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Public Servants - Revenue Department - Sri A.Madhusudhan, former Mandal

Revenue Inspector, O/o the M.R.O., Bheemgal Mandal, Nizamabad District -
Trapped by the A.C.B. Officials on 17-09-2003 – Convicted by the Court of
the Principal Special Judge for S.P.E.& A.C.B. Cases, Hyderabad in C.C.No.30
of 2004 - Punishment of dismissal from Govt. Service – Imposed – Orders
– Issued.

G.O.Ms.No 725 Dated: 02-08-2010.

Read the following:-

1) From the D.G., A.C.B., A.P., Hyderabad,

Letter No.202/RCT-NZB/2003-S4, Dated:30-12-2003.
2) G.O.Ms.No.429, Revenue (Vigilance-VII) Dept., Dt.07-06-2004.
3) From the D.G., A.C.B., A.P. Hyderabad, Letter C.No.202/RCT-
NZB/2003-S4, Dt.28-06-2010 together with a copy of the
Judgment Dt.22-06-2010 delivered by the Court of Prl. Spl.
Judge for SPE & ACB Cases, Hyderabad in C.C.No.30 of 2004.

** ** **

Whereas, it was brought to the notice of the Government by the

Director General, Anti-Corruption Bureau, Hyderabad that Sri A.
Madhusudhan, former Mandal Revenue Inspector, Office of the Mandal
Revenue Officer, Bheemgal Mandal, Nizamabad District was trapped by the
Anti-Corruption Bureau Officials on 17-09-2003, when he demanded and
accepted an amount of Rs.1,000/- as bribe, from the complainant for
showing official favour in processing the application of the complainant for
issuing Pattadar Pass Book. In the G.O. second read above, orders were
issued to prosecute Sri A.Madhusudhan, Mandal Revenue Inspector, Office of
the Mandal Revenue Officer, Bheemgal Mandal, Nizamabad District and
accordingly, he was prosecuted in a Court of Law.

2. In the letter third read above, the Director General, Anti-Corruption

Bureau, Hyderabad has forwarded a copy of the Judgment Dt:22-06-2010 of
the Court of the Principal Special Judge for S.P.E. & Anti-Corruption Bureau
Cases, Hyderabad in C.C.No.30 of 2004. In the said Judgment Dated:22-
06-2010, the Principal Special Judge found the Accused Officer Sri
A.Madhusudhan, former Mandal Revenue Inspector, Office of the Mandal
Revenue Officer, Bheemgal Mandal, Nizamabad District is guilty of the
charges framed against him under sections 7 & 13(1)(d) read-with section
13(2) of the Prevention of Corruption Act, 1988 and convicted him under
section 248(2) of the Criminal Procedure Code. Hence, the Accused Officer
is sentenced to undergo Rigorous Imprisonment for a period of 6 (Six)
months and he is sentenced to pay a fine of Rs.500/-
:: 2 ::

(Rupees Five hundred only) and in default to pay fine amount, to undergo
Simple Imprisonment for a period of 1 (One) month, for the offence
punishable under section 7 of the said Act. Further, the Accused Officer is
also sentenced to undergo Rigorous Imprisonment for a period of 1 (One)
year, and he is also sentenced to pay a fine of Rs.500/-(Five hundred only)
and in default to pay fine amount, to undergo Simple Imprisonment for 1
(one) month for the offence under section 13(1)(d) read-with section 13(2)
of the said Act. Both the substantive sentences of imprisonment imposed on
the Accused Officer, shall run concurrently.

3. And whereas, it is considered that the conduct of the said Sri A.

Madhusudhan, former Mandal Revenue Inspector, Office of the Mandal
Revenue Officer, Bheemgal Mandal, Nizamabad District which has led to his
conviction on criminal charges are such as to render his further retention in
public service undesirable;

4. And whereas, Government have examined the matter in the light of

the above Judgment and in terms of G.O.Ms.No.2, General Administration
(Services-C) Dept., Dated:04-01-1999 and decided to impose a major
penalty of dismissal from the Government service on Sri A.
Madhusudhan, former Mandal Revenue Inspector, Office of the Mandal
Revenue Officer, Bheemgal Mandal, Nizamabad District for having found
guilty of the charges framed against him under sections 7 and 13(1)(d)
read-with section 13(2) of the Prevention of Corruption Act, 1988.

5. Now, therefore, in exercise of the powers conferred under clause (x)

of Rule-9 read-with sub-rule (i) of Rule-25 of the Andhra Pradesh Civil
Services (Classification, Control and Appeal) Rules, 1991 read-with
G.O.Ms.No.2, General Administration (Services-C) Dept., Dt.04-01-1999,
Government of Andhra Pradesh hereby dismiss Sri A.Madhusudhan, former
Mandal Revenue Inspector, Office of the Mandal Revenue Officer, Bheemgal
Mandal, Nizamabad District from Govt. service, with immediate effect.

6. The Chief Commissioner of Land Administration, Andhra Pradesh,

Hyderabad / the Collector & District Magistrate, Nizamabad shall take
necessary further action accordingly and furnish the compliance report, to
the Government, immediately.
:: 3 ::

7. Accordingly, the following Notification shall be published in the Andhra

Pradesh Gazette;


In exercise of the powers conferred under clause (x) of Rule-9 read-

with sub-rule (i) of Rule-25 of the Andhra Pradesh Civil Services
(Classification, Control and Appeal) Rules, 1991 read-with G.O.Ms.No.2,
General Administration (Services-C) Department, Dated:04-01-1999,
Government of Andhra Pradesh hereby dismiss Sri A.Madhusudhan, former
Mandal Revenue Inspector, Office of the Mandal Revenue Officer, Bheemgal
Mandal, Nizamabad District from Government service, with immediate



The Commissioner, Printing, Stationery and Stores Purchase, Chanchalguda,
Andhra Pradesh, Hyderabad (with a request to publish the notification in the
Official Gazette and furnish 25 copies of the same to Govt. for record)
The Chief Commissioner of Land Administration, A.P., Hyderabad.
The Collector & District Magistrate, Nizamabad District.
Sri A.Madhusudhan, former Mandal Revenue Inspector, Bheemgal Mandal,
Nizamabad District through the Collector & District Magistrate, Nizamabad
District with a request to obtain and furnish the dated acknowledgement of
the individual to the Govt., for taking further action in the matter.
Copy to:
The Accountant General, Andhra Pradesh, Hyderabad.
The Director General, Anti-Corruption Bureau, Andhra Pradesh, Hyderabad
The Secretary to Vigilance Commissioner, A.P.Vigilance Commission,
The District Treasury Officer, Nizamabad District.

// Forwarded :: By Order //

Section Officer

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