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1- Match the words in the box to the de nitions in questions 1 of the quiz. 
1. a machine that looks and behaves like a human: Android 
2. an area in space where the force of gravity is very strong: Black hole 
3. a theory about time, space and movement: The Big Bang 
4. the ability to see things in the future: Precognition 
5. visiting a time in the past or future: Time travel 
2- Answer questions 2 and 3 in the quiz. 
2. In which century did people rst start using the following inventions? 
1. spaceships: 20th century  
2. electricity: 17th century 
3. submarines: 19th century 
4. telescopes: 17th century 
5. aeroplanes: 20th century 
6. communication satellites: 20th century 
3.  Which  three  inventions  from  question  2  were  invented  500  years  before  anyone 
used them?  
Spaceships, Telescopes, Electricity. 
1- Match the words to the de nitions. 
1. coin| b) a piece of money. 
2. cell | c) the smallest part of a living structure. 
3. experiment | f) a scienti c test. 
4. food | a) things that you eat. 
5. germ | d) a form of bacteria that spreads disease. 
6. lightning | e) bright ashes of light in the sky during a storm. 
2- Read the box and do the tasks. 
1. Skim the text. How many times do the words in Ex 1 appear? 
Coin: 1 
Cell: 4 
Experiment: 2 
Food: 3 
Germ: 6 
Lightning: 5 
2. What do you think the text is about? Why?   
About amazing experiments.. 
3- Choose the best answers. 
1. Why  should  you  not  drop  a  one  cent  coin  o   the  Ei el  Tower?  It  could  hurt 
2. In  contrast  to  the  saying,  lightning…  will  strike  buildings  of  any  height  any 
number of times. 
3. Swedish  scientists  changed  scienti c  thought  when  they…   proved  that  brain 
cells can replace themselves. 
4. What  would  have  happened  to humans if they didn’t have an inmune system? 
They wouldn’t get ill. 
4-  Are  the  statements  true  or  false?  Quote  words  from  the  text  to  support  your 
1. If  you  drop  a  one  cent  piece  o   the  Ei el  Tower,  it  could  kill someone on the 
ground. False 
2. Lightning never strikes the same place twice. False 
3. If  you  drop  food  on  the  oor,  germs  wait  ve  seconds  before  sticking  to  it. 
5- Find in the text. 
1. A verb that means cause a sharp pain. Sting  
2. A synonym for hits. 
3. A synonym for renew 
4. A phrasal verb that means became extinct. 
Write ve new words you nd on the text. 
Household , shelter, cleanliness, cell, regarded 
First Conditionals 
2- Match the exemples in the text to the uses. 

First and Second Conditionals

a giving advice If i were you, i’d look on the
b a possible situation in the future If cars use water, we’ll reduce
c a hypothetical situation in the If i had a car, i’d convert it too.
present or future.

3- Choose the correct alternatives.

1. We will miss the bus if we don’t hurry up!

2. If Luke doesn't study harder, he'll fail the exam.
3. If i had enough money,i could buy a motor scooter.
4. I will make you stay at home if you don't tidy your room.
5. If Kate paid more attention in class, she'd get better marks in her
6. If you don't wear smart clothes, they won't let you into the club.

4- Which sentences in Ex 3 are first conditionals? Rewrite them using unless

if possible.
2. Unless Luke study harder, he’ll fail the exam.
6. Unless wear the smart clothes, they won’t let you

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