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Lague, Inah Krizia O.



It is important to know that MMDST is a screening test not an intelligence test, or

a diagnostic test and it is not a predictor of the future adaptive or intellectual ability.
Considering the child’s age which is crucial and it is the initial step in the test administration,
and the test items which is dependent on the age of the child. The child’s age is significant in
order to identify the items to be assessed and to give the exact and appropriate interpretation.
The main goal of this test is to screen it the developmental milestone of the child is
appropriately developed for his/her age, to know the capability of the child at his/her age and to
know how the personal-social, fine motor adaptive, language and gross motor develops. As a
student nurse, we must conduct appropriately the test items according to the child’s age,
observe a child’s actual developmental stage and interpret the results correctly, educate the
parents of the child about the stage where the child belongs, and to let them understand and
give proper care to their child. Explain to the parents or guardian, that the child is not expected
to pass all the items. The test will only show what the child can do at certain age.
In obtaining our test results, we used the Metro Manila Developmental Screening
Test (MMDST) kit and its contents in performing the test such as plays interactive games,
Removes Garments ,washes hands and dries hands(Personal- social), Imitates bridge , imitates
vertical line ,Towers 2 Cubes, Towers 4 cubes, Dumps cheese curls from bottle Spontaneously,
Dumps cheese curls from bottle demonstrated (Fine- motor), names picture, follows directions,
uses plurals (language), Kicks Ball, throwing ball overhead, balane one foot, jumps in place,
pedals tricycle and broad jump (Gross motor). Based on the results, we interpreted it as
“normal” for the reason that he has no delays for his development and it is not abnormal
because he was still able to perform other tasks that most children can perform near his age
For me the test that we had was a bit challenging since the toddler that we have
chosen to test is very shy and we have to make and extra effort for him to cooperate however I
can say that it was a good experience for me and I can say that I learned something from it
because it helps me widen more my understanding to every children`s behaviour and at same
time thought me to be more patient in dealing with pediatric clients that I might be dealing with
in the future. I realized that this test can make a big impact on a child`s life because its main
purpose is to measure and to evaluate the developmental delays manifested by the child, and to
give assessment according to the scored items and results of the four aspects of development as
performed by the child. This would allow us to correct, modify, or lessen the severity of any
identified developmental delays.

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