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Unit 6

(Bridging the gap)

Part 1: Match


1. Be in a fog a. Be in a dangerous situation

2. Skate on thin ice b. Have hopes that are unlikely to happen
3. Turn the tide c. Make a promise which can’t be kept
4. Promise sb the earth/moon d. Make drastic opposite change in a
5. (build) castles in the air situation
e. Be confused; not really know the facts


1. Flavorsome a. Large flour companies

2. Aura b. Likely to make you healthy
3. Milling monopolies c. Full of taste
4. Dismal d. Full of health substances
5. Wholesome e. Sad
6. Nutritious f. Quality that surrounds sth


1. Petty a. Details, officials, offence

2. Trivial b. Injury, offence, mistake
3. Minor c. Repairs, matter, mistake
4. Trifling d. Error, matter, sum
5. Paltry e. Attempt, salary

Part 2: Fill in each blank with suitable word or phrase


Steal the show A show of hands Put up a good show Give the show away
Get this show on the road Show sb the ropes Show one’s hand/cards All over the show

1. Don’t make a sound or you will _____________________________________.

2. The assistant manager of the shop was responsible for hiring new employees and
3. I enjoyed the dancers, but for me the conjuror _____________________________________.
4. Please indicate by _____________________________________ if you are in favor of Randal’
5. All right, everybody, enough fooling around. Let’s _____________________________________.
6. I know he is planning something but he hasn’t _____________________________________.
7. When I started at this office, there were papers _____________________________________.
8. He was a bit behind at the beginning of the term, but on the whole he has


On the run On course On one’s mind On the edge of one’s seat

I have always though that director Sven Svenborg was on the verge of producing a great film. Well, now I
think he has done it. I was (1) ___________________________________ throughout “Wrong Woman”,
his latest. Mary Kramer, who plays the lead role, is surely (2) _____________________________ for her
first Oscar. This film is about a woman (3) ___________________________________ for a murder she
didn’t commit. She is on the point of being caught when she runs into her ex-husband, whom she hasn’t
been on speaking terms with for years. Her husband hides her and admits since their divorce, she has
always been (4) ___________________________________.

Part 3: Gapped Sentence

1. I agree that all the actors gave a wonderful _____________________.

That car won an award for its safety standards and _____________________.
The bureaucracy there is amazing. What a _____________________ we had just to get a visa!
2. The latest _____________________ of “Othello” in the West End has been given a good review
by the critics.
I am afraid you are only allowed on _____________________ of a valid ticket, sir.
The _____________________ of microchips for computers has increased by 10% so far.
3. Pam has been on _____________________ nine since she got engaged
Everything is fine. There is not a _____________________ on the horizon.
When Joe broke his leg, it cast a _____________________ over the whole holiday.
4. The government id being criticized _____________________ all sides for its educational policy.
Speaking _____________________ Mr Sam’s behalf, I’d like to thank all of you.
Jim has been in the company for years, and is _____________________ first-name terms with
many of board directors.
5. Putting flowers in the room was a nice _____________________ on the part of the hotel.
I am not feeling well today. I think I have got a _____________________ of flu.
At restaurant, they always remember your name and I like that personal ___________________.
6. I would go to Italy like a _____________________ if somebody asked me.
I will have a _____________________ at fixing the radio if you like.
Saying ‘Cuba’ was just a _____________________ in the dark, but it turned out to be the correct
7. Fred wants to get in on the _____________________ now that we have done all the hard work.
It was an amazing _____________________ of bravery, considering how young he is.
The exams are in three weeks so it’s time you got your _____________________ together.
Part 4: Sentence Transformation

1. He is always happy to help you out. (shows)

 He always __________________________________________________________________.
2. I told him to leave when he said that. (door)
 I __________________________________________________________ when he said that.
3. It’s only to look at. You can’t use it, sir. (show)
 It is only __________________________________________________________ for use, sir.
4. Is it necessary to make such a fuss about my being late? (song)
 Do you have to _____________________________________________ about my being late?
5. Starting to behave in a more responsible way should be his first priority. (act)
 Cleaning ____________________________________________________________ priority.
6. I don’t wish to appear more important than you, but I have this to say. (upstage)
 I don’t ______________________________________________________ I have this to say.
7. Billy started the argument and then everyone else joined in. (fired)
 Billy ____________________________________________ and then everyone else joined in.

Part 1:



















Part 2:


1. Give the show away: Give a secret away

2. Showing them the ropes
 Show sb the ropes: show sb how to do something new to them
3. Stole the show
4. A Show of hands
 Raised hands by a group of people in voting
5. Get this show on the road
 Get this show on the road: get something started
6. Show his hand/ cards
 Show one’s hand/cards: reveal one’s intention
7. All over the show
8. Put up a good show
 Put up a good show: do well


1. On the edge of my seat

2. On course
 On course for/ to do sth: likely to achieve sth because you have already had some success;
go in the intended direction
3. On the run
4. On his mind

Part 3:

1. Performance
 Performance: an act that involves a lot of effort or trouble, sometimes when it is not
2. Production
 on production of: when you show something
3. Cloud
 Be on cloud nine: happy
 Not a cloud on the horizon: not a small problem
 Cast a cloud over: partially spoil sth
4. On
 Be on first-name terms: friendly
5. Touch
 Touch of flu: a little amount of flu
 A nice touch: sth that improves/adds to sth
 Personal touch: special, unique skill/style
6. Shot
 Like a shot: immediately
 Have a shot at: try something
7. Act
 Get in on the act: to be/become involved in an activity that somebody else has started,
especially to get something for yourself

Part 4:

1. Always shows willing to help you out

 Show willing: be ready to do sth
2. Showed him the door
3. For show not
 For show: in display
4. Make (such) a song and dance: make trouble, cause fuss about sth
5. Up his act should be his first
 Clean up one’s act: start to behave more responsibly
6. Wish/ want to upstage you but
 Upstage: draw attention away from sb
7. Fires the first shot
 Fire the first shot: start an argument

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