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Name: A.M.M.Shazeen
Student Number: CL/HNDBM/72/56
Assignment Cover Sheet

Qualification Module Number and Title

HND in Business Management BHNC4202: Fundamentals of Marketing

Student Name & No. Assessor

CL/HNDBM/72/56 Inoka Gunarathne

Hand out date Submission Date

Assessment type Duration/Length of Weighting of Assessment

Assessment Type
Presentation 20 Minutes - Group 50%

Coursework Report (3000 words) 50%

Learner declaration

I, ………………………………………….certify that the work submitted for this assignment is

my own and research sources are fully acknowledged.

Marks Awarded

First assessor

IV marks

Agreed grade

Signature of the assessor Date:



Module : BHNC4202: Fundamentals of Marketing

Student :

Assessor :

Assignment :

Strong features of your work:

Areas for improvement:

Marks Awarded:


In performing my assignment, it is a success I had to take help and guidance from some
respected persons. First, I’m grateful to my lord. who gives me sound mind and sound health
to accomplish my assignment. And my special thanks to Mrs. Inoka Gunarathne, the lecture
of “Fundamentals of Marketing” of international college of business and technology for
making the subject interesting and giving a great support to make this report successfully.
Also, I would like to thank my mom and my brother for gave me the valuable opportunity of
building up my future.
Further thanks to my colleagues who have been sharing knowledge and helping each other to
clear any doubts.

Executive summary

Maliban is Sri Lanka's pioneer biscuit maker. 60 years ago, the magnificent founder of the
industry, Gamage Hinnapaphuma, considered Maliban Biscuit Management (Pvt) Ltd. as one
of the most trusted and respected brands in Sri Lanka.
Maliban sells more than 100,000 outlets in Sri Lanka and offers crackers, cookies and wafers.
Throughout the five continents, over 35 countries expand our global distribution. Every
modern mall manufactures 25 million biscuits every month. Maliban is a Certified Certified
company with ISO 9001, ISO 14001, ISO 22000 and OHSAS 18001. Sri Lanka's renowned
National Quality Award has been won at various times.
Maliban is a privately owned limited liability company. Maliban team consists of 1,250
employees. The company is managed by a team of professionals. The Board of Directors
consists of family members of the second and third generations. Present Chairman AGR. Mr.
Samaraweera has made Maliban a household in Sri Lanka for the past four decades. (Anon.,
This report discuss about marketing environment of maliban company, the nature of
consumer behavior about the products, how they developed the STP strategy and how
maliban developed marketing mix strategy to achieve the potential market.

Table of Contents
Maliban ...................................................................................................................................... 1

Acknowledgment ....................................................................................................................... 4
Executive summary.................................................................................................................... 5
Introduction ................................................................................................................................ 7
Marketing environment .............................................................................................................. 8
Internal environment: ............................................................................................................. 8
Micro environment: ............................................................................................................... 8
Macro environment: ............................................................................................................... 8
Pest analysis: .......................................................................................................................... 9
Marketing environment of Maliban biscuit company .............................................................. 10
Pest Analysis in Maliban company ...................................................................................... 10
Buyer behavior in organization................................................................................................ 11
Model of Buyer Behavior .................................................................................................... 11
Buying decision process ...................................................................................................... 11
Buyer characteristics ............................................................................................................ 11
Culture: ................................................................................................................................ 11
Social: .................................................................................................................................. 11
Personal: ............................................................................................................................... 12
Psychological: ...................................................................................................................... 12
TYPES OF BUYING DECISION BEHAVIOUR .............................................................. 12
Maliban company buyer’s behavior......................................................................................... 12
Market Segmentation, Targeting & Positioning in organization ............................................. 14
Market segmentation ............................................................................................................ 14
DEMOGROPHIC SEGMENTATION ................................................................................ 14
Positioning ........................................................................................................................... 15
organization has developed marketing mix strategy to achieve the potential market ............. 15
Pricing .................................................................................................................................. 15
Internal factors ..................................................................................................................... 15
Distribution .......................................................................................................................... 16
Promotion............................................................................................................................. 16
Conclusion ............................................................................................................................... 17
References ................................................................................................................................ 18


This report discusses about the impact of marketing environment in maliban. The Maliban
started its journey in the early 20th century. A young man from southern Sri Lanka came
across the whale grasslands and came to Colombo. Angunagaha Gamage Hinyapuhamy
started his simple teas in the first cross street of the Colombo University. The youth
succeeded, and Maliban opened its own Maliban Hotel in Pettah in 1935. His brothers, AG,
are now working on a rapidly growing business management. Wickramapala and G. G. With
the success of the hotel, he started his commercial bakery for "Sinnagamaham" and expanded
his business. Consumers have increased demand for high quality and flavors. Going too far in
demand. The decision was taken to establish a mechanical manufacturing process and in
August 1954 the country's first mechanical biscuit production center was established. Over
the next few years, Maliban Biscuit has enjoyed unparalleled delicacies and confectionery

Older photograph Maliban Biscuit became a very popular product and a trusted brand. In the
1960's, with the continuous growth of the movement, the site moved to a sprawling web site,
located in Colombo to the south, in Ratmalana. Modern state-of-the-art manufacturing
processes are being built in a new factory, while maintaining stable product quality and food
security at a high level. The factory has been expanded and updated over many years
covering the state of modern technology. Today it was also recognized as the Best Biscuit
Manufactured in Asia. Biscuit exports were begun in mid-May by Maleban. Over the years,
Maliban Biscuits have been recognized as quality products in many countries. Maliban
competed with international brands from the late 80s. Over the past six decades, founder's
principle has flourished over the Maliban flag over the Maliban products that offer the
ultimate in quality and flavor for customers. (Anon., n.d.)

Marketing environment

The marketing environment is surrounded by businesses and has internal factors affecting
marketing activities (employees, customers, shareholders, retailers and distributors) and
external factors (political, legal, social, technical, economic). (Anon., n.d.)
Some factors cannot be controlled, and those changes require business operations. It has to be
well aware of its operational environment to avoid negative impacts on the environment
factors on the market activities of the company.
The marketing environment can be broadly divided into three parts:
• Internal environment
• Micro environment
• Macro environment

Internal environment:

The internal marketing environment affects all factors in the organization and the overall
business operations. These factors include labor, inventory, company policy, budgets, and
capital assets. It is part of that organization's influence on the marketing decision and the
relationship with its customers. These factors can be controlled by the company.

Micro environment:

A micro marketing environment that influences the performance and performance of the
business. Microeconomic factors include customers, employees, suppliers, retailers and
distributors, stakeholders, competitors, the public. These factors can be controlled in some

Macro environment:

The company alone is not alone. It is surrounded and operated in a large context. This context
is known as the Macro environment. It consists of all kinds of forces that threaten the
company. The Macro environment consists of six different forces. These include:
demographics, economic, political, environmental, social, cultural and technical forces. This
can be easily remembered: the DESTEP model in the form of a dept. model helps to consider
various factors in the macro environment.

Pest analysis:

Your business environment can create a great opportunity for your organization and poses a
significant threat. PEST analysis is a simple and common tool that helps you analyze.

➢ Political: In doing so, business rules and regulations are evaluated to influence
business environments and markets. Key issues in this section are Political Stability,
Tax Regulations, Trade Regulations, Security Regulations and Work Laws.

➢ Economic: This factor tests the economic issues that are affecting the business. This
includes factors such as inflation, interest rates, economic growth, unemployment
rates and policies, and factors such as the business cycle in the country.

➢ Social & cultural: With the social factor, a business can analyze the socio-economic
environment of the market through features such as population demographics, cultural
barriers, lifestyle attitudes and education. These can help to understand how they are
being driven to the market to shape and buy their needs.

➢ Technological: It assesses whether a product or service is technology-positive or

influential. These include factors such as technological improvements, life cycle of
technology, role of the Internet and technology research.

Marketing environment of Maliban biscuit company

Maliban Biscuit Manufacturers is Sri Lanka's most renowned and trustworthy biscuit
manufacturer, APQO, the world's most renowned global ranking award winner of the Global
Performance Award (GPEA). At the 22nd APQO International Conference in Rochester,
New Zealand. GPPE is a much-anticipated prize. Maliban has been ranked as an
internationally recognized company and has surpassed other multinational corporations.
Pest Analysis in Maliban company

o Political and Legal environment: Maintaining health activities to discourage people to

eat high-fat foods. The population of the population's population is being considered.
legal Standard Weights and Measurement Act (1795); MRTP (1969), Ceylon
Standards Bureau Sri Lanka Standards Institute, No. 38 of 1980 (Sri Lanka Standards
Institution), Foods Manufacturers Act No. 26 of 1980. Consumer protection,
regulatory bodies and NGOs also have a bearing on this.

o Social and culture environment: For the Muslim people who would like to use the
products made from Halal are the Halal certification, Career Selections.

o Economic environment: It is the average economy; Four stages / prosperity,

Depression, healing; Purchasing power, including financial sources, such as income,
wealth, they are willing to spend. If there is a massive economic recession in the
market, consumers switch to cheaper options and expensive biscuits.

o Technological environment: It includes the R & D performance, the technical

differences rate, the technique followed by the computer

Buyer behavior in organization

How individuals, groups and organizations select, buy, use, and dispose of goods, services,
ideas or experiences to satisfy their needs and desires.
Model of Buyer Behavior

▪ Buying decision process

▪ Buyer characteristics

Buying decision process

1. Need recognition
2. Identification of alternatives
3. Evaluation of alternatives
4. Buying decision
5. Post purchase evaluation

Buyer characteristics

1. Culture
2. Social
3. Personal
4. Psychological

Culture is the mind-boggling software. In other words, the group's basic values, emotions,
and behavior are the differences that distinguished one from one group. These values and
behaviors have been learned by a member of society from families and others. Under one
circumstance, they are manipulated by a person. Therefore, the focus of the person's needs
and behavior is culture.
When raised in society, the child learns the basic values, emotions, and behavior in the family
context and social context. This can be a victory and a success in one society, another hard
worker and a collectivity of a third class. Cultural features of different countries can be
assessed based on Hofstede cultural aspects.
Every society has a culture, and cultural influences can be very different between the groups.
Therefore, marketers need to set up these changes to prevent cultural errors.
▪ Reference
▪ Social Classes
▪ Roles and Status

▪ Age and lifecycle stage
▪ Economic situation
▪ Occupation
▪ Lifestyle
▪ Personality


▪ Motivation
▪ Learning
▪ Perception
▪ Beliefs and Attitudes


Maliban company buyer’s behavior

The favorite consumer product is cream cracker. This product is most famous all over the
world. Maliban Smart Cream Cracker has been continuously engaging with the customers at
the SLIM-Nielsen Peoples Awards which was held at Waters Edge at the SLIM-Nielsen
People Awards last year.
"Maliban Smart Cream Cracker was difficult for us to develop this idea. In the trial, we
wanted to have a strong sense of appreciation within the target audience, and our approach is

to look beyond the conventions beyond compromise. It is Subhash Pinno, CEO of
Maliban Biscuits Managing Director Kasun Thotagamuwa said, "Since the competitiveness
of the specially crafted Biscuits is not only competitive in the growing market segment, it
also has a good effect of communicating with the hearts of Sri Lankans."
A commercial ad that can be voted for by the public as a popular ad for one year is the fact
that TSWS Lanka is portrayed and recognized with our people. With the Maliban Smart
Cream Crackers, they're really proud of the comforts of winning their hearts and sharing
hearts, "said Renuka Marshal, Managing Director of TABW Sri Lanka.

Market Segmentation, Targeting & Positioning in organization

Market segmentation

Divide goods into different markets by different types of merchandise, services, or marketing
mixes that require a variety of requirements, characteristics, and behaviors.
Making a major task that can find variables or variables to convertible into partitions. There
are two types of classification.

• Needs
• Profilers

The key criteria for reserving a market is the customer's needs. Market research is required to
identify customers' needs. Profilers: Detailed, measurable customer characteristics (such as
location, age, nationality, gender, and income) that can be used to help group exercise

All marketing department is extremely important because data is easily accessible. Affects the
purchasing pattern. Age, income, gender, ethnic background and all-natural living patterns in
the family are the main factors in population fluctuation. Income level may be a garden tent
center - an annual income of $ 50,000 or an up-park ticket is very attractive. The amusement
park is not a sex-and-certain product, and the whole plan and society are not affected.
A target market is a marketplace for which the company markets its products and services. It
is targeted at consumers who are marketing their marketing efforts. Identifying the target
market is essential for the growth of a marketing plan. A targeted marketplace geographically,
through earnings, demographics and psychological behavior. These maliban provide more
customers with more satisfaction. Why are they presenting? The new customer needs to enjoy
the product. Some people do not know anything about this company, and they consider the new

When branding is described, its brand differs from its competitors when analyzing separate
markets. These changes can be real, but they have no positive traits about them. However,
they will try to 'place' in the marketplace. For example, Beer Boss Alaskan may be positioned
as a beer, but this cannot be more motivating to the customer. Hypothesis values as well as
local ones. It starts verbally by "customer" submission
The placement form allows you to decide who you are, who you are, who you are, who you
are, explaining, and endorsing.
The maliban Condition Statement should be considerably key criteria.
Identifying the target customer or piece effectively, the situation is clear and explainable.
• Your statement (and the related benefit) will make it chunky by concise, noteworthy and
powerful and credible evidence.
• The various statements are concise, unusual, acceptable and manageable, reflecting the
characteristics and surroundings of the target customer.
• It is a "little test" (that is, it may be explained in the language).

organization has developed marketing mix strategy to achieve the

potential market

Maliban basic skills, when needed and promptly eating consumers' money at cheaper rates.
Maliban competitive advantage is to focus on the concept of biscuit and snakes across the
food world. Maliban worldwide recognition of the brand is one of Maliban competitive
advantages. Maliban competitive advantage is to identify the brand name. Maliban brand is
well known in many markets both nationally and internationally. A pretty record from the
business intelligence section is that the top corporations are known as Maliban and Manche.
We go through factors that influence the way prices are set by the market. The final price
factors for a trusted product affect many factors, and they are reasonably categorized into two
main categories, internal factors, and external factors, and both are discussed in this article. In
addition to discussing factors that affect international sales channels, including goods and
services, they can be exchanged for their foreign customers. Manufacturers and consumers
must be found either in the manufacturer or in the customer's country of the two countries.
Finally, it will discuss paper-based advertising and domestic advertising in an international
Internal factors
When pricing is priced, marketing factors must be reviewed and the arrival choices and
actions will be described. Often, these factors are controlled by the mixture, and if they are
weak, they can be changed. However, these factors can be controlled by the business, and
sudden change is not always realistic. For example, determining product prices depends on
the productivity of capital and labor facilities. Sellers can more produce and lower the
producer's price. However, the manufacturing plants that take time to grow products require
major changes and will not be able to convert into declining production prices for
considerable periods of time.
maliban market expansion is largely behind the back of in Australia. The distribution of
maliban covers many cities and capitals. However, the low-end (76% in Australia) has
reduced its market expansion by three thirds. In low-cost cities, its market expansion still
stands at a low level. Downturning it globally; maliban focuses on the first and second cities,
and widened the gap between those markets and layers 3 and 5. In summary, various
priorities for the expansion of manche and maliban are accelerated in their different

The Maliban has a number of promotional methods. Often they use a method of offering
them, and they provide a busy pizza and one medium free. When the marketing strategy is in
place, various individuals have been given various responsibilities and can implement the
plan. Systems are designed to respond to market responses that are successfully used for
short-term objectives. maliban will be in a very tightly controlled marketing campaign.
By analyzing detailed information about their customers from a continuous census,maliban
Department of Marketing can determine the information key to determine the correct
marketing mix.
1) What product is fashionable?
2) What price do you pay for?
3) Reading and watching TV shows, newspapers and advertising consumers
4) What eating places do you prefer?

Swot analysis for the Maliban has been carried out, and solutions to failures can be provided.
These qualities can also be used to provide the sponsorship of this organization. Furthermore,
Maliban can utilize its rigid image and make rapid progress in productive design and delivery
of new products. However, the company is confronted with immense dangers of intrusive
hostility and behavior that are driven by significant hardships that affect the business players.
A fitting game-plan is to ensure that these dangers are resolved through a more critical patent,
as regular advancements in maintaining high levels of competitiveness on the high power
rating of Maliban are attempting at higher speeds.

Anon., n.d. [Online]
Available at:
Anon., n.d. maliban biscuit. [Online]
Available at:


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