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Classification of Social Group

A person; is a member of different groups and these groups satisfy our desires we may either
start a group or become a member. Many sociologists have classified--

According to G.Simmel​ he has divided group on basis of number of people in the group. He is
a German sociology. According to him there are two groups (i) smaller collection of people (ii)
larger scale collection of people

Dwright Sanderson​ classifies group on the basis of structure of the group. According to him
there are three groups.
1-involuntary group
2-voluntary group
3-delegate group
4-Professional group
5-Representative group

F,Tonms​ – basis of community and society. His classification into 2 is :

Classified​ – Urban character – industrialization
Gesselschaft​ – ​Mental standard low​ – rural
Temporary group which is formed for some time like crowd, public mob-
Permanent group​ – Village, State – we live permanently.
Regional group​ – State, nation
Cultural group – groups for some cultural purpose, recreational, educational group, religion.

According to cooler There are two types of social group--

Primary Group
Cooley – "By primary group I mean those characterized by intimate face to face association and
co-operation. They are primary in several senses, but chiefly they are fundamental informing
social nature & ideals of the individual"
Lundberg in his book "Sociology" – "Primary group means two or more person behaving in
relation to each other in a way that is intimate, cohesive and personal.

Secondary Group---
Secondary Group: Always goal oriented. There is co-operation but this co-operation is indirect.
Impersonal and indirect relationship. It is optional membership. Eg. Trade Union, City, person,
etc. Large in size. There is seldom face to face relationship no mutual identification.
According to Cooley – There are groups wholly backing in intimacy of association and usually
most of the other primary and quasi – primary characteristic.

Characteristics of secondary group –

1-To fulfill some common goal

2-Lacking in intimacy
3-Indirect relationship
4-Optional membership.

Thank you 🙏💕

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