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Chapter 13: Vibrations and Waves

Simple Harmonic Motion

When the restoring force has the
mathematical form given by F = -kx
(Hooke’s Law), the resultant periodic
motion is referred to as “simple harmonic
Amplitude, A, is the maximum position of
the object relative to the equilibrium
The period, T, is the time that it takes for
the object to complete one complete cycle
1 2 1 1 of motion, from x = A to x = -A and back
ETotal = mv + kx 2 = kA2 to x = A.
2 2 2
The frequency, ƒ, is the number of
k 2 2 complete cycles or vibrations per unit time
v=± (A  x )
m ƒ = 1/T.

We already knew an example of SHM:

Uniform Circular Motion!


If we analyze the x-direction (or y-direction) motion of an object in uniform circular

motion, we see that the centripetal force on the object is proportional to its displacement
from the center of the circle in the x-direction. In other words, the projection of an object
in uniform circular motion into one dimension creates a situation which is identical to an
object bound to the end of a spring in a simple harmonic oscillation.
Kinematics of Simple Harmonic Motion
Since the x-component of the force on an object in uniform
circular motion is the same as (the x-component of) the
force on an object at the end of a spring. Both motions (in
the x-direction) must be identical. To describe the motion
of an object on a spring, we only need to analyze the 1-D
projection of a object in uniform circular motion.

x = A cos  = A cos( t +  0 )
v x =  A sin  =  A sin( t +  0 )
a x =  A 2 cos  =  A 2 cos( t +  0 )

Plugging these expressions into our original

equation of F = -k x = m a , we identify that

k 2 m 
 = T = = 2 f =
m  k 2
Note: Freqency of SHM is independent of amplitude.

Simple Harmonic Motion, Sinusoidal curves

Example Problem

A spring of negligible mass stretches 3.00 cm from its relaxed length

when a force of 7.50 N is applied. A 0.500-kg particle rests on a
frictionless horizontal surface and is attached to the free end of the
spring. The particle is pulled horizontally so that it stretches the
spring 5.00 cm and is then released from rest at t = 0. (a) What is the
force constant of the spring? (b) What are the angular frequency ,
the frequency, and the period of the motion? (c) What is the total
energy of the system? (d) What is the amplitude of the motion? (e)
What are the maximum velocity and the maximum acceleration of the
particle? (f) Determine the displacement x of the particle from the
equilibrium position at t = 0.500 s.

The pendulum
The gravitational force acting on a mass
m on a string with length of L, when it
is displaced a small distance s from its
equilibrium position, has an
approximate tangential component of

Ft = - ( mg/L ) s ,

acting in a direction to push the mass

back toward the equilibrium position.
So the force acting on the pendulum is
the same as that from a spring with a
spring constant of k = (mg/L).

In general, the motion of a pendulum is not

simple harmonic. However, for small angles
(usually < 15˚ ), it becomes simple harmonic.
Motion of The Pendulum

Since the restoring force on the pendulum

is proportional to the displacement of the
pendulum, the resultant motion is
obviously “simple harmonic”. The angular
frequency of the pendulum motion is


2 L
T = = 2

T is independent of m!
Pendulum Cf. Spring-Mass

More examples of simple harmonic motion

As long as you can establish that a restoring force

acting on an object can be expressed in the form of
F = -kx, the object is in a simple harmonic motion,
with =(k/m)1/2 and T=2/.
Wave Motion

Waves: A wave is a traveling disturbance. It carries energy

but involves no net transportation of material.
 Mechanical waves require
 Some source of disturbance

 A medium that can be disturbed

 Some physical connection between or

mechanism though which adjacent portions of

the medium influence each other

Types Of Waves

A transverse wave has

disturbance perpendicular to
the direction of the wave.
A longitudinal wave has
disturbance parallel to the
direction of the wave.
Description of a wave
period (T)

frequency (f=T -1)

amplitude (A)

wavelength ()

The speed on a wave stretched under

tension F is
speed ( v = /T = f )
μ is called the linear density

Interference of Waves

The Principle of Linear Superposition

When two or more waves are
present simultaneously at the
same place, the resultant
disturbance is the sum of the
disturbances from the
individual waves.
Reflection of Waves

• When a traveling
wave reaches a
boundary, all or
part of it is reflected
• When reflected
from a free end, the
pulse is not inverted
• When it is reflected
from a fixed end,
the wave is inverted
Free End

Fixed End

Chapter 13 Summary

Simple harmonic motion occurs when the net force is proportional

to the displacement and in the opposite direction.

Two examples: mass attached to spring and simple pendulum.

Transverse wave and longitudinal wave.
Amplitude, period, frequency, and wavelength of a periodic wave.
Speed of wave on a string.
Superposition principle of waves.
Reflection of waves.

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