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Microbiological Assay


20 tests

Bi-state Blood Culture Bottle

Ready to use culture medium based assay for the qualitative detection of microorganisms in body fluids like blood,
ascites, cerebrospinal fluid, etc, offering isolated strains to carry out susceptibility tests.

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September 26, 2011/ Autobio Diagnostics

Introduction chemical hazards that may be present in this assay.
4. Consider all samples and their culturing wastes as potentially
Blood culture is one of the most important and critical procedures infectious materials. Dispose of waste material safely according to
performed in the microbiology laboratory. Since blood is normally sterile, relevant local and national requirements.
the isolation and identification of an organism has great diagnostic 5. Wear disposable gloves when dealing with samples and reagents.
significance. Blood culture is of great importance in diagnosing such Wash hands after operations.
conditions as endocarditis, typhoid fever, pneumonia and other diseases 6. Conduct the assay away from bad ambient conditions. e.g. ambient
characterized by bacteremia. The growth of microorganisms in a blood air containing strong acid, strong alkali or volatile gas and so on.
culture may be delayed or prevented if an anticoagulant is not used in 7. Blood anticoagulant has already been applied in the culture bottle,
the culture medium since the organisms may become trapped in the so do not add more.
fibrin clot. However, some anticoagulants may be toxic for certain 8. In order to detect septicemia with sufficient accuracy, it may be
pathogens. In addition, many blood samples contain residual antibiotics, necessary to carry out 1 to 3 blood cultures at designated time
antibodies, ß-lysin and phagocytes which are natural bacterial inhibitors intervals, depending on the clinical situations.
and greatly reduce chances of obtaining a positive culture. These 9. It is recommended that perform the collection of blood cultures at
obstacles may be overcome by the use of SPS (sodium intervals and obtain samples at the first sign of fever.
polyanetholsulfonate), a nontoxic anticoagulant which enables bacterial 10. Do not use the reagents beyond the labeled expiry date.
growth by counteracting or absorbing those natural bacterial inhibitors 11. The kit contains products of animal origin. Certified knowledge of
in blood. Since SPS inhibits the activity of streptomycin, polymyxin B, the origin and/or sanitary state of the animals does not totally
kanamycin and gentamicin, therapy with these antibiotics should not guarantee the absence of transmissable pathogenic agents. It is
interfere with microbial growth in blood cultures containing this therefore recommended that these products be treated as
anticoagulant. potentially infectious, and handle observing the usual safety
precautions (do not ingest or inhale).
Measurement Principle 12. Culture media should not be used as manufacturing material or
All Blood Culture media will support the growth of a wide variety of 13. Do not use reagents if the packaging is damaged.
clinically important pathogenic microorganisms, including fastidious 14. Do not use bottles which show signs of contamination (risk of
organisms. There are hemin (x factor) and nicotinamide adenine contamination to the patient in the event of reflux into the vein
dinucleotide (v factor) which can sustain Haemophilus1,Actinobacillus during sample collection).
and Cardiobacterium growing, pyridoxine HCl which is absolutely vital to 15. Never open the bottles except to perform subcultures.
Streptococcus depending on Vitamin B6, SPS which can counteract 16. The performance data presented were obtained using the
antimicrobial activity of residual antibiotics and immunity factors2. procedure indicated in this package insert. Any change or
Bi-state system can form a grad of O2 concentrations in favor of the modification in the procedure may affect the results.
growth of microorganisms demanding different O2 concentrations. 17. Bi-state blood culture bottle Performance must be used in
Colonies obtained from agar state may be directly used to carry out conjunction with blood culture for the detection of anaerobic
susceptibility experiments and strains identification. organisms (Anaerobic blood culture bottle)
18. Growth depends on the requirements of each individual
Components microorganism. It is therefore possible that certain strains which
have specific requirements (substrate, temperature, type of
1. 20 vials each containing 30 ml of culture broth and one atmosphere etc.) may not develop.
agar-coated surface. The culture broth is formulated by adding to 19. It is generally accepted that the chances of isolating
each 1000 ml of purified water, 10 g of casein peptone of bovine microorganisms are greater when the quantity of blood collected is
origin, 5 g of sodium chloride, 3 g of dextrose, 1 g of L-Arginine, increased. However, as blood can contain microbial growth
0.25 g of SPS, 0.2 g of sodium bicarbonate, 1.6 g of Tris inhibitors (blood factors, antibiotics, etc.), optimum results are
aminomethane, 4.5 g of yeast extract, 1 ml of Vit.K3 (menadione), obtained with blood volumes of between 3 and 5 ml per bottle.
5 mg of hemin of porcine origin, and 10 mg of NAD (nicotinamide 20. Positive culture vials for subculturing or staining etc.: before
adenine dinucleotide). While the agar is formulated by adding to sampling it is necessary to release gas which often builds up due to
each 1000 ml of purified water, 10 g of casein peptone of bovine microbial metabolism. Sampling should be performed in a
origin, 5 g of sodium chloride, 1 g of dextrose, 1 g of L-Arginine, biological safety cabinet. And appropriate protective clothing,
4.5 g of yeast extract, 1 ml of Vit.K3 (menadione), 5 mg of hemin including gloves and masks, should be worn.
of porcine origin, and 15 g of agar. The pH is 7.5.
2. 1 copy of instruction for use Storage

Materials Required but not Provided 1. Store all components at 4-25 ℃. Avoid strong light.
2. The test kit may be used throughout the expiry date. Refer to the
1. Incubator (35-37 ℃) package label for the expiry date.

Warnings and Precautions Sample

1. For professional use only. 1. Collect approximately 3-5 ml of adult patients’ blood per bottle
2. Follow the instruction for use carefully. Reliability of assay results with a needle and syringe or 1-3 ml of infant patients’ blood.
cannot be guaranteed if there are any deviations from the 2. Collect samples prior to initiating antibiotic therapy. If this is not
instructions in this package insert. possible, draw the blood immediately before administering the next
3. Refer to the material safety data sheet and product labeling for any dose.
3. Collect samples before meals, since hyperlipemia may obscure

Bi-state Blood Culture Bottle
visible evidence of bacterium growth in the liquid medium. 2. Some pathogenic bacteria, especially Haemophilus influenza and
4. Since bacteremia is intermittent, collect samples at the proper time. Neisseria gonorrhoeae may have already grown in Bi-state Blood
5. Test the samples immediately once received. Culture Bottle but do not appear so. In this case, the physician
should pick some of the culture broth each day and streak on a
Reagent Preparation chocolate blood agar plate, then place into a 3–5% CO2 incubator
calibrated at 35–37 ℃ (blind passage), until the 7th day.
Bring all reagents to room temperature (18-25 ℃) prior to use
Performance Characteristics
Measurement Procedure
1. Analytical Sensitivity
1. Check if the bottle is contaminated or broken. 5 panel members (100 µl of culture medium containing 1.5 × 103 CFU/ml
2. Prepare and label the appropriate blood culture bottle. Micrococcus luteus (CMCC (B)® 28001), 150 CFU/ml Haemophilus
3. Do not unscrew cap. Remove the plastic top of the screw cap on influenza (ATCC® 10211), 1.5 × 108 CFU/ml Streptococcus pneumonia
the blood culture bottle. (ATCC® 49619), 1.5 × 103 CFU/ml Candida albicans (ATCC® 10231) and
4. Disinfect the visible part of the rubber plug with iodine or ethyl 150 CFU/ml Streptococcus pyogenes (ATCC® 19615)) were tested at
alcohol (70%) and allow drying. 35-37 ℃. Turbidity or evident turbidity in the liquid state or bacteria
5. Inject blood, ascites or cerebrospinal fluid into the culture bottle colonies in the solid state was observed after 24 hours.
after being collected with aseptic operations. Then disinfect the 2. Measurement Accuracy by Correlation
rubber plug again and replace the plastic top. A study was performed where samples were tested using this assay and
6. After the inoculation, lean the bottle several times, and incubate it the bioMérieux® assay. Data were analyzed and are summarized in the
erectly at 35-37 ℃ for 24 hours. following table.

Measurement Results Product Positive Negative Positive rate

This assay 78 690 10.2%
1. Report the positive results if turbidity in the culture broth, hemolysis
bioMérieux 82 686 10.7%
of blood corpuscles, air bubbles or colonies is observed. Carry out
susceptibility experiments and strain identification on positive
The agreement is 95.3%. In x2 method, P >0.05, there is no obvious
difference between the 2 methods.
2. Soak agar state into broth every day and keep on incubating the
bottle erectly if those phenomena do not occur, until the 7th day.
3. If the abovementioned phenomena still do not occur after 7 days of
Literature References
culturing, report a negative result.
1. LaClaire L, Bronsdon M, Factor S, et al. Isolation of Haemophilus
Control Procedure influenzae in Central Asia. Eur. J. Clin. Microbiol. Infect. Dis.
1. Positive Control 1
Test 100 µl of culture medium containing 1.5 × 103 CFU/ml Micrococcus 2. Edberg SC, Edberg MK. Inactivation of the polyanionic detergent
luteus (CMCC (B)® 28001) at 35-37 ℃. The result is valid if turbidity in the sodium polyanetholsulfonate by hemoglobin. J. Clin. Microbiol.
liquid state or bacteria colonies in the solid state appears after 24 hours. 1983;18(5):1047-1050.
2. Positive Control 2
Test 100 µl of culture medium containing 150 CFU/ml Haemophilus
influenza (ATCC® 10211) at 35-37 ℃. The result is valid if evident turbidity
in the liquid state or bacteria colonies in the solid state appears after 24
3. Positive Control 3
Test 100 µl of culture medium containing 1.5 × 108 CFU/ml Streptococcus
pneumonia (ATCC® 49619) at 35-37 ℃. The result is valid if evident
turbidity in the liquid state or bacteria colonies in the solid state appears
after 24 hours.
4. Positive Control 4
Test 100 µl of culture medium containing 1.5 × 103 CFU/ml Candida
albicans (ATCC® 10231) at 35-37 ℃. The result is valid if turbidity in the
liquid state or bacteria colonies in the solid state appears after 24 hours.
5. Positive Control 5
Test 100 µl of culture medium containing 150 CFU/ml Streptococcus
pyogenes (ATCC® 19615) at 35-37 ℃. The result is valid if evident turbidity
in the liquid state or bacteria colonies in the solid state appears after 24

Limitations of the Procedure

1. This assay is intended as an aid for the clinical diagnosis. Conduct

this assay in conjunction with clinical examination, patient’s medical
history and other test results.

Bi-state Blood Culture Bottle

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