Aristaniwaran - Shrapit Yoga

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Kundli Dosh Nivaran

What is pitra Dosha: pitras are our own anscestors who have been

thrown into pretha yoni or any other lokas and as a result of this they

become extremely restless and sad and expect to get mukti from that state

through the karma of their succesors they are considered to be more

important to a person than any other devathaas(excluding sadguru) as they

will be having blood relationship with their successors.they are considered

equal to this body ours has come into existance because of our

anscestors,pitra dosha nivarann is considered to be a very important duty of

a person. if the pitras are satisfied and happy with ur shradd(actions offered

with shraddha) they can bring joy and clear ur path to success in all

spheres. There are many rituals of pitra dosha nivarann. Titr dosh is one of

the biggest obstacle on the path to siddhi. Success is almost not possible if

one has pitra dosh in ones life.

How To Recognize it in Kundali : 9th house in a horoscope is called

house of dharma, father. When 9th house is under influence of malefic

planets, this shows the lack of fulfillment of paternal desire. Natural malefic

planets like sun, mars, Saturn, may be yogakarak for some lagnas, but rahu

and ketu are always malefic for all lagnas. I have found that when 9th house,

9th lord,9th house from the moon or the lord of 9th from the moon is under

influence of rahu and ketu this indicates Pitra Dosh. Such natives are

affected by disruption of education, employment, progress.Those who are

physically and mentally handicapped have such affliction. In your chart both

the 9th house and 9th lord is under influnce of rahu-ketu.This is definitely

Pitra dosh.

Remedy 1: On any somwati amavaasya (when there is amaavasyaa and

also monday) go to peepal tree,offer one janeu to tree and one to Lord

Vishnu.Pray to tree and Lord Vishnu.Then do 108 Parikrama of tree,with

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each Parikrama offer a sweet to tree.While doing Parikrama continuously

chant the mantra " OM NAMO BHAGAWATE VAASUDEWAAYA".After

doing parikrama again pray to peepal tree and Lord Vishnu and seek


Remedy 2: One more remedy is to feed crows and fish with rice mixed

with gee and made into balls on every Saturday.

1. Mahamrityunjaya Mantra: It is one of the most potent of the ancient mantras, a call for
enlightenment and a practice of purifying the karmas of the soul at a deep level. It is beneficial
for mental, emotional and physical health which bestows longevity and immortality.

ॐ त्र्यम्बकम ् यजामहे सुगन्धिम ् पुष्टिवर्धनम ् । Om tryambakaṃ yajāmahe sugandhiṃ puṣṭi-vardhanam

उर्वारुकमिव बन्धनान ् मत्ृ योर्मुक्षीय माम्रतात ् ।। urvārukam iva bandhanān mṛtyormukṣīya māmṛtāt

Recite atleast 11 times a day, must to do on Monday. Shivratri is on 10th March 2013,
therefore the vedic pooja with this mantra will bring positive results.

2. Keep holified shrapit dosha yantra by chanting shani mantra as under:

ॐ निलान्जनम समाभासं रविपुत्रं यमाग्रजम।

छायामार्तंड संभत
ू ं तं नमामि शनैश्चरम॥
ॐ शनैश्वराय नमः॥
ू पत्र
ु ो दीर्घ दे हो विशालाक्षः शिवप्रियः।
मन्दचारः प्रसन्नात्मा पीडां हरतु मे शनिः॥
कोणस्थ पिंगलो ब्रभू कृष्णो रौद्रो दं तको यमः।
सौरिः शनैश्वरो मन्दः पिप्पालोद्तः संस्तुतः॥
एतानि दशनामानी प्रातः रुत्थाय य पठे तः।
शनैश्वर कृता पिडा न कदाचित भविष्यती॥
Pronouncible Chant:

Om Neelaanjanam Sambhasam Raviputram Yamagrajam|

Chayaamartand Sambhootam Tam Namaami Shanaischaram|| (Repeat Twice)
Om Shanaischaraay Namah|| (Repeat Twice)
Surya Putro Dheergh Deho Vishaalaakshah Shivapriyaah|
Mandacharah Prasannaatma Peedam Haratu Mein Shanih|| (Repeat Twice)
KoNasth Pingalo Prabhoo KrushiNo Roudro Dantako Yamah|
Sauriah Shanaischaro Mandah Pippaalodatah Samstutah|| (Repeat Twice)
Aetaani Dashanaamaanee Pratah Ruthaay Ya Patethah|
Shanaischar Krutaa Peeda Na Kadaachit Bhavishyati|| (Repeat Twice)

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Caution: Help poors, donate to the needy. Maintain discipline- alcohol, nonveg etc, strictly

3. Hanuman Chalisa with following mantra – every day, Tuesday is a must.

Om Han, Hanumatey Namah – 9 times.

4. Feed Poor Bhahiman, perform Havan on Somvati Amavasya or Budh Amavasya

Days: 11th March, 8th July, 02nd Dec 2013

Above days are perfect to alleviate the pitra dosha. Visit Peepal tree, offer one janeu to
Peepal and 2nd to Lord Vishnu. 108 Parikrama with sweets made of milk and Pray to lord
Vishnu and apology for appeasing ancestors and bless you all all in the family for well being.

5. Offer Prayers for Ancestors on 8th day of Krishna Paksha as under:

04 March (Monday) Kalashtami , 03 April (Wednesday) Kalashtami
02 May (Thursday) Kalashtami, 31 May (Friday) Kalashtami
30 June (Sunday) Kalashtami, 29 July (Monday) Kalashtami

6. According to Vedas, four specific karmas done for the benefit of Pitras or ancestors are called
Shradh or Shraadh karmas and these 4 specific karmas are called Havan, Pind Daan, Tarpan
or Tarpana and Bramin Bhojan commonly called as Brahma Bhoj. 

Alternatively, Offer pind daan of Rice + Ghee to crows and fishes on days mentioned above

on point no 4 and 5 and once in a week

7. Offer Almonds in the temple and bring half of them back home and keep in your pooja room.
This can be done anyday – preferably on Tuesday.

Kundli Research & Excellence Center:

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BD Pandey,Jyotishacharya
12- J, Nimbuwala
Garhi Cantt
Dehradun, UK,INDIA
M- 9897499999 @- [email protected]

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