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Project Manager Maneuver Ammunition Systems

Product Director Special Ammunition and Weapon Systems


1 January 2019


1.1 Scope. This general specification describes the performance requirements and verification
procedures for Small Caliber Ammunition.


2.1 General. In addition to documents listed in this section, there are documents specified in
section 5 of this specification.

2.2 Government documents. Not Applicable

2.3 Non-Government publications.

a) United Nations Recommendations on the Transport of Dangerous Goods Model

Regulations, 13th Edition, 2003.

b) International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) Technical Instructions for the

Safe Transport of Dangerous Goods by Air, 2015-2016 Edition.

c) International Maritime Organization (IMO) International Maritime Dangerous Goods

Code (IMDG), Amendment 34-08.

2.4 Acquisition requirements. Acquisition documents must specify the following:

a. Title and date of this specification

b. Requirements for certificates of conformance for each lot or shipment of product.
c. Requirements for age of ammunition.
d. Requirements and provisions for submission of data as required.
e. Requirements for acceptance criteria if different than those stated in specification.
f. Requirements for reduction or elimination of verification procedures.
g. Requirements and provisions for contractor and Government verification.
h. Requirements and provisions for packaging of ammunition.
i. Requirements and provisions for transportation of ammunition.

Distribution Statement A. Approved for public release; distribution is unlimited.

General Specification for PdD SAWS Small Caliber Ammunition – 1 January 2019

2.5 Order of Precedence. In the event of a conflict between the text of this document and the references
cited herein, the text of this document takes precedence. Requirements specified in the contract or
delivery order precede the text of this document. Nothing in this document or the contract, however,
supersedes applicable laws and regulations unless a specific exemption has been obtained.


3.1 Technical Requirements. Ammunition shall meet the requirements and verifications of this
specification for the small caliber ammunition listed in ANNEX A. Any ammunition that is
categorized as small caliber but is not specifically identified in ANNEX A must still adhere to the
testing parameters of this specification. All small caliber ammunition shall be accompanied by
technical data (see APPENDIX) and meet or exceed the requirements outlined in this specification.

3.1.1 Compliance to technical requirements and storage history. A technical data package
(TDP) as well as lot history reports shall be provided to ensure ammunition is in compliance with this
specification. Additionally, documented storage history of the ammunition shall be provided.

3.2 Conformance Inspection. A sample of the ammunition from each lot presented for
acceptance shall be subjected to conformance inspection in accordance with TABLE I.

3.2.1 Stock Ammunition. All ammunition shall be less than 10 years old and meet the
verification procedures in TABLE I of this specification. Sufficient evidence of compliance to
technical requirements and acceptable storage history of ammunition as determined by SFAE-AMO-
MAS-SAWS may warrant reduction or elimination of the verification procedures. Reduction of
verification procedures does not apply to new production ammunition.

3.3 Serviceability. Ammunition shall be serviceable/issuable, in good condition and without

visible signs of degradation.

3.3.1 Identification of Defects. Visual defects shall be identified within the technical data and
include a defined method for acceptance/rejection of the ammunition.

3.3.2 Tip identification. Ammunition for which the manufacturer has specified, shall be
permanently marked with tip identification.

3.3.3 Head stamp. Industry standard cartridge case head stamp is required on each cartridge
of ammunition.

3.4 Interface and interoperability with Weapon. The ammunition configuration shall be
functionally compatible with the weapons identified in ANNEX A or as otherwise specified in contract
or purchase order.

General Specification for PdD SAWS Small Caliber Ammunition – 1 January 2019

3.5 Operating requirements. All ammunition shall provide their functional, operational, and
performance capabilities when fired from the weapons listed in ANNEX A regardless of weather
related conditions (i.e. rain, snow, mud, wind, fog).

3.5.1 Operating temperatures. The cartridges must be capable of functioning reliably

throughout a temperature range which includes ambient and extreme temperatures (i.e. +50°C to

3.5.2 Velocity. The ammunition shall meet the average velocity requirement, at ambient
temperature, specified in ANNEX B.

3.5.3 Chamber pressure. The ammunition shall meet the individual and average chamber
pressure requirements, at ambient temperature, specified in ANNEX B.

3.5.4 Accuracy/Dispersion. The ammunition shall meet accuracy and/or dispersion

requirements, at ambient, as specified in ANNEX B.

3.5.5 Function and casualty. The ammunition shall function without casualty or damage to
weapon while maintaining metal parts security. Ammunition shall exhibit integrity during weapon
usage and in ballistic flight as specified in Table II.

3.5.6 Bullet integrity. The jacket of the bullet, or any part thereof, shall not strip from the slug
when the cartridge is fired.

3.5.7 Performance. The ammunition shall meet the intended bullet performance (trace function,
incendiary performance, blank, anti-armor capability) as detailed in the manufacturer’s specifications.

3.6 Environmental Requirements.

3.6.1 Sequential rough handling. Ammunition shall be capable of withstanding the rigors of
the sequential rough handling and transportation throughout extreme temperature ranges and meet all
performance and safety requirements.

3.6.2 Shelf life. The ammunition shall meet all requirements of this specification within its
operating temperature range at a minimum of ten (10) years.

4.1 Technical verification. The ammunition shall be subject to all requirements of applicable
technical data in addition to verification in accordance with TABLE I of this specification. Non-
compliance to any requirements shall be cause to withhold acceptance of the lot or batch in which the
non-compliance was found.

General Specification for PdD SAWS Small Caliber Ammunition – 1 January 2019

TABLE I. Requirements/Conformance Verification [Lot Acceptance Testing (LAT)]

Section 4
Section 3 Verification Sample Size
Requirements Procedures
3.1 Technical requirements 4.1 -
3.3 Serviceability 4.3 Note 1
3.3.1 Identification of defects 4.3 Note 1
3.3.2 Tip identification 4.3 Note 1
3.3.3 Head stamp 4.3 Note 1
3.4 Weapon interface and 4.4 ANNEX A
3.5.2 Velocity 4.5.2 ANNEX B
3.5.3 Chamber pressure 4.5.3 ANNEX B
3.5.4 Accuracy/Dispersion 4.5.4 ANNEX B
3.5.5 Function and casualty 4.5.5 ANNEX A
3.5.6 Bullet integrity 4.5.6 ANNEX A
- Packing - Note 1
- Marking - Note 1
Note 1) To be performed using a defined sampling method for inspection determined by the
ammunition lot/batch size.

4.1.1. Lot formation. The ammunition shall be assembled into identifiable lots, sublots, or
batches, or in such other manner as may be prescribed. Each lot or batch shall, as far as practicable,
consist of units of product of a single type, grade, class, size, and composition, manufactured under
essentially the same conditions, and at essentially the same time. Lot quantity shall be determined by
the total quantity for shipment and include the additional cartridges from that same lot to be consumed
during lot acceptance testing along with contingency cartridges for potential retesting. The lots or
batches shall be identified by the contractor and shall be kept intact in adequate and suitable storage
space. All cartridges in a given lot shall be manufactured prior to LAT testing.

4.1.2 Conformance verification. The ammunition shall be subjected to verification in

accordance with TABLE I.

4.1.3 Conformance acceptance. Acceptance of ammunition shall be based on compliance with

requirements in TABLE I of this specification. Failure to meet requirements of TABLE I shall be
cause to withhold acceptance of the lot or batch for which verification was performed. A Request for
Variance (RFV) may be submitted by the Contractor for special consideration of a lot that does not
comply with all requirements of the technical data and specification. The US Government may
approve or disapprove the RFV on a case by case basis.

4.1.4 Retest criteria. A ballistic retest is authorized upon initial failure of ammunition to meet
test requirements as long as the failure is not considered critical. Retest procedures must be clearly
defined in the technical data and results must be combined with data from the first test unless a failure
analysis confirms that the failure was caused by something other than the ammunition (i.e. weapon
failure or faulty test set up).

General Specification for PdD SAWS Small Caliber Ammunition – 1 January 2019

4.2 Verification of evidence of compliance. Evidence shall include, but is not limited to, the

a. Identification of technical requirements to which ammunition is/was produced.

b. Producer, date of manufacture and original acceptance documentation.

c. Initial acceptance reports, including type, lot or batch identification, quantity and method of
acceptance (e.g. sample size, verification method, acceptance criteria, and results).

d. Surveillance reports, including lot or batch identification, quantity and method of

surveillance (e.g. sample size, verification method, criteria for action to be taken on lot or
batch, results).

e. Storage history, including duration and storage condition (e.g. controlled, uncontrolled).

4.3 Serviceability. A random sample shall be selected from each lot of ammunition using a
defined sampling procedure for inspection. The ammunition shall be visually inspected for signs of
degradation, tip identification, head stamp and the defects that are identified in the producer’s technical
data. Re-inspection of a lot that fails for non-ballistic reasons is authorized as long as the criteria for
re-inspection is clearly outlined in the technical data.

4.4 Weapon Interface and interoperability verification. A random sample shall be selected
from each lot of ammunition to be delivered and inserted into a weapon chamber or chamber gage that
conforms to the identified weapon system to check for profile and alignment. Inability to interface
properly with the weapon system shall be considered a failure to show compliance and constitute a
single reliability failure.

4.5 Operating verification.

4.5.1 Operating temperatures. Cartridges shall operate reliably and safely when conditioned
for not less than four (4) hours and fired throughout the extreme operating temperature range within
five (5) minutes of removal from conditioning box or thermally insulated bag. Temperature testing
shall be conducted during Function & Casualty tests and on a skip-lot basis (see APPENDIX) during
LAT. Functional testing parameters must be defined in the technical data.

4.5.2 Velocity. Velocity tests shall be conducted in accordance with producer’s test procedure
to verify that a sample representative of the lot meets the specified velocity requirements in ANNEX
B. The length of the test barrel must be representative of the weapon system in ANNEX A. If the lot
fails to meet the Average Velocity or Δ Velocity requirement a retest of double the sample size (20
cartridges minimum) is permitted. The cumulative average of all cartridges tested (30 cartridges
minimum) shall be used to determine if the lot passes.

4.5.3 Chamber pressure. Chamber pressure tests shall be conducted during the LAT in accordance
with the producer’s test procedure to verify that a sample representative of the lot does not exceed the
average or individual pressure requirements listed in ANNEX B. If the lot fails to meet the Average
Chamber Pressure requirement a retest of double the sample size (20 cartridges minimum) is

General Specification for PdD SAWS Small Caliber Ammunition – 1 January 2019

permitted. The cumulative average of all cartridges tested (30 cartridges minimum) shall be used to
determine if the lot passes. Any single cartridge that exceeds the maximum individual pressure
requirement will result in lot rejection and there shall be no retest.

4.5.4 Accuracy/dispersion. Accuracy/dispersion tests shall be conducted to verify that a

representative sample of the lot meets the requirements identified in ANNEX B. Dispersion testing
may be conducted at a distance other than those defined in ANNEX B with a proportional adjustment
to mean radius versus range. If the lot fails to meet the Accuracy requirement a retest of double the
sample size (20 cartridges minimum) is permitted. The cumulative average of all cartridges tested (30
cartridges minimum) shall be used to determine if the lot passes.

4.5.5 Function and casualty. A random sample shall be selected from the lot of ammunition to
be delivered and functioned from the identified weapon system at all operating temperatures (extreme
hot, cold and ambient) to check for function, casualty and metal parts security. Inability to function
without casualty or damage to weapon while maintaining metal parts security shall be considered a
failure and constitute a single reliability failure. See Table II for minimum function, casualty and
metal parts security requirements.

4.5.6 Bullet integrity. Bullet integrity tests shall be conducted during LAT in accordance with
producer’s test procedure to verify the sample meets the specified bullet integrity requirement.

TABLE II. Small Caliber Ammunition Function and Casualty Requirements

Criteria (sample size - accept - reject)1 Retest

Any cartridge that either causes injury to

user, damages the weapon or renders it
230-0-1 Critical, No Retest
inoperable (without the use of special
tools) will be considered a critical defect.
Bullet in bore 230-0-1 Critical, No Retest
Hangfire 230-0-1 Critical, No Retest
Firing without depression of trigger (self- 230-0-1
Critical, No Retest
Misfire: primer does not function during 230-1-2
first firing pin impact 350-2-3 (cumulative)

Failure to Chamber in weapon 230-1-2 350-2-3 (cumulative)

Failure to Extract 230-1-2 350-2-3 (cumulative)
For Blank cartridges only; Combined
misfires, Failure to Feeds and Failure to 100-2-3 200-4-5 (cumulative)
For Blank cartridges only; Only one
Perforation, not to exceed 2mm on butcher 100-1-2 200-2-3 (cumulative)
paper at 7 meters is allowed.
Note 1) For order quantities less than 50,000 reference Appendix A for sample size.

General Specification for PdD SAWS Small Caliber Ammunition – 1 January 2019

4.5.7 Performance. Performance testing shall be conducted in accordance with the producer’s
test procedure to verify the sample meets the specified performance requirements (tracer, incendiary,
blank, anti-armor) outlined in the TDP.


5.1 Preservation, packaging, packing, unitization, and marking shall provide protection for
multiple handling, redistribution, and shipment by any transportation mode and meet or exceed the
following requirements.

5.1.1 Packaging containers for hazardous materials, ammunition and explosives shall meet or
exceed the requirements found in part 6 of the "United Nations Recommendations on the Transport of
Dangerous Goods Model Regulations" and in a manner acceptable to the competent authority of the
nation of origin and in accordance with the regulations of all applicable carriers.

a. Type I Packaging (packaging for combat operations): Shall be robust packaging capable of
withstanding off road/tactical transportation and a single exposure to unprotected outdoor storage
conditions for not less than 6 months without degradation to the ammunition. Additionally the
packaging shall not require additional setup or modification to withstand outdoor storage once it leaves
the manufacturer

b. Type II Packaging (packaging for training use only): Commercial type packaging suitable
for indoor storage; no additional requirements are implied.

5.1.2 Unit Package - both Type I and Type II Unit package shall be so designed and constructed
that it will contain the contents with no damage to the item(s), and with minimal damage to the unit
pack during shipment and storage in the shipping container, and will allow subsequent handling. The
outermost component of the unit package shall be a container such as a sealed bag, carton, or box.

5.1.3 Cleanliness - items and packaging shall be free of dirt and other contaminants which
would contribute to the deterioration of the item or which would require cleaning by the customer
prior to use. Coatings and preservatives applied to the item for protection are not considered

5.1.4 Preservation - items susceptible to corrosion or deterioration shall be provided protection

against external environmental effects.

5.1.5 Cushioning - items requiring protection from physical and mechanical damage (e.g.
fragile, sensitive, critical material) or which could cause physical damage to other items, shall be
protected by wrapping, cushioning, pack compartmentalization, or other means to mitigate shock and
vibration and prevent damage during handling and shipment.

5.1.6 Wood Packing Material – All wood packing material shall be constructed from heat
treated lumber and certified by an accredited recognized agency in accordance with International
Standards for Phytosanitary Measures (ISPM-15) regardless of origin or destination. All natural wood
packing materials must include certification markings that are readily visible to inspectors and on at
least two sides of every container when palletized.

General Specification for PdD SAWS Small Caliber Ammunition – 1 January 2019

5.2. Packing

5.2.1 All shipping containers shall be the most cost effective and shall be of the minimum cube
to contain and protect the items.

5.2.2 Shipping Containers - the shipping container (including any necessary blocking, bracing,
cushioning, or waterproofing) shall comply with the regulations of the carrier used and shall provide
safe delivery to the destination at the lowest tariff cost. The shipping container shall be capable of
multiple handling, stacking at least ten feet high, and storage under favorable conditions and meet the
requirements of the “United Nations Recommendations on the Transport of Dangerous Goods”.

5.3. Unitization

5.3.1 Shipments of identical items going to the same destination shall be palletized if they have
a total cubic displacement of 20 cubic feet or more unless skids or other forklift handling features are
included on the containers. Pallet loads must be stable, and to the greatest extent possible, provide a
level top for ease of stacking. The weight capacity of the pallet must be adequate for the load. A pallet
load shall not exceed 4,000 pounds and should not exceed 1321mm in length or width, or 1372mm in
height. The load shall be contained in a manner that will permit safe handling during shipment and

5.3.2 Banding - Metal banding shall be used to secure load. Straps shall be applied to each
column or layer of boxes. Tie down straps shall be applied to each column of boxes at 90 degrees to
the load straps. Edge protectors shall be used when securing fiberboard boxes.

5.4. Marking

5.4.1 Packaging marking shall be visible, clear, and remain legible during normal life cycle

5.4.2 All unit packages, intermediate packs, exterior shipping containers, and, as applicable,
unitized loads shall be marked with item description, quantity, lot number, or serial number. The outer
shipping container and unitized load shall indicate load weight, UN dangerous goods proper shipping
name, UN number and UN POP Marking.

5.4.3 Each package shipping container shall show the United Nations packaging symbol and
applicable codes in accordance with the construction requirements and testing of packaging as
expressed in part 6 of the "United Nations Recommendations on the Transport of Dangerous Goods".

5.5. Additional Requirements for Hazardous Materials

5.5.1 The shipment shall be prepared in accordance with the "United Nations
Recommendations on the Transport of Dangerous Goods" and other applicable regulations effective
at the time of shipment in a manner acceptable to the competent authority of the nation of origin and
in accordance with the regulations of all applicable carriers.

General Specification for PdD SAWS Small Caliber Ammunition – 1 January 2019

5.5.2 Packaging and marking for hazardous material shall comply with the requirements for
the mode of transport and the applicable performance packaging contained in the following

a. International air transport: International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO)

Technical Instructions for the Safe Transport of Dangerous Goods by Air.

b. International vessel transport: International Maritime Organization (IMO)


Frank Altamura
Product Director Special Ammunition and Weapon Systems
Picatinny Arsenal, NJ

Annex A: Weapon Interface

Annex B: Operating Requirements
Annex C: Visual Inspection Requirements
APPENDIX - Definitions

General Specification for PdD SAWS Small Caliber Ammunition – 1 January 2019

ANNEX A – Weapon Interface

Small Caliber Ammunition Weapon Interface1

Item Weapon Interface1

5.45 x 39mm Ball AK-74 Assault Rifle

7.62 x 25mm Ball Tokarev Pistol
7.62 x 39mm Ball AK-47 Assault Rifle / RPK Light Machine Gun
7.62 x 39mm Tracer AK-47 Assault Rifle / RPK Light Machine Gun
7.62 x 39mm Blank AK-47 Assault Rifle / RPK Light Machine Gun
PKM Machine Gun / PKT Tank Machine
7.62 x 54mm R Ball
Gun / SVD Dragunov Sniper Rifle
7.62 x 54mm R Tracer PKM Machine Gun / PKT Tank Machine Gun
7.62 x 54mm R Armor Piercing PKM Machine Gun / PKT Tank Machine Gun
7.62 x 54mm R Armor Piercing Incendiary PKM Machine Gun / PKT Tank Machine Gun
7.62 x 54mm R Armor Piercing Tracer PKM Machine Gun / PKT Tank Machine Gun
7.62 x 54mm R Blank PKM Machine Gun / PKT Tank Machine Gun
7.62 x 54mm R 7N1 Sniper SVD Dragunov Sniper/PSL Rifle
9 x 18mm Ball Makarov Pistol
12.7 x 108mm Ball YaKB Machine Gun / DshKM Machine Gun
12.7 x 108mm Tracer YaKB Machine Gun / DshKM Machine Gun
12.7 x 108mm Armor Piercing YaKB Machine Gun / DshKM Machine Gun
12.7 x 108mm Armor Piercing Incendiary YaKB Machine Gun / DshKM Machine Gun
12.7 x 108mm Armor Piercing Tracer YaKB Machine Gun / DshKM Machine Gun
12.7 x 108mm Armor Piercing Incendiary
YaKB Machine Gun / DshKM Machine Gun
12 Gauge 2¾” Rifled Slug Shotgun M590 A1/M1014
Note 1) Similar type weapon may be used. Weapon shall be listed in TDP and must be approved for use by
the Government

General Specification for PdD SAWS Small Caliber Ammunition – 1 January 2019


Table 1: Function & Casualty Test for all Pistol, Shotgun, and Rifle up to 12.7mm
Test for order quantity 50,000+ cartridges Temperature
230-1-2 Hot 350-2-3
230-1-2 Ambient 350-2-3
230-1-2 Cold 350-2-3

Test for order quantity 5,000-49,999 cartridges Temperature
100-1-2 Hot 200-2-3
100-1-2 Ambient 200-2-3
100-1-2 Cold 200-2-3

Note: For orders less than 5000 cartridges function and casualty tests are not required. The Government
reserves the right to increase these requirements in their proposals.

Table 2: Function & Casualty Test for Blank ammunition (all calibers)

Test for order quantity 5,000+ cartridges Temperature
100-2-31 Hot 200-4-51
100-2-31 Ambient 200-4-51
100-2-31 Cold 200-4-51

Test for order quantity 1000-4999 cartridges Temperature

100-2-31 Ambient 200-4-51

Note: For orders less than 1000 cartridges function and casualty tests are not required. The Government
reserves the right to increase these requirements in their proposals.

Note 1) The test requirements for perforation are 100-1-2 with a retest of 200-2-3.

General Specification for PdD SAWS Small Caliber Ammunition – 1 January 2019

ANNEX B – Operating Requirements

9x18mm Technical Requirements

Average Max.Avg. Individual max Accuracy
Δ Velocity Mean Radius
Item1 Velocity chamber pressure chamber pressure
(m/s) (kgf/cm2) (kgf/cm2) At 25 meters At 25 yards
9 x 18mm
≥ 280 ≤ 30 ≤ 1700 N/A ≤ 4.8 cm ≤ 1.73 in
Ball, Lead Core
Note 1) Accuracy, Pressure, and Velocity testing shall have a minimum sample size of 10 test cartridges at ambient temperature. Specialized
equipment such as accuracy barrels and ported fixtures are permitted for these tests. Multiple tests can be combined to reduce number of total
cartridges fired: i.e. The same cartridge may be used to measure Pressure, Velocity and Accuracy provided the equipment is capable of taking all
measurements at the same time.

7.62 x 25mm Technical Requirements

Average Max.Avg. Individual max Accuracy
Δ Velocity Mean Radius
Item1 Velocity chamber pressure chamber pressure
(m/s) (kgf/cm2) (kgf/cm2) At 25 meters At 25 yards
7.62 x 25mm
≥ 475 ≤ 25 ≤ 2400 N/A ≤ 5 cm ≤ 1.8 in
Ball, Lead Core
Note 1) Accuracy, Pressure, and Velocity testing shall have a minimum sample size of 10 test cartridges at ambient temperature. Specialized
equipment such as accuracy barrels and ported fixtures are permitted for these tests. Multiple tests can be combined to reduce number of total
cartridges fired: i.e. The same cartridge may be used to measure Pressure, Velocity and Accuracy provided the equipment is capable of taking all
measurements at the same time.

General Specification for PdD SAWS Small Caliber Ammunition – 1 January 2019

ANNEX B – Operating Requirements (continued)

5.45x39mm Technical Requirements

Average Max. avg. Individual max Accuracy

1 Δ Velocity Mean Radius
Item Velocity chamber pressure chamber pressure
(m/s) 2 2
(m/s) (kgf/cm ) (kgf/cm ) At 100 meters At 100 yards
5.45 x 39mm
≥ 785 ≤ 30 ≤ 3874 ≤ 4456 ≤ 10 cm ≤ 3.6 in
Ball, Lead Core

5.45 x 39mm Tracer2 or AP3 ≥ 785 ≤ 30 ≤ 3874 ≤ 4456 ≤ 10 cm ≤ 3.6 in

Note 1) Accuracy, Pressure, and Velocity testing shall have a minimum sample size of 10 test cartridges at ambient temperature. Specialized
equipment such as accuracy barrels and ported fixtures are permitted for these tests. Multiple tests can be combined to reduce number of total
cartridges fired: i.e. The same cartridge may be used to measure Pressure, Velocity and Accuracy provided the equipment is capable of taking all
measurements at the same time.
Note 2) Not less than 80% of the Tracer cartridges (10 shot minimum) shall ignite and remain lit for a minimum time or distance as per the
manufacturers TDP. All tracers within the lot shall be of the same color.
Note 3) Not less than 80% of the Armor piercing cartridges (10 shot minimum) shall have full penetration of armor with a thickness as per the
manufacturers TDP.

General Specification for PdD SAWS Small Caliber Ammunition – 1 January 2019

ANNEX B – Operating Requirements (continued)

7.62x39mm Technical Requirements

Average Max.Avg. Individual max Accuracy

1 Δ Velocity Mean Radius
Item Velocity chamber pressure chamber pressure
(m/s) 2 2
(m/s) (kgf/cm ) (kgf/cm ) At 100 meters At 100 yards
7.62 x 39mm ≤ 36204 ≤ 41604
≥ 710 ≤ 35 ≤ 20 cm ≤ 7.2 in
Ball, Lead Core ≤ 32415 ≤ 36505
≤ 36204 ≤ 41604
7.62 x 39mm Armor Piercing3 ≥ 710 ≤ 35 ≤ 20 cm ≤ 7.2 in
≤ 32415 ≤ 36505
≤ 36204 ≤ 41604
7.62 x 39mm Tracer2 ≥ 710 ≤ 40 ≤ 20 cm ≤ 7.2 in
≤ 32415 ≤ 36505

Note 1) Accuracy, Pressure, and Velocity testing shall have a minimum sample size of 10 test cartridges at ambient temperature. Specialized
equipment such as accuracy barrels and ported fixtures are permitted for these tests. Multiple tests can be combined to reduce number of total
cartridges fired: i.e. The same cartridge may be used to measure Pressure, Velocity and Accuracy provided the equipment is capable of taking all
measurements at the same time.
Note 2) Not less than 80% of the Tracer cartridges (10 shot minimum) shall ignite and remain lit for a minimum time or distance as per the
manufacturers TDP. All tracers within the lot shall be of the same color.
Note 3) Not less than 80% of the Armor piercing cartridges (10 shot minimum) shall have full penetration of armor with a thickness as per the
manufacturers TDP.
Note 4) Pressure at ambient temperature determined using copper crusher.
Note 5) Pressure at ambient temperature determined using piezo electric transducer.

General Specification for PdD SAWS Small Caliber Ammunition – 1 January 2019

ANNEX B – Operating Requirements (continued)

7.62x54mm R Technical Requirements

Average Max.Avg. Individual max Accuracy

Δ Velocity Mean Radius
Item1 Velocity chamber pressure chamber pressure
(m/s) (kgf/cm2) (kgf/cm2) At 100 meters At 100 yards
7.62 x 54mm R
≥ 780 ≤ 40 ≤3975 ≤ 4570 ≤ 15 cm ≤ 5.4 in
Ball, Lead Core

7.62 x 54mm R Tracer2 ≥ 780 ≤ 40 ≤3975 ≤ 4570 ≤ 15 cm ≤ 5.4 in

7.62 x 54mm R Armor

≥ 780 ≤ 40 ≤3975 ≤ 4570 ≤ 15 cm ≤ 5.4 in

7.62 x 54mm R Armor

≥ 780 ≤ 40 ≤3975 ≤ 4570 ≤ 15 cm ≤ 5.4 in
Piercing3 Tracer2

7.62 x 54mm R Armor

≥ 780 ≤ 40 ≤3975 ≤ 4570 ≤ 15 cm ≤ 5.4 in
Piercing3 Incendiary4

7.62 x 54mm R 7N1

≥ 775 ≤ 25 ≤3975 ≤ 4570 ≤ 2 cm ≤ 0.72 in
Note 1) Accuracy, Pressure, and Velocity testing shall have a minimum sample size of 10 test cartridges at ambient temperature. Specialized equipment such
as accuracy barrels and ported fixtures are permitted for these tests. Multiple tests can be combined to reduce number of total cartridges fired: i.e. The same
cartridge may be used to measure Pressure, Velocity and Accuracy provided the equipment is capable of taking all measurements at the same time.
Note 2) Not less than 80% of the Tracer cartridges (10 shot minimum) shall ignite and remain lit for a minimum time or distance as per the manufacturers TDP.
All tracers within the lot shall be of the same color.
Note 3) Not less than 80% of the Armor piercing cartridges (10 shot minimum) shall have full penetration of armor with a thickness as per the manufacturers
Note 4) Not less than 80% of the Incendiary cartridges (10 shot minimum) shall, upon impact, develop an incandescent flash sufficiently hot, intense and
sustained to ignite explosive vapors or initiate combustion in readily ignitable materials.

General Specification for PdD SAWS Small Caliber Ammunition – 1 January 2019

ANNEX B – Operating Requirements (continued)

12.7x108mm Technical Requirements

Average Max.Avg. Individual max
Δ Velocity Mean Radius
Item1 Velocity chamber pressure chamber pressure
(m/s) At 300 At 300 At 100 At 100
(m/s) (kgf/cm2) (kgf/cm2)
meters yards meters yards
12.7 x 108mm
≥ 810 ≤ 40 ≤ 3175 ≤3650 ≤ 30 cm ≤ 10.8 in ≤ 10 cm ≤ 3.6 in
Ball; Lead Core
12.7 x 108mm Tracer2 ≥ 810 ≤ 40 ≤ 3175 ≤3650 ≤ 30 cm ≤ 10.8 in ≤ 10 cm ≤ 3.6 in
12.7 x 108mm Armor
≥ 810 ≤ 40 ≤ 3175 ≤3650 ≤ 30 cm ≤ 10.8 in ≤ 10 cm ≤ 3.6 in
12.7 x 108mm Armor
≥ 810 ≤ 40 ≤ 3175 ≤3650 ≤ 30 cm ≤ 10.8 in ≤ 10 cm ≤ 3.6 in
Piercing3 Tracer2
12.7 x 108mm Armor
≥ 810 ≤ 40 ≤ 3175 ≤3650 ≤ 30 cm ≤ 10.8 in ≤ 10 cm ≤ 3.6 in
Piercing3 Incendiary4
12.7 x 108mm Armor
≥ 810 ≤ 40 ≤ 3175 ≤3650 ≤ 30 cm ≤ 10.8 in ≤ 10 cm ≤ 3.6 in
Piercing3 Incendiary4 Tracer2
Note 1) Accuracy, Pressure, and Velocity testing shall have a minimum sample size of 10 test cartridges at ambient temperature. Specialized equipment such as accuracy barrels
and ported fixtures are permitted for these tests. Multiple tests can be combined to reduce number of total cartridges fired: i.e. The same cartridge may be used to measure
Pressure, Velocity and Accuracy provided the equipment is capable of taking all measurements at the same time.
Note 2) Not less than 80% of the Tracer cartridges (10 shot minimum) shall ignite and remain lit for a minimum time or distance as per the manufacturers TDP. All tracers
within the lot shall be of the same color.
Note 3) Not less than 80% of the Armor piercing cartridges (10 shot minimum) shall have full penetration of armor with a thickness as per the manufacturers TDP.
Note 4) Not less than 80% of the Incendiary cartridges (10 shot minimum) shall, upon impact, develop an incandescent flash sufficiently hot, intense and sustained to ignite
explosive vapors or initiate combustion in readily ignitable materials.

General Specification for PdD SAWS Small Caliber Ammunition – 1 January 2019
ANNEX C – Test Requirements and Classification

TABLE III. Small Caliber Ammunition Visual Inspection Requirements

Major: 150-5-61,3 Minor: 150-9-101,3

Critical: 150-0-11,3
Re-inspection: 450-15-16 (cumulative)2 Re-inspection: 450-27-28 (cumulative)2
Mixed ammunition types. (Combat cartridge
Minor surface corrosion Discolored, oily, dirty, or smeared
mixed with Blank cartridge lot)
Cracks or perforations present; not allowing Head stamp missing, illegible or does not
Spillage/leakage of energetic materials
propellant spillage or considered critical match others in lot
Case cracks or perforations present; allowing Mixed ammunition types (Blank cartridge Bullet tip Color identifier(s) present but
propellant spillage mixed with Combat cartridge lot) improperly applied
Splits in the case around primer area, case
groove or case rim Inverted or missing bullet Missing or incomplete sealant (if applicable)

Bullet tip Color identifier(s) missing (if

Gross deformation and/or gross corrosion Dents, Folds, or Wrinkles on case
Primer missing, inverted, double, cocked, or
Damaged bullet point
visually above flush
Total cartridge length out of spec (too short)4
Incorrect quantity of cartridges in packaging

Note 1: For an order quantity greater than 5000 cartridges a minimum of 150 cartridges must be visually inspected per lot.
Note 2: If the number of allowable defects is exceeded a double sample quantity of 300 cartridges shall be re-inspected. The accept/reject
criteria is based on the cumulative number of defects for all three samples.
Note 3: If a critical is found or the number of allowable majors or minors, after re-inspection, is exceeded the lot fails.
Note 4: Cartridges that measure less than the minimum overall length shall be set aside for Ballistic Pressure Testing. This test is for information
purposes only.

General Specification for PdD SAWS Small Caliber Ammunition – 1 January 2019


1.1 PdD SAWS Small Caliber Ammunition. PdD SAWS small caliber ammunition are those
munitions that have not been safety tested and type classified for Army use, and cannot be procured
through the Army supply. Munitions and explosives that are not managed by National Inventory
Control Points, have not been safety tested nor type classified for Army use, do not have a national
stock number (NSN) and cannot be procured or requisitioned through the Army or other Department
of Defense supply system. Projectile diameter shall be 13.95mm or less.

1.2 Technical data. Technical data is the specific technical drawing and Quality Assurance
(QA) requirements to which ammunition and associated packaging is produced and accepted for each
applicable Contract Line Item Number (CLIN). For the purpose of this specification, technical data,
as a minimum, must contain the following: The Government Contract Number, Deliver Order, CLIN,
top assembly drawings with revision number, revision date, interface dimensions, and list of
component assemblies and drawings with revision dates and key assembly dimensions; packaging and
marking drawings with revision number, revision date, and markings; product specification with
visual, dimensional and ballistic acceptance test methods, including in-process testing, with sample
size, accept/reject criteria, and retest criteria. The cover page of the TDP must indicate if it is for new
production or stock ammunition.

1.3 Degradation. Ammunition with gross nonconformance to identified technical

requirements, corrosion, cracks, deformation and spillage.

1.4 Deterioration. Packaging that is ripped, broken, perforated, water damaged, or crushed.

1.5 Skip-Lot Temperature Testing. Testing at the operational temperature limits shall be
conducted on the first lot of every delivery order and every 5th lot thereafter (1, 5, 10, 15...). The
ammunition must pass the requirements defined in ANNEX A. If a lot is rejected for any reason, the
following two lots must pass extreme temperature testing before resuming the skip lot procedures.


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