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Participant Information Sheet Form 3d

Revised 2009.1
Youth Camp Date Venue

Area Sector Cluster Chapter

Please Fill-up with the necessary details especially the one inside this box
Family Name Given Name Middle Name Nickname


Birthday Age KFC to YFC School Grade or Year Level Course

Yes No
Blood Type Gender Cell # Telephone # (landline) E-mail Address
Male Female

Name of Father Occupation

Father’s Organization (if member of Couples for Christ, pls. indicate sector/chapter)

CFC __________________________________________ Other Org. __________________________________________________________________

Name of Mother Occupation

Mother’s Organization (if member of Couples for Christ, pls. indicate sector/chapter)

CFC __________________________________________ Other Org. __________________________________________________________________

Name of Person to notify in case of emergency Relationship Contact No.

Seminars /Retreats Attended (religious, extracurricular, etc.)

Name of School/Parish Organization Position / Nature of Service

Special Skills (ex. Playing musical instruments, dancing, singing, etc.)

Illness that require special attention

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