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Should Students Take Part

In Politics?
by Subha Sarkar

Should students take part in politics? This is a very crucial question that stands posed
before the student community of our country the very word ‘students gapes the scope of
their activities.

A student is one which studies and study he should all and everything. He should keep
himself abreast of all knowledge, of all aspects of national and international problems.

He should know what is happening where and why. Be the American scene, or the
Russian action, or the Pakistan Coup or the World Trade Fair or the Olympics to be held
in Sydney or for that matter anything that happens within the country or without, must
interest young student. He would be really justifying his time and energy in gaining more
and more knowledge from more and more sources. He should know all about politics
too, what politics is, what the political parties within the country are planning and doing.
They have every right to form their own opinion and their impressions, even to discuss
or debate on them in their seminars, symposia or mock-parliaments.

But the moment they think of entering active politics they lose the aim and purpose of
their career and suffer a diversion and a distraction which can mar their objectives.
The aim of education is to give a student adequate knowledge and to equip him
intellectually and morally of face the challenges of life. The game of politics, as in our
country or for that matter in any country has its own rough and tumble.

Ethical and moral considerations take a backseat in this game and the personality of a
man at all moments remains charged with manipulative motives and dubious designs.
There is a constant craze for grabbing power by whatever means possible — foul or fair.
Students have not entered the portals of a University or a College to play such a game.
This is the time for them to learn as much as they can and raise their intellectual level.
Political activity would blunt this desire of theirs and would snatch away from them that
precious time which they have at their disposal.

At least, so far as our country is concerned, political parties are ready to spread out their
nets to catch the youth as they are youthful and energetic. For arranging rallies or even
for enlarging the scope of their influence they can even mate students the tool in
organising strikes and ‘bandhs’ — even agitations and strikes in their institutions.

Students have to guard themselves against being made tools in this manner. This
premature activity on their part can jeopardise the basic object for which they have
come to an educational institution.

Those interested in bringing the student power in active politics can argue that the age
for exercising franchise has been reduced to eighteen years only to give the young to
play their active role.

Let them vote, let them exercise the right vested in them, but let them stay away for
some years more from the lust of power and let them mature themselves to carry the

Even the student unions in educational institutions and their elections are ridden with
politics and the political parties and support candidates to create a base for themselves.

All this is playing with fire, and is the undoing far vibrant generation. Those who are so
maneuvering would realise and understand that these young men and women are also
sons and daughters of some radians are spending their hard earned money to make
their children gain maturity and responsibility. Let them not be misled to waste that
money and that energy that these young men can fruitfully employ in making
themselves ‘students’ in the real sense of the word.

Let these young men and women learn the lessons of discipline, devotion and
dedication with the singleness of purpose — for thereafter the whole span of life lies
before them. Let them become the disciplined leaders of a disciplined nation at the
proper time.

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