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The art of grouting and ground treatment

Conference Paper · March 2006

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1 author:

David Lees
Grouting and Foundation Works Australia


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The art of grouting and ground treatment
By David Lees Director GFWAust

Grouting and ground treatment in particular is an art form. Why? Not because of
the civil engineers who do not understand it, and mockingly suggest the addition
of a few bats wings and frogs legs to the grout mix will overcome all problems.
But because although we can put some numerical applications to our treatment
of the ground, how the ground actually reacts to our treatment will vary and
requires experienced personnel at the face to ensure the intended outcomes are

Brief History of Grouting and Ground Treatment

The first recorded application of grout injection to stabilise civil structures is by

Charles Berigny i in 1802 for the Port of Dieppe in France, he went on to develop
various injection processes in soft ground following the patenting of Portland
Cement in 1824ii developments of grouting occurred both sides of the Channel.
At the turn of the Century cement grouting was used extensively as a remedial
measure to deal with water ingress in the coalfields of France, Belgium and
Germany and mines in the USAiii. Silicate and chemical grouts were introduced
by Lemaire and Dumontiv and others at the turn of the 19th Century with the
introduction of dilute silicate and acid solution into finer grained sandstones. This
was then developed further by a Dutch engineer Hugo Joostenv.

Tube-a-machettes were introduced by Swiss engineer Ischyvi in 1933 permitting

grouts of different properties to be injected in any order at any interval of time in
the same borehole. In the same period Maurice Lugeonvii published borehole
watertightness criteria which is still the basis of our grouting definitions today.
With the invention of the shear viscometer and the Marsh cone in 1931, viii
engineers were able to determine better the flow characteristics of grouts to
permeate fracture in rocks or soil panes.

The invention of the colloidal mixer by J.P. Morgan in 1934 4, manufactured by

Colcrete in England from 1937, was a major result for grouting. It’s high speed
high shear action removed air from the cement, improved wetting and increased
the proportion of fine cement particles, resulting in a grout that required less
dilution with reduced segregation, lower bleed and higher strength. Much
experimentation was carried out by the USBR from 1942 – 1944ix on the physical
properties of grout and in particular the flow properties of Portland Cement grout.

Developments of sodium silicate grouting in the 1950’s included Soletanche’s

hard silicate gel.4 In 1957 the ASCEx published state-of-the-art data on chemical
grouting. By the 1960’s grouting of aluvium was accepted worldwide and
included construction of the new Blackwall Tunnel in London and the Whiteinch
tunnel near Glasgow11. By mid 1960 the grouting limits for common grout mixes
were well appreciatedxi.

In the 1970’s concern over health and environmental pollution led to a ban on
many chemical grouts particularly in Japanxii CIRA produced guidelines on the
safe use of chemical grouts in the UK in 1981xiii.

Our own Australian guru Clive Houlsbyxiv greatly improved the interpretation of
the multi-pressure Lugeon tests in his publication in the Quarterly Journal of
engineering Geology in 1976.

Jet grouting emerged as an alternative to chemical grouting in the 1970sxv. Real

time monitoring was introduced in the 1980’s4 and in 1989 the success of
microfine cements was recorded in material with otherwise poor penetration xvi. In
1993 Lombardi and Deere xvii devised the grout intensity number and new
admixtures such as stabilizers and activators are recorded in the 1990sxviii with
successful backfilling of the Channel Tunnel.

Determination of Ground treatment Needs

. Biggart xix presented a table of ground treatment based on soil grain size:

Dewatering - The first choice of any ground treatment in soft waterlogged ground
to stabilize the ground or stop groundwater entering an excavation. Well points
are installed around the area. A wellpoint is a tube approximately 7m long and
5cm in diameter. The bottom one-metre length forms a screen through which the
ground water enters. Wellpoints are usually jetted into place, a technique in
which water at high pressure loosens the ground to aid penetration of the tube.

Jetting is suitable for soils of moderate to low permeability such as fine sand and
sandy silt with an average permeability in the range 10-4 m/s to 10-6 m/s.
Twenty-five to 50 wellpoints are usually connected to a single 25-50 m3/hr pump

A filter well consists of a screened casing inserted into a drilled hole with a
graded filter material packed around the screen. For temporary installations, the
usual diameter of casing is 0.3m to 0.4m.

Usual limit conditions to groundwater lowering are

-1 -6
 K between 10 m/s to 10 m/s
 Substantially uniform soil conditions
 Total drawdown less than 30m
 Total outflow less than 5000 m /hr
 Residual height H/4 for an aquifer in a given bed

Freezing is an alternative to dewatering where water logged ground is stabilized

by introducing freezing material such as liquid nitrogen along tubes into the

Grouting is often discussed in terms of the permeability of a soil or rock mass

Grouting is used to fill pores, fissures or voids in soil or rock to reduced water
ingress, to provide increase in strength or stability of the ground, or to reduce
ground movements or settlement. For planning purposes neat cement grout can
achieve unconfined compressive strengths of 7-10MPa, and chemical grout can
develop up to 3.5 Mpaxx.

For rock practical limits for grouting may be set as:

5x10-4m/s for cement based grouts

5x10-5m/s for clay chemical grouts

5x10-5 to 5 x10-6m/s for chemical grouts

But as defined by Toddxxi permeability is a medium’s ability to transmit a fluid and

takes no account of the property of the fluid. Todd goes on to say that few
formulas give reliable estimates of results because of the difficulty of including all
possible variables in porous media. For an ideal medium, such as an assembly
of spheres of uniform diameter, hydraulic conductivity can be accurately
evaluated from known porosity and packing conditions. Because of the problems
inherent in formulas, other techniques for determining hydraulic conductivity are
preferable for hydrogeological application.

In particular whilst soils may be more uniform in nature as determined by the soil
grading curves, and ground water flow through it may be represented as an
average permeability, ground water flow through a fractured rock cannot be
defined in terms of average permeability. The permeability of a rock mass is
determined by the fractures, joints and bedding planes within it. Where the rock
is not fractured it will be relatively impermeable but where a single open fracture
occurs flows may be as high as several litres per second. Hence even
determining the RQD of a rock mass may not necessarily determine the water
ingress or its groutability.

As stated by Terzaghi14 “No fissure can be cemented with a width of less than
about 0.1mm. For the same reason no fine sand or gravel can be grouted if the
effective size of a compact sand is smaller than about 1.4mm or that of a loose
sand smaller than 0.5mm – the grout merely replaces the material”

In this line the Groutability Ratio was presented by Mitchelxxii as

GR = D15

Where D15 is the particle diameter of the soil to be grouted 15% of which is finer
by weight and D95 is the particle diameter of the grout 955 of which is finer by

Weaverxxiii summarizes the possibility of grouting a soil for GR ranges as

GR>24 usually, GR< 19 not likely and GR< 11 not possible

However still the most practical method of determining groutability is still the
water tests, after all if the ground will take water it may take grout but if the
ground will not take water then there is no point in trying to get grout into it.
Maurice Lugeon’s 13 unit still used international today for grouting:

1 Lugeon unit is defined as as water take of 1 litre per metre of test length of hole
per minute at 10 bars (1,000kPa or 150 psi). The Lugeon scale is sensitive at low
values between 1 to 5 but with higher values of 50 or more and accuracy of +/-
10 Lugeons is adequate, and at more than 100 Lugeons an accuracy of +/- 30
Lugeons is appropriate.

Lugeon’s work was further developed by Houlsby21 and may be summarized as


1 Lugeon indicates almost no grouting is required

5 Lugeons requires some light grouting

10 Lugeons indicates heavy grouting

20 Lugeons indicates extensive grouting

Houlsby also interpreted the data the help determine the ground characteristics
as shown in Figure 5 below:
Ground Treatment Techniques
Permeation Grouting – is the filling of
interstices of the rock or soil, using
appropriate materials and techniques to
control water or to improve the structure
of the ground. Vibrocompaction uses
this aspect to compact the soil particles
closer together.

Compaction grouting – is the injection,

under relatively high pressures, of a
thick mortar. Because the grout is so
thick it is unable to enter the pore space
of the soil allowing displacement to
compact the ground surrounding it. Stone columns are a further development on
this process where granular material is injected into the ground to create a matrix
of piers in an area of soft ground.

Compensation grouting – is
essentially conducted through
sleeved grout pipes or tube-a-
machettes to adjust ground levels
as tunnels pas through
compressible ground and was used
extensively on the Jubilee Line
Extension project in London.

Jet grouting – In jet grouting grout is passed at a very high pressure out of the
side of a rotating tube. This grout cuts into the ground around the central hole
and mixes this material to form a cylinder of grouted ground It is a grouting
process developed in Germany and Japan for uniform sands and silts using very
high pressures to provide pile columns up to 1.5m in diameter. A lower pressure
form of this technique is soil mixing.
Soletanche-Bachy have been
responsible for developing soilmixing
with their patented system Colmix®. It is
a technique for consolidating face slopes
in cut and fill in inaccessible or restricted
places and is suitable for very poor
engineering ground. The loose soil is
stabilised and compacted with the aid of
two or more augers which first break up
the material before adding a special
binder and recompacting the resulting

Consolidation grouting – involves the filling of open joints, bedding planes, fault
zones, cavities and other openings up to some distance beyond the excavation
hence strengthening the ground and reducing groundwater flow

Curtain grouting – is the creation of an impermeable cut off usually radially

around a shaft, tunnel or cavern to reduce the inflow of groundwater or the
outflow of stored fluids such as LPG. Generally the grouting is carried out by
widely spaced primary holes then infilled with secondary and tertiary holes until
the barrier to water flow is fully achieved.
Grouts and Grouting

There are essentially four groups of grouts, particulate grouts, colloidal solutions,
pure solutions and others.

Particulate grouts are the most commonly used. These are essentially
suspended mixtures with Bingham properties. This group consists of neat
cement grouts (including microfine cements), clay/bentonite cement grouts, and
cement grouts with other additives to enhance penetration. Depending on the
mix, the grout may be stable or unstable (having significant bleed). Water to
solids ratio is the prime determinant of their properties and basic characteristics
of stability, fluidity, strength and durability. These grouts are generally unsuitable
for sealing high water flows, or high head conditions where they are likely to be
diluted or washed away prior to setting

Colloidal solutions are evolutive Newtonian fluids in which viscosity increases

with time. They comprise of mixtures of sodium silicate and reagent solutions
which can change in viscosity over time to produce a gel. These grouts are
generally unsuitable for providing permanent barriers against high-flow/high-head
conditions because of their relatively long setting time, low strength and poor

Pure solutions are organic resins. Their viscosity remains essentially consistent
with the adjustable setting time. These are non-aqueous solvents capable of
forming a gel or foam with specific mechanical properties under normal
temperature conditions and in a closed environment such as poly-urethane, poly-
acrylamide, and epoxies. Resins are used where particularly low viscosity is
required and fast strength gain. They are particularly resistant to high
groundwater flows.

Miscellaneous grouts include other organic compounds which in addition to

providing waterproofing and strengthening, also provide qualities such as
resistance to corrosion. These may be limited in their application due to their

Dewatering – New Southern Railway

The New Southern Railway is a 10km twin track underground rail tunnel linking
the Sydney Central Railway Station with the Kingsford Smith Airport and the
previously existing East Hills Line. Five new stations were provided along the
route. Bachy were responsible for the construction of the TBM launch shaft at
Tempe, the new station box at Green Square and grouting behind the concrete
tunnel lining segments.

The tunnel boring machine was 10.75 metres in diameter and over 75 metres
long, the largest ever used in Australia and the fourth biggest diameter tunnel in
the world. The assembly shaft for the TBM was located in waterlogged ground

adjacent to the Alexandria Canal. Bachy’s engineers introduced an innovative

slurry wall and dewatering system around the diaphragm wall box to assist in
control in the high water table and ease construction.
Freezing - Deep Tunnel Sewer System Singapore
The decomposed granite interface at the T05 shaft intersected the tunnel
horizon. Shaft sinking was completed without the need for freezing but during
blasting excavation of the tunnel horizon a major collapse took place.
Soletanche-Bachy were asked to stabilize the area. Soletanche-Bacgy used
liquid nitrogen to provide the freezing medium. Freezing took approximately 3 ½
weeks for each section. Freezing was then switched to “maintenance mode” after
the proper temperatures were reached to decrease nitrogen consumption. About
8 tanker trucks per day of nitrogen were delivered each day for initial freeze,
maintenance dropped to 2 tankers per day

Excavation of the tunnel then continued with drll and blast of the frozen ground
and shotcrete support.
Permeation Grouting – TransGrid Cable 41 Support

The main electrical cable providing 40% of the

supply for Sydney CBD comes through Arncliffe
and crosses the Cooks River from south of the
city. The cable consists of 1600mm2 stranded
copper core with a flexible corrugated
alluminium sheath, with fluid filled polypropylene
laminate insulation, optical fibre temperature
sensing and a polyethylene/Nylon outer cover.
The cables are rated at 750MVA continuous or 900MVA cyclic loading.

Following the construction of a

new water main in Arncliffe
Street in Arncliffe, TransGrid
were concerned that the
founding sediments beneath the
cable had become disturbed and
that the cable could potentially
settle and bend causing it

GFWA were asked by the

geotechnical engineers to
determine a grouting method to stabilize the ground with minimum risk to the
330kV cable. A system of permeation grouting using microfine cements was
suggested and trials were carried out with a number of different types of product
to determine an optimum spacing of grout holes and mix details.

The original contractors needed to carry out some additional

manhole constructions in the street and asked us to assist. The
excavations needed to be 7m deep and due to our concerns
over the silty peat layers within the sand we proposed to carry
out a soil mixing process where grout was injected through
nozzles as the drill bit was put into the ground. Intersecting grout
holes of about 150mm diameter were created around the
perimeter of the excavation in two rows. When the excavation
was carried out shoring was still required but the excavation was
dry and no further undermining of the TransGrid cables
Vibroflotation and stone colulms – Darwin East Arm Port
The Darwin East Arm Port project forms
part of the second stage of the East Arm
Wharf Development. The project is
being carried out for Department of
Transport and Works, Northern Territory
Government by Thiess Contractors. For
$54 million. The $54M contract will
involve extensive piling and concrete
works, and include the construction of a
110m extension to the common user
wharf, as well as a 160m bulk liquids
and multi-user wharf.The project will be completed in August 2004 to meet the
needs of the AustralAsia railway

Stage 2 consists of Construction of a 16m wide railway access causeway to link

the Adelaide to Darwin railway and national rail network to an Intermodal
Container facility incorporating:200m of wharf with priority access for container
vessels, common user
berth facility with capacity
for the provision of 3 quay
cranes able to handle third
generation container
vessels. Reclamation of a
nominal 4 hectares for an
intermodal container
terminal with capacity to
handle in excess of
250,000 TEU per year.The facility will have provision for two rail sidings and
mobile terminal operating equipment. GFWA carried out the vibrocompaction of
the backfill over a treatment area of 110 x 28m (3080m2) x16m deep
Soil Mixing – Portland New Zealand

The Portland Project was a

combination of a slip, with
settlement issues attributable to
poor ground conditions. Ground
investigations were carried in
the form of Boreholes to
determine the failure
mechanisms, followed by design
of a Colmix column layout to
stabilise the slipping and
settlement movements. The
designed layout was four rows
of columns with 2.5m spacing
between rows and columns at
2.5m centres over the 50m length of road.
Portland slip took several days longer than anticipated to complete due to the
necessity to construct additional columns in one area of the slip where the
ground conditions were exceptionally poor. This additional work was performed
within the lump sum price provided for the design and construction of the Colmix
columns. Even though the duration of the work was extended by several days,
the work was still completed inside program due to the relative swiftness of
constructing Colmix columns versus traditional slip repair solutions.
No claims for additional costs, or variations, were made in relation to the Colmix
repair of Portland slip.
Due to the difficult nature of the
job, the fact that the slip was a
long standing maintenance issue
for TNZ and also high profile
being on SH 1, Portland was
selected as a site to be monitored
on a long term basis for any signs
of further settlement or
movement. Approximately every
three months a series of
monitoring pins, installed after
Colmix, are surveyed for position
and level to provide precise
records of any movement that
occurs. To date no movement
has occurred as we pass the two
year mark after completion of
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