being done by their local government. If the

collection of the wastes in their households were poor, not being done in a consistent schedule,

the residents would not have proper management of their waste. Few only of the residents

participate actively to proper waste management, and do the recycling of their solid wastes.

According to the study conducted by J Pollut Eff Cont on 2015, findings show that

environmental awareness has a significant effect on attitude to waste management. Meaning,

people’s attitude on waste management, or the way how he manages his wastes, is greatly related

to his awareness about his environment. The more a person knows what is happening on his

environment, the more he would be responsible for his actions, for he is aware that what he does

would contribute to the changes that would take place in his environment, and therefore, would

be more responsible. The study also suggests that environmental education would raise people’s

awareness, change their wrong perceptions, and therefore could change their behavior towards

their waste management practices.

Local studies

The experiences and practices of household waste management of people in a Barangay

(village) in Manila, Philippines are documented. The data were gathered through an interview

with household members using open-ended questions. Interviews were also conducted with

garbage collectors as well as scavengers. Results showed that the households generated an

average of 3.2 kg of solid waste per day, or 0.50 kg/capita/day. The types of wastes commonly

generated are food/kitchen wastes, papers, PET bottles, metals, and cans, boxes/cartons, glass

bottles, cellophane/plastics, and yard/garden wastes. The respondents segregate their wastes into

PET bottles, glass bottles, and other waste (mixed wastes). No respondents perform composting.

It is worth noting, however, that burning of waste is not done by the respondents. The

households rely on garbage collection by the government. Collection is done twice daily, except

Sundays, and household members bring their garbage when the garbage truck arrives. However,

there are those who dump their garbage in non-designated pick-up points, usually in a corner of

the street. The dumped garbage becomes a breeding ground for disease-causing organisms. Some

household respondents said that it is possible that the dumping in certain areas caused the dengue

fever suffered by some of their family members. Mothers and household helpers are responsible

for household waste management. Scavengers generally look for recyclable items in the dumped

garbage. All of them said that it is their only source of income, which is generally not enough for

their meals. Most of the respondents said that garbage collection and disposal is the

responsibility of the government. The results of the study showed that RA 9003, also known as

the Ecological Solid Waste Management Act of 2000, is not fully implemented in Metro Manila

(Bernardo, 2008).

This study highlights the results of the study that was conducted to analyze the solid

waste management practices of the waste generators, and the extent of their compliance with the

Republic Act 9003, otherwise known as the Ecological Solid Waste Management Act of 2000.

The study was conducted in Bacolod City, Philippines in 2007. The findings of this study served

as basis in developing a handbook on solid waste management (Ballados, 2010).

The Motiong town government in Samar has vowed to intensify the implementation of its

Solid Waste Management Program after Barangay chairmen here took at one-day seminar-

workshop on the program. The activity was held at the Legislative Building here last

Wednesday, August 29.Motiong Mayor Francisco M. Langi Sr. said 30 Barangay chairmen of

his municipality attended said seminar-workshop sponsored by the town government conducted

Municipal Planning and Development Officer, Engr. Nicasio Permejo. Langi said all the

Barangay chairmen were educated on the provisions of the Solid Waste Management Act of

2003 so that they would be acquainted with and help implement the law in their respective

Barangays and propagate environmental preservation. He said the town government will strictly

implement the “no segregation, no collection policy” in all of Motiong’s Barangays and urged

the Barangay officials to put up a Materials Recovery Facility (MRF) where they can segregate

bio-degradable and non-biodegradable waste materials. Such materials can be turned into a

livelihood as, according to Langi, “there is money in junk” (Abrematea, 2012).

Significant insights to this present study.

Classification of Wastes

The classification of wastes varies and depends country by country. Waste can be divided

into many different types. The most common method of classification is by their physical,

chemical, and biological characteristics.

1. Solid Waste. Solid waste is broadly defined as including non-hazardous industrial,

commercial land domestic refuse including household organic trash, street sweepings, hospital

and institutional garbage, and construction wastes; generally, sludge and human waste are

regarded as a liquid waste problem outside the scope of MSW (Zerbock, 2003). These are waste

materials that contain less than 70% water. Example of this type of waste are the domestic or

household garbage, some industrial wastes, some mining wastes, and oil field wastes such as

drill cuttings.

2. Liquid Waste. These are usually wastewaters that contain less than 1%. This type of waste

may contain high concentration of dissolved salts and metals. Liquid wastes are often classified

into two broad types: sewage and toxic wastes. Generally, there are various types of liquid waste

generated in urban centers: human excreta, domestics wastes produced in households, hospital

wastes, industrial effluents, agricultural liquid wastes and nuclear wastes. When improperly

handled and disposed of, liquid wastes pose a serious threat to human health and the environment

because of their ability to enter watersheds, pollute ground water and drinking water (US EPA,


3. Sludge. It is a class of waste between liquid and solid. They usually contain between 3%and

25% solid, while the rest of the material is dissolved water.4. Hazardous Waste Hazardous

wastes are wastes which, by themselves or after coming into contact with other wastes, have

characteristics, such as chemical reactivity, toxicity, corrosiveness or a tendency to explode, that

pose a risk to human health or the environment. Hazardous wastes are generated from a wide

range of industrial, commercial, and agricultural.

Recycling or the 3R’s. Another method, which sets off before waste disposal is waste reduction

through recycling or often coined as the 3 R’s: reuse, reduce, and recycle. On the local or

regional level, reducing wastes is accomplished through these methods by source separation and

subsequent material recovery. Currently, the United States recycles about 10% of its glass and

25%of its paper wastes; in countries such as Switzerland and the Netherlands, the proportion in

the glass recycled approaches to 50% while Japan recycles 50%of its paper wastes

(Montgomery, 2000).

Some countries, on the other hand, manage most of their solid waste through:

Incinerators. Incineration, or the controlled burning of waste at high temperatures to produce

steam and ash, is another waste disposal option and an alternative to land filling (US

Environmental Protection Agency, 2009).

Incinerators are designed for the destruction of wastes and are commonly employed in

developed nations who could afford the costs of the burning facilities, plus its operation and

maintenance (Mc Cracken, 2005).This type of waste disposal is the second largest disposal

method in most developed countries and ranks next to landfills in the United States and the

United Kingdom. In the UK, approximately 5% of household waste, 75 % of commercial waste

and 2% of industrial waste is disposed of through this method (Baker, 2005).

A further benefit of incineration can be realized if the heat generated thereby is

recovered. For years, European cities have generated electricity using waste-disposal incinerators

as sources of heat (Montgomery, 2000). There are negative issues, however, in the use of this

burning method and much of that circulate around its safety for the environment and to the

human health. It is argued that the combustion process creates air pollution, ash, and waste

water, all of which must be properly managed using technical monitoring, containment, and

treatment systems. Harmful pollutants are released into the environment whenever these by-

products are not controlled (US EPA, 2009). Operators of these facilities must be well-trained

and certified to ensure proper management.

Waste Prevention and Minimization

Prevention means eliminating or reducing the quantity of waste which is produced in the

first place, thus reducing the quantity of waste which must be managed. Prevention can take the

form of reducing the quantities of materials used in a process or reducing the quantity of harmful

materials which may be contained in a product.

Prevention can also include the reuse of products. Prevention is the most desirable waste

management option as it eliminates the need for handling, transporting, recycling or disposal of

waste. It provides the highest level of environmental protection by optimizing the use of

resources and by removing a potential source of pollution. Minimization includes any process or

activity that avoids, reduces or eliminates waste at its source or results in re-use or recycling. It

can be difficult to draw a clear distinction between the terms Prevention and Minimization.

Waste prevention and minimization measures can be applied at all stages in the life-cycle of a

product including the production process, the marketing, distribution, or utilization stages, up to

discarding the product at the end- of life stage. By examining each stage in the life cycle of a

product, it may be possible that the quantities of waste produced at each stage can be reduced.

During the design stage of a product, consideration can be given to the types of materials

to be used, the quantity of materials and the recyclability of the product once it reaches its end of

life. The use of efficient processes in terms of energy and material requirements during the

manufacture of a product are other important considerations. Consideration can also be given to

minimizing the packaging for the product.

Garbage Disposal System for Proper Waste Management

Actually, the solid wastes we throw in our garbage bins everyday can be classified into

groups, this is called segregation. If you want to reduce, reuse and recycle, then it would be

better for you to identify those wastes that can still be used from real garbage that needs to be

thrown away.

Garbage are decomposable food wastes, these are excess foods, ingredients, etc., that are

has no use for human consumption anymore. If you have a lawn and garden, making a compost

pit can be a good way to make use of these wastes. This can be a good fertilizer for your garden

plants. Proper waste disposal is very important in making sure that your place and environment is

free from any waste that can cause health risks. If you want a clean and healthy environment,

then you have to constantly clean your area, and put some tools and equipments like a garbage

disposal to help you in keeping that area clean and free from harmful bacteria.

One place in our house that usually accumulates smelly wastes is our kitchen. Usually,

garbage from excess food ingredients, rotten food, etc., goes straight to your kitchen's wastes

bins, but this waste bins most of the time contains all things that cause bad odor in our kitchen.

What is bad about this waste bin are that its bad smell can spread all over your house, and that

would be really unsanitary.

Bad waste disposal in our kitchen can direct the waste straight into our plumbing system,

causing a bigger trouble for you and your family. If you want to keep your house free form the

bad smell of food waste and garbage, then it would be wise for you to have a proper garbage


Composting. It is a natural process in which plant and other organic wastes are broken down

biologically to produce a nutrient-rich material. At home, put yard and kitchen waste such as

leaves, grass clippings, and fruit and vegetable scraps in a bin. This will eventually decompose

and produce a mixture that can be used for soil improvement in individual gardens.

Municipalities can treat waste in the same way. Recycling is one of the best ways of waste

management. It helps in reducing pollution, saving natural resources and conserving energy.

Recycling newspapers, plastics, glass and aluminum also helps in saving money.

Recycling other materials such as tires, batteries, asphalt, motor oil, etc. reduces pollution

(otherwise these would end up in landfill or incinerator). In order to reduce trash, it is necessary

to encourage and implement recycling at all levels of society.

Burning Waste

In cities that do not have enough land available for landfills, controlled burning of waste

at high temperatures to produce steam and ash is a preferred waste disposal technique.

Combustion reduces the volume of waste to be disposed significantly. Moreover, solid waste can

provide for a continuously available and alternative source for generating energy through

combustion. This energy can be channelled into useful purposes.



Research Methodology

This chapter represented and simplified all the details of the procedures followed in

conducting the study. In this chapter, the discussions of the design of the research, description of

research instrument to be use, description of the locale of the study, steps in collecting data and

methods of analyzing and interpreting the data were also included.

Searching for valid reliable sources of data and information for this study was a challenge

for the researchers. The researchers looked for several articles, theses and research works to

gather information and conducted simple random sampling in order to obtain the data required

for this study.

Research Design

This research used a case study, a type of qualitative research that determines the

problems of Barangay Balon Anito concerning the misbehave practices towards proper waste

disposal management. In this study, some of the residents were interviewed about their

awareness regarding the policies, ordinances, as well as the problems that they are encountering

in Barangay Balon.

A case study is a process that focuses on people’s specific problems that they are

currently experiencing. Through these experiences, the researchers would provide an innovative

and a convenient solution to resolve or sort out the problem being targeted.

Sources of Data

The researchers gathered data by the means of survey questionnaires which served as

guide for conducting an interview that was given to the residents. The survey questionnaires

included the basic questions and the information in line with the given questionnaire which also

kept the confidentiality of the participants. Also, the questionnaire was based upon the problem

of their Barangay and their suggestions that have been gathered which contributes on

determining the possible solutions to sort out the problem. In relation to the gathered data came

from the community of Barangay Balon Anito, it originated to various reliable online sites that

gave more information like the land area, the number of population and by finding ways on how

to have make solution upon the problems that the interviewees stated in the provided questions

of the researchers.

Participants of the Study

Most of the interviewees were already living in Barangay Balon Anito, Mariveles ever

since they were born, but some of the interviewees in the community was born or raised in

different places like Aurora, Pampanga, Laguna, and different locations in Bataan. Most of the

interviewees’ age ranged to mid-15s up to mid-70s. Age affects the study as the older

respondents are more experienced and more exposed to the culture and lifestyle in Barangay

Balon Anito. Majority of the interviewees are women and it can affect the result because women

stay at their household more often and they are more aware of the changes that occur in the


Research Locale

Barangay Balon Anito is located in the municipality of Mariveles, in the province of

Bataan, Central Luzon (Region III). Its population as determined by the 2015 Census was 12,

286. This represented 9.63% of the total population of Mariveles. Balon Anito is situated at

approximately 14.4778, 120.4651, in the island of Luzon. Elevation at these coordinated

estimated at 327.5 meters or 1, 074 feet above mean sea level. The common livelihood on Balon

Anito is mainly factory workers and small businesses such as sari-sari store and bakeries. The

place is observed with a peaceful environment, a rural place.

However, there are also some problems observed in the Barangay that the researchers

wanted to point out. The Barangay is prone to flood, large number of residents was out of school

youth and according to the respondents, there were lacking of right practices towards proper

waste disposal management in the Barangay.

Research Tools and Instruments

The researchers conducted an interview last February 27, 2020 to the residents of

Barangay Balon Anito to know the issues or problems present in the community. In this

interview, the researchers were divided into 2 to 3 members each and they were asked to

document the answers of the residents about some common questions when it comes on how

they dispose their trashes. Some of the question listed in the survey questionnaire was about their

demographic profile, ordinances and actions of Barangay Officials towards proper waste

disposal, practices of residents on managing their waste disposal, knowledge about waste

disposal, the container of the garbage that they are using, their suggestions to solve the problem,

and the effects of improper waste disposal to their health and environment. The researchers

approached the people by informing simple introduction and explaining the purpose of the

research. The respondents welcomed the researchers with a smile and answered the questions


Data Gathering Procedure

On the 27th day of December 2019, the researchers went to Barangay Balon Anito which

is located in Mariveles, Bataan. Researchers approached the residents with respect and kindness.

The researchers are about to choose 70 respondents for every street in Barangay Balon Anito

since it was divided into 8 streets, namely: Mulawin, Porto, Narra, Vista Grande, Sampaloc,

Camachile, Banaba and Acacia. 10 residents will be interviewed in each 6 streets and 5 residents

to the remaining 2 streets where they belong. However, the target number of participants each

street was not followed due to lack of interest of some residents to be interviewed. As result, 9

participants came and live from Narra St., 7 from Vista Grande, 20 from Acacia St., 10 from

Porto (Sitio Maangay: 4, Porto Circle: 5, Biaan: 1), 9 from Banaba St., 10 from Mulawin St., 2

participants live in Camachile St., and 3 participants are from Sampaloc St.

First, the researchers started to explain them the purpose of conducting the interview. The

survey questionnaires include their age and what street do they live. It is followed by the

questions about Barangay Balon Anito’s residents about the right practices towards proper waste

disposal management. After answering the questionnaires, the researchers asked them if they will

give us permission to take pictures with them because it is needed in the documentation. Some of

the participants permitted us but some of them want to keep their identity anonymously that is

why they did not permit us from taking a picture with them. Researchers completed the interview

with the words of thanksgiving for the opportunity to conduct an interview with them. The

interview per house lasted for about 10-15 minutes.

Ethical Consideration

In conducting this study, the main ethical principles are high regard for the respondents

and confidentiality. The researchers made sure that the respondents were properly informed,

participated willingly and this study showed no harm to the environment as well as to the locals.

The researchers also value the security of the respondents and their identities in which treated

with respect and would not be publicized. The gathered data will be used and applied in the

research without exposing any gathered data outside the project, and are reasonable, credible,

and valid. The researchers will make sure to maintain relationship with the respondents for the

updates in the project.




This focuses with the presentation, analysis, and interpretation of data gathered through

interview and observation relevant to the misbehave practices of Barangay Balon Anito Citizens

towards proper waste disposal management.

For a clear and comprehensive presentation of findings, this part is subdivided into seven

(7) parts corresponding to the Statements of the Problem.

Part I. Describes the profile of participants in terms of their age and sex

Part II. Describes the ordinances and actions of Barangay Balon Anito Officials regarding proper

waste disposal management, the awareness and actions of the citizens towards the ordinance

Part III. Describes the behaviour and attitude of Barangay Balon Anito citizens towards proper

waste disposal specifically their methods of disposing their wastes

Part IV. Describes the opinions of Barangay Balon Citizens about the existence and importance

of proper waste disposal management

Part V. Describes the suggestions and recommendations Barangay Balon Anito citizens to lessen

the problem concerning improper waste disposal and achieve a clean environment.

Part VI. States and describes the causes of improper waste disposal of the Barangay Balon Anito

citizens in terms of:

1. Ordinances and actions of Barangay Balon Anito Officials towards proper waste


2. Behaviour of Barangay Balon Anito citizens towards proper waste disposal

3. Opinions and Awareness of Barangay Balon Anito citizens about proper waste


Part VII. States and describes the effects of misbehave practices of the Barangay Balon Anito

citizens to their health and environment

Part I. Describes the profile of participants in terms of their age and sex

The participants of this study were derived from the 8 streets in Barangay Balon Anito,

Mariveles, Bataan. Thus, the age and sex of the participants were classified in accordance to the

street where they live. Figure 3 illustrated below shows that out of 70 participants, 9 came and

live from Narra St., 7 from Vista Grande, 20 from Acacia St., 10 from Porto (Sitio Maangay: 4,

Porto Circle: 5, Biaan: 1), 9 from Banaba St., 10 from Mulawin St., 2 participants live in

Camachile St., and 3 participants are from Sampaloc St.



Acacia (20)
Vista (7)
Banaba and Narra (9)
Camachile (2)
Sampaloc (3)
Mulawin and Porto (10)

Figure 3. Number of Participants

As shown in Table 1 illustrated below, the age of 9 participants from Narra St. are from

mid-20s to 50s. While it also illustrates those 7 participants from Vista Grande that have the age

range from mid-20s to 60s. It depicts that the age of 20 participants from Acacia St. is from mid-

20s to 60s. It also shows that the age range of 10 participants from Porto (Sitio Maangay: 4,

Porto Circle: 5, Biaan: 1) is from mid-15s to 50s. Age range of participants from Banaba St. is

from mid-30s to 60s while in Mulawin St. is from mid-20s to age of 70. Participants from

Camachile St. have the age of 40 and 45 while participants from Sampaloc St. are 16 years old

and the other two is in their mid-40s. In totality, the age range of participants is from 16 years

old to 70 years old.

Sampaloc Age



Age Age Frequency

16 1
18 1
20 3
21 2
23 1
25 3
27 1
28 2
30 2
31 1
35 4
36 1
38 2
39 1
40 5
42 3
43 1
45 3
47 1
48 2

49 3
50 3
51 2
52 2
53 2
54 2
55 1
56 2
57 2
58 1
59 1
60 1
61 1
62 3
63 2
64 1
70 1
Table 1. Age of Participants

In terms of the participants’ gender, Table 2 shows that 38 or 54% of the participants are

female and 32 or 46% are male. The age and gender of participants does not affect the necessary

results to be concluded importantly.

Street Female Male

Narra 6 3
Vista 4 3
Acacia 10 10
Porto 4 6
Banaba 6 3
Mulawin 5 5
Sampaloc 2 1
Camachile 1 1
Table 2. Gender of Participants

Part II. Describes the ordinances and actions of Barangay Balon Anito Officials regarding

proper waste disposal management; the awareness and actions of the citizens towards the


In regards to the ordinance of Barangay Balon Anito towards proper waste disposal, the

participants answered that the ordinance is about “Anti-Littering Ban in the Public Places”

which is a municipal ordinance effective throughout Mariveles where this ordinance has a

sanction for those who will violate. They know that there is a penalty from violation of the said

ordinance but they don’t know the specific penalty that is why 59% of participants are not fully

aware of the entire content of the ordinance.

Most of the participants said that the actions of Barangay Balon Anito Officials upon the

implementation of the ordinance is weak because the officials of Barangay Balon Anito have not

taken enough and effective actions in penalizing the violators of the ordinance because if they

did, the number of citizens in Barangay Balon Anito that violates the ordinance will be lessened

or will be gone. All the participants answered that the ordinance is not successfully followed by

the Barangay Balon Anito citizens that is why improper waste disposal is indeed a problem here

in Barangay Balon Anito.

Based from majority of the participants (57%), in regards to the actions of Barangay

Balon Anito Officials towards proper waste disposal management, the Barangay Balon Anito

Officials does not maintain the waste disposal management in their area because the ordinance is

not actively applied and that they have a problem in the schedule of garbage collection. Problems

in garbage collection are the time and the day when it is scheduled and the delay of arrival of the

garbage collector. Some participants in Narra St. answered that the schedule of garbage

collection is not clear. Participants also added that it is not consistent as sometimes the collection

is twice a week but sometimes it is only once and that the day of collection is not consistent. The

Barangay does not also make an official announcement of the schedule of garbage collection. In

fact, street of Vista Grande and Porto do not experience a collection of their garbage which leads

for them to burn their wastes.


Also, the participants demand for having a trash bins on each streets where they can

dispose their wastes even the schedule of garbage collection is still not coming because they

know that the lack of supply of trash bins may be the cause of improper waste disposal in

Barangay Balon Anito. In fact, the Barangay already provided trash bins in the area of Barangay

Balon Anito but it was gone resulting for the Barangay and the citizens to plan a designated area

where they can dispose their garbage which is in Vista Grande and in the court of Barangay

Balon Anito. However, the smell coming from the garbage affected the area where the garbage

were disposed and animals like cats and dogs were spreading the waste that is why the Barangay

prohibited the concept of having a designating area where the citizen can dispose their garbage.

Still, street like Narra decided to have an area where they can dispose their garbage while

waiting for the garbage collector while other streets except Vista and Porto, keep their garbage in

their home and wait for the collector before they dispose it.

The Barangay Balon Anito Officials did not also educate the citizens about proper waste

disposal management like conducting seminars based from the statement of 59% of the

participants but according to 41% of the participants, the Barangay did a move for educating the

Barangay Balon Anito citizens as they have conducted seminar and distributed flyers about the

ordinance and proper waste disposal. This only means that 59% of the participants were not

aware or were not interested for the seminars and flyers about the proper waste disposal

management. One participant whom agreed that the Barangay conducted a seminar testified that

on the day of the seminar, only some of the people that live in Barangay Balon Anito


For this particular part, listed on the table are the statements mentioned above and the

corresponding open codes generated.


Statement Open Code

Bawal magtapon sa public places Anti-littering
Anti-littering ban in the public places Anti-littering
There is a penalty pag sinuway. Penalty
May penalty pero di ko alam yung exact penalties. Ignorance towards penalty
Di aware sa eksaktong gagawin tungkol sa Unawareness
ordinansa, kung anong bawal at anong limitasyon
Kulang ang polisiya tungkol sa proper waste Lack of ordinances
Table 3. Open Codes for Question 1

Statement Open Code

Mahina Weak Ordinance
Have not taken action to penalize the violators Weak Implementation
Kulang sa pagpapaalala about sa ordinance Weak Implementation
Walang poster o tarpaulin na nakalagay sa brgy. Weak Action towards informing residents about
Tungkol sa ordinance ordinance
Di nakakakolekta ng basura minsan kaya yung iba No garbage collection
nasusuway yung ordinansa kasi kung san san
nalang magtatapon since walang mangongolekta
Table 4. Open Codes for Question 2

Statement Open Code

May mga sumusuway sa ordinansa Not followed
Di sinusunod Not followed
Yung iba di alam kung ano yung pinakasinasaad Unawareness
ng ordinansa. Pati penalties di alam
Table 5. Open Codes for Question 3

Statement Open Code

Pagdating sa collection ng basura, bago pa Designated Area
magcollect, yung samin nilalagay na namin sa
designated area na pinlano naming
Walang pinopost na announcement tungkol sa No announcement for garbage collection
iskedyul ng pagkolekta, minsan kasi iba iba ng
araw kung kalian dumarating
May additional na araw kung kalian Problem to schedule
mangongolekta pero minsan isang beses sa isang
lingo llang
Walang collection ng basura sa vista at porto kaya No garbage collection
Table 6. Open Codes for Question 4

Statement Open Code

May seminar tungkol sa proper waste disposal Weak interest to seminars
pero unti lang pumupunta
Walang seminar na kinonduct No seminars conducted
Walang seminar na sinagawa tungkol sa proper No seminars conducted
waste disposal
Merong sinagawa pero unti lang ang pumunta kasi Weak interest to seminars
walang may interes
Walang akong nabalitaang seminar kasi wala No announcement regarding seminars
namang nagsabi at wala naman akong nakitang
Table 7. Open Codes for Question 5

Statement Open Code

Hindi noticeable ang MRF Unnoticeable MRF
Di ko alam kung ano yon at para saan Unawareness towards MRF
Gusto ko sya kasi nakakatulong sa pagsesegregate Favoured to MRF
ng mga bote
Nakaka lessen ng kalat kasi may specific Favoured to MRF
container na para sa mga plastic bottles at iba
pang recyclable materials. Nakakatulong para
umunti yung mga plastici bottes na nakakalat sa
Table 8. Open Codes for Question 6

Part III. Describes the behaviour and attitude of Barangay Balon Anito citizens towards

proper waste disposal specifically their methods of disposing their wastes

Participants of the study are using plastic bags, sack and compost pit (for burying their

waste) as container of their garbage in their house. Burying waste is mostly practiced in the area

of Vista Grande and Porto for the reason that their garbage are not collected. They dispose their

non-recyclable wastes in the land that they digged and burn it for it to be eliminated. While the

wastes that can be recycle are kept by some of the participants from Porto since they know how

to segregate garbage from recyclable and non-recyclable. The rest of the participants have a

knowledge about segregation of wastes but some of them does not prefer of doing it that is why

plastic bottles which can be still recycle are improperly dispose everywhere and that the Material

Recovery Facility are also not functioning well since some of them are not segregating their

wastes. Also, majority of the participants do not teach their family and neighbours about proper

segregation of waste and proper disposal of it.

Majority of the participants also follows the right schedule of disposal of their garbage as

they only dispose their garbage away from their house when the garbage collector comes.

However, some of them still dispose their garbage in some area of their street even though the

schedule of collection has not come yet resulting for the area to be not clean. Since some of the

residents dispose their garbage in a certain area in their street when the schedule of the collection

has come, such case of absence of garbage collection results for some of the participants to leave

their garbage already disposed in the area where the collector is obliged to get it because they are

upset for such absence and they said that leaving it there will the best way to do since the

collector might still come on the next day.

In addition, some of the participants answered that they are participating in the general

cleaning in some area of the Barangay for the attainment of cleanliness and that they are willing

to be involved again in activities like this. While majority of the participants said that they are

not aware that a general cleaning has been conducted in their Barangay that is why they did not

participated. They added that if they knew about it, then they will definitely join.

Proper disposal of garbage which includes proper storage of waste in their house,

following the right schedule of disposal, and disposing the garbage in the right place and in the

right container are followed by majority of the participants while the rest does not because they

said that how they will dispose their waste in the right container if there are no trash bins that

they can consider as the container where they can dispose their garbage. Participants concluded

from this situation that the reason why improper waste disposal is existing because of lack of

trash bins. Having no trash bins leads to increase of case of throwing small and large amount of

garbage in the wrong place.

Majority of the participants followed the proper disposal management of their garbage by

making sure that all the family members are responsible for their waste management and

disposal of the garbage to the collector. They store their garbage to the collector by knotting or

tying up the sack and the plastic where they store their garbage to follow the proper disposal of

garbage because they said that the garbage that is not store in a container like plastic or sack will

lead to improper waste disposal because when the collector does not come on the schedule of the

collection and that they already dispose their garbage to the area where the collector will get it, it

is proper that it is in the plastic or sack and that it is tied up.

Participants from Vista Grande and Porto store their garbage in their compost pit because

there is no garbage collection in their area. Some of them burn it to be eliminated which causes

bad effect on their health and in the environment. They are aware of its bad effect but they can’t

do anything about it because storing their waste in compost pit land is not enough. Majority of

the participants does not also let the Barangay Officials know the issues or problems that they


For this particular part, listed on the table are the statements mentioned above and the

corresponding open codes generated.

Statement Open Code

Sako Sack
Plastic bag Plastic Bag
Trash bin Trash Bin
Compost pit for burying waste Compost pit
Table 9. Open Codes for Question 7

Statement Open Code

Naglalabas lang ako ng basura pag nandyan na Following the schedule
yung truck na mangongolekta ng basura
Kahit wala pang collection, tinatambak ko na sa Not following the schedule
kung saan naming tinatambak sa kalye naming
Table 10. Open Codes for Question 8

Statement Open Code

Wala namang general cleaning dito sa barangay, Absense of general cleaning, willingness to be
if meron pupunta ko involved
Wala Absence of general cleaning
Tatry kong tumulong Willingness to be involved
Table 11. Open Codes for Question 9

Statement Open Code

Sa bahay, nilalagay ko yung basura sa sako, Sack and plastic as garbage container
minsan sa plastic
Sinusunog yung basura kasi wala naming Burning garbage
nangongolekta rito sa vista
Sa designated area kung san naming napag usapan Absence of trash bin, designated area
na magtatapon pag kukunin na ng collector kasi
wala naming trash bin sa brgy
Naghuhukay sa lupa tas doon dinidispose o Compost pit
Table 12. Open Codes for Question 10

Statement Open Code

Alam ko kung pano magsegregate pero di ko Knowledge about segregation but no application
ginagawa kasi di naman makakatulong yon sa
pagkakaron ng proper waste disposal
Marunong at ginagawa ko ang paghihiwalay ng Knowledgeable about segregation and there is
basura application
Alam ko pero di ko ginagawa at di ko rin tinuturo Knowledge about segregation but no application
sa mga kasama ko sa bahay
Okay lang naman kahit di na magsegregate Not interested to segregation
Table 13. Open Codes for Question 11

Part IV. Describes the opinions of Barangay Balon Anito citizens about the existence and

importance of proper waste disposal management?

The awareness of the participants about improper waste disposal is evident because

majority of the participants know the current status of Barangay Balon Anito in regards to waste

disposal which is it is already an existing problem in the Barangay. All of the participants said

that proper waste disposal management is important and they know that once waste are manage

properly, it can solve other important environmental issues such as flooding, air, water pollution,

etc. The majority of the participants also answered that the existence of improper waste disposal

is because of the lack of discipline from the residents themselves but some also answered that the

Barangay also has deficiency from having a proper waste disposal management.

For this particular part, listed on the table are the statements mentioned above and the

corresponding open codes generated.

Statement Open Code

Problema na yung basura rito sa Barangay Awareness for improper waste disposal as a
Marami ng di sumusunod sa batas kaya ang basura Awareness for improper waste disposal as a
e isang suliranin na dito sa aming barangay problem
Table 14. Open Codes for Question 12

Statement Open Code

Importante sya kasi makakatulong sa Awareness for importance of proper waste
pagmemaintain ng cleanliness sa Barangay disposal
Mahalaga kasi magiging disiplinado ang tao Awareness for importance of proper waste
Mabti para sa kalikasan at kalusugan Awareness for importance of proper waste
Dapat syang mabigyan ng pansin at maachieve Awareness for importance of proper waste
Table 15. Open Codes for Question 13

Statement Open Code

Masosolve yung iba pang problema sa brgy tulad Awareness to Effects of proper waste disposal
ng pagbaha
Masosolusyunan yung mga sakit na dulot ng Effects of proper waste disposal
maling pagdidisposa ng basura
Lilinis yung hangin Effects of proper waste disposal
Walang magkakasakit Effects of proper waste disposal
Makikilala ang brgy bilang disiplinado Effects of proper waste disposal
Lilinis ang paligid sa brgy Effects of proper waste disposal
Table 16. Open Codes for Question 14

Part V. Describes the suggestions and recommendations Barangay Balon Anito citizens to

lessen the problem concerning improper waste disposal and achieve a clean environment.

Participants suggested that there must be a change in schedule of garbage collection.

Schedule of garbage collection are different in every streets. Majority of them suggested that the

collection must be three times a week to avoid overloading of garbage. They want it to be on

Sunday, Monday, Wednesday, Friday, or Saturday and it must be between the times of 5-7 pm

because most of the people are already in their house that time. One participant from Mulawin

St. recommended that the collection of garbage must include the recyclable garbage first and

non-recyclable on the other day to intensify the concept of segregating garbage. They also

recommended that every street must have enough trash bins where they can dispose their garbage

while waiting for the garbage collector.

They also demanded for more seminars which will tackle the importance and effects of

having a proper waste disposal. It must also include the discussion of what is the proper way of

storing their garbage in their house so it will lead for proper disposal. Participants suggested that

in order for the residents to attend in the seminar, the Barangay must give incentives for the

residents to be interested because conducting a seminar will be useless if only small amount of

residents will participate.


In regards to the ordinance and actions of Barangay Balon Anito Officials, the

participants demanded for a strict implementation of the ordinance by having a “tanod” which

will monitor the behaviour of the residents towards disposal of waste in the area of Barangay.

Even though there is a CCTV, an actual observation is much more effective because there are

spots that can’t be recorded by the CCTV and with actual monitoring, the people who are

violating the ordinance will be interrogated immediately.

For this particular part, listed on the table are the statements mentioned above and the

corresponding open codes generated.

Statement Open Code

3 times a week sana ang collection para di 3 times a week garbage collection
natatambak ang basura sa bahay. Pag kasi
natatambak, lalong naghahanap ng dahilan ang mga
tao para ialis sa bahay nila ang basura at magtapon
sa maling tapunan
Maging strikto sana sa pagpapatupad ng ordinansa Strict implementation of ordinance
Mag conduct ng seminar at dapat malaman ng lahat Seminar, Incentives
ang tungkol ditto sa pamamagitan ng pag post sa
social media o poster. At dapat may incentives para
lahat magka interest na pumunta.
Magkaroon ng trashbin sa bawat kalye. Mga tatlo. Existence of trash bins
5-7 pm ang collection. Wag masyadong gabi. At Rescheduled time for garbage collection
kung di matutuloy ang collection, magsabi nang
mas maaga para din na magtambak ang mga tao
ron sa area na dapat ay pagkukunan ng collector
Unang kolektahin ang mga di nabubulok tas sa Separation of waste collection
ibang araw ang mga nabubulok.
Table 17. Open Codes for Questions 15-19

Part VI. States and describes the causes of misbehave practices of the Barangay Balon

Anito citizens in terms of:

1. Ordinances and actions of Barangay Balon Anito Officials towards proper waste

disposal, the actions of residents towards the ordinance


2. Behaviour of Barangay Balon Anito citizens towards proper waste disposal

3. Opinions and Awareness of Barangay Balon Anito citizens about proper waste


The answers of the participants about the reasons and factors that causes improper waste

disposal mainly focused on three themes: ordinances and actions of Barangay Balon Anito

Officials and actions of residents towards the ordinance; behaviour of the residents; opinions,

and awareness of Barangay Balon Anito residents about proper waste disposal.

Causes of Improper Waste Disposal in terms of Ordinances and Actions of Barangay Balon

Anito Officials towards proper waste disposal

“Environmental Impacts of Improper Solid Waste Management in Developing Countries:

A Case Study of Rawalpindi City” (Ejaz, Akhtar, Nisar & Ali Naeem, 2010), discussed the main

causes of improper solid waste management in developing countries and highlighted that an

inefficient and weak municipal solid waste management system is one of the cause of it. Indeed,

participants agreed that numerous existence of misbehave practices of the residents in Barangay

Balon Anito towards proper disposal of garbage continuously exist due to weak implementation

of the waste management system under the ordinance.

In addition, researchers find out that most of the participants do not have enough

knowledge about the entire provisions of the said ordinance as they don’t know the penalties for

offense due to the reason that no official tarpaulin or poster about the ordinance is presented in

Barangay Balon Anito. Such absence of tarpaulin or posters about proper waste disposal

ordinance causes some residents to have insufficient knowledge on what they need to do and

what they have to avoid as testified by majority of the participants. Because some has a lack of

knowledge about the entire rule which they need to follow, the tendency of doing the wrong way

of disposing the garbage increases. Also, participants answered that such ignorance is because of

the deficiency of the Barangay Officials in informing the residents. In fact, Socrates makes the

extraordinary claim that all wrongdoing stems from ignorance. However, some of the

participants answered that it is also the fault of the residents for such ignorance in regards to the

proper waste disposal ordinance as they don’t make effort on being informed.

Essence of having a seminar must be also mandatory for the residents to be informed

about the proper way of disposing their wastes. In Barangay Balon Anito, majority of the

participants stated that the Barangay are not conducting seminars and that it is also one of the

reasons why improper waste disposal is a problem in their Barangay. However, some

participants testified that a seminar about proper waste disposal was conducted and the reason

why majority of the participants did not know about it is that they are not even interested on

being involved. They suggested that the Barangay must have incentives for the residents to be

interested in attending the seminar or such attendance must be mandatory. But the participants

who stated that a seminar was never conducted defended themselves by expressing that they

were not informed about the existence of the seminar because there was no announcement made

by the Barangay. That is why they are suggesting for the Barangay to make a clear

announcement if there's any seminar because they will be willing to participate. Norwood

Business Portal states that seminars are an ideal opportunity for people who want to study a topic

in depth, but don’t enjoy reading or have the time to take classes. By asking questions, taking

detailed notes and being prepared for each day’s events, residents can leave the seminar with a

wide range of knowledge about proper waste disposal. Not only with information, but

application of it must be also strictly observed by the Barangay.


Participants also said that some of the residents are still doing the illegal way of disposing

their garbage because the Barangay has taken weak actions towards interrogating and penalizing

the violators of the ordinance. They added that since the residents knew that the Barangay is not

strongly performing their task for punishing the violators, some of them is having the strength of

still doing the improper ways of disposing their waste.

In addition, participants expressed that cases of littering are a problem in Barangay Balon

Anito because of the lack of presence of trash bins; and problem in the schedule and attendance

of garbage collection. According to Green City: Waste Management Equipment and Systems,

waste containers are there to keep garbage in one place. Their basic function is to keep trash in

one place until removed by the garbage collector. Therefore, if trash bins are not available in an

area, garbage will not be kept in one place and it will be disposed in the streets scatteredly. Delay

in collection of garbage is also the cause why piles of waste or garbage are left scattered in the

streets of Barangay Balon Anito. Although some of the residents kept their garbage in their home

when the collector does not come, some of them still eliminate the garbage in their house and

leave it to an area where they believe that the collector will see and collect it.

In Narra St., residents there made a designated area where they can dispose their garbage

right before the time the garbage collector comes. However, when such absence of collector

occurs, some of them does not mind getting back the garbage that they already disposed in their

planned designated area because they are too lazy and they believe that the garbage collector

might still come and collect it not knowing that this act may lead to scattered garbage brought by

animals and produce stinky smell in their area. Indeed, as testified by some of participants,

wrong behaviour like this is one of the reasons why improper waste disposal is a problem in

Barangay Balon Anito. In fact, Tom Buechel said that garbage collection is important because if

they stopped picking up the trash, piles of garbage will be scattered in the street because some

people want it to be eliminated in their house and excessive loads of garbage in streets are not

pleasing to see.

Absence of garbage collection in Vista Grande and Porto causes the residents there to

burn their wastes which is an improper way of disposing a garbage. Study conducted by Jm

Pelekamoyo, 2014 stated that many households and schools in Chingola are facing a lot of

challenges concerning the disposal of waste. The Municipal Council barely collects the waste,

thus many household and schools have resorted to use other means of waste disposal, such as

burning of waste, dumping the waste along institution fences and burying the waste. Burying

waste has bad effects. Pelekamoyo (2014) stated that burying waste can pollutes the ground and

ground water, degrades the land and makes it unsuitable for flora and fauna, causes, soil acidity

and makes the yards dirty. All open burning possess risks to public health and the environment

as smoke pollutes the air that we breathe. Wildfire can also happen when garbage are burn

outdoors. Although burning of garbage is allowed only in approved materials and in accordance

to state regulations, it still has a negative and harmful effects. Burning garbage and plastic are

prohibited as it releases toxic chemicals that pollute the air that is inhaled by humans and

animals. Some of the residents there knew that it is an improper way of disposing their garbage

but they don’t have any solution for eliminating their garbage. Some made a composed pit as an

alternative for burning their trash but still their main way of disposal is burning.

Proper waste segregation associates the existence of proper waste disposal management

because if the residents have knowledge about it and prefer segregating their garbage, they will

be also responsible in disposing their garbage in the right place. The presence of Barangay Balon

Anito’s Material Recovery Facility (MRF) is not that evident for some residents as some of the

participants of this research do not know that an MRF existed in Barangay Balon Anito. Some

participants said that they knew about its existence but does not prefer using it. However,

majority of the participants are favour in its existence as it will help them store their recyclable

materials and lessen the recyclable materials that are improperly disposed in the area of

Barangay. But, they demanded that the MRF are not noticeable enough because it is small

compared to the MRF’s of other Barangay.

For this particular part, listed on the table are the statements mentioned above and the

corresponding open codes generated.

Statement Open Code

Mahina yung implementasyon ng sistema ng Weak implementation of system of waste disposal
pagaasikaso ng ordinansa sa basura kaya patuloy management
parin yung maling pagdidispose ng basura ditto sa
Brgy. Balon
Kulang sa kaalaman yung tao pagdating sa mga Lack of knowledge towards penalties because of
parusa sa paglabag sa ordinansa kasi walng absence of tarpaulin or posters about the ordinance
tarpaulin sa Balon na nagpapakita ng sinasaad sa
ordinansa. Ngayon, dahil di sila aware sa parusa,
patuloy silang nagtatapon sa kung saan saan at
tsaka di naman napaparusahan yung ibang mga
nagtatapon sa kalsada kaya patuloy pa rin sila sa
paggawa ng mali.
Kung may seminar man, hindi naman sya sapat Uneffective seminar due to absence of informing
kasi di naman ito nalaman ng lahat. Para sakin di the residents about it
naman nagkararoon ng seminar dito tungkol sa
tamang pagdidispose ng basura kasi wala naman
akong nabalitaan at wala naman akong nakitang
announcement. Kaya may improper wastedisposal
kasi kulang sa kaalaman kaya dapat may seminar.
E mukang wala naman.
Nagtatapon pa rin sa kung saan saan kasi alam Violating the ordinance
nilang di naman sila mahuhuli at wala naming
Panong magtatapon sa tamang basurahan e wala Absence of trash bins
namang tamang tapunan na pinrrovide tulad ng
Minsan may makikita ka talagang nakatambak na Problem towards garbage collection
basura sa isang kalya. Tulad ditto sa narra st. kasi
minsan nilalabas na naming yung basura pag
schedule na ng collection kaso nga lang minsan di

dumarating kaya yung iba hindi na kinukuha yung

tinambak nila tapos ayon bumabaho nalang sa
paligid at minsan nakakalat ng hayop. Kaya dapat
talaga malinaw ang iskedyul ng pagkuha ng basura
at dapat dumating talaga sila.
Dito samin sa porto walang koleksyon ng basura No garbage collection
kaya kami nagsusunog. Alam naming mali pero
kasi pagkukulang yon ng brgy. Dapat
nangongolekta rin sila rito sa lugar namin.
Di maachieve rito yung tamang segregation ng Unpopular and Unnoticeable MRF
basura kasi nga kulang sa seminar. Tas yung MRF
na sinasabi, iilan lang ang may alam tungkol don
tsaka ang MRF dito sa brgy balon, maliit lang at di
kapansin pansin.
Table 18. Open Codes for Question 20

Causes of Improper Waste Disposal in terms of Behaviour and Attitude of Barangay Balon Anito

Residents towards proper waste disposal

Most of the participants answered that the cause of improper waste disposal management

are the residents themselves specifically the lack of discipline that they possessed. Self-discipline

begins with the mastery of your thoughts. If you don’t control what you think, you can’t control

what you do (Anonymous). Jim Rohn testified that discipline is the bridge between goals and

accomplishment. No matter how the Barangay takes an effort for keeping a proper waste

disposal management, if the residents themselves do not make their part, it will be useless.

To know the cause of improper waste disposal, the researchers investigated the behaviour

and attitude of the residents in Barangay Balon Anito specially their ways of disposing their

garbage in their house. It is possible that the reason why improper waste disposal is a problem in

the area of Barangay Balon Anito is because starting from their house, they are already doing the

wrong method of storing their garbage and that they don’t take responsibility and accountability

for the waste management in their house.


First question asked by the researchers is what is the container that they are using in their

house for storing their trash. Some answered plastic bags while majority of them is sack. This

question was asked for the researchers to know if they have a container for the disposal of waste

in their house because if they don’t, it might be the reason why they are not used to in disposing

their garbage in a trash bins if there is any and keep on doing the concept of littering inside and

outside their house.

Participants answered that the reason why improper waste disposal is still applied is

because some residents do not follow the right schedule of disposing their garbage as they are

already disposing their trash even though the collector is still not there. Since there are no trash

bins in Barangay Balon Anito, it is necessary that they dispose their garbage immediately on the

time that the garbage collector has come. But, some are still stubborn because of not following

the right time of disposing the waste and keep on throwing their garbage in prohibited area or in

public places.

Some of the participants have knowledge about proper segregation but they don’t apply it

because it is just a waste of time. Participants answered that ignorance towards waste segregation

and not applying it is also the factor for the existence of improper waste disposal. In fact, John

Locke said that no man’s knowledge here can go beyond his experience. Even though a person

has knowledge about something, it does not mean that he or she is applying or doing it. Some

people choose to live in ignorance and do bad deeds as they are accustomed to it. Effective

segregation is important as it means that there will be less waste that will be disposed in landfill

and promotes clean and better life for the people and the environment (Environmental

Monitoring Solution, 2016).


Similar to organizing and conducting a seminar, the essence of joining a general cleaning

is not the interest of majority of the participants. Actually, participants agreed that insufficient

interest derived from the residents for being involved in activities that will help the Barangay

achieve proper waste disposal management is one of the reasons for having an improper conduct

towards the right way of waste disposal.

Some of the participants of this study do not mind that all their family members are not

responsible for their waste management and disposal to the garbage collector. They also do not

tie the sack or the plastic bag where their garbage is stored because it became their habit and they

don’t believe that knotting the plastic bag or sack will result to proper waste disposal. This

behaviour towards proper waste disposal is indeed the cause why the case of improper garbage

disposal is still rapidly increasing in the area of Barangay Balon Anito.

Furthermore, participants also added that burning garbage is one of the acts of majority of

the participants from Vista Grande and Porto towards waste disposal which causes a consistent

existence of improper behaviour concerning appropriate ways of disposing waste.

For this particular part, listed on the table are the statements mentioned above and the

corresponding open codes generated.

Statement Open Code

Kulang sa disiplina. May iba tapon parin ng tapon Lack of discipline
sa mga kanal at gilid gilid ng kalsada.
Walang effort para matuto. Di binibigyan ng No efforts to learn
interest ang tungkol sa proper waste disposal.
Yung iba kahit di pa schedule ng pagtatapon ng Violation of schedule of disposing garbage
basura, iniimbak na agad sa labas ng bahay or don
sa area na kukunan ng collector ng basura.
Hindi pagsasagawa ng kaalaman tungkol sa No application of knowledge about segregation
Walang interes sa ikakabuti ng brgy. Pag may No interest
seminar, hindi dumadalo. Pag general cleaning di

Yung kagawian na pagsusunog ng basura. Dapat Burning garbages
matigil at dapat kumilos na ang Brgy tungkol dito
Hindi tinatali nang maayos yung pinaglagyan ng Not tying up the garbage container
basura. Kaya minsan madaling makalat sa kalye.
Hindi nakasanayan yung pagtuturo sa pamilya na Lack of cooperation towards proper waste disposal
dapat lahat sila ay responsible sa maintenance ng
basura. Tapos ilan lang sa pamilya yung
responsibility sa pagaayos ng basura pag tatapon
na. Tulad ko, ako lang nagaasikaso ng basura rito.
Table 19. Open Codes for Question 21

Causes of Improper Waste Disposal in terms of Opinions and Awareness of Barangay Balon

Anito citizens about proper waste disposal

Participants also responded that one of the grounds for improper waste disposal is the

lack of awareness of the residents about the current status of the Barangay’s waste disposal

management and the importance of having and maintaining proper disposal of waste in their

area. Awareness about certain issue will encourage the residents to reflect in their action and start

making a change. One of the participants from Narra St. expressed that the reason why some of

the residents are continuously acting improperly towards waste disposal is because they don’t

know that improper waste disposal is already a problem here in Barangay Balon Anito. If they

are aware that it is already an existing case, they will be guilty of their action, will start to reflect,

and make a move to change.

According to Cheryl Richardson (2010) awareness is a powerful catalyst for positive

change. It is also important that the residents acknowledge the significance of proper waste

disposal management in their lives, health, and environment because the first step toward change

is awareness and the second step is acceptance (Nathaniel Branden, 2014).


Participants also communicated that having a negative opinion about the importance of

managing properly the waste like believing that it can’t solve other important environmental

issues such flooding, air, water pollution, etc. will lead to bad habits towards waste disposal.

For this particular part, listed on the table are the statements mentioned above and the

corresponding open codes generated.

Statement Open Code

Kasi akala nila hindi pa problema dito sa Barangay Absence of knowledge about the status of waste
naming ang basura kaya sige pa rin sa pagtatapon disposal
sa kung saan saan.
Kaya siguro may improper waste disposal ay dahil Acknowledgement to proper waste disposal as not
hindi importante para sa kanila ang tamang important
pagtatapon ng basura.
Hindi nila alam ang maaring dulot ng improper Absence of knowledge to its bad effect
waste disposal sa health at environment kasi kung
alam nila, titigil sila at magbabago.
Yung iba kasi ang nasa isip nila ay hindi naman Negative opinion about proper waste disposal
importante yung pagtatapon sa tamang tapunan.
Kaya siguro may improper waste disposal e kasi di Absence of knowledge to its bad effect
nila alam na may masamang dulot ito sa atin kasi
pag nagpatuloy pa ito, nakakasanhi sya ng ibang
problema. Lalo na yung pagbaha kasi nababara ng
basura yung kanal.
Table 20. Open Codes for Question 22

Part VII. States and describes the effects of misbehave practices of the Barangay Balon

Anito citizens to their health and environment

Improper waste disposal has a spiral effect, mainly involving threats to biodiversity,

deforestation, pollution, and other environmental problems (The Importance of Waste

Management, 2014). Participants answered that improper waste disposal has a bad impact on

human health specially those living nearby polluted area, landfills or designated area for disposal

of waste such as respiratory problems and skin irritations. Recent studies revealed that practice

of improperly disposing garbage has been identified as one of the main causes of pollution,

flooding and is becoming a growing concern for both government and environmentalist.

Improper waste disposal is indeed a deadly practice. Soil, water, and air pollution are the results

of improper waste disposal. Soil contamination happens due to hazardous chemicals being in

contact with the soil. These chemicals will be absorbed by plants which can cause disease as

plants are later utilized by other organisms including humans.

In the area of Vista Grande and Porto, burning garbage like woods, plastics, dry leaves

has been a practice for disposing their garbage. This practice has a dangerous impact to health

because of the smoke from it. When it is burned, it produces smoke which has vapours and

particulate matter (solid and liquid droplets suspended in the air) leading to air pollution. Air

pollution from smoke can impact human health. One of the participants from Sitio Maangay,

Porto enunciated that burning trash resulted to long-term health problems. The participant

expressed that inhaling or being in contact with the smoke from the burned garbage may suffer

burning eyes, headaches, nausea, fatique, dizziness, and other symptoms. Damages to lungs,

nervous system, kidneys, and liver are effects of burning wastes and also chronic diseases like

bronchitis and emphysema.

Some of the participants also answered that improper waste disposal can put children in

too much risk. Zender Environmental for Institute of Tribal Environmental Professionals (ITEP)

and Central Council Tingit Haida Tribes of Alaska Solid Waste Alaska Network (SWAN)

proclaimed that because of the body size of children, they inhale more air per pound of body

mass than do adults, and can absorb a proportionately larger “dose” of toxins. Thus, improper

way of disposing trash like disposing it in public places and burning brings dangerous and

harmful effect on the environment and such harmful effect in the environment also harms the

health of the individuals.


For this particular part, listed on the table are the statements mentioned above and the

corresponding open codes generated.

Statement Open Code

Pollution sa hangin Air pollution
Pagbaha Flooding
Soil contamination Soil contamination
Masama sa kalusugan ng bata lalo na yung usok na Smoke coming from burned waste
nanggagaling pag nagsusunog ng basura
Mabahong amoy sa paligid Stinky smell
May epekto sa kalinisan Effect to cleanliness
Mga sakit tulad ng pagkahilo kasi sa amoy ng mga Diseases
basurang nakatambak tsaka yung usok
Table 21. Open Codes for Question 23



Summary of Findings

The research questions and codes provided by the research group prove that the

misbehave practices towards proper waste disposal were examined and the causes for it were

identified. All 70 participants from Barangay Balon Anito were consisted of 38 female and 32

female with ages ranging from 16-70 years old. The participants provided qualitative information

about the ordinances and actions of Barangay Balon Anito Officials regarding proper waste

disposal and their awareness about it; the residents’ behaviour towards proper practices of waste

disposal; their opinions about the existence and importance of proper waste disposal; suggestions

for achieving a proper garbage disposal; the factors that affect the existence of improper waste

disposal in their Barangay; and improper waste disposal’s effect.

Based on the data gathered by the researchers, causes of improper waste disposal were all

connected to the actions and ordinances of the Barangay Balon Anito Officials about having and

maintaining proper waste disposal; the behaviour of the residents towards it; as well as their

opinion and awareness about the existence of this problem and the importance of practicing

proper ways of disposing their waste. The participants also stated their own suggestions for

solving the improper waste disposal in their area such as having strict implementation of

ordinance in regards to improper ways of waste disposal, 3 times a week collection of garbage,

presence of garbage collection system in the area of Porto and Vista Grande, and seminars about

proper waste disposal. They were also aware of its bad effects to their health and environment.


1. Causes of misbehave practices towards proper waste disposal management focused on three

terms: ordinances and actions of Barangay Balon Anito Officials towards proper waste disposal

and awareness of residents to this ordinance; residents’ behaviour in regards to proper practices

of disposing garbage; and their opinions towards the existence and importance of the concept

“proper waste disposal”.

2. In terms of the ordinance towards proper waste disposal, the cause of wrong practices

regarding waste disposal is the lack of knowledge of some of the residents about the specific

activities and penalties under the ordinance. Ignorance about the entire content of the provision

of proper waste disposal was due to absence of tarpaulins or posters which is used for informing

the residents about the ordinance. Indeed, weak municipal waste management and weak

implementation of the ordinance are the reasons why improper waste disposal is a problem in

Barangay Balon Anito. Lack of actions has also taken by the Barangay Officials for fining the

violators of the ordinance causing for an increase of wrong practices of disposing the waste.

Absence of seminars which can inform the residents about the proper way of disposing waste can

be also the factor that affects the existence of wrong behaviour in garbage disposal. Also, not

strict monitoring of application of what the residents knew upon the conduction of seminars will

cause the seminar to be ineffective. And if it will be ineffective, improper waste disposal will

still exist.

3. One of the practices that calls for improper waste disposal in terms of the actions of the

Barangay Officials towards achieving a proper waste disposal is their deficiency in terms of

conducting a general cleaning or lack of efforts on informing the residents about the general

cleaning. Lack of trash bins is also the cause of misbehaves practices towards proper waste


4. Problems in garbage collection like insufficient days of waste collection, delay, absence of

garbage collection, and unclear schedule of waste collection are also the reasons for improper

waste disposal like littering, wrong way of disposing the garbage in a designated area and

burning garbage. Proper segregation which is also under proper waste disposal can’t be achieved

due to lack of knowledge and interest to segregation; and unnoticeable Material Recovery

Facility in the Barangay.

5. Causes of improper waste disposal in terms of the behaviour of the residents towards it are

lack of discipline which accustomed the behaviour of not following the right schedule of

disposing garbage, lack of application for the practice of segregating garbage. Weak interest for

participating in seminars or general cleaning that may help solve the improper waste disposal

induces the continuance for improper waste disposal. Not being responsible for their own waste

management in home can be also the ground for having a problem in regards to waste disposal.

Incorrect practices towards proper waste disposal like not tying their waste container and burning

their garbage are also the factors behind the existence of unconventional garbage disposal.

6. The way the residents view the current status of waste disposal in their Barangay can be the

cause of improper waste disposal. If the residents are unaware that improper waste disposal is

already an issue in their Barangay, they will continue practicing the ways that results to improper

waste disposal. Acknowledging the significance of achieving and maintaining proper waste

disposal will surely solve the presence of improper practices of disposing the garbage. Negative

opinion towards the beneficial effect of proper waste disposal in solving other environmental

issues like flooding and air pollution is also the cause why residents are keep on doing the illegal

form of disposing their trash.

7. Improper waste disposal indeed has a dangerous impact to the health of individuals and also to

the health of the nature.

8. There are many grounds for the existence of improper waste disposal in Barangay Balon Anito

and these grounds were both from the defected actions and behaviour of the Barangay Officials

and the Barangay residents regarding proper and legal waste disposal. The Barangay Balon Anito

Officials and the residents have failures for keeping the cleanliness in their Barangay.


1. Conduct seminars about proper management of waste disposal for the residents to be

educated on how to properly segregate and dispose their garbage. Its importance and

effects must be emphasized and explain clearly.

2. Assign a Barangay patrols in every streets to organize or arrange the garbage to be

collected more effectively. There must be assigned patrols for the observance of proper

waste disposal. Each street must have one patrol that will monitor the cleanliness and the

behaviour of the residents in regards to proper disposal of garbage. Held an observation

(once a week) where the chairman along with the assigned patrols will secure that their

policies are being followed.

3. Place trash bins in every street to put the garbage instead of piling and leaving it

anywhere. Bring back again those trash bins which came from our municipality, where

each street will have three (3) sets of it. These trash bins will be the designated material

where the residents will dispose their waste and where the collectors will collect the

disposed garbage.

4. Provide additional days to the usual garbage collection schedule of the Barangay which

must be two (2) times a week (Sunday evening and Thursday morning) to avoid

excessive collection of garbage. Set a schedule when the Barangay Balon citizens can

dispose their garbage to the designated garbage disposal which is the trash bins.

5. Produce tarpaulins having the official announcement about the schedule of the collection

of the garbage around Barangay Balon Anito, so that the residents would be aware. If

there will be any changes in regards to the schedule, the residents must be advised.

6. Change the ordinance: Have a strict implementation of ordinance regarding waste

management and make penalties more difficult for them to be warned about their

behaviour. First offense: offenders must clean within 16 hours in community vicinity plus

penalty of 300 pesos. Second offense: offenders must clean within 32 hours in

community vicinity plus penalty of 900 pesos. Third offense: One (1) week cleaning plus

penalty of 1500 pesos. Offenses to count: littering to any part of Barangay Balon Anito

vicinity, putting garbage in wrong places or wrong schedule and negligence of cleaning

their own areas.

7. A program called “Muling "Ibalik Ang Bayanihan Para Makamtan Ang Nais Na

Kalinisan" where once a month, the citizens of Barangay Balon Anito will clean their

streets and segregate the garbage that are recyclable. The garbage must be recycled to

create something useful for decoration. The street that can make the most promising

decoration from the recyclable garbage will have a prize of P2,000.00 and consolation

price worth of P500.00 for those streets who participated.



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Appendix A

Direction: Please fill and tick (/) the appropriate response in the given space provided.

Demographic Profile


Sex: Male Female

Direction: Please respond to the following questions by ANSWERING BASED ON YOUR




1. Does the Barangay have an ordinance regarding proper disposal of garbage? What is it? What

is your knowledge about it?

2. What can you say about the actions of Barangay Balon Anito Officials upon the

implementation and taking effect of the ordinance?

3. What can you say about the action of the citizens of Barangay Balon Anito towards the

ordinance regarding waste disposal?

4. What is the status of the collection of garbage here in Barangay Balon Anito?

5. What move does the Barangay officials do to educate you about proper waste disposal?

6. What can you say about the Material Recovery Facility here in Barangay Balon Anito?



7. What are the containers that you use to dispose your garbage?

8. How you follow the schedule of the disposal of your garbage in the garbage collector?

9. What will you do if there will be a general cleaning in your Barangay?

10. Where and how do you store and dispose your garbage? What did you do in cases that the

garbage collector does not come?

11. What are your knowledge and concern about segregation of garbage?


12. What can you say about the status of waste disposal of Barangay Balon Anito?

13. What is your opinion about proper waste disposal management?

14. What do you think will happen if waste were manage properly?



15. Mula sa araw ng lunes nais kong ipalipat sa araw ng ________ ang iskedul ng trak ng basura

dahil _____________

16. Nais kong irekomenda sa Punong Barangay na ______________

17. Ano ang iyong maaring i-suggest na maging lugar na tambakan ng basura?

18. Sino sa tingin mo ang may pagkukulang, ang Barangay o ang mismong mga tao?

19. May ideya o suhestyon ka ba kung papaano makakamit ng inyong brgy ang maayos na

disiplina sa pagsunod sa polisiya na pinapatupad ng Barangay tungkol sa tamang pagtatapon ng



20. What do you think are the causes of improper waste disposal in regards to the actions and

ordinances of Barangay Balon Anito officials towards proper waste disposal?

21. What do you think are the causes of improper waste disposal in regards to the behaviour and

attitudes of Barangay Balon Anito residents towards proper waste disposal?

22. What do you think are the causes of improper waste disposal in terms of the opinions and

awareness of Barangay Balon Anito residents towards the existence and importance of proper

waste disposal?


23. What are the effects of improper waste disposal in terms of your





Republika ng Pilipinas



December 27, 2019

Hon. George Legaspi

Barangay Chairman

Balon Anito

Mariveles, Bataan

Dear Hon. George Legaspi,

As a major requirement for our subject "Politics, Governance and Citizenship", we, the first year

Bachelor of Science in Accountancy students are required to conduct a field research about an

existing problem in Barangay Balon Anito which is our chosen Barangay. We would like to have

an interview with you in regards to this and we would also like to ask permission to your good

office to please allow us to conduct our research study in your area which is necessary for the

said research study in your area which is necessary for the said research study. We will give out

questionnaires throughout the Barangay as a part of this research study.


If approval is granted, the researchers will proceed to the said research study. The survey process

should take no longer than 10 minutes. The survey results will be pooled for the thesis project

and individual results of this study will remain absolutely confidential and anonymous. No cost

will be incurred by either your Barangay or the individual participants.

Your favorable response regarding this request will be highly appreciated.

Thank you.

Respectfully yours,

Pamela Suson

Group Leader

Noted by:



Appendix C: Letter of Proposal

Republika ng Pilipinas



March 9, 2020

Hon. George Legaspi

Barangay Chairman

Balon Anito

Mariveles, Bataan

Dear Hon. George Legaspi,

After the research entitled “Misbehave Practices towards Proper Waste Disposal: An Existing

Case in Barangay Balon Anito” was successfully conducted and finished by the researchers, I,

together with my co-researchers, would like to present our proposed solutions in regards to the

case of improper waste disposal here in Barangay Balon.

Here are the proposed solutions:


1. Conduct seminars about proper management of waste disposal for the residents to be

educated on how to properly segregate and dispose their garbage. Its importance and

effects must be emphasized and explain clearly.

2. Assign Barangay patrols in every street to organize or arrange the garbage to be collected

more effectively. There must be assigned patrols for the observance of proper waste

disposal. Each street must have one patrol that will monitor the cleanliness and the

behaviour of the residents in regards to proper disposal of garbage.

3. Place trash bins in every streets to put the garbage instead of piling and leaving it

anywhere. Bring back again those trash bins which came from our municipality, where

each street will have three (3) sets of it. These trash bins will be the designated material

where the residents will dispose their waste and where the collectors will collect the

disposed garbage.

4. Provide additional days to the usual garbage collection schedule of the Barangay which

must be two (2) times a week (Sunday evening and Thursday morning) to avoid

excessive collection of garbage.

5. Produce tarpaulins having the official announcement about the schedule of the collection

of the garbage around Barangay Balon Anito, so that the residents would be aware. If

there will be any changes in regards to the schedule, the residents must be advised.

6. Set a schedule when the Barangay Balon citizens can dispose their garbage to the

designated garbage disposal which is the trash bins.

7. Change the ordinance: Have a strict implementation of ordinance regarding waste

management and make penalties more difficult for them to be warned about their


Proposed Policy: Barangay Balon Anito should have appropriate punishment and penalty for

those who do not follow the Barangay’s ordinances. They must have tight ruling too and the

ordinances must be properly enforced so that there will be discipline in the area.

First offense: offenders must clean within 16 hours in community vicinity plus penalty of

300 pesos.

Second offense: offenders must clean within 32 hours in community vicinity plus penalty

of 900 pesos.

Third offense: One (1) week cleaning plus penalty of 1500 pesos.

Offenses to count: littering to any part of Barangay Balon Anito vicinity, putting garbage

in wrong places or wrong schedule and negligence of cleaning their own areas.

8. Held an observation (once a week) where the chairman along with the assigned patrols

will secure that their policies are being followed.

9. A program called “Muling Ibalik Ang Bayanihan Para Makamtan Ang Nais Na

Kalinisan" wherein once a month, the citizens of Barangay Balon Anito will clean their

streets and segregate the garbage that are recyclable. The garbage must be recycled to

create something useful for decoration. The street that can make the most promising

decoration from the recyclable garbage will have a prize of P2,000.00 and consolation

price worth of P500.00 for those streets who participated.

If the proposal is granted, the researchers will be willing to be involved in its implementation.

We also want to hear more about your suggestions. We are hoping for your positive response.

Thank you.

Respectfully yours,

Pamela Suson

Group Leader

Noted by:



Appendix D: Documentary













Appendix E: Curriculum Vitae

Name: Ariane Nicole A. Calimlim

Address: 5-115 Zone 5 Camaya, Mariveles, Bataan

Tel/CP no#: 09551489120

Email address: [email protected]

Educational Background

Senior High-School: Mariveles National High-School Camaya Campus

Address: Zone 6 Camaya Mariveles, Bataan

Junior High-School: Mariveles National High-School Poblacion

Address: Brgy.San Carlos, Mariveles,Bataan

Elementary: Antonio G. Llamas Elementary School

Address: Padre Zamora St. Brgy. Poblacion, Mariveles, Bataan

Personal Data

Nickname: Yanyan

Birthdate: November 20, 1999

Birthplace: Mariveles, Bataan

Sex: Female

Nationality: Filipino

Weight: 45 kgs

Height: 153 cm

Civil status: Single

Religion: Iglesia Ni Cristo

Language spoken: Tagalog, English


Name: Nicole M. Dela Paz

Address: Blk. 18 Porto, Balon, Mariveles, Bataan

Tel/CP no#: 09128764457

Email address: [email protected]

Educational Background

Senior High-School: Mariveles National High-School Camaya Campus

Address: Zone 6 Camaya Mariveles, Bataan

Junior High-School: Mariveles National High-School Poblacion

Address: Brgy.San Carlos, Mariveles,Bataan

Elementary: Antonio G. Llamas Elementary School Address: Padre Zamora St. Brgy. Poblacion,

Mariveles, Bataan

Personal Data

Nickname: Nicky

Birthdate: November 14, 2000

Birthplace: Mariveles, Bataan

Sex: Female

Nationality: Filipino

Weight: 40 kgs

Height: 149 cm

Civil status: Single

Religion: Christian

Language spoken: Tagalog, English


Name: Hadassa Danielle Dimalanta

Address: Ipag, Mariveles, Bataan

Tel/CP no#: 09084998584

Email address: [email protected]

Educational Background

Senior High-School: LMI

Address: Poblacion, Mariveles, Bataan

Junior High-School: Mariveles National High-School Poblacion

Address: Brgy.San Carlos, Mariveles,Bataan

Elementary: St.Nicholas Catholic School

Address: Padre Zamora St. Brgy. Poblacion, Mariveles, Bataan

Personal Data

Nickname: Daza

Birthdate: February 20, 2002

Birthplace: Olonggapo Bataan

Sex: Female

Nationality: Filipino

Weight: 50 kgs

Height: 5'flat

Civil status: Single

Religion: Roman Catholic

Language spoken: Tagalog, English


Name: Renniel Philippe A. Esteban

Address: Sampaloc St. Balon, Mariveles, Bataan

Tel/CP no#: 09953922835

Email address: [email protected]

Educational Background

Senior High-School: Mariveles National High-School Camaya Campus

Address: Zone 6 Camaya Mariveles, Bataan

Junior High-School: Mariveles National High-School Poblacion

Address: Brgy.San Carlos, Mariveles,Bataan

Elementary: Balon Elementary School

Address: Padre Zamora St. Brgy. Poblacion, Mariveles, Bataan

Personal Data

Nickname: Yeye

Birthdate: July 2, 2001

Birthplace: Taguig City, Manila

Sex: Male

Nationality: Filipino

Weight: 51 kgs

Height: 173 cm

Civil status: Single

Religion: Iglesias Ni Cristo

Language spoken: Tagalog, English


Name: Kristine Joy Hernandez

Address: Blk. 32 Lot 21-24 Sta.Monica Brgy. Camaya

Mariveles, Bataan

Tel/CP no#: 09089729080

Email address: [email protected]

Educational Background

Senior High-School: Sunny Hillside School

Address: Upper Ipag Mariveles, Bataan

Junior High-School: St. Nicholas Catholic School of Mariveles

Address: Zamora St. Poblacion Mariveles,Bataan

Elementary: St. Nicholas Catholic School of Mariveles

Address: Zamora St. Brgy. Poblacion, Mariveles, Bataan

Personal Data

Nickname: Tin

Birthdate: November 3, 2000

Birthplace: Mariveles, Bataan

Sex: Female

Nationality: Filipino

Weight: 55 kgs

Height: 156 cm

Civil status: Single

Religion: Roman Catholic

Language spoken: Tagalog, English


Name: Ma. Daribeth P. Obispo

Address: Zamora st Poblacion, Mariveles, Bataan

Tel/CP no#: 09070980021

Email address: [email protected]

Educational Background

Senior High-School: Mariveles National High-School Camaya Campus

Address: Zone 6 Camaya Mariveles, Bataan

Junior High-School: Mariveles National High-School Poblacion

Address: Brgy.San Carlos, Mariveles,Bataan

Elementary: AG Llamas Elementary School

Address: Padre Zamora St. Brgy. Poblacion, Mariveles, Bataan

Personal Data

Nickname: Doray

Birthdate: November 8, 2000

Birthplace:Mariveles, Bataan

Sex: Female

Nationality: Filipino

Weight: 55 kgs

Height: 170.18 cm

Civil status: Single

Religion: Roman Catholic

Language spoken: Tagalog, English


Name: Pamela L. Suson

Address: 358-D Narra St. Balon, Mariveles, Bataan

Tel/CP no#: 09099118501

Email address: [email protected]

Educational Background

Senior High-School: Mariveles National High-School Camaya Campus

Address: Zone 6 Camaya Mariveles, Bataan

Junior High-School: Mariveles National High-School Poblacion

Address: Brgy.San Carlos, Mariveles,Bataan

Elementary: Balon Elementary School

Address: Padre Zamora St. Brgy. Poblacion, Mariveles, Bataan

Personal Data

Nickname: Pam

Birthdate: February 5, 2000

Birthplace: Balanga, Bataan

Sex: Female

Nationality: Filipino

Weight: 45 kgs

Height: 169 cm

Civil status: Single

Religion: Roman Catholic

Language spoken: Tagalog, English


Name: Princess Lorraine P. Tulod

Address: 4-100 Brgy Camaya, Mariveles, Bataan

Tel/CP no#: 09127430145

Email address: [email protected]

Educational Background

Senior High-School: Softnet Information Technology Center

Address: 2nd floor bldg Fab Mariveles, Bataan

Junior High-School: Mariveles National High-School Poblacion

Address: Brgy.San Carlos, Mariveles,Bataan

Elementary: Antonio G.Llamas Elementary School

Address: Padre Zamora St. Brgy. Poblacion, Mariveles, Bataan

Personal Data

Nickname: Cess/Bunso

Birthdate: February 18, 2001

Birthplace: Mariveles,Bataan

Sex: Female

Nationality: Filipino

Weight: 70 kgs

Height: 154 cm

Civil status: Single

Religion: Roman Catholic

Language spoken: Tagalog, English


Name: Alessandra B. Villas

Address: #17 Almonte St., Brgy. Ipag, Mariveles, Bataan

Tel/CP no#: 09487502923

Email address: [email protected]

Educational Background

Senior High-School: Mariveles National High-School Camaya Campus

Address: Zone 6 Camaya Mariveles, Bataan

Junior High-School: Mariveles National High-School Poblacion

Address: Brgy. San Carlos, Mariveles, Bataan

Elementary: Ipag Elementary School

Address: Brgy. Ipag, Mariveles, Bataan

Personal Data

Nickname: Sandra

Birthdate: February 8, 2001

Birthplace: Paniqui, Tarlac

Sex: Female

Nationality: Filipino

Weight: 47 kgs

Height: 168 cm

Civil status: Single

Religion: Roman Catholic

Language spoken: Tagalog, English


Name: Loryn A. Zenarosa

Address: Sitio Lower Balandasan Mariveles, Bataan

Tel/CP no#: 09777427120

Email address: [email protected]

Educational Background

Senior High-School: Mariveles Senior Highschool- Sitio Mabuhay

Address: Sitio Mabuhay, Cabcaben Mariveles, Bataan

Junior High-School: Mariveles National High-School Cabcaben

Address: Sitio Mabuhay, Cabcaben Mariveles,Bataan

Elementary: Townsite Elementary School

Address: Brgy. Townsite Mariveles, Bataan

Personal Data

Nickname: none

Birthdate: June 22, 2001

Birthplace: Pasig City

Sex: Female

Nationality: Filipino

Weight: 40 kgs

Height: 4'11

Civil status: Single

Religion: Roman Catholic

Language spoken: Tagalog, English

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