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Youth Ki Awaaz
Mouthpiece for the

5 Ways To Reduce
Corruption and 5 Places
Where It Exists
@YouthKiAwaazAug 08, 201028 Comments
11 reactions

By Abhishek Singh and Tarunima Pandey:

What do you think?
July 22, 2008, a black day for Indian democracy. The day reports that
Bharatiya Janata Party legislators displayed purported bundles of currency
notes in parliament, which they said [allegedly] were offered to three of their
members in return for support to the government. Is it shameful?

What do you think?

We are all aware of the term ‘corruption; and do a lot of discussion on how to
control it. It may be defined as the misuse of the public office for one’s own
advantage or for the purpose of any other illegal benefits by a public
servant. According to sec. 2(c) (vii) of Prevention of Corruption Act, 1988, a
public servant is, ‘any person who holds an office by virtue of which he is
authorized or required to perform any public duty’. But in reality this has
been seen to be abused. Every person has his/her own dignity and some
fundamental rights. Corruption also affects the fundamental rights. How? It
has been seen that a common (general) man fears to go to police station
even when his/her right(s) is violated. Why? Because he/she does not want
to face a series questioning of the police. Normally, what actually happens is,
a person when goes to a police station for FIR, he/she has to struggle a lot
and face a lot in order lodge his/her FIR in the order of it being properly
written. If therefore suggests that we need such a body that could provide us
a corruption free society. As per Prevention of Corruption Act, 1988. Sec. 13
(1) d (ii) of POC Act, ‘a public servant is said to commit the offence of
criminal misconduct, if he, by abusing his position as a public servant,
obtains for himself or for any other person any valuable thing or pecuniary
advantage’. This seems to be omnipresent be it in any police department or
medical department and even in judiciary.

5 Ways To Reduce Corruption:

The question again arises how to control this increasing corruption in our
country? There are several bodies that are working for a corruption free
system. Here are suggested some of the tools to reduce the corruption;

What do you think?

1. The first tool is ‘education’. With the help of education we can
reduce corruption. According to a survey conducted by India today the
least corrupt state is Kerala, the reason being that in Kerala literacy rate
is highest in India. So we can see how education effects education. In
most of the states, normally a fairly large number of people are
uneducated. Those who are uneducated do not know about the process,
provisions and procedures through which they can get justice. Corrupt
public servants try to make fool of them and often demands for bribe. It is
due to unawareness in the field of law, public rights and procedures
thereof that a common and an uneducated suffer out of the corrupt
society. This suggests that if we are educated, we can understand our
rights well.
What do you think?
2. We need to change the government processes. If the members of
the governing body are government officials, there will certainly be fewer
reports of the criminal cases. The reverse may be possible only when
there is no more criminal politician in our government. The provision is
that, if there is any case filed against a person then he would not be
eligible for election. But if we see hundred politicians then about sixty
percent of them would be criminal in nature. If these criminal politicians
command us and make laws, what types of law would be formed, we can
guess! Thus during election, we should keep in mind the person for whom
we shall not vote. In India there is a provision that no person as a criminal
shall be allowed as a Member of Parliament or member of legislative.
Unfortunately a fairly large number of them are a part of it.
3. We can reduce corruption by increasing direct contact between
government and the governed. E-governance could help a lot towards
this direction. In a conference on, “Effects of Good Governance and
Human Rights” organized by National Human Right Commission, A. P. J.
Abdul Kalam gave an example of Delhi metro rail system and online
railway reservation as good governance and said that all the lower courts
should follow the explanation of the Supreme Court and High Court and
make the judgments online. Similarly, Sivraj Patil said that the Right to
information should be used for transparency. We have legal rights to
know any information. According to this act, (Right to Information act
2005), generally people should follow the procedure of law given to then
when their work is not being implemented in a proper way in public
services. This act is a great help in the order to control corruption.
What do you think?
4. Lack of effective corruption treatment is another reason. That means,
instruments which are in use, are not running properly. For example
Prevention of Corruption Act 1988 came into force on 9th September,
1988. But corruption is still flourishing. Why? Because of weak actions
and proceedings towards corrupt people. People don’t have any fear of
this act and the court. The act may thus be revised for its better
5. Lack of transparency and professional accountability is yet
another big reason. We should be honest to ourselves. Until and unless
we will not be honest, we can’t control corruption. If each of us is honest
towards our profession, then corruption will automatically decrease. We
need to pay attention towards professional accountability i.e., how much
we are faithful and truthful towards our profession. Corruption may be
controlled by handling five major professions : lekhpal, medical, revenue,
police and judicial.
What do you think?

5 Places Where Corruption Exists:

 Lekhpal, a government official, whose job is to examine, report and

keep all records of lands. But in currently there have been a lot of cases
in the court, which are based on land dispute. Why is it so? This is due to
the flaws in the department of lekha vibhag. For their personal benefit,
they become corrupt. As far as this department is concerned, if the
people pay attention towards professional accountability, there shall be
no land dispute. This would account for a fairly large number of controls
over corruption.
What do you think?
 Another type of profession being corrupt is medical department. How?
There are many government hospitals like public health centers in
villages and city. There are some doctors, appointed for the treatment of
the people. But in government hospital there have been seen no proper
treatment for the common man. Doctors have started opening their own
private clinic for earning more money. The public hospitals are lacking in
enough medicines and other required facilities. Doctors may not be found
on the scheduled timings. The poor people, who only depend upon the
government hospitals, are suffering and they can’t afford the treatment
of the private hospital. If the doctors would come in time, and in hospital
there is sufficient medicines and proper treatment available, then most of
the people would have been healthy. Thus doctors need to give their job
professional accountability.

What do you think?

 Third one is the revenue department. In this department, a fairly large
number of the employees are corrupt. They take bribes and leave the
person who didn’t even give tax off the hook. For e.g. income tax. If every
person is honest towards his/her profession then a heavy loss of Indian
government may be saved.
What do you think?
 There is a lot of crime around us and criminals are doing their work
without any fear. If police becomes serious then there will be control over
corruption to the extent of nearly, say about 60-70%. They should
perform their duty honestly. The day all the officers will be serious
towards their profession, we may expect a corruption-free environment.

What do you think?

 And last but not least is the department of judiciary. We know there
are several lakhs of cases which are in pending in the courts in India. The
process of justice is very delayed in our country. Due to this, the numbers
of cases are increasing day by day. If the proceedings are fast, people
may see that if they do wrong or commit any crimes then they will have
to face punishment right then. People thus will hesitate to take bribe. To
recall and mention a famous quote here, ‘Justice delayed is justice

What do you think?

The aforesaid five points may control the increasing corruption to a fairly
large content. Law should be implemented with the basic justice and equality
of everyone in mind.

What do you think?

The writers are Correspondents of Youth Ki Awaaz and students of
Dr. Ram Manohar Lohiya National Law University, Lucknow.
What do you think?

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Places Where It Exists | Youth Ki Awaaz: Mouthpiece for the Youth --
Saurav Singh5 years ago
Dear, abhishek and Tarunima

i am very agree with your view but don’t you think that whatever way you have
prescribed above are not effective. meanning there by your five way to reduce are
flying in the wind but in the practical world it having no effection over system. for
example you said the is no impelementation of prevention of curruption act, but did
you ever thought that by sying this the problem is solved? in fact this act was come
for the perticuler object and tried to enforce strictly but whoever is appointed to
eliminate curroption becomes currupt that is the main problem came into existance.
give us the better ideas to proper implementation of this act in the practical
you gave the example of POLICE, in fact lot of people who goes for the FIR are
hyperbole then it is dificult to identify who is actual victim. secondly durring the
investigation if police don’t take strict action then no one will tell them any type of
same in the case of judiciary, there is not a judge is liable for the pendancy & judge
never goes to anyone to ask for bribe, ppl themself comes to judges.
so only pointing out is not the well solution as per my best knowlagde.

* i think that for solution you must put your self in the same stage and them find out
the solution, i wish that you will come to know it.


M.R.Rangaswamy4 years ago
It’s a never-ending problem. Let’s not lose heart. Let’s continue to fight for an
ultimate success. Shouldn’t we ?

YouthKiAwaaz4 years ago
Absolutely M.R., it is only when we believe that we can will we be able to fight
this evil.

4. Pingback: It's Not What You Do, It's How You Do It [INSPIRATIONAL] |

Youth Ki Awaaz: Mouthpiece for the Youth

Ramanand Kowta4 years ago
The seed of corruption is sown by the well meaning Bhaarateeya mother early in life.
When the child stands up for the first time and attempts to walk/ move, he inevitably
falls and cries and looks around. The Mata cannot bear to see her ‘ laadla ‘ cry and
her ‘ mamata ‘ overflows. As a sign of unconditional affection and love, she picks up
the laadla, cuddles him to her bosom, wipes off the tears and does something that
appears very innocuous – she hits the floor as if to rebuke/ scold/reprimand it for ‘
mere munney ko tooney giraaya aur chot pahunchaayaa aur rulaaya ? ! ‘ This
repeats more often when the laadla is found crying – and every family member
repeats this scene. By contrast, a Jewish mother simply waits for her darling to
succeed after repeated attempts and JUST cuddles him to her bosom !
This bhaarateeya mamata only conveys to the child – through the Heart – that
– falling, failure is bad/undesirable and must be avoided
– repeated attempts can be tricky and avoidable
– placation/ consolation by ‘ blaming the other – the floor ‘ for the fall is the right
response and attitude. Pointing a finger at the other/ passing the buck is instilled
early on. Responsibility takes a beating. Add to this the total protection and
chaperoning,by parents, of the Bhaarateeya child and teen and youth throughout
schooling, college, employment, marriage.
Do we allow them to take pride/ self-esteem in their own attempts – stand, walk fall,
stand, walk…. and run and…. FLY and SOAR ?
Young parents and to-be-parents have a profound lesson in this explanation that was
narrated to a group of urban farmers by a sensitive police officer. I was present and it
hit me like a whiplash. Hope it does the same to all who read this !
Please feel free to contact me – Bhaarateeya navjawaans- on 09892910023 and
[email protected]
Yours Nature – Ally,
Ramanand Kowta

Vriti4 years ago
corruption never rules

Vriti4 years ago

Chandasampath3 years ago
corruption will have end if we are honest

Swera3 years ago
one day a corruption will end if we are honest.

Sweraa3 years ago
corruption destroy the world.

Thierry3 years ago
how can one reduce corruption in a country like Cameroon?

Olagundoye3 years ago
The solution to the problem of corruption can be liken to a man climbing a
ladder.Therefore,such a man that is willing to climb the ladder must not fold his arms
or put it in his pocket.This is my own fomulated quote’A BETTER CAN NEVER BE A
BEST WITHOUT A GOOD’.Lastly,our leaders must strive hard.

Rohit Bajpai3 years ago
I really appreciate your ideas and views as these are the some of the best methods
but the main problem is who should implement on this only 10 out of 1000 people
who really care about these things n try to implement on this, the first first thing we
need to do is be honest with yourself n take an immediate action if anything goes
something around you. If any body came front and take all the necessary actions
then something could be happen.

Dhireema Gupta3 years ago
i really agree with your views but today, nobody himself/herself wants to be
honest at the sight of these corruption cases if one can get control over his/her
demands and behaviour towards anyone than i think corruption will be lessen and
also goverment of a country is known to its rights and responsibilities then
corruption will be fully controlled

Sathish3 years ago
corruption is fully due to the government officials. Politicians are the persons who
stands only for five years, they pass the orders and bills that is fully created by the
IAS officials.

If Government officials are honest, Then the corruption can be fully eradicated.!!!!!!!

JAI HIND!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Shankar Rao11 months ago
Corrupt is our mind if we desire something which is not rightfully ours and to get
that which is not ours we do everything legal, illegal which is corruption. No point
in blaming the system, we have to reform ourselves first and take all possible
action to curb/eliminate corruption in public life.

Rodrick Mupapa6 months ago
Great contribution. I appreciate that.

Dhireema Gupta3 years ago
how we reduce this corruption by being honest ourself goverment of the country
should also be known towards its rights and responsibilities towards country then it
will be under control

Manoranjan Dev3 years ago
i amn’t agreeing with point 1.)…. Because if u will see the biggest scams/corruption,
black money or many social evils like female foeticide,sex determination etc.., that is
happening in India are done most by the educated people not by the illiterate people
that has been also showed in Satyamev Jayate………
So, where are we going after being educated …..
Only Quality education with human & social values can led to this change…….

Ayyappa3 years ago
first people should be honest

SATYAM3 years ago
The Shaikh Ii2 years ago
Lakin corruption ko nikaalna bahut aasan hai bas india k log ek baar sirf kisi bhi
chunao mai neta logo ko sapport na karey to aur na hi ek saal \vote dey kisi bhi
party ko apney aap curruption cum ho jaayega .

Lavanya2 years ago
mahatma gandhiji decided and sent out whole britishers from india like that if we
decided altogether we can throw out corruption from india

Surya2 years ago
All this corruption, atrocities against women, horrible Driving instincts, etc., are all
the branches of single root problem, Lack of Ethics. Yes, whether it is a highly
qualified bureaucrat or a doctor , all of these crimes against the society are because
of the immoral behavior . What will a student learn from a teacher, who himself is a
pervert. There should a change in the education system, there should be a separate
section for ethics in their daily curriculum and the first years of a student must be
spent in making him learn the fundamental rights, responsibilities of a citizen
because a plant can be bent only when it is young. Let them know the power of
transparency in governing things and questioning the wrong.
Only then we can build a nation where everyone is responsible and everything is
transparent ; so is our future.

Shankar Rao2 years ago
I want to be honest and I can remain honest. That’s it. But I always lose my temper if
somebody is not honest and prospering and going scotfree to boot. The justice
system is corrupted and I feel it is a losing battle against corruption. If we are honest
we may atleast remain peaceful and nothing more nothing less.

Brooke1 year ago
Nice article but please work on the grammar. It’s kind of hard to overlook them.

Rodrick Mupapa6 months ago
good good keep it up.


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