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Essay questions:

1. Enumerate the abnormal habits that may cause anterior open bite and describe the clinical feature
of one of them?

2. Enumerate the different types of space maintainer appliances describing the indication of each
one of them? (Illustrate your answer with figure)

3. Discuss this statement “The effect of early loss of second deciduous molar is depending on the
developing stage of first permanent molar”?

II. Multiple choice question; choose the best answer

1. Primate spaces are present:
a) Mesial to maxillary canines and distal to mandibular canines
b) Mesial to mandibular canine and distal to maxillary canines
c) Mesial to maxillary and mandibular canines
d) Distal to maxillary and mandibular canines

2. Flush terminal plane refers to:

a) First primary molar
b) First permanent molars
c) Second permanent molars
d) Second primary molar

3. The average amount of leeway space available in the upper arch

a) 0.9 mm
b) 1.8 mm
c) 3.5 mm
d) 5.0 mm

4. All are true about Ugly duckling stage except:

a) Occur at 9 to 10 years
b) Need orthodontic intervention
c) It is temporary clinical picture
d) It Improve as the permanent maxillary canine continue to erupt

5. the primary second molar teeth has a normal relationship to develop

a) flush terminal plane
b) mesial step relation ship
c) distal step relation ship
d) none of the above
6. overbite:
a) it is the distance between the labial aspects of the lower incisors and the lingual aspects of the
upper incisors
b) it is the distance between the lingual aspects of the lower incisors and the labial aspects of the
upper incisors
c) it is the amount by which the lower incisors are concealed by the upper incisors when the
teeth are closed in centric relation
d) it is the amount by which the lower incisors are concealed by the upper incisors when the
teeth are closed in eccentric relation

7. class II division 2 malocclusion are characterized by all of the following except:

a) the upper central incisors are retroclined
b) the upper central incisors are proclined
c) the upper arch is usually broad and square
d) deep overbite

8. supplemental teeth are

a) teeth with conical crown
b) teeth unlike normal teeth
c) teeth like normal teeth
d) none of the above

9. which of the following statements is correct in regarding to the submerged primary molar:
a) tooth is non vital
b) tooth is ankylosed
c) there is no permanent successor
d) none of the above

10. the management of early loss of unilateral primary canine :

a) space maintainer
b) extract the contra lateral tooth
c) all of the above
d) none of the above

11. best space maintainer is:

a) active space maintainer
b) passive space maintainer
c) band and loop
d) pulpotomized primary tooth

12. serial extraction are indicated in patients who have:

a) class II molar relation
b) class I molar relation
c) class III molar relation
d) excessive overbite
13. which of the following is not an example of unilateral fixed space maintainer:
a) band and loop space maintainer
b) lingual arch space maintainer
c) bonded space maintainer
d) distal shoe space maintainer

14. a primary tooth is considered over retained if:

a) 2/3 of the root of its successor is formed
b) 1/2 of the root of its successor is formed
c) 1/3 of the root of its successor is formed
d) all of the root of its successor is formed

15. the harmful effect of early loss of deciduous teeth on the occlusion depend on:
a) age of loss
b) degree of intercuspation
c) tooth arch disproportion
d) all of the above
e) A & B
f) A &c

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