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Identify the key aspects for a successful service discovery solution

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Service Discovery can perform the following for the services

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Which of the registration patterns is best suited for complex architecture

Third party registration pattern

Identify the right service registry solutions that supports discovery


In _ pattern, clients connect with the backend services directly

Client side discovery pattern

_ supports load balancing in addition to service discovery


Is it possible for any service discovery tool to satisfy all the three guarantees (Consistency,
Availability, Partition) in a distributed environment?

No. Only two of the guarantees can be achieved

In distributed systems, to service any Read / Write request, a leader node is mandatory. Is
this statement correct

No. Leader node is required for only for write request

The process of consensus in distributed systems is essential to achieve

All the options mentioned

In distributed systems, knowing that partition can always occur, what kind of service
discovery tool would you prefer?

One that follows AP (Availability, Partition)

In server side discovery pattern, load balancing and routing of the request to the service
instances is taken care of by the service discovery tool itself. Is it true or false?

Service registration can happen by how many ways

Can an external service or process poll for all the services and update the service registry
for discovery?

Yes, it is possible

How can one ensure high availability of service discovery solution so that services can be
easily discovered even in the event of any failure scenarios. (I) Service registry information
exchange among clusters. (II) Service clients caching the service registry information

I & II

_ is the foundation for proper monitoring, load balancing and routing in distributed

Collecting the application functionality details

_ is associated to every user request to track the service requests placed by the users

Instance Id

Identify the correct properties of consensus

All the options mentioned

AWS Elastic Load Balancer(ELB) is an example following _ pattern of service discovery

Server side discovery pattern

_ is an election algorithm in which a coordinator is elected by highest process id silencing

the other nodes in the system

Palos Algorithm

What happens when heart beat from any service instance is not received by the service

The instance is disregarded for service availability

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