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British Literature

Summer Reading
If you have questions, contact Mr. DeLeon at [email protected]

Summer Reading Permission Slips are required in order to check out a novel. The permission slips
provide information about the summer reading program and the novel. If you would like the alternate choice,
see your current teacher, Mr. DeLeon.

PLEASE NOTE: If a student does not turn in a permission slip by the due date, s/he will
STILL be expected to complete the summer assignment by the first day of school. The
books can be checked out at the local library or purchased in-store or on-line. Any
questions should be addressed to the teacher above.

**This packet is also available on the Linden Community Schools’ website.**

Animal Farm by George Orwell

1. You should read the novel and complete the study guide.
 If you lose this study guide, you can find it on the LHS website.
 Bring a printed, completed study guide on the first day of class. It will be worth 20 points.

2. You will have an essay test and a multiple choice test during the first day of the semester.
 Most of the test questions come directly from the study guide, so be
sure to use it as a review.

3. We will be discussing and working with this novel for the first week of school, so make sure you
read it thoroughly.

**Remember - the reading of the novel and the completion of

the study guide are due the first day of school!**
Animal Farm Worksheet

Chapter 1

1. How is Mr. Jones portrayed in the first chapter?

2. The animals that gather to hear Major’s speech each mirror a single human trait. What trait is revealed in the
following characters?




The cat:


3. What is significant about the pigs and raven?

4. Why has Major called the meeting?

5. What is the political statement that emerges from Major’s dreams?

6. What is Major’s warning to the animals?

7. What are the evil human habits against which Major particularly warns the animals?

8. Of what kind of world does Major dream?

9. Which of the animals learn the song “Beasts of England” quickly?

10. What does the song represent?

Chapter 2
11. What happens to Major? What is the effect of his speech?

12. How do the animals respond to Major’s philosophy of Animalism?

13. The pigs are recognized as the cleverest of the animals.

a. What traits are given to Snowball?

b. What traits are given to Napoleon?

c. What traits are given to Squealer?

14. Why do you think some animals want to believe Moses’ story?

15. How does the rebellion come about?

16. What are the first things the animals do to celebrate their victory?

17. Why does Boxer discard his straw hat?

18. In the morning, the pigs reveal that they have learned to read and write. How is this announcement typical
of their behavior?

19. Where does the milk go?

Chapter 3
20. As the summer passes, the animals are happier than they ever thought they could be. What causes this

21. Only Benjamin does not share the optimism of the other animals. Discuss Benjamin’s view of the farm.

22. What becomes Boxer’s motto?

23. What is the significance of the flag that Snowball designs?

24. How does Napoleon’s attitude toward education differ from Snowball’s?

25. To what extent are the animals educated?

26. Snowball and Napoleon argue about almost every issue that arises. What is the only thing they agree on?

27. What is Squealer’s explanation of why pigs must be given special food? How do the other animals react?

Chapter 4
28. How has the animals’ dependency switched from man to pig?

29. How do the neighboring humans react to the situation on Animal Farm?

30. How does Snowball direct the Battle of Cowshed?

31. Compare Snowball’s and Boxer’s attitudes towards war.

32. What typical organizational steps are taken after the victory in the Battle of the Cowshed?

Chapter 5
33. What happens to Mollie?

34. On what issues do Napoleon and Snowball disagree?

35. How does each try to win in such disputes?

36. Which animal never sided with either faction?

37. How does Snowball try to get the idea of the windmill approved by the other animals?

38. What is Napoleon’s reaction?

39. What is the first right Napoleon takes away from the animals?

40. What is Squealer’s explanation for Napoleon revoking the rights of animals?

41. What happens to Major’s skull in chapter 5?

42. What new motto does Boxer adopt in this chapter?

43. How does Squealer explain Napoleon’s decision to build the windmill after all?
Chapter 6
44. What is the pace of work during Napoleon’s first year of power?

45. Discuss whether the work on Sunday was “voluntary.”

46. What is the quality of life of the animals?

47. Why does it become necessary to trade with humans?

48. What is the attitude of the animals toward Mr. Whymper?

49. What commandments are violated in chapter 6 and how?

50. How does Napoleon react to the destruction of the first windmill?

Chapter 7
51. What is the quality of life for the animals through the winter?

52. How does Napoleon handle this problem?

53. How do the hens react to Napoleon’s orders?

54. What are Snowball’s winter and early spring activities?

55. What is the outcome of Napoleon’s investigation into Snowball’s activities?

56. What action is taken after this discovery?

57. How do the animals respond to the executions?

58. What is the importance of Minimus’s song?

59. What commandments are violated in chapter 7?

Chapter 8
60. How does Squealer distract attention from the changes in the commandments?

61. How do the animals feel about the “facts and figures”?

62. Explain Napoleon’s manipulation of Frederick and Pilkington.

63. How is he double-crossed?

64. What turns the Battle of the Windmill in the animals’ favor?

65. How is the victory celebrated?

66. What new vice do the pigs acquire?

67. What is the animals’ reaction when Squealer falls from a ladder with a bucket of paint?
Chapter 9
68. Has the quality of life improved or deteriorated in the last year?

69. How does Squealer explain unequal rations?

70. What is the significance of the new ruling on ribbons?

71. How are the animals compensated for their hard life?

72. Explain Moses’ return.

73. Explain the irony in “Spontaneous Demonstration.”

74. Discuss Boxer’s view of the future.

75. Who enlightens the animals to Boxer’s demise? How does Squealer calm the unrest over Boxer’s fate?

76. How does Napoleon capitalize on Boxer’s death?

Chapter 10
77. Even though the animals exist in a stupor of work and hunger, they are greatly shocked by a new
development. What is it?

78. What is the interpretation of the word “equal”?

79. What is the animals’ reaction to the tour the pigs conduct for human visitors?

80. What does Pilkington praise the pigs for?

81. What is the significance of the changes in the flag’s design? What other changes are announced?

82. What do the animals see when they look in the farmhouse window?

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