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Highlights of Astronomy, Volume 15

XXVIIth IAU General Assembly, August 2009 

c International Astronomical Union 2010
Ian F. Corbett, ed. doi:10.1017/S174392131001001X

Chemical tracers of dense gas in

extragalactic environments
Serena Viti1 and Estelle Bayet1
Dept. Physics and Astronomy, University College London, Gower Street, WC1E 6BT, UK
email: [email protected]

Abstract. Within the context of ALMA (and future missions such as SPICA) we present
some recent observational and theoretical work on molecular line emissions from extragalactic
Keywords. galaxy: ISM; stars: formation; ISM: molecules; astrochemistry

Extragalactic molecular line emission is an ensemble of PDRs and dense (star forming?)
gas where the spatial and temporal effects are ‘diluted’ in the beam. Several molecular
species (CO, HCN, HNC, CS, HCO+ ...) are observable, especially in nearby galaxies.
The question that we address is: can we use molecules as probes of the physical and
chemical conditions of galaxies?
We have performed extensive theoretical (Bayet et al. 2008a, Bayet et al. 2009a) and
observational (Bayet et al. 2008b, Bayet et al. 2009b) studies of the chemistry of star
forming as well as photodominated regions representing different types of galaxies. Our
theoretical studies provide us with trends in the chemistry in response to changes in the
physical conditions of galaxies. A list of molecular tracers of star forming as well as PDR
gas in different categories of galaxies can be found in our papers (see above references),
but a particularly useful result to report here is the comparison of the molecular tracers
predicted by dense star-forming core models with those derived from PDR models. For
example while SO2 and H2 S should both be delectable in star forming gas in starburst
galaxies, they are inappropriate tracers of PDRs. By contrast HCO+ is predicted to be
undetectable in dense star forming cores while enhanced in PDR-dominated galaxies. For
high redshift sources, H2 CS and H2 CO are both predicted to be inadequate molecular
tracers of PDRs, while both are good signatures of dense star-forming cores.
Observationally we have carried out an extensive survey of CS (predicted to be a high
density tracer) in order to better determine the properties of the very dense star forming
gas over a large range of physical conditions (Bayet et al. 2009b) and an highlight of
our work is that high J CS lines, in particular the 7-6, seem to be tracing a gas with
a minimum density of 107 cm−3 , typical of ‘hot cores’ and hence of high mass star

Bayet, E., Viti, S., Williams, D. A., & Rawlings, J. M. C. 2008, ApJ 676, 978
Bayet, E., Lintott, C., Viti, S., Martin-Pintado, J., Martin, S., Williams, D. A., & Rawlings,
J. M. C. 2008, ApJL 685, L35
Bayet, E., Viti, S., Williams, D. A., & Rawlings, J. M. C., Bell, T. 2009, ApJ 696, 1466
Bayet, E., Aladro, R., Martin, S., Viti, S., & Martin-Pintado, J. 2009, ApJ in press


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