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Lichen planus

Lichen planus is an idiopathic inflammatory disease of skin
and mucous membrane . It is characterized by itchy, flat,
violaceous skin papules that favors exteremeties .It comes in
episodes lasting months to years. The onset may be gradual
or quick.
LP affects up to 1% of population
All racial groups are affected .
Age group 30-60 years.
Children and elderly are rarely affected.
Women : men approximately 2:1.
.Familial cases are rare.
Actinic form is common in middle east countries.
Lichen planus (LP) is thought to be caused by a T cell–mediated
autoimmune reaction against basal epithelial keratinocytes in
.people with genetic predisposition
:Triggering factors
• Infection :virus or bacteria..
• Emotional factors appear to be sometimes of
• Exposure to sun,especialy in the actinic or
photosensetive type.
• Trauma.

• Hepatitis C infection.
• Certain types of vaccines . hepatitis B
• Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs.
• Certain medications for heart disease, high blood
pressure or arthritis
• Allergic reactions to amalgam fillings may contribute
to oral lesions
The disease is characterized by itchy papular lesions located
at: the wrist region ,flexor aspect of the forearm,
ankles, legs , neck , genital and sacral regions.

Mucous membrane lesions occur in more than 50% of cases

;scalp,the palms, soles and nails can be involved
Signs and symptoms of lichen planus vary depending on what
parts of the body are affected.
The lesion is a papule which is characterized by being flat
topped,polygonal in shape,violacious in color ,has glistening
surface,and shows central umblication and fine arborisations
which are called ‘Wickhams striae.there may be fine adherent
scales on its surface.
Koebner phenomenon is commonly seen in LP.
The lesions may be few,numerous, disceret or coalising
together giving rise to plaques.
The rash tends to heal with prominent blue-black or brownish
discoloration that persists for a long time
Acute Lichen planus <6 monthes
Lesions are widely distributed and dissemenate rapidly
commonly in trunk,inner aspect of wrist and dorsum of the
feet. Lesions resolve with hyper pigmentation within 3-9
.Chronic Lichen planus> 6 monthes

Morphology 2
• The classical type.
• Annular type
• Linear type.
• Atrophic type.
• Hypertrophic type.
• Bullous type.
Hypertrophic lichen planus
This condition appears as thick, reddish-brown lesions that
are covered with scales. These lesions tend to be on the shins,
but they can occur anywhere on the body. This is an
especially itchy and persistent (chronic) variant of lichen
Localization 3
• Lichen planus of the mucous membrane.
• Actinic or photosensitive type .
• Genital lichen planus.
• Licken planus of the scalp Lichen plano-pilaris .
• Lichen planus of the nails,
• Lichen planus of palms and soles
• Inverse lichen planus.

(Mucous membrane of the mouth( 50%

1. Reticular pattern : more common,patches of lacy white
lines that appear most often on the inside of cheeks. The
gums, lips and tongue also may be affected
2. Erosive form: sores or ulcers that appear in the mouth.
These tend to cause pain or a burning sensation , malignant
change is a possibility.

Actinic lichen planus

• LP- Tropics
• Photosensitive type
Scalp lesion: lichen planopilaris
Lichen planus affecting the scalp is relatively rare. The name
given for this condition is lichen planopilaris. The lesions
may result in:
• Temporary or permanent hair loss
• Scarring or discoloration of the scalp after healing.
• Ridges running the length of the nail
• Thinning or splitting of the nail
• Temporary or permanent nail loss
Men. Annular and itchy lesion most often affect the tip of the
penis (glans).
Women. Lichen planus can cause purplish skin lesions and
itching on the external genitalia (vulva) or painful, burning
sores on the mucous membrane lining the vagina. .

Tests and diagnosis

Biopsy. A punch biopsy may be necessary to confirm the
diagnosis or to rule out another cause.
. Hepatitis C test.

• Hyperkeratosis without parakeratosis
• Hypergranulosis : which is sometimes irrigular and
this is responsible for wikham’s striae .
• Irregular acanthosis: Development of a "saw-tooth"
appearance .
• Liquifaction degeneration of basal cell layer resulting
in Vacular changes within basal cell layer and
separation between dermis and epidermis (max- Joseph
• Civatte or colloid body formation. These result from
degenerating of keratinocytes .
• Band like Infiltration of lymphocytic inflammatory
cells into the subepithelial layer of connective tissue
• Psoriasis
• Lichenoid drug eruption
• Chronic eczem
• Pityriasis rosea
• Leucoplekia
• Lichen amyloidosis
• Plaques of Verruca vulgaris
• Lichen planus, usually runs a chronic course with
remission and excerbation . The average duration of the
condition is 3-6 years, being longer in hypertrophic
lesions and mucous membrane involvement . The
prognosis of the acute variety is better than chronic type
and response to treatment is better .
• Spontaneous resolution has been observed in more
than half of the patients after one year,mean duration of
oral lichen is about 5 years.
• Drugs. Possibility of drug intake should be
considered .
• Exposure to sun. protection
• Stress assurance
• Hepatitis C. referre to a specialist in liver disease
(hepatologist) for further diagnostic evaluation and
disease management

• Topical and Oral steroids.

• Topical and Oral retinoids )
• Antihistamines
• Grisofulvin .
• Immunosuppressive drugs


Corticosteroids improves inflammation associated with lichen
 Topical,topical under occlusion.
 Intralesional
 Oral .
Antihistamines act against a protein called histamine that is
involved in inflammatory activity, they relieve itching
associated with lichen planus.
• Retinoids are synthetic versions of vitamin A that
can be applied topically or taken orally for treatment.
• Because both topical and oral retinoids can cause
birth defects, the drugs shouldn't be used by women
who are pregnant or planning to become pregnant in the
near future
• Immunosuppressive drugs
• Oral Cyclosporins in resistant cases not responding
to corticosteroids and retinoids
 Light therapy, or phototherapy, may help clear up
lichen planus affecting the skin. In loalized resistant or
hypertrophic cases.

The most common phototherapy for lichen planus uses
ultraviolet B (UVB) light, which penetrates only the upper
layer of skin (epidermis).
ultraviolet A (UVA) light, which penetrates deep into the
skin. This therapy is usually used in combination with oral
or topical psoralen.

***Short-term side effects of this therapy may include

nausea, headache and itching. To avoid sunburns, avoid sun
exposure for a couple of days after taking psoralen

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