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Joint Publication 3-12

S W E' L L


• DE P






Cyberspace Operations

8 June 2018

1. Scope

This publication provides joint doctrine to plan, execute, and assess cyberspace

2. Purpose

This publication has been prepared under the direction of the Chairman of the Joint
Chiefs of Staff (CJCS). It sets forth joint doctrine to govern the activities and performance
of the Armed Forces of the United States in joint operations, and it provides considerations
for military interaction with governmental and nongovernmental agencies, multinational
forces, and other interorganizational partners. It provides military guidance for the exercise
of authority by combatant commanders and other joint force commanders (JFCs), and
prescribes joint doctrine for operations and training. It provides military guidance for use
by the Armed Forces in preparing and executing their plans and orders. It is not the intent
of this publication to restrict the authority of the JFC from organizing the force and
executing the mission in a manner the JFC deems most appropriate to ensure unity of effort
in the accomplishment of objectives.

3. Application

a. Joint doctrine established in this publication applies to the Joint Staff, commanders
of combatant commands, subordinate unified commands, joint task forces, subordinate
components of these commands, the Services, and combat support agencies.

b. The guidance in this publication is authoritative; as such, this doctrine will be

followed except when, in the judgment of the commander, exceptional circumstances
dictate otherwise. If conflicts arise between the contents of this publication and the
contents of Service publications, this publication will take precedence unless the CJCS,
normally in coordination with the other members of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, has provided
more current and specific guidance. Commanders of forces operating as part of a
multinational (alliance or coalition) military command should follow multinational
doctrine and procedures ratified by the United States. For doctrine and procedures not
ratified by the US, commanders should evaluate and follow the multinational command’s
doctrine and procedures, where applicable and consistent with US law, regulations, and

For the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff:

Vice Admiral, USN
Director, Joint Force Development


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ii JP 3-12

• Changes the format from a classified publication to an unclassified publication

with a classified appendix.

• Reflects United States Cyber Command as a functional combatant command.

• Incorporates discussion of the Cyber Mission Force.

• Expands the discussion of command and control of cyberspace operations (CO).

• Includes discussion of information as a joint function.

• Enhances the discussion of CO planning considerations.

Summary of Changes

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iv JP 3-12
EXECUTIVE SUMMARY .............................................................................................. vii


 Introduction ................................................................................................................. I-1

 The Nature of Cyberspace .......................................................................................... I-2
 Integrating Cyberspace Operations with Other Operations ........................................ I-8
 Cyberspace Operations Forces .................................................................................... I-8
 Challenges to the Joint Force’s Use of Cyberspace .................................................. I-11


 Introduction ................................................................................................................II-1
 Military Operations In and Through Cyberspace .....................................................II-2
 National Intelligence Operations In and Through Cyberspace ..................................II-9
 Department of Defense Ordinary Business Operations
In and Through Cyberspace .......................................................................................II-9
 The Joint Functions and Cyberspace Operations .......................................................II-9


 Introduction .............................................................................................................. III-1

 Authorities................................................................................................................ III-2
 Roles and Responsibilities ....................................................................................... III-2
 Legal Considerations ............................................................................................. III-11


 Joint Planning Process and Cyberspace Operations ................................................ IV-1

 Cyberspace Operations Planning Considerations .................................................... IV-1
 Intelligence and Operational Analytic Support to Cyberspace
Operations Planning ................................................................................................. IV-6
 Targeting .................................................................................................................. IV-8
 Command and Control of Cyberspace Forces ....................................................... IV-11
 Synchronization of Cyberspace Operations ........................................................... IV-18
 Assessment of Cyberspace Operations .................................................................. IV-21
 Interorganizational Considerations ........................................................................ IV-23
 Multinational Considerations ................................................................................. IV-24

Table of Contents


A (U) Classified Planning Considerations for Cyberspace Operations ........... A-1

B Cyberspace Operations Points of Contact ...................................................... B-1
C References ..................................................................................................C-1
D Administrative Instructions ....................................................................... D-1


Part I Abbreviations, Acronyms, and Initialisms .............................................. GL-1

Part II Terms and Definitions ............................................................................. GL-4


I-1 The Three Interrelated Layers of Cyberspace ............................................. I-3

I-2 Department of Defense Cyber Mission Force Relationships .................... I-10
II-1 Cyberspace Operations Missions, Actions, and Forces .............................II-3
III-1 United States Code ................................................................................... III-3
IV-1 Routine Cyberspace Command and Control .......................................... IV-13
IV-2 Crisis/Contingency Cyberspace Command and Control ........................ IV-14

vi JP 3-12

• Discusses the Nature of Cyberspace

• Describes how to integrate Cyberspace Operations with Other Operations

• Discusses Cyberspace Operations Forces

• Outlines Challenges to the Joint Force’s Use of Cyberspace

• Describes Cyberspace Operations Core Activities

• Outlines Authorities, Roles, and Responsibilities related to Cyberspace


• Discusses Planning, Coordination, Execution, and Assessment of Cyberspace


Overview of Cyberspace and Cyberspace Operations

Cyberspace operations (CO) is the employment of

cyberspace capabilities where the primary purpose
is to achieve objectives in or through cyberspace.

This publication focuses on military operations in

and through cyberspace; explains the relationships
and responsibilities of the Joint Staff (JS),
combatant commands (CCMDs), United States
Cyber Command (USCYBERCOM), the Service
cyberspace component (SCC) commands, and
combat support agencies; and establishes a
framework for the employment of cyberspace
forces and capabilities.

The Nature of Cyberspace Relationship with the Physical Domains.

Cyberspace, while part of the information
environment, is dependent on the physical domains
of air, land, maritime, and space.

CO use links and nodes located in the physical

domains and perform logical functions to create
effects first in cyberspace and then, as needed, in
the physical domains. Actions in cyberspace,
through carefully controlled cascading effects, can

Executive Summary

enable freedom of action for activities in the

physical domains.

Cyberspace Layer Model. To assist in the

planning and execution of CO, cyberspace can be
described in terms of three interrelated layers:
physical network, logical network, and cyber-

Department of Defense (DOD) Cyberspace. The

Department of Defense information network
(DODIN) is the set of information capabilities and
associated processes for collecting, processing,
storing, disseminating, and managing information
on-demand to warfighters, policy makers, and
support personnel, whether interconnected or
stand-alone, including owned and leased
communications and computing systems and
services, software (including applications), data,
security services, other associated services, and
national security systems.

Connectivity and Access. Gaining access to

operationally useful areas of cyberspace, including
targets within them, is affected by legal, policy, or
operational limitations. For all of these reasons,
access is not guaranteed. Additionally, achieving
a commander’s objectives can be significantly
complicated by specific elements of cyberspace
being used by enemies, adversaries, allies, neutral
parties, and other United States Government
(USG) departments and agencies, all at the same

The operational environment (OE) is a

composite of the conditions, circumstances, and
influences that affect the employment of
capabilities and impact the decisions of the
commander assigned responsibility for it. The
information environment permeates the physical
domains and therefore exists in any OE.

The information environment is the aggregate of

individuals, organizations, and systems that
collect, process, disseminate, or act on

viii JP 3-12
Executive Summary

Given that cyberspace is wholly contained within

the information environment and the chief purpose
of information operations (IO) is to create effects
in the information environment, there is significant
interdependency between IO and CO.

Integrating Cyberspace During joint planning, cyberspace capabilities are

Operations with Other integrated into the joint force commander’s
Operations (JFC’s) plans and synchronized with other
operations across the range of military operations.
While not the norm, some military objectives can
be achieved by CO alone. Commanders conduct
CO to obtain or retain freedom of maneuver in
cyberspace, accomplish JFC objectives, deny
freedom of action to the threat, and enable other
operational activities.

Cyberspace Operations Forces Commander, United States Cyber Command

(CDRUSCYBERCOM), commands a
preponderance of the cyberspace forces that are not
retained by the Services. USCYBERCOM
accomplishes its missions within three primary
lines of operation: secure, operate, and defend the
DODIN; defend the nation from attack in
cyberspace; and provide cyberspace support as
required to combatant commanders (CCDRs).

The Services man, train, and equip cyberspace

units and provide them to USCYBERCOM
through the SCCs.

Challenges to the Joint Force’s Threats. Cyberspace presents the JFC’s

Use of Cyberspace operations with many threats, from nation-states to
individual actors to accidents and natural hazards.

Anonymity and Difficulties with Attribution.

To initiate an appropriate defensive response,
attribution of threats in cyberspace is crucial for
any actions external to the defended cyberspace
beyond authorized self-defense.

Geography Challenges. In cyberspace, there is

no stateless maneuver space. Therefore, when US
military forces maneuver in foreign cyberspace,
mission and policy requirements may require they

Executive Summary

maneuver clandestinely without the knowledge of

the state where the infrastructure is located.

Technology Challenges. Using a cyberspace

capability that relies on exploitation of technical
vulnerabilities in the target may reveal its
functionality and compromise the capability’s
effectiveness for future missions.

Private Industry and Public Infrastructure.

Many of DOD’s critical functions and operations
rely on contracted commercial assets, including
Internet service providers (ISPs) and global supply
chains, over which DOD and its forces have no
direct authority.

Globalization. The combination of DOD’s global

operations with its reliance on cyberspace and
associated technologies means DOD often
procures mission-essential information technology
products and services from foreign vendors.

Mitigations. DOD partners with the defense

industrial base (DIB) to increase the security of
information about DOD programs residing on or
transiting DIB unclassified networks.

Cyberspace Operations Core Activities

CO comprise the military, national, and ordinary

business operations of DOD in and through
cyberspace. Although commanders need awareness
of the potential impact of the other types of DOD
CO on their operations, the military component of
CO is the only one guided by joint doctrine and is
the focus of this publication. CCDRs and Services
use CO to create effects in and through cyberspace
in support of military objectives. Military
operations in cyberspace are organized into
missions executed through a combination of
specific actions.

Military Operations In and Cyberspace Missions. All actions in cyberspace

Through Cyberspace that are not cyberspace-enabled activities are taken
as part of one of three cyberspace missions:
offensive cyberspace operations (OCO), defensive
cyberspace operations (DCO), or DODIN

x JP 3-12
Executive Summary

operations. These three mission types

comprehensively cover the activities of the
cyberspace forces. The successful execution of
CO requires integration and synchronization of
these missions.

DODIN Operations. The DODIN operations

mission includes operational actions taken to
secure, configure, operate, extend, maintain, and
sustain DOD cyberspace and to create and preserve
the confidentiality, availability, and integrity of the

DCO. DCO missions are executed to defend the

DODIN, or other cyberspace DOD cyberspace
forces have been ordered to defend, from active
threats in cyberspace.

OCO. OCO are CO missions intended to project

power in and through foreign cyberspace through
actions taken in support of CCDR or national

National Intelligence Operations National-level intelligence organizations conduct

In and Through Cyberspace intelligence activities in, through, and about
cyberspace in response to national intelligence
priorities. This intelligence can support a military
commander’s planning and preparation.

Department of Defense Ordinary Ordinary business operations in and through

Business Operations In and cyberspace are “cyberspace-enabled activities”
Through Cyberspace that comprise those non-intelligence and non-
warfighting capabilities, functions, and actions
used to support and sustain DOD forces and

The Joint Functions and Command and Control (C2). Cyberspace

Cyberspace Operations provides communications pathways, planning and
decision-support aids, and cyberspace-related
intelligence to enable timely decision making and
execution of those decisions. This provides the
commander the advantage of controlling the timing
and tempo of operations.

Intelligence. Understanding the OE is

fundamental to all joint operations, including CO.
Intelligence may be derived from information

Executive Summary

gained during military operations in cyberspace or

from other sources.

Fires. Cyberspace attack capabilities create fires

in and through cyberspace and are often employed
with little or no associated physical destruction.
However, modification or destruction of
computers that control physical processes can lead
to cascading effects (including collateral effects) in
the physical domains.

Movement and Maneuver. Cyberspace

operations enable force projection without the need
to establish a physical presence in foreign territory.
Maneuver in the DODIN or other blue cyberspace
includes positioning of forces, sensors, and
defenses to best secure areas of cyberspace or
engage in defensive actions as required. Maneuver
in gray and red cyberspace is a cyberspace
exploitation action and includes such activities as
gaining access to adversary, enemy, or
intermediary links and nodes and shaping this
cyberspace to support future actions.

Sustainment. From the perspective of

cyberspace-enabled activities in support of global
logistics, DOD relies on protected DODIN and
commercial network segments to coordinate
sustainment of forces.

Protection. Protection of the DODIN and other

critical US cyberspace includes the continuous and
synchronized integration of cyberspace security
and, when required, cyberspace defense actions.

Information. The information function

encompasses the management and application of
information and its deliberate integration with
other joint functions to influence perceptions,
behavior, action or inaction, and human and
automated decision making.

Authorities, Roles, and Responsibilities

Under the authorities of the Secretary of Defense

(SecDef), DOD uses cyberspace capabilities to
shape cyberspace and provide integrated offensive

xii JP 3-12
Executive Summary

and defensive options for the defense of the nation.

USCYBERCOM coordinates with CCMDs, the
JS, and the Office of the Secretary of Defense;
liaises with other USG departments and agencies;
and, in conjunction with the Department of
Homeland Security, DOD’s Department of
Defense Cyber Crime Center, and the Defense
Security Service, liaises with members of the DIB.
Similarly, as directed, DOD deploys necessary
resources to support efforts of other USG
departments and agencies, and allies.

Authorities Authority for CO actions undertaken by the US

Armed Forces is derived from the US Constitution
and federal law. Key laws that apply to DOD
include Title 10, United States Code (USC), Armed
Forces; Title 50, USC, War and National Defense;
and Title 32, USC, National Guard.

Authorities for specific types of military CO are

established within SecDef policies, including DOD
instructions, directives, and memoranda, as well as
in execute orders and operation orders authorized
by the President or SecDef and subordinate orders
issued by commanders approved to execute the
subject missions.

Roles and Responsibilities SecDef. Directs the military, intelligence, and

ordinary business operations of DOD in

Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff (CJCS).

As the global integrator advises the President and
SecDef on operational policies, responsibilities,
and programs.

Service Chiefs. Provide appropriate

administration of and support to cyberspace forces,
including Service-retained forces and forces
assigned or attached to CCMDs.

Chief, National Guard Bureau (NGB). Advises

CDRUSCYBERCOM on NGB matters pertaining
to CCMD CO missions, and supports planning and
coordination for such activities as requested by the
CJCS or the CCDRs.

Executive Summary

CDRUSCYBERCOM. As the coordinating

authority for CO, plans, coordinates, integrates,
synchronizes, and conducts activities to:

 Direct the security, operations, and defense of

the DODIN.

 Prepare to, and when directed, conduct military

CO external to the DODIN, including in gray
and red cyberspace, in support of national

Other CCDRs. Secure, operate, and defend

tactical and constructed DODIN segments within
their commands and areas of responsibility.

Director, Defense Information Systems Agency

(DISA). Complies with the commander of Joint
Force Headquarters-Department of Defense
Information Network’s direction to execute
DODIN operations and defensive cyberspace
operations-internal defensive measures (DCO-
IDM) missions at the global and enterprise level,
within DISA-operated portions of the DODIN.

Director, National Security Agency/Chief,

Central Security Service. Provides signals
intelligence support and cybersecurity guidance
and assistance to DOD components and national

Director, Defense Intelligence Agency. Provides

timely, objective, and cogent military intelligence
to warfighters, defense planners, and defense and
national security policy makers.

Legal Considerations DOD conducts CO consistent with US domestic

law, applicable international law, and relevant
USG and DOD policies. The laws that regulate
military actions in US territory also apply to
cyberspace. Therefore, DOD cyberspace forces
that operate outside the DODIN, when properly
authorized, are generally limited to operating in
gray and red cyberspace only, unless they are
issued different rules of engagement or conducting
defense support of civil authorities (DSCA) under
appropriate authority. Since each CO mission has

xiv JP 3-12
Executive Summary

unique legal considerations, the applicable legal

framework depends on the nature of the activities
to be conducted, such as OCO or DCO, DSCA, ISP
actions, law enforcement and counterintelligence
activities, intelligence activities, and defense of the

Planning, Coordination, Execution, and Assessment

Joint Planning Process and Commanders plans should address how to

Cyberspace Operations effectively integrate cyberspace capabilities,
counter adversaries’ use of cyberspace, identify
and secure mission-critical cyberspace, access key
terrain in cyberspace, operate in a degraded
environment, efficiently use limited cyberspace
assets, and pair operational requirements with
cyberspace capabilities.

Cyberspace Operations Planning While many elements of cyberspace can be

Considerations mapped geographically, a full understanding of an
adversary’s disposition and capabilities in
cyberspace involves understanding the target, not
only at the underlying physical network layer but
also at the logical network layer and cyber-persona
layer, including profiles of system users and
administrators and their relationship to adversary
critical factors.

Characteristics of Cyberspace Capabilities.

While cyberspace is complex and ever changing,
cyberspace capabilities, whether devices or
computer programs, must reliably create the
intended effects. However, cyberspace capabilities
are developed based on environmental assumptions
and expectations about the operating conditions that
will be found in the OE.

Cascading, Compounding, and Collateral

Effects. Overlaps among military, other
government, corporate, and private activities on
shared networks in cyberspace make the evaluation
of probable cascading, compounding, and
collateral effects particularly important when
targeting for CO.

DODIN operations underpin nearly every aspect of

military operations, and this reliance on cyberspace

Executive Summary

is well understood by our adversaries. However, a

commander’s reliance on specific segments of the
DODIN is often not considered during plans
development, but planning for DODIN resiliency is
essential. JFC planning staffs should incorporate
DCO-IDM branches and sequels for any operations
that pose an increased threat to the DODIN.

Intelligence and Operational Intelligence requirements (IRs). During mission

Analytic Support to Cyberspace analysis, the joint force staff identifies significant
Operations Planning information gaps about the adversary and other
relevant aspects of the OE. After gap analysis, the
staff formulates IRs, which are general or specific
subjects upon which there is a need for the collection
of information or the production of intelligence.

Targeting Three fundamental aspects of CO require

consideration in the targeting processes: recognizing
cyberspace capabilities are a viable option for
engaging some designated targets; understanding a
CO option may be preferable in some cases, because
it may offer low probability of detection and/or no
associated physical damage; and higher-order effects
on targets in cyberspace may impact elements of the
DODIN, including retaliation for attacks attributed to
the joint force.

Command and Control of The complex nature of CO, where cyberspace forces
Cyberspace Forces can be simultaneously providing actions at the global
level and at the theater or joint operations area level,
requires adaptations to traditional C2 structures.
Joint forces principally employ centralized planning
with decentralized execution of operations. CO
require constant and detailed coordination between
theater and global operations, creating a dynamic C2
framework that can adapt to the constant changes,
emerging threats, and unknowns. Certain CO
functions, including protection of the DODIN’s
global networks and pursuit of global cyberspace
threats, lend themselves to centralized planning and
execution to meet multiple, near-instantaneous
requirements for response. Centrally controlled CO
should be integrated and synchronized with the
CCDR’s regional or local CO, conducted by forces
assigned or attached to the CCDR, or in support of
the CCDR.

xvi JP 3-12
Executive Summary

Synchronization of Cyberspace The pace of CO requires significant pre-operational

Operations collaboration and constant vigilance after initiation,
for effective coordination and deconfliction
throughout the OE. Keys to this synchronization are
maintaining cyberspace situational awareness and
assessing the potential impacts to the joint force of
any planned CO, including the protection posture of
the DODIN, changes from normal network
configuration, or observed indications of malicious

Assessment of Cyberspace The assessment process for external CO missions

Operations begins during planning and includes measures of
performance and measures of effectiveness of fires
and other effects in cyberspace, as well as their
contribution to the larger operation or objective.
Historically, combat assessment has emphasized the
battle damage assessment (BDA) component of
measuring physical and functional damage, but this
approach does not always represent the most
complete effect, particularly with respect to CO. CO
effects are often created outside the scope of battle
and often do not create physical damage. Assessing
the impact of CO effects requires typical BDA
analysis and assessment of physical, functional, and
target system components.


This publication provides joint doctrine to plan,

execute, and assess cyberspace operations.

Executive Summary

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xviii JP 3-12

“... the United States (US) Department of Defense (DOD) is responsible for
defending the US homeland and US interests from attack, including attacks
that may occur in cyberspace. ... the DOD seeks to deter attacks and defend
the US against any adversary that seeks to harm US national interests during
times of peace, crisis, or conflict. To this end, the DOD has developed
capabilities for cyberspace operations and is integrating those capabilities into
the full array of tools that the US government uses to defend US national

The Department of Defense Cyber Strategy, April 2015

1. Introduction

a. Most aspects of joint operations rely in part on cyberspace, which is the domain
within the information environment that consists of the interdependent network of
information technology (IT) infrastructures and resident data. It includes the Internet,
telecommunications networks, computer systems, and embedded processors and
controllers. Cyberspace operations (CO) is the employment of cyberspace capabilities
where the primary purpose is to achieve objectives in or through cyberspace.

b. This publication focuses on military operations in and through cyberspace;

explains the relationships and responsibilities of the Joint Staff (JS), combatant
commands (CCMDs), United States Cyber Command (USCYBERCOM), the Service
cyberspace component (SCC) commands, and combat support agencies (CSAs); and
establishes a framework for the employment of cyberspace forces and capabilities.
Cyberspace forces are those personnel whose primary duty assignment is to a CO

c. The Impact of Cyberspace on Joint Operations

(1) Cyberspace capabilities provide opportunities for the US military, its allies,
and partner nations (PNs) to gain and maintain continuing advantages in the operational
environment (OE) and enable the nation’s economic and physical security. Cyberspace
reaches across geographic and geopolitical boundaries and is integrated with the
operation of critical infrastructures, as well as the conduct of commerce, governance, and
national defense activities. Access to the Internet and other areas of cyberspace provides
users operational reach and the opportunity to compromise the integrity of critical
infrastructures in direct and indirect ways without a physical presence. The prosperity
and security of our nation are significantly enhanced by our use of cyberspace, yet these
same developments have led to increased exposure of vulnerabilities and a critical
dependence on cyberspace, for the US in general and the joint force in particular.

(2) Although it is possible for CO to produce stand-alone tactical, operational, or

strategic effects and thereby achieve objectives, commanders integrate most CO with other

Chapter I

operations to create coordinated and synchronized effects required to support mission


(3) Permanent global cyberspace superiority is not possible due to the complexity
of cyberspace. Even local superiority may be impractical due to the way IT is
implemented; the fact US and other national governments do not directly control large,
privately owned portions of cyberspace; the broad array of state and non-state actors; the
low cost of entry; and the rapid and unpredictable proliferation of technology. Therefore,
commanders should be prepared to conduct operations under degraded conditions in
cyberspace. Commanders can manage resulting risks using threat mitigation actions; post-
impact recovery measures; clear, defensive priorities; primary/secondary/tertiary
communication means; and other measures to accomplish their mission and ensure critical
data reliability. Once one segment of a network has been exploited or denied, the
perception of data unreliability may inappropriately extend beyond the compromised
segment due to uncertainty about how networks interact. Therefore, it is imperative
commanders be well informed of the status of the portions of cyberspace upon which they
depend and understand the impact to planned and ongoing operations.

2. The Nature of Cyberspace

a. Relationship with the Physical Domains. Cyberspace, while part of the

information environment, is dependent on the air, land, maritime, and space physical
domains. Much as operations in the physical domains rely on physical infrastructure
created to take advantage of naturally occurring features, operations in cyberspace rely on
networked, stand-alone, and platform-embedded IT infrastructure, in addition to the data
that resides on and is transmitted through these components to enable military operations
in a man-made domain. CO use links and nodes located in the physical domains and
perform logical functions to create effects first in cyberspace and then, as needed, in the
physical domains. Actions in cyberspace, through carefully controlled cascading effects,
can enable freedom of action for activities in the physical domains. Likewise, activities in
the physical domains can create effects in and through cyberspace by affecting the
electromagnetic spectrum (EMS) or the physical infrastructure. The relationship between
space and cyberspace is unique in that virtually all space operations depend on cyberspace,
and a critical portion of cyberspace bandwidth can only be provided via space operations,
which provide a key global connectivity option for CO. These interrelationships are
important considerations during planning. While domains are useful constructs for
visualizing and characterizing the physical environment in which operations are conducted
(i.e., the operational area [OA]), the use of the term “domain” is not meant to imply or
mandate exclusivity, primacy, or command and control (C2) in any domain.

b. Cyberspace Layer Model. To assist in the planning and execution of CO,

cyberspace can be described in terms of three interrelated layers: physical network, logical
network, and cyber-persona (see Figure I-1). Each layer represents a different focus from
which CO may be planned, conducted, and assessed.

(1) The physical network layer consists of the IT devices and infrastructure in
the physical domains that provide storage, transport, and processing of information within

I-2 JP 3-12
Overview of Cyberspace and Cyberspace Operations

The Three Interrelated Layers of Cyberspace

Physical Network Logical Network Cyber-Persona

Layer Layer Layer

Physical Network Components

Distinct, Yet Interrelated

Figure I-1. The Three Interrelated Layers of Cyberspace

cyberspace, to include data repositories and the connections that transfer data between
network components. The physical network components include the hardware and
infrastructure (e.g., computing devices, storage devices, network devices, and wired and
wireless links). Components of the physical network layer require physical security
measures to protect them from physical damage or unauthorized physical access, which
may be leveraged to gain logical access. The physical network layer is the first point of
reference CO use to determine geographic location and appropriate legal framework.
While geopolitical boundaries can easily and quickly be crossed in cyberspace, there are
still sovereignty issues tied to the physical domains. Every physical component of
cyberspace is owned by a public or private entity, which can control or restrict access to
their components. These unique characteristics of the OE must be taken into consideration
during all phases of planning.

(2) The logical network layer consists of those elements of the network related
to one another in a way that is abstracted from the physical network, based on the logic
programming (code) that drives network components (i.e., the relationships are not

Chapter I

necessarily tied to a specific physical link or node, but to their ability to be addressed
logically and exchange or process data). Individual links and nodes are represented in the
logical layer but so are various distributed elements of cyberspace, including data,
applications, and network processes not tied to a single node. An example is the Joint
Knowledge Online Website, which exists on multiple servers in multiple locations in the
physical domains but is represented as a single URL [uniform resource locator] on the
World Wide Web. More complex examples of the logical layer are the Department of
Defense’s (DOD’s) Non-classified Internet Protocol Router Network (NIPRNET) and
SECRET Internet Protocol Router Network (SIPRNET), global, multi-segment networks
that can be thought of as a single network only in the logical sense. For targeting purposes,
planners may know the logical location of some targets, such as virtual machines and
operating systems, that allow multiple servers or other network functions with separate
Internet protocol (IP) addresses to reside on one physical computer, without knowing their
geographic location. Logical layer targets can only be engaged with a cyberspace
capability: a device or computer program including any combination of software,
firmware, or hardware, designed to create an effect in or through cyberspace.

(3) The cyber-persona layer is a view of cyberspace created by abstracting data

from the logical network layer using the rules that apply in the logical network layer to
develop descriptions of digital representations of an actor or entity identity in cyberspace
(cyber-persona). The cyber-persona layer consists of network or IT user accounts, whether
human or automated, and their relationships to one another. Cyber-personas may relate
directly to an actual person or entity, incorporating some personal or organizational data
(e.g., e-mail and IP addresses, Web pages, phone numbers, Web forum log-ins, or financial
account passwords). One individual may create and maintain multiple cyber-personas
through use of multiple identifiers in cyberspace, such as separate work and personal e-
mail addresses, and different identities on different Web forums, chat rooms, and social
networking sites, which may vary in the degree to which they are factually accurate.
Conversely, a single cyber-persona can have multiple users, such as multiple hackers using
the same malicious software (malware) control alias, multiple extremists using a single
bank account, or all members of the same organization using the same e-mail address. The
use of cyber-personas can make attributing responsibility for actions in cyberspace
difficult. Because cyber-personas can be complex, with elements in many virtual locations
not linked to a single physical location or form, their identification requires significant
intelligence collection and analysis to provide enough insight and situational awareness to
enable effective targeting or to create the joint force commander’s (JFC's) desired effect.
Like the logical network layer, complex changes to cyber-personae can happen very
quickly compared to similar changes in the physical network layer, complicating actions
against these targets without detailed change tracking.

c. Viewing Cyberspace Based on Location and Ownership. Maneuver in

cyberspace is complex and generally not observable. Therefore, staffs that plan, execute,
and assess CO benefit from language that describes cyberspace based on location or
ownership in a way that aids rapid understanding of planned operations. The term “blue
cyberspace” denotes areas in cyberspace protected by the US, its mission partners, and
other areas DOD may be ordered to protect. Although DOD has standing orders to protect
only the Department of Defense information network (DODIN), cyberspace forces prepare,

I-4 JP 3-12
Overview of Cyberspace and Cyberspace Operations

on order, and when requested by other authorities, to defend or secure other United States
Government (USG) or other cyberspace, as well as cyberspace related to critical
infrastructure and key resources (CI/KR) of the US and PNs. The term “red cyberspace”
refers to those portions of cyberspace owned or controlled by an adversary or enemy. In
this case, “controlled” means more than simply “having a presence on,” since threats may
have clandestine access to elements of global cyberspace where their presence is
undetected and without apparent impact to the operation of the system. Here, controlled
means the ability to direct the operations of a link or node of cyberspace, to the exclusion
of others. All cyberspace that does not meet the description of either “blue” or “red” is
referred to as “gray” cyberspace.

d. DOD Cyberspace. The DODIN is the set of information capabilities and

associated processes for collecting, processing, storing, disseminating, and managing
information on-demand to warfighters, policy makers, and support personnel, whether
interconnected or stand-alone, including owned and leased communications and
computing systems and services, software (including applications), data, security
services, other associated services, and national security systems. The DODIN comprises
all of DOD cyberspace, including the classified and unclassified global networks (e.g.,
NIPRNET, SIPRNET, Joint Worldwide Intelligence Communications System) and many
other components, including DOD-owned smartphones, radio frequency identification
tags, industrial control systems, isolated laboratory networks, and platform information
technology (PIT). PIT is the hardware and software that is physically part of, dedicated
to, or essential in real time to the mission performance of special purpose systems,
including weapon systems. Nearly every military and civilian employee of DOD uses
the DODIN to accomplish some portion of their mission or duties.

e. Connectivity and Access. Cyberspace consists of myriad different and often

overlapping elements to include networks, nodes, links, interrelated applications, user
data, and system data. Even though cyberspace continues to become increasingly
interconnected, some elements are intentionally isolated or subdivided into enclaves
using access controls, encryption, unique protocols, or physical separation. With the
exception of actual physical isolation, none of these approaches eliminate the underlying
physical connectivity; instead, they limit access to the logical network. Access, whether
authorized or unauthorized, can be gained through a variety of means. Although CO
require timely and effective connectivity and access, the USG may not own, control, or
have access to the infrastructure needed to support US military operations. For CO,
access means a sufficient level of exposure to, connectivity to, or entry into a device,
system, or network to enable further operations. While some accesses can be created
remotely with or without permission of the network owner, access to closed networks
and other systems that are virtually isolated may require physical proximity or more
complex, time-consuming processes. In addition, gaining access to operationally useful
areas of cyberspace, including targets within them, is affected by legal, policy, or
operational limitations. For all of these reasons, access is not guaranteed. Additionally,
achieving a commander’s objectives can be significantly complicated by specific
elements of cyberspace being used by enemies, adversaries, allies, neutral parties, and
other USG departments and agencies, all at the same time. Therefore, synchronization
and deconfliction of CO access is critical to successful operations of all types.

Chapter I

f. The OE. The OE is a composite of the conditions, circumstances, and influences

that affect the employment of capabilities and impact the decisions of the commander
assigned responsibility for it. The information environment permeates the physical
domains and therefore exists in any OE. The continuing advancement of IT has
significantly reduced its cost of acquisition and cost of use, leading to the rapid
proliferation of cyberspace capabilities, considerably complicating an already challenging
OE. For instance, CO from moving platforms requires transmission through the EMS,
which can be significantly affected by congestion (i.e., interference from commercial and
military use), atmospheric conditions, and enemy electronic attack (EA). The decision to
use CO to create effects may be affected by the political climate or even a single
individual’s use of cyberspace. Understanding the relationship of cyberspace to the
physical domains and the information environment is essential for planning military
operations in cyberspace.

(1) The pervasiveness of mobile IT is forcing governments and militaries to re-

evaluate the impact of the information environment on operations. The nature of global
social interaction has been changed by the rapid flow of information from around-the-clock
news, including from nontraditional and unverifiable sources such as social networking,
media sharing and broadcast sites, online gaming networks, topical forums, and text
messaging. The popularity of these information sources enables unprecedented interaction
among global populations, much of which is increasingly relevant to military operations.
The ability of social networks in cyberspace to incite popular support (whether factually
based or not) and to spread ideology is not geographically limited, and the continued
proliferation of IT has profound implications for the joint force and US national security.

(2) State and non-state threats use a wide range of advanced technologies, which
represent an inexpensive way for a small and/or materially disadvantaged adversary to pose
a significant threat to the US. The application of low-cost cyberspace capabilities can
provide an advantage against a technology-dependent nation or organization. This can
provide an asymmetric advantage to those who could not otherwise effectively oppose US
military forces. Additionally, organized crime or other non-state, extralegal organizations
often make sophisticated malware available for purchase or free, allowing even non-
sophisticated threats to acquire advanced capabilities at little to no cost. Because of the
low barriers to entry and the potentially high payoff, the US can expect an increasing
number of adversaries to use cyberspace threats to attempt to negate US advantages in
military capability.

(3) Key terrain in cyberspace is analogous to key terrain in the physical

domains in that holding it affords any combatant a position of marked advantage. In
cyberspace, it may only be necessary to maintain a secure presence on a particular location
or in a particular process as opposed to seizing and retaining it to the exclusion of all others.
Note that it is possible for the US and an adversary to occupy the same terrain or use the
same process in cyberspace, potentially without knowing of the other’s presence. An
additional characteristic of terrain in cyberspace is that these localities have a virtual
component, identified in the logical network layer or even the cyber-persona layer. Key
terrain identification is an essential component of planning. The military aspects of terrain
(obstacles, avenues of approach, cover and concealment, observation and fields of fire, and

I-6 JP 3-12
Overview of Cyberspace and Cyberspace Operations

key terrain) provide a way to visualize and describe a network map. Obstacles in
cyberspace may include firewalls and port blocks. Avenues of approach can be analyzed
by identifying nodes and links, which connect endpoints to specific sites. Cover and
concealment may refer to hidden IP addresses or password protected access. Cyberspace
observation and fields of fire refer to areas where network traffic can be monitored,
intercepted, or recorded. Examples of potential key terrain in cyberspace include access
points to major lines of communications (LOCs), key waypoints for observing incoming
threats, launch points for cyberspace attacks, and mission-relevant cyberspace terrain
related to critical assets connected to the DODIN. Operators, planners, and intelligence
staff work together to match plans’ objectives with terrain analysis to determine key
terrain in blue, gray, and red cyberspace for each plan. Correlating plan or mission
objectives with key terrain ensures mission dependencies in cyberspace are identified and
prioritized for protection in a standard manner across DOD. In many cases, the systems,
networks, and infrastructure that support a mission objective will be interdependent.
These complex interdependencies may require in-depth analysis to develop customized
risk mitigation methodologies.

g. The Information Environment. The information environment is the aggregate

of individuals, organizations, and systems that collect, process, disseminate, or act on
information. Since all CO require the creation, processing, storage, and/or transmission
of information, cyberspace is wholly contained within the information environment. The
information environment is broken down into the physical, informational, and cognitive
dimensions and includes many types of information not in cyberspace. Although the
types of information excluded from cyberspace continue to dwindle, there remain
individuals and organizations that handle their information requirements outside of
cyberspace, particularly when security, durability, cost, and scope factors are significant.

h. The Relationship of CO to Operations in the Information Environment

(1) Cyberspace is wholly contained within the information environment. CO

and other information activities and capabilities create effects in the information
environment in support of joint operations. Their relationship is both an interdependency
and a hierarchy; cyberspace is a medium through which other information activities and
capabilities may operate. These activities and capabilities include, but are not limited to,
understanding information, leveraging information to affect friendly action, supporting
human and automated decision making, and leveraging information (e.g., military
information support operations [MISO] or military deception [MILDEC]) to change
enemy behavior. CO can be conducted independently or synchronized, integrated, and
deconflicted with other activities and operations.

(2) While commanders may conduct CO specifically to support information-

specific operations, some CO support other types of military objectives and are integrated
through appropriate cells and working groups. The lack of synchronized CO with other
military operations planning and execution can result in friendly force interference and
may counter the simplicity, agility, and economy of force principles of joint operations.

Chapter I

Refer to Joint Publication (JP) 3-0, Joint Operations, for information on the primary
activities that support the information joint function.

3. Integrating Cyberspace Operations with Other Operations

a. During joint planning, cyberspace capabilities are integrated into the JFC’s plans
and synchronized with other operations across the range of military operations. While
not the norm, some military objectives can be achieved by CO alone. Commanders
conduct CO to obtain or retain freedom of maneuver in cyberspace, accomplish JFC
objectives, deny freedom of action to the threat, and enable other operational activities.

b. The importance of CO support to military operations grows in direct proportion

to the joint force’s increasing reliance on cyberspace. Issues that may need to be
addressed to fully integrate CO into joint planning and execution include centralized CO
planning for DODIN operations and defense and other global operations; the JFC’s need
to integrate and synchronize all operations and fires across the entire OE, including the
cyberspace aspects of joint targeting; deconfliction requirements between government
entities; PN relationships; and the wide variety of authorities and legal issues related to
the use of cyberspace capabilities. This requires all members of the commander’s staff
who conduct planning, execution, and assessment of operations to understand the
fundamental processes and procedures for CO, including the organization and functions
of assigned or supporting cyberspace forces.

c. Effective integration of CO with operations in the physical domains requires the

active participation of CO planners and operators in each phase of joint operations on
every staff supported by cyberspace forces. The physical and logical boundaries within
which joint forces execute CO, and the priorities and restrictions on its use, should also
be identified by the JFC, in coordination with other USG departments and agencies and
national leadership. In particular, creation of effects in foreign cyberspace may have the
potential to impact other efforts of the USG. Where the potential for such impact exists,
national policy requires DOD coordination with interagency partners.

Refer to Chapter IV, “Planning, Coordination, Execution, and Assessment,” for more
information about planning, synchronization, integration, and interorganizational
coordination of CO.

4. Cyberspace Operations Forces

a. Commander, United States Cyber Command (CDRUSCYBERCOM), commands

a preponderance of the cyberspace forces that are not retained by the Services.
USCYBERCOM accomplishes its missions within three primary lines of operation:
secure, operate, and defend the DODIN; defend the nation from attack in cyberspace; and
provide cyberspace support as required to combatant commanders (CCDRs). The
Services man, train, and equip cyberspace units and provide them to USCYBERCOM
through the SCCs. Per the Memorandum of Agreement Between The Department of
Defense and The Department of Homeland Security Regarding Department of Defense
and US Coast Guard Cooperation on Cyberspace Security and Cyberspace Operations,

I-8 JP 3-12
Overview of Cyberspace and Cyberspace Operations

the Commandant of the Coast Guard retains operational control (OPCON) of US Coast
Guard Cyberspace forces when employed in support of DOD. USCYBERCOM uses a
mission alignment process to make requirements-driven, risk-informed, Cyber Mission
Force (CMF)-alignment recommendations and task assignments to assigned or attached
cyberspace units to perform CO utilizing cyberspace capabilities to achieve objectives.

b. CMF. The Secretary of Defense (SecDef) and Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of
Staff (CJCS) established the CMF to organize and resource the force structure required
to conduct key cyberspace missions. CDRUSCYBERCOM exercises combatant
command (command authority) (COCOM) of the CMF, which is a subset of the DOD’s
total force for CO. Various Service tactical cyberspace units, assigned to
CDRUSCYBERCOM, comprise the three elements of the CMF:

(1) Cyber Protection Force (CPF). The CPF conducts CO for internal
protection of the DODIN or other blue cyberspace when ordered. The CPF consists of
cyberspace protection teams (CPTs) organized, trained, and equipped to defend assigned
cyberspace in coordination with and in support of segment owners, cybersecurity service
providers (CSSPs), and users.

(2) Cyber National Mission Force (CNMF). The CNMF conducts CO to

defeat significant cyberspace threats to the DODIN and, when ordered, to the nation. The
CNMF comprises various numbered national mission teams (NMTs), associated national
support teams (NSTs), and national-level CPTs for protection of non-DODIN blue

(3) Cyber Combat Mission Force (CCMF). The CCMF conducts CO to

support the missions, plans, and priorities of the geographic and functional CCDRs. The
CCMF comprises various numbered combat mission teams (CMTs) and associated
combat support teams (CSTs).

Refer to Chapter II, “Cyberspace Operations Core Activities,” for more information
about the operations of CMF units.

c. USCYBERCOM Subordinate Command Elements. Subordinate headquarters

(HQ) of USCYBERCOM execute C2 of the CMF and other cyberspace forces. These
include the Cyber National Mission Force-Headquarters (CNMF-HQ), the Joint Force
Headquarters-Department of Defense Information Network (JFHQ-DODIN), the joint
force headquarters-cyberspace (JFHQ-C), and the SCC HQs. Each of the SCC
commanders is dual-hatted by CDRUSCYBERCOM as a commander of one of the four
JFHQs-C to enable synchronization of CO C2. In addition, there are other centers and
staff elements that further enable unity of command for CO. Figure I-2 describes the
organizational and subordination relationships of these command elements and the units
of the CMF.

Refer to Chapter IV, “Planning, Coordination, Execution, and Assessment,” for more
information about C2 of CO.

Chapter I

Department of Defense Cyber Mission Force Relationships

Cyber Mission


National Mission
Consists of Teams
Cyber National
Mission Force
National Support
Teams Directed by Cyber National
ns Mission Force
s of Headquarters

National CPTs

Directed by Joint Force

Consists of DODIN CPTs DODIN
Cyber Protection
Force Directed by Combatant
CCMD CPTs Commands

Directed by Service
Service CPTs
Combat Mission
Consists of
Teams Directed by Joint Force
Cyber Combat Headquarters -
Mission Force Cyberspace
Combat Support

CCMD combatant command DODIN Department of Defense information network
CPT cyberspace protection team

Figure I-2. Department of Defense Cyber Mission Force Relationships

d. Other Cyberspace Forces and Staff. Most cyberspace forces that protect the
DODIN are Service-retained and some are employed in support of a specific CCDR.
They may be used by the Service or SCCs to operationalize networks (i.e., design, build,
configure and otherwise prepare to place into operation) and then secure, operate, and
defend their Service enterprise portions of the DODIN. The Services may retain, or other
CCDRs may organize, other scarce cyberspace forces that support CCMD missions as
required, including CSSPs. Some of these Service-retained cyberspace forces that
operate CCMD networks and systems are assigned directly to various CCDR staffs. In
addition, the Defense Information Systems Agency (DISA) and various DOD agencies

I-10 JP 3-12
Overview of Cyberspace and Cyberspace Operations

and activities employ civilian staff and contractors to do these same operationalizing and
DODIN operations functions.

5. Challenges to the Joint Force’s Use of Cyberspace

The JFC faces a unique set of persistent challenges executing CO in a complex global
security environment.

a. Threats. Cyberspace presents the JFC’s operations with many threats, from
nation-states to individual actors to accidents and natural hazards.

(1) Nation-State Threat. This threat is potentially the most dangerous because
of nation-state access to resources, personnel, and time that may not be available to other
actors. Some nations may employ cyberspace capabilities to attack or conduct espionage
against the US. Nation-state threats involve traditional adversaries; enemies; and
potentially, in the case of espionage, even traditional allies. Nation-states may conduct
operations directly or may outsource them to third parties, including front companies,
patriotic hackers, or other surrogates, to achieve their objectives.

(2) Non-State Threats. Non-state threats are formal and informal

organizations not bound by national borders, including legitimate nongovernmental
organizations (NGOs), and illegitimate organizations such as criminal organizations,
violent extremist organizations, or other enemies and adversaries. Non-state threats use
cyberspace to raise funds, communicate with target audiences and each other, recruit,
plan operations, undermine confidence in governments, conduct espionage, and conduct
direct terrorist actions within cyberspace. Criminal organizations may be national or
transnational in nature and steal information for their own use, including selling it to raise
capital and target financial institutions for fraud and theft of funds. They may also be
used as surrogates by nation-states or non-state threats to conduct attacks or espionage
through cyberspace.

(3) Individuals or Small Group Threat. Even individuals or small groups of

people can attack or exploit US cyberspace, enabled by affordable and readily available
techniques and malware. Their intentions are as varied as the number of groups and
individuals. These threats exploit vulnerabilities to gain access to discover additional
vulnerabilities or sensitive data or maneuver to achieve other objectives. Ethical hackers
may share the vulnerability information with the network owners, but, more frequently,
these accesses are used for malicious intent. Some threats are politically motivated and
use cyberspace to spread their message. The activities of these small-scale threats can
be co-opted by more sophisticated threats, such as criminal organizations or nation-states,
often without their knowledge, to execute operations against targets while concealing the
identity of the threat/sponsor and also creating plausible deniability.

(4) Accidents and Natural Hazards. The physical infrastructure of

cyberspace is routinely disrupted by operator errors, industrial accidents, and natural
disasters. These unpredictable events can have greater impact on joint operations than
the actions of enemies. Recovery from accidents and hazardous incidents can be

Chapter I

complicated by the requirement for significant coordination external to DOD and/or the
temporary reliance on back-up systems with which operators may not be proficient.

b. Anonymity and Difficulties with Attribution. To initiate an appropriate

defensive response, attribution of threats in cyberspace is crucial for any actions external
to the defended cyberspace beyond that authorized as authorized self-defense. The most
challenging aspect of attributing actions in cyberspace is connecting a particular cyber-
persona or action to a named individual, group, or nation-state, with sufficient confidence
and verifiability to hold them accountable. This effort requires significant analysis and,
often, collaboration with non-cyberspace agencies or organizations. The nature of
cyberspace, government policies, and laws, both domestic and international, presents
challenges to determining the exact origin of cyberspace threats. The ability to hide the
sponsor and/or the threat behind a particular malicious effect in cyberspace makes it
difficult to determine how, when, and where to respond. The design of the Internet lends
itself to anonymity and, combined with applications intended to hide the identity of users,
attribution will continue to be a challenge for the foreseeable future.

c. Geography Challenges. In cyberspace, there is no stateless maneuver space.

Therefore, when US military forces maneuver in foreign cyberspace, mission and policy
requirements may require they maneuver clandestinely without the knowledge of the
state where the infrastructure is located. Because CO can often be executed remotely,
through a virtual presence enabled by wired or wireless access, many CO do not require
physical proximity to the target but use remote actions to create effects, which represents
an increase in operational reach not available in the physical domains. This use of global
reach applies equally to both external operations in red and gray cyberspace, as well as
internal protection effects in blue cyberspace. The cumulative effects of some CO may
extend beyond the initial target, a joint operations area (JOA), or outside of a single area
of responsibility (AOR). Because of transregional considerations and the requirement
for high-demand forces and capabilities, some CO are coordinated, integrated, and
synchronized using centralized execution from a location remote from the supported

d. Technology Challenges. Using a cyberspace capability that relies on

exploitation of technical vulnerabilities in the target may reveal its functionality and
compromise the capability’s effectiveness for future missions. This has implications for
both offensive cyberspace operations (OCO) and defensive cyberspace operations (DCO)
missions. Cyberspace capabilities without hardware components can be replicated for
little or no cost. This means that once discovered, these capabilities will be widely
available to adversaries, in some cases before security measures in the DODIN can be
updated to account for the new threat. In addition, since similar technologies around the
world share similar vulnerabilities, a single adversary may be able to exploit multiple
targets at once using the same malware or exploitation tactic. Malware can be modified
(or be designed to automatically modify itself), complicating efforts to detect and
eradicate it.

e. Private Industry and Public Infrastructure. Many of DOD’s critical functions

and operations rely on contracted commercial assets, including Internet service providers

I-12 JP 3-12
Overview of Cyberspace and Cyberspace Operations

(ISPs) and global supply chains, over which DOD and its forces have no direct authority.
This includes both data storage services and applications provided from a cloud
computing architecture. Cloud computing enables DOD to consolidate infrastructure,
leverage commodity IT functions, and eliminate functional redundancies while
improving continuity of operations. But, the overall success of these initiatives depends
upon well-executed risk mitigation and protection measures, defined and understood by
both DOD components and industry. Dependency on commercial Internet providers
means DOD coordination with the Department of Homeland Security (DHS), other
interagency partners, and the private sector is essential to establish and maintain security
of DOD’s information. DOD supports DHS, which leads interagency efforts to identify
and mitigate cyberspace vulnerabilities in the nation’s critical infrastructure. DOD has
the lead for improving security of the defense industrial base (DIB) sector, which
includes major sector contractors and major contractor support to operations regardless
of corporate country of domicile and continues to support the development of whole-of-
government approaches for its risk management. The global technology supply chain
affects mission-critical aspects of the DOD enterprise, and the resulting IT risks can only
be effectively mitigated through public-private sector cooperation.

(1) Globalization. The combination of DOD’s global operations with its

reliance on cyberspace and associated technologies means DOD often procures mission-
essential IT products and services from foreign vendors. A prime example is our reliance
on network backbones and transmission equipment in other countries, such as undersea
cables, fiber optic networks and telecommunications services, satellite and microwave
antennas, and leased channels on foreign satellites. These systems may normally be
reliable and trustworthy, but they can also leave US forces vulnerable to access denial by
service interruption, communications interception and monitoring, or infiltration and data
compromise. Another example is DOD’s use of commercial, globally interconnected,
globally sourced IT components in mission-critical systems and networks. Leveraging
rapid technology development of the commercial marketplace remains a key DOD
advantage. While globally sourced technology provides innumerable benefits to DOD,
it also provides adversaries the opportunity to compromise the supply chain to access or
alter data and hardware, corrupt products, and to intercept or deny communications and
other mission-critical functions. Supply chain risks threaten all users and our collective
security; therefore, DOD cannot ignore these risks to its missions. Globalization,
including by US companies, introduces risks across the entire system lifecycle, to include
design, manufacturing, production, distribution, operation and maintenance, and disposal
of a system or component. Each of these lifecycle stages presents the opportunity to
manipulate, deny, or collect information on such systems. It is not feasible to eliminate
our reliance on foreign-owned services and products, but our reliance on them makes it
essential every reasonable avenue for risk mitigation be pursued, to include user and
commander education at all levels, encryption, C2 system redundancy, operations
security (OPSEC), and careful inspection of vendor-provided equipment in accordance
with (IAW) DOD IT procurement policy.

(2) Mitigations. DOD partners with the DIB to increase the security of
information about DOD programs residing on or transiting DIB unclassified networks.
The Department of Defense Cyber Crime Center (DC3) serves as DOD’s operational

Chapter I

focal point for voluntary cyberspace information sharing and incident reporting program.
In addition, DOD is strengthening its acquisition regulations to require consideration of
applicable cybersecurity policies during procurement of all DODIN components to
reduce risks to joint operations.

I-14 JP 3-12

“When I first started working cyberspace operations, these operations were often
just concepts, and when conducted, performed ad-hoc by technical specialists
on loan from other organizations. Today this is not the case. Now, a mature and
highly capable cyber force is built and in the fight, aggressively defending our
network, conducting daily operations against adversaries, and strengthening the
combat power and lethality of U.S. forces around the world. This swift growth
represents tremendous opportunity.”

Lieutenant General Paul Nakasone

Prospective Commander, US Cyber Command
Testimony before Senate Committee on Armed Services
March 1, 2018

1. Introduction

a. CO are the employment of cyberspace capabilities where the primary purpose is to

achieve objectives in or through cyberspace. CO comprise the military, national
intelligence, and ordinary business operations of DOD in and through cyberspace.
Although commanders need awareness of the potential impact of the other types of DOD
CO on their operations, the military component of CO is the only one guided by joint
doctrine and is the focus of this publication. CCDRs and Services use CO to create effects
in and through cyberspace in support of military objectives. Military operations in
cyberspace are organized into missions executed through a combination of specific actions
that contribute to achieving a commander’s objective. Various DOD agencies and
components conduct national intelligence, ordinary business, and other activities in
cyberspace. Although discussed briefly here for context, these activities are guided by
DOD policies concerning CO. While joint doctrine does apply to CSAs where it directly
relates to their mission to support military forces, CSAs and other DOD agencies and
activities also conduct various CO activities that are considered cyberspace-enabled

b. Cyberspace-Enabled Activities. Most DOD cyberspace actions use cyberspace

to enable other types of activities, which employ cyberspace capabilities to complete tasks
but are not undertaken as part of one of the three CO missions: OCO, DCO, or DODIN
operations. These uses include actions like operating a C2 or logistics system, sending an
e-mail to support an information objective, using the Internet to complete an online training
course, or developing a briefing. Other than being an authorized user of the network, DOD
personnel need no special authorities to use cyberspace capabilities in this way. It is
through these uses of cyberspace that the majority of DODIN vulnerabilities are exposed
to, and exploited by, our adversaries. The challenge is to train all DODIN users to
understand the significance of cyberspace threats and to recognize threat tactics so these
uses of cyberspace do not create unnecessary risk to the mission. Protecting the DODIN
by establishing a culture of vulnerability awareness, particularly through DOD and

Chapter II

interagency policies, practices, and training, is critical to the success of all types of
cyberspace-enabled DOD missions.

2. Military Operations In and Through Cyberspace

a. Cyberspace Missions. All actions in cyberspace that are not cyberspace-enabled

activities are taken as part of one of three cyberspace missions: OCO, DCO, or DODIN
operations. These three mission types comprehensively cover the activities of the
cyberspace forces. The successful execution of CO requires integration and
synchronization of these missions. Military cyberspace missions and their included actions
are normally authorized by a military order (e.g., execute order [EXORD], operation order
[OPORD], tasking order, verbal order), referred to hereafter as mission order, and by
authority derived from DOD policy memorandum, directive, or instruction. Cyberspace
missions are categorized as OCO, DCO, or DODIN operations based only on the intent or
objective of the issuing authority, not based on the cyberspace actions executed, the type
of military authority used, the forces assigned to the mission, or the cyberspace capabilities
used. Some orders may cover multiple types of missions. For example, a standing order
to protect the DODIN may include both DODIN operations and DCO mission components,
and an order for an external mission could support both offensive and defensive objectives.
Paragraph 2.b., “Cyberspace Actions,” discusses the specific actions used in the execution
of these missions. Effective execution of all cyberspace missions requires timely
intelligence and threat indicators from traditional and cyberspace sensors, vulnerability
information from DOD and non-DOD sources, and accurate assessment of previous
missions. IAW current USG policy, DOD deconflicts missions in foreign cyberspace with
the other USG department and agency mission partners who share this responsibility.
Figure II-1 graphically depicts the primary relationships between the cyberspace missions
and actions. The depiction in Figure II-1 of the types of forces that normally conduct each
type of CO mission is not intended to limit a JFC’s ability to employ the best-qualified unit
on any particular mission.

(1) DODIN Operations. The DODIN operations mission includes operational

actions taken to secure, configure, operate, extend, maintain, and sustain DOD cyberspace
and to create and preserve the confidentiality, availability, and integrity of the DODIN.
These include proactive cyberspace security actions which address vulnerabilities of the
DODIN or specific segments of the DODIN. It also includes the set-up of tactical networks
by deployed forces to extend existing networks, maintenance actions and other non-
security actions necessary for the sustainment of the DODIN, and the operation of red
teams and other forms of security evaluation and testing. DODIN operations are network-
focused and threat-agnostic: the cyberspace forces and workforce undertaking this mission
endeavor to prevent all threats from negatively impacting a particular network or system
they are assigned to protect. They are threat-informed and use all available intelligence
about specific threats to improve the security posture of the network. DODIN operations
does not include actions taken under statutory authority of a chief information officer (CIO)
to provision cyberspace for operations, including IT architecture development; establishing
standards; or designing, building, or otherwise operationalizing DODIN IT for use by a
commander. DODIN operations is a standing mission, and although many DODIN
operations activities are regularly scheduled events, they cannot be considered routine,

II-2 JP 3-12
Cyberspace Operations Core Activities

Cyberspace Operations Missions, Actions, and Forces

Cyberspace forces are ordered to specific cyberspace missions.

External Cyberspace Operations Internal Cyberspace Operations

CMT CCMDs/Services/Agencies

Offensive Cyberspace Defensive Cyberspace DODIN Operations

Operations Operations (DCO)

Project Power in and Network Focused/Threat

Through Cyberspace Agnostic
DCO - Response DCO - Internal
Actions Defense Measures

Threat Specific

Cyberspace Cyberspace Cyberspace Cyberspace

Attack Exploitation Defense Security

Cyberspace forces execute cyberspace actions that

contribute to mission accomplishment.
CCMD combatant command DODIN Department of Defense information network
CMT combat mission team NMT national mission team
CPT cyberspace protection team

Figure II-1. Cyberspace Operations Missions, Actions, and Forces

since their aggregate effect establishes the framework on which most DOD missions
ultimately depend.

See JP 6-0, Joint Communications System, for a more detailed discussion of DODIN
operations and the management of networked communication systems.

(2) DCO. DCO missions are executed to defend the DODIN, or other cyberspace
DOD cyberspace forces have been ordered to defend, from active threats in cyberspace.
Specifically, they are missions intended to preserve the ability to utilize blue cyberspace
capabilities and protect data, networks, cyberspace-enabled devices, and other designated
systems by defeating on-going or imminent malicious cyberspace activity. This
distinguishes DCO missions, which defeat specific threats that have bypassed, breached,
or are threatening to breach security measures, from DODIN operations, which endeavor
to secure DOD cyberspace from all threats in advance of any specific threat activity. DCO
are threat-specific and frequently support mission assurance objectives. DCO missions are
conducted in response to specific threats of attack, exploitation, or other effects of
malicious cyberspace activity and leverage information from maneuver, intelligence

Chapter II

collection, counterintelligence (CI), law enforcement (LE), and other sources as required.
DCO include outmaneuvering or interdicting adversaries taking or about to take actions
against defended cyberspace elements, or otherwise responding to imminent internal and
external cyberspace threats. The goal of DCO is to defeat the threat of a specific adversary
and/or to return a compromised network to a secure and functional state. The components
of DCO are:

(a) Defensive Cyberspace Operations-Internal Defensive Measures

(DCO-IDM). DCO-IDM are the form of DCO mission where authorized defense actions
occur within the defended network or portion of cyberspace. DCO-IDM of the DODIN is
authorized by standing order and includes cyberspace defense actions to dynamically
reconfirm or reestablish the security of degraded, compromised, or otherwise threatened
DOD cyberspace to ensure sufficient access to enable military missions. For compromised
DODIN elements, specific tactics include rerouting, reconstituting, restoring, or isolation.
Most DCO missions are DCO-IDM, which include pro-active and aggressive internal
threat hunting for advanced and/or persistent threats, as well as the active internal
countermeasures and responses used to eliminate these threats and mitigate their effects.
For example, CPT operations conducted on key terrain in cyberspace for mission-critical
assets in response to indications of malicious cyberspace activity are DCO-IDM missions,
even before indicators of compromise exist.

(b) Defensive Cyberspace Operations-Response Actions (DCO-RA).

DCO-RA are the form of DCO mission where actions are taken external to the defended
network or portion of cyberspace without the permission of the owner of the affected
system. DCO-RA actions are normally in foreign cyberspace. Some DCO-RA missions
may include actions that rise to the level of use of force, with physical damage or
destruction of enemy systems, depending on broader operational context, such as the
existence or imminence of open hostilities, the degree of certainty in attribution of the
threat, the damage the threat has caused or is expected to cause, and national policy
considerations. DCO-RA missions require a properly coordinated military order and
careful consideration of scope, rules of engagement (ROE), and measurable objectives.

(c) Defense of Non-DOD Cyberspace. While DCO generally focus on the

DODIN, which includes all of DOD cyberspace, military cyberspace forces prepare to
defend any US or other blue cyberspace when ordered. DOD operations rely on many non-
DOD segments of cyberspace, including private sector and mission partner networks.
Security of this cyberspace is the responsibility of the resource owners, which include other
USG departments and agencies, private sector entities, and other partners. Since DOD-
associated cyberspace are known targets for malicious cyberspace activity, protection of
these non-DOD networks and systems can be a vital component of mission assurance.
However, DOD cannot guarantee the robustness of the security standards applied to such
networks. The commander’s mission risk analysis should account for this uncertainty in
the security of non-DOD cyberspace. It is essential planners and those supporting CO
coordinate, through JFHQ-DODIN as required, with operators of these networks to better
understand the risks they impart to joint operations. When required under a specific
authorizing order, and in full coordination with DHS and other USG departments and
agencies, DOD cyberspace forces undertake DCO-RA and DCO-IDM missions to defend

II-4 JP 3-12
Cyberspace Operations Core Activities

these and other non-DOD cyberspace segments, like national CI/KR or partner networks.
Prioritization schemes for defense of CI/KR should be established in advance. If DCO-
IDM missions are ordered as part of a defense support of civil authorities (DSCA)
operation, Active Component forces may be supported by National Guard (NG) forces
activated under Title 32,United States Code (USC), if authorized by SecDef, or Title 10,
USC; US Coast Guard Forces under Title 14, USC; and/or other cyberspace forces from
one of the Reserve Component (RC) units.

(3) OCO. OCO are CO missions intended to project power in and through
foreign cyberspace through actions taken in support of CCDR or national objectives. OCO
may exclusively target adversary cyberspace functions or create first-order effects in
cyberspace to initiate carefully controlled cascading effects into the physical domains to
affect weapon systems, C2 processes, logistics nodes, high-value targets, etc. All CO
missions conducted outside of blue cyberspace with a commander’s intent other than to
defend blue cyberspace from an ongoing or imminent cyberspace threat are OCO missions.
Like DCO-RA missions, some OCO missions may include actions that rise to the level of
use of force, with physical damage or destruction of enemy systems. Specific effects
created depend on the broader operational context, such as the existence or imminence of
open hostilities and national policy considerations. OCO missions require a properly
coordinated military order and careful consideration of scope, ROE, and measurable

b. Cyberspace Actions. Execution of any OCO, DCO, or DODIN operations mission

requires completion of specific tactical-level actions or tasks that employ cyberspace
capabilities to create effects in cyberspace. All cyberspace mission objectives are achieved
by the combination of one or more of these actions, which are defined exclusively by the
types of effects they create. To plan for, authorize, and assess these actions, it is important
the commander and staff clearly understand which actions have been authorized under their
current mission order. For example, the transition from DODIN operations to DCO-IDM
missions may need to occur quickly whenever the DODIN is threatened and cyberspace
operators begin to take cyberspace defense actions. To enable and synchronize this
transition and subsequent cyberspace defense actions, clear orders are required that
communicate to cyberspace operators the applicable constraints, restraints, and authorities.
Since they will always be necessary, standing orders for DODIN operations and DCO-IDM
missions cover most cyberspace security and initial cyberspace defense actions. However,
OCO and DCO-RA missions are episodic. They may require clandestine maneuver and
collection actions or may require overt actions, including fires. Therefore, the approval for
CO actions in foreign cyberspace requires separate OCO or DCO-RA mission authorities.
The cyberspace actions are:

(1) Cyberspace Security. Cyberspace security actions are taken within

protected cyberspace to prevent unauthorized access to, exploitation of, or damage to
computers, electronic communications systems, and other IT, including PIT, as well as the
information contained therein, to ensure its availability, integrity, authentication,
confidentiality, and nonrepudiation. Although they are threat-informed, cyberspace
security actions occur in advance of a specific security compromise and are a primary
component action of the DODIN operations mission. Cyberspace security actions protect

Chapter II

Note: Joint doctrine uses the term “cyberspace security” to distinguish

this tactical-level cyberspace action from the policy and programmatic
term “cybersecurity” used in Department of Defense (DOD) and United
States Government (USG) policy. To enable effective planning, execution,
and assessment, doctrine distinguishes between cyberspace security and
cyberspace defense actions, a distinction not made in DOD and USG
cybersecurity policy, where the term cybersecurity includes the ideas of
both security and defense. Doctrine uses both “cyberspace security” and
“cybersecurity,” depending upon the context.

from threats within cyberspace by reducing or eliminating vulnerabilities that may be

exploited by an adversary and/or implementing measures to detect malicious cyberspace
activities. Examples of cyberspace security actions include increasing password strength,
installing a software patch to remove vulnerabilities, encrypting stored data, training users
on cyberspace security best practices, restricting access to suspicious Web sites, or
blocking traffic on unused router ports.

(2) Cyberspace Defense. Cyberspace defense actions are taken within protected
cyberspace to defeat specific threats that have breached or are threatening to breach the
cyberspace security measures and include actions to detect, characterize, counter, and
mitigate threats, including malware or the unauthorized activities of users, and to restore
the system to a secure configuration. The CCMD, Service, or DOD agency that owns or
operates the network is generally authorized to take these defensive actions except in cases
when they would compromise the operations of elements of cyberspace outside the
responsibility of the respective CCMD, Service, or agency. In some cases, a CPT will be
assigned to assist with re-securing and mitigation actions. JFHQ-DODIN coordinates all
defensive actions that impact more than one CCMD or have impacts outside the realm of
the network owner. Cyberspace defense actions are the component actions of a DCO-IDM
mission. Since the same personnel often perform both cyberspace security and cyberspace
defense actions, these actions are collectively referred to as protection.

(3) Cyberspace Exploitation. Cyberspace exploitation actions include military

intelligence activities, maneuver, information collection, and other enabling actions
required to prepare for future military operations. Cyberspace exploitation actions are
taken as part of an OCO or DCO-RA mission and include all actions in gray or red
cyberspace that do not create cyberspace attack effects. Cyberspace exploitation includes
activities to gain intelligence and support operational preparation of the environment for
current and future operations through actions such as gaining and maintaining access to
networks, systems, and nodes of military value; maneuvering to positions of advantage;
and positioning cyberspace capabilities to facilitate follow-on actions. Cyberspace
exploitation also supports current and future operations through collection of information,
including mapping red and gray cyberspace to support situational awareness; discovering
vulnerabilities; enabling target development; and supporting the planning, execution, and
assessment of military operations. Cyberspace exploitation actions are deconflicted with
other USG departments and agencies IAW national policy.

II-6 JP 3-12
Cyberspace Operations Core Activities

(4) Cyberspace Attack. Cyberspace attack actions create noticeable denial

effects (i.e., degradation, disruption, or destruction) in cyberspace or manipulation that
leads to denial effects in the physical domains. Unlike cyberspace exploitation actions,
which are often intended to remain clandestine to be effective, cyberspace attack actions
will be apparent to system operators or users, either immediately or eventually, since they
remove some user functionality. Cyberspace attack actions are a form of fires, are taken
as part of an OCO or DCO-RA mission, are coordinated with other USG departments and
agencies, and are carefully synchronized with planned fires in the physical domains. They
include actions to:

(a) Deny. To prevent access to, operation of, or availability of a target

function by a specified level for a specified time, by:

1. Degrade. To deny access to, or operation of, a target to a level

represented as a percentage of capacity. Level of degradation is specified. If a specific
time is required, it can be specified.

2. Disrupt. To completely but temporarily deny access to, or operation

of, a target for a period of time. A desired start and stop time are normally specified.
Disruption can be considered a special case of degradation where the degradation level is
100 percent.

3. Destroy. To completely and irreparably deny access to, or operation

of, a target. Destruction maximizes the time and amount of denial. However, destruction
is scoped according to the span of a conflict, since many targets, given enough time and
resources, can be reconstituted.

(b) Manipulate. Manipulation, as a form of cyberspace attack, controls or

changes information, information systems, and/or networks in gray or red cyberspace to
create physical denial effects, using deception, decoying, conditioning, spoofing,
falsification, and other similar techniques. It uses an adversary’s information resources for
friendly purposes, to create denial effects not immediately apparent in cyberspace. The
targeted network may appear to operate normally until secondary or tertiary effects,
including physical effects, reveal evidence of the logical first-order effect.

c. Countermeasures in Cyberspace. Countermeasures are that form of military

science that, by the employment of devices and/or techniques, has as its objective the
impairment of the operational effectiveness of enemy activity. In cyberspace, the term
applies to any CO actions that fit the description of the term, regardless of where the
countermeasure is taken. As in the physical domains, countermeasure actions can be taken
either internal or external to the defended terrain and can be used preemptively or
reactively. Internal countermeasures are cyberspace defense actions taken as part of a
DCO-IDM mission; for example, closing router ports being used by an adversary for
unauthorized access or blocking malware that is beaconing out of the DODIN. External
countermeasures, which would be part of a DCO-RA or OCO mission, are employed
beyond the DODIN boundary against a specific malicious cyberspace activity. In support
of an OCO mission, they may be cyberspace attack actions that spoof or otherwise negate

Chapter II

the effectiveness of adversary sensors or defenses. As part of a DCO-RA mission, they

may be used to identify the source of a threat and/or use non-intrusive or minimally
intrusive techniques to interdict or mitigate threats. External defensive countermeasures
are normally nondestructive/nonlethal in nature, typically impact only malicious activity
but not the associated threat systems and terminate when the threat stops. All external
countermeasures are subject to the same synchronization, deconfliction, legal, and policy
guidance as any other aspect of an OCO or DCO-RA mission.

d. Assignment of Cyberspace Forces to CO. Mission orders or other directives

assign cyberspace forces described in Chapter I, “Overview of Cyberspace and Cyberspace
Operations,” to specific cyberspace missions, as depicted in Figure II-1.

(1) Forces and Workforce Conducting DODIN Operations and DCO-IDM.

Service-retained cyberspace forces, CCMD cyberspace forces, RC forces, and DOD
agency and activity staffs execute much of the DODIN operations required to secure and
operate the various backbones, sub-nets, segments, enclaves, and private networks of the
DODIN under the planning, direction, integration, and synchronization of the JFHQ-
DODIN. These staffs include CSSPs established by the Services and DOD agencies to
provide DODIN protection services under support agreements with system owners.
Although they are not military forces, contracted personnel protect some segments of the
DODIN. Note also that other, non-cyberspace forces conduct DODIN operations as an
integral part of assigned duties. For example, operators of PIT have an implied
responsibility to protect their equipment from threats in cyberspace and require specialized
training to detect and defeat cyberspace threats. Protecting PIT from malicious cyberspace
activity is complicated by the design of these systems, which are often developed with little
consideration of cyberspace threats. Regardless of which personnel and DODIN segments
are involved, when personnel with DODIN security responsibilities detect compromise of
cyberspace security measures, they transition, IAW standing authorities delegated by the
commander, to the cyberspace defense actions of DCO-IDM to restore security to their
assigned portion of the DODIN. Their effectiveness in making this transition depends upon
their level of training and resources to detect and respond to threats. If discovery and
mitigation of malicious cyberspace activity requires expertise beyond that available to the
network operator and/or the ISP, CPTs may respond to provide support conducting
cyberspace defense actions, either remotely or by deploying to the affected location. CPTs
perform other tasks to support network operators, including penetration testing, security
surveys, and assessment. National-level CPT support can be extended to defend non-DOD
mission partner or critical infrastructure networks when ordered by SecDef.

(2) Forces Conducting DCO-RA and OCO. DCO-RA missions are normally
assigned to NMTs, which are tactical units of the CNMF that defend the DODIN, or other
blue cyberspace when ordered. The NMTs are aligned under the CNMF-HQ against
specific cyberspace threats. OCO missions are normally assigned to CMTs, tactical units
of the CCMF that support CCDR plans and priorities to project power in support of
national objectives. The CMTs are aligned, under the JFHQs-C, in support of CCMDs.
In addition to NMTs and CMTs, there are NSTs and CSTs not depicted in Figure II-1
that provide specialized technical and analytic support for the units of the CMF. This

II-8 JP 3-12
Cyberspace Operations Core Activities

support includes intelligence analysis, cyberspace capability development, linguist

support, and planning.

Refer to Chapter IV, “Planning, Coordination, Execution, and Assessment,” for more
information about C2 of these cyberspace forces.

e. Referring to Adversary Activities in Cyberspace. DOD CO planning terms

may not accurately describe the actions of our adversaries and enemies in cyberspace
because their mission objectives and commander’s intent may not be known with
certainty. Therefore, the term “malicious cyberspace activity” refers to all such activities.
If the context of the discussion requires more specific descriptions of this activity, use
generic terms (e.g., attack, exploitation, sabotage, maneuver), depending upon the
specific effects of the malicious actions.

3. National Intelligence Operations In and Through Cyberspace

National-level intelligence organizations conduct intelligence activities in, through,

and about cyberspace in response to national intelligence priorities. This intelligence can
support a military commander’s planning and preparation. Although DOD’s cyberspace
forces may collect tactically and operationally useful information while maneuvering to
and through foreign cyberspace, like all joint forces, they also depend on intelligence
support from traditional military and national intelligence sources.

See JP 2-0, Joint Intelligence, and JP 2-01, Joint and National Intelligence Support to
Military Operations, for a more complete discussion of national intelligence activities,
including intelligence federation.

4. Department of Defense Ordinary Business Operations In and Through


Ordinary business operations in and through cyberspace are “cyberspace-enabled

activities” that comprise those non-intelligence and non-warfighting capabilities,
functions, and actions used to support and sustain DOD forces and components. This
includes the cyberspace-enabled functions of the civilian-run DOD agencies and
activities, such as the Defense Finance and Accounting Service and the Defense Contract
Audit Agency. Since the conduct of DOD ordinary business operations in cyberspace is
guided by DOD policy and not generally by joint doctrine, it is not discussed here in
detail. However, vulnerabilities that may exist in the applications and devices used for
DOD ordinary business operations might be exploited in a manner that directly impacts
a military commander’s mission. Since DOD agencies and activities use many of the
same networks as military commanders, a compromise in any area of the DODIN used
for business operations might result in a loss of mission assurance in cyberspace for
military operations.

5. The Joint Functions and Cyberspace Operations

a. JP 3-0, Joint Operations, delineates joint functions common to joint operations at

all levels of warfare. These joint functions comprise related capabilities and activities

Chapter II

grouped together to help commanders integrate, synchronize, and direct joint operations.
This section presents an overview of how military operations leverage cyberspace
capabilities to enable these functions in support of all DOD missions and how the
functions themselves are accomplished in cyberspace during CO.

b. C2. Discussion of C2 and cyberspace requires a distinction between using

cyberspace systems that implement the C2 of military operations and the C2 of forces
that execute CO. The former, addressed here, is a cyberspace-enabled activity, and the
latter is addressed in Chapter IV, “Planning, Coordination, Execution, and Assessment,”
paragraph 5, “Command and Control of Cyberspace Forces.” C2 encompasses the
exercise of authority and direction by commanders over assigned and attached forces in
the accomplishment of their mission. Use of cyberspace as a means of exchanging
communications is overwhelmingly the most common method at the strategic and
operational levels of warfare and is increasingly important in tactical warfare. Digital
communications methods have largely supplanted analog communications, except at the
tactical level, where analog signaling methods remain. Analog communications will
likely persist indefinitely in tactical operations for reasons of simplicity, reliability, and
security. However, military C2 systems that function by the transmission of digital data
are part of the DODIN. Cyberspace provides communications pathways, planning and
decision-support aids, and cyberspace-related intelligence to enable timely decision
making and execution of those decisions. This provides the commander the advantage
of controlling the timing and tempo of operations. Cyberspace offers an exceptionally
diverse array of circuits for issuance of commands and signals to forces and for those
forces to relay operational information back up the chain of command. Military orders
converted to digital form, including digital voice and video, can travel on circuits that
transit all of the physical domains, significantly increasing the likelihood of timely
delivery. However, a commander’s confidence in the C2 system can be easily
compromised when the security of the DODIN becomes suspect; therefore, the more the
commander relies on cyberspace for C2, the more important protection of supporting
cyberspace assets is to this joint function.

See JP 3-30, Command and Control of Joint Air Operations; JP 3-31, Command and
Control for Joint Land Operations; and JP 3-32, Command and Control of Joint Maritime
Operations, for more information on how cyberspace is used to enable operations in the
physical domains.

c. Intelligence. Understanding the OE is fundamental to all joint operations,

including CO. Intelligence may be derived from information gained during military
operations in cyberspace or from other sources. Intelligence operations in cyberspace
not conducted by a military commander are covered in paragraph 3, “National
Intelligence Operations In and Through Cyberspace.” All-source intelligence support to
CO utilizes the same intelligence process used by all other military operations, with
unique attributes necessary for support of CO planning detailed in Chapter IV, “Planning,
Coordination, Execution, and Assessment,” paragraph 3, “Intelligence and Operational
Analytic Support to Cyberspace Operations Planning.” The process includes:

II-10 JP 3-12
Cyberspace Operations Core Activities

(1) Planning and direction, to include identification of target vulnerabilities to

enable continuous planning and direction of CI activities to protect against espionage,
sabotage, and attacks against US citizens/facilities and continuously examining mission
success criteria and associated metrics to assess the impact of CO and inform the
commander’s decisions.

(2) Collection sensors with access to information about cyberspace.

(3) Processing and exploitation of collected data, including identification of

useful information from collected data, either real-time or after-the-fact.

(4) Analysis of information and production of intelligence products.

(5) Dissemination and integration of intelligence related to cyberspace with


(6) Evaluation and feedback regarding intelligence effectiveness and quality.

See JP 2-0, Joint Intelligence, for more information on the joint intelligence process.

d. Fires. Cyberspace attack capabilities create fires in and through cyberspace and
are often employed with little or no associated physical destruction. However,
modification or destruction of computers that control physical processes can lead to
cascading effects (including collateral effects) in the physical domains. Depending upon
the commander’s objective, fires in cyberspace can be offensive or defensive, supporting
or supported. Like all forms of fires, fires in and through cyberspace should be included
in the joint planning and execution processes to facilitate synchronization and unity of
effort and must comply with the law of war and ROE. Fires in and through cyberspace
encompass a number of tasks, actions, and processes, including targeting, coordination,
and deconfliction. If multiple USG or allied entities have requirements to create effects
or collect intelligence on the same target in cyberspace, synchronization and
deconfliction across all USG entities will be required, otherwise their uncoordinated
actions could expose or interfere with each other. Even if effects can be created
independently and are sufficiently justified, a technical analysis is still required to
determine if the capabilities can operate as planned in the same environment without
interference or increasing the chances of unwanted detection.

See JP 3-60, Joint Targeting, for more information on joint targeting, and Chapter IV,
“Planning, Coordination, Execution, and Assessment,” for more information on
targeting during CO.

e. Movement and Maneuver

(1) Movement and maneuver involves deploying forces and capabilities into an
OA and positioning within that area to gain operational advantage in support of mission
objectives, including accessing and, as necessary, controlling key terrain. Cyberspace
operations enable force projection without the need to establish a physical presence in
foreign territory. Maneuver in the DODIN or other blue cyberspace includes positioning

Chapter II

of forces, sensors, and defenses to best secure areas of cyberspace or engage in defensive
actions as required. Maneuver in gray and red cyberspace is a cyberspace exploitation
action and includes such activities as gaining access to adversary, enemy, or intermediary
links and nodes and shaping this cyberspace to support future actions. The ability to access
or even control such terrain can change the outcome of an engagement. A significant factor
in maneuverability in cyberspace is gaining and maintaining logical access to the
environment. This capability to maneuver and provide operational reach may be lost at
any time if the configuration of the relevant cyberspace nodes are modified. The ubiquitous
nature of cyberspace creates another major consideration, because it enables an adversary
or enemy to establish key points of presence outside the physical OA, in third-party
countries, protected areas, or even inside the US. Additionally, adversaries or enemies may
conduct CO from physical network connections within the US, PNs, or third-party nations,
thereby limiting the JFC’s maneuver space based on law and policy restriction and creating
dependencies on our ability to coordinate with interagency and other mission partners.

(2) Another component of maneuver in cyberspace is the ability to move data to

a place or process where it has maximum military utility, including movement of data out
of harm’s way and into a secure location or process. Because of network latencies and
performance differences between system messaging models, remote data stores are
generally slower than local data stores. This could make the difference between success
and failure in CO. In this context, having access to secure wired or wireless bandwidth is
analogous to maintaining LOCs in the physical domains. The ability to divert the flow of
data from one physical link to another in the face of threats, for example from terrestrial
cables to satellite communications (SATCOM) links, is an example of freedom of
maneuver in cyberspace. Therefore, managing the EMS within the battlespace is a key
planning consideration for CO.

f. Sustainment

(1) Sustainment is the provision of logistics and personnel services to maintain

operations through mission accomplishment and redeployment of the force. From the
perspective of cyberspace-enabled activities in support of global logistics, DOD relies on
protected DODIN and commercial network segments to coordinate sustainment of forces.

(2) Rapid advancements in IT require the development, fielding, and sustainment

of cyberspace capabilities adaptable to the changing OE. For example, secure, wireless
mobile devices provide anonymity for adversary Internet users; an adversary might update
or change operating systems; or they may transition to using more secure virtual machines
in their network architecture. Joint forces need the capability to adapt by rapidly
incorporating new cyberspace capabilities into their arsenal. Additionally, the joint force
may need the capability to quickly upgrade their own cyberspace to leverage these same
new technologies. However, pressure to deploy new technology should be balanced
against the potential for increased risk and the requirements of cybersecurity policy, and
implementation should be carefully orchestrated to prevent divergence among Service-
provisioned cyberspace that could create vulnerabilities in DODIN architecture.

II-12 JP 3-12
Cyberspace Operations Core Activities

(3) Sustainment planning should identify and address legacy systems. Many
legacy mission-critical systems were not designed and configured to be easily updated. As
a result, many of the vulnerabilities incurred on the DODIN are introduced via unpatched
(and effectively un-patchable) systems. These vulnerabilities can be mitigated through
additional layers of protection, which must then be sustained. Additionally, hardware
capabilities, including sensors and other forward-deployed cyberspace capabilities, can
deteriorate over time due to wear and tear or adversary discovery, requiring component
repair or replacement to remain operable. This can be particularly problematic when
physically inaccessible systems (such as those deployed to remote sites) require
replacement or upgrade. It is vital that commanders understand the mission risk created
by leaving such cyberspace capabilities in place over long periods, not just to current
operations but to the success of future DOD missions that rely on such capabilities. Finally,
contingency software capabilities that are infrequently accessed may also require periodic
refreshing and retesting to verify they are still secure and capable of creating the required
effects, despite changes in the OE.

g. Protection

(1) Protection of the DODIN and other critical US cyberspace includes the
continuous and synchronized integration of cyberspace security and, when required,
cyberspace defense actions. Protection of cyberspace assets is complicated by their logical
connectivity that can enable enemies to create multiple, cascading effects that may not be
restricted by physical geography and civil/military boundaries. Cyberspace capabilities
requiring protection include not only the infrastructure (computers, cables, antennas, and
switching and routing equipment) but also parts of the EMS (datalink frequencies to
include satellite downlink, cellular, and wireless) and the content (both data and
applications) on which military operations rely. Key to cyberspace protection is the
positive control of all direct connections between the DODIN and the Internet and other
public portions of cyberspace, as well as the ability to monitor, detect, and prevent the
entrance of malicious network traffic and unauthorized exfiltration of information through
these connections.

(2) Protection of blue cyberspace uses a combination of security and defensive

cyberspace capabilities. Due to the speed of effects and the number of elements in
cyberspace, automated procedures to defend cyberspace, verify configurations, and
discover network vulnerabilities often provide a better chance of initial success against an
aggressor than the manual equivalents. Several factors work against achieving perfect
security of a collection of networks and systems as complex as the DODIN. Therefore,
mission-critical parts of the DODIN which provide an advantage to either combatant are
considered key terrain and given priority for protection. Even the strongest encryption and
most secure protocols cannot protect the DODIN from poorly trained and/or unmotivated
users who do not employ proper security practices. Therefore, the training of all DODIN
users on appropriate behaviors and commander’s strict enforcement of cyberspace security
best practices is part of an overall risk management program. Commanders are accountable
for the actions of their personnel in cyberspace and should ensure clear understanding at
all levels of the command of cyberspace security standards, expectations, and best practices
to protect cyberspace.

Chapter II

(3) Protection of cyberspace capabilities requires strict adherence to unique

OPSEC countermeasures, since these operations might be thwarted if discovered in
advance of their effects. Concealment of movement within cyberspace uses different
techniques than concealment in the physical domains. Skills such as avoiding detection
are fundamental to most external missions and, therefore, essential to many joint
military CO.

For more information on OPSEC, refer to JP 3-13.3, Operations Security.

h. Information

(1) The information function encompasses the management and application of

information and its deliberate integration with other joint functions to influence relevant actor
perceptions, behavior, and/or action or inaction and support human and automated decision
making. The information function helps commanders and staffs understand and leverage the
pervasive nature of information, its military uses, and its application during all military
operations. This function provides JFCs the ability to integrate the generation and
preservation of friendly information while leveraging the inherent informational aspects of all
military activities to achieve the commander’s objectives and attain the end state. This joint
force function supports actions that achieve objectives within the operational and information
environments. Given the aim of CO is to achieve objectives within cyberspace and
cyberspace is wholly contained within the information environment, it is important to
understand its relationship with the information joint function.

(2) The joint force conducts CO in concert with other capabilities, to gain and
maintain an advantage. Cyberspace is a medium through which specific information
capabilities, such as MISO or MILDEC may be employed. Note that while some operations
in the information environment may be done using only CO, they are still synchronized,
integrated, and deconflicted with other activities and operations that impact the commander’s

(3) It is important to understand, that although CO will enable certain primary

activities within the information function, there are information activities that do not involve
CO. Therefore, failure to synchronize CO with other military operations planning and
execution can result in friendly forces conducting redundant or conflicting information
activities, resulting in wasted time and resources and loss of operational advantage.

Refer to JP 1, Doctrine for the Armed Forces of the United States, for more information about
the joint functions and their role in the military operations.

Refer to JP 3-0, Joint Operations, for information on the primary activities that support the
information joint function.

II-14 JP 3-12

“The Defense Department (DOD) requires the commitment and coordination

of multiple leaders and communities across DOD and the broader US
[G]overnment to carry out its missions and execute this strategy. Defense
Department law enforcement, intelligence, counterintelligence, and policy
organizations all have an active role, as do the men and women that build and
operate DOD’s networks and information technology systems. Every
organization needs to play its part.”

Ashton B. Carter
Secretary of Defense
The Department of Defense Cyber Strategy, April 17, 2015

1. Introduction

a. Under the authorities of SecDef, DOD uses cyberspace capabilities to shape cyberspace
and provide integrated offensive and defensive options for the defense of the nation.
USCYBERCOM coordinates with CCMDs, the JS, and the Office of the Secretary of Defense
(OSD); liaises with other USG departments and agencies; and, in conjunction with DHS,
DOD’s DC3, and the Defense Security Service, liaises with members of the DIB. Similarly,
as directed, DOD deploys necessary resources to support efforts of other USG departments and
agencies, and allies.

b. The National Military Strategy and The Department of Defense Cyber Strategy provide
high-level requirements for national defense in cyberspace and DOD’s role in defending DOD
and larger US national security interests through CO.

c. DOD’s Roles and Initiatives in Cyberspace. DOD’s roles in cyberspace are, for the
most part, the same as they are for the physical domains. As a part of its role to defend the
nation from threats in cyberspace, DOD prepares to support DHS and the Department of
Justice (DOJ), the USG leads for incident response activities during a national cybersecurity
incident of significant consequences. To fulfill this mission, DOD conducts military operations
to defend DOD elements of CI/KR and, when ordered, defend CI/KR related to vital US
interests. DOD’s national defense missions, when authorized by Presidential orders or
standing authorities, take primacy over the standing missions of other departments or agencies.
The Department of Defense Cyber Strategy establishes strategic initiatives that offer a roadmap
for DOD to operate effectively in cyberspace, defend national interests, and achieve national
security objectives.

d. National Incident Response. When directed, DOD provides cyberspace defense

support during major cyberspace threat events to the US. DOD coordinates with the requesting
agency or department through the lead response department or agency, as described in the
Presidential Policy Directive (PPD)-41, United States Cyber Incident Coordination. When
DHS requests such support, the fundamental principles of DSCA used to respond to domestic
emergencies in the physical domains also apply to CO support.

Chapter III

e. CI/KR Protection. CI/KR consist of the infrastructure and assets vital to the nation’s
security, governance, public health and safety, economy, and public confidence. IAW the
National Infrastructure Protection Plan, DOD is designated as the sector-specific agency for
the DIB. DOD provides cyberspace analysis and forensics support via the DIB Cybersecurity
and Information Assurance Program and the DC3. Concurrent with its national defense and
incident response missions, DOD may be directed to support DHS and other USG departments
and agencies to help ensure all sectors of cyberspace CI/KR are available to support national
objectives. CI/KR protection relies on analysis, warning, information sharing, risk
management, vulnerability identification and mitigation, and aid to national recovery efforts.
Defense critical infrastructure (DCI) is a subset of CI/KR that includes DOD and non-DOD
assets essential to project, support, and sustain military forces and operations worldwide.
Geographic combatant commanders (GCCs) have the responsibility to prevent the loss or
degradation of DCI within their AORs and coordinate with the DOD asset owner, heads of
DOD components, and defense infrastructure sector lead agents to fulfill this responsibility.
CCDRs may act to prevent or mitigate the loss or degradation of non-DOD-owned DCI only
in coordination with the CJCS and the Under Secretary of Defense for Policy (USD[P]) and at
the direction of SecDef IAW Department of Defense Directive (DODD) 3020.40, Mission
Assurance (MA). As the lead agent of the DODIN sector of the DCI, the Commander, JFHQ-
DODIN, is responsible for matters pertaining to the identification, prioritization, and
remediation of critical DODIN infrastructure issues. Likewise, DOD coordinates and
integrates when necessary with DHS for support of efforts to protect the DIB.

2. Authorities

a. Authority for CO actions undertaken by the US Armed Forces is derived from the US
Constitution and federal law. Key laws that apply to DOD include Title 10, USC, Armed
Forces; Title 50, USC, War and National Defense; and Title 32, USC, National Guard. See
Figure III-1 for a summary of applicable titles of USC as they apply to CO.

b. Authorities for specific types of military CO are established within SecDef policies,
including DOD instructions, directives, and memoranda, as well as in EXORDs and OPORDs
authorized by the President or SecDef and subordinate orders issued by commanders approved
to execute the subject missions. These include the directive authority for cyberspace operations
(DACO), established by CJCS EXORD, that enables DOD-wide synchronized protection of
the DODIN. The military missions and related actions of the cyberspace forces remain as
described in Chapter II, “Cyberspace Operations Core Activities,” regardless of the type of
authority under which they are executed.

Refer to Appendix A, “Classified Planning Considerations for Cyberspace Operations,” for

additional information on authorities for CO.

3. Roles and Responsibilities

a. SecDef

(1) Directs the military, intelligence, and ordinary business operations of DOD
in cyberspace.

III-2 JP 3-12
Authorities, Roles, and Responsibilities

United States Code

States Principal
Code Title Key Focus Organization Role in Cyberspace

Title 6 Domestic Homeland security Department of Security of US cyberspace

Security Homeland Security

Title 10 Armed National defense Department of Man, train, and equip US

Forces Defense forces for military
operations in cyberspace

Title 18 Crimes and Law enforcement Department of Crime prevention,

Criminal Justice apprehension, and
Procedure prosecution of criminals
operating in cyberspace
Title 28 Judiciary and

Title 32 National National defense State Army National Domestic consequence

Guard and civil support Guard, State Air management (if activated
training and National Guard for federal service, the
operations, in the National Guard is
US integrated into the Title 10,
USC), Armed Forces

Title 40 Public Chief Information All Federal Establish and enforce

Buildings, Officer roles and departments and standards for acquisition
Property, and responsibilities agencies and security of information
Works technologies

Title 44 Public Defines basic agency All Federal The foundation for what we now
Printing and responsibilities and departments and call cybersecurity activities, as
Documents authorities for agencies outlined in Department of
information security Defense Instruction, 8530.01,
policy Cybersecurity Activities Support
to DOD Information Network

Title 50 War and A broad spectrum of Commands, Secure US interests by

National military, foreign Services, and conducting military and
Defense intelligence, and agencies under the foreign intelligence
counterintelligence Department of operations in cyberspace
activities Defense and
agencies aligned
under the Office of
the Director of

Figure III-1. United States Code

(2) Provides policy and guidance for employment of forces conducting cyberspace
missions through the USD(P), the SecDef’s Principal Cyber Advisor, and the Deputy
Assistant Secretary of Defense for Cyber Policy.

Chapter III

(3) Develops and issues the DOD Information Resources Management Strategic
Plan through the DOD CIO. The DOD CIO is the DODIN architect and, as such, develops,
maintains, and enforces compliance with DODIN architecture standards and cybersecurity
policy. Inherent in the DOD CIO’s architecture responsibility are the responsibilities for
interoperability, data sharing, effective use of enterprise services, spectrum management, and
DODIN program synchronization.

(4) Develops and oversees implementation of DOD policy, strategy, programs,

and guidance regarding: intelligence; CI; security; sensitive activities; and other
intelligence-related matters in cyberspace, to include all intelligence, surveillance, and
reconnaissance (ISR) cyberspace activities and associated tasking, processing,
exploitation, and dissemination through the Under Secretary of Defense for Intelligence
IAW DODD 5143.01, Under Secretary of Defense for Intelligence (USD[I]).

(5) Coordinates with secretaries of other USG departments to establish

appropriate representation and participation of personnel on joint interagency coordination
groups (JIACGs), working groups, task forces, and collaboration and deconfliction bodies.


(1) As the global integrator, advises the President and SecDef on operational
policies, responsibilities, and programs.

(2) Assists SecDef in implementing operational responses to threats in


(3) Translates SecDef guidance into orders.

(4) Ensures cyberspace plans and operations are compatible with other military
plans and operations.

(5) Assists CCDRs in meeting SecDef-approved operational requirements.

c. Service Chiefs

(1) Provide appropriate administration of and support to cyberspace forces,

including Service-retained forces and forces assigned or attached to CCMDs.

(2) Train and equip cyberspace forces and develop cyberspace capabilities for
deployment/support to CCMDs, as directed by SecDef.

(3) Comply with CDRUSCYBERCOM’s direction for security, operation, and

defense of their respective Service segments of the DODIN, including applicable direction
issued under CDRUSCYBERCOM’s DACO, either from USCYBERCOM directly or
from JFHQ-DODIN or the SCCs, as delegated.

(4) Coordinate with CDRUSCYBERCOM to prioritize cyberspace mission

requirements and force capabilities.

III-4 JP 3-12
Authorities, Roles, and Responsibilities

(5) Provide users of the EMS with regulatory and operational guidance in the use
of frequencies through the authority of Army (Army Spectrum Management Office), Navy
(Navy and Marine Corps Spectrum Center), and Air Force (Air Force Spectrum
Management Office).

d. Chief, National Guard Bureau (NGB)

(1) Advises CDRUSCYBERCOM on NGB matters pertaining to CCMD CO

missions, and supports planning and coordination for such activities as requested by the
CJCS or the CCDRs.

(2) Serves as the channel of communications on all CO matters pertaining to the

NG between USCYBERCOM and the 50 states, the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico, the
District of Columbia, Guam, and the US Virgin Islands.

(3) Responds to direction from USCYBERCOM and JFHQ-DODIN, issued

under DACO, to secure, operate, and defend the NGB segments of the DODIN.


(1) As the coordinating authority for CO, plans, coordinates, integrates,

synchronizes, and conducts activities to:

(a) Direct the security, operations, and defense of the DODIN.

(b) Prepare to, and when directed, conduct military CO external to the
DODIN, including in gray and red cyberspace, in support of national objectives.

(2) Deconflicts cyberspace exploitation and cyberspace attack actions IAW

national and DOD policy.

(3) For CO events requiring actions and effects across multiple geographic
AORs, CDRUSCYBERCOM is the supported commander. For theater-specific events,
CDRUSCYBERCOM may be designated a supporting or supported commander,
depending upon the order issued.

(4) Leverages intelligence community (IC) sensors and directs DODIN sensors,
as appropriate, to establish and share comprehensive situational awareness of red and gray
cyberspace in support of assigned mission.

(5) Coordinates with the IC, CCMDs, Services, DOD agencies and activities, and
multinational partners to facilitate development of improved cyberspace accesses to
support planning and operations.

(6) As directed, provides military representation to USG departments and

agencies, US commercial entities, and international organizations for cyberspace matters.

Chapter III

(7) Notifies the CCMDs of ongoing or developing cyberspace threats and

anomalies to reduce potential risks and effectively integrate systems, networks, services,
and EMS usage and to ensure compliance with DOD-mandated DODIN configuration

(8) Performs analysis of threats to the DODIN, including threat analysis of

foreign malicious cyberspace activity. In coordination with CCMDs, changes the global
protection posture of the DODIN, as warranted by threat assessments.

(9) Plans for and, as directed, coordinates or executes DCO of US CI/KR.

(10) Commander, JFHQ-DODIN. In coordination with all CCDRs and other

DOD components, conducts the operational-level planning, direction, coordination,
execution, and oversight of global DODIN operations and DCO-IDM missions. Maintains
support relationships, as established by CDRUSCYBERCOM, with all CCDRs for
theater/functional DODIN operations and DCO-IDM. Commander, JFHQ-DODIN, is
supported for global DODIN operations and DCO-IDM, and CCDRs are supported for
DODIN operations and DCO-IDM with effects contained within their AOR or functional
mission area. Exercises DACO over all DOD components as delegated by

(11) Commander, CNMF-HQ. When directed, conducts the defense of the

nation’s cyberspace through operational-level planning, coordination, execution, and
oversight of DCO-RA missions and, when directed, employment of national CPTs on
DCO-IDM missions focused on internal threats to critical blue cyberspace outside the

(12) Commanders, SCCs. In coordination with Commander, JFHQ-DODIN,

conduct the operational-level planning, direction, coordination, execution, and oversight
of DODIN operations and DCO-IDM within their Service portion of the DODIN. To
achieve unity of action for protection of the DODIN, as directed, exercise DACO over
organizations within their Service that take cyberspace security and cyberspace defense
actions. Exercise administrative control of Service cyberspace forces, to include those that
are Global Force Management Implementation Guidance (GFMIG)-assigned to

(13) Commanders, JFHQ-C. Analyze, plan, and execute CO missions in

support of the CCDRs. Focus on refining intelligence requirements (IRs), providing
tactical expertise regarding feasibility of courses of action, and integrating CO into CCDR
plans and orders.

(14) USCYBERCOM Cyberspace Operations-Integrated Planning Element

(CO-IPE). Integrates within a CCDR’s CO support staff to provide CO expertise and
reachback capability to USCYBERCOM. CO-IPEs are organized from USCYBERCOM,
JFHQ-DODIN, and JFHQ-C personnel and are co-located with each CCMD for full
integration into their staffs. CO-IPEs provide a CCDR with CO planners and other subject

III-6 JP 3-12
Authorities, Roles, and Responsibilities

matter experts required to support development of CCMD requirements for CO and to

assist CCMD planners with coordinating, integrating, and deconflicting CO.

f. Other CCDRs

(1) Secure, operate, and defend tactical and constructed DODIN segments
within their commands and AORs.

(2) Integrate CO into plans (e.g., theater and functional campaign plans,
concept plans [CONPLANs], and operation plans [OPLANs]); integrate cyberspace
capabilities into military operations as required; and work closely with the joint force,
USCYBERCOM, SCCs, and DOD agencies to create fully integrated capabilities.

(3) In coordination with USCYBERCOM, CCDRs orchestrate planning efforts

for CO, designate the desired effects of CO, and determine the timing and tempo for CO
conducted in support of their missions. Functional CCDRs direct DODIN operations and
DCO-IDM over DODIN segments under their control, consistent with their functional

(4) GCCs lead, prioritize, and direct theater-specific DCO-IDM in response to

compromises of DODIN security through the unified command theater network control
center or equivalent organization. For cybersecurity events that have been categorized
as a global event by USCYBERCOM, CDRUSCYBERCOM is the supported
commander for the DCO-IDM, and other CCDRs support response efforts and tasking

(5) Serve as a focal point for in-theater DODIN operations that integrate
multinational partners.

(6) Plan for communications system support of operations that may be directed
by SecDef and ensure the interoperability of DOD forces with non-DOD mission partners
in terms of equipment, procedures, and standards.

(7) Retain authority to approve or deny DOD component-initiated

modifications to the DODIN that will impact in-theater operations only.

(8) In coordination with the DOD asset owner, heads of DOD components, and
DOD infrastructure sector lead agents, GCCs act to prevent the loss, degradation, or other
denial of DOD-owned DCI within their AORs. Act only in coordination with the CJCS
and USD(P) to prevent or mitigate the loss or degradation for non-DOD-owned DCI.

(9) In coordination with CDRUSCYBERCOM, advocate for cyberspace

capabilities and resources needed to support the CCDR’s missions.

(10) Provide users of the EMS with regulatory and operational guidance in the
use of required frequencies for CO IAW coordinated agreements between US forces and

Chapter III

g. Commanders, US Pacific Command and US Northern Command. In addition

to responsibilities in paragraph 3.f., “Other CCDRs,” these CCDRs fulfill specific CO
responsibilities related to DSCA and homeland defense with CDRUSCYBERCOM and
others, as required.

h. Commander, United States Strategic Command (CDRUSSTRATCOM). In

addition to responsibilities in paragraph 3.f., “Other CCDRs,” CDRUSSTRATCOM
fulfills specific CO-related SATCOM responsibilities.

(1) Represents the DOD SATCOM community by coordinating and

orchestrating consolidated user positions with CCMDs, Services, DOD agencies, and
international partners. CDRUSSTRATCOM has operational and configuration
management authority for the SATCOM component of the DODIN, including on-orbit
assets, control systems, and DOD ground terminal and gateway infrastructure. Directs
day-to-day operations of DOD-owned and leased SATCOM resources, as well as
international partner and non-DOD SATCOM resources used by DOD to support mission

(2) Develops, coordinates, and executes SATCOM operations policies and

procedures; constellation deployment plans; and satellite positioning, repositioning, and
disposal plans. Assesses, in collaboration with DISA and JFHQ-DODIN, how these
various plans impact communications support to current and future operations, OPLANs,
and CONPLANs. Except in the case of emergencies, CDRUSSTRATCOM coordinates
SATCOM actions with users prior to execution.

i. Director, DISA

(1) Complies with CDRUSCYBERCOM direction, through the commander of

JFHQ-DODIN, to execute DODIN operations and DCO-IDM missions at the global and
enterprise level, within DISA-operated portions of the DODIN.

(2) Provides engineering, architecture, and provisioning support for integrated

DODIN operations, including enterprise management, content management, and mission

(3) Provides shared situational awareness of DISA-operated portions of the


(4) Supports compliance inspections IAW Department of Defense Instruction

(DODI) 8530.01, Cybersecurity Activities Support to DOD Information Network

(5) Acquires all commercial SATCOM resources (unless the DOD CIO has
granted a waiver to the requesting organization). Supports CDRUSSTRATCOM as the
Consolidated SATCOM System Expert for commercial SATCOM and DOD gateways.

(6) Plans, mitigates, and executes service restoration at the global and enterprise
level, as directed by commander of JFHQ-DODIN.

III-8 JP 3-12
Authorities, Roles, and Responsibilities

(7) Provides and maintains a critical nodes defense plan for long-haul

j. Director, National Security Agency/Chief, Central Security Service

(1) Provides signals intelligence (SIGINT) support and cybersecurity guidance

and assistance to DOD components and national customers, pursuant to DOD policy
(DODI 8500.01, Cybersecurity; DODI, 8530.01, Cybersecurity Activities Support to
DOD Information Network Operations; and DODI 8560.01, Communications Security
[COMSEC] Monitoring and Information Assurance [IA] Readiness Testing); Executive
Order 12333, US Intelligence Activities; and National Security Directive 42, National
Policy for the Security of National Security Telecommunications and Information

(2) Provides DOD with capacity/capability in both cyberspace security and

cyberspace defense products and expertise and intelligence support required to execute
CO, including operation of cyberspace perimeter defenses under direction of
USCYBERCOM; target development assistance; situational awareness and attack
sensing and warning; threat analysis; internal threat hunting; red-teaming and security
assist visits; communications monitoring; forensics; linguist support; and other
specialized support, as authorized.

k. Director, Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA)

(1) Provides timely, objective, and cogent military intelligence to warfighters,

defense planners, and defense and national security policy makers.

(2) Conducts all-source analysis in support of CO, to include contributing to the

development of CO-related joint intelligence preparation of the OE products.

(3) Serves as the DOD focal point for all CI cyberspace investigations and
operations. In conjunction with the Military Departments and DOD agencies, DIA strives
to identify and neutralize all CI-related cyberspace threats to DOD. DIA supports CI
operations in cyberspace to promote cyberspace superiority and provides worldwide
cyberspace CI situational awareness and coordination.

(4) In coordination with JS, Services, other DOD agencies and activities, and
OSD, engineers, develops, implements, and manages the sensitive compartmented
information portion of the DODIN, including the configuration of information, data, and
communications standards for intelligence systems. Included within this is the overall
responsibility for the operation of Joint Worldwide Intelligence Communications
System, a strategic, secure, high-capacity telecommunications network serving the IC
with voice, data, and video services. DIA establishes defense-wide intelligence priorities
for achieving interoperability between tactical, theater, and national intelligence-related
systems and between intelligence-related systems and the tactical, theater, and national
elements of the DODIN.

Chapter III

(5) Sets policies, standards, and requirements for targets, including the virtual
elements of facility, individual, organization, and equipment targets. All target
development, to include targets in support of CO, adheres to the standards put forth in
Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Instruction (CJCSI) 3370.01, Target Development

l. Director, DC3. Administratively assigned to the Department of the Air Force but
supporting the entire DOD, the DC3:

(1) Provides digital and multimedia forensics; cyberspace investigative

training; research, development, test and evaluation; and cyberspace vulnerability
analysis for DODIN protection, LE, IC, CI, and counterterrorism organizations.

(2) Serves as the DOD center of excellence and establishes DOD standards for
digital and multimedia forensics.

(3) Serves as the operational focal point for the DIB cyberspace security
information sharing activities performed to protect unclassified DOD information that
transits or resides on unclassified DIB information systems and networks.

m. Other DOD Agencies and Activities. All DOD agencies and activities are
responsible for developing and maintaining their IT in a manner consistent with and
reflective of applicable DODIN architecture and cybersecurity standards, and they plan,
resource, acquire, implement, and maintain agency-specific IT IAW the DOD policy and
resource priorities. Those DOD agencies, which are also part of the IC, are additionally
subject to the policies and guidance of the IC CIO. All DOD agencies and activities
respond to direction from USCYBERCOM and JFHQ-DODIN, issued under DACO, to
secure, operate, and defend their segments of the DODIN.

n. DHS

(1) DHS has the responsibility to secure US cyberspace, at the national level,
by protecting non-DOD USG networks against cyberspace intrusions and attacks,
including actions to reduce and consolidate external access points, deploy passive
network defenses and sensors, and define public and private partnerships in support of
national cybersecurity policy.

(2) DHS protects USG network systems from cyberspace threats and partners
with government, industry, and academia, as well as the international community, to
make cybersecurity a national priority and a shared responsibility.

(3) Pursuant to the Homeland Security Act of 2002 and Homeland Security
Presidential Directive-5, Management of Domestic Incidents, the Secretary of Homeland
Security is the principal federal official for domestic incident management. Pursuant to
PPD-41, United States Cyber Incident Coordination, DHS is the lead federal agency for
cyberspace incident asset response. For significant cybersecurity incidents external to
the DODIN and IC networks, DHS’s National Cybersecurity and Communications

III-10 JP 3-12
Authorities, Roles, and Responsibilities

Integration Center is the lead federal agency for technical assistance and vulnerability

o. DOJ

(1) DOJ, including the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), leads

counterterrorism and CI investigations and related LE activities associated with
government and commercial CI/KR. DOJ investigates, defeats, prosecutes, and
otherwise reduces foreign intelligence, terrorist, and other cyberspace threats to the
nation’s CI/KR. The FBI is the lead agency for significant cybersecurity incident threat
response activities, except those that affect the DODIN or the IC. Given the ability of
malicious cyberspace activity to spread, investigation of threats to the DODIN will need
to be coordinated with the FBI.

(2) The FBI also conducts domestic collection, analysis, and dissemination of
cybersecurity threat information and operates the National Cyber Investigative Joint Task
Force, a multi-agency focal point for coordinating, integrating, and sharing pertinent
information related to cybersecurity threat investigations, with representation from DHS,
the IC, DOD, and other agencies as appropriate.

4. Legal Considerations

a. DOD conducts CO consistent with US domestic law, applicable international law,

and relevant USG and DOD policies. The laws that restrict military actions in US
territory also apply to cyberspace. Therefore, DOD cyberspace forces that operate
outside the DODIN, when properly authorized, are generally limited to operating in gray
and red cyberspace only, unless they are issued different ROE or conducting DSCA under
appropriate authority. Since each CO mission has unique legal considerations, the
applicable legal framework depends on the nature of the activities to be conducted, such
as OCO or DCO, DSCA, ISP actions, LE and CI activities, intelligence activities, and
defense of the homeland. Before conducting CO, commanders, planners, and operators
require clear understanding of the relevant legal framework to comply with laws and
policies, the application of which may be challenging given the global nature of
cyberspace and the geographic orientation of domestic and international law. It is
essential commanders, planners, and operators consult with legal counsel during planning
and execution of CO.

b. Application of the Law of War. Members of DOD comply with the law of war
during all armed conflicts and in all other military operations. The law of war
encompasses all international law for the conduct of armed hostilities binding on the US
or its individual citizens, including treaties and international agreements to which the US
is a party and applicable customary international law. The law of war rests on
fundamental principles of military necessity, proportionality, distinction
(discrimination), and avoidance of unnecessary suffering, all of which may apply to
certain CO.

Chapter III

See JP 1-04, Legal Support to Military Operations; DODD 2311.01E, DOD Law of War
Program; CJCSI 5810.01, Implementation of the DOD Law of War Program; and the
Department of Defense Law of War Manual for more information on the law of war.

III-12 JP 3-12

“We’re trying to both physically and virtually isolate ISIL [Islamic State of Iraq
and the Levant], limit their ability to conduct command and control, limit their
ability to communicate with each other, limit their ability to conduct operations
locally and tactically. I’ll be one of the first ones arguing that that’s about all
we should talk about.... We want them to be surprised when we conduct
cyber[space] operations. And, frankly, they’re going to experience some
friction that’s associated with us and some friction that’s just associated with
the normal course of events in dealing in the information age.”

General Joseph Dunford

Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff
February 2016 News Conference

1. Joint Planning Process and Cyberspace Operations

a. Commanders integrate CO into their operations at all levels. Their plans should
address how to effectively integrate cyberspace capabilities, counter adversaries’ use of
cyberspace, identify and secure mission-critical cyberspace, access key terrain in
cyberspace, operate in a degraded environment, efficiently use limited cyberspace assets,
and pair operational requirements with cyberspace capabilities. The commander provides
initial planning guidance, which may specify time constraints, outline initial coordination
requirements, authorize the movement of forces within the commander’s authority, and
direct other actions as necessary. Supporting CO plans and concepts describe the role and
scope of CO in the commander’s effort and address how CO support the execution of the
supported plan. If requested by a commander, CDRUSCYBERCOM provides assistance
in integrating cyberspace forces and capabilities into the commander’s plans and orders.

b. JP 5-0, Joint Planning, describes the joint planning process (JPP) as a proven
process to organize the work of the commander, staff, subordinate commanders, and other
partners to develop plans that appropriately address the problem to be solved. It focuses
on framing the situation and end states, defining the military mission, analysis of critical
factors, and designing an operational approach to accomplish mission objectives. CO
capabilities and functions are integrated along with all other joint capabilities and functions
into the JPP and into the Adaptive Planning and Execution enterprise.

See JP 5-0, Joint Planning, for more information on the JPP.

2. Cyberspace Operations Planning Considerations

a. Overview. Although CO planners are presented the same operational design

considerations and challenges as planners for operations in the physical domains, there are
some unique considerations for planning CO. For instance, because of unforeseen linkages
in cyberspace, higher-order effects of some CO may be more difficult to predict. This may
require more branch and sequel planning. Further, while many elements of cyberspace can
be mapped geographically, a full understanding of an adversary’s disposition and

Chapter IV

capabilities in cyberspace involves understanding the target, not only at the underlying
physical network layer but also at the logical network layer and cyber-persona layer,
including profiles of system users and administrators and their relationship to adversary
critical factors. For planning internal operations within DOD cyberspace, DODIN
operations and DCO-IDM planners require a clear understanding of which friendly forces
or capabilities might be targeted by an adversary; what DODIN vulnerabilities are most
likely to be targeted and the potential effects of the adversary’s action; the mission
assurance risks involved; and an understanding of applicable domestic, foreign, and
international laws and USG policy. Threats in cyberspace may be nation-states, non-state
groups, or individuals, and the parts of cyberspace they control are not necessarily within
the geographic borders associated with the threat’s nationality or proportional to their
geopolitical influence. A criminal element, a politically motivated group, or even a well-
resourced individual may have a greater presence and capability in cyberspace than do
many nations. Moreover, many adversaries operate cyberspace capabilities from portions
of cyberspace geographically associated with the US or owned by a US entity. Each of
these factors complicates the planning of CO.

b. Planning Timelines. For external missions, it is essential OCO and DCO-RA

planners understand the authorities required to execute the specific CO actions proposed.
The applicable authorities may vary depending upon the phase of the operation. This
includes accounting for the lead time required to obtain the necessary intelligence to define
the correct target; develop target access; confirm the appropriate authorities; complete
necessary coordination, including interagency coordination and/or synchronization; and to
verify the cyberspace capability matches the intended target using the results of technical
assurance evaluations. For internal missions, the timelines for DCO-IDM and DODIN
operations planners are impacted by other factors, including levels of automation available
to manage network posture, availability of security solutions from commercial providers
and their licensing requirements, and operational considerations that may impact a
defender’s abilities to maneuver or take systems off-line to better manage their protection.
However, the planning fundamentals remain the same, and despite the additional
considerations and challenges of integrating CO, planners use most elements of the
traditional processes to implement the commander’s intent and guidance.

c. Planning Considerations for Operating in Red and Gray Cyberspace

(1) Characteristics of Cyberspace Capabilities. While cyberspace is complex

and ever changing, cyberspace capabilities, whether devices or computer programs, must
reliably create the intended effects. However, cyberspace capabilities are developed based
on environmental assumptions and expectations about the operating conditions that will be
found in the OE. These conditions may be as simple as the type of computer operating
system being used by an adversary or as complex as the exact serial number of the hardware
or version of the software installed, what system resources are available, and what other
applications are expected to be running (or not running) when the cyberspace capability
activates on target. These expected conditions should be well documented by the capability
developer and are important for planners and targeting personnel to understand as
capability limitations. The extent to which the expected environmental conditions of a
target cannot be confirmed through ISR sources represents an increased level of risk

IV-2 JP 3-12
Planning, Coordination, Execution, and Assessment

associated with using the capability. All other factors being equal, cyberspace capabilities
that have the fewest environmental dependencies and/or allow the operator to reconfigure
the capability are preferred. DODI O-3600.03, Technical Assurance Standard (TAS) for
Computer Network Attack (CNA) Capabilities, provides detailed requirements for technical
assurance evaluations that document these characteristics.

(2) Cascading, Compounding, and Collateral Effects. Overlaps among

military, other government, corporate, and private activities on shared networks in
cyberspace make the evaluation of probable cascading, compounding, and collateral effects
particularly important when targeting for CO. The effects can ripple through a targeted
system, sometimes cascading through links with related systems that were not evident to
the planner. Cascading effects sometimes travel through systems subordinate to the one
targeted but can also move laterally to peer systems or up to higher-level systems.
Compounding effects are an aggregation of various levels of effects that have interacted in
ways that may be intended or may have been unforeseen. Collateral effects, including
collateral damage, are the incidental effects of military operations on non-combatants and
civilian property that were not the intended targets of the strike. Depending upon the
strategic and operational situation, an order or applicable ROE may limit CO to only those
actions likely to result in no or low levels of collateral effects. A collateral effects estimate
to meet policy restrictions is separate from the proportionality analysis required by the law
of war. This estimate is a tool for the commander to understand risk when considering
approval of operations. Therefore, even if a proposed CO is permissible after a collateral
effects analysis, the likely effects of the proposed CO must also be permissible under a law
of war proportionality analysis, as applicable.

(3) Reversibility of Effects. An important consideration for planning

cyberspace attack and cyberspace exploitation effects is the level of control over the
duration of the effect that can be exercised by friendly forces. There are two basic ways to
categorize effects by this standard:

(a) Operator Reversible Effects. Effects that can be recalled, recovered, or

terminated by friendly forces. These effects may represent a lower risk of undesired
consequences, including discovery or retaliation.

(b) Non-Operator Reversible Effects. Effects that cannot be recalled,

recovered, or terminated by friendly forces after execution. These effects may represent a
higher risk of response from the threat or other undesired consequences and may require
more coordination.
See Appendix A, “Classified Planning Considerations for Cyberspace Operations,” for
additional planning considerations for external missions. See JP 3-60, Joint Targeting, for
additional information on creation of effects. Refer to CJCSI 3160.01, No-Strike and the
Collateral Damage Estimation Methodology, for additional information on collateral

d. Planning Considerations for Protecting the DODIN

Chapter IV

(1) For Specific Plans and Operations. DODIN operations underpin nearly
every aspect of military operations, and this reliance on cyberspace is well understood
by our adversaries. However, a commander’s reliance on specific segments of the
DODIN is often not considered during plans development, but planning for DODIN
resiliency is essential. JFC planning staffs should incorporate DCO-IDM branches and
sequels for any operations that pose an increased threat to the DODIN. The CCDR’s CO
staff coordinates and deconflicts DCO-IDM mission activities with the USCYBERCOM
CO-IPEs. If the planned defensive actions will create effects in cyberspace outside of
the GCC’s AOR, JFHQ-DODIN will ensure the cyberspace defense actions are
coordinated and synchronized globally.

(2) Prioritizing DODIN Protection. Cybersecurity policies generally apply to

all of the DODIN, unless specific exceptions or waivers are granted. Each segment of
the DODIN has an organization responsible for its security and first-line defensive
actions, including administrative and non-mission-critical networks, which are protected
primarily by their operators and their CSSP. Some of these protection services may be
contracted, particularly when the creation and operation of the network itself has been
contracted. The determination of whether or not a specific piece of contractor hardware
or a specific contractor network segment is considered part of the DODIN is determined
by the exact language of the contract. Given the limited number of CPTs and other
cyberspace forces, the significant scope of the DODIN means not every segment can be
defended in the same depth. Primarily, these specialized cyberspace forces focus on
protecting the highest priority segments of the DODIN, including mission-critical,
classified, and those directly supporting operations. As resources allow, CPTs may assist
service providers and network segment operators with defense of lower priority

(3) Coordinating DODIN Defense. Effective response to intrusions or other

malicious activity on the DODIN requires coordinated action. Although the ultimate goal
of DCO is to defeat the threat and reestablish secure cyberspace, the nature of the threat
determines the specific response to each incident. All cybersecurity incidents are
reported IAW DOD policy, but some threat adversary activity may be effectively
remediated by well-trained, local cyberspace forces without external support.
Sophisticated nation-state threats that penetrate our security measures require a different
type of response. Each encounter with a peer or near-peer adversary in cyberspace
warrants careful consideration of the response. Choosing when, where, and how to
engage the threat is as important in DCO as it is to defense in the physical domains. If
circumstances allow, including a consideration of threat to the supported mission,
intelligence gain/loss (IGL) considerations may suggest careful observation of the threat
while limiting its maneuver. When a command is engaged with a threat in cyberspace,
the global enterprise adapts to support that command IAW defensive priorities.
Reachback support for analytics, intelligence, and even fires is provided to maintain
continuity of operations at the supported command. Local and Service commanders
consult with USCYBERCOM and its subordinate HQ staffs to create tailored responses
to specific threats. Some incidents require remote or on-site response by CPTs to assist
network operators and the assigned CSSP with remediation and restoration of the affected
network segment.

IV-4 JP 3-12
Planning, Coordination, Execution, and Assessment

(4) Situational Awareness. Cyberspace situational awareness is the requisite

current and predictive knowledge of cyberspace and the OE upon which CO depend,
including all factors affecting friendly and adversary cyberspace forces. A commander
continually assesses the OE through a combination of staff element and other reporting;
personal observation; intelligence, to include threat warning; and representations of
various activities occurring in the OE using a common operational picture (COP). The
DODIN is a primary source of information used to support the commander’s situational
awareness of the OE, including the status of the DODIN itself. Sustainment of DODIN
sensors, communication channels, data feeds, and user interfaces is a key outcome of
DODIN operations. Accurate and comprehensive situational awareness is critical for
rapid decision making in a constantly changing OE and while engaging an elusive,
adaptive adversary. Situational awareness of adversary activity in gray and red
cyberspace relies heavily on cyberspace exploitation and SIGINT, but contributions can
come from all sources of intelligence. Situational awareness within the DODIN is
provided by the Services and agencies operating their portions of the DODIN, by DISA
and JFHQ-DODIN through the network operations and security centers, by
USCYBERCOM’s Joint Operations Center, and by the Joint Functional Component
Command for Space’s Joint Space Operations Center for SATCOM. They coordinate
with each other as required for operational effectiveness and shared situational
awareness. The ever-increasing complexity and scope of cyberspace means a
commander never has perfect or even optimal situational awareness of cyberspace factors
that could impact operations and should consider the risks represented by this lack of
information when making decisions.

e. Preparing for Assessment. Assessment is used to measure progress of the joint

force toward mission accomplishment. Commanders continuously assess the OE and the
progress of operations and compare them to their initial vision and intent. The assessment
process begins during the planning process and helps the commander and staff decide
what to measure and how to measure it, in order to determine progress toward
accomplishing a task, creating an effect, or achieving an objective. The data collected to
support these measures can range from simply noting an inability to reach the target
network after a cyberspace attack to complex network monitoring and statistical analysis.
Data gathered about the target’s state prior to the operation, through access, execution,
and possibly its long-term post-attack state, may facilitate later assessment of higher-
order effects. Assessment of internal missions to protect the DODIN requires similar
preparation. It is difficult to determine the degree that protection measures reduce risk
to mission without accurate knowledge of the initial conditions of the network.
Assessment of CO is not limited to analysis of data from within cyberspace. For example,
if the desired effect of an OCO mission was to cause a power outage, the assessment
might be made using visual sensors to observe indications of an outage. Planners submit
assessment requests, with sufficient justification, as early as is necessary for the
appropriate allocation of resources. For further information, see paragraph 7,
“Assessment of Cyberspace Operations.”

Refer to Appendix A, “Classified Planning Considerations for Cyberspace Operations,”

for additional information on planning CO.

Chapter IV

3. Intelligence and Operational Analytic Support to Cyberspace Operations


a. IRs. During mission analysis, the joint force staff identifies significant information
gaps about the adversary and other relevant aspects of the OE. After gap analysis, the staff
formulates IRs, which are general or specific subjects upon which there is a need for the
collection of information or the production of intelligence. Based upon identified IRs, the
staff develops more specific questions known as information requirements (those items of
information that must be collected and processed to develop the intelligence required by
the commander). Information requirements related to cyberspace can include such things
as network infrastructures and status, readiness of adversary’s equipment and personnel,
and unique cyberspace signature identifiers such as hardware/software/firmware versions
and configuration files. These IRs are met through a combination of military intelligence
and national intelligence sources.

See JP 2-0, Joint Intelligence, for additional information on IRs.

(1) Requests for Information (RFIs). CO planners can submit an RFI to

generate intelligence collection efforts in any part of the OE or discipline in support of the
JPP. RFIs are specific, time-sensitive, ad hoc requirements for intelligence information to
support an ongoing crisis or operation and not necessarily related to standing requirements
or scheduled intelligence production. RFIs fulfill customer requirements and range from
disseminating existing products through integrating or tailoring on-hand information to
scheduling new collection and production. The RFI manager translating the customer’s
requirement and the primary intelligence producer determine how best to meet the
customer’s needs. In addition to information collected during military operations,
information required to support CO planning can come from SIGINT, human intelligence,
CI, measurement and signature intelligence, geospatial intelligence, or open-source
intelligence (OSINT). Regardless of source, the information should be timely, accurate,
and in a usable format.

See JP 2-01, Joint and National Intelligence Support to Military Operations, for additional
information on RFIs.

(2) Tasking, Collection, Processing, Exploitation, and Dissemination

(TCPED) Architecture. The DOD’s global connectivity enables commanders to task
assigned or attached ISR sensors or assets and submit collection and production
requirements directly to other ISR or IC activities.

For more information on TCPED, see JP 2-01, Joint and National Intelligence Support to
Military Operations.

b. Threat Detection and Characterization. Some threats in cyberspace are detected

by intelligence sources and others during the course of military maneuver.

(1) Detection. The activities in cyberspace of a sophisticated threat may be

difficult to detect. Unlike actions in the physical domains, which are often detected by the
presence of military equipment or other types of observables, threat actions in cyberspace

IV-6 JP 3-12
Planning, Coordination, Execution, and Assessment

may not be easily distinguishable from legitimate network activity. Detecting of activities
in cyberspace is critical for enabling effective CO.

(2) Characterization. Because the DOD cyberspace missions are categorized

based on the commander’s intent and because friendly forces are often uncertain of a
threat’s actual intent, threat activities in cyberspace are referred to more generically. Threat
actions in cyberspace are generally referred to as malicious cyberspace activity. If known
details of adversary activity support more precise categorization, specific threat actions
may qualify as cyberspace attack if they have created noticeable denial effects or
cyberspace exploitation if the adversary has only maneuvered for collection or enabling

(3) Analysis and Attribution. Due to the characteristics of the physical network,
logical network, and cyber-persona layers of cyberspace, attribution of malicious
cyberspace activity to a specific person, criminal organization, non-state threat, or even a
responsible nation-state can be exceptionally difficult. Although attribution is not
necessarily required for self-defense, the difficulty of attribution, along with the possibility
that an apparent threat may actually be an attempt at misdirection, is one of the principal
reasons DCO-RA mission planning may be more difficult than planning for response to
conventional attack. The risks of a defensive response against the wrong threat,
particularly a nation-state or a target within an unwitting nation-state where the attack
originated, are weighed against strategic objectives and the consequences of making an
attribution mistake. Working effectively within these constraints requires unique skills on
the part of all-source intelligence analysts to understand the context of the threat activity.
They use skills like analyzing deception techniques, anonymity techniques, virtual
representations and avatars, and other artifacts of the logical network and cyber-persona
layers to characterize activities with the requisite degree of confidence required to enable
an effective response.

c. IGL. Another planning concern is that maneuver and fires in red and gray
cyberspace could potentially compromise intelligence collection activities sources and
methods. To the maximum extent practicable, an IGL assessment is required prior to
executing such actions. The IGL assessment can be complicated by the array of non-DOD
USG and multinational partners operating in cyberspace. JFCs use IGL analysis to weigh
the risks of conducting the CO versus achieving the desired objective via other methods.

d. Warning Intelligence. Cyberspace threat intelligence includes all-source analysis

to factor in political, military, and technical warning intelligence. Adversary cyberspace
actions may occur separate from, and well in advance of, related activities in the physical
domains. Additionally, cyberspace threat sensors may recognize malicious activity with
only a very short time available to respond. These factors make the inclusion of all-source
intelligence analysis very important for effectively assessing adversaries’ intentions in

e. OSINT. All-source intelligence analysis of cyberspace sources should take

advantage of the information available from OSINT, including Internet social media and
other nontraditional sources of information. The constantly evolving sphere of open-

Chapter IV

source activity offers the opportunity to add useful data to all-source analysis. But this
constantly changing landscape of media and the low “signal to noise” ratio of data available
in cyberspace also complicate the intelligence collection problem, requiring active
collection management to stay abreast of these sources.

f. ISR in Cyberspace. ISR in cyberspace is an activity that synchronizes and

integrates the planning and operation of sensors; assets; and processing, exploitation, and
dissemination systems in direct support of current and future operations. This is an
integrated intelligence and operations function. ISR in cyberspace focuses on gathering
tactical and operational information and on mapping enemy and adversary networks to
support military planning. To facilitate the optimum utilization of all available ISR assets,
an ISR concept of the operations (CONOPS) should be developed in conjunction with the
command’s planning effort. The ISR CONOPS should be based on the collection strategy
and ISR execution planning and should be developed jointly by the joint force intelligence
directorate of a joint staff and the operations directorate of a joint staff. The ISR CONOPS
documents the synchronization, integration, and operation of ISR resources in direct
support of current and future operations. It outlines the capability to task, collect, process,
exploit, and disseminate accurate and timely information that provides the awareness
necessary to successfully plan and conduct operations. It addresses how all available ISR
collection assets and associated processing, exploitation, and dissemination infrastructure,
including multinational and commercial assets, will be used to satisfy the joint force’s
anticipated collection tasks. It also requires appropriate deconfliction and personnel that
are trained and certified to a common standard with the IC.

4. Targeting

The purpose of targeting is to integrate and synchronize fires (the use of weapon
systems or other actions to create a specific lethal or nonlethal effect on a target) into joint
operations. Targeting is the process of selecting and prioritizing targets and matching the
appropriate response to them, considering operational requirements and capabilities.
Integrating and synchronizing planning, execution, and assessment are pivotal to the
success of joint targeting. The overall joint targeting cycle and target development process
described in JP 3-60, Joint Targeting, apply generally to targeting in support of CO. In
addition, the coordination required by Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Manual
(CJCSM) 3139.01, (U) Review and Approval Process for Cyberspace Operations, for
certain OCO and DCO-RA missions is unique to CO and applies to many aspects of the
joint targeting cycle. Therefore, CO planners and decision makers often use a targeting
process specifically adapted to the circumstance. Three fundamental aspects of CO require
consideration in the targeting processes: recognizing cyberspace capabilities are a viable
option for engaging some designated targets; understanding a CO option may be preferable
in some cases, because it may offer low probability of detection and/or no associated
physical damage; and higher-order effects on targets in cyberspace may impact elements
of the DODIN, including retaliation for attacks attributed to the joint force. Additionally,
some characteristics unique to the cyberspace components of targets and to cyberspace
capabilities are described below.

IV-8 JP 3-12
Planning, Coordination, Execution, and Assessment

a. Targeting In and Through Cyberspace. Planning and targeting staffs develop

and select targets in and through cyberspace based on the commander’s objectives rather
than on the capabilities available to achieve them. The focus is on creating effects that
accomplish targeting-related tasks and objectives, not on using a particular cyberspace
capability simply because it is available. Targets that can be accessed in cyberspace are
developed, vetted, and validated within the established targeting process. Although targets
paired with cyberspace capabilities can often be engaged with no permanent damage, due
to the interconnectedness of cyberspace, the effects of CO may cross geographical
boundaries and, if not carefully planned, may have unanticipated effects. As a result,
engaging targets in and through cyberspace requires close coordination within DOD and
with interagency and multinational partners. Every target has distinct intrinsic or acquired
characteristics (i.e., physical, functional, cognitive, environmental, and temporal) that form
the basis for detection, location, and identification; for determining target value within the
target system; and for classification for future surveillance, analysis, strike, and assessment.
The challenge in targeting for CO is to identify, correlate, coordinate, and deconflict
multiple activities occurring across the physical network, logical network, and cyber-
persona layers. This requires a C2 capability that can operate at the tempo of CO and can
rapidly integrate impacted stakeholders.

(1) Physical Network Layer Target Features. The physical network layer is
the medium where the data travels. It includes wired (e.g., land and undersea cable) and
wireless (e.g., radio, radio-relay, cellular, satellite) transmission means. It is a point of
reference for determining geographic location and the applicable legal framework.

(2) Logical Network Layer Target Features. The logical network layer
provides an alternate view of the target, abstracted from its physical location, and
referenced from its logical position in cyberspace. This position is often represented
through a network address (e.g., IP address). It depicts how nodes in the physical domains
address and refer to one another to form entities in cyberspace. The logical network layer
is the first point where the connection to the physical domains may be lost. Targeting in
the logical layer requires the logical identity and logical access to the target to have a direct

(3) Cyber-Persona Layer Target Features. The cyber-persona layer, the

aggregate of an individual’s or group’s online identity(ies), and an abstraction of logical
network layer data, holds important implications for joint forces in terms of positive target
identification and affiliation and activity attribution. Cyber-personas are created to group
information together about targeted actors in order to organize analysis, engagement, and
intelligence reporting. Because cyber-personas can be complex, with elements in many
virtual locations but often not linked to a single physical location or form, sufficient
intelligence collection and analysis capabilities are required for the joint forces to gain
insight and situational awareness required to enable effective targeting of a cyber-persona.
Ultimately, cyber-personas will be linked to features that will be engaged in either the
logical or physical network layers.

b. Target Access. Cyberspace forces develop access to targets or target elements in

cyberspace by using cyberspace exploitation actions. This access can then be used for

Chapter IV

various purposes, ranging from information collection to maneuver and to targeting

nomination. Not all accesses are equally useful for military operations. For instance, the
level of access required to collect information from an entity may not be sufficient to create
a desired effect. Developing access to targets in or through cyberspace follows a process
which can often take significant time. In some cases, remote access is not possible, and
close proximity may be required. All target access efforts in cyberspace require
coordination with the IC for deconfliction IAW national policy and to illuminate potential
IGL concerns. If direct access to the target is unavailable or undesired, sometimes a similar
or partial effect can be created by indirect access using a related target that has higher-order
effects on the desired target. Some denial of service cyberspace attacks leverage this type
of indirect access.

c. Target Nomination and Synchronization. CO use standard target nomination

processes, but target folders should include unique cyberspace aspects (e.g., hardware and
software configurations, IP address, cyber-persona applications) of the target.
Development of this data is imperative to understand and characterize how elements
targetable through cyberspace are relevant to the commander’s objective. This data also
allows the planner to match an appropriate cyberspace capability against a particular target.
Component commanders, national agencies, supporting commands, and/or the JFC
planning staff nominate targets to the targeting staff for development and inclusion on the
joint target list (JTL). Once placed on the JTL, JFCs in receipt of an EXORD with relevant
objectives and ROE can engage the target with organic assets (if within a component
commander’s assigned area of operations) or nominate the target to CDRUSCYBERCOM
for action by other joint force components and other organizations.

See JP 3-60, Joint Targeting, and CJCSI 3370.01, Target Development Standards, for
additional details on vetting, validation, and joint targeting working groups.

d. Time-Sensitive Targets (TSTs)

(1) A TST is a validated target of such high priority to friendly forces that the
commander designates it for immediate engagement because it poses (or will soon pose) a
threat to friendly forces or is a highly lucrative, fleeting target. TSTs are normally engaged
dynamically. However, to be successfully engaged, they require considerable planning and
preparation within the joint targeting cycle. Engaging TSTs in cyberspace is difficult in
most situations, because they are likely to cross-AORs and require detailed joint,
interagency, and/or multinational planning efforts.

(2) Being prepared to engage a TST in cyberspace requires coordination between

cyberspace planners, operators, and the supported commander early in the planning phase,
to increase the likelihood that adequate flexibility and access is available should a fleeting
opportunity arise. In addition, JFCs should establish procedures to quickly promulgate
strike orders for TSTs in cyberspace. Successful prosecution of TSTs in cyberspace
requires a well-organized and well-rehearsed process for sharing sensor data and target
information, identifying suitable strike assets, obtaining mission approval, and rapidly
deconflicting cyberspace capability employment. Performing as much advanced

IV-10 JP 3-12
Planning, Coordination, Execution, and Assessment

coordination and decision making as possible, based on the types of TSTs expected and
the nature of the mission, is the key to success.

See JP 3-60, Joint Targeting, for additional information on joint targeting, and JP 2-01,
Joint and National Intelligence Support to Military Operations, for additional information
on intelligence operations.

Refer to Appendix A, “Classified Planning Considerations for Cyberspace Operations,”

for additional information on intelligence support to planning CO.

5. Command and Control of Cyberspace Forces

a. Clearly established command relationships are crucial for ensuring timely and
effective employment of forces, and CO require unity of command and unity of effort.
However, the complex nature of CO, where cyberspace forces can be simultaneously
providing actions at the global level and at the theater or JOA level, requires adaptations
to traditional C2 structures. Joint forces principally employ centralized planning with
decentralized execution of operations. CO require constant and detailed coordination
between theater and global operations, creating a dynamic C2 framework that can adapt to
the constant changes, emerging threats, and unknowns. Certain CO functions, including
protection of the DODIN’s global networks and pursuit of global cyberspace threats, lend
themselves to centralized planning and execution to meet multiple, near-instantaneous
requirements for response. Centrally controlled CO should be integrated and synchronized
with the CCDR’s regional or local CO, conducted by forces assigned or attached to the
CCDR, or in support of the CCDR. For these reasons, there may be times when C2 of
forces executing simultaneous global CO and theater CO is conducted using
supported/supporting command relationships under separate, but synchronized, chains of
command. CO are integrated and synchronized by the supported commander into their
CONOPS, detailed plans and orders, and specific joint operations.

b. C2 for Global CO. CDRUSCYBERCOM is the supported commander for

transregional and global CO and manages day-to-day global CO even while he or she is
the supporting commander for one or more geographic or functional CCDR’s operations.
For a specific CO mission, the supported/supporting command relationships are
established in an EXORD, OPORD, or establishing directive. A supported relationship for
CO does not exempt either command from coordinating response options with affected
commanders prior to conducting an operation. Regardless of the approach employed for
any particular operation, unless otherwise specified by the President or SecDef, C2 for CO
are implemented IAW existing CJCS C2 EXORD and other relevant orders to help ensure
effective coordination and synchronization of joint forces and to provide a common
construct for JFCs to execute their mission within a global context. JFHQ-DODIN
centrally coordinates and directs global DODIN operations and DCO-IDM when these
operations have the potential to impact the integrity and operational readiness of multiple
DOD components. Although execution of many actions may be decentralized,
CDRUSCYBERCOM is the supported commander for CO to secure, operate, and defend
the DODIN and, when ordered, to defend other US critical cyberspace assets, systems, and
functions. As the DODIN continues to migrate towards a common architecture standard,

Chapter IV

routine cyberspace security actions for global networks will continue shifting to centralized
locations, such as a global enterprise operations center.

c. C2 for CO Supporting CCMDs. CCDRs are supported for CO in their AOR or

for their transregional responsibilities, with CDRUSCYBERCOM supporting as necessary.
These CO comprise actions intended to have effects localized within a GCC’s AOR or a
functional CCMD’s transregional responsibilities. These could be cyberspace security and
defense actions internal to a theater DODIN segment or external actions, such as
cyberspace exploitation or cyberspace attack against a specific enemy capability. In
addition to the theater segments of global networks, CCMD-level DODIN operations and
DCO-IDM include the protection of stand-alone and tactical networks and computers used
exclusively by the CCMD. For example, CCMD-level maneuvers in cyberspace include
activities to reposition capabilities to enhance threat detection in specified areas, focus
cyberspace forces activity in areas linked to specific operational branches and sequels to
keep the adversary at risk, or activate stand-by tactical cyberspace capabilities to transition
friendly C2 to more secure locations. Such CO maneuvers are vital when a CCDR’s
systems are under attack to the degree that subsets of the DODIN are degraded,
compromised, or lost. In such operations, the supported CCDR coordinates, through their
USCYBERCOM CO-IPE, with their associated enterprise operation center, supported by
JFHQ-DODIN and DISA, to restore the affected cyberspace. The supported CCDR also
integrates, synchronizes, and normally directs CO actions in red and gray cyberspace,
including fires, with other lethal and nonlethal effects, for which they may use assigned,
attached, or supporting cyberspace forces. CCDRs develop and coordinate their
requirements for such effects with the USCYBERCOM CO-IPE, for deconfliction and
prioritized execution. When a CCDR establishes a subordinate force (e.g., a joint task
force), the cyberspace unit(s) assigned to support that force are determined by the CCDR’s
mission requirements in coordination with CDRUSCYBERCOM.

d. C2 Distinctives for Routine and Crisis/Contingency CO. The CJCS has

established two models for C2 of CO, depending upon the prevailing circumstances. The
relationships are described below and depicted graphically in Figure IV-1 and Figure IV-2.

(1) The following relationships guide the C2 of cyberspace forces during normal
operating conditions, when no crisis or contingency is in effect:

(a) USCYBERCOM C2 relationships:

1. CDRUSCYBERCOM has COCOM of all GFMIG-assigned

cyberspace forces.

2. CDRUSCYBERCOM has support relationships with all other


3. CNMF commander has OPCON of NMTs/NSTs and national CPTs.

4. JFHQ-C commanders have OPCON of CMTs/CSTs.

IV-12 JP 3-12
Planning, Coordination, Execution, and Assessment

Routine Cyberspace Command and Control

Cyber Staff



National NMTs CMTs Service DODIN DOD

CPTs CPTs CPTs Components

* CO-IPE is provided by USCYBERCOM in direct support of combatant commander. Organizational

relationships between CO-IPEs and USCYBERCOM subordinate headquarters will be specified via

CCMD combatant command JFHQ-C joint force headquarters-cyberspace
CMT combat mission team JFHQ-DODIN Joint Force Headquarters-Department
CNMF-HQ Cyber National Mission Force of Defense Information Network
Headquarters NMT national mission team
COCOM combatant command (command NST national support team
authority) OPCON operational control
CO-IPE cyberspace operations-integrated TACON tactical control
planning element USCYBERCOM United States Cyber Command
CPT cyberspace protection team
CST combat support team
DACO directive authority for cyberspace COCOM
operations OPCON
DOD Department of Defense TACON
DODIN Department of Defense information DACO
network supporting/supported
JCC Joint Cyber Center direct support

Figure IV-1. Routine Cyberspace Command and Control

5. SCC commanders have OPCON of Service CPTs and other forces

attached by CDRUSCYBERCOM (e.g., CSSPs).

6. JFHQ-DODIN commander has OPCON of DODIN CPTs.

7. JFHQ-DODIN commander has tactical control (TACON) of SCC

commands for DODIN operations and DCO-IDM only.

Chapter IV

Crisis/Contingency Cyberspace Command and Control

Mission Tailored JCC/
Force Package Cyber Staff



National NMTs CMTs Service DODIN DOD

CPTs CPTs CPTs Components

* USCYBERCOM Commander has OPCON of the mission-tailored force package and retains the flexibility to
delegate OPCON to subordinate headquarters depending on the nature of the crisis/contingency. The
commander receiving a mission-tailored force package has TACON to control the timing and tempo of
cyberspace operations.

**Organizational relationships between CO-IPEs and USCYBERCOM subordinate headquarters will be specified
via USCYBERCOM orders.

CCMD combatant command JFHQ-C joint force headquarters-cyberspace
CMT combat mission team JFHQ-DODIN Joint Force Headquarters-Department
CNMF-HQ Cyber National Mission Force of Defense Information Network
Headquarters NMT national mission team
CO-IPE cyberspace operations-integrated NST national support team
planning element OPCON operational control
CPT cyberspace protection team TACON tactical control
CST combat support team USCYBERCOM United States Cyber Command
DACO directive authority for cyberspace
DOD Department of Defense OPCON
DODIN Department of Defense information TACON
network DACO
JCC Joint Cyber Center supporting/supported
direct support

Figure IV-2. Crisis/Contingency Cyberspace Command and Control

8. JFHQ-DODIN commander has DACO, delegated from

CDRUSCYBERCOM, over all DOD components for global DODIN operations and DCO-
9. SCC commanders have DACO, delegated from
CDRUSCYBERCOM, over all related Service components for DODIN operations and

IV-14 JP 3-12
Planning, Coordination, Execution, and Assessment

(b) CCMD C2 relationships:

1. CCDRs have COCOM of assigned cyberspace forces.

2. CCDRs have OPCON of CCMD CPTs.

3. SecDef establishes support relationships between CCDRs for CO.

4. JFHQ-C commanders support more than one CCDR using the general
support model.

5. USCYBERCOM CO-IPEs provide direct support to CCDRs.

(2) When a cyberspace-related crisis or contingency is in effect, the routine

relationships carry over, with these additional caveats:

(a) USCYBERCOM commander retains OPCON of any cyberspace forces

USCYBERCOM provides to support a CCDR for crisis/contingency operations.

(b) When directed, CCDRs receiving forces from USCYBERCOM for

crisis/contingency operations (e.g., a mission-tailored force package [MTFP]) have
TACON of those forces.

(3) MTFP. A MTFP is a USCYBERCOM-tailored support capability comprised

of assigned CO forces, additional CO support personnel, and cyberspace capabilities, as
required. When directed, USCYBERCOM establishes a tailored force to support specific
CCMD crisis or contingency mission requirements beyond the capacity of forces available
for routine support. Each MTFP is task-organized and provided to the supported CCDR
for the duration of the crisis/contingency operation or until redeployed by
CDRUSCYBERCOM in coordination with the supported CCDR.

e. C2 Distinctives for Internal and External Cyberspace Missions. The nature of

C2 relationships for CO vary, depending upon whether they are internal to DODIN or other
defended cyberspace, or they are external missions in foreign cyberspace.

(1) Internal Missions. C2 of forces conducting DODIN operations and DCO-

IDM may require preplanned and preauthorized actions based on particular conditions and
triggers, executed either manually or automatically, depending upon the nature of the threat
and urgency of the required response. The commander’s operations and planning staff
should understand the interrelationships of the cyberspace they are protecting, how the
appropriate capabilities can be effectively employed to defeat threats, and, when necessary,
how to deconflict cyberspace defense actions with the mission critical operations that
cannot be interrupted. Cyberspace forces defending CCMD segments of the DODIN may
be geographically separated from the supported theater of operations. For example, forces
conducting remote actions in support of DCO-IDM often simultaneously support defense
of cyberspace in multiple geographic locations. This requires extensive coordination,
planning, and early integration of requirements and capabilities. Such cases require all
involved commanders to take extra measures so the supported commander is continuously

Chapter IV

aware of the remote supporting forces’ operational status. In other cases, CPTs may be
deployed to specific locations where they are placed in direct support to local commanders
to resecure compromised cyberspace. In other cases where there is no local military
commander, for instance, when a CPT is deployed to assist a DOD agency, all C2
authorities remain with the CPT’s commander. Supported and supporting commanders
coordinate the deployment and employment of cyberspace forces required to accomplish
the assigned mission.

(2) External Missions. C2 relationships established to execute OCO and DCO-

RA missions, which involve actions in foreign cyberspace, require careful consideration of
projected effects and geopolitical boundaries. The reliance of the global population on the
interconnectivity of cyberspace requires carefully controlling the effects created during
OCO and DCO-RA missions, with detailed planning, in-depth intelligence support, and
national-level deconfliction to assure appropriate consideration of nonmilitary factors such
as foreign policy implications. Some of these external missions require centralized
execution by CMTs or NMTs to create a global effect. For example, a DCO-RA mission
employing external countermeasures in multiple AORs to counter a large botnet (a network
of computers linked together by malware) or actions, up to and including pre-emption, to
block cyberspace attack command signals directed from one AOR at another. Other
external missions may be more regionally and tactically focused and use regionally
deployed cyberspace forces. When directed, GCCs control operations in and through
cyberspace when there is confidence that effects are limited to their geographic AOR. Such
authorities require GCCs to remain cognizant of national cyberspace policy and its
application to their plans and operations.

(3) Based on the nature of CO, the cyberspace C2 framework is adjusted for
flexible and agile C2 of cyberspace forces to ensure US freedom of action in cyberspace
while denying adversaries the same. For additional details beyond those discussed here,
refer to the applicable CJCS EXORD and other relevant orders.

f. Enabling C2 of Cyberspace Forces. To provide effective C2 of forces conducting

CO, several enabling factors are essential.

(1) COP. Despite the difficulties of achieving accurate and comprehensive

situational awareness of all the aspects of cyberspace relative to a commander, the best
available, real-time COP for cyberspace is important for effective C2 of forces executing
CO. A COP of activities in cyberspace requires rapid fusion, correlation, and display of
data from global network sensors to deliver a reliable picture of friendly, neutral, adversary,
and enemy activity in all layers of cyberspace. In addition, an accurate cyberspace COP
integrates real-time threat and event data from myriad sources (e.g., DOD enterprise
operations centers and other service providers, IC, interagency partners, private industry,
and international partners) and improves commanders’ ability to identify, monitor,
characterize, track, locate, and take action in response to malicious cyberspace activity.
CDRUSCYBERCOM maintains global cyberspace situational awareness, and CCMDs
maintain regional/functional cyberspace situational awareness along with an awareness of
global factors in cyberspace that may impact operations in their theater/functional area.

IV-16 JP 3-12
Planning, Coordination, Execution, and Assessment

(2) Reach-Forward. The complexity presented by cyberspace requires

flexibility of forces and C2 to counter the broad variety of threats. Units of cyberspace
forces operating under JFHQ-DODIN and the CNMF-HQ, which provide global CO
support, may need to reach-forward to support multiple CCMDs simultaneously. Allowing
them to support CCMDs in this way permits faster adaptation to rapidly changing needs
and allows threats that initially manifest only in one AOR to be mitigated globally in near
real-time. Likewise, while synchronizing CO missions related to accomplishing CCDR
objectives, some cyberspace capabilities that support this activity may need to be forward
deployed, or for speed in time-critical situations, made available via reachback. This might
involve augmentation or deployment of cyberspace capabilities to forces already forward
or require deployment of a fully equipped team of personnel and capabilities.

(3) Reachback. At the same time, CCMDs require the freedom and capability
to effectively plan, coordinate, and conduct theater and functional CO. To enable these
efforts, staff supporting GCCs and other CCDRs should arrange for timely and effective
reachback support from USCYBERCOM and its subordinate units to augment the
expertise and capacity of the supported commander.

(a) CCDRs size and structure their CO support staff to best support their
mission and requirements. This staff, supported by a USCYBERCOM CO-IPE,
coordinates CO requirements and capabilities throughout their planning, intelligence,
operations, assessment, and readiness processes to integrate and synchronize CO with other
military operations. Additionally, as necessary and in partnership with USCYBERCOM,
the CCMD coordinates regionally with interagency and multinational partners. The

1. Combines inputs from USCYBERCOM with information about

CCMD tactical and/or constructed networks to develop a regional/functional situational
awareness/COP tailored to CCMD requirements.

2. Facilitates, through USCYBERCOM, coordination and deconfliction

of CCDR-directed CO which may impact or conflict with other DOD or other USG
cyberspace activities or operations within the AOR. As early as possible in the planning
process, provide USCYBERCOM with sufficient information about CCDR-planned CO to
enable deconfliction with other USG CO.

(b) USCYBERCOM CO-IPEs are organized to meet individual CCMD

requirements and facilitate planning and coordination of all three cyberspace missions, as
required. USCYBERCOM CO-IPEs remain in direct support of and are integrated with
CCMD CO staff to provide a bridge for USCYBERCOM and its subordinate HQ to enable
theater/tactical and global/national integration of cyberspace forces and operations.

g. C2 of Multinational CO. Although the US military will likely enter future

conflicts as part of a multinational force (MNF), the level of integration of US cyberspace
forces with foreign cyberspace forces will vary depending upon in-place agreements with
each partner and may not mirror the level of integration of other types of forces. Planning
for the specific C2 elements desired by the US commander depends upon the type and scale

Chapter IV

of the operation, the cyberspace presence or sophistication of the adversary, and the types
of targets identified. Regardless of which elements are established, the overlaps between
global and theater missions in cyberspace, and relevant operational limitations, necessitate
close coordination, and potentially, some level of integration, among CCDRs conducting
multinational operations, CDRUSCYBERCOM, and other multinational and interagency
partners. See paragraph 9, “Multinational Considerations,” for additional information on
multinational CO.

6. Synchronization of Cyberspace Operations

a. The pace of CO requires significant pre-operational collaboration and constant

vigilance after initiation, for effective coordination and deconfliction throughout the OE.
Keys to this synchronization are maintaining cyberspace situational awareness and
assessing the potential impacts to the joint force of any planned CO, including the
protection posture of the DODIN, changes from normal network configuration, or observed
indications of malicious activity. The timing of planned CO should be determined based
on a realistic assessment of their ability to create effects and support operations throughout
the OE. This may require use of cyberspace capabilities in earlier phases of an operation
than the use of other types of capabilities. Effective planners and operators understand
how other operations within the OE may impact the CO. For example, the joint force uses
fire support coordination measures in air, land, and maritime operations to facilitate the
rapid engagement of targets and simultaneously provide safeguards for friendly forces. CO
deconfliction and coordination efforts with other operations should include similar

b. Deconfliction. For CO, deconfliction is the act of coordinating the employment of

cyberspace capabilities to create effects with applicable DOD, interagency, and
multinational partners to ensure operations do not interfere, inhibit, or otherwise conflict
with each other. The commander’s intended effects in cyberspace, and the capabilities
planned to create these effects, require deconfliction with other commands and agencies
that may have equities in the same area of cyberspace. This critical step is managed from
multiple aspects. From a purely technical perspective, it can be shown that two cyberspace
capabilities can either interoperate without interference in the same environment or they
cannot. However, from an operational risk perspective, even if multiple capabilities can
operate without interference, it may not be wise to use them together. For example, the
effect of one capability may draw the adversary’s attention on the target system in a way
that jeopardizes another previously unnoticed US or mission partner capability. Technical
deconfliction uses the results of technical assurance evaluations and includes detailed
interoperability analysis of each capability and the cyberspace aspects of the OE.
CDRUSCYBERCOM is the DOD focal point for interagency deconfliction of all actions
proposed for OCO and DCO-RA missions. Commander, JFHQ-DODIN, is the focal point
for interagency deconfliction of global DODIN operations and DCO-IDM activities which
may affect more than one DOD component. The timelines required for analysis and
coordination should be considered and included in the plan. Interagency coordination often
takes longer than concomitant DOD coordination. CO may also require deconfliction and
synchronization with integrated joint special technical operations (IJSTO). Information

IV-18 JP 3-12
Planning, Coordination, Execution, and Assessment

and processes related to IJSTO and its contribution to CO can be obtained from the IJSTO
planners at CCMD or Service component HQ.

c. EMS Factors

(1) EMS Dependencies. Advancements in technology, including an ever-

increasing shift to mobile technologies, have created a progressively complex EMS portion
of the OE. This has significant implications for CO. The JFC uses joint EMS operations
to coordinate elements of CO, space operations, electronic warfare (EW), navigation
warfare, various forms of EMS-dependent information collection, and C2. Although these
activities can be integrated with other information-related capabilities (IRCs) as part of
information operations synchronization, the offensive aspects of CO, space operations, and
EW operations are often conducted under different specific authorities. Likewise, some
IRCs enabled by CO, such as MISO and MILDEC, have their own execution approval
process. Therefore, synchronizing IRCs that use the EMS is a complex process that
requires significant foresight and awareness of the various applicable policies. Planners
should also maintain awareness of their operational dependencies on mobile devices and
wireless networks, including cellular, wireless local area networks, Global Positioning
System, and other commercial and military uses of the EMS. Plans that assume access to
the EMS for effects in cyberspace should consider contingencies for when bandwidth or
interference issues preclude access to the required portion of the EMS.

(2) Fires in and through the EMS. Cyberspace attack, EA, and offensive space
control (OSC) are deconflicted to maximize the impact of each type of fires.
Uncoordinated EA may significantly impact EMS-enabled cyberspace attack actions, and
vice-versa. Depending upon power levels, the geographic terrain in which they are used,
and the nature of the system being targeted, unintended effects of EA and OSC could also
occur outside of a local commander’s OA, just as higher-order effects of CO may be
possible outside the OA. The JFC and staff may need to comply with different coordination
requirements for the various types of fires that depend upon the EMS, forwarding requests
for execution as early in the planning process as possible to comply with US law and to
facilitate effective and timely effects. To minimize overlap, the primary responsibility for
cyberspace attack coordination between USCYBERCOM and the joint force resides with
the applicable JFHQ-C and USCYBERCOM CO-IPEs in coordination with the CCMD
CO staff. Refer to respective doctrine and policy documents of supported IRCs for
specifics on their authorities.

See JP 3-13.1, Electronic Warfare; JP 3-14, Space Operations; and JP 6-01, Joint
Electromagnetic Spectrum Management Operations, for more information on EMS factors.

d. Integration of Cyberspace Fires. Cyberspace attack capabilities, although they

can be used in a stand-alone context, are generally most effective when integrated with
other fires. Some examples of integrating cyberspace fires are: disruption of enemy air
defense systems using EMS-enabled cyberspace attack, insertion of messages into enemy
leadership’s communications, degradation/disruption of enemy space-based and ground-
based precision navigation and timing systems, and disruption of enemy C2. Effects in
cyberspace can be created at the strategic, operational, or tactical level, in any phase of the

Chapter IV

military operation, and coordinated with lethal fires to create maximum effect on target.
Integrated fires are not necessarily simultaneous fires, since the timing of cyberspace attack
effects may be most advantageous when placed before or after the effects of lethal fires.
Each engagement presents unique considerations, depending upon the level and nature of
the enemy’s dependencies upon cyberspace. Supporting cyberspace fires may be used in
a minor role, or they can be a critical component of a mission when used to enable air, land,
maritime, space, and special operations. Forces operating lethal weapons and other
capabilities in the physical domains cannot use cyberspace fires to best advantage unless
they clearly understand the type and timing of planned effects in cyberspace. Properly
prepared and timed cyberspace fires can create effects that cannot be created any other
way. Poorly timed fires in cyberspace can be useless, or even worse, interfere with an
otherwise effective mission.

e. Risk Concerns. JFCs should continuously seek to minimize risks to the joint force,
as well as to friendly and neutral nations, societies, and economies, caused by use of
cyberspace. Coordinated joint force operations benefit from the use of various cyberspace
capabilities, including unclassified Web sites and Web applications used for
communication efforts with audiences internal and external to DOD. Forward-deployed
forces use the Internet, mobile phones, and instant messaging for logistics and morale
purposes, including communication with friends and family. These uses of cyberspace are
targeted by myriad actors, from foreign nations to malicious insiders. The JFC works with
JFHQ-DODIN and the Services, as well as with assigned cyberspace forces, to limit the
threat to the DODIN and mission partners’ cyberspace. Several areas of significant risk
exist for the JFC:

(1) Insider threats are a significant concern to the joint force. Because insiders
have a trusted relationship with access to the DODIN, the effects of their malicious or
careless activity can be far more serious than those of external threat actors. Any user who
does not closely follow cybersecurity policy can become an insider threat. Malicious
insiders may exploit their access at the behest of foreign governments, terrorist groups,
criminal elements, unscrupulous associates, or on their own initiative. Whether malicious
insiders are committing espionage, making a political statement, or expressing personal
disgruntlement, the consequences for DOD and national security can be devastating. JFCs
use risk mitigation measures for this threat, such as reinforcing training of the joint force
to be alert for suspicious insider activity and use of two-person controls on particularly
sensitive hardware, software, or data.

(2) Internet-based capabilities, including e-mail, social networking, Web sites,

and cloud-based repositories, are used for both official and unofficial purposes and pose
continuously evolving security risks that are not fully understood. The security risks of
Internet-based capabilities are often obscured, and our ability to mitigate these risks is
limited, due to the commercial ownership of the majority of the supporting information
systems or sites. These cyberspace and information security concerns, combined with
bandwidth requirements of Internet applications, create an imperative for the commander
to be aware of and actively manage the impact of official and unofficial use of Internet-
based capabilities.

IV-20 JP 3-12
Planning, Coordination, Execution, and Assessment

(3) Cross-domain (network) solutions that connect systems operating at

different classification levels can provide significant operational value to the JFC but
complicate cryptographic and other security support considerations and should be included
as a planning consideration. Cross-domain solutions are often required in multinational
operations and at the tactical level. The pace of operations and increasing demand for
information from commanders and their staffs can sometimes pressure end-users into using
poor security practices. Likewise, emergent tasking for information sharing has sometimes
caused network managers to build ad hoc links over existing commercial infrastructure or
connect non-DOD US and partner cyberspace without adequate security controls. The
security risk of these behaviors is significant. USCYBERCOM, through JFHQ-DODIN,
works with JFCs to develop appropriate technical solutions and detailed security policies
to address the operational requirements without adding unnecessary risk. Planners should
include requirements for early coordination so the security features included are
appropriate for the commander’s needs.

7. Assessment of Cyberspace Operations

a. Assessment measures progress of the joint force toward mission accomplishment.

Commanders continuously assess the OE and the progress of CO and compare them to
their vision and intent. Measuring this progress toward the end state, and delivering timely,
relevant, and reliable feedback into the planning process to adjust operations during
execution, involves deliberately comparing the forecasted effects of CO with actual
outcomes to determine the overall effectiveness of cyberspace force employment. More
specifically, assessment helps the commander determine progress toward attaining the
desired end state, achieving objectives, or performing tasks.

b. The assessment process for external CO missions begins during planning and
includes measures of performance (MOPs) and measures of effectiveness (MOEs) of fires
and other effects in cyberspace, as well as their contribution to the larger operation or
objective. Historically, combat assessment has emphasized the battle damage assessment
(BDA) component of measuring physical and functional damage, but this approach does
not always represent the most complete effect, particularly with respect to CO. CO effects
are often created outside the scope of battle and often do not create physical damage.
Assessing the impact of CO effects requires typical BDA analysis and assessment of
physical, functional, and target system components. However, the higher-order effects of
cyberspace actions are often subtle, and assessment of second- and third-order effects can
be difficult. Therefore, assessment of fires in and through cyberspace frequently requires
significant intelligence collection and analysis efforts. Incorporating pre-strike prediction
and post-strike assessment for CO into the existing joint force staff processes increases the
likelihood that all objectives are met.

c. Assessment of CO at the Operational Level

(1) The operational-level planner is concerned with the accumulation of tactical

effects into an overall operational effect. At the operational level, planning and operations
staffs develop objectives and desired effects for the JFC to assign to subordinates.
Subordinate staffs use the assigned operational objectives to develop tactical-level

Chapter IV

objectives, tasks, and subordinate targeting objectives and effects and to plan tactical
actions and MOPs/MOEs for those actions. Individual tactical actions typically combine
with other tactical actions to create operational-level effects; however, they can have
operational or strategic implications. Usually, the summation of tactical actions in an
operational theater is used to conduct an operational-level assessment principally operation
assessments (see JP 3-0, Joint Operations, and JP 5-0, Joint Planning), which in turn
supports the strategic-level assessment (as required). Operational MOPs/MOEs avoid
tactical information overload by providing commanders a shorthand method of tracking
tactical actions and maintaining situational awareness. MOPs and MOEs are clearly
definable and measurable, are selected to support and enhance the commander’s decision
process, and guide future actions that achieve objectives and attain end states.

(a) MOEs. MOEs are used to assess changes in targeted system behavior or
in the OE. They measure progress toward the attainment of an end state, achievement of
an objective, or creation of an effect. Data gathered on the target from its pre-mission state
through access, execution, and possibly long-term post-operations analysis may enable later,
more comprehensive assessment, including that of higher-order effects. MOEs generally
reflect a trend or show progress toward or away from a measurable threshold. While MOEs
may be harder to derive than MOP for a discrete task, they are nonetheless essential to
effective assessment. For example, a MOE for a cyberspace attack action might be a
meaningful reduction in the throughput of enemy data traffic or their shift to a more
interceptable means of communication. Assessment of CO takes place both inside and
outside of cyberspace. For instance, an OCO mission to disrupt electric power might be
assessed through visual observation to determine that the power is actually out.

(b) MOP. MOPs are criteria for measuring task performance or

accomplishment. MOPs are generally quantitative and are used in most aspects of combat
assessment, which typically seeks specific quantitative data or a direct observation of an
event to determine accomplishment of tactical tasks. An example of a MOP for a cyberspace
exploitation action might be gaining a required access or emplacing a cyberspace capability
on a targeted system.

(2) Development of operational-level MOPs/MOEs for CO is still an emerging

aspect of operational art. In some cases, activities in cyberspace alone have operational-level
effects; for example, the use of a cyberspace attack to bring down or corrupt the enemy HQ
network could very well reverberate through the entire JOA. A CO option may be preferable
in some scenarios if its effects are temporary or reversible. In such cases, accurate
assessment requires the ability to effectively track the current status of the potentially
changing effect using MOE indicators.

(3) CO often involve multiple commanders. Additionally, with CO typically

conducted as part of a larger operation, assessment of CO is usually done in the context of
supporting the overarching objectives. Therefore, CO assessments require close
coordination within each staff and across multiple commands. Coordination and federation
of the assessment efforts may require prior arrangements before execution. CO planners
submit assessment requests as early as possible and provide sufficient justification to support
priority allocation of relevant collection capabilities, including those outside of cyberspace.

IV-22 JP 3-12
Planning, Coordination, Execution, and Assessment

See JP 5-0, Joint Planning, for a detailed description of assessment. See JP 3-60, Joint
Targeting, and Defense Intelligence Agency Publication 2820-4-03, Battle Damage
Assessment (BDA) Quick Guide, for more information on the assessment process related to
targeting, BDA, and munitions effectiveness assessment.

8. Interorganizational Considerations

a. When appropriate, JFCs coordinate and integrate their CO with interagency partners
during planning and execution. Effective integration of interagency considerations is vital
to successful military operations, especially when the joint force conducts shaping, stability,
and transition to civil authority activities. Just as JFCs and their staffs consider how the
capabilities of other USG components and NGOs can be leveraged to assist in accomplishing
military missions and broader national strategic objectives, JFCs should also consider the
capabilities and priorities of interagency partners in planning and executing CO. In
collaboration with interagency representatives, JS, and USCYBERCOM, JFCs should
coordinate with interagency partners during CO planning to help ensure appropriate
agreements exist to support their plans.

b. At the national level, the National Security Council, with its policy coordination
committees and interagency working groups, advises and assists the President on all aspects
of national security policy. OSD and JS, in consultation with the Services and CCMDs,
coordinate interagency support required to support the JFC’s plans and orders. While
supported CCDRs are the focal points for interagency coordination in support of operations
in their AORs, interagency coordination with supporting commanders is also important. For
integration into their operational-level estimates, plans, and operations, commanders should
only consider interagency capabilities and capacities that interagency partners can
realistically commit to the effort.

c. Military leaders work with the other members of the national security team to
promote unified action. A number of factors can complicate the coordination process,
including various agencies’ different and sometimes conflicting policies, overlapping legal
authorities, roles and responsibilities, procedures, and decision-making processes for CO. A
supported commander develops interagency coordination requirements and mechanisms for
each OPLAN. The JFC’s staff requires a clear understanding of military CO capabilities,
requirements, operational limitations, liaison, and legal considerations. Additionally,
planners should understand the nature of this relationship and the types of CO support
interagency partners can provide. In the absence of a formal interagency command structure,
JFCs are required to build consensus to achieve unity of effort. Robust liaison facilitates
understanding, coordination, and mission accomplishment.

d. Interagency command relationships, lines of authority, and planning processes vary

greatly from those of DOD. Interagency management techniques often involve committees,
steering groups, and/or interagency working groups organized along functional lines. During
joint operations, use of a JIACG provides the CCDR and subordinate JFCs with an increased
capability to coordinate with other USG departments and agencies. The JIACG is composed
of USG civilian and military experts tailored to meet the CCDR’s specific needs and
accredited to the CCDR. The JIACG establishes regular, timely, and collaborative working

Chapter IV

relationships between civilian and military planners, providing a CCDR with the capability
to collaborate at the operational level with other USG departments and agencies. JIACG
members participate in all appropriate planning efforts. Additionally, they provide a
collaborative conduit back to their parent organizations to help synchronize joint operations
with the efforts of nonmilitary organizations. In the absence of a JIACG focused on CO,
planners may find it more difficult to verify that all mission partner equities in cyberspace
are accounted for and, therefore, should begin to develop contacts with relevant departments
and agencies as soon as the planning process begins.

9. Multinational Considerations

a. Collective security is a strategic objective of the US, and joint planning is frequently
accomplished within the context of planning for multinational operations. There is no single
doctrine for multinational action, and each alliance or coalition develops its own protocols
and plans. US planning for joint operations accommodates and complements such protocols
and plans for potential use of US cyberspace forces to protect MNF networks. JFCs also
anticipate and incorporate mission partner planning factors, such as their domestic laws,
regulations, and operational limitations on the use of various cyberspace capabilities and

b. When working within an MNF, each nation and Service can expect to be tasked by
the commander with the mission(s) most suited to their particular capability and capacity.
For example, a CPT supporting a CCMD could be tasked, with the agreement of all nations
involved, to investigate and mitigate the effects of malicious cyberspace activity on a
multinational network. CO planning, coordination, and execution items that require
consideration when an MNF operation or campaign plan is developed include:

(1) National agendas of the PNs on an MNF may differ significantly from those of
the US, creating potential difficulties in determining the CO objectives.

(2) Differing national standards and foreign laws, as well as interpretation of

international laws pertaining to operations in cyberspace, may affect their ability to
participate in certain CO. These differences may result in partner policies or capabilities that
are either narrower or broader than those of the US.

(3) Nations without established CO doctrine may need to be advised of the

potential benefits of CO and assisted in integrating CO into the planning process.

(4) Nations in an MNF often require approval for the CO portion of plans and
orders from higher authority, which may impede CO implementation. This national-level
approval requirement increases potential constraints and restraints upon the participating
national forces and further lengthens the time required to gain approval for their participation.
Commanders and planners should be proactive in seeking to understand PNs’ laws, policies,
and other matters that might affect their use of CO and anticipate the additional time required
for approval through parallel national command structures. Partners’ national caveats and
ROE are often not transmitted thoroughly to commanders and planners, potentially leading
to misunderstanding, delays, and incompleteness in execution.

IV-24 JP 3-12
Planning, Coordination, Execution, and Assessment

(5) Security restrictions may prevent full disclosure of individual CO plans and
orders between multinational partners; this may complicate cyberspace synchronization
efforts. Therefore, the JFC’s staff should seek approval for sharing required information
among partners and then issue specific guidance on the release of classified US material to
the MNF as early as possible during planning. Likewise, once these information-sharing
restrictions are identified by each nation, policy should be established and mechanisms put
in place to encourage appropriate CO-related information sharing across the force. These
considerations further highlight the importance of ensuring CO material is not over classified
and is releasable to partners to the greatest extent possible.

(6) To effectively conduct multinational operations, mission partners require

appropriate access to systems, services, and information. Emerging standards for the
technologies and applications applied to DODIN segments used in a joint environment are
designed to allow seamless and secure interaction with multinational partners. Until such
technology is widespread, the US joint force strives to provide necessary and appropriate
access and support at the lowest appropriate security classification level on the infrastructure
they have available. Commanders involved in multinational operations can enable this
shared access by coordinating with proper authorities early to determine appropriate access
levels, necessary services, and satisfactory means for expediting the process for foreign
disclosure of appropriate intelligence information consistent with National Disclosure
Policy, and Director of National Intelligence guidance, as applicable. Hardware and software
incompatibilities can still be expected and may cause a slowdown in the sharing of
information among multinational partners. Failure to bridge these incompatibilities may
introduce seams, gaps, and vulnerabilities requiring additional cyberspace security and
defense efforts.

(7) Responsibility for cyberspace security and cyberspace defense actions to

protect multinational networks should be made clear before the network is activated. If
responsibility for these actions is to be shared amongst PNs, explicit agreements, including
expectations and limitation of action of each partner, should be in place. Unless otherwise
agreed, US cyberspace forces or other DOD personnel protect DODIN segments of
multinational networks.

c. Integration. In support of each MNF, an established hierarchy of bilateral or

multilateral bodies defines objectives, develop strategies, and coordinates strategic guidance
for planning and executing multinational operations, including CO. Through dual
involvement in national and multinational security processes, USG leaders integrate national
and theater strategic CO planning with the MNF whenever possible. Within the
multinational structure, US participants work to ensure objectives and strategy complement
US interests and are compatible with US capabilities. Within the US national structure, US
participants verify international commitments are reflected in national military strategy and
are adequately addressed in strategic guidance for joint planning. Planning with international
organizations and NGOs is often necessary, particularly if CO support foreign humanitarian
assistance, peace operations, and other stability efforts. Incorporating NGOs and their
capabilities into the planning process requires the JFC and staff to balance NGOs’
information requirements with the organization’s need to know. Additionally, many NGOs
are hesitant to become associated with military organizations in any form of formal

Chapter IV

relationship, especially in the case of conducting CO, because doing so could compromise
their status as an independent entity, restrict their freedom of movement, and even place their
members at risk in uncertain or hostile environments.

d. Multinational partners often use a different lexicon, assumptions, decision

thresholds, and operational limitations pertaining to CO. All of these factors affect
coordination, integration, and execution and should be taken into consideration during

See JP 3-16, Multinational Operations, for more information on multinational operations.

IV-26 JP 3-12


Appendix A

Intentionally Blank

A-2 JP 3-12

Joint Staff/J7/Doctrine Division

Web Site:
Email Support: [email protected]
Phone number: 1-703-692-7276 (DSN 222)

Joint Staff Doctrine Sponsor/J39

Comm: 1-703-571-1899

United States Cyber Command (USCYBERCOM)

Mailing Address: US Cyber Command / J5
9800 Savage Road, Suite 6171
Fort George G. Meade, MD 20755
Comm: 1-443-654-2213 (DSN 840-2213)

USCYBERCOM Watch Center: 1-443-654-3951

Joint Force Headquarters-Department of Defense Information Network (JFHQ-

Mailing Address: Joint Force Headquarters-DODIN
6910 Cooper Ave
Fort George G. Meade, MD 20755

DODIN Watch Center: 1-301-225-0720/0721

Appendix B

Intentionally Blank

B-2 JP 3-12

The development of JP 3-12 is based upon the following primary references:

1. General

a. Title 10, USC.

b. Title 32, USC.

c. Title 50, USC.

d. Goldwater-Nichols Department of Defense Reorganization Act of 1986.

e. Executive Order 12333, US Intelligence Activities.

f. Executive Order 13800, Strengthening the Cybersecurity of Federal Networks and

Critical Infrastructure.

g. Homeland Security Presidential Directive-5, Management of Domestic Incidents.

h. PPD-20, US Cyber Operations Policy.

i. PPD-21, Critical Infrastructure Security and Resilience.

j. PPD-41, United States Cyber Incident Coordination.

k. International Strategy for Cyberspace.

l. Trilateral Memorandum of Agreement Among the Department of Defense and the

Department of Justice and the Intelligence Community Regarding Computer Network
Attack and Computer Network Exploitation Activities, 9 May 2007.

m. National Policy Governing the Release of Information Systems Security

(INFOSEC) Products or Associated INFOSEC Information to Foreign Governments.

n. National Security Presidential Directive 54/Homeland Security Presidential

Directive 23.

o. National Security Directive 42, National Policy for the Security of National
Security Telecommunications and Information Systems.

p. Memorandum of Agreement Between The Department of Defense and The

Department of Homeland Security Regarding Department of Defense and US Coast Guard
Cooperation on Cybersecurity and Cyberspace Operations, 27 September 2010.

Appendix C

2. Department of Defense Publications

a. Unified Command Plan.

b. National Military Strategy.

c. The Department of Defense Cyber Strategy.

d. Department of Defense Strategy for Operating in the Information Environment.

e. Deputy Secretary of Defense Memorandum, Policy for Department of Defense

(DOD) Interactive Internet Activities, June 8, 2007.

f. National Infrastructure Protection Plan.

g. Defense Strategic Guidance.

h. DODD 3020.40, Mission Assurance (MA).

i. DODD 3025.18, Defense Support of Civil Authorities (DSCA)

j. DODD 3600.01, Information Operations (IO).

k. DODD 5143.01, Under Secretary of Defense for Intelligence (USD(I)).

l. DODD 5205.15E, DOD Forensic Enterprise (DFE).

m. DODD 5505.13E, DOD Executive Agent (EA) for the DOD Cyber Crime Center

n. DODD 8000.01, Management of the Department of Defense Information

Enterprise (DOD IE).

o. DODI O-3600.03, Technical Assurance Standard (TAS) for Computer Network

Attack (CNA) Capabilities.

p. DODI 3607.02, Military Information Support Operations

q. DODI 5205.13, Defense Industrial Base (DIB) Cyber Security/Information

Assurance (CS/IA) Activities.

r. DODI 8500.01, Cybersecurity.

s. DODI 8530.01, Cybersecurity Activities Support to DOD Information Network


C-2 JP 3-12

t. DODI 8560.01, Communications Security (COMSEC) Monitoring and Information

Assurance (IA) Readiness Testing.

u. Department of Defense Law of War Manual.

v. Defense Intelligence Agency Publication 2820-4-03, Battle Damage Assessment

(BDA) Quick Guide.

3. Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Publications

a. CJCSI 3121.01B, (U) Standing Rules of Engagement/Standing Rules for the Use of
Force for US Forces.

b. CJCSI 3210.01C, Joint Information Operations Proponent.

c. CJCSI 3370.01B, Target Development Standards.

d. CJCSI 5810.01D, Implementation of the DOD Law of War Program.

e. CJCSM 3122.07A, Integrated Joint Special Technical Operations (IJSTO)

Supplement to Joint Operation Planning and Execution System (JOPES), Volume I
(Planning and Procedures).

f. CJCSM 3122.08A, (U) IJSTO Supplement to Joint Operation Planning and

Execution System (Volume II) Planning Formats and Guidance.

g. CJCSM 3139.01, (U) Review and Approval Process for Cyberspace Operations.

h. CJCSM 3314.01A, Intelligence Planning.

i. CJCS 011612Z February 2016, EXORD to Implement Updated Cyberspace

Operations Command and Control Framework.

j. JP 1, Doctrine for the Armed Forces of the United States.

k. JP 1-04, Legal Support to Military Operations.

l. JP 2-0, Joint Intelligence.

m. JP 2-01, Joint and National Intelligence Support to Military Operations.

n. JP 2-01.3, Joint Intelligence Preparation of the Operational Environment.

o. JP 3-0, Joint Operations.

p. JP 3-07, Stability.

Appendix C

q. JP 3-08, Interorganizational Cooperation.

r. JP 3-13, Information Operations.

s. JP 3-13.1, Electronic Warfare.

t. JP 3-13.2, Military Information Support Operations.

u. JP 3-13.3, Operations Security.

v. JP 3-13.4, Military Deception.

w. JP 3-14, Space Operations.

x. JP 3-16, Multinational Operations.

y. JP 3-27, Homeland Defense.

z. JP 3-28, Defense Support of Civil Authorities.

aa. JP 3-60, Joint Targeting.

bb. JP 5-0, Joint Planning.

cc. JP 6-0, Joint Communications System.

dd. JP 6-01, Joint Electromagnetic Spectrum Management Operations.

C-4 JP 3-12

1. User Comments

Users in the field are highly encouraged to submit comments on this publication using
the Joint Doctrine Feedback Form located at: and e-mail it to:
[email protected]. These comments should address content
(accuracy, usefulness, consistency, and organization), writing, and appearance.

2. Authorship

a. The lead agent for this publication is USCYBERCOM, and the JS doctrine sponsor
for this publication is the Director for Global Operations (J-39).

b. The following staff, in conjunction with the Joint Doctrine Development

Community, made a valuable contribution to the revision of this Joint Publication: Lead
Agent Mr. Paul Schuh, USCYBERCOM; Joint Staff Doctrine Sponsor CDR Holly
Yudisky, Joint Staff J-39; Mr. Mark Brown, Joint Staff J-7, Joint Doctrine Analysis
Division; and MAJ Josh Darling, Joint Staff J-7, Joint Doctrine Division.

3. Supersession

This publication supersedes JP 3-12, Cyberspace Operations, 05 February 2013.

4. Change Recommendations

a. To provide recommendations for urgent and/or routine changes to this publication,

please complete the Joint Doctrine Feedback Form located at: and e-mail it to
[email protected].

b. When a Joint Staff directorate submits a proposal to the CJCS that would change
source document information reflected in this publication, that directorate will include a
proposed change to this publication as an enclosure to its proposal. The Services and other
organizations are requested to notify the Joint Staff J-7 when changes to source documents
reflected in this publication are initiated.

5. Lessons Learned

The Joint Lessons Learned Program (JLLP) primary objective is to enhance joint force
readiness and effectiveness by contributing to improvements in doctrine, organization,
training, materiel, leadership and education, personnel, facilities, and policy. The Joint
Lessons Learned Information System (JLLIS) is the DOD system of record for lessons
learned and facilitates the collections, tracking, management, sharing, collaborative
resolution, and dissemination of lessons learned to improve the development and readiness
of the joint force. The JLLP integrates with joint doctrine through the joint doctrine

Appendix D

development process by providing lessons and lessons learned derived from operations,
events, and exercises. As these inputs are incorporated into joint doctrine, they become
institutionalized for future use, a major goal of the JLLP. Lessons and lessons learned are
routinely sought and incorporated into draft JPs throughout formal staffing of the
development process. The JLLIS Website can be found at

6. Distribution of Publications

Local reproduction is authorized, and access to unclassified publications is

unrestricted. However, access to and reproduction authorization for classified JPs must be
IAW DOD Manual 5200.01, Volume 1, DOD Information Security Program: Overview,
Classification, and Declassification, and DOD Manual 5200.01, Volume 3, DOD
Information Security Program: Protection of Classified Information.

7. Distribution of Electronic Publications

a. Joint Staff J-7 will not print copies of JPs for distribution. Electronic versions are
available on JDEIS Joint Electronic Library Plus (JEL+) at (NIPRNET) and
(SIPRNET), and on the JEL at (NIPRNET).

b. Only approved JPs are releasable outside the combatant commands, Services, and
Joint Staff. Defense attachés may request classified JPs by sending written requests to
Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA)/IE-3, 200 MacDill Blvd., Joint Base Anacostia-
Bolling, Washington, DC 20340-5100.

c. JEL CD-ROM. Upon request of a joint doctrine development community member,

the Joint Staff J-7 will produce and deliver one CD-ROM with current JPs. This JEL CD-
ROM will be updated not less than semi-annually and when received can be locally
reproduced for use within the combatant commands, Services, and combat support

D-2 JP 3-12

AOR area of responsibility

BDA battle damage assessment

C2 command and control

CCDR combatant commander
CCMD combatant command
CCMF Cyber Combat Mission Force
CDRUSCYBERCOM Commander, United States Cyber Command
CDRUSSTRATCOM Commander, United States Strategic Command
CI counterintelligence
CI/KR critical infrastructure and key resources
CIO chief information officer
CJCS Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff
CJCSI Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff instruction
CJCSM Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff manual
CMF Cyber Mission Force
CMT combat mission team
CNMF Cyber National Mission Force
CNMF-HQ Cyber National Mission Force Headquarters
CO cyberspace operations
COCOM combatant command (command authority)
CO-IPE cyberspace operations-integrated planning element
CONOPS concept of operations
CONPLAN concept plan
COP common operational picture
CPF Cyber Protection Force
CPT cyberspace protection team
CSA combat support agency
CSSP cybersecurity service provider
CST combat support team

DACO directive authority for cyberspace operations

DC3 Department of Defense Cyber Crime Center
DCI defense critical infrastructure
DCO defensive cyberspace operations
DCO-IDM defensive cyberspace operations-internal defensive
DCO-RA defensive cyberspace operations-response actions
DHS Department of Homeland Security
DIA Defense Intelligence Agency
DIB defense industrial base
DISA Defense Information Systems Agency


DOD Department of Defense

DODD Department of Defense directive
DODI Department of Defense instruction
DODIN Department of Defense information network
DOJ Department of Justice
DSCA defense support of civil authorities

EA electronic attack
EMS electromagnetic spectrum
EW electronic warfare
EXORD execute order

FBI Federal Bureau of Investigation (DOJ)

GCC geographic combatant commander

GFMIG Global Force Management Implementation Guidance

HQ headquarters

IAW in accordance with

IC intelligence community
IGL intelligence gain/loss
IJSTO integrated joint special technical operations
IP Internet protocol
IR intelligence requirement
IRC information-related capability
ISP Internet service provider
ISR intelligence, surveillance, and reconnaissance
IT information technology

JFC joint force commander

JFHQ-C joint force headquarters-cyberspace
JFHQ-DODIN Joint Force Headquarters-Department
of Defense Information Network
JIACG joint interagency coordination group
JOA joint operations area
JP joint publication
JPP joint planning process
JS Joint Staff
JTL joint target list

LE law enforcement
LOC line of communications

MILDEC military deception

MISO military information support operations

GL-2 JP 3-12

MNF multinational force

MOE measure of effectiveness
MOP measure of performance
MTFP mission-tailored force package

NG National Guard
NGB National Guard Bureau
NGO nongovernmental organization
NIPRNET Non-classified Internet Protocol Router Network
NMT national mission team
NST national support team

OA operational area
OCO offensive cyberspace operations
OE operational environment
OPCON operational control
OPLAN operation plan
OPORD operation order
OPSEC operations security
OSC offensive space control
OSD Office of the Secretary of Defense
OSINT open-source intelligence

PIT platform information technology

PN partner nation
PPD Presidential policy directive

RC Reserve Component
RFI request for information
ROE rules of engagement

SATCOM satellite communications

SCC Service cyberspace component
SecDef Secretary of Defense
SIGINT signals intelligence
SIPRNET SECRET Internet Protocol Router Network

TACON tactical control

TCPED tasking, collection, processing, exploitation,
and dissemination
TST time-sensitive target

USC United States Code

USCYBERCOM United States Cyber Command
USD(P) Under Secretary of Defense for Policy
USG United States Government



cyberspace. A global domain within the information environment consisting of the

interdependent networks of information technology infrastructures and resident data,
including the Internet, telecommunications networks, computer systems, and
embedded processors and controllers. (DOD Dictionary. Source: JP 3-12)

cyberspace attack. Actions taken in cyberspace that create noticeable denial effects (i.e.,
degradation, disruption, or destruction) in cyberspace or manipulation that leads to
denial that appears in a physical domain, and is considered a form of fires. (Approved
for inclusion in the DOD Dictionary.)

cyberspace capability. A device or computer program, including any combination of

software, firmware, or hardware, designed to create an effect in or through cyberspace.
(Approved for inclusion in the DOD Dictionary.)

cyberspace defense. Actions taken within protected cyberspace to defeat specific threats
that have breached or are threatening to breach cyberspace security measures and
include actions to detect, characterize, counter, and mitigate threats, including
malware or the unauthorized activities of users, and to restore the system to a secure
configuration. (Approved for inclusion in the DOD Dictionary.)

cyberspace exploitation. Actions taken in cyberspace to gain intelligence, maneuver,

collect information, or perform other enabling actions required to prepare for future
military operations. (Approved for inclusion in the DOD Dictionary.)

cyberspace security. Actions taken within protected cyberspace to prevent unauthorized

access to, exploitation of, or damage to computers, electronic communications
systems, and other information technology, including platform information
technology, as well as the information contained therein, to ensure its availability,
integrity, authentication, confidentiality, and nonrepudiation. (Approved for inclusion
in the DOD Dictionary.)

cyberspace superiority. The degree of dominance in cyberspace by one force that permits
the secure, reliable conduct of operations by that force and its related land, air,
maritime, and space forces at a given time and place without prohibitive interference.
(Approved for incorporation into the DOD Dictionary.)

defensive cyberspace operations. Missions to preserve the ability to utilize blue

cyberspace capabilities and protect data, networks, cyberspace-enabled devices, and
other designated systems by defeating on-going or imminent malicious cyberspace
activity. Also called DCO. (Approved for incorporation into the DOD Dictionary.)

defensive cyberspace operations-internal defensive measures. Operations in which

authorized defense actions occur within the defended portion of cyberspace. Also
called DCO-IDM. (Approved for inclusion in the DOD Dictionary.)

GL-4 JP 3-12
defensive cyberspace operations-response actions. Operations that are part of a
defensive cyberspace operations mission that are taken external to the defended
network or portion of cyberspace without the permission of the owner of the affected
system. Also called DCO-RA. (Approved for replacement of “defensive cyberspace
operation response action” and its definition in the DOD Dictionary.)

Department of Defense information network operations. Operations to secure,

configure, operate, extend, maintain, and sustain Department of Defense cyberspace
to create and preserve the confidentiality, availability, and integrity of the Department
of Defense information network. Also called DODIN operations. (Approved for
incorporation into the DOD Dictionary.)

directive authority for cyberspace operations. The authority to issue orders and
directives to all Department of Defense components to execute global Department of
Defense information network operations and defensive cyberspace operations internal
defensive measures. Also called DACO. (Approved for inclusion in the DOD

information assurance. None. (Approved for removal from the DOD Dictionary.)

offensive cyberspace operations. Missions intended to project power in and through

cyberspace. Also called OCO. (Approved for incorporation into the DOD


Intentionally Blank

GL-6 JP 3-12
JP 1


JP 1-0 JP 2-0 JP 3-0 JP 4-0 JP 5-0 JP 6-0


All joint publications are organized into a comprehensive hierarchy as shown in the chart above. Joint
Publication (JP) 3-12 is in the Operations series of joint doctrine publications. The diagram below
illustrates an overview of the development process:

STEP #4 - Maintenance STEP #1 - Initiation

l JP published and continuously l Joint doctrine development
assessed by users community (JDDC) submission to fill
l Formal assessment begins extant operational void
24-27 months following l Joint Staff (JS) J-7 conducts front-
publication end analysis
l Revision begins 3.5 years l Joint Doctrine Planning Conference
after publication validation
l Each JP revision is completed l Program directive (PD) development
no later than 5 years after and staffing/joint working group
signature l PD includes scope, references,
outline, milestones, and draft
l JS J-7 approves and releases PD to
lead agent (LA) (Service, combatant
Maintenance command, JS directorate)


Approval Development

STEP #3 - Approval STEP #2 - Development

l JSDS delivers adjudicated matrix to JS J-7 l LA selects primary review authority (PRA) to develop the first
l JS J-7 prepares publication for signature draft (FD)
l JSDS prepares JS staffing package
l PRA develops FD for staffing with JDDC
l FD comment matrix adjudication
l JSDS staffs the publication via JSAP for
signature l JS J-7 produces the final coordination (FC) draft, staffs to
JDDC and JS via Joint Staff Action Processing (JSAP) system
l Joint Staff doctrine sponsor (JSDS) adjudicates FC comment
l FC joint working group

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