Ardhanārīśvara, Ardhanirisvara Stotram

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ardhanārīśvara stotram

cāmpeya gaurārdha śarīrakāyai,
karpūra gaurārdha śarīrakāya
dhammillakāyai ca jaṭādharāya
namaḥ śivāyai ca namaḥ śivāya |1|

My salutations to both Parvathi and Shiva

To Her whose body shines similar to molten gold,
To Him whose body shines like the burning camphor,
To Her who has a well made up hair,
And to Him who has the matted lock.

kastūrikā kuṅkuma carcitāyai

citārajaḥ puñja vicarcitāya
kṛtasmarāyai vikṛta smarāya
namaḥ śivāyai ca namaḥ śivāya |2|

My salutations to both Parvathi and Shiva,

To Her whose body is smeared with musk and saffron,
To Him whose body is smeared with ashes of a burning ghat,
To Her whose prettiness radiates love,
And to Him who destroyed the God of love.

jhaṇat kvaṇat kaṅkaṇa nūpurāyai

pādābja rājat phaṇi nūpurāya
hemāṅgadāyai bhujagāṅgadāya
namaḥ śivāyai ca namaḥ śivāya |3|

My salutations to both Prvathi and Shiva,

To Her who has tinkling pretty anklets,
To Him who has the king of snakes as anklet,
To Her who shines with golden anklets,
And to Him who has snakes as anklets.

viśāla nīlotpala locanāyai,

vikāsi paṅkeruha locanāya
samekṣaṇāyai viṣamekṣaṇāya
namaḥ śivāyai ca namaḥ śivāya |4|

My salutations to both Parvathi and Shiva,

To Her who has eyes as wide as the blue lotus,
To Him who has eyes as wide as a fully opened lotus,
To Her who has even number of eyes,
And to Him who has odd number of eyes.
mandāra mālā kalitālakāyai
kapālamālāṅkita kandharāya,
divyāmbarāyai ca digambarāya
namaḥ śivāyai ca namaḥ śivāya |5|

My salutations to both Parvathi and Shiva,

To Her whose hair is decorated with divine flowers,
To Him who wears a garland of skulls,
To Her who dresses in great silks,
And to Him wearing the eight directions.

ambhodhara śyāmala kuntalāyai

taḍitprabhā tāmra jaṭādharāya
nirīśvarāyai nikhileśvarāya
namaḥ śivāyai ca namaḥ śivāya |6|

My salutations to both Parvathi and Shiva,

To Her who has black hair like the swollen cloud,
To Him who has copper matted locks like lightning,
To Her who is the goddess of the mountains,
And to Him who is the Lord of the universe.

prapañca sṛṣṭyun mukhalāsyakāyai

samasta saṃhāraka tāṇḍavāya
jagad jananyai jagadeka pitre
namaḥ śivāyai ca namaḥ śivāya | 7|

My salutations to both Parvathi and Shiva,

To Her whose dance marks the creation of the world,
To Him whose dance destroys everything,
To Her who is the mother of the universe,
To Him who is the father of the universe.

pradīpta ratnojjvala kuṇḍalāyai

sphuran mahāpannaga bhūṣaṇāya
śivānvitāyai ca śivānvitāya
namaḥ śivāyai ca namaḥ śivāya | 8|

My salutations to both Parvathi and Shiva,

To Her with glittering earrings of gems,
To Him who wears a great serpent as an ornament,
To Her who is divinely merged with Shiva,
And to Him who is divinely merged with Parvathi.
etat paṭhed aṣṭhaka miṣṭadaṃ yo
bhaktyā sa mānyo bhuvi dīrghajīvī
prāpnoti saubhāgyam anantakālaṃ
bhūyātsadā tasya samasta siddhiḥ |9|

Those who chant this Ardhanarishwara Stotram

with bhakthi will be blessed long respectful life
and will be blessed with all they wish to to have in their lifetime.

iti śrī ādiśankara bhagavatpadā viracitam

śrī ardhanārīśvara stotram sampūrṇam |

Here ends Sri Adi Shankara bhagavatpada composed Ardhanarishwara stotram

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