Ge Energy: Infrastructure General Electric Apex Global R12I Implementation Ibs To Ap

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GE Energy
General Electric ApEX Global
R12i Implementation

Author: Bhabani
Creation Date: Jan 15, 2007
Last Updated: Oct 13,2014
Document Ref: None
Version: 1.4


Karen Plante Functional Owner

Robert Functional Owner

l Dean

GE Confidential
CF.250 – Instructions


The purpose of this document is detail the technical aspects of the confirmed requirements captured
in the BR.150

 Identify the RICE Components to be developed (Other than Conversions)

 Detail the components
 Provide Use cases

Conventions/Best Practices for CF250

The CF.250 template outlines the format requirements for the document. The document must include
the following sections:
 Document Control
 Definitions
 RICE Components and technical details of each of the component
 Flow diagram to explain the interaction between the various components and flow with in the
component (ex: In case of Interfaces, interaction between the applications and technical details
of the interface itself)
 Open and closed issues for Issue tracking and follow-up.

Document Control:
Changes and updates to the document should be clearly indicated in this section by providing details
of date of updates, person who updated the document, change references indicating at a high level
what was updated or reasons for update and versioning the document with an incremental version

This section should list the meaning of abbreviations used through out the document and terms or
phrases that may have special connotation in the context of the document. For the purpose of clarity
and reference simplicity certain definitions have already been embedded in the BR.150 document

Important Sections of the document

Business Rules
 List the rules that will drive the business process, for which this RICE component is being built.

Solution Design
 This should be documented for each RICE component separately
 Detailing should be given based on type of the component

GEM Assets

Please review CF.250 GEM Assets located at
as a starting point for your CF.250s

Review Matrix
GE Confidential
The following is the Review rating criteria that should be followed by the reviewer of this

Review comment classification Review

Standard template not adopted. High
Solution design identified is not detailed correctly Medium
Use Cases not provided Medium
Other comments Low

GE Confidential
Document Control

Change Record

Date Author Versi Change Reference


15 Jan, Bhabani Initial

11 Mar, Kiran 1.0 Added a section for Inter Project
2007 Invoices.
Added solution design for Zero amount
IBS invoices
15 Mar, Kiran 1.0 Added section for Duplicate Invoices
2007 Added the section for Pre-Edit Errors
06 Aug, Vijay 1.1 Added details of “GE Wind Energy US
2009 Chinnaswamy Procurement IBS to AP Customization”
21 Apr, Lusi Pani 1.2 Made the changes from Oracle R12
2010 perspective
20-Apr- Nitin Govindan 1.3 Added concurrent program before the
2014 Wrapper code to process the credit
based invoice stuck in pre edit imports
without manual intervention.
20-Apr- Nitin Govindan 1.3 Added a logic to process the ASN
2014 provided at the fifth line of ship from
address from IBS and passing it ti DFF of
invoice header level.
10/13/1 Vydhyanath 1.4 Exception handled for Alphanumeric PO
4 Arasur issue.
Design Change# : DES0325687


Name Position

Karen Plante Functional Owner

Robert Maxwell Dean Functional Owner

Page 4 of 32

Copy Name Location



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CF.250 – Instructions.......................................................................................................2
Document Control...................................................................................................................4

Executive Summary.................................................................................................................7

Scope and Application..........................................................................................................12

Impact to 3rd Party Systems: In order to fully support the business process within
the Oracle R12 environment, with customised functionality available in R12,
additional work/changes might be needed from Informatica and Web Methpods
side. We can find the required documentation from the concerned teams..........12
Process Change Impacts................................................................................................12
Business Rules........................................................................................................................15
Verification Points..........................................................................................................15

Solution Design......................................................................................................................18
Solution Design – Forms................................................................................................20
Solution Design – Report...............................................................................................25
Solution Design – Concurrent Program......................................................................26
Solution Design – Workflows.......................................................................................26
Solution Design – Other Oracle Components............................................................27

Use Cases for Unit Testing- GE Wind Energy US Procurement IBS to AP Customization

Appendix ................................................................................................................................30

Open and Closed Issues for this Deliverable....................................................................31

Open Issues......................................................................................................................31
Closed Issues...................................................................................................................31

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Executive Summary

The objective of this document is to present the design of a proposed IBS to Oracle AP
Enhacements that will enable efficient monitoring of the IBS System.This front end
loads the IBS data, reformats the data and provides for error corrections so that the
data can be imported through the interface.

Lookup Table for Special Charging:

The IBS Special Charging Lookup Table is instance specific
We would like make it OU specific.

We need to make more generic so that valid number of GL segments can be populated
by this form.

We will add another field FX Rate type Lookup table.

Currently, when a special charge line item on the I34 or I35 record has the special
charge code of ITX in positions 4-6, this code is being used to look up the GL segments
on the special charges table. As a result, if an invoice has special charges for more
than one type of tax, all taxes will be booked to the same account. We would like to
change the current process so that if the special charge code in positions 4-6 is ITX, we
then look at positions 7-9 of the special charge text field on the I34 or I35 record. If
positions 7-9 are blank, the GL segments would be populated with the values from the
special charges table for the ITX code. If positions 7-9 are not blank, the 3-digit code in
positions 7-9 will be used to look up the values on the special charges table that will be
used to populate the GL segments. Currently, all possible values in positions 7-9, if not
blank, are VAT, IVA, PST, GST, QST, HST, WHT, SUT, JCT, and ZRO. These additional
codes will need to be added to the special charges table so that the GL segments can
be populated with the correct accounting information as provided for each individual

Additon of Foreign Exchange Rate Type in the Special Charging table:

IBS Special Meaning Descriptio Comments

Charges n
OU_NAME FXRATETYPE DAILY/MOR The rate type will be given in the
– description field.

For Making the Special Charge Codes Operating Unit Specific:

IBS Special Meaning Description

<Special Charge <Special Charge Meaning>
Code> – - <OU_NAME> All the 15 GL
<OU_NAME> segments can be
givn in the
description field
with ‘-‘(hyphen) as
the separator
between the 2

Pre-Edits Table for IBS invoice loading

Page 7 of 32
In the pre-edits table some more new fields are to be added. These new fields are also
mapped to the proper segments in the Oracle AP Open interface table so that the
invoices can be imported into Oracle AP with the proper data. There are 15
CONV_ADN_SEGMENTS that should cover the maximum amount of available GL
account segments that could be used.

In addition to the newly named and newly added fields for the ES-GAP rollout, there is
still the need for several new fields to be created:

The Exchange Rate Type Field (this field should use the rate type set up in the
Special Charge table for foreign currency invoices. (Invoice Header Table)

The Exchange Rate Date Field (this field should default from the system date and be
in the Invoice Header Table).

The Exchange Rate Field (this field should be populated based on the Rate Type
field). If the Exchange Rate Type is ‘USER”, the APEX code should calculate this fields
as follows: Rcvr_sttl_amt / Cur_rec_amt with both fields coming from the
IBSINVHEADER_INF table (Invoice Header Table). If the Exchange Rate Type is other
than ‘USER’, do not populate this field.

Invoice Type (valid entries should reflect the valid invoice types in Oracle, Standard,
Credit and Mixed. Mixed would be a new requirement for allowing the invoice to get
thru the Open interface if there are both positive and negative lines on the IBS invoice
(Invoice Header Table).

Line Type (valid entries should reflect the valid line types in Oracle, ITEM, MISC, TAX
and FREIGHT. Currently we use only ITEM and MISC lines when the invoice is imported
thru the Oracle Open Interface. We need to be able to identify the line types in the Pre-
Edit tables and be able to modify the line types as necessary either by Business
Specific Code or by users manually fixing the data in the Pre-Edit tables. (Invoice Lines

These new fields and newly named fields (in order to make the segment names
generic), need to be added to the standard APEX IBS Tables that are currently in
production in every operating unit. These fields should map correctly to the Oracle
Open Interface fields.

All lines are being created in the APEX Pre-Edit Lines Table as per the current process.
All lines that are to be imported thru the Oracle AP Open Interface need to be displayed
on the pre-edit correction form if the invoice has an error. This includes the Special
Charges, Line Item Description, Special Charge Text, Line special instructions text and
Ship Costs lines. The current logic for adding a Freight line to the Lines Table is not
accurate and causing an “Unbalanced Invoice Total” error in all Instances. The Special
Charges and Ship Cost lines added to the Lines Table should be equal to their source
(Ship_Cost from the AP_IBSINVHEADER_INF Table; Spc_Chg_Amount from the
AP_IBSINVSC_INF Table; Spc_Chg_Amount from the AP_IBSINVLINESC_INF Table). The
Calculation to balance the invoice after the line or lines been added should compare
the Invoice Total (Cur_Rec_Amount) from the Header Table to the sum of the invoice
detail lines minus discounts (at the header) – all amounts used should be in the
currency of the invoice. (Cur_Rec_Amount) Again, we want all lines that error out to be
displayed on the Pre-Edit Correction form so that corrections can be made there by the
users and not in the Oracle AP Open Interface. All code for adding lines should be
consistent for all Instances.

ACCEPTED_DATE should be a part of the Pre-Edits header table. The ACCEPTED_DATE

is on the I10 record - position 81 thru 88 formats is YYMMDD. Once loaded in the pre-
Edits table, the accepted date will be appended to the description field of the Pre-Edit

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header table. So when the invoice is imported into Oracle AP, the description of the
invoice header will contain the ACCEPTED_DATE.

Pre- Edit Correction Form (used to correct errors):

The Pre-Edit Correction form will be intended location where End Users would correct
errors that prevented the IBS invoice from passing thru the Oracle Open Interface and
loading into Oracle AP. The errors that would be caught in the Oracle Open Interface
are identified in the Pre-Edit Tables so that the End User can make corrections via the
Pre-Edit Correction form.

We will add the 15 CONV_ADN_SEGMENT (All the Columns, TAX_code, Refrence table
listed on page 11,12) Columns, Document Sequnce Category, Exchange Rate Type,
Exchange Rate Date, Invoice Type,CUR_REC_AMT,Project number,Task
Number,Expenditure Group,Expenditure Org,Expenditure Date,Line Item
Description,Special charge Text and special instruct text.

Unit Price and Quantity

If v_qty_sign = 1 AND v_unit_price is Null AND v_line_amt_sign = 1 THEN

v_unit_price:=round (abs (v_item_amount/v_qty_Invoiced), 4);

If v_qty_sign = 1 AND v_unit_price is Null or Zero AND v_line_amt_sign = 1 THEN

v_unit_price:=round (abs (v_item_amount/v_qty_Invoiced), 4);

In addition to the 10 cases to ensure that quantity times unit price equals the Line Item
Amount on PO related invoice lines, a case is needed when both the Quantity and Unit
Price are Null or zero. In this case, the Quantity should default to 1 and should be in
the same color as the Line Amount in the invoice currency. The Unit price should
always be the absolute value of the Line Item Amount to 4 decimal places.

Credit Invoices:

Credit invoices are failing in the Pre-Edit table due to PO lines closing for invoicing. We
need to be able to get those invoices entered without failing and we would like to do
this without manual intervention.

Credits must be able to be processed regardless of the received, billed or shipped

quantities on the Oracle PO lines.

It appears that there is APEX code that prevents the credit from processing to the Open
Interface table if the PO shipment line has the status ‘Closed for Invoicing’ or closed for
‘receive’. We have discovered that users are changing the credit document to be NON-
PO and providing an A.D.N. number. This then gets the APEX Pre-Edit Process to
release the invoice. The user than goes to the Open Interface table and changes the
credit document back to PO related and the credit is then processed thru the Oracle
Open Interface. This leads us to believe that we have some code in the APEX process
that is preventing the credit document from being released in the APEX Pre-Edit tables.
We need to get this fixed. If the credit document would pass thru the Oracle Open
Interface, then it should not fail in the APEX Pre-Edit tables. The error message given
when this occurs is ‘Invalid PO Distribution Number Error’.

The current APEX code is not able to properly allocate an IBS credit invoice. We need
to fix the existing APEX code in order to allocate credit invoices to PO shipment lines.
The IBS system only sends us Credit invoice lines at PO line level, not at shipment line
level, yet Oracle requires that the Credit invoice be matched to PO/Line/Shipments.
The APEX code must match the IBS Credit Invoice lines to a PO/Line/Shipment.

Page 9 of 32
Calculation based on shipment and billed qty
If the IBS line qty is negative, then it means that we have a credit memo invoice. For
getting the shipment line number for credit memos, we need to first check the
Received Qty – Billed Qty, if it is negative then we need to apply the IBS Credit memo
line to this shipment line number, in numeric order of shipment line numbers. First we
need to check the Received Qty – Billed Qty for all shipment lines, once we complete
this cycle and we still have a qty to be applied, then we need to complete the cycle for
the Shipment Qty – Billed Qty. But at the same time, if negative qty in the incoming
credit memo from IBS is more that the qty available than can be applied to all
shipment lines put together, then that credit memo should be left in the Pre-Edit tables
only and an Error Message should be inserted against that Credit Memo ‘Shipment
Credit cannot be allocated’.
Clearing up Pre-Edit tables
If the Total IBS Invoice amount is Zero on the invoice header and each of the invoice
distribution lines are zero, we do not currently import the invoice into the Oracle AP
module. However, we would like to remove the invoice from the Pre-Edit tables

Create a concurrent program to delete the zero amount invoices so that it is up to

business to run the program if needed as per the business requirements.

Email notifications for Pre-Edit and Open Interface.

The concurrent requests that process data for Pre-Edits and the Oracle Open interface
needs to have error messaging created and distributed via email. The Users are not
currently receiving email notification when the import process runs for Pre-Edit and
Open Interface.Need to add Email notifications in the Pre-Edit Concurrent program.
Journalizing Foreign Currency Invoices
Currently, foreign currency invoices are imported into Oracle AP with the correct
currency code and a rate type of MOR. MOR rate type is currently hard coded in the
APEX code. We want to change this and pick up the Exchange Rate Type from the new
field entered in the Special Charge Table. If the rate type is ‘USER’ we want to
calculate the Exchange Rate and populate the Exchange Rate field. We have
requested that the Exchange Rate Type Field, the Exchange Rate Date Field and
Exchange Rate Field be added to the Invoice Header Pre-Edit Table. If the invoice is a
foreign currency invoice and the rate type is entered as ‘USER’, we want APEX code to
calculate the Exchange Rate based on the Rcvr_sttl_amt and the Cur_rec_amt from the
IBSINVHEADER_INF table as follows:
(Rcvr_sttl_amt / Cur_rec-amt). This rate would then be applied to all lines. If the
Exchange Rate Type is other than ‘USER” then the Exchange Rate field does not have
to be populated. The Exchange Rate would then be calculated during the Invoice
Import process by using the Exchange Rate Type and the Exchange Rate Date.

Invalid PO Disrtibution Number Error

It appears that there is APEX code that prevents an invoice from processing to the
Open Interface table if the PO shipment line has the status ‘Closed for Invoicing’. We
have discovered that users are changing invoice to be NON-PO and providing an A.D.N.
number. This then gets the APEX Pre-Edit Process to release the invoice. The user
than goes to the Open Interface table and changes the invoice back to PO related and
the invoice is then processed thru the Oracle Open Interface. This leads us to believe
that we have some code in the APEX process is preventing the invoice from being
released in the APEX Pre-Edit tables. We need to get this fixed. If the invoice would
pass thru the Oracle Open Interface, then it should not fail in the APEX Pre-Edit tables.
The error message given when this occurs is ‘Invalid PO Distribution Number Error’.

Inter Project Invoices

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For Aero business, the flat file sent by IBS to AP will contain the data for inter project
invoices.These invoices should not be processed by the IBS to AP program as inter
project invoices are already processed in AP module.

Duplicate Invoices

Business wants the Duplicate Invoice validation level to be before any other validation
level so that these invoices are not caught in the Pre-Edits for any other validations
other than the ‘Duplicate Invoice’ Error, because displaying of the error message is

GE Wind Energy US Procurement IBS to AP Customization

GE Wind is in the middle of automating their intercompany transactions between

different Legal Entities. This process involves the creation of intercompany Payables
invoice in Oracle AP module. The intercompany AP invoice is then uploaded as
Purchase Order to IBS for 2 way/3 way settlement purposes. Reason for this translation
is, we will not have a Purchase Order created in Oracle.

This document specifies the matching of the intercompany invoice generated in Oracle
AP with the invoice coming back from IBS into Oracle, after settlement happens in IBS.
Matched IBS AP invoices will be marked to be held in the IBS Staging table and will not
be imported into Oracle AP.

Credit Memo Enhancement

The IBS invoices ie standard and debit when arrived in same batch were observed as
having the credit memo invoices stuck at Pre Edits Correction form with the error “
Shipment Lines Can not be allocated”. This was caused due to fact that the PO
quantity of standard invoice has not yet reached AP before the credit could be
processed. As a workaround user would manually re-run the stuck invoice and it gets
imported but with the latest change Credit based invoices will be picked automatically
next day without any manual intervention.

ASN number Enhancement – PGS Accord

Sabrix team had a requirement to match the PO matched invoice. The IBS team is
sending the appropriate ASN number at the fifth line of ship from address. The import
program uses the logic and updates the same in the DFF at header level.

Page 11 of 32
Scope and Application

Impact to 3rd Party Systems: In order to fully support the business process within the Oracle R12
environment, with customised functionality available in R12, additional work/changes might be
needed from Informatica and Web Methpods side. We can find the required documentation from
the concerned teams.


In order to fully support the business process within the Oracle 12i environment, with
new functionality available in 12i, additional work/changes will need to be performed
on existing IBS to AP program within the GE application footprint.

Every business process has specific nomenclature that defines business elements and
events. In order to provide clarity, the following are business definitions that are
specific to this interface/conversion.

The interface is specific to Oracle 12i implementation. It covers importing the IBS
invoices, for EMS BUC Code(s)

Process Change Impacts

This section represents the impacts of the processes that will change from the IBS to
AP Program or application change.

With IBS to AP Enhancements, users will be correct the IBS to AP invoices only at one
single location i.e. Pre-Edit Correction Form.

Process Flow for IBS to AP invoice:

Staging Tables / Business Unit

Data Subscribed

Data Extracted from View "Error Log ", Load data

from IBS and WebMethods and Load "Staging Summary of Error Correct "Staging through Payables
Payables Open Data OK ? N Fix Errors
Published in Formatted for Table " Log , and /or Table " errors Open Interface
Interface Table
WebMethods input into Staging Table Import
"Staging Table "
Validation Scripts

BUC Code
Validate Staging Email notification
Error Report Y
Table data Error in Data ? to end user


Program Creates Non PO
Dr PO Exp . Acct
Invoice / Inquiry a Related Y
Cr Internal Liab .
Batch of Invoices Invoice
(Details in
Appendix B )
Oracle AP

Dr Internal Liab .
Dr AP Accrual
Inventory PO Cr IBS bank
Cr Internal Liab . Auto Approval
Related Y Invoice Hold ? account
(Details in Program
Invoice (Details in
Appendix B )
Appendix B )

Dr Undistributed
Expense PO
Cr Internal Liab .
Related Invoice
(Details in Y
Appendix B )
APeX User

Manual JE :
Dr IBS bank
Approve invoices Review & clear Create IBS account
for "payment " holds Payment Batch Cr C /A
(Details in
Appendix B )

Page 12 of 32
Process flow of credit memo invoices.

Page 13 of 32
Get PO#,Line#,
Abs. IBS Billed

Get the sum of all shipment

lines associated with the PO
Line = V

No Credit Memo line error

If ‘Shipment Credit cannot be
Y>V allocated’ insert into the
Pre Edits Table.


Calculate the Received Qty - Billed

Qty for each of the PO Shipment
Lines = Z and compare to Credit
Memo line Qty Y1(-ve)

If any Match the credit memo to the
Z = Y1 PO Shipment Line


Calculate the Shipment Ordered

Qty - Billed Qty for each of the PO
Shipment Lines = Z1 and compare
to Credit Memo line Qty Y2(-ve)

No If any
Z = Y1


Match the credit memo to the

PO Shipment Line


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Process flow of GE Wind Energy US Procurement IBS to AP Customization

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Business Rules

The proposed IBS to AP Enhancements system will be built around the following business rules:

1. The form Pre-Edit Correction form should be OU specific instead of instance specific. This
form should be more generic so that any valid number of GL of GL segments can be
populated by this form.

2. The Pre-Edit table was intended to be the location where End Users would correct errors
that prevented the IBS invoice from passing thru the Oracle Open Interface and loading
into Oracle AP. We need to update APEX code so that errors that would be caught in the
Oracle Open Interface are identified in the Pre-Edit Tables so that the End User can make
corrections via the Pre-Edit Tables.
GE Wind Energy US Procurement IBS to AP Customization

3. IBS AP invoice should be held in a staging area and should not be imported into Oracle
AP, if the intercompany AP invoice already exists in Oracle. If the intercompany AP invoice
does not exist in Oracle, then, the IBS AP invoice should be imported into Oracle.

Verification Points

For R12 environment, we will be leveraging existing IBS to AP logic/functionality

that were there for 11i environment with some additional minor changes. The
changes are covered in this document below.

Error Handling:

Pre-Edit Errors:-

1. Invalid Biller’s BUC Code

Cause: The bill from BUC Code is not assigned to any supplier pay site, or the supplier site is
set up incorrectly

2. Invalid PO Number
Cause: The PO Number, referenced by the incoming IBS invoice, is not valid in Oracle.

3. Invalid AND

Cause: The ADN, referenced by the incoming IBS invoice is not a valid Account Code
combination in Oracle.

4. Invalid PO Line Number

Cause: The PO Line Number, referenced by the incoming IBS invoice line, is not valid for the
corresponding PO in Oracle.

5. Invalid Unit Price 0 or NULL

Cause: when the unit price field on the IBS invoice is zero or blank.

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6. Invalid Line Amount 0 or NULL

Cause: when the line amount field on the IBS invoices is zero or blank.

7. Quantity Invoiced is 0

Cause: when the quantity field on the IBS invoices is zero or blank.

8. Shipment Credit cannot be allocated

Cause: When credit invoice data cannot be properly allocated against the PO shipment lines.

9. Invalid PO Distribution Number

Cause: When the PO line is fully billed or over-billed. PO line status is closed.

10. No Invoice Total

Cause: The invoice total is 0 or blank.

11. Unbalanced Invoice Total

Cause: The sum of invoice lines plus the special charges lines do not equal the invoice
header total invoice amount. This error is the result of a problem with the current IBS to AP
code, lines are being incorrectly added in the staging tables.

12. Duplicate Invoice

Cause: An invoice with the same invoice number for the same supplier and supplier site is
being tried to import.

After the Implementation of IBS to AP Enhancements, the pre-edit errors will include the
standard oracle interface rejection errors.

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 IBS to AP modifications are required in order to make the functionality work.

 Informatica is being used to move the data from the IBS file into a Pre-Edit (Staging) table
in ERP. ERP need not deal with the file.

 Informatica team can only publish the data once a day. This has been discussed and
reviewed with the informatica team and cannot be changed.

 Custom tables and programs are needed in ERP to handle the send receive data, more
fields has been added to the existing components is required.

GE Wind Energy US Procurement IBS to AP Customization

 Intercompany setups have been done correctly.

 Intercompany AP invoice is uploaded to IBS correctly.

 Settlement is complete in IBS.

 The criteria for IBS AP Invoice import into Oracle are met.

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Solution Design

The solution design includes addition new fields to the custom tables

For new items the first column in the table indicates under what responsibilities that item should

Field Name New Type Comments

Exchange_rate_type New Varchar2 (25) This field is used for foreign currency
Exchange_Rate_Date New Date This field should default from sydate
Exchange_Rate New Varchar2 (25) This field should populate based on
the rate type
Invoice_Type New Varchar2 (25) Invoice Type


Field Name New / Type Comments

Line_type New Varchar2 (25) Line type
Project_number New Varchar2 (25) Project Number
Task_number New Varchar2 (25) Task Number
Expenditure_Group New Varchar2 (240) Expenditure Group
Expenditure_Org New Varchar2 (25) Expenditure Organization
Expenditure_date New Varchar2 (25) Expenditure date

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TAX_CODE New Varchar2 (25) TAX_CODE
CUR_REC_AMT New Varchar2 (25) CUR_REC_AMT
LINE_ITEM_DESC New Varchar2 (100) Line Item Description
SPC_CHG_TXT New Varchar2 (100) Special Charge Text
SPC_INSTRUCT_TXT New Varchar2 (100) Special Instruction Text


Field Name New Type Comments



Field Name New Type Comments


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Solution Design – Forms

The existing forms for Pre Edit Correction header template summary screen and Pre
Edit Correction lines screen need to be changed to include the display of the number of
fields currently in Pre Edit table, which are eligible for update.

Below is the screen (Pre Edit Correction) that needs to be changed to include the extra
fields. Following fields to be added to the Invoice Header form.

Field Name Status

Exchange_rate_type Editable
Exchange_Rate_Date Editable
Exchange_Rate Editable
Invoice_Type Editable
INVOICE_ID Not Editable
Oracle Biller BUC Ref Editable
Biller Contact Info Editable
Billers Ref Editable
StandardAccount Editable
Cost Center Editable
Other Editable
Translated Account Editable

Page 21 of 32
The name of the view on which the Pre-Edit header form is based:

Field Name Status
Line_type Editable The Pre Edit Correction
CUR_REC_AMT Not Editable screen, which needs to be
Project_number Editable changed in the invoice lines
Task_number Editable form.
Expenditure_Group Editable
Expenditure_Org Editable
Expenditure_date Editable
Line_Item_Descriptio Editable
SPC_CHG_TXT Editable
TAX_CODE Editable
Supplier Product Editable
Quantity Ordered Editable
Unit of Measure Editable Page 22 of 32
ADN Editable GE
Discount Percentage Editable Confidential
The name of the table on which the Pre-Edit header form is based:


Correction of column headings required in the pre-Edit correction form

Business Rules/ Code:

The APEX IBS Pre-Edit Table for ES-GAP has been enhanced (compared to the existing
production IBS Pre-Edit Tables) to include additional fields and some fields have been
renamed. The new fields are also mapped to the proper segments in the Oracle AP
Open interface table so that the invoices can be imported into Oracle AP with the

Page 23 of 32
proper data. There are 15 CONV_ADN_SEGMENTS that should cover the maximum
amount of available GL account segments that could be used. Each OU would only be
importing the correct number of GL segments that are used by the GL in each OU.
(Example, if the OU has an 8 segment GL account, then only 8 segments would be
populated and imported. If the OU uses a 10-segment GL account, then 10 segments
would be populated and imported).

The Special Charges and Ship Cost lines added to the Lines Table should be equal to
their source (Ship_Cost from the AP_IBSINVHEADER_INF Table; Spc_Chg_Amount from
the AP_IBSINVSC_INF Table; Spc_Chg_Amount from the AP_IBSINVLINESC_INF Table).
The Calculation to balance the invoice after the line or lines have been added should
compare the Invoice Total (Cur_Rec_Amount) from the Header Table to the sum of the
invoice detail lines minus discounts (at the header) – all amounts used should be in the
currency of the invoice. (Cur_Rec_Amount) Again, we want all lines that error out to
be displayed on the Pre-Edit Correction form so that corrections can be made there by
the users and not in the Oracle AP Open Interface. All code for adding lines should be
consistent for all Instances.

This form will primarily use GEPS_AP_IBSINVHEADER_INF and

Table.The Pre-Edit table was intended to be location where End Users would correct
errors that prevented the IBS invoice from passing through the Oracle Open Interface
and loading into Oracle AP.The code will be like that errors will be caught in the Oracle
Open Interface are identified in the Pre-Edit Tables so that the END user can make
corrections via the Pre-Edit Tables.

Currently, foreign currency invoices are imported into Oracle AP with the correct
currency code and a rate type of MOR. MOR rate type is currently hard coded in the
APEX code. We want to change this and pick up the Exchange Rate Type from the new
field entered in the Special Charge Table. If the rate type is ‘USER’ we want to
calculate the Exchange Rate and populate the Exchange Rate field. We have
requested that the Exchange Rate Type Field, the Exchange Rate Date Field and
Exchange Rate Field be added to the Invoice Header Pre-Edit Table. If the invoice is a
foreign currency invoice and the rate type is entered as ‘USER’, we want APEX code
to calculate the Exchange Rate based on the Rcvr_sttl_amt and the Cur_rec_amt from
the IBSINVHEADER_INF table as follows: (Rcvr_sttl_amt / Cur_rec-amt). This rate would
then be applied to all lines. If the Exchange Rate Type is other than ‘USER” then the
Exchange Rate field does not have to be populated. The Exchange Rate would then
be calculated during the Invoice Import process by using the Exchange Rate Type and
the Exchange Rate Date.

ACCECPTED_DATE can be captured in one of the additional attribute of


Inter Project Invoices

Inter Project invoices which are published to the Pre-Edits tables should not be
processed. So these invoices should be identified and process flag for these invoices
should be set to ‘I’. These invoices should also be not displayed in the Pre - Edit
Correction form.

As soon as inter project invoices are loaded into the Pre-Edit tables, the process flag
will to set to ‘I’.

Clearing up Pre-Edit tables

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The business can use the concurrent program ‘IBS to AP Zero Amount Invoice Delete’
program to delete the zero amount invoices. If the business does want to keep such
invoices, it may not run the zero amont delete program.

Duplicate Invoices

Duplicate invoices validation will be the first validation by the Pre-Edits Porgram. So
that these invoices will be caught in the pre-edits before any other validations are done
on the invoices, as the displaying of the error message is iterative. The ‘Duplicate
Invoice’ error message will be displayed in the Header of the Pre-Edits. For Duplicate
Invoices, check if for the same supplier, supplier site and oracle invoice number set if
there is any record present in the oracle base tables, if yes then such IBS invoices will
be be errored out in the Pre-Edits with Error Message ‘Duplicate Invoice’.

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Solution Design – Report

In this section provide the report parameters, report format, report details like
frequency of run etc.

Report Parameters:

1> Parameters for GEPS AP IBS Supplier BUC Details Report:-

Field Name Field Type Require Domain Dafault Source RulesOther
& Length d/Optio of Value
nal Values
Org Code Number Optional NA Null Custom
Vendor Name Varchar Optional NA Null Custom
Payment Term Varchar Optional NA Null Custom
BUC Code Varchar Optional NA Null Custom
Pay Method Varchar Optional NA Null Custom
Pay Group Varchar Optional NA Null Custom
Supplier Status Varchar Optional NA Null Custom

Report data elements for GEPS AP IBS Supplier BUC Details Report:
Field Name Field Type & Rules
Org Code Number (30)
Vendor Name Varchar (30)
Payment Term Varchar (10)
BUC Code Varchar (20)
Pay Method Varchar (20)
Pay Group Varchar (20)
Supplier Status Varchar (30)

Report Details:
Report Name Frequency Delivery Mechanism Who needs
to get it
GEPS AP IBS Supplier Run on business Print Email
BUC Details Report demand address as
mentioned in

2> Parameters for GEPS AP IBS Invoice Rejection Report:-

Field Name Field Require Domain Dafault Source RulesOther
Type & d/Option of Value
Length al Values

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OU Name Varchar Optional NA Null Custom

Report data elements for GEPS AP IBS Invoice Rejection Report:

Field Name Field Type & Rules
OU Name Varchar (20)
Batch Name Varchar (30)

Report Details:
Report Name Frequency Delivery Mechanism Who needs
to get it
GEPS AP IBS Invoice Run on business Print Email
Rejection Report demand address as
mentioned in

3> Parameters for GEPS AP IBS to AP Reconciliation and Control Report:-

Field Name Field Require Domain Dafault Source RulesOther
Type & d/Option of Value
Length al Values
Operating Unit Name Varchar Optional NA Null Custom

Report data elements for GEPS AP IBS to AP Reconciliation and Control Report:
Field Name Field Type & Rules
Operating Unit Name Varchar (25)

Report Details:
Report Name Frequency Delivery Mechanism Who needs
to get it
GEPS AP IBS to AP Run on business Print Email
Reconciliation and demand address as
Control Report mentioned in

Solution Design – Concurrent Program

1. For making the Pre-Edit Crorrection form as the single point for correcting errored
IBS invoices, we are leveraging the Standard Payables Open Interface program logic
so as to catch the Interface Errors in these Custom Interface ‘GEPS AP IBS
Custom Payables Open Interface Import’.

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2. For mailing the output file of the ‘GEPS AP IBS to AP Pre-Edit Program’, use a
mailing program ‘GEPS AP IBS to AP Pre-Edit Import Mail Program’.

3. For mailing the output file of the ‘GEPS AP IBS to AP Import’, use a mailing
program ‘GEPS AP IBS to AP Import Mail Program’.

Solution Design – Workflows

No workflow components needed.

Solution Design – Other Oracle Components

Solution Design – GE Wind Energy US Procurement IBS to AP Customization

The intercompany invoicing process creates the intercompany AP invoice in the

Accounts Payables module of the buying organization.

The intercompany AP invoice is then uploaded into IBS for settlement. After the
settlement process is complete, IBS system generates its AP invoice and is sent over to

The IBS AP invoice is then matched with the oracle intercompany AP invoice, if it exists.
Once the matching is complete, the IBS AP invoice will not be imported into Oracle and
is held in a staging area.

When the IBS AP invoice comes over to Oracle and if there isn’t an intercompany AP
invoice existing in Oracle, then the IBS AP invoice gets imported into Oracle.

Functional Significance: There would not be any impact of holding this Intercompany
Invoice in staging area as this invoice would already be present in Oracle AP, and as per
the business requirement this invoice should be blocked at the staging area and the
process flag should be changed so that it could not be processed further if it is already
present in AP. If the Intercompany invoice is not present in Oracle AP, then the same
should be processed from staging area to Oracle AP following IBS to AP Import process.

The IBS to AP Import process would end for the Intercompany invoice from the staging
area if the invoice is already present in Oracle AP else the invoice would be processed.

Matching Criteria:

- Match the PO Number on IBS AP Inv to Oracle Ico AP Invoice Number.

For matched Invoices:

- Flag the IBS AP Invoice to park in the IBS AP Staging Table.

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Quality Function Deployment (QFD) is used to identify the best solution on the basis of ranked CTQ’s.
Use this tool when there are multiple solutions available and a decision has to be made.

Three solutions are available, one has to be selected:

Alternative # A B C
Data feed
coming from
IBS legacy
Informatica Importing interal transactions from IBS
Options No Change as a BI tool legacy system via Informatica to ERP.
No invoice
will be
imported in
ERP. The
required Importing
information iternal GE Importing internal GE transactions from
for internal transactions IBS legacy tool in ERP via Informatica
GE in ERP mapping due to the iRec for invoice so
transactions without any that the ERP mapping will be done in ERP
will be taken Informatica stage area and then the transactions will
directly from mapping to be imported in ERP base tables. So, there
IBS legacy ERP stage will not be any ambiguity, data issues or
Description tool. area. formatting issues.
Fewer than 10 touch
points 1 2 4
0 to Negligible
Customization 1 1 2
VDIR team to work in 1
apps 1 1 2
Proven technology 1 1 3 
0 to Negligible training
required 1 1 3
More than 10 touch
points 4 4 2 
High Customization  - 3 2 
VDIR team to work in
more than 1 apps  4 3 3
Un proven technology  4 2 1
New apps training
required  4 4 2

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Use Cases for Unit Testing- GE Wind Energy US Procurement IBS to AP Customization

Actors IBS to AP program

Purpose Match the IBS AP and Oracle intercompany AP Invoice
Precondition Oracle intercompany AP Invoice is generated
successfully and uploaded to IBS for settlement
Assumption IBS settlement has happened.

Actor Actor Action System Response

System Oracle Intercompany AP Invoice created Invoice created,
IBS Generate the IBS AP Invoice after IBS AP Invoice
settlement created
IBS to AP Match the Oracle intercompany AP Invoice If the intercompany
with the IBS AP Invoice if the intercompany AP invoice exists, it
AP invoice exists. is matched, and
the IBS invoice is
not imported into
Oracle by placing it
in the IBS staging
table. If the
intercompany AP
invoice does not
exist in Oracle,
then, the IBS AP
invoice is imported
into Oracle.

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Link for the IBS to AP Documents from Support Central:-

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Open and Closed Issues for this Deliverable

Open Issues

Issue Resolution

Closed Issues

Issue Resolution

Processing logic Inter Project Invoice Included the logic for processing the Inter
Project Invoices
Duplicate invoices Include the explanation for Duplicate invoices
Addition of fields in the Pre-Edit Correction form Updated the Pre-Edit Correction form

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