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Types of Media

We can start our discussion of media by defining and describing different kinds of media that children
are using today.Modern media comes in many different formats, including print media
(books,magazines, newspapers), television, movies,video games, music, cell phones, various kinds of
software, and the Internet. Each type of media involves both content, and also a device or object
through which that content is delivered.The different types of media can be broken down into two
categories: print and broadcast.

Print Media and Broadcast media perform very important functions in today’s world.They both supply
us information, which range from the latest news updates to the latest commodities on the market.
Print media and broadcast media supply us with information that we would otherwise not get access to

1. What is a print media?

The term 'print media' is used to describe the traditional or "old-fashioned" print- based media that
today's parents grew up with, including newspapers, magazines, books, and comics or graphic
novels.Historically, only wealthy publishers had access to sophisticated type-setting technologies
necessary to create printed material, but this has changed in recent years with the widespread
accessibility of desktop publishing software and print-on-demand publication services such as
(LINK). More recently, electronic book readers such as the Amazon Kindle which store hundreds of
books on a single device and which allow readers to directly download books and newspapers have
become popular.

2.What is broadcast media?

A broadcast media on the other hand is a news organization that supplies people with news in a format
that can be heard or viewed. Examples of broadcast media are the radio and television.Broadcast media
is the most expedient means to transmit information immediately to the widest possible audience,
although the Internet currently challenges television as the primary source of news. Most people now
get their daily news through broadcast,rather than printed, media.Integration of the Internet has
increased the pressure on broadcast media groups to deliver high quality information with minimum
cost.Improving operations is moreimportant for these groups now than ever before.

3.What is New Media?

New media most commonly refers to content available on-demand through the Internet , accessible on
any digital device, usually containing interactive user feedbackand creative participation. Common
examples of new media include websites such as online newspapers , blogs, wikis ,video games and
social media . A defining characteristic of new media is dialogue.New Media transmit content through
connection and conversation. It enables people around the world to share, comment on, and discuss a
wide variety of topics.Unlike any of past technologies, New Mediais grounded on an interactive

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