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Leadership Styles Question Bank

Chapter One:
2 marks
1. Write the meaning of Leadership?/ what is leadership?
2. Define leadership?
3. State any 4 significance and essence of leadership?
4. List the classification of leadership?
5. Who is a Managerial Leader? / What are the characteristics of Managerial Leader?
6. Who is a Relational Leader? / What are the characteristics of Relational Leader?
7. Who is a Motivational Leader? / What are the characteristics of Motivational Leader?
8. Who is a Inspirational Leader? / What are the characteristics of Inspirational Leader?
9. Who is a Transformational Leader? / What are the characteristics of Transformational Leader?
10. What differentiates a positive leader from a negative leader?
11. Who is a negative leader? Explain with example
12. Write the advantages of positive leader?
13. List the disadvantages of negative leader?

5 marks
1. What do you mean by leadership explain in detail with meaning, definition and example?
2. Explain in detail significance and essence of leadership?
3. Differentiate between Managerial V/s Relational V/s Motivational Leaders?
4. Why Negative leaders are bad and harm full to organisation elaborate with suitable example?
5. Describe about positive leaders in detail how they are productive?
6. Write the differences between positive V/s negative leaders?

15 marks
1. Explain in detail classification of leadership?
2. Define leadership? and Distinguish between positive and negative leaders in detail?


1. Mention the functions of a leader?
2. State any 5 qualities of leader?
3. Who is a manager?
4. Write any 5 importance of leadership?
5. What do you mean by a formal leader?/leadership
6. Who is a informal leader?/leadership
7. How formal leadership is different than informal leadership?

1. “All Managers are Leaders but All leaders are not Managers ” justify this statement?
2. Explain the Nature/characteristics of leadership?
3. Differentiate between Manager and leader?
4. Describe the functions of leadership?
5. Elaborate the qualities of leadership?
6. Explain the importance of leadership?
15 marks
1. Who is a leader? Explain in detail about the qualities of leader?
2. ‘Leadership’ V/s ‘Managership’ in the organisation which one is most effective to follow explain
in detail with a suitable example?

3. Explain the functions of a leader?

Why do we need to study about the functions of a leader? Justify the question with appropriate
example needed.

4. Why “leadership is so Important in the organisation”? Give brief explanation to this statement,
what are your views ?

5. Describe in detail about the qualities of leader?

“A set of good qualities makes a better leader”? Do you agree to the statement, then justify in detail
with suitable examples needed?

6. Write a short notes on

A. formal and informal leadership?
B. Nature of leadership?
C. All managers are leaders but all leaders are not managers?


1. State the patterns/styles of leadership?
2. What do you mean by Autocratic/Authoritarian/directive leadership?
3. Who is a consultative/Participative/democratic/group-centred leader?
4. Write about laissez-faire/ free-rein leadership?
5. Who is a bureaucratic/ rules centred leader?
6. What do you mean by manipulative leadership?
7. State 3 types of autocratic leadership’s?

1. Explain about Autocratic leadership in detail?
2. Describe in detail about democratic leadership?
3. Write a brief note on laissez-faire leadership?
4. Elaborate the bureaucratic leadership style in detail?
5. Explain what is manipulative leadership?

15 marks
1. Differentiate between autocratic and democratic leader in detail?
2. Write the differences between autocratic V/s laissez-faire leadership with suitable examples?
3. How different is autocratic leadership than bureaucratic leadership style, shed some light on this
topic with examples?
4. Among who of these two leadership styles i.e., Laissez-faire and democratic leadership which
style do you think is best, justify with your views/ideas and examples?
5. Among all the 5 leadership styles, which style do you think is more effective, and which style
would you prefer to use it in your organisation? Explain why?

Write Short notes on-

A. Why autocratic leaders are more dominant in the corporate world?
B. What are the out comes of Bureaucratic leadership style?
C. When/how laissez-faire leadership style effective to use in organisation?
D. Why do most of the great leaders follow Democratic leadership style?
E. When is a manipulative leadership style best used?

Chapter 4:


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