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Singing Game

Music Lesson Plan

Title: Shoo Fly Grade Level: 1st

Source: Dr. McConkey

Materials needed:


A.S: Has anyone ever had a fly buzz in front of you? What do you do when
there’s a fly near you that you don’t want near you? That’s right, you shoo it

1. Sing the song all the way through for the class so that they know what it
sounds like
Shoo fly, don’t bother me,
Shoo fly, don’t bother me.
Shoo fly, don’t bother me,
‘Cause I belong to somebody.
I feel, I feel, I feel like a morning star,
I feel, I feel, I feel like a morning star.
2. Begin teaching the class the song by singing one line at a time and having
them echo it back to you. Then group 2 lines together and have them echo,
and so on until they are comfortable singing the song all together with
3. Once the class knows the song, have them get in one big circle and hold
4. During the first line, everyone walks forward towards the center of the
5. During the second line, have everyone walk backwards back to the outside
of the circle.
6. Repeat step four for line 3
7. Repeat self 5 for line 4
8. The last 2 lines of the song repeat for however long the following process
9. For the first round, have the teacher be the leader. The leader will let go
with one hand.
10.The person who’s hand they let go of will raise their other arm up with
the person holding that hand to create an arch. The leader walks under the
arch and slowly walks around until everyone is standing in one large
circle, facing out.
11. Now start the song over again, but this time you will move backwards
(towards the center of the circle) for the first line.
12. Walk forward back towards the outside of the circle for the second line.
13.Repeat step 11 for line 3
14.Repeat step 12 for line 4
15.For the last 2 lines, you’re going to have a leader and the arch again.
Having the leader slowly walk under the arch and make a big circle again,
only this time the class will be facing the inside of the circle.

Closure: Ask the class what they were singing about.

Educational Objective: By the end of this lesson, students will have learned . . .
How to sing in their head voice

Social/ Cognitive Physical Musical Non-

Emotional Subjects

• Maintain • Rememb • Walking National “Core” Music Content

Standards Standards Standards
personal ering the in a
space song specific Creating
1. Singing
while lyrics pattern,
Plan and Make
engaging and what slowly
closely moveme to the 2. Play
Evaluate &
with nts to do song Instruments
classmat during
es different Performing
3. Improvising Select
parts of
the song Analyze

4. Composing
Evaluate, &
5. Reading &
Notating Present

6. Listening Analyze


7. Evaluating Evaluate

Connect #10
8. Integration
(outside arts) Connect #11

9. History/

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