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PRC-0010, Rev.

Process Specification for Automatic and

Machine Arc Welding of Steel and Nickel Alloy
Engineering Directorate

Structural Engineering Division

February 2006

National Aeronautics and

Space Administration

Lyndon B. Johnson Space Center

Houston, Texas

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PRC-0010, Rev. C

Process Specification for Automatic and

Machine Arc Welding of Steel and Nickel Alloy

Prepared by : Signature on file 2/28/06

Daniel J. Rybicki Date
Materials and Processes

Approved by: Signature on file 3/07/06

Bradley S. Files, Date
Materials and Processes

Baseline Original version 6/1/95
Formatting, changed process owner, elimination of
subclasses and types, deleted requirement for WIR,
refers to ASTM specs E1417 and E1742, refers to
A 07/29/99
heat treat PRCs, included and expanded acceptance
criteria, deleted section 8.2 on audits, rewrote
numerous sections for clarification.
Allow for flight and non flight hardware. Numerous
editorial corrections. Include requirements for
B precision cleaned hardware (ref. JPG 5332.1). 02/06/2004
Rewrite definitions for weld classes. To match that of
Correct 2 typographical errors where it was found a
C reference to PRC-0005 and should be PRC-0010. 02/16/2006
Changed reference to SOP-004.5 from EM-004.5.

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This process specification provides the minimum requirements that govern the
automatic and machine arc welding of steel and nickel alloy hardware. Procedural and
quality assurance requirements are given. All Detailed Process Instructions (DPI) and
Weld Procedure Specifications (WPS) used during welding shall satisfy the
requirements of this process specification and its applicable documents.


This specification applies to the automatic and machine arc welding of carbon and alloy
steels, stainless and corrosion resistant steel alloys, and nickel alloy hardware
fabricated under the authority of the NASA/Johnson Space Center (JSC).

This process specification applies to arc welding of carbon and alloy steels, stainless
and corrosion resistant steel alloys, and nickel alloy hardware that is fabricated under
the authority of NASA/Johnson Space Center (JSC) by any of the following types of
welding processes:

a. Gas tungsten arc welding (GTAW).

b. Plasma Arc Welding (PAW).

The term “flight hardware” refers to any hardware used as a part of a spacecraft,
aircraft, or payload. The term “ground based hardware” refers to any hardware made
for facilities (buildings and related accessories), ground support equipment, training and
mockup mission equipment, engineering prototype and development hardware, and test


This process specification shall be invoked by including a note on the applicable

engineering drawing with the following general format which specifies the PRC and
weld class nomenclature:


To minimize fabrication costs by avoiding over-inspection and unnecessary
rework/repair, individual welds, or components on a weldment shall be classified
separate where possible. This can be accomplished by including a note on the
engineering drawing with the general format shown below which specifies only the PRC
nomenclature. The weld class shall then be indicated by either: 1) calling out the
specific weld class with the welding symbol at the individual weld joints or, 2) by using
specific flag notes with the welding symbol at the individual weld joints. Refer to Figure
3.0a and 3.0b below for examples of these methods.



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Welds made using this specification shall be primarily classified in accordance with the
service conditions of the weldment. The "Class" governs the extent to which quality
assurance provisions are applied to the weld joint.

Alternatively, individual welds, welded connections, or entire weldments (for simplicity,

the terms weld, welded connection, and weldment will be used interchangably) may be
classified by relating the weld to the factor of safety used in the design. However, when
classifying welds in this manner, regardless of the factor of safety, adequate
consideration should be given to the severity of the service conditions (e.g., static
loading vs. dynamic loading, cyclic, vibration, fatigue, corrosive, extreme temp, etc.),
material characteristics (e.g., ductility, toughness, etc.), and the potential consequences
of weld failure.

Where conditions exist that make it difficult to choose between 2 weld classes, then the
more stringent of the 2 classes shall be applied.

Quality assurance provisions for all weld classes are detailed in Section 7.0. Weld
classes shall be chosen on the basis of the following definitions:

a. Class A (Flight or non flight) — Applies to welds in critical load bearing

elements that are not fail-safe. Class A welds are typically used in
primary load bearing connections. Failure of a Class A weld in service
would be catastrophic and would result in the loss of life, system(s),
control, or major components. Alternatively, if it is determined from
appropriate engineering analyses that a weld has a Factor of Safety
(FSuts) vs ultimate tensile strength of the calculated minimum weld throat
cross section of 2.0, it shall be designated as a Class A weld.

b. Class B (Flight or non flight) — Applies to welds in load bearing elements

that are fail-safe. Class B welds are typically used in secondary load
bearing (i.e., shared load) connections. Failure of a Class B weld in
service would reduce the overall efficiency of the system, but the loss of
the system(s) or endangerment to personnel would not be expected.
Alternatively, if it is determined from appropriate engineering analyses that
a weld will have a FSuts of 2.0 and 3.5, it may be designated as a
Class B weld.

c. Class C (Flight or non flight) — Applies to welds that are in minor load
bearing elements that are fully contained where failure in service would
have minor or no affect on the efficiency of a system and endangerment
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to personnel would not occur. Class C welds are typically used in

secondary or tertiary load bearing (i.e., shared load) connections.
Alternatively, if it is determined from appropriate engineering analyses that
a weld will have a FSuts of 3.5 and 5.0, it may be designated as a
Class C weld.

In addition to the above definitions, the following requirements shall also apply to weld

If any weld intersects or overlaps another weld of a higher classification,

then the lower classed weld shall be automatically upgraded to the higher
of the 2 weld classes and subjected to the appropriate quality assurance
If any weld falls within ½” of any higher classed weld, then it shall be
automatically upgraded to the higher of the 2 weld classes and subjected
to the appropriate quality assurance provisions.

Work instructions shall be generated for implementing this process specification. The
work instructions shall contain sufficient detail to ensure that the manufacturing process
produces consistent, repeatable products that comply with this specification. At JSC,
these work instructions are approved as Detailed Process Instructions (DPIs) that
describe in a detailed, step-by-step format the required procedures, equipment, and
materials to be used for conducting a given process.

If this manufacturing process is to be performed by an outside vendor, work instruction

development shall be the responsibility of the vendor. The contractor shall ensure that
the work instructions meet the requirements of this process specification.


a. The design of welded joints (including weld sizes) shall utilize adequate
engineering analysis methods (e.g., stress analysis, fracture
mechanics/fracture control, etc.) to ensure that the resultant connection
strength is capable of successfully transferring the maximum load expected
to pass between the interconnecting members and meet the required
factors of safety and design margins.
b. All engineering drawings shall depict welded joints using the applicable
symbols described in AWS A2.4.

c. The engineering drawing shall specify any additional or alternate testing or

inspection requirements. Where spot, intermittent, or other special
inspection requirements are specified that deviate from those stated herein,
it shall be detailed on the drawing as a note or by using the applicable
symbology described in AWS A2.4. For Class A welds, alternate or
reduced NDE requirements shall not be allowed.

d. Class A welds are expected to be welds requiring full strength of the weld
joint therefore, these welds shall be a groove design and full penetration

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wherever possible. The ability to successfully perform radiographic

examination on these weld joints shall be considered during design.

e. Class A welds which will be subjected to unusual or extreme service

conditions (e.g., severe dynamic loading, cyclic, vibration, impact, corrosive,
fatigue, extreme temp, etc.), shall be welded using a WPS qualified in
accordance with AWS B2.1 “Special Test Weldments.” This requirement
shall be noted on the engineering drawing.

f. Unless otherwise specified on the engineering drawing or WPS, welded

hardware will be delivered in the “as welded” condition. If required, any
heat treatment processing required shall be detailed on the engineering
drawing and shall include notation that will reference NASA/JSC PRC-2001
or PRC-2003 as applicable.

g. Intermittent welding (skip welds) shall not be specified for Class A welds.
h. Intermittent welds shall not be specified for groove welds (square or
prepared groove design) unless the unwelded portions of the joint are
adequately supported to prevent one member from coming out of plane with
the adjoining member.


The standards and documents listed below shall be considered a part of this
specification to the extent specified herein. Unless otherwise indicated, the revision
that is in effect on the date of invitation for bids or the date of request for proposals
shall apply.

a. American Society of Nondestructive Testing (ASNT)

SNT-TC-1A Personnel Qualification and Certification in Nondestructive Testing

b. American Welding Society (AWS) Standards

ANSI/AWS A2.4 Standard Symbols for Welding, Brazing and Nondestructive Testing
ANSI/AWS A3.0 Standard Welding Terms and Definitions

ANSI/AWS A5.9 Specification for Bare Stainless Steel Welding Electrodes and Rods

ANSI/AWS A5.12 Specification for Tungsten Arc Welding Electrodes

ANSI/AWS A5.14 Specification for Nickel and Nickel Alloy Bare Welding Electrodes
and Rods

ANSI/AWS A5.18 Specification for Carbon Steel Filler Metals for Gas Shielded Arc

ANSI/AWS A5.28 Specification for Low Alloy Steel Filler Metals for Gas Shielded Arc
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ANSI/AWS B2.1 Standard for Welding Procedure and Performance Qualification

ANSIAWS QC-1 Standard for AWS Certification of Welding Inspectors

c. Compressed Gas Association, Inc.

G-11.1 Argon, Commodity Specification for

d. Military Documents

MIL-A-18455 Argon, Technical

MIL-P-27407 Propellant Pressurizing Agent, Helium

MIL-P-27201 Military Specification, Propellant, Hydrogen

e. NASA/JSC Documents

JPG 5322.1 Contamination Control Requirements Manual

PRC-2001 Process Specification for the Heat Treatment of Steel Alloys

PRC-2003 Process Specification for the Heat Treatment of Nickel Alloys

PRC-6503 Process Specification for Radiographic Inspection

PRC-6504 Process Specification for the Ultrasonic Inspection of Wrought


PRC-6505 Process Specification for Magnetic Particle Inspection

PRC-6506 Process Specification for Liquid Penetrant Inspection

SOP-004.5 Control of Weld Filler Materials, Electrodes, and Fluxing Materials

SOP-007.1 Preparation and Revision of Process Specifications

TI-0000-04 Training For Welders and Welding Operators

f. SAE / AMS Documents

AMS-STD-1595 Qualification of Aircraft, Missile and Aerospace Fusion Welders


All materials (base and filler materials as applicable) used in the welding of hardware
per this specification, shall meet the requirements of an applicable JSC material
specification unless otherwise specified. If a JSC material specification is not available,
then an applicable commercial specification or a manufacturer's specification shall be
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Allowable shielding gases (including purge gases) are listed in Table I. Gases
purchased to alternate specifications shall be allowed provided they meet the minimum
requirements of the specifications listed herein. Mixtures of these gases are allowed
and the nominal mixture used for the qualification welding shall be that used for
production and shall be listed on the WPS. Shielding and purging gas mixtures shall be
subject to the qualification variable requirements listed in AWS B2.1. In addition:

a. Hydrogen gas in any concentration, may not be used for welding any alloys
known to be susceptible to hydrogen related problems (e.g., alloy steels, Q&T
steels, martensitic stainless steels, etc.).

b. Nitrogen shall not be used for shielding or purging in any welding operation
governed under this specification.
c. All gases used for shielding or purging shall have a dewpoint of -40°F (minus
40 °C) or better.


All filler metals shall meet the requirements of the applicable AWS filler metal
specification relative to the specific alloy and process being used. Filler metals shall be
selected from Tables II, III, and IV. If designated in BOLD TYPE, this shall be the first
choice for filler metal. Otherwise, selection shall be based on specific base metal
combinations, service environment, etc.). Tubular sleeve and filler insert materials shall
have compositions similar to those indicated in Tables II, III, and IV. In addition, the
following shall apply:

a) For dissimilar metal welds joining carbon steel to low alloy steel, or between
two different low alloy steels, filler metal with strength levels matching the
lower strength material shall be used. For dissimilar metal joints involving
stainless and corrosion resistant steels, nickel alloys, and/or other materials,
filler metal selection shall be based on that stated herein and approved by the
NASA/JSC M&P organization prior to use.
b) All filler metals shall be used in accordance with a qualified WPS.

c) Filler metal configurations which can not be procured to an AWS or other

applicable filler metal specification shall meet an applicable NASA/JSC or
other industry material specification and shall be approved by the NASA/JSC
M&P organization prior to use.

d) Non consumable tungsten and tungsten alloy electrodes for GTAW and PAW
shall conform to the applicable AWS specification.

e) Filler metals shall be listed on the engineering drawing.

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Table I. Allowable Shielding Gases


Argon Gas MIL-A-18455
Argon Type II, Grade B (Liquefied) CGA G-11.1
Carbon Dioxide Grade B BB-C-101
Helium Type I, Grade A MIL-P-27407
Hydrogen Gas MIL-P-27201
Oxygen Type I BB-O-925

Table II. Approved Filler Metals for Welding Carbon and Low Alloy Steel


A5.1: E60XX, E70XX or A5.28: E70S-2, E70S-3, A5.22: E70T-1,
M-1 A5.5: E70XX-A1 E70S-6 E70T-5
A5.5: A5.28: (b)
M-3 E70XX-A1 ER80S / E80C-D2
A-5.5: A5.28: ER80S,E80C-B2, (b)
M-4 E80XX-B2 ER80S / E80C-B2L
M-5 A5.5: A5.28: ER90S, E80C-B3, (b)
E90XX-B3 ER90S / E90C-B3L
(3% Cr max)
(a) A5.5, E70XX-A1 shall be used for materials with maximum specified carbon greater than
(b) Filler metal to be used for joining must be compositionally compatible with base metal.
Primary consideration shall be given to mechanical properties, corrosion resistance, and
weldability, as applicable for the specific application.

Table III. Approved Filler Metals for Welding Nickel Alloys


(AWS A5.11) (AWS A5.14)
Nickel 200 ENi-1 ERNi-1
Nickel 201
Monel 400 ENiCu-7 ERNiCu-7
Monel K500 -- ERNiCu-7
Inconel 600 ENiCrFe-1, ENiCrFe-3 ERNiCrFe-5, ERNiCr-3
Inconel 601 ENiCrFe-3, ENiCrMo-3 ERNiCr-3, ERNiCrMo-3
Inconel 625 ENiCrMo-3 ERNiCrMo-3
Inconel 718 -- ERNiFeCr-2
Inconel X750
Incoloy 800 ENiCrFe-2, ENiCrCoMo-1 ERNiCr-3, ERNiCrCoMo-1
Incoloy 800HT ENiCrFe-2 ERNiCr-3
Incoloy 825 -- ERNiFeCr-1

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Table IV. Approved Filler Metals for Welding Austenitic Stainless Steel

AWS M-8 321

Base 304 347
Metal: 308 304L 309 310 316 316L 348
301 308 308 308 308 308 308
302 308L 308 308L 308L 308L 308L 308L
304 308L 309 309 316 316
308 309L 309L 316L 316L
304L 308 308L 308 308 308 308L 308L
308L 308L 308L 308L 316L 347
309 309 316 309L
309L 309L 316L
309 309 309 309 309 309
309L 309L 309L 309L 309L
310 316 316 347
316L 316L
310 310 316 316 308
316L 316L 308L
310 310 310
316 316 316 308
316L 316L 308L
316L 309L 309L
316L 316L
321 309L
347 321
348 347

5.2.1 Control and Storage

Welding electrodes shall be stored in a clean, dry, and controlled area that provides
protection from contamination, physical damage, and commingling of alloys. Any form
of electrodes or weld filler metal which is damaged, dirty, exhibits oxidation/corrosion or
has been contaminated with water, oil, grease or any form of hydrocarbons shall not be
used and shall be disposed of in accordance with an appropriate disposal procedure.
For JSC operations, welding electrodes and filler materials shall be controlled in
accordance with SOP-004.5. Outside vendors shall provide control and storage
according to the applicable material specification or manufacturer's recommendation,
whichever is more rigid.


All weldments shall be fabricated according to the requirements of this process

specification. The requirements of the applicable codes and standards listed in Section
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4.0, shall be met as specified by this PRC based on the design and intended function of
the hardware. Certain paragraphs of this process specification are abbreviated re-
statements taken from the applicable standards and are included here for the user’s
convenience. The remaining paragraphs of this process specification represent
requirements imposed in addition to the basic requirements of the applicable codes and

All arc welding shall be performed using Welding Procedure Specifications (WPS) that
have been qualified in accordance with the requirements of Section 6.2. To
accommodate any unique differences due to tooling, fixtures, grounding, etc. in the
weld parameter settings between a test specimen welding condition and a production
component welding condition, a one time adjustment to the heat input specific
parameters shall be allowed with no additional qualification testing required. This
adjustment in setting(s) shall be allowed on the “first production component” only. The
specific changes shall be documented on a revised WPS reflecting the statement “First
Production Component Adjustment” to differentiate from the original WPS.
6.1 WELDING PRECISION CLEANED HARDWARE (including tube preparation
for welding)

Whenever precision-cleaned hardware must be maintained clean during welding into an

assembly, the welding operation shall be performed in a dedicated Class 100,000
Clean Work Area. This may require temporary tents over the weld area and/or local
monitors located in the area of welding to ensure the Class 100,000 environment is
being met. Portable particle counters shall be located as close as possible to the work
area, so as to monitor local contaminants during tube preparation and welding. Tools
used in weld preparation and welding (such as cutter, weld head, files) shall be visibly
cleaned per JPG 5322.1 and maintained clean (e.g. bagged when not in use).

For hardware that cannot be subsequently precision-cleaned, a proven method for

protecting against system contamination during tube preparation and welding shall be
implemented. One such method is the use of a physical barrier, such as plugs. The
installation and removal of plugs shall be tracked by a reliable method and
independently verified. Prior to plug removal, the exposed internal surfaces of the tube
shall be cleaned using a swab wetted with an approved solvent, and positive
backpressure shall be maintained as the plug is removed.

Tube cutters shall use a sharp blade, changed frequently. Cutting shall be performed
with minimal cutter pressure to aid in preventing particle generation. Vacuum shall be
used during tube facing operations to remove particulate. Whenever possible, facing
operations shall be performed away from the weld assembly area, to reduce particulate
contamination of the welding work area. Tube facing shall be performed without the
use of cutting oils, other fluids, lubricants or coolants. Abrasives, including sandpaper
or abrasive pads, shall not be used inside tubes or when unprotected internal surfaces
are exposed. After each tube preparation, and prior to welding, a high-velocity gas
purge shall be performed. The purge gas velocity shall be the maximum attainable
using a 90-psig source. The purge gas used during facing and welding shall meet the
hydrocarbon and particulate requirements for the system under assembly. The purge
gas shall be supplied in accordance with Section 5.1.

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6.2.1 Gas Tungsten Arc Welding

Additional filler metal shall be used with the GTAW process unless it can be
demonstrated by weld qualification that weld cracking and other undesirable
metallurgical conditions will not exist in the finished weld made without filler metal
(autogenous weld). This method of welding shall be specified on an approved WPS.

6.2.2 Plasma Arc Welding

Additional filler metal shall be used with the PAW process unless it can be
demonstrated by weld qualification that weld cracking and other undesirable
metallurgical conditions will not exist in the finished weld made without filler metal
(autogenous weld). This method of welding shall be specified on an approved WPS.


This specification provides specific allowances for components that are fabricated for
pressure containing applications and non pressure containing (i.e., structural only)

6.3.1 Pressure Containing Components

A Welding Procedure Specification (WPS) shall be qualified for each unique weld type
(as detailed in to be produced, before the production welds are made. An
existing qualified WPS for one unique weld type may be used for a different engineering
drawing provided the requirements of are met, and it is demonstrated that the
essential weld variables listed in Table V will be met. Demonstration shall constitute all
the requirements of Section 6.2.3 except that no additional documentation is required
except, when a WPS(s) is written for a specific item(s) of hardware, it shall be
revised/amended to show allowance for use on other than the initial specifically stated
hardware. The actual welding variables, methods, practices, specific tooling
requirements, and test results used during WPS qualification shall be recorded on a
Procedure Qualification Record (PQR). Unique Weld Type

A “Unique Weld Type” includes those weld joint configurations that differ from one
another in any of the following respects:

1. Base material thickness,

2. Base material type (M-number/alloy),
3. Square groove joint vs. bevel, V, or U-groove joints,
4. Groove joint vs. fillet weld,
5. Addition or deletion of filler material,
6. Addition, deletion, or change in the Preheat, Interpass, or Post Weld Heat Treat
(PWHT) requirements.

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PRC-0010, Rev. C Test Requirements

At a minimum, the following are minimum requirements for the qualification of a welding
procedure. This effort shall include the welding of a minimum of 9 weld samples that
represent the weld type specified. Three of these welds shall be made at a “nominal”
heat input setting, 3 shall be made at a “limit low” heat input setting, and 3 shall be
made at a “limit high” heat input setting. All samples shall be visually inspected on the
O.D. and I.D. to Class A criteria and radiographically inspected to Class A criteria. If
the weld procedure includes a PWHT, the radiographic inspection shall, at a minimum,
be performed after the PWHT cycle. Two samples from each group shall be
mechanically tested in tension and the results evaluated to the requirements of AWS
B2.1. One sample from each group shall be sectioned and metallographically
examined and the results evaluated to the requirements of AWS B2.1.
Photomicrographs shall be taken of the prepared samples and retained with the PQR. Essential Variables

The WPS shall specify all of the essential welding variables and the applicable
allowable ranges qualified for each variable, as indicated in Table V. In addition, the
WPS shall detail all methods, practices, specific tooling requirements that are
determined necessary by the operating facility to successfully execute the weld in

Table V - Essential Welding Variables

Variable # Variable / Weld Type Range
1 Power Source Model # None
2 Weld Head Model # None
3 Joint Configuration None
4 Groove Angle +/- 5
5 Nominal Tube Dia. None
6 Nominal Wall Thickness None
7 Material Type(s) None
8 Electrode Start Position +/- 60o
9 Preweld Cleaning Steps None
10 Allowable Joint Gap None
11 Tool or Shop Aid Identification None
12 Preweld Purge Time (1)
13 Postweld Purge Time (1)
14 Tube ID Prepurge Flow Rate or Pressure None
15 Weld Head Prepurge Flow Rate +/- 15%
16 Plasma Gas Flow Rate +/- 10%
17 Gas Composition/Spec. None
18 Electrode Travel Speed & Machine Setting None
19 Arc Travel Start Delay None
20 Total Weld Current On Time None
21 Weld Time @ Level or Circumference Interval None
22 Current Pulse Width (%) None
23 Current Pulse Rate None
24 Filler Material / Spec. None

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Variable # Variable / Weld Type Range

25 Filler Wire Feed Speed +/- 50%
26 Consumable Insert Type and Specification None
27 Tubular Sleeve Spec. None
28 Background Welding Current None
29 Pulse Welding Current None
30 Electrode Type None
31 Electrode Diameter None
32 Electrode Tip Geometry None
33 GTAW Electrode to Work Gap (nom. setting) +/- 10%
34 PAW Electrode Position Setting (nom. setting) +/- 10%
35 PAW Orifice Size None
36 Minimum Preheat Temp. None
37 Maximum Interpass Temp. None
38 PWHT Procedure/Spec. None

6.3.2 Non Pressure Containing Piping and Tubing Components and Structural

A Welding Procedure Specification (WPS) shall be qualified for each unique weld type
(as detailed in to be produced by conforming to the requirements below, before
the production welds are made. An existing qualified WPS for one unique weld type
may be used for a different engineering drawing provided the requirements of
are met, and it is demonstrated that the procedure qualification variables (essential
variables) listed in AWS B2.1 will be met. Demonstration shall constitute all the
requirements of Section 6.2.3 except that no additional documentation is required
except, when a WPS(s) is written for a specific item(s) of hardware, it shall be
revised/amended to show allowance for use on other than the initial specifically stated
hardware. The actual welding variables, methods, practices, specific tooling
requirements, and test results used during WPS qualification shall be recorded on a
Procedure Qualification Record (PQR). Unique Weld Type

A “Unique Weld Type” includes those weld joint configurations that differ from one
another in any of the following respects:

1. Base material thickness,

2. Base material type (M-number/alloy),
3. Square groove joint vs. bevel, V, or U-groove joints,
4. Groove joint vs. fillet weld,
5. Addition or deletion of filler material,
6. Addition, deletion, or change in the Preheat, Interpass, or Post Weld Heat
Treat (PWHT) requirements,
7. Addition or deletion of backing.

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PRC-0010, Rev. C Test Requirements

At a minimum, the welding and testing requirements for non pressure containing tubing
and piping applications, or structural applications shall conform to the requirements of
AWS B2.1. Essential Variables

The WPS shall specify all of the essential welding variables as indicated in AWS B2.1
and the applicable allowable ranges qualified for each variable, as specified in AWS
B2.1. In addition, the WPS shall detail all methods, practices, specific tooling
requirements that are determined necessary by the operating facility to successfully
execute the weld in production.


Requalification of the WPS shall be required when any of the following conditions exist:
a) The weld system has been placed on a different external power source except
when the power supply has a means for internal power regulation,
b) Major maintenance has been performed on the weld system. Major
maintenance includes replacement of the power supply, major repair of the
power supply requiring entrance into the controller welding power supply, or
replacement of the weld head has occurred,
c) Preproduction weld samples do not meet requirements and no assignable cause
for the failure can be determined.

Requalification may be performed with less total test sample requirements than that
required for an initial qualification for a unique weld type. For requalification, only 2
weld samples shall be produced and submitted; one at the “high limit” setting and one
at the “low limit” setting for that WPS. Requalification due to item a) or b) above only
requires weld samples to be made from one WPS that is specified for use on that

The samples shall, at a minimum, be subjected to visual inspection and volumetric NDE
and shall meet the applicable requirements specified herein. Requalification results
shall be documented on a PQR with a specific notation made indicating
“Requalification” and an explanation as to the cause. If the requalification activities
result in any welding parameter(s) deviations that exceed the range specified in Table V
or AWS B2.1 as applicable, for that parameter, then the level of testing in 6.2.4 shall be


Preheat shall not exceed the temperature specified in the applicable WPS. In weld
joints between different base metal types and thickness, the higher of the preheat
requirements of the joint members shall apply.


a. In weld joints between different base metal types and thickness, the higher of the
preheat requirements of the joint members shall apply.
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b. Minimum interpass temperature during welding shall be the same as the

minimum preheat temperature specified in the welding procedure specification
and shall be maintained by the application of concurrent heat if necessary.

c. The maximum interpass temperature for welding quenched and tempered steels
shall be at least 50o F below the nominal tempering temperature and is limited to
this temperature in order to ensure adherence to the steel manufacturer’s
recommendations regarding heat input.


Postweld heat treatment, when required by the engineering drawing or WPS, shall be
performed after completion of all welding in accordance with NASA/JSC PRC-2001 or
PRC-2003, as applicable. Vibratory techniques shall not be used in place of thermal

All weld and welded repairs shall be performed using the WPS used for the original
weld or a specific qualified WPS for that repair and shall meet all of the requirements of
the original drawing and any additional requirements that are documented in the WPS.
A weld repair may be applied manually in lieu of an automated or machine applied
repair, provided the essential variables/parameters of the original WPS are duplicated
and the heat input applied is less than the initial weld. Weld repair does not include
the correction of dimensional or other deficiencies of weld joints groove/bevel
preparation by “buttering” or build up provided the area corrected by welding is fully
consumed in the final weld. Also, the following requirements shall be required in the
weld repair activity:

a) Defect Removal. Defect removal shall be by means of grinding, chipping, or

machining, or a combination of these methods. Thermal gouging and cutting
may be used on carbon and low alloy steels provided the excavated cavity is
finished by grinding to sound metal. The final repair cavity shall be of a
configuration suitable for welding. The excavation shall be subjected to visual
and/or NDE inspections to ensure defect removal prior to welding. Weld repairs
shall be adequately documented by the use of a weldment map or other
manufacturing record with sufficient detail to ensure identification of the
weldment, identification of repair location(s), and type of defect.

b) Repair. No more than two weld attempts shall be made to successfully complete
a welded repair. If a second attempt is unsuccessful, a discrepancy report shall
be generated and shall require dispositioning by the responsible Material Review
Board (MRB). The level of documentation of repair welds shall, at a minimum,
be consistent with that required for the original production weld.

c) Straightening. Welds or adjacent base metal which have been deformed by the
welding operation may be straightened. All straightening operations shall take
place at temperatures not to exceed 121°C (250°F). All straightening operations
must be validated by an appropriate method(s) to show that the process used for
straightening shall not degrade the joint or surrounding material below specified
design requirements.
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d) Base Metal Repairs. Repairs to base metal anomalies shall be brought to the
attention of the NASA/JSC M&P organization for consideration of cause, prior to
repair activities.


Process verification shall consist of visual inspection and/or nondestructive inspection,

as described further in sections 7.1 to 7.3. In addition, at the appropriate time during
the fabrication activities, the following items shall be verified:

a) Verify that the welder is certified for the specific welding operation (prior to
b) Fit-up in accordance with the engineering drawing (prior to welding for Class A
Pressure Containing Components).
c) A WPS exists (prior to welding).
d) Compliance with WPS for essential variable ranges (during welding).
e) PWHT in accordance with the assigned WPS (after welding).


7.1.1 Class A Inspection - Pressure Containing Components

a) Unless otherwise specified, Class A joints require visual inspection and

volumetric inspection using either the radiographic method or ultrasonic method
to the Class A acceptance criterias in Appendix A.

b) In cases where the Class A inspection is designated for a fillet joint, or for any
joint having a configuration which renders radiography or ultrasonics an
impractical method, an alternate inspection method shall be utilized with
approval from the responsible NASA/JSC M&P organization.

c) When the liquid penetrant or magnetic particle method is selected as an

alternate to volumetric inspection for multipass welds, inspections shall be
performed on the root pass, each ¼” thick layer of weld metal, and the final or
cover pass. Class A Inspection - Non Pressure Containing Piping and Tubing
Components and Structural Components

a) Unless otherwise specified, Class A joints require visual inspection and

volumetric inspection using either the radiographic method or ultrasonic method
to the Class A acceptance criterias in Appendix B.

b) In cases where the Class A inspection is designated for a fillet joint, or for any
joint having a configuration which renders radiography or ultrasonics an
impractical method, an alternate inspection method shall be utilized with
approval from the responsible NASA/JSC M&P organization.

c) When the liquid penetrant or magnetic particle method is selected as an

alternate to volumetric inspection for multipass welds, inspections shall be
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performed on the root pass, each ¼” thick layer of weld metal, and the final or
cover pass.

7.1.2 Class B Inspection - Pressure Containing Components

Unless otherwise specified in design documentation, Class B joints require visual

inspection and liquid penetrant or magnetic particle inspection to the Class B
acceptance criterias in Appendix A. Class B Inspection - Non Pressure Containing Piping and Tubing

Components and Structural Components

Unless otherwise specified in design documentation, Class B joints require visual

inspection and liquid penetrant or magnetic particle inspection to the Class B
acceptance criterias in Appendix B.

7.1.3 Class C Inspection - Non Pressure Containing Piping and Tubing

Components and Structural Components

Unless otherwise specified in design documentation, Class C joints require visual

inspection to the Class C acceptance criteria in Appendix B.


All visual inspections of welded joints shall be performed by an American Welding

Society (AWS) Certified Welding Inspector (CWI) qualified in accordance with AWS
QC-1. The CWI certification must be current.


The NDE of welded joints shall be performed by personnel qualified in accordance with
the requirements of the applicable NDE process specification. The NDE certification
must be current. All nondestructive inspections shall be performed in accordance with
the appropriate standards as referenced herein.


The WPS, PQR, and WOPQ shall be prepared and retained as a permanent record
and made available upon request to the NASA/JSC M&P organization for review.
These procedures must contain, at a minimum, all of the essential welding parameters,
an identification of the welding equipment, and include any pertinent tooling information.
One copy of the WPS shall be maintained in the vicinity of the welding station and shall
be readily accessible by the welders, inspectors, supervision, and engineering.


A Welding Procedure Specification (WPS) is a qualified written working procedure that

must be developed before beginning production for each unique weld type to be
produced. Qualification support documentation in the form of a Procedure Qualification
Record (PQR) shall be maintained on file to show proof of process/procedure capability
using the WPS. The WPS shall be traceable by means of serialized nomenclature and
shall show traceability to the applicable PQR(s). The WPS used for production welding
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shall meet the requirements stated herein and shall be certified by the responsible M&P
organization at the operating facility, prior to use in production. “Prequalified” or
“Standard Welding Procedure Specifications” shall not be permitted for production use
on Class A or B welds made on flight hardware.


A Procedure Qualification Record (PQR) is documentation to support the welding

procedure specification to show proof of process/procedure capability. A PQR shall be
unique and traceable, by means of serialized nomenclature. The PQR shall be process-
specific and specific to a unique weld type. Data required in the PQR shall include
detailed descriptions of the test coupon configurations and joint designs, all pertinent
material specifications, all pertinent essential process variables used, all destructive
and nondestructive test results from the qualification sample set, and all required
certifications from the approving organization. The PQR shall be approved by the
responsible M&P organization at the operating facility.


A Welding Operator Performance Qualification (WOPQ) is documentation that shows

that a welding operator has been tested in accordance with AMS-STD-1595 and shown
competent to produce a sound weld for a specific welding process/base material/base
metal thickness combination.


Any deviations or waivers regarding the use of this process specification shall be
requested in writing by the outside vendor. This request shall be directed to the
NASA/JSC M&P organization with the appropriate justification and rationale. A written
response will be provided upon such a request.


At JSC, if welder training is considered necessary prior to qualification/requalification of

existing JSC welding personnel or the initial qualification of new hires, it shall be
conducted in accordance with TI-0000-04. For an outside JSC vendor, welder training
(when necessary) should consist of practice using the facility welding equipment and a
specific WPS to demonstrate proficiency, under the supervision of a qualified/certified
welder. Specific development of an appropriate training program shall be the
responsibility of the vendor.


Welding shall be performed by a welding operator qualified and certified in accordance

with AMS-STD-1595 with the exception that mandatory 5 year requalification is not
required provided the operator continuity requirement discussed below is maintained.
Sufficiently detailed records shall be maintained to demonstrate continuity of operator
performance on the welding system or system(s) on a semi-annual (6 month) basis.
These records shall be made available to the NASA/JSC M&P organization upon
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Pressure Containing Components

Size and Appearance Minimum size as specified on drawing. If profile requirements are not specified
of Groove Welds on the drawing, the weld shall be convex with a maximum reinforcement as
stated herein. Any profile is unacceptable where the weld to base metal transition
forms a sharp notch or reduces the base metal thickness (T) beyond the
minimum specified on the drawing.
Size and Appearance Minimum size as specified on drawing. If profile requirements are not specified
of Fillet Welds on the drawing, the weld shall be flat or slightly convex with a maximum
reinforcement as stated herein. Any profile is unacceptable where the weld to
base metal transition forms a sharp notch or reduces (T) beyond the minimum
specified on the drawing.
Cracks None allowed.
Undercut Undercut shall not exceed 20% of the total weld length. The depth of any
undercut indication where T < 0.035”, undercut shall not exceed 5% of T. Where
T is >/= 0.035” and </= 0.09”, undercut shall not exceed 10% of T or 0.010”,
whichever is the lesser. Where T > 0.09”, the depth of undercut shall not exceed
0.010”. The minimum distance allowed between adjacent undercut or underbead
concavity indications is 1/2 the length of the longest adjacent indication.
Pores or Voids The maximum diameter shall not exceed 0.02” or ¼ of T, whichever is the lesser.
Indications less than .010” in diameter shall not be considered.
Inadequate The maximum length of any indication shall not exceed ¼ of T in any weld length
Penetration and of 6T or less. The minimum distance allowed between adjacent incomplete
Incomplete Fusion penetration or fusion indications, is ½ the length of the longest adjacent
Weld Face or Root Concavity shall not exceed 10% of T or 0.01”, whichever is the lesser.
Concavity or WM
Overlap None allowed.
Misalignment Misalignment shall not exceed 10% of T, or 0.020”, whichever is the lesser.
Peaking Weld joint peaking shall not exceed a total of 5 degrees.
Weld Face or Root Reinforcement, or melt-thru, shall not exceed 20% T or 0.06”, whichever is the
Convexity lesser.
Surface Discoloration A black - brown color is not allowed.
Surface Roughness Surface finish of welds and adjacent material resulting from processes used to
remove weld reinforcement and otherwise shall not exceed 63 microinches.
General Weld deposits, face and root reinforcement and adjacent base metal shall display
Workmanship a smooth and uniform appearance. The weld toes shall blend smoothly into the
base metal without unfused overlaps or undercut exceeding that specified.

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Pressure Containing Components

Size and Appearance Minimum size as specified on drawing. If profile requirements are not specified
of Groove Welds on the drawing, the weld shall be convex with a maximum reinforcement as
stated herein. Any profile is unacceptable where the weld to base metal
transition forms a sharp notch or reduces the base metal thickness (T) beyond
the minimum specified on the drawing.
Size and Appearance Minimum size as specified on drawing. If profile requirements are not specified
of Fillet Welds on the drawing, the weld shall be flat or slightly convex with a maximum
reinforcement as stated herein. Any profile is unacceptable where the weld to
base metal transition forms a sharp notch or reduces (T) beyond the minimum
specified on the drawing.
Cracks None allowed.
Undercut Undercut shall not exceed 15% of the total weld length. The depth of any
undercut indication where T < 0.035”, undercut shall not exceed 10% of T.
Where T is >/= 0.035” and </= 0.09”, undercut shall not exceed 15% of T or
0.010”, whichever is the lesser. Where T > 0.09”, the depth of undercut shall
not exceed 0.015”.
Pores or Voids The maximum diameter shall not exceed 0.02” or 1/3 of T, whichever is the
lesser. Indications less than .010” in diameter shall not be considered.
Weld Face or Root Concavity shall not exceed 15% of T or 0.015”, whichever is the lesser.
Concavity or WM
Overlap None allowed.
Misalignment Misalignment shall not exceed 15% of T or 0.025”, whichever is the lesser.
Peaking Weld joint peaking shall not exceed a total of 5 degrees.
Weld Face or Root Reinforcement, or melt-thru, shall not exceed 20% T or 0.06”, whichever is the
Convexity lesser.
Surface Discoloration A black - brown color is not allowed.
Surface Roughness Surface finish of welds and adjacent material resulting from processes used to
remove weld reinforcement and otherwise shall not exceed 63 microinches.
General Weld deposits, face and root reinforcement and adjacent base metal shall
Workmanship display a smooth and uniform appearance. The weld toes shall blend smoothly
into the base metal without unfused overlaps or undercut exceeding that

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Pressure Containing Components

Cracks None allowed.

Cold Shut and Laps None allowed.
Porosity and The maximum diameter shall not exceed 0.02” or ¼ of T, whichever is the
Inclusions lesser. Indications less than .010” in diameter shall not be considered.
Inadequate The maximum length of any indication shall not exceed ¼ of the base metal
Penetration and thickness in any weld length of 6T or less. The minimum distance allowed
Incomplete Fusion between adjacent incomplete penetration or fusion indications, is ½ the length
of the longest adjacent indication.
Undercut and The length of any undercut or underbead concavity indication shall not exceed
Underbead Concavity 20% of the total weld length. The depth of any undercut indication where T <
0.035”, undercut shall not exceed 5% of T. Where T is >/= 0.035” and </=
0.09”, undercut shall not exceed 10% of T or 0.010”, whichever is the lesser.
Where T > 0.09”, the depth of undercut shall not exceed 0.010”. The minimum
distance allowed between adjacent undercut or underbead concavity
indications is 1/2 the length of the longest adjacent indication.
Misalignment Misalignment shall not exceed 10% of T, or 0.020”, whichever is the lesser.
Weld Face or Root Thinning shall not exceed 10% of T or 0.01”, whichever is the lesser.
Concavity or WM
Weld Face or Root Reinforcement, or melt-thru, shall not exceed 20% of T or 0.06”, whichever is
Convexity the lesser.

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Pressure Containing Components

Cracks None allowed.

Cold Shut and Laps None allowed.
Porosity and The maximum diameter shall not exceed 0.02” or 1/3 of T, whichever is the
Inclusions lesser. Indications less than .010” in diameter shall not be considered.
Inadequate The maximum length of any indication shall not exceed 1/3 of the T in any weld
Penetration and length of 6T or less. The minimum distance allowed between adjacent
Incomplete Fusion incomplete penetration or fusion indications, is ½ the length of the longest
adjacent indication.
Undercut and The length of any undercut or underbead concavity indication shall not exceed
Underbead Concavity 15% of the total weld length. The depth of any undercut indication where T <
0.035”, undercut shall not exceed 10% of T. Where T is >/= 0.035” and </=
0.09”, undercut shall not exceed 15% of T or 0.010”, whichever is the lesser.
Where T > 0.09”, the depth of undercut shall not exceed 0.015”. The minimum
distance allowed between adjacent undercut or underbead concavity
indications is 1/2 the length of the longest adjacent indication.
Misalignment Misalignment shall not exceed 15% of T, or 0.025”, whichever is the lesser.
Weld Face or Root Thinning shall not exceed 15% of T or 0.015”, whichever is the lesser.
Concavity or WM
Weld Face or Root Reinforcement, or melt-thru, shall not exceed 20% of T or 0.06”, whichever is
Convexity the lesser.

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Non Pressure Containing Piping and Tubing Components and Structural

Size and Appearance Minimum size as specified on drawing. If profile requirements are not specified
of Groove Welds on the drawing, the weld shall be convex with a maximum reinforcement as
stated herein. Any profile is unacceptable where the weld to base metal
transition forms a sharp notch or reduces the base metal thickness (T) beyond
the minimum specified on the drawing.
Size and Appearance Minimum size as specified on drawing. If profile requirements are not specified
of Fillet Welds on the drawing, the weld shall be flat or slightly convex with a maximum
reinforcement as stated herein. Any profile is unacceptable where the weld to
base metal transition forms a sharp notch or reduces (T) beyond the minimum
specified on the drawing.
Cracks None allowed.
Undercut Undercut shall not exceed 15% of the total weld length. The depth of any
undercut indication where T < 0.035”, undercut shall not exceed 10% of T.
Where T is >/= 0.035” and </= 0.09”, undercut shall not exceed 15% of T or
0.010”, whichever is the lesser. Where T > 0.09”, the depth of undercut shall
not exceed 0.015”.
Pores or Voids The maximum diameter shall not exceed 0.02” or 1/3 of T, whichever is the
lesser. Indications less than .010” in diameter shall not be considered.
Weld Face or Root Concavity shall not exceed 15% of T or 0.015”, whichever is the lesser.
Concavity or WM
Overlap None allowed.
Misalignment Misalignment shall not exceed 15% of T or 0.025”, whichever is the lesser.
Peaking Weld joint peaking shall not exceed a total of 5 degrees.
Weld Face or Root Reinforcement, or melt-thru, shall not exceed 20% T or 0.06”, whichever is the
Convexity lesser.
Surface Discoloration A black - brown color is not allowed.
Surface Roughness Surface finish of welds and adjacent material resulting from processes used to
remove weld reinforcement and otherwise shall not exceed 63 microinches.
General Weld deposits, face and root reinforcement and adjacent base metal shall
Workmanship display a smooth and uniform appearance. The weld toes shall blend smoothly
into the base metal without unfused overlaps or undercut exceeding that

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Non Pressure Containing Piping and Tubing Components and Structural

Size and Appearance Minimum size as specified on drawing. If profile requirements are not specified
of Groove Welds on the drawing, the weld shall be convex with a maximum reinforcement as
stated herein. Any profile is unacceptable where the weld to base metal
transition forms a sharp notch or reduces the base metal thickness (T) beyond
the minimum specified on the drawing.
Size and Appearance Minimum size as specified on drawing. If profile requirements are not specified
of Fillet Welds on the drawing, the weld shall be flat or slightly convex with a maximum
reinforcement as stated herein. Any profile is unacceptable where the weld to
base metal transition forms a sharp notch or reduces (T) beyond the minimum
specified on the drawing.
Cracks None allowed.
Undercut Undercut shall not exceed 15% of the total weld length. The depth of any
undercut indication where T < 0.035”, undercut shall not exceed 10% of T.
Where T is >/= 0.035” and </= 0.09”, undercut shall not exceed 15% of T or
0.010”, whichever is the lesser. Where T > 0.09”, the depth of undercut shall
not exceed 0.015”.
Pores or Voids The maximum diameter shall not exceed 0.02” or 1/3 of T, whichever is the
lesser. Indications less than .010” in diameter shall not be considered.
Weld Face or Root Concavity shall not exceed 15% of T or 0.015”, whichever is the lesser.
Concavity or WM
Overlap None allowed.
Misalignment Misalignment shall not exceed 15% of T or 0.025”, whichever is the lesser.
Peaking Weld joint peaking shall not exceed a total of 5 degrees.
Weld Face or Root Reinforcement, or melt-thru, shall not exceed 20% T or 0.06”, whichever is the
Convexity lesser.
Surface Discoloration A black - brown color is not allowed.
Surface Roughness Surface finish of welds and adjacent material resulting from processes used to
remove weld reinforcement and otherwise shall not exceed 63 microinches.
General Weld deposits, face and root reinforcement and adjacent base metal shall
Workmanship display a smooth and uniform appearance. The weld toes shall blend smoothly
into the base metal without unfused overlaps or undercut exceeding that

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Non Pressure Containing Piping and Tubing Components and Structural

Cracks None allowed.

Cold Shut and Laps None allowed.
Porosity and The maximum diameter shall not exceed 0.02” or 1/3 of T, whichever is the
Inclusions lesser. Indications less than .010” in diameter shall not be considered.
Inadequate The maximum length of any indication shall not exceed 1/3 of the T in any weld
Penetration and length of 6T or less. The minimum distance allowed between adjacent
Incomplete Fusion incomplete penetration or fusion indications, is ½ the length of the longest
adjacent indication.
Undercut and The length of any undercut or underbead concavity indication shall not exceed
Underbead Concavity 15% of the total weld length. The depth of any undercut indication where T <
0.035”, undercut shall not exceed 10% of T. Where T is >/= 0.035” and </=
0.09”, undercut shall not exceed 15% of T or 0.010”, whichever is the lesser.
Where T > 0.09”, the depth of undercut shall not exceed 0.015”. The minimum
distance allowed between adjacent undercut or underbead concavity
indications is 1/2 the length of the longest adjacent indication.
Misalignment Misalignment shall not exceed 15% of T, or 0.025”, whichever is the lesser.
Weld Face or Root Thinning shall not exceed 15% of T or 0.015”, whichever is the lesser.
Concavity or WM
Weld Face or Root Reinforcement, or melt-thru, shall not exceed 20% of T or 0.06”, whichever is
Convexity the lesser.

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