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Virtual Instrumentation Laboratory Assessment Rubrics

A –Excellent B- Outstanding A - Good B - Average C - Satisfactory

Report  Aim and Procedures are  Aim and Procedures are  Aim and Procedures  Aim and Procedures  Aim and Procedures
clearly written written appreciably are written properly are written but some are written but
 No grammatical  Some grammatical  Some grammatical lacks meaningless
mistakes in the report mistakes in the report mistakes in the report  Some grammatical  Some grammatical
 Report is neatly filed  Appreciably filed the  Filed the report gently mistakes in the report mistakes in the report
report  Misalignment to file  Improper alignment
the report to file the report

Conduct of  Casually identified the  Easily identified the  Without trouble  Search and Identify  Difficult to identify
Experiment tools from the control tools from control and identify the tools from the tools from control the tools from control
and function palette function palette control and function and function palette and function palette
 Front Panel and Block  Front Panel and Block palette  Require neatness to  Missing Label and
Diagram are neatly Diagram are program  Front Panel and Block program the Front require proper
labeled, aligned properly professional look and Diagram are Panel and Block alignment
and certified look alignment agreeable look and Diagram  Difficult to trace the
 Easy to trace the  Understand the program alignment  Challenge to trace the program flow
program flow flow  Test step by step and program flow  Failed to execute the
 Executed in appreciate  Executed within the time then to trace the  Too long time taken program
time limit program flow to execute
 Executed with delay

Viva-voce  All content directly  Irrelevant content from    Diverted the content
related to the topic. the given topic. from the given topic.
 Showed a thorough  Less knowledge in the  Require more
knowledge of the topic. given topic. knowledge in the
 Stood upright and  It has nervous behavior. given topic.
appeared confident And improper eye contact  It has nervous
throughout. Avoided throughout the assessors. behavior. And
rocking, shifting, and  It take some times to improper eye contact
other nervous behavior. answer the questions throughout the
Made eye contact  Listener somewhat assessors.
throughout the understands all of what  It takes long time to
assessors. the speakers are trying to answer the question
 Speaker adjusted pace to communicate. or sometimes no
stay within expected response.
time.  Listener difficult to
 Listener understands all understands all of
of what the speakers are what the speakers are
trying to communicate. trying to
Observation  Excellently used time  Utilized the time well in  Used time pretty well.  Did the lab but did  Participation was
well in lab and focused lab and focused attention Stayed focused on the not appear very minimal OR student
attention on the on the experiment. experiment most of the interested. Focus was was hostile about
experiment.  Procedures are listed in time. lost on several participating.
 Procedures are listed in steps by step and are a  Procedures are listed in occasions.  Steps are missed in
clear steps. Each step is complete sentence. a logical order, with a  Procedures are listed the procedures and
numbered and is a complete sentence. but it requires logical without complete the
complete sentence. order with a complete sentence

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