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science of medicine

The Potential of Quantum Computing and

Machine Learning to Advance Clinical Research
and Change the Practice of Medicine
by Dmitry Solenov, PhD, Jay Brieler, MD & Jeffrey F. Scherrer, PhD

We may be at the Introduction site. Due to her histor y and after

dawn of a revolution We may be at the advent confirmation by the radiologist,
in computing. At of a revolution in computer Ms. Jones is scheduled for high
this time we can only applications in clinical care and precision radiation treatment
point to experiments medical research. Quantum the following week. A quantum
and speculate how computing can exponentially computer is used to direct a
quantum computing
advance computational power radiation beam that destroys the
could improve imaging,
and promises to usher in a new cancer cells with extreme precision
diagnosis, treatment, and
population health. epoch in computing technology. and spares all surrounding
Quantum computing compared to tissue. This rapid detection of
current computing could be what a tiny cluster of cancer cells and
the first personal computer was to their destruction is one of many
Charles Babbage’s 1833 primitive potential advances in medicine
computer the ‘difference engine”. that could occur pending the
realization of quantum computing.
A Patient Encounter in the Many people are familiar with
Age of Quantum Computing IBM’s Watson computer which
Ms. Jones is at her annual famously beat past Jeapordy!
follow-up for long term cancer champions in 2011, or Google’s
screening. She had tissue sparing AlphaZero machine learning chess
breast cancer surger y 20 years ago algorithm that soundly defeated
and has since been cancer free. the best brute force computer
Today she goes to the high speed chess champion in 2017. In 2018,
imaging center and meets with her IBM Watson Health now promises
physician, Dr. Doe, 20 minutes to provide more efficient patient
after the scan. Dr. Doe brings care, population health, improved
up results of her imaging on the quality and earlier diagnoses, such
electronic health record. Ms. Jones as finding cancer at an early stage. 1
Dmitry Solenov, PhD, (above), is in the
is calm as all her medical records These ser vices are possible because
Department of Physics, Saint Louis are secured with unbreakable Watson has been fed the American
University, St. Louis, Missouri. Jay Brieler,
MD, and Jeffrey F. Scherrer, PhD, are in
quantum encr yption. The quantum College of Physician Medical
the Department of Family and Community imaging software identified a Knowledge Self-Assessment study
Medicine, Saint Louis University School of
Medicine, St. Louis, Missouri.
1/10 th mm square cluster of cancer guide and the Merk Manual of
Contact: [email protected] cells near her original surger y Diagnosis and Therapy. 2 The

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science oF Medicine

computational power to Figure 1. an iBM Quantum computer Recently, miniaturization

generate diagnoses in of transistors, detectors,
real time or to increase and, at the same time,
the precision of imaging access to extremely low
to detect early stages of temperatures (such as
cancer may soon push -273C) have opened the
beyond the limits of the possibility to operate,
standard binar y 0/1 system obser ve, and, most
available to Watson. Private importantly, isolate
industr y (Google, IBM, individual particles with
etc.) and government their inherently quantum
agencies are already properties. These properties
investing into quantum are one reason the desktop
computing and artificial or laptop computers we use
intelligence systems to make have little resemblance to
this happen. Thus, IBM quantum computers (see
may be one of the first to Figure 1). Even though
impact health care through theoretically established
quantum computing or for over 100 years, these
artificial intelligence. properties have only
recently been obser ved and
What is Quantum verified over a wide range
Computing and Why of particles and systems.
is it Different than While being nonsense in our
Our Current Computer daily experience, quantum
Technology? mechanics has already
Quantum computing led to dramatic advances
is a revolutionar y concept in a few specific areas in
in digital data processing medicine (e.g., MRI, laser
based on the fundamental surger y) with potential
principles by which to revolutionize medical
nature operates, i.e. research and clinical care. 3
quantum mechanics. With Because modern computers
advancements in physics in the early 20th centur y, have largely saturated computational power and no
methods of obser vation and purity of materials longer grow exponentially as occurred in the last
reached the level at which some quantum phenomena centur y, quantum computing, if realized, is the most
became detectable. The best example of this is a promising technology for major advancements in
regular transistor present in ever y modern computer processes currently beyond the reach of existing
or device. It operates by directing large clouds computing power. 4
of carriers of electrical current using engineered All currently known and beneficial quantum
materials and quantum-based principles (band algorithms that can run on quantum computers are
structure, localized states, etc.). They produce based on the ability of the quantum system, upon
behavior unusual for naturally found materials – an certain rearrangement, to behave in unison. The
ability to precisely control current with current, or system of many (quantum) particles, each holding a
current via light, or light via current. bit of information, behave as one – a property based

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on so-called quantum based on superconducting

entanglement. For this technology and can
reason, large chunks of contain up to about 100
data can be processed at qubits. Some quantum
once, operating essentially computational devices
on only a few particles, have even been made
that is, in a massively publically available for
parallel manner. This will the research community
allow tasks that would
5-7 to test and investigate
require centuries of small quantum codes via
computing on a standard web interfaces (e.g., IBM
computer to require only a Q). All currently available
few minutes on a quantum quantum computational
computer. devices, however, are
A key challenge for far from a functioning
quantum computers is quantum computer as they
to provide and maintain are not yet able to run
isolation of individual large codes or work with
quantum particles (qubits, ‘big data’.
illustrated in Figure 2) Figure 2. A computational quantum particle – qubit – represented as An important
involved in computation. a unit (Bloch) sphere. Unlike regular bit that takes values of 0 or 1, a exception is one area of
qubit can take any values on a sphere, as represented by two angles.
Extreme and stable cooling The poles correspond to classical 0/1 bit values. quantum computing -
is required to make wire quantum cr yptography. 13
circuits (or circuits made of other materials) behave With significant government investments (NSA,
in a quantum fashion. Cooling superconducting DOD, DOE), quantum cr yptography is being already
systems to about a 10 thousands of a degree above used to secure communications. 14-16 Standard
absolute zero creates the needed degree of isolation 8 encr yption methods rely on a keycode for the user
to form computational quantum particles (qubits). to access encr ypted data. However, the key must be
Operated by electrical signal from a classical shared and can be decoded by unauthorized persons
computer, these systems must be maintained at these seeking to ‘hack’ a system. With quantum computing,
extreme low temperatures by a large refrigeration the key and the data can be secured indefinitely with
apparatus involving a rare helium-3 isotope. In these guaranteed unbreakable encr yption. Such strong
security is possible because quantum encr yption
extreme conditions, quantum particles (qubits)
relies on the laws of nature (quantum mechanics)
remain sufficiently isolated, or coherent, for about
to furnish it. Thus, cr yptography is expected to be
0.1 ms – a 10 thousands of a second. 9 Some other
the first application of quantum computing to enter
systems based on natural and artificial atoms rather medical practice to secure medical records and
than metal wires have also reached similar isolation communication.
and operability. 10,11
At this time quantum computing is an academic If Quantum Computing Becomes Available for
domain with users able to access and run programs Daily Use What Can We Expect to Change in
in the cloud using ‘IBM Q’. Yet larger and Medical Research and Delivery of Care?
larger quantum computing devices have become Big data research and machine learning is likely
commercially available 12 and can perform a small to be one of the fields to advance quickly with the
number of operations on a relatively small number of advent of real world functional quantum computers.
quantum particles (qubits). Most of these systems are Beam and Kohane 17 provide an excellent description

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of machine learning, noting that there is a machine cells without damaging healthy ones. 19 Quantum
learning spectrum which runs from how much a computers would allow rapid and more precise
predictive algorithm is driven by human decisions radiation plans and allow comparisons between all
vs. decisions based on data. A statistical model possible approaches. The end result would be an
requires human decisions about variable definitions ideal radiation dose pointed at the right target and
and their inter-relationships. In machine learning, thus lead to more effective treatment with reduced
there are few assumptions and algorithms are derived side effects. 19,20
by computer programs that evaluate millions of Machine learning and artificial intelligence have
data elements and all their potential directions of been used with traditional computing resources to
effect and interactions. The more an algorithm is interpret CT scans, aid surgical procedures and to
derived from raw data and with less human input, analyze big data to develop predictive models of
the more it fits into machine learning. Machine disease. Gulshan et. al. 21 used machine learning
learning that informs clinical practice in real time and nearly 10,000 retinal images to create an
depends on growing databases containing constantly algorithm that can detect diabetic retinopathy with
updating medical record information and linked to high sensitivity and specificity. The authors note
other sources of data (e.g. wearable technology). To that this is an experimental design with no known
deal with this complexity future machine learning clinical utility. If programs such as the one created
programs will require computational power of by Gulshan and colleagues 21 had the computational
quantum computing to deliver results in real time. power of quantum computing, one could imagine
With more data informing predictive models and running an algorithm in real time to help physicians
quantum computer power, the clinician may be able accurately detect retinopathy, possibly at an earlier
to select a therapy perfectly suited to an individual stage.
patient based on models continuously running Machine learning holds great promise in
and updated to predict treatment response while eliminating most diagnostic errors related to reading
accounting for the numerous patient characteristics imaging. Dilsizian and Siegel 2 describe how artificial
(race, age, gender, comorbidities, co-medications, intelligence can overcome the source of diagnostic
genetic make-up, etc.) which contribute to outcomes. errors in medical imaging. Computers overcome
With the first quantum computing devices human sources of error such as: being stuck on initial
becoming operational in around 2000, Parsons 18 impression, over-reliance on context, drawing quick
speculated that quantum computing applications conclusions based on a previous case and failure to
would generate a new era in medical imaging. It is consider other answers once a conclusion is made.
expected that a quantum MRI machine will generate The volume of material and speed of new
extremely precise imaging allowing visualization research discoveries is over whelming. Even the best
of single molecules. 3 Using artificial intelligence, attempts at providing guideline driven, evidence-
quantum computing can be applied to interpreting based medicine are challenged by the rapid creation
diagnostic images. Not only will image detail be of new evidence. Combining big data with quantum
exponentially improved but the physician can be computing will provide access to the current evidence
aided in interpreting results because efficient machine and enable meaningful use of the electronic data
learning can train a quantum computer to identify continuously generated in the deliver y of care.
abnormal findings with precision better than the Realization of personalized medicine will need to
human eye. 2 draw on analysis of mega-data and bring together
In cancer treatment, quantum computing will measures of physiology, imaging, genomics, wearable
contribute to improved therapies. Computers are technology, screening measures, patient records,
currently used to deal with the thousands of variables environment measures and more. 20
used to develop a radiation plan that targets cancer Quantum computing holds no value to medicine

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