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Information is vital ingredient to management. On time, accurate and relevant information is
necessary for planning & decision making. The recent decade has seen an enormous growth in
information technology (IT). There has been a revolution in hardware, software, and data
management and communication technology.

The information system is a set of organized procedure which when executed, provides
information to support planning & decision-making. It was evolved from simple business
computing applications in the 1960‟ to Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP). One of the
important modules considered in ERP is Human Resource Information System (HRIS) or Human
Resource Management System (HRMS) module. Human Resource Information System here in
after referred as "HRIS". HRIS is a database which is also known as knowledge bank. HRIS are
used by the business organization to optimize its human capital. HRIS is mainly a database of
employee's records which assist HR executives.

Kavanagh, Gueutal, and Tannenbaum (1990) define HRIS as a “System used to acquire, store,
manipulate, analyze, retrieve and distribute information regarding an organization's human
resources. An HRIS is not simply computer hardware and associated HR – related software; it
also includes people, forms, policies and procedures, and data”.

The HRIS is usually a part of the organization's larger Information System. Earlier manual
systems are being gradually replaced by computerized HRIS. Due to globalization it is the need
of the hour to have HRIS system which is an essential factor of any successful business.

Human beings are now widely recognized as the most important resource in any organization. It
is treated as an assets of the organization. Organization is made by its own people and it is also
broken by its own people. So there is need to have proper communication, strategy to manage
this indispensable resource of the organization through computer based software. The use of
technology has reduced the amount of time the HR staff has to spend on operational activities,
thus freeing up their time to spend on strategic activities to gain competitive advantage. Since
1970's there is an increasing demand for computer based HR system to enable HRM to be an
effective and efficient function and provide more positive service to the organization.
HRIS not only plays an important role in the operational efficiency of an organization but also
supports managerial decision-making. Evaluation of an individual and HR department
performance is one of the difficult tasks because the criteria varies from organization to
organization, department to department and task to task.

It will be an attempt to provide valuable data to standardize the system to some extent through
this study. This study will be helpful to know how organization successful to unleash the features
of HRIS for organization development. HRIS empower not only HR Manager but also
employees of the organization. A well designed and comprehensive HRIS provide the needed
information within the shortest period and reduce cost. That is why computerized HRIS is being
increasingly used.


The main objectives of the study are -

1.To study the HRIS, its concept and its applications.

2. To study the organization climate & approaches for effective implementation of HRIS.

3. To evaluate the effectiveness of HRIS for organization development.


Human Resource Management System is database software package tool to satisfy business
needs and individual's needs. HRIS brought transparency in HR activities. Now a day's many IT
companies have started implementing HRIS in their organization for fast accessing information
and decision making. This tool gives fast results and makes effective organizational

The scope of the study is wide. HRIS systems are used by HR departments, employees as well as
managers. The scope of the study is focused on companies in and around IT sector.

The scope of the study is limited to 3 major companies of IT sector, that are :-

 TCS (Tata Consultancy Services)


The research associated with this project is to study the transformation in overall working of the
organization by implementing HRIS in the organization.
Sources of Data Collection

Secondary - To collect and analyze the effectiveness of HRIS in IT companies. For this purpose
secondary data from the published sources and the online journals is collected.

Primary - To analyze organization 's climate & approaches for effective implementation of
HRIS. For this purpose 2 IT companies have been shortlisted and selected and a questionnaire is
circulated, to get the first hand data from the employees, the responses are further coded and
analyzed through pie chart representation.

Data is collected through a questionnaire that is attached as Appendix A.”

(a) Data Collection:

 The source of data collection is primary as well as secondary, as collected through

questionnaire, and online case studies of the companies as well as from the literature
review from books, journals, and internet.

(b) Techniques :

 Coding of data (Coding is the process of organizing and sorting data. Codes serve as a
way to label, compile and organize data. They also allow summarizing and synthesizing
what is happening in the data. In linking data collection and interpreting
the data, coding becomes the basis for developing the analysis.)

(c) Tools :

 Microsoft word, Microsoft excels like table, pie charts etc





In order to meet the objective of research literature review, survey(interview and questionnaire)
and cases were used as source. An appropriate literature review provide available literature. The
general purpose of reviewing the related study is to develop a thorough understanding and
insight into the work already done and areas left untouched or unexplored . These studies also
enable to search out many more related problems as suggestions for future research. It is
presumed that the survey of such studies will make the present investigation more direct and up
to the point. So, the different studies investigating most of the aspect on the subject published in
the form of books, articles and research papers have been studied.

The important among these have been briefly reviewed as follows:

Tannenbaum, S.I. (1990) 1 “Human Resource Information Systems”, An HRIS is a systematic

procedure for collecting, storing, maintaining, retrieving and validating data needed by an
organization for its HR.

Raymond McLEOD,JR.,GERARDIVE De SANCTIS (1995) 2 “A Resource-Flow Model of

the Human Resource Information System”, In this paper Raymond McLEOD,JR.,GERARDIVE
De SANCTIS proposed a resource-flow model of the HRIS ,based on System theory ,as a
Framework for organizing and assessing HRIS Components. The Model views applications in
terms of activities that are performed as personnel flow through a firm. The HRIS is the most
recent functionally oriented information syste ms .HRIS is computer-based application software.
The term HRIS is used in two different ways. One use regards it as an organizational unit and
other use regards the HRIS as an entire computer based applications that process human 31
resource information. According to this view Human Resource Information System can be
defined as “a computerized tool for the collection, storage, maintenance and retrieval of
information about people and their job”. As such, the HRIS is an example of a functional system,
similar in organizational positioning to the marketing information system, the manufacturing
resource planning system and the accounting information system.

Kenneth A. Kovach, Allen A. Hughes, Paul Fagan, and Patrick G. Maggitti (2002)
3 ,“Administrative and Strategic Advantages of HRIS”, Employment Relations Today In this
paper authors focus on HRIS as decision tool. In today's era HRIS is seen as an advanced
business instrument that shows homogeneity in collecting information about and for a company's
employees. As technological advancements redesign the workplace, the significant use of data or
records as information is becoming more and more important and vital. Thus by successful
implementation of HRIS, it is observed that the business is moving towards a fully active
judgmental tool. Today, however, HRIS would be more accurately viewed as a hybrid of several
traditional types of information systems. The current HRIS include features of transaction
processing systems (TPS), communication systems, decision support systems (DSS) and systems
with elements of artificial intelligence. Interactive voice response (IVR) is the latest method
being adopted by many firms to allow employees to update their HR information. This includes
common tasks such as updating address information, changing beneficiaries on life insurance,
planning for retirement, updating health-plan information, reporting on life events such as the
birth of a child etc. It became clear, as HRIS took hold in the corporate culture that a quality
HRIS could provide valuable information to the organization in managing one of its most
valuable assets: the organization's human resources. The HR software applications are able to
provide detailed information in a variety of areas. Through the proper management of HR
records, the business units are now able to perform calculations that have effects on the business
as a whole. The authors of this paper look for an expanding opportunity for HRIS in the future.
They state that, HRIS will not only benefit employees and managers, but also 32 suppliers,
consultants, benefit providers, and others, as more and more users become connected wirelessly.
HRIS is an excellent example of an area where businesses can capitalize not only on
administrative cost savings, but also on leveraging a strategic advantage through information
gathering, processing, and sharing.

Nicholas Aston Beadles II& Christopher M.Lowery (2005) 4 ,”The impact of Human
Resource Information Systems: An Exploratory Study in the Public Sector “In this article author
proved that HRIS decreases cost, improves communications and decreases in time spent on
mundane activities should create an environment where in the Human Resource (HR) department
would play a more strategic role in the organization. The idea has been that HRIS would allow
for the HR function to become more efficient and to provide better information for decision

Kristine Dery, David Grant and Sharna Wiblen (2006) 5 ,”Human Resource Information
Systems (HRIS):Replacing OR Enhancing”, In this article author found that the implementation
and use of HRIS is being hindered by three main challenges :maintaining organizational
attention, addressing the complexities associated with people management and managing user
acceptance of the change associated with the system. This challenge demonstrates that the
material, functional characteristics of technologies such as HRIS are complex and make them
difficult to introduce and operate.

Harekrishna Mishra (2006) 6 “Role of Human Resource in Information Technology alignment

in organizations: A metric Based Strategic Assessment Framework” In this paper author defined
various metrics to evaluate alignment of organizations business activities with HRIS.
Information technology (IT) is increasingly becoming an important factor and fundamental to
support business processes in organizations. IT acquisitions are quite productive in supporting
transactions and in aiding coordination mechanism provided the organizational resources and
business processes are properly aligned with the IT. However, many IT acquisition projects fail
due to improper alignment of the business process with IT. Role of human resource (HR) is quite
critical to such alignment process. It is important that acquiring organizations display HR
capability to support alignment process especially in the pre-acquisition stage to 33 minimize the
post acquisition shocks. In this paper role of HR in IT alignment process is discussed through
some metrics during pre-acquisition stage. A framework is developed and causal relationships
among metrics are discussed. This framework is then tested for its fitness and applied to a case
for appreciation.HR involvement is an important aspect in all the stages of IT acquisition
process. In order to ensure a better and effective use of the IT acquired, HR involvement is
required the most in the pre-acquisition stage in order to effectively manage subsequent stages.
Policy, attitude of strategic decision makers, decision making style in the organization;
perception of users on IT (fear of losing importance and/ or anxiety to use technology) also
influence end-users in accepting IT. In this paper they discussed a model that an organization can
apply to assess its internal preparedness to manage the IT acquisition process. Application of the
model in the cement company revealed many important reasons behind the current status of IT.
The model stressed the importance of strategic and tactical level managers to understand the
processes in the pre acquisition stage and then organize a measuring tool to monitor the
acquisition process. Studying only the pre acquisition stage is the limitation of the study and
therefore, in the next stage of the research it is intended to expand the horizon of this model and
apply it for the IT acquisition stage and Post acquisition stage.

Sandeep Krishnan,Manjari Singh (2006-07) 7 “ Issues and Concerns in the Implementation

and Maintenance of HRIS” This paper looks at the issues and concerns faced by Indian
organizations in implementing and managing HRIS. In this study, the critical success factors and
weaknesses in various stages of implementing an HRIS are explored. The problems are rooted in
mainly two factors .One is the fact that HR department lacks knowledge about HRIS and hence
is not able to clearly elucidate the requirement of the system .Poor assessment is a continuation
of this problem .Second is the lack of importance given to HR department in the organizations.

Flynn, Simone I (2008) 8 “ Human Resource Information System”, This article focus on Human
Resource Information System and the way in which Human Resource Information System is
used by business organization to minimize human capital. Business, governments and non-profit
organizations around the world rely on human 34 resource information system (HRIS) to
facilitate information sharing as well as facilitate downsizing and reengineering efforts. In final
analysis, HRIS increase competitiveness in the marketplace by improving the efficiency of HR
operations, produce more and varied HR-related data and reports.

Majid, R. (2009) 9 “Measuring the effectiveness of human resource information system in the
national Iranian oil company an empirical assessment” In this study the author wants to focus
more on evaluation of the effectiveness of the IS system. End users satisfaction is main criteria to
evaluate the effectiveness of the system. The end user satisfaction depends on system quality,
system use, information quality, etc. By providing effective training about using the system an
organization can easily eliminate the entire paper work system of the organization or department.
Growth and development in Management support system leads voluntary use of ecommerce
systems is more common today. The widely accepted IS model is based on satisfaction of end
user. There is always a pressure on IS units to give best services to the end users. There is always
a debate in timeliness of delivering quality services & the costs associated with it, however if the
Quality of IS service is provided it may decrease the costs linked with software selection,
application software maintenance, training ,education to enhance computer literacy skills, etc.
The effectiveness of IS can be measured at different parameters but sustaining service level is a
difficult task, it is critical from the point of effectiveness.

Rao Purna Chandra (2009) 10,”Role of HRIS in improving Modern HR operations”, The HR
will become vital source for managing future challenges. HRIS is a modern tool to the better
operations of HR. Hence, HRIS would soon be an integral part of HR activities in all
organization. Business trends are changing day-to- day, for the betterment, more and more
organizations realize the importance of IT and enabled services. In this environment major HRIS
providers are concentrating on the small and middle range organizations as well as large
organizations for their products. They are also coming up with very specific software modules,
which would cater to any of their HR needs. Hence, HRIS would soon be an integral part of HR
activities in all organization. In a nutshell, the 35 HR manager should treat personnel not only as
resource but also as assert, reward them equitably, and integrate their aspirations with corporate
goals through suitable HR policies. Management views that the HRM function has an important
tool to enhance competitiveness for which the function must be used strategically. An effective
HRIS provides information on just about anything the company needs to track and analyze about
employees, former employees and prospective applicants. The company will need to select a
suitable HRIS and customize it to meet your needs. With an appropriate HRIS, Human
Resources staff enables employees to do their own benefits updates and address changes, thus
freeing HR staff (Empowering the personnel) for more strategic functions. Moreover, data
necessary for employee management, knowledge development, career growth and development
and equal treatment are facilitated. Finally, Managers can access the information they need to
legally, ethically and effectively support the success of their reporting employees. Sanjay

Mohapatra (2009) 11 “Framework for HRIS Implementation in Non-IT Sector”.In this paper, a
framework has been developed for successful implementation of Human Resource Information
System (HRIS) that would help in aligning business goals with stakeholders‟ objectives. As one
of the stakeholders, employees are keys to the success of organization. Managing employees
effectively and upgrading their skills properly will result in increased collective performance at
organizational level. The author proposed following framework for successful implementation of
HRIS Proper selection of software: whether to select ready-made customized software or to
develop in house as per the organization's needs. Data re-engineering: conversion of existing data
into new system as per the requirement. Implementation goals: Identifying the requirement and
goals to be achieved. Stakeholders involvement: proper training and provide required resources.
Status review by senior manager: to get status quo of the implementation and to do required
changes in plan and schedule. 36 Implementation project plan: predefined stages/phases to
implement HRIS inform to all the concerns. Project Organization structure: make available
required man-power as per the structure mentioned for successful implementation of HRIS. As
seen in the paper, for implementing HRIS, the following things need to be addressed, such as
lack of management commitment, satisfaction with the status quo, no or poorly done needs
analysis, failure to include key people, failure to keep project team intact, politics / hidden
agenda, failure to involve / consult significant groups, lack of communication, bad timing (time
of year and duration).

Matt Minahan (2010) 12 “OD and HR”. In this paper author emphasizes on the relationship
between OD and HR. It also focuses on how IT and HR manager are useful to form and
implement the organization strategy and budget function. The purpose of OD and HR together is
to sharpen the boundaries of the system which brings standardization in the system. It is the need
of an hour to establish OD function independently to know the boundaries and to work
independently. The days of HR staff being hired principally because they were people with good
listening skills are gone. The fashion toward activity based costing (ABC) is now showing the
true cost of overhead functions such as HR, and HR is responding by making itself more
appropriate to the business of the organization. Many HR staff are now called business partners,
often reflecting an inspirational goal, but quite distant from the actual reality of their skills on the
ground. Integrating sustainability and globalization into the world of OD brings another set of
challenges. To play effectively as a free standing function, free of support from HR, OD
practitioners need: To understand and be effective at intervening in economic systems, balancing
productivity with innovation, sustainability, and diversity, new and better ideas for progress,
guided by diversity, development, and sustainability. To make sure that the ecology has
standings in all decisions.

Kostadinka Toteva (2010) 13 - “Electronic tool for analysis of employees feedback”, In this
paper author focuses on the new tool which is used to get feedback from the employees which is
helpful to decide the future strategies of the organization. Organizational culture, leadership,
motivation, commitment and participation of employees, etc. are critical success factors for
change management, quality management, strategy implementation and generally for higher
efficiency and performance of organizations. Along with the introduction of various management
techniques in organizations, the speedy development of Information and Communication
Technologies (ICT) provides huge opportunities for higher efficiency and performance of
company and HRM. Expert systems, data bases and business intelligence tools have rapidly
changed the business environment and the opportunities for analysis, decision making and
control. However, the successful business application of Information and Communication
Technologies and HRMS, as well as gaining the desired company benefits strongly depends on
their adoption by organizational leaders and employees. Therefore, it is essential to have tools
not only to communicate to employees the corporate strategy, goals and tasks, but also to obtain
their feedback and ensure interactive communications as a regular practice in corporate
management and decision making. HRMS is specialized software for HR management. It is
designed on modular principle and provides services to various HR activities. The main modules
of the system are divided into three groups - Additional modules – provide links to other systems
and generalized information for the business. Standard modules – serve the operating HRM
activities and are targeted for usage by HR specialists. Self-Services – is a web-based module for
the use of all employees. It supports operational tasks which do not require HR specialists‟
involvement. The Author also considers the importance of the proper human resources
management for the success of organizations in the knowledge society. It proposes a new
electronic tool as an extension of existing human resources management software aimed at
collecting objective and subjective feedback from employees. This new module has increased
essentially the potential of the whole HRMS.

A. Chamaru De Alwis (2010) 14 “ The Impact of Electronic Human Resource Management on

the Role of Human Resource Managers” In this study, an attempt is made to find out the
background of the e-HR adoption in the Sri Lankan context and its impact on the role of the HR
professionals. 70 % of large scale businesses in Sri Lanka have adopted a moderate level balance
beyond that point. At the same time, budget allocation for this adoption shows an improvement
of usage within the year 2010-2012. If an organization is going to adopt this, first of all they
must evaluate employee attitudes, organizational characteristics, culture and the way of
collaborating those with HR and IT. This adoption should not be done in an ad hoc way. It
should be planned and implemented in the proper manner. An organization should identify the
suitability of the select software through cost and benefit analysis, because it critically affects the
post performance of the whole system. The adoption of e-HR by HR professionals will make a
significant change in their roles by making them strategic partners in business.

Alok Mishra, and Ibrahim Akman, (2010) 15 “Information Technology in Human Resource
Management: An Empirical Assessment “,In this paper authors focus on challenges before HR in
global economy and how to cope up with the challenges using HRIS. It is observed that HRMSs
can meet the challenge of simultaneously becoming more planned, flexible, cost-efficient, and
customer-oriented by leveraging information technology. The industrial advances are being
determined primarily by powerful demands from human resource professionals for enhancement
in speed, effectiveness, and cost containment. Technology and HRM have a broad range of
influences upon each other, and HR professionals should be able to adopt technologies that allow
the reengineering of the HR function, be prepared to support organizational and work design
changes caused by technology, and be able to support a proper managerial climate for innovative
and knowledge-based organizations. HRIS can support long-term planning with information for
manpower planning as well as supply and demand forecasts, separations and applicant
qualifications, and development with information on training program costs and trainee work
performance. It can also support compensation programs, salary forecasts, pay 39 budgets,
industrial relations with information on contract negotiations and employee assistance needs.
Increasing globalization creates the environment more complex and competitive and to cope up
with the HRIS works as a decision making tool.




The HRIS is software or online solution for the data entry, data tracking, and data information
needs of the Human Resources, payroll, management, and accounting functions within a
business. Normally packaged as a data base, hundreds of companies sell some form of HRIS and
every HRIS has different capabilities. HRIS helps HR managers perform HR functions in a
more effective and systematic way using technology.

It is the system used to acquire, store, manipulate, analyze, retrieve, and distribute pertinent
information regarding an organization's human resources. A human resource information system
(HRIS) is a system used to acquire, store, manipulate, analyze, retrieve, and distribute pertinent
information about an organization's human resources. The HRIS system is usually a part of the
organization's larger management information system (MIS) which would include accounting
production and marketing functions to name just a few. Human resource and line managers
require good human resource information to facilitate decision-making.

Typically, HRIS provides overall:

 Management of all employee information.

 Reporting and analysis of employee information.
 Company-related documents such as employee handbooks.
 Emergency evacuation procedures.
 Safety guidelines.
 Benefits administration including enrollment.
 Status changes.
 Personal information updating.
 Complete integration with payroll and other company financial software and accounting
 Applicant and resume management.
 The HRIS that most effectively serves companies tracks: Attendance, pay raises and
history, pay grades and positions held, performance development plans.
 Training received.
 Pay raises and history.
 Pay grades and positions held.
 Performance development plans.
 Training received.
 Disciplinary action received.
 Personal employee information.
 Management and key employee succession plans.
 High potential employee identification.
 Applicant tracking, interviewing, and selection.
 With an appropriate HRIS, Human Resources staff for more strategic functions.

Additionally, data necessary for employee management, knowledge development, career

growth and development, and equal treatment is facilitated.


software services and consulting company headquartered in Mumbai, India. It is India's
largest provider of information technology and business process outsourcing services. The
company is listed on the National Stock Exchange and Bombay Stock Exchange of India.
TCS is part of one of India’s largest and oldest conglomerates, the Tata Group, which has
interests in areas such as energy, telecommunications, financial services, manufacturing,
chemicals, engineering, materials, government and healthcare.

History Tata Consultancy was established in the year 1968 and is considered a pioneer in the
Indian IT industry. Despite unfavorable government regulations like the License Raj the
company succeeded in establishing the Indian IT Industry. It began as the “Tata Computer
Centre”, a division of the Tata Group whose main business was to provide computer services
to other group companies. F C Kohli was the first general manager. The legendary JRD Tata
was the first chairman, followed by luminaries such as Nani Palkhivala.

One of TCS’ first assignments was to provide punch card services to a sister concern, Tata
Steel (then TISCO). It later bagged the country’s first software project, the Inter-Branch
Reconciliation System (IBRS) for the Central Bank of India. It also provided bureau services
to Unit Trust of India, thus becoming one of the first companies to offer BPO services. In the
early 1970s, Tata Consultancy Services started exporting its services. TCS’s first
international order came from Burroughs, one of the first business computer manufacturers.
TCS was assigned to write code for the Burroughs machines for several US-based clients.
This experience also helped TCS bag its first onsite project – the Institutional Group &
Information Company (IGIC), a data centre for ten banks, which catered to two million
customers in the US, assigned TCS the task of maintaining and upgrading its computer

In 1981, TCS set up India’s first software research and development center, the Tata
Research Development and Design Center (TRDDC). The first client-dedicated offshore
development center was set up for Compaq (then Tandem) in 1985. In 1989, TCS delivered
an electronic depository and trading system called SECOM for SIS SegaInterSettle,
Switzerland. It was by far the most complex project undertaken by an Indian IT company.
TCS followed this up with System X for the Canadian Depository System and also
automated the Johannesburg Stock Exchange (JSE). TCS associated with a Swiss partner,
TKS Teknosoft, which it later acquired.

In the early 1990s, the Indian IT outsourcing industry grew tremendously due to the Y2K
bug and the launch of a unified European currency, Euro. TCS pioneered the factory model
for Y2K conversion and developed software tools which automated the conversion process
and enabled third-party developers and clients to make use of it.

In 1999, TCS saw outsourcing opportunity in E-Commerce and related solutions and set up
its E-Business division with ten people. By 2004, E-Business was contributing half a billion
dollars (US) to TCS.

On 9 August 2004, TCS became a publicly listed company, much later than its rivals,
Infosys, Wipro and Satyam. During 2004, TCS ventured into a new area for an Indian IT
services company – Bioinformatics. 1968 |TCS begins operations | |1971 |First international
assignment | |1974 |First mainframe computer | |1981 |Tata Research, Development & Design
Centre, Pune | |1985 |Tandem Centre | |1988 |IBM Centre | |1993 |ISO 9000 certification
awarded | | |TCS’ first big international capital markets project for the Switzerland depository
(SEGA) goes live | |1997 |New corporate training facility opened at Thiruvananthpuram | |
1998 |TCS starts verticalisation of business | |1999 |Qwest, HP, Sholinganallur centers
assessed at SEI-CMM level 5 | |2000 |TCS-Calcutta, Lucknow, Bangalore, Hyderabad,
GEDC, Ambattur and Ahmedabad centers certified at SEI-CMM | | |level 5 | |2001 |TCS
completes acquisition of public sector nit, CMC | |2002 |Expansion into new growth markets
like China/ Uruguay | |2003 |TCS becomes first Indian IT company to cross $ 1 billion in
revenue | |2004 |TCS IPO – India’s largest private sector public issue of shares | |2005 |
Acquisition of FNS in Australia and Comicrome in Chile; merger of Tata infotech and TCS;
launch of | | |Chinese JV | |2006 |Launch of Ignite.

TCS unveils unique programme to transform science graduates into software professionals| |
2007 |Launch of experience certainty, India’s first global marketing campaign from the
private sector | | |TCS emerges as the largest private sector employer with over 100,000
employees | |2008 |Crosses $ 1. 25 billion in profits .

ORGANISATION’S VISION The Tata Group is one of India’ largest business

conglomerates established by Jamshedji Tata (Jamshedji) in the second half of the 19th
century. Jamshedji’s vision for the Group was in line with nationalist goals and ideals then,
and envisaged to make India self-reliant. After Jamshedji, Jehangir Ratanji Dadabhoy Tata
(JRD) became the Chairman of the Tata Group and played a significant role in continuing the
vision of the group. Tata’s assets climbed from INR 620 million in 1939 to INR 100 billion
in 1990. Tata Motors had increased its sales to INR 1 million in the year 1991 and it had
rolled out 3 million vehicles in the same year. In 1991, Ratan Naval Tata (Ratan Tata/Ratan)
took over the Chairmanship from JRD Tata. Although he was initially criticized for his poor
performance, over the years, Ratan Tata disproved his critics. He restructured Tata Group’s
business operations and made the Group compete globally. Under Ratan Tata’s
chairmanship, Tata Consultancy Services went public and Tata Motors was listed in the New
York Stock Exchange.

Starting from the late 1990s, Ratan revamped the operations of Tata Steel and made it one of
the lowest-cost steel producers in the world. However, as the Tatas lacks an heir who can
succeed Ratan, the group is at cross-roads to decide who will be the next chairman. After
Ratan Tata’s retirement who would succeed him and carry the vision of the Group is a
dilemma. Our PEOPLE, by fostering team work, nurturing talent, enhancing leadership
capability and acting with pace, pride and passion. Our OFFER, by becoming the supplier of
choice, delivering premium products and services and creating value with our customers. Our
INNOVATIVE APPROACH, by developing leading edge solution in technology, process
and products. Our CONDUCT, by providing a safe working place respecting the
environment, caring for our communities and demonstrating high ethical standards.

ORGANISATION’S MISSION Our Mission in Tata is to improve the quality of life in India
through leadership in targeted sectors of national economic significance to which the Group
can bring a unique set of capabilities.


TATA CONSULTANCY SERVICES The Human Resource Information Model at TCS
Human Resource Model The human resource model is both flexible and adaptable. It is
flexible, so that you can control different groups within the same company. It is adaptable, so
that you can easily change the basic model as your enterprise changes. People

In HRIS, you can hold information about current and former employees, applicants, external
contacts such as contractors, and employee contacts such as relatives and dependents. In
addition to standard information such as addresses, nationality, interview records,
qualifications, and absence information, you can define any other special information you
need to hold for people. For example, you can define what information to hold on medical
history, previous employment, or outside interests. You can also record employment
information, such as hours of work and work choices. HRMS holds one integrated set of
employee–related information. Payroll users access the parts of this information they require,
while enterprise business rules determine who is responsible for entering and maintaining it.
Work Structures Work structures represent the different ways in which employees can work
within your enterprise. They provide the framework for defining the work assignments of
your employees. They enable you to manage the information about your enterprise that is
independent of your employees. You can also think of work structures as representing the
organizational units of your enterprise. The Business Group is the largest unit and represents
your enterprise as a whole. The work structures include your internal organizations (such as
departments or divisions), payrolls, jobs or positions, grading structures, and any special
employee groupings that you use in your enterprise.

There is one integrated set of work structures for human resource and payroll users.
Compensation and Benefits In HRIS you can define your own types of compensation and
benefits, and the business rules you want to apply to them. As you change policies, move
people within your enterprise, and adjust their individual remuneration packages, the system
maintains their compensation and benefit history. For example, suppose you want to define a
special type of payment and make this available only to employees who work at a particular
location. In HRMS you use a compensation element to represent the payment. You define the
business rule as a link between the element and the specific location. Then when you assign
employees to the location, they automatically become eligible for the payment. Assignments
In HRIS, the assignment describes employees’ places within the enterprise: the organization
for which they work, their role, grade, location, and so on. As you change the assignment
information for an employee, you automatically build up their work history. Your
compensation eligibility rules link compensation and benefits to work structures, such as jobs
or grades. The assignment places employees within the work structures of the enterprise. In
this way, an employee’s assignment determines their eligibility for compensation and

You can use assignments to identify major employee groups within the enterprise for
management, for reporting and costing, and for compensation and benefit planning and
administration. Shared Information in Oracle HRMS For all Oracle HRMS applications, you
enter and maintain the same fundamental information about your structure and operations,
your employees and their assignments and employee compensation and benefits. You then
add the specialized information you need specifically for human resources, or payroll
management or benefits administration. Common Information The common core of
fundamental information used for human resources, payroll and benefits administration

Your operational basics: Payrolls with their calendars and pay periods – Currencies and
methods of payment you use

Your organizational structure: – Internal organizations, such as companies, divisions,

departments, work groups, or production team – External organizations of key importance to
you, such as employment agencies, tax authorities, or union headquarters – Organization
location information, including addresses and telephone numbers – Hierarchies showing the
relationships between your organizations – Any grade and grade scale structures you use ?
Your employees’ essential personal information, such as: – Name and address – Marital
status – Birth date – Nationality – Ethnic origin Your employees’ current work statuses, such
as: – Active assignment – On maternity leave – Terminated

Your employees’ assignments to: – Internal organizations – Grades, or grades and grade
steps – Jobs, or jobs and positions – Salary bases for quoting pay, such as hourly or annual –
Payrolls Elements of your employees’ pay and benefits: – Earnings such as salary, wages,
commissions, bonuses, allowances – Employer charges such as employer contributions to
legislatively–mandated or private insurance or pension plans – Deductions such as
contributions for union dues or employee stock purchase plans – Nonpayment benefits such
as vacation time or a company car Shared Windows in Oracle HRMS While many of the
windows in your system relate exclusively to the human resources, payroll or benefits
functions, some include information relevant to more than one function. These latter
windows are shared windows. Shared windows can include some information fields relevant
to both human resources and payroll users, and other fields for information specific to either
human resources or payroll users but not both. Using Shared Windows You can control the
use of fields on shared windows by the value your system administrator gives to each user or
responsibility for the HR: User Type profile option. The three valid values are: HR with
Payroll User, HR User, Payroll User, Users with an HR, User profile These are restricted in
their use of fields on certain windows. In particular they:

Do not see certain fields on the Element window, which are only required if you are
processing elements ? Cannot assign employees to a payroll if both Oracle Payroll and
Oracle Human Resources are installed Also, in all legislations, apart from the US, they: ? Do
not see the Statutory Information field in the Payroll window ? Cannot adjust element entry
Pay Values THE TCS HRIS Fundamentals Enterprise Modeling Rather than using an
artificial model of your enterprise, you can customize Oracle HRMS so it accurately reflects
the organization of work and management of people within the enterprise. Using Oracle
HRIS you can model the jobs, positions and grades to reflect the structures and culture within
your enterprise. Organization Management In addition to your enterprise model, you need to
represent all the different organizations that make up your enterprise. You can set up and
represent: ? All the default information applicable across your enterprise ? The physical work
locations of your employees ? External organizations of importance to human resource
management, such as recruitment agencies, insurance providers and tax authorities ?
Reporting lines and other relationships among these organizations. You represent these
relationships by building organization hierarchies Defining a Payroll One of the most
important features of Oracle HRMS is the ability to define payrolls.

A payroll is a set of employees whose pay you process with a single frequency, for example,
weekly or monthly. You can define as many payrolls as you require to meet the pay policies
of your enterprise. You put an employee on a payroll by making an assignment to the payroll.
You can also assign employees to other employee groups: for example, groups to indicate
membership of a union or social club. Cost Analysis Oracle HRMS enables you to enter the
labor costs associated with your employees. You can use the Cost Allocation key flex field to
set up account and cost centers against which you want to collect costs, and the levels you
want to record costs. Using Oracle Payroll, you can automatically accumulate these costs.
Managing Workforce Using Oracle HRMS Workforce Management Oracle HRMS provides
you with an easy, efficient and flexible employee management system that enables you to
organize employees exactly as you want. You can hold a wide range of personal information,
such as medical details, work schedules and preferred language for correspondence, as well
as the basics such as date of birth, employee number and addresses. You can also enter
personal contacts, including dependants and beneficiaries and inquire and report on people
held on the system. You also need to record and manage how people work for your

This information is the substance of the relationship, or contract, an enterprise has with each
of its employees. It associates the employee to the enterprise’s work structures and
compensations and benefits policies. Recruitment Oracle HRMS provides comprehensive
recruitment support, enabling you to integrate all your recruitment processes, from
identifying vacancies to hiring new employees. Using Oracle HRMS, you can set up your
recruitment procedures exactly as your enterprise requires. In particular, you have flexible
control over the following key areas: ? Recruitment and selection procedures ? Security of
applicant information ? Handling of bulk applications Generation of standard letters to
applicants at different stages of the recruitment process Career Management and Succession
Planning Oracle HRMS career and succession management functionality is built upon the
principles of performance management and the competence approach. The highly
configurable framework of Oracle HRMS enables you to define all the components of a
performance management system to meet the needs of your enterprise. You can define
competencies, behavioral descriptions, multiple types of appraisal and competence
evaluation, performance ratings and career and succession plans. Budgeting An essential
activity in the cycle is budgeting your human resources.

Using Oracle HRMS you can define non–monetary budgets, such as head count and full–
time equivalent, that are based on your work structures. Updation Of New Records New
Records You cannot create a record and then update it on the same day. If you try to do this,
Oracle HRMS warns you that the old record will be overridden, and then changes Update to
Correction. This is because DateTrack maintains records for a minimum of a day at a time.
Future Updates Using DateTrack, you can make future updates. For example, suppose you
are relocating an employee, with six months notice. You decide to enter the relocation on the
system straight away. So you set your effective date to the first day when the employee will
be at the new location, and change the location on the assignment. Later that month you
promote the employee to a new grade. So you set your effective date to today’s date and
change the grade on the assignment. Oracle HRMS checks to see whether the record has a
future update scheduled. It finds that the location changes in the future and prompts you for
the type of update you now want to make. You have two choices: Insert: This simply inserts
the change before the next scheduled change. This is the correct choice for the example. The
employee would be promoted from today. The future–dated relocation still takes place in six
months time . Replace: This change replaces all future–dated changes. In the example, the
employee would be promoted from today.

However, the record of the relocation would be completely removed from the system.
DateTrack Date Security There is a DateTrack: Date Security user profile option, which
determines whether you can change your effective date. Your system administrator sets this
profile option. You can check its value on the Personal Profile Values window. There are
four possible values: ? All: You can change to any other effective date. ? Future: You can
change between today’s date and any future dates. ? Past: You can change between today’s
date and any past dates. ? Present: You cannot change to a date other than today. 1 – 27
Introduction to Oracle HRMS Present: You cannot change to a date other than today.
DateTrack Deleting Options When you delete datetracked information, Oracle HRMS
prompts you with the following options: End Date: This ends the record on your effective
date. When you re–query the record, this end date displays in the ‘To’ field. Purge: This
totally removes the record from your database. If there are any future updates to the record
after your effective date, Oracle HRMS may prompt you with another two options: All: This
removes all future updates to the record. The current snapshot is valid until you make another
change. Next: This removes the next future update to the record. It then resets the current
snapshot’s end date to the end date of the deleted update. You do not always see all of these
options when you choose to delete.

Some windows do not allow all four operations. You do not always see all of these options
when you choose to delete. Some windows do not allow all four operations. The
Organization Management With TCS HRMS systems Oracle HRMS can represent all the
components of your enterprise. You can record the physical locations where your employees
work and all the different departments and sections that make up your enterprise. You can
even record information about other organizations you work with, such as recruitment
agencies or tax authorities. How do you represent your enterprise as an employer? Oracle
HRMS enables you to represent your enterprise as an employer by setting up a Business
Group. This corresponds to a company or corporation, or in large enterprises, to a holding or
parent company or corporation. Organization Management Overview You can represent your
enterprise at the highest level by defining it as an employer, and then representing all the
departments and sections below this. To enable you to get the most out of the Organization
Management functionality, you need to understand the components provided to represent
your enterprise. These are: ? Locations: You can set up the physical locations of your
employees. ? Representing employers using Business Groups: You need to represent your
enterprise as an employer. HRMS enables you to do this by creating Business Groups. This is
the largest organizational unit you set up.

You can set up: – Single or multiple Business Groups: You can set up one Business Group or
many Business Groups, depending on the needs of your enterprise. – Defaults for Business
Groups: To save you time, you can enter defaults for the Business Groups. This defines the
type of information that will generally apply to all employees in the Business Group, such as,
default working hours for all employees, employment standards, and such. These can be
overridden. ? Representing organizations: HRMS enables you to represent all levels of your
enterprise and those enterprises you work with. You can represent: – Internal organizations:
These are the groupings in which employees work, such as branches, departments or
sections. External organizations: You can also include information about the external
organizations you work with, such as, training vendors, tax offices, certification bodies or
worker’s compensation boards. ? Organization hierarchies: You can show reporting lines and
other hierarchical relationships among organizations in your enterprise. You can use: –
Multiple hierarchies: You can set up as many hierarchies as you need, you might want to set
up hierarchies for matrix management, security hierarchies or hierarchies for reporting.
Organization change and version control: Changing your hierarchy to reflect simple changes
in reporting lines is not difficult Valid Changes to the Position Hiring Status [pic] Other
Management Issues :

Other Management Issues When you consider this environment there are other areas your
decisions may affect: Remuneration Policies: Individual compensation and benefits are often
regulated, or based on union negotiated agreements. Reward systems: are usually based on
the role performed rather than on personal or performance assessment. This may mean that
you have to define detailed eligibility rules for compensation and benefits. Comparative
Grades and Positions: Valid grades are defined for positions and it is common to use grade
steps and progression points. National or union pay scales establish actual rates of pay for a
grade and this is independent f performance. An employee is paid the rate for his or her grade
and step. Incrementing rules, which determine progression to the next step, are usually part
of the plan and are often time–based. Job evaluation methods exist to compare roles across
the industry with agreed grading structures and rates of pay. Budgeting : Headcount or full–
time equivalent budgets are usually set for each position. You can calculate your Salary
budgets from the position budgets, combined with valid grades and progression point
information. In an HR environment you would calculate actual salary costs, at any time, from
the current salaries of assigned employees.

In an environment including Oracle Payroll, you would calculate actual salary costs directly
from payroll run results. There is an automatic vacancy when an employee terminates
employment. The position exists even when there are no holders. Recruitments :The stages of
the recruitment process and the procedures surrounding these are probably well defined and
regulated. Standard letters for each stage of the process are also likely to be well established.
In this environment people are recruited for their ability to perform a role. You would hold
job descriptions and skill requirements for each position using attachments for text and the
Special Information Type for structured data. Standard Reports Typically there is a well
defined set of standard reports needed in this environment. Often these are required by
government. Grade and Grade Structures Grades and Grade Structures Grades are normally
used to record the relative status of employee assignments and to determine compensation
and benefits, such as salary, overtime rates, and company car. Using Grades to Compare
Roles You can define one or more valid grades for each job or position. You enter this
information in the Valid Grades window, which opens from the Job window or the Position
window. When you enter a grade assignment, the list of grades shows which ones are valid
for the job or position you select.

Grades can have different levels of complexity, which need to be represented in the overall
structure of the grade. Grades In its simplest form, a grade can be a single character, or
number, in a logical sequence. For example: Grade A , Grade B , Grade C By adding a
second segment to the grade name, you can identify sub–grades, such as: Grades A. 1, A. 2,
A. 3, and A. 4 , Grades B. 1 and B. 2 , Grades C. 1, C. 2, and C. 3 A more complex structure
could be used to distinguish grades for different staff groups, such as: Manual. A. 1, Manual.
A. 2, and Manual. G. 1 ,Clerical. C. 1 and Clerical. C. 2 Grade Relationships to
Compensation and Benefits.

In TATA Consultancy Services, there are rule based reward structures based on grade. These
rules can relate grades and pay directly or indirectly. You can associate compensation and
benefits with your grades. For example, you can record a minimum or maximum salary for a
grade. There are two approaches: ? Using grade rates, you can either enter a fixed value for
each grade, or you can enter a minimum, maximum, and mid–point values for each grade. ?
Using grade scales, you can associate each grade with several points on a pay scale, and enter
compensation values for these points. Attention: The compensation information can change
independently of the grade.

Therefore, you should not define it as part of the grade name. Instead you should relate it to
the grade, either directly or indirectly. Direct Relationship You may have a salary
administration system in which the actual level of pay normally falls between a minimum
and a maximum value for a grade. Regular performance reviews and ratings can involve
comparison with the mid–point value of pay for your grade. In Oracle HRMS, this is a grade
rate. Direct Grade rates . In Oracle HRMS, you can set up a table of values related to each
grade. These are called grade rates. You can enter a fixed value or a range of valid values for
each grade. For example, you might define a salary rate and an overtime rate of pay for every
grade, with minimum, maximum, and midpoint values. Both rates would be in monetary
units. However, you can also define rates with non–monetary units, such as days, hours, or
The Human Resource Information Systems is introduced by presenting the various definitions,
development, costs and benefits, as well as their functions and relationship with HRM.
Furthermore, different software providers and their solutions is presented.

HRIS shape an integration between human resource management (HRM) and Information
Technology. Even though these systems may rely on centralized hardware resources
operationally, a small group of IS specialists residing within the personnel department
increasingly manage, support, and maintain them. HRIS support planning, administration,
decision-making, and control. The system supports applications such as employee selection and
placement, payroll, pension and benefits management, intake and training projections, career-
pathing, equity monitoring, and productivity evaluation. These information systems increase
administrative efficiency and produce reports capable of improving decision-making

Tannenbaum (1990) defines HRIS as a technology-based system used to acquire, store,

manipulate, analyze, retrieve, and distribute pertinent information regarding an organization’s
human resources. Kovach et al., (1999) defined HRIS as a systematic procedure for collecting,
storing, maintaining, retrieving, and validating data needed by organization about its human
resources, personnel activities, and organization unit characteristics. Furthermore, HRIS shape an
integration between human resource

management (HRM) and Information Technology. It merges HRM as a discipline and in

particular basic HR activities and processes with the information technology field (Gerardine
DeSanctis, 1986: 15). As is the case with any complex organizational information system, an
HRIS is not limited to the computer hardware and software applications that comprise the
technical part of the system it also includes the people, policies, procedures, and data required to
manage the HR function (Hendrickson, 2003).

Components of an HRIS
Kovach et al., (1999) presented the three major functional components in any HRIS by

giving the model below:

Input Data Maintenance Output

The Input function enters personnel information into the HRIS. Data entry in the past had been
one way, but today, scanning technology permits scanning and storage of actual image off an
original document, including signatures and handwritten notes. The maintenance function
updates and adds new data to the database after data have been entered into the information
system. Moreover, the most visible function of an HRIS is the output generated. According to
Kovach et al., (1999), to generate valuable output for computer users, the HRIS have to process
that output, make the necessary calculations,

and then format the presentation in a way that could be understood. However, the note of caution
is that, while it is easy to think of HR information systems in terms of the hardware and software
packages used to implement them and to measure them by the number of workstations,
applications or users who log onto the system, the mostimportant elements of HRIS are not the
computers, rather, the information. The bottom line of any comprehensive HRIS have to be the
information validity, reliability and utility first and the automation of the process second

WIPRO- HUMAN RESOURCE analysis in detail


Wipro is the first People Capability Maturity Model (PCMM) Level 5, SEI Capability Maturity
Model (CMM) Level 5 and version 1.1 of CMMi certified IT Services Company globally.
Wipro’s people processes are based on the current best practices in human resources, knowledge
management and organization development.

Wipro is the first Indian company to adopt Six Sigma. It has expertise in Six-Sigma
methodologies, which have been put in use to streamline and enhance existing people processes
in organizations, enabling decision making based on metrics and measurements, ensuring that
91% of the projects are completed on schedule, mush above the industry average of 55%.

Human Resource Policies

Manpower Planning

Recruitment & Selection

Training & Development

Performance Appraisal

Promotion, Transfer, & Demotion

Administration Section

Grievance Handling

Welfare Activities

We are already aware of the above policies, detailing of important features is as under

Recruitment- refers to the process of screening and selecting qualified people for a job at an
organization or firm, or for a vacancy in a volunteer-based organization or community group.
External recruitment is the process of attracting and selecting employees from outside the

Internal Sources :-
Promotions and Transfer

Job postings
Employee Referrals

External Sources :-

Employment Agencies

On campus Recruitment

Employment exchanges

Education and training institute

WIPRO recruitment process consists of three rounds.

Round 1 : Written test

1. Verbal: English grammar test

2. Aptitude: consisting of mathematical problems and logical reasoning

3. Technical: related to basic technical concepts from C, C++, Java, Linux, UNIX, DBMS,
SQL ,Programming fundamentals, Hardware, Software Engineering, Microprocessors etc.

Round 2: Technical Interview This is a major elimination round.

Round 3: HR interview

Training- refers to the acquisition of knowledge, skills. Training & Development of individuals
is a key focus area at Wipro. For those with less than one year of experience, a well-structured
induction training program is conducted. This will cover all aspects of software development
skills that are required. As a PCMM Level 5 organization, there is also high focus on
Competency Development.


Wipro also has an HRIS (Human Resources Information Systems), which is an integration of
HRM and Information Systems (IS). HRIS or Human resource Information system helps HR
managers perform HR functions in a more effective and systematic way using technology. It is
the system used to acquire, store, manipulate, analyze, retrieve, and distribute pertinent
information regarding an organization's human resources.

There are certain innovative HR practices performed for better management of the company and
make it more employee-friendly. Such as, Every four months they conduct an employee survey
where all our employees provide inputs on the health of the workplace. This survey enables us to
identify how strongly the person feels about the organization, and how strong is the person's
clarity of his / her existence in the organization. They also have the HR review in the planning
cycle, which is a rigorous process involving everyone, right up to the head of the organization.
They do succession planning for individuals wherein they identify the best talents - the top ten
people. They also identify our bottom ten people, who are asked to pull up their socks and
improve, failing which they will have to leave. They carry out this exercise every quarter. They
have a program, which is known as "wings within'- an internal job posting system. In this people
can apply for jobs in other departments and they do not have to inform their supervisors about it.
If selected they can move out and nobody can stop them. This gives people the feeling that they
are not buttonholed into a particular type of job. Their CEO Mr. Azim Premji spends 3 to 4 hours
with every new group of employees, briefing them about their promises, values and beliefs.


ARE YOU READY FOR A CHANGE Integrated HR Information Systems (HRIS) have a
profound effect on firms that implement them. Most often these firms are replacing several
related systems, such as a personnel database, payroll system and benefits system, with one
HRIS that does it all. Many people focus on the improved reporting and processing that will be
realized from the new system, and those are the reasons most firms choose to implement a new
HRIS. But what many people don’t focus on is that the new HRIS will most likely affect the
company much more deeply – it will challenge the operating structure and principles of all the
HR-related departments. An integrated HRIS results is a drastically different environment than a
cluster of related but separate systems. The core concept of a centralized data store inherent with
an HRIS demands integrated work processes for consistently managing that store. The two
attributes – centralized data storage and integrated work processes – will affect the company in
ways most managers don’t expect.


Many companies go through a process of comparing and evaluating several HRIS packages
using a team of analysts or managers from the various departments affected – HR, Payroll,
Benefits, Employee Relations, Training and so on. As this team prepares its evaluation criteria
and reviews HRIS features, much is learned about the goals and values of the various
departments. The HR department is looking for improved reporting of employee data, Payroll is
concerned with the system’s paycheck calculations and regulatory reporting, while Benefits may
be looking for a more streamlined enrollment process. As this team drives deeper into the
selection criteria, the members learn more about each other and may start to see the emergence
of some really messy business processes. It can be a bittersweet process. The hiring process is a
good example. As a person is recruited, hired and paid each department may have its own
specialized system and process for managing the employee data. As the HRIS evaluation team
discovers redundant processing and data storage, its members start to see ways to make the
process more efficient by aligning their part of the hiring process with the requirements of the
other departments. The team members are excited to find a better way to get the work done, but
scared by the ramifications of closer ties to other departments. They think: "If we improve the
efficiency of the process (have HR enter the W-4 at the time of hire), we won’t need as many
people in our department (we won’t need to key W-4s anymore), and we might lose control of
some piece of data that is critical to our business function (how do we know that HR will key the
W-4 correctly)".

As the team evaluates an HRIS software package, it begins to get a better grasp on what the
entire company’s business processes are, and therefore what the company might require in an
HRIS. The team will most likely find that none of the packages are an exact fit and that
substantial effort is required to modify or integrate the chosen HRIS. Or if not enough due
diligence and research have been done, the team may be facing this effort and not be aware of it.
This gap in planning will show itself later in the implementation phase when the project team
realizes there are not enough resources – time, people and money – to implement the HRIS.
Perhaps the most critical results of the HRIS evaluation process are that the evaluation team set
correct expectations for the project and gain executive management commitment. With correct,
or at least realistic expectations and an executive management team that seriously supports the
team’s efforts, an HRIS implementation project has a much greater chance to succeed. Most
often the HRIS evaluation team members spend most of their efforts building selection criteria
and choosing an HRIS, instead of setting expectations and building executive support. THE

IMPLEMENTATION PROJECT Configuring the New HRIS There are three primary activities
in an HRIS implementation – configuring the HRIS for the firm’s business processes and
policies, interfacing data with other systems and converting historical data into the HRIS, and
preparing the organization for the new HRIS. An HRIS comes with built-in processes for most
HR activities, but firms will need to customize the system to process according to their specific
needs. For example, every HRIS supports the process of benefits open enrollment, but the system
does not come delivered with a firm’s specific benefit providers and eligibility rules.
Customizing the HRIS for this typically does not involve programming; the common activity is
to enter specific data into control tables that then direct how the HRIS operates. The
customizing, or configuration tasks then become a process of understanding the firm’s business
processes well enough to encode that logic into the HRIS. This mapping of business processes
and policies into system control tables requires people who understand both the business process
and the HRIS – typically the existing IT support and HR business analysts. Due to the large
amount of work, the HRIS project team usually needs these analysts fully dedicated to the
project, requiring the "home" departments to fill the gaps in their absence. Having partially
dedicated team members may cause tension since the team members have to maintain
responsibilities at the home department while also fulfilling responsibilities on the project team.
Either way, back-filling resources becomes a big issue if not planned for during the evaluation
stage. Firms may find that the internal resource people assigned to the project do not have the
skills or capabilities needed for the job. Sometimes training can resolve this, but other times the
people lack basic analytical skills required for the implementation. One of the key requirements
for a person to be successful on an HRIS implementation project is that he/she have excellent
analysis skills. The most analytical people in HR and IT should be assigned to the project, or else
the company should rely on external resources (i.e. contractors or consultants). The project can
get done this way – but the more an implementation team relies on external resources the more
difficult it will be for the company to become self-sufficient in ongoing HRIS support,
maintenance, and operations.
Many HRIS implementations include, to one degree or another, business process reengineering.
As a firm documents, investigates, and discovers its true business processes, it’s natural that the
firm also take time to improve them, or at least integrate the processes across departments. The
integrated nature of most HRIS packages drives this activity. When a process is reengineered or
integrated, once-independent departments become much more dependent on each other. That
dependency can increase tensions on the project team as representatives from those departments
learn to trust others to do their part of the process. Or, once the project team members become
comfortable with the new processes they have designed, they may have a hard time selling those
changes back to their departments.

Most HRIS packages don’t handle exception processing very well. As new business processes
are designed, the project team customizes the HRIS around those new processes. Users will most
likely find that exception cases require significant manual thought or labor to process – since the
exception does not fit into the business process as implemented in the HRIS. HRIS project team
analysts will walk a fine line between generalization of the process to fit exceptions vs. a more
narrowed implementation of the process to enforce data integrity and accurate application of HR
policy. This is a great time to enforce some standards and clean-up "special deals" – but HR
managers and policymakers must be willing to support these efforts, and to help implement
them. Finally, as the project team analysts dig into the current business processes, they may find
that the HR users, and sometimes managers, don’t really understand or know the processes well.
Users may know what is done, but not why it is done. Knowing the why part is critical to getting
the most out of your HRIS implementation.

In most every HRIS there are two or three technical methods of implementing any given
requirement – knowing why something is done in a business process helps ensure the project
team analysts select the best method of implementing it in the HRIS. Linking the New HRIS
with Other Systems Most HRIS project teams have a number of people assigned to converting
historical data from the existing HR databases into the new HRIS, as well as for interfacing the
new HRIS with other systems that rely on HR data. As this group starts mapping historical data
to the new system for conversion, most often group members will find (particularly when
combining data from several existing systems to go into one HRIS) that the existing HR data
contains a significant amount of invalid, incomplete, or contradictory data. As the new HRIS was
configured for new, reengineered or streamlined business processes, the existing employee data
may not fit well into the new system. The new HRIS will demand more complete and accurate
employee data. Making sense of these data conversion problems is a skill that falls to HR
analysts, not the programmers writing data-conversion routines. Conversion and interfacing are
not solely technical activities – user consultation and input are required.

Many HRIS project teams discover these requirements too late, thus increasing the demand for
time from HR analysts on the project team – time that the analysts most likely do not have. If the
firm has a data warehouse, the new HRIS data will need to be mapped to it. If the data model in
the warehouse is based on the legacy HR database, the two data models may not be compatible.
A lot of effort can be spent mapping the new HRIS to an existing data warehouse. Or if the HRIS
vendor has its own data warehouse application, the project team might be tempted to use it, but
they’ll still have to contend with converting existing historical HR data into the new warehouse.
Either way, HRIS project teams spend more effort than planned on this issue – the details can get
very tedious and time consuming. Replacing HR systems involves any area of the company that
reads or relies on employee data. New system implementation may highlight employee data
privacy issues, or increase the scope of interfacing once the project team realizes just how many
systems read employee data from the current HR-related databases. Preparing the Organization
Many times it is easier for project teams to focus on technical aspects of the implementation,
which is ineffective. For example, configuring the HRIS to correctly assign resident tax codes
based on the employee’s address is easier than getting HR, benefits, payroll, and recruiting to
buy into and implement a reengineered hiring process.

The HRIS project team must track progress not only on the technical aspects of implementing
the HRIS, but also on the softer side of managing the organization as a whole to accept the new
business processes that come with the HRIS. Companies typically underestimate this change-
management effort. From the very beginning there must be a focus on preparing the organization
and the employees for the new HRIS. A new HRIS, with more integrated work processes, tends
to pull related departments together. Some firms recognize this as they go through the
implementation process, and also implement a new organizational structure with the HRIS roll-




 To present data collected through questionnaire:

(I) Firstly, all the questions are coded, to make the analysis easier.

(II) After coding each question, the number of occurrence is calculate (how many time,
each exiting employee of the companies has choose the same option.

(III) After calculating the occurrences of all objective questions, the data collected is
presented in the form of pie charts, with the help of pie chart representation we will get a
rough % estimate of, the factors that actually influence the employee as well as the
companies to use HRIS in their organization.

(IV) Then a tabular representation of all the subjective question, (including the feedbacks
and suggestions made by the exiting employees) is done.




Information technology applications have largely taken over Human Resources management
functions. Human Resources software, core HR IT systems, cloud-based and outsourced, these
systems form an alphabet soup of opportunities  that can sometimes be confusing and
overwhelming for business owners.  HRIS technology trends are changing and challenging
vendors to come up with next-generation solutions for employers. 

According to the research conducted through questionnaire in TCS and WIPRO the firms are
spending approximately 35% of their major share on Human Resources Information System
Software, that record employee information, helps is HR Planning, Forecasting the Demand of
Labour, also helps in maintaining Corporate communication etc. The interest in core HRIS
software remains strong as more companies move away from in-house on-premises solutions. 

HRIS technology trends that IT companies tend to Implement:

 Core HR systems began by taking on Human Resources administrative work 

and tracking basic employee information: name, address, social security number,
withholding, job title, pay level, etc. Early systems typically allowed a range of manager
and employee interactions, including time-off requests and approvals. Core HR systems
generally tie to benefits administration and payroll. 

 HRMS applications account for the bulk of spending in the overall human resources
software market. They include recruiting, performance management, and scheduling
tools. Top providers include SAP, Oracle, and ADP. 

 HCM or Human Capital Management systems add capabilities that automate

recruiting, applicant tracking, on-boarding, and daily performance issues intending to
value employees for effective placement. 

 HRIS programs upgrade and integrate core systems and cloud-based performance.

HRIS relieves IT personnel to pursue overall corporate and operational needs, encourages
employee and management interface, and facilitates administration and communication
over multi-site operations. 

Developing companies are looking for more than record keeping in HRIS technology trends.
They value products that integrate Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) with HRMS. They
appreciate the traditional human resources software hire-to-retire processes like recruiting,
archiving, performance management, and compensation, but they want to align that data with the
ability to track and manage workers external to the organization. 

Making them user friendly 

According to this research both the company's employers want to replace, upgrade, reimaging, or
re-implement their core HR systems to make them more user-friendly for the workforce and
easier to maintain from an IT standpoint.
There may be several reasons for this reversion in HRIS technology trends: 

 Core HR systems have just gotten a lot better. Employers are finding that their corporate
internal proprietary systems can include or re-engineer most of the bells and whistles of
the HRIS market. 

 Some HRIS software products are aging, engineered well on the IT side but shallow on
the side of evolving Human Capital Management (HCM), Talent Management (TMS),
and Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP). 

 Some software packages come with more features than they realistically need. 


Benefits Of HRIS In Companies

An effective HRIS provides information on just about anything the company needs to track and
analyze about employees, former employees, and applicants. The company will need to select a
Human Resources Information System and customize it to meet according to company needs.
Comprehensive and integrated HRIS can be used widely - in administrative, operational and
strategic fields by HR and other managers. On the operational level HRIS data can be used to
identify potential internal applicants for job vacancies, saying external recruitment costs and
assuring employees of career opportunities. HRIS enables the human resource department to
make a more active role in organizational planning. Computerization will make forecasting more
timely, cost effective, and efficient. With continued technological breakthroughs HRIS systems
are becoming increasingly advanced. One of the most core HRIS functions is intranet HR self-
service. Some larger companies use their intranet today for online appraisals, career
management, sentiment surveys, training registrations and publishing people related company
information. An HRIS or HRMS monitored by qualified specialists who know technology and
HR functional and tactical processes can manage compliance with federal and state laws,
streamline processes for recruitment and selection, and produce analyses, data and reports for
internal and external use. Other advantages of an HRIS include the ease of use for qualification
computer technology specialists, accuracy of information and the ability to perform HR audits
using any combination of parameters. The employee and manager self-service features are
excellent ways to free up the time of your human resources staff members for project work and
other duties. Employees and managers can locate answers and information quickly without the
need to consult an HR representative every time.
With an appropriate HRIS, Human Resources staff enables employees to do their own benefits
updates and address changes, thus freeing HR staff for more strategic functions. Additionally,
data necessary for employee management, knowledge development, career growth and
development, and equal treatment is facilitated.

Finally, managers can access the information they need to legally, ethically, and effectively
support the success of their reporting employees. Specific benefits of such systems include:
 Faster information process
 Greater information accuracy
 Improved planning and program development
 Enhanced employee communications
 Reduction in cost of stored data in HR
 More transparency in the system
 More meaningful career planning &counseling at all levels.
 Better ability to respond to environmental changes.



HRIS help a firm maximize the use of human resource and maintain competitiveness in its
market. In most large organizations, human resource information systems (HRISs) provide the
technology backbone supporting the complete body of human resource (HR) functions. In this
role, HRISs play a critical part in the operation of each component of HR. Additionally, by
integrating across business processes HRISs provide organizations with control, forecasting, and
planning tools that supersede simple computerization of HR functions. For these reasons,
effective use of HRISs in organizations contributes to overall organizational effectiveness.
Human Resource Information System is a set of people, forms, procedures and data utilized to
store, analyze, distribute and use information of human resources. HRIS goal is to provide
accurate information for the use of persons making human resource related decisions. The
organization can use HRIS for human resource planning. New recruitments can be posted via
HRIS as well as applications can be scanned and stored. HRIS also stores information about the
employees’ participated trainings and learning sessions. Performance appraisal, compensation,
benefits, competences and development plans are easily maintained in HRIS. Employees can
search for a new career within the organization and be aware of the future trainings. HRIS allows
managers to follow employee’s ́ job performance and planned versus used hours for a certain
assignment. HRIS offers various reports available. Typical HR program involve things such as
record keeping, recruiting, selection, training, employees retention and compensation.

All this program involve multiple activities and these HR activities can be classified into three
broad categories : transactional, traditional and transformational (Wright, Mc Mahan, snell,&
Gerhart, 1998) transactional activities involve day to day transactions that have to deal mostly
with record keeping- for example entering payroll information, employees status changes, and
the administration of employee benefits. Traditional activities involve HR program such as
planning, recruiting, selection, training, compensation and performance management. These
activities can have strategic value for the organization, if their results and outcomes are
consistent with the strategic goals of the organization. Transformational activities that add value
to the organization- for example cultural or organizational change, structural realignment,
strategic redirection and increasing innovation.

Performance appraisal: This system analyzes employee performance on the job.

Skills inventory: This system keeps track of employee skills and matches employees with
specific jobs.

Benefits administration: This system manages employee fringe benefit packages

Job applicant tracking: This system keeps track of applicants for jobs with the business.

Name: _____________________________ Token No. _________________________

Gender : ________________________ Designation: ________________________

Personal Data

Que1) Age
a. Below 35  
b. 36-50
c. above 50

Que2) Educational Qualification

a. Under-graduate 
b. Post-graduate 
c. Professional

Que3) Experience in HR 

a. Less than 5 years
b. 6 to 10 years 
c. 11 to 15 years
d. 16 to 20 years 
e. More than 20 years

Que4) Monthly Income (in Rs)

 a. Less than 10000 
b. 10001 - 20000 
c. 20001 - 30000
d. 30001 - 50000
e. More than 50000

Que5)Which Software (HRIS) do you use in your company?

a) SAP 
d) Ms Excel
e) Other

 Que6) When was the software installed in the company?

a)  Not aware 
b) Less than1year
  c) 1-2years
d) 2-3yearse)
Que7) When did you start using the software?
a) Less than 6 months ago
b) 6months-1year 
c) 1-2years
d) 2-3years
e) More than 3years

Que8) Did the organization provide any sort of assistance/training to you?

a) Yes 
b) No

Que9) If training is not provided at present, do you expect the management to provide
adequate training about HRIS?
b) No

Que10) If yes, then which type of assistance/training was provided? _________

 a) Classroom Training 
b) Online Training
c) On- the-Job Training
d) Off- the- Job Training
e) Others. Mention if any ____________ 
Que11)If training is provided, are you satisfied with the following?

(HS - Highly Satisfied, S - Satisfied, N - Neutral, DS - Dissatisfied, HDS - Highly

Scale : 5 4 3 2 1

Period of
Quality of
Skills of
Que12) Based upon your perception/ level of operation, prioritize and rank the following
modules of HRIS.

(1 - Most important, 8 - least important)

Modules Rank 

Master Data
Personnel Management
Time Management
Performance Management

Que13) According to you, how will you rate the following features of HRIS in
your concern?

(VL - Very Low, L - Low, M - Medium, H -. High, VH - Very High)

Scale : 1 2 3 4 5

Que14) According to you, how has been the promotion of the following areas by HRIS in
your concern?

( VL - Very Low, L - Low, N - Neutral, H -. High, VH - Very High)

Scale : 1 2 3 4 5


 Que15) In a scale of 1 to 4, how will you rate the HRIS that is used in your
organization? _______________ 

12. Give your opinion about the existing HRIS and provide suggestions for future
improvements(if any) 

Thank You !!!




An HRIS utilizes computerized collection, storage, and retrieval technology to improve handling
and management of the human resource information within an organization. An HRIS enables
decision makers and planners of an organization to improve the efficiency, effectiveness. and
timeliness of the information at their disposal. New technology has provided decision makers
and strategy makers in an organization with an avenue to access the information about the human
resource in their organization without having to involve the Human Resource Department. With
the advent of web-based as well as wireless HRIS, the utilization as well as the benefits of such
systems will only improve as time goes by.

Human Resource Information Systems are rapidly becoming vital to the successful and skillful
operation of the modern organization. The development of computerized HRIS has taken various
directions over the years, and the use of such systems differs between one organization and
another; however, with the positive leaps in technology to be experienced in this new millennium
combined with those currently being researched, the usefulness, efficiency, and necessity of
HRISs will only increase as can be seen by the data collected for this study.


 HRIS helps in improving the ability to reach large candidate pools regarding new
position openings.
 It has the Ability to quickly apply higher selection standards to a number of
 Speedy on boarding made possible by mobile accessibility.
 Use of HRIS leads to Reduction of paper and related materials and storage- often
yields cost savings.
 Ease in distributing up-to-date materials concerning company policies and procedures.
 Potential for greater employee engagement through self-service options.
 Streamlining of open enrollment for benefits.
 Empowerment of employees to change, benefits information directly as change occurs.
 Improved collaboration throughout organization, even when there are multiple
company locations.
 Improvements in training capabilities through integration with LMS and development
tracking features.
 Scheduling optimization with emphasis on compliance and immediate distribution to
 Reduction of errors in payroll and employee information database.
 Improved time and attendance tracking abilities and accuracy.
 Decrease in compliance woes aided by alerts and automatic reporting options.
 Ability to make more informed decisions in real time by using analytics and
integration of organizational data.

 Lack of management commitment.
 Satisfaction with the status quo.
 No or poorly done needs analysis.
 Failure to include key people.
 Failure to keep project team intact.
 Politics/ hidden agendas.
 Failure to involve/ Consult significant groups.
 Lack of communication.
 Bad timing (time of year and duration)


In the light of the above conclusions and the observations made in the research , the
following suggestions are made:

 Linkage of HRIS with objectives and strategies of an organization:

The HRIS practice is not only to take routine transaction which is also known as
operational level decisions but it should also be used to implement the strategies
required to meet the organization's objectives specified by top management. It helps
the organization to be more competitive.

 Organization readiness:
The Organization readiness is one of the important key factor for success.
Organization should use Gap analysis to know up to what extent the organization is
ready to adopt HRIS. The Organization must prepare itself in advance before
implementing HRIS practices.

 HRIS Implementation Strategy:

HRIS software implementation strategy should be Phase strategy because it is the
most risk free . The risk which is involved is manageable if the strategy doesn't work
as per the need.
 HRIS Awareness:
The organizations should provide more training related to HRIS to provide more
expertise and education to their employees. As a result ,the employees will be more
comfortable and competent to use system. The organization should insist their
employees to enroll for certification courses.

 HRIS implementation team:

HRIS implementation teams need to be gathered from both HR and IT with a right
mix of skills. The project team should consist of human resource representatives ,who
have knowledge about the organization's human resource functions and activities and
organization itself, and also some representatives from the management information


HRIS is an emerging area, especially in human resource management processes, there

is a wide scope for further research. There are some areas which are unexplored like
HRIS systems and it's usage in education sector and service sector industries like
Hospitality . The further research can find the scope to conduct a research on this
sector. The studies of this type can also be conducted in Internet based HRIS usage in
private manufacturing organizations among the sub-modules of HRIS. The
comparative studies can also undertaken between Indian based organizations and


Following recommendations can be made for consideration based on the data collected and
analyzed through the questionnaire and the interactions with the employees:

 HRIS champions:
The Organization should promote to create HRIS champions so that other would like
to follow and be champions in HRIS. Project team members may first be trained to
use the system and then they could train all users from other departments.

 Selection of HRIS:
The organizations must choose the Industry Standard HRIS package to fit with their
requirement of organization operations. Such as Manufacturing SAP and for Service

 HRIS Vendor Selection:

It is an advice to the organizations to make an agreement with the HRIS vendor for
certain services. The Organizations get help and assistance as and when required.

 Customizations of HRIS:
Customization involves making changes to the system to best fit the organizational

 Computing infrastructure:
An organization should provide proper infrastructure (hardware and software ) good
data management systems and a reasonable level of communication.

 Software as a Service (SaaS):

SaaS is a software licensing and delivery model in which a software is licensed on a
subscription basis and is centrally hosted. It is sometimes referred to as "on-demand
software. SaaS has become a common delivery model for many business applications.
Cloud computing is the latest type of SaaS. The small and medium organizations
should go for Software as a Service (SaaS) .

 Up gradation of HRIS System:

The existing HRIS version should be updated regularly and new practices should be
adopted as per the advancement in technology which would keep the employees
updated with the latest technology.

 HRIS for Recruitment:

The HRIS recruitment component is used to carry out the entire recruitment process
from entering applicant data to staffing a position. This component is useful for both:
the external applicants and internal employees changing position.

 HRIS for Personnel Development:

In the Personnel Development module which is used for planning and decision
making related to education and training employee's performance and behavior, can
be appraised, the results of which provide information for the planning of employees'

 HRIS for Payroll:

Salary and wages calculation is done periodically through HRIS which enable the
organization to disburse salary to the employee at right time through proper channel.

 Use of HRIS for Performance Evaluations:

Employees' performance evaluated by the HRIS should be considered final because it
is on the basis of actual work done and it always gives unbiased results. This helps to
win the confidence of the employees.

 HR Analytics:
It not only helps normal operations reporting but it can also help managers and HR
leaders to make decisions as well as in strategic HR area-talent management
employee retention, etc.

Human resources information systems (HRIS) can play an important part in a company’s HR
function. After all, we live, work and play in the information age. Implementing an effective
HRIS can be sure-fire for HR to stay on the cutting edge in its bid to deliver more effective and
streamlined service. The main conclusion of this paper is the realization that the use of
computerized HRIS is most effective then manual because its help to maintain data with more
accuracy in less time. And that it also true that HRIS functions improve HRM in terms of
administrative purposes and analytical purposes. HRIS work as a key component of the
organization and a good HRIS will provide important information about human resources needs
and capabilities; this information will assist the management team in establishing the
organizational mission and setting goals and objectives in motion. HRIS is not limited to the
computer hardware and software applications that comprise the technical part of the system: it
also includes the people, policies, procedures and data required to manage the HR function.














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