Case Study 2.1&2.2

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Unit 1: Case Study 2.1 & 2.

Leadership & Team Building

Case 2.1

1. Based on the information provided about the trait approaches in

Tables 2.1 and 2.2, if you were Sandra, who would you Select?

Based on the information provided in the case study on the different

candidates and looking at the traits approaches that is listed in Table 2.1

and 2.2, If I was Sandra I would select candidate Thomas Santiago because

Thomas has the greatest potential of being a director. According to Table

2.1, Mr. Santiago case study described that he poses qualities as being

intelligent, responsible, and influenced as Ralph Stodgill has identified.

Thomas is also described as a man who has been consulted by the “upper

management” regarding strategic planning and corporate setting. Thomas

has been with the company for 10 years, so I believe his line up matches

what Ralph ideas for leadership traits that are outlined in Table 2.1. Thomas

upper management trusts his judgment to consult with him on matters such

as strategic planning and corporate directions which speaks volumes.

Thomas aligns with Table 2.2 because it states that he is honest and had a

sense of integrity. Thomas has a sociable trait that is listed on the chart that

proves his case because the employees trusted him and felt that they could

work with him. Thomas must have great interpersonal skills and creates

corporative relationships with his followers to be sociable. He has

determination because of his drive to carry the vision for GLF.

2. In what ways is the trait approach helpful in this type of selection?

The trait approach was helpful because it narrowed down what candidates

have the best characteristics traits from the list. The trait helped establish

and discern who the three individuals were as a person. All three candidates

displayed wonderful leadership traits as being driven, persistence, and

intelligent which are three important qualities to have as a leader. Table 2.2

pointed out that the major leadership traits that were posted by all three

candidates which were integrity, intelligence, self-confidence, and

determination. Those traits are vital in recognizing leadership skills and the

potential in individuals.

The trait was extremely helpful in the selection process. Having the

guidelines within the trait listing was a tool to use when you must go back

and forth on which candidate meets more of the qualifications. Based on the

traits they were true finding leadership abilities which allowed the key

traits to make each candidate unique from one another.

3. In what ways are the weaknesses of the trait approach highlighted in

this case?

The trait approached limited the utility because it offered an endless list of

traits and failed to adequately prioritize the traits. In the case, imagine all

three of the candidates posing several traits listed in Table 2.1 and 2.2. It

was difficult to determine which of the traits was more important in the

given scenario because all the candidates had strong and inclusive traits
from the listing. There was no winner by the traits alone, so, therefore,

choosing the highest success rate from the product research and

development into the markets.

However, the role is rather isolated and may be called for a leader who has

integrity and persistence over the one who has high-level source of

sociability. You must be able to see that sociability may be more important

for the Director of Research position especially if the role requires

collaboration. Overall all the candidates showed significant leadership traits

for the Director of Research.

Case 2.2

1. How would you describe Carol’s leadership traits?

Carol’s leadership traits were put to the test in a way she has never

anticipated. Carol was presented with a horrible realization from her

husband’s death that made her move into the vacancy. That tragedy pushed

her straight into action which was “solid, strong, fair and considerate, cared

deeply, supportive, and a good and quality individual.

Carol leadership traits were in accordance with the traits that were outlined

by Zaccaro, Kemo, and Bader. Carol conscientious interest as in employee,

her openness, emotional intelligence, and her motivation battling cancer

admired her as a leader in their interviews which was outlined by Zaccaro,

Kemp, and Bader. Also, Carol problem-solving skills and abilities were

evident significant growth of the company during her tenure as the


2. How big of a part did Carol’s traits plain in the expansion of the


Carol’s trait played a huge role in the expansion of the company. Her ability

and emotional stability during the rough times showed great leadership in

the eyes of her employees. It could be measured during the interviews of

her employees along with the lack of people quitting during her tenure as

the president.

Carol persistence and strength showed in all her employees which were

presented to the community which helped leapfrog the small company over

the chain retailers. Carol had the strength to push forward all her ideas of

advertising, sales, and service which the correct route for the company was

to take. Carol also had personal ownership to continue to guide the factor

for the company.

3. Would Carol be a leader in other business contexts?

Carol would be a leader in another business context because due to her

degree and her good leadership skills. She has exemplified the leadership

traits which are valuable across the board along with her ability to step into

a business situation and still come out successful. Carol has acquired many

other qualities trait that may have worked in other business contexts.

After time Carol created more and more leadership traits that could have

crossed over too many more business ventures. Her survival mode kicked

which was helpful to her success as a leader. Carol was able to utilize her

sons in the progression of her leadership so that helped her because she

was from a family who ran a business.

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