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Which of the following is true about the persona, who speaks in the third person:

He/She recalls the haiyan dead after the storm. It is all about the aftermath experienced and felt
by the Filipino survivors when the typhoon Haiyan struck the Philippines. The writer recalls what
has happened during those hard times and she made it in a form of a poem.

2. ---
3. What are the images of devastation dramatized in the poem? Write in the space below the lines
that described the locality after the storm

The surroundings were severely devastated by the storm, it was as if there’s no uneding trash
everywhere. The houses were destroyed, the livelihood of the people died, dead bodies can be
seen everywhere, people were sad, broken and their dreams were shattered.

4. There were clear references to what the dead were doing in what was left of their town after
the typhoon. What do these suggest about the persona’s attitude towards the event?

I think it depicts that after the typhoon, the dead bodies were everywhere, and they were left
behind with no one, not even their own families.

5. Some parts of the poem do not follow the usual writing mechanics. How do you relate this with
the persona’s attitude towards the devastation?

It was written in a ravel way just like the aftermath experienced and felt by the Filipino survivors
when the typhoon Haiyan struck the Philippines, it was messy but there’s lesson in it.

6. The Haiyan dead, in the memorializing of the persona, seems unable to have peace as they “ do
not sleep” and keep on “ looking” for certain people, objects, or palces in the town. How do you
relate the two main actions of the Haiyan dead?

The Haiyan Dead persona are the same people before the storm made its land fall but instead of
doing what they have been doing ever since, they are now looking for their own bodies in the
places where they had happy thoughts, in places where they have lived their lives. Now, they
are looking for their bodies, which were once lively, dancing, praying, playing, working, and
feeling. Now, they are all killed and missing.

7. Thinking of the poem in terms of metaphor

Haiyan dead refers to the victims of the Yolanda typhoon. This poem also refers how traumatic
the typhoon was . That night, when the typhoon happened, people are seeking for miracle, they
are hoping for someone to help them . This poem shows that this typhoon indeed made a huge
impact to their lives. This will haunt them down. It became a big part of their lives and memories
that is hard to forget.

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