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14.1 The Prime Minister’s Office (PMO) which is administratively headed by the
Secretary to Cabinet and Head of the Civil Service has, as main objectives, to:
advise and support the Prime Minister in formulating policy proposals and ensure
their implementation; ensure that people in the Republic feel safe and secure in
their homes and day-to-day lives, particularly through more visible and responsive
policies; and address issues with regard to the internal affairs of the country. To
this end, it envisions contributing in building a modern and fair society by
upholding good governance principles and consolidating democratic

14.2 The activities of the PMO are conducted through the Cabinet Office, Defence and
Home Affairs Division and the Private Office and Ceremonials. While the Cabinet
Office is responsible for assisting the Cabinet in discharging its duties, the Private
Office has the responsibility to deal with all requests pertaining to
appointments/meetings/courtesy calls, messages, interviews and
correspondences to and from the Prime Minister as well as overseas missions.
Both Offices are under the overall responsibility of the Secretary to the Cabinet
and Head of the Civil Service.

14.3 On the other hand, the Defence and Home Affairs Division is headed by the
Secretary for Home Affairs and has the main responsibility to ensure law and
order, enhance national security and protect the country from terrorist attacks and
other security threats.

14.4 The PMO has also under its portfolio the Mauritius Police Force, the Mauritius
Prison Services, the Meteorological Services and other governmental
organisations like the Forensic Science Laboratory and the Civil Status Division.

Administrative Cadre
14.5 The core duties of officers of the Administrative cadre, besides administration and
management, are to: provide administrative support to the machinery of
government in designing, formulating and implementing government policies; and
advise and support the Ministers on current government business, including their
parliamentary duties, among others. The cadre operates under the headship of
the Secretary to Cabinet and Head of the Civil Service. Other grades in the cadre
comprise the Senior Chief Executive, Permanent Secretary, Deputy Permanent
Secretary and Assistant Permanent Secretary.
14.6 In the context of this Review, the submissions from the Association of Public
Administrators pertained to upgrading/alignment of salaries and provision of
certain allowances. During consultation, parties were informed that
upgrading/alignment of salaries would be examined horizontally taking into
consideration, amongst others, the relative levels of responsibility, accountability
and scope of activities. As regards provision of allowances, these would be looked
into generally.

14.7 The submissions have been analysed in depth and the Bureau considers that the
present salary structure is appropriate. We are therefore not bringing any change
to it.

Assistant Permanent Secretary

14.8 As per existing provision, the Assistant Permanent Secretaries are allowed to
proceed incrementally up to salary point Rs 58775 in the master salary scale,
subject to certain conditions. This provision is being maintained while the salary
point is being revised.

Recommendation 1
14.9 We recommend that Assistant Permanent Secretaries be allowed to
proceed incrementally up to salary point Rs 62950 in the master salary scale
through the grant of one increment every year provided they:

(i) have drawn the top salary for a year;

(ii) have been efficient and effective in their performance during the
preceding year; and
(iii) are not under report.

Deputy Permanent Secretary

14.10 The Deputy Permanent Secretaries are also allowed to move incrementally up to
salary point Rs 86000 in the master salary scale subject to satisfying certain
criteria. We are maintaining this provision and revising the salary point.

Recommendation 2
14.11 We recommend that Deputy Permanent Secretaries having reached the top
of their revised salary scale should be allowed to proceed incrementally up
to salary point Rs 92000 in the master salary scale through the grant one
increment every year provided they have:
(i) drawn their top salary for a year;

(ii) been consistently efficient and effective in their performance as

evidenced by their Performance Appraisal Report during the preceding
two years i.e. have displayed skills and competence as relevant in
(a) the leadership function; (b) the strategic, co-ordinating and
integrative role; (c) the critical decision making and crisis management
responsibilities; and (d) the delivery of the necessary outcomes; and

(iii) not been adversely reported upon on ground of conduct.

Permanent Secretary
14.12 In its previous Reports, the Bureau recommended that the post of Permanent
Secretary be filled by selection from a wider range of talents and competencies
and appointment thereto be made with the concurrence of the Prime Minister. As
this provision is still valid, we are replicating same.

Recommendation 3
14.13 We recommend that:
(i) subject to the provisions of paragraph 4 of section 89 of the Constitution
of Mauritius, appointment to the position of Permanent Secretary should
be made by selection from among officers in the grade of Principal
Assistant Secretary with proven managerial and leadership abilities and
good interpersonal skills and from among incumbents of other services
of the same level or above or from elsewhere and having proven
leadership capabilities; and

(ii) Government considers the advisability to make the selection process

more transparent, to call for applications requiring potential leaders to
state the extent to which they possess the attributes and competencies
to match the required leadership capabilities prior to seeking the
concurrence of the Prime Minister.

Tenure of Office
14.14 The 2013 PRB Report provides for the appointment to or filling of the post of
Permanent Secretary on contractual terms or on assignment basis for a period of
two years and after the expiry of the two-year period, incumbent on establishment
be appointed in a substantive capacity subject to his performance and the
continued relevance of his competence.

14.15 The High Powered Committee has, at its meeting of 12 December 2015,
approved that serving officers should be appointed directly in a substantive
capacity, without having to go through the period of two years of assignment. We
are recommending accordingly.
Recommendation 4
14.16 We recommend that appointment to or filling of the position of Permanent
Secretary should be:

(i) on contractual terms for a period of two years and after the expiry of
the two years period, the contract may be renewed subject to his
performance, the continued relevance of his competence and the
approval of the Prime Minister; and
(ii) from serving officers who should be appointed in a substantive
capacity subject to their performance and continued relevance of their

Recommendation 5
14.17 The salary of the Permanent Secretary on contractual terms shall continue
to be as determined for the substantive position. The package shall include
a gratuity equivalent to two months’ salary on completion of every twelve
months’ satisfactory service. The other terms and conditions of
employment shall be as recommended for Contract Officers.

14.18 We also recommend that a public officer on permanent establishment
assigned the duties of the position of Permanent Secretary would continue
to be eligible for an allowance representing the difference between the pay
of the Permanent Secretary and the substantive salary of the officer . On
the officer’s retirement, the pensionable emoluments shall be those of the
Permanent Secretary provided that he has:
(i) successfully served for a period of not less than twelve months;
(ii) not been reverted to his substantive post on ground of inefficiency or
inability to perform at the higher level or on ground of misconduct or
has not been reverted at his own request; and
(iii) at the time of his retirement/ reversion reached the age of 55 (or for an
officer in post as at 30 June 2008, he had reached the age at which an
officer may retire with the approval of the relevant Service

(iv) he has successfully served for a minimum period of six months and
has reached compulsory retirement age.
Senior Chief Executive
14.19 As per existing provision, enlistment to the grade of Senior Chief Executive is
made by selection from among officers of the level of Permanent Secretary or
Head of a Professional/Technical cadre drawing a monthly salary of Rs 102000
and above and from among other Chief Executives of other services with proven
leadership capabilities. This provision is being maintained and we are
revising the salary point of Rs 102000 to Rs 110000.

Tenure of Office
14.20 At present, appointment to or filling of the post of Senior Chief Executive is on
contractual terms or on assignment basis for a period of two years and after the
expiry of the two-year period, incumbent on establishment is appointed in a
substantive capacity subject to his performance and the continued relevance of
his competence.

14.21 The High Powered Committee has, at its meeting of 12 December 2015,
approved that serving officers should be appointed directly in a substantive
capacity, without having to go through the period of two years of assignment. We
are recommending accordingly.

Recommendation 6
14.22 We recommend that appointment to or filling of the position of Senior Chief
Executive should be:

(i) on contractual terms for a period of two years and after the expiry of
the two years period, the contract may be renewed subject to his
performance, the continued relevance of his competence and the
approval of the Prime Minister; and
(ii) from serving officers who should be appointed in a substantive
capacity subject to their performance and continued relevance of their

14.23 We are replicating the provision regarding the salary of Senior Chief Executive on
contractual terms.

Recommendation 7
14.24 We recommend that the salary of the Senior Chief Executive on contractual
terms shall be as determined for the substantive position. Incumbent on
contract would also be eligible for a gratuity equivalent to two months’
salary on completion of every twelve months’ satisfactory service.
14.25 We further recommend that a public officer on permanent and pensionable
establishment assigned the duties of the position of the Senior Chief
Executive may, at the start of the assignment, opt not to take the gratuity
and, in return, the period he would serve as Senior Chief Executive shall be
deemed to be pensionable service, provided he has:

(i) successfully served for a period of not less than twelve months;
(ii) not been reverted to his substantive post on ground of inefficiency or
inability to perform at the higher level or on ground of misconduct or
has not been reverted at his own request; and
(iii) at the time of his retirement/ reversion reached the age of 55 (or for an
officer in post as at 30 June 2008, he had reached the age at which an
officer may retire with the approval of the relevant Service
he has successfully served for a minimum period of six months and has
reached compulsory retirement age.

Secretary for Home Affairs

14.26 Provision exists for the post of Secretary for Home Affairs to be filled on an
assignment basis by an incumbent of the rank of Senior Chief Executive against
payment of a responsibility allowance. On his retirement, the allowance becomes
pensionable, subject to certain conditions. He should continue to be paid the
allowance during the assignment and be eligible to the accruing pension benefits
as per the recommendation hereunder:

Recommendation 8
14.27 We recommend that:

(a) an officer who has been assigned the duties of Secretary for Home
Affairs, should continue to be granted an allowance equivalent to the
difference between his salary and that of the Secretary for Home
Affairs; and
(b) in the event the officer retires in the capacity of Secretary for Home
Affairs or is reverted to his substantive post, the allowance becomes
pensionable provided that he has:
(i) successfully served for a period of not less than twelve months;
(ii) not been reverted to his substantive post on ground of
inefficiency or inability to perform at the higher level or on
ground of misconduct or has not been reverted at his own
request; and
(iii) at the time of his retirement/ reversion reached the age of 55 (or
for an officer in post as at 30 June 2008, he had reached the age
at which an officer may retire with the approval of the relevant
Service Commission);

he has successfully served for a minimum period of six months and

has reached compulsory retirement age.

Appointment of Chief Executives

Recommendation 9
14.28 We recommend that the provisions regarding mode of appointment, tenure
of office and the appropriate leadership capabilities be also considered for
Chief Executives of public departments, Parastatal Bodies and Local
Authorities. However, where Deputies to Chief Executives have been
appointed by selection, appointment to the position of Chief Executives
could continue to be by promotion, subject to the approval of the
appropriate authorities according to the promotion framework at Chapter
11 of Volume 1 of this Report.

Personal Secretary
14.29 Duties devolving on the Personal Secretary attached to the Office of the Prime
Minister include among others, ensuring a comprehensive secretarial and
confidential service to the Prime Minister across a wide range of his
responsibilities. The officer who is assigned this responsibility belongs to the
General Services and is paid a monthly allowance. In view of the importance
of this function, we are maintaining this arrangement and the provision for the
allowance to be reckoned as pensionable emolument.

Recommendation 10
14.30 We recommend that, subject to the approval of the High Powered
Committee, the allowance paid to the officer who has been assigned the
duties of Personal Secretary may be reckoned as pensionable emoluments
provided that incumbent has performed in that position for a continuous
period of three years and has not been the subject of disciplinary
proceedings on grounds of inefficiency or inability to perform at that
position or on grounds of misconduct.


Salary Code Salary Scale and Grade

02 000 111 Rs 200000

Secretary to Cabinet and Head of the Civil Service

02 000 109 Rs 164000

Secretary for Home Affairs

02 000 108 Rs 152000

Senior Chief Executive

02 000 106 Rs 122000

Permanent Secretary

02 086 095 Rs 64800 x 1850 – 68500 x 1950 – 74350 x 2825 – 80000 x 3000 –
Deputy Permanent Secretary

02 055 081 Rs 26300 x 775 – 32500 x 925 – 37125 x 1225 – 40800 x 1525 –
49950 x 1625 – 56450
Assistant Permanent Secretary

02 000 105 Rs 119000

Director-General, Counter-Terrorism Unit

02 000 102 Rs 110000

National Security Adviser

02 075 089 Rs 46900 x 1525 – 49950 x 1625 – 62950 x 1850 – 68500 x 1950 –
Principal Co-ordinator, Security Matters

02 061 085 Rs 30950 x 775 – 32500 x 925 – 37125 x 1225 – 40800 x 1525 –
49950 x 1625 – 62950
Co-ordinator, Security Matters
Salary Code Salary Scale and Grade

20 057 085 Rs 27850 x 775 – 32500 x 925 – 37125 x 1225 – 40800 x 1525 –
49950 x 1625 – 62950
Statistician/Senior Statistician

02 079 094 Rs 53200 x 1625 – 62950 x 1850 – 68500 x 1950 – 74350 x 2825 –
80000 x 3000 – 83000
Conference and Social Functions Manager (Personal)

02 054 081 Rs 25525 x 775 – 32500 x 925 – 37125 x 1225 – 40800 x 1525 –
49950 x 1625 – 56450
Migration Analyst

26 044 072 Rs 19575 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 32500 x 925 –
37125 x 1225 – 40800 x 1525 – 42325
Facilities and Maintenance Officer

08 061 075 Rs 30950 x 775 – 32500 x 925 – 37125 x 1225 – 40800 x 1525 –
Personal Secretary

08 026 060 Rs 13790 x 260 – 14050 x 275 – 15150 x 300 – 15750 x 325 – 17700
x 375 – 19575 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 30175

25 023 052 Rs 13010 x 260 – 14050 x 275 – 15150 x 300 – 15750 x 325 – 17700
x 375 – 19575 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 23975
General Assistant

24 022 051 Rs 12750 x 260 – 14050 x 275 – 15150 x 300 – 15750 x 325 – 17700
x 375 – 19575 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200

24 016 043 Rs 11200 x 250 – 11450 x 260 – 14050 x 275 – 15150 x 300 – 15750
x 325 – 17700 x 375 – 19200
Stores Attendant
Salary Code Salary Scale and Grade

24 016 042 Rs 11200 x 250 – 11450 x 260 – 14050 x 275 – 15150 x 300 – 15750
x 325 – 17700 x 375 – 18825

24 001 038 Rs 7800 x 200 – 8000 x 205 – 8820 x 230 – 10200 x 250 – 11450 x
260 – 14050 x 275 – 15150 x 300 – 15750 x 325 – 17375
General Worker


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