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(AE Reg 600-8-3)

Agency Date

1. MAIL SECURITY. The U.S. Postal Service and the Military Postal System must preserve and protect the security of all mail in its custody from
unauthorized opening, inspection, reading of contents or covers, tampering, delay, or other unauthorized acts. Postal employees committing or
allowing any of these unauthorized acts are subject to administrative discipline or criminal prosecution leading to a fine, imprisonment, or both. An
employee having a question about proper mail security procedures not clearly and specifically answered by postal regulations or by written direction
of the Department of Defense, the Postal Inspection Service, or the Law Department, will resolve the question by protecting the mail in all respects
and moving it or letting it move without interruption to its destination (Domestic Mail Manual, chap 1, para 115, and DOD 4525.6-M, Vol I, chap 9).


a. Tampering with or depredation against mail matter are offenses against the United States and are punishable by law. Mail is considered to be
in the possession of the U.S. Postal Service or Military Postal Service from the time it is deposited in an authorized civilian or military post office or
authorized mail depository or given to an authorized unit mailclerk for posting until it is delivered to the addressee or an authorized representative.

b. Military postal personnel and unit mailclerks will not break or permit to be broken the seal of first class matter while it is in military postal
channels. Second, third, or fourth class mail believed to contain unmailable matter may be opened by Army post office (APO) postal officers in the
presence of a witness (DOD 4525.6-M, Vol I, chap 9, sec 908).

3. SAFEGUARDING MAIL. Military postal clerks and unit mailclerks may be held responsible for loss brought about by their failure to safeguard mail
entrusted to their care. When mailclerks are absent from unit mailrooms, receptacles for registered and certified mail and entrance to the unit
mailroom will be locked. Mail in the custody of unit mailclerks will not be subject to delay, interception, or search. Mail will be delivered only to the
addressee, an agent designated by the addressee in writing, or to the servicing post office or APO for outgoing mail (DOD 4525.6-M, Vol II, chap 3,
sec 309).


a. Obstruction of Correspondence and Theft or Receipt of Stolen Mail Matter. Whoever steals, takes, or obtains by fraud, any letter, postal
card, package, or bag from an authorized mail depository; opens or destroys such mail; or removes from such mail or anything contained therein is
subject to a fine of not more than $2,000 or imprisonment for not more than 5 years, or both. Any person buying, receiving, concealing, or unlawfully
possessing mail matter or contents thereof, knowing same to have been stolen, also will be subject to a fine or imprisonment (18 USC 1461).

b. Mailing Obscene or Indecent Matter. Whoever deposits in a post office or authorized mail depository any letter, package, or other mail matter
containing obscene or indecent pictures, writings, or publications is subject to a fine of not more than $5,000 or imprisonment for not more than 5
years, or both (18 USC 1461).

c. Removal of Postage Stamps From Mail. Whoever unlawfully or willfully removes from mail matter any stamp attached thereto is subject to a
fine of not more than $500 or imprisonment for not more than 1 year, or both (18 USC 1720).

d. Injury of Mail Bags or Other Equipment. Whoever tears, cuts, or otherwise injures any mailbags or other piece of equipment used or
designated for use in the conveyance of the mail, or draws or breaks any staple or loosens any part of any lock, chain, or strap attached thereto with
the intent to rob or steal such mail or to render the same insecure is subject to a fine of not more than $1,000 or imprisonment for not more than 3
years, or both (18 USC 1706).

5. PUNISHMENT OF ACCESSORIES AFTER THE FACT. Whoever, knowing that an offense against the United States (U.S. Postal Service and
Military Postal Service inclusive) has been committed, receives, relieves, comforts, or assists the offender to hinder or prevent his or her
apprehension, trial, or punishment is an accessory after the fact. Except as otherwise expressly provided by an act of Congress, an accessory after
the fact is subject to not more than one-half the maximum sentence prescribed for the punishment of the principal. If the principal is punishable by
death, the accessory will be imprisoned for not more than 20 years (18 USC, Suppl V3).

I, , have read, had explained to me, and understand paragraphs 1 through 5.


Commander's signature Date Postal/mail clerks's signature Date

On the dates indicated, I have reread, had explained to me, and understand paragraphs 1 through 5.


AE FORM 600-8-3D, JUN 05 This edition replaces AE Form 600-8-3D-R, dtd Oct 95, which is obsolete.

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