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240RGB x 320 dot 262K Color with Frame Memory

Single-Chip TFT Controller/Driver

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Version 1.3
1 GENERAL DESCRIPTION................................................................................................................................. 12

2 FEATURES ............................................................................................................................................................ 13

3 PAD ARRANGEMENT ........................................................................................................................................ 15

3.1 OUTPUT BUMP DIMENSION............................................................................................................................. 15

3.2 INPUT BUMP DIMENSION ................................................................................................................................ 16
3.3 ALIGNMENT MARK DIMENSION ..................................................................................................................... 17
3.4 CHIP INFORMATION ........................................................................................................................................ 17

4 PAD CENTER COORDINATES ......................................................................................................................... 18

5 BLOCK DIAGRAM ............................................................................................................................................. 31

6 PIN DESCRIPTION ............................................................................................................................................. 32

6.1 POWER SUPPLY PINS ....................................................................................................................................... 32

6.2 INTERFACE LOGIC PINS .................................................................................................................................. 33
6.3 DRIVER OUTPUT PINS ..................................................................................................................................... 36
6.4 TEST AND OTHER PINS .................................................................................................................................... 36

7 DRIVER ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS .............................................................................................. 37

7.1 ABSOLUTE OPERATION RANGE....................................................................................................................... 37

7.2 DC CHARACTERISTICS ................................................................................................................................... 38
7.3 POWER CONSUMPTION ................................................................................................................................... 40
7.4 AC CHARACTERISTICS ................................................................................................................................... 41
7.4.1 8080 Series MCU Parallel Interface Characteristics: 18/16/9/8-bit Bus ................................................. 41
7.4.2 Serial Interface Characteristics (3-line serial): ........................................................................................ 43
7.4.3 Serial Interface Characteristics (4-line serial): ........................................................................................ 44
7.4.4 RGB Interface Characteristics: ................................................................................................................ 46
7.4.5 Reset Timing: ............................................................................................................................................ 48

8 FUNCTION DESCRIPTION ............................................................................................................................... 50

8.1 MPU INTERFACE TYPE SELECTION ................................................................................................................ 50

8.2 8080-Ⅰ SERIES MCU PARALLEL INTERFACE ................................................................................................ 51
8.2.1 Write cycle sequence ................................................................................................................................. 51
8.2.2 Read cycle sequence ................................................................................................................................. 52
8.3 8080-Ⅱ SERIES MCU PARALLEL INTERFACE ................................................................................................ 54
8.4 SERIAL INTERFACE ......................................................................................................................................... 55
8.4.1 Pin description .......................................................................................................................................... 55
8.4.2 Command write mode ............................................................................................................................... 56
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disclosed in whole or in part without prior written permission of Sitronix.
8.4.3 Read function ............................................................................................................................................ 58
8.4.4 3-line serial interface Ⅰ/Ⅱ protocol...................................................................................................... 58
8.4.5 4-line serial protocol................................................................................................................................. 60
8.4.6 2 data lane serial Interface ....................................................................................................................... 62
8.5 DATA TRANSFER BREAK AND RECOVERY ....................................................................................................... 66
8.6 DATA TRANSFER PAUSE .................................................................................................................................. 68
8.6.1 Parallel interface pause ............................................................................................................................ 68
8.7 DATA TRANSFER MODE .................................................................................................................................. 68
8.7.1 Method 1 ................................................................................................................................................... 68
8.7.2 Method 2 ................................................................................................................................................... 69
8.8 DATA COLOR CODING ..................................................................................................................................... 70
8.8.1 8080-Ⅰ series 8-bit Parallel Interface .................................................................................................... 70
8.8.2 8-bit data bus for 12-bit/pixel (RGB 4-4-4-bit input), 4K-Colors, 3Ah=”03h”........................................ 70
8.8.3 8-bit data bus for 16-bit/pixel (RGB 5-6-5-bit input), 65K-Colors, 3Ah=”05h”...................................... 71
8.8.4 8-bit data bus for 18-bit/pixel (RGB-6-6-6-bit input), 262K-Colors, 3Ah=”06h” ................................... 72
8.8.5 8080-Ⅱ series 8-bit Parallel Interface .................................................................................................... 73
8.8.6 8-bit data bus for 16-bit/pixel (RGB 5-6-5-bit input), 65K-Colors, 3Ah=”05h”...................................... 73
8.8.7 8-bit data bus for 18-bit/pixel (RGB 6-6-6-bit input), 262K-Colors, 3Ah=”06h”.................................... 74
8.8.8 8080-Ⅰ series 16-Bit Parallel Interface.................................................................................................. 75
8.8.9 16-bit data bus for 12-bit/pixel (RGB 4-4-4-bit input), 4K-Colors, 3Ah=”03h”...................................... 76
8.8.10 16-bit data bus for 16-bit/pixel (RGB 5-6-5-bit input) 65K-Color, 3Ah=”05h” .................................. 77
8.8.11 16-bit data bus for 18-bit/pixel (RGB-6-6-6-bit input), 262K-Colors, 3Ah=”06h”, MDT[1:0]=”00b” . 78
8.8.12 16-bit data bus for 18-bit/pixel (RGB-6-6-6-bit input), 262K-Colors, 3Ah=”06h”, MDT[1:0]=”01b”
8.8.13 16-bit data bus for 18-bit/pixel (RGB-6-6-6-bit input), 262K-Colors, 3Ah=”06h”, MDT[1:0]=”10b”
8.8.14 16-bit data bus for 18-bit/pixel (RGB-6-6-6-bit input), 262K-Colors, 3Ah=”06h”, MDT[1:0]=”11b”
8.8.15 8080-Ⅱ series 16-Bit Parallel Interface ............................................................................................. 82
8.8.16 16-bit data bus for 16-bit/pixel (RGB 5-6-5-bit input) 65K-Color, 3Ah=”05h” .................................. 82
8.8.17 16-bit data bus for 18-bit/pixel (RGB-6-6-6-bit input), 262K-Colors, 3Ah=”06h”, MDT[1:0]=”00b”
8.8.18 16-bit data bus for 18-bit/pixel (RGB-6-6-6-bit input), 262K-Colors, 3Ah=”06h”, MDT[1:0]=”01b”
8.8.19 16-bit data bus for 18-bit/pixel (RGB-6-6-6-bit input), 262K-Colors, 3Ah=”06h”, MDT[1:0]=”10b”
8.8.20 16-bit data bus for 18-bit/pixel (RGB-6-6-6-bit input), 262K-Colors, 3Ah=”06h”, MDT[1:0]=”11b”
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8.8.21 8080-Ⅰ series 9-Bit Parallel Interface ............................................................................................... 87
8.8.22 Write 9-bit data for RGB 5-6-5-bit input (65K-Color), 3Ah=”05h”.................................................... 87
8.8.23 Write 9-bit data for RGB 6-6-6-bit input (262K-Color), 3Ah=”06h”, MDT[1:0]=”00b” .................. 88
8.8.24 Write 9-bit data for RGB 6-6-6-bit input (262K-Color), 3Ah=”06h”, MDT[1:0]=”01b” .................. 89
8.8.25 8080-Ⅱ series 9-bit Parallel Interface ............................................................................................... 90
8.8.26 Write 9-bit data for RGB 5-6-5-bit input (65K-Color), 3Ah=”05h”.................................................... 90
8.8.27 Write 9-bit data for RGB 6-6-6-bit input (262K-Color), 3Ah=”06h”, MDT[1:0]=”00b” .................. 91
8.8.28 Write 9-bit data for RGB 6-6-6-bit input (262K-Color), 3Ah=”06h”, MDT[1:0]=”01b” .................. 92
8.8.29 8080-Ⅰ series 18-Bit Parallel Interface ............................................................................................. 93
8.8.30 18-bit data bus for 12-bit/pixel (RGB-4-4-4-bit input), 4K-colors, 3Ah=”03h” ................................. 94
8.8.31 18-bit data bus for 16-bit/pixel (RGB-5-6-5-bit input), 65K-colors, 3Ah=”05h” ............................... 95
8.8.32 18-bit data bus for 18-bit/pixel (RGB-6-6-6-bit input), 262K-colors, 3Ah=”06h” ............................. 97
8.8.33 8080-Ⅱ series 18-Bit Parallel Interface ............................................................................................. 98
8.8.34 18-bit data bus for 16-bit/pixel (RGB-5-6-5-bit input), 65K-colors, 3Ah=”05h” ............................... 99
8.8.35 18-bit data bus for 18-bit/pixel (RGB-6-6-6-bit input), 262K-colors, 3Ah=”06h” ........................... 101
8.8.36 3-Line Serial Interface ....................................................................................................................... 102
8.8.37 Write data for 12-bit/pixel (RGB-4-4-4 bit input), 4K-Colors, 3Ah=”03h” ...................................... 102
8.8.38 Write data for 16-bit/pixel (RGB 5-6-5-bit input), 65K-Colors, 3Ah=”05h” .................................... 103
8.8.39 Write data for 18-bit/pixel (RGB-6-6-6-bit input), 262K-Colors, 3Ah=”06h” .................................. 103
8.8.40 4-Line Serial Interface ....................................................................................................................... 104
8.8.41 Write data for 12-bit/pixel (RGB 4-4-4-bit input), 4K-Colors, 3Ah=”03h” ...................................... 104
8.8.42 Write data for 16-bit/pixel (RGB-5-6-5-bit input), 65K-Colors, 3Ah=”05h” .................................... 105
8.8.43 Write data for 18-bit/pixel (RGB-6-6-6-bit input), 262K-Colors, 3Ah=”06h” .................................. 106
8.9 RGB INTERFACE........................................................................................................................................... 107
8.9.1 RGB interface Selection .......................................................................................................................... 107
8.9.2 RGB Color Format ................................................................................................................................. 107
8.9.3 RGB Interface Definition ........................................................................................................................ 113
8.9.4 RGB Interface Mode Selection................................................................................................................ 114
8.9.5 RGB Interface Timing ............................................................................................................................. 115
8.10 VSYNC INTERFACE ..................................................................................................................................... 118
8.10.1 18-bit RGB Interface .......................................................................................................................... 118
8.10.2 VSYNC Interface Mode ...................................................................................................................... 120
8.11 DISPLAY DATA RAM .................................................................................................................................... 122
8.11.1 Configuration ..................................................................................................................................... 122
8.11.2 Memory to display address mapping.................................................................................................. 123
8.12 ADDRESS CONTROL...................................................................................................................................... 124
8.13 NORMAL DISPLAY ON OR PARTIAL MODE ON, VERTICAL SCROLL OFF ........................................................ 126
8.14 VERTICAL SCROLL MODE ............................................................................................................................. 128
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8.14.1 Rolling scroll ...................................................................................................................................... 128
8.14.2 Vertical Scroll Example ...................................................................................................................... 130
8.15 TEARING EFFECT .......................................................................................................................................... 132
8.15.1 Tearing effect line modes .................................................................................................................... 132
8.15.2 Tearign effect line timings .................................................................................................................. 133
8.15.3 Example 1: MPU Write is faster than panel read............................................................................... 134
8.15.4 Example 2: MPU write is slower than panel read ............................................................................. 135
8.16 POWER ON/OFF SEQUENCE ......................................................................................................................... 136
8.16.1 Uncontrolled Power Off ..................................................................................................................... 137
8.17 POWER LEVEL DEFINITION ........................................................................................................................... 138
8.17.1 Power Level........................................................................................................................................ 138
8.18 POWER FLOW CHART ................................................................................................................................... 139
8.19 GAMMA CORRECTION .................................................................................................................................. 140
8.20 GRAY VOLTAGE GENERATOR FOR DIGITAL GAMMA CORRECTION................................................................... 145
8.21 DISPLAY DIMMING ....................................................................................................................................... 146
8.21.1 General Description ........................................................................................................................... 146
8.21.2 Dimming Requirement........................................................................................................................ 146
8.21.3 Definition of brightness transition time.............................................................................................. 148
8.22 CONTENT ADAPTIVE BRIGHTNESS CONTROL (CABC) ................................................................................. 150
8.22.1 Definition of CABC ............................................................................................................................ 150
8.22.2 Minimum brightness setting of CABC function .................................................................................. 154

9 COMMAND ........................................................................................................................................................ 156

9.1 SYSTEM FUNCTION COMMAND TABLE 1....................................................................................................... 156

9.1.1 NOP (00h) ............................................................................................................................................... 162
9.1.2 SWRESET (01h): Software Reset ............................................................................................................ 163
9.1.3 RDDID (04h): Read Display ID ............................................................................................................. 165
9.1.4 RDDST (09h): Read Display Status ........................................................................................................ 167
9.1.5 RDDPM (0Ah): Read Display Power Mode ........................................................................................... 170
9.1.6 RDDMADCTL (0Bh): Read Display MADCTL ...................................................................................... 172
9.1.7 RDDCOLMOD (0Ch): Read Display Pixel Format ............................................................................... 174
9.1.8 RDDIM (0Dh): Read Display Image Mode ............................................................................................ 176
9.1.9 RDDSM (0Eh): Read Display Signal Mode ............................................................................................ 178
9.1.10 RDDSDR (0Fh): Read Display Self-Diagnostic Result...................................................................... 180
9.1.11 SLPIN (10h): Sleep in ........................................................................................................................ 182
9.1.12 SLPOUT (11h): Sleep Out .................................................................................................................. 184
9.1.13 PTLON (12h): Partial Display Mode On ........................................................................................... 186
9.1.14 NORON (13h): Normal Display Mode On ......................................................................................... 187

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9.1.15 INVOFF (20h): Display Inversion Off ............................................................................................... 188
9.1.16 INVON (21h): Display Inversion On.................................................................................................. 190
9.1.17 GAMSET (26h): Gamma Set .............................................................................................................. 192
9.1.18 DISPOFF (28h): Display Off ............................................................................................................. 194
9.1.19 DISPON (29h): Display On ............................................................................................................... 196
9.1.20 CASET (2Ah): Column Address Set.................................................................................................... 198
9.1.21 RASET (2Bh): Row Address Set ......................................................................................................... 200
9.1.22 RAMWR (2Ch): Memory Write .......................................................................................................... 202
9.1.23 RAMRD (2Eh): Memory Read ........................................................................................................... 204
9.1.24 PTLAR (30h): Partial Area ................................................................................................................ 206
9.1.25 VSCRDEF (33h): Vertical Scrolling Definition.................................................................................. 208
9.1.26 TEOFF (34h): Tearing Effect Line OFF ............................................................................................ 211
9.1.27 TEON (35h): Tearing Effect Line On ................................................................................................. 213
9.1.28 MADCTL (36h): Memory Data Access Control ................................................................................. 215
9.1.29 VSCSAD (37h): Vertical Scroll Start Address of RAM ....................................................................... 218
9.1.30 IDMOFF (38h): Idle Mode Off .......................................................................................................... 220
9.1.31 IDMON (39h): Idle mode on .............................................................................................................. 222
9.1.32 COLMOD (3Ah): Interface Pixel Format .......................................................................................... 224
9.1.33 WRMEMC (3Ch): Write Memory Continue ....................................................................................... 225
9.1.34 RDMEMC (3Eh): Read Memory Continue ........................................................................................ 227
9.1.35 STE (44h): Set Tear Scanline ............................................................................................................. 229
9.1.36 GSCAN (45h): Get Scanline............................................................................................................... 231
9.1.37 WRDISBV (51h): Write Display Brightness ....................................................................................... 233
9.1.38 RDDISBV (52h): Read Display Brightness Value .............................................................................. 235
9.1.39 WRCTRLD (53h): Write CTRL Display ............................................................................................. 237
9.1.40 RDCTRLD (54h): Read CTRL Value Display .................................................................................... 239
9.1.41 WRCACE (55h): Write Content Adaptive Brightness Control and Color Enhancement.................... 241
9.1.42 RDCABC (56h): Read Content Adaptive Brightness Control ............................................................ 243
9.1.43 WRCABCMB (5Eh): Write CABC Minimum Brightness .................................................................... 245
9.1.44 RDCABCMB (5Fh): Read CABC Minimum Brightness..................................................................... 247
9.1.45 RDABCSDR (68h): Read Automatic Brightness Control Self-Diagnostic Result .............................. 248
9.1.46 RDID1 (DAh): Read ID1 ................................................................................................................... 250
9.1.47 RDID2 (DBh): Read ID2 ................................................................................................................... 251
9.1.48 RDID3 (DCh): Read ID3 ................................................................................................................... 252
9.2 SYSTEM FUNCTION COMMAND TABLE 2....................................................................................................... 253
9.2.1 RAMCTRL (B0h): RAM Control ............................................................................................................. 258
9.2.2 RGBCTRL (B1h): RGB Interface Control............................................................................................... 261
9.2.3 PORCTRL (B2h): Porch Setting ............................................................................................................. 263
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9.2.4 FRCTRL1 (B3h): Frame Rate Control 1 (In partial mode/ idle colors) ................................................. 264
9.2.5 PARCTRL (B5h): Partial mode Control .................................................................................................. 266
9.2.6 GCTRL (B7h): Gate Control ................................................................................................................... 268
9.2.7 GTADJ (B8h): Gate On Timing Adjustment ............................................................................................ 270
9.2.8 DGMEN (BAh): Digital Gamma Enable ................................................................................................ 272
9.2.9 VCOMS (BBh): VCOMS Setting ............................................................................................................. 273
9.2.10 LCMCTRL (C0h): LCM Control ........................................................................................................ 275
9.2.11 IDSET (C1h): ID Code Setting........................................................................................................... 276
9.2.12 VDVVRHEN (C2h): VDV and VRH Command Enable ...................................................................... 277
9.2.13 VRHS (C3h): VRH Set ........................................................................................................................ 278
9.2.14 VDVS (C4h): VDV Set ........................................................................................................................ 280
9.2.15 VCMOFSET (C5h): VCOMS Offset Set ............................................................................................. 282
9.2.16 FRCTRL2 (C6h): Frame Rate Control in Normal Mode ................................................................... 284
9.2.17 CABCCTRL (C7h): CABC Control .................................................................................................... 286
9.2.18 REGSEL1 (C8h): Register Value Selection 1 ..................................................................................... 287
9.2.19 REGSEL2 (CAh): Register Value Selection 2 ..................................................................................... 288
9.2.20 PWMFRSEL (CCh): PWM Frequency Selection ............................................................................... 289
9.2.21 PWCTRL1 (D0h): Power Control 1 ................................................................................................... 290
9.2.22 VAPVANEN (D2h): Enable VAP/VAN signal output .......................................................................... 292
9.2.23 CMD2EN (DFh): Command 2 Enable ............................................................................................... 293
9.2.24 PVGAMCTRL (E0h): Positive Voltage Gamma Control .................................................................... 294
9.2.25 NVGAMCTRL (E1h): Negative Voltage Gamma Control .................................................................. 296
9.2.26 DGMLUTR (E2h): Digital Gamma Look-up Table for Red ............................................................... 298
9.2.27 DGMLUTB (E3h): Digital Gamma Look-up Table for Blue .............................................................. 300
9.2.28 GATECTRL (E4h): Gate Control ....................................................................................................... 302
9.2.29 SPI2EN (E7h): SPI2 Enable .............................................................................................................. 304
9.2.30 PWCTRL2 (E8h): Power Control 2 ................................................................................................... 305
9.2.31 EQCTRL (E9h): Equalize time control .............................................................................................. 306
9.2.32 PROMCTRL (ECh): Program Mode Control..................................................................................... 308
9.2.33 PROMEN (FAh): Program Mode Enable........................................................................................... 309
9.2.34 NVMSET (FCh): NVM Setting ........................................................................................................... 310
9.2.35 PROMACT (FEh): Program action ................................................................................................... 311

10 APPLICATION ................................................................................................................................................... 312

10.1 CONFIGURATION OF POWER SUPPLY CIRCUIT ............................................................................................... 312

10.2 VOLTAGE GENERATION................................................................................................................................. 313
10.3 RELATIONSHIP ABOUT SOURCE VOLTAGE ...................................................................................................... 314
10.4 APPLIED VOLTAGE TO THE TFT PANEL ......................................................................................................... 315

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11 REVISION HISTORY ........................................................................................................................................ 316

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disclosed in whole or in part without prior written permission of Sitronix.
FIGURE 2 RISING AND FALLING TIMING FOR I/O SIGNAL .............................................................................................. 42
FIGURE 3 WRITE-TO-READ AND READ-TO-WRITE TIMING ........................................................................................... 42
FIGURE 4 3-LINE SERIAL INTERFACE TIMING CHARACTERISTICS ................................................................................. 43
FIGURE 5 4-LINE SERIAL INTERFACE TIMING CHARACTERISTICS ................................................................................. 44
FIGURE 6 RGB INTERFACE TIMING CHARACTERISTICS ................................................................................................ 46
FIGURE 7 RESET TIMING ................................................................................................................................................. 48
FIGURE 8 8080-SERIES WRX PROTOCOL ....................................................................................................................... 52
FIGURE 9 8080-SERIES PARALLEL BUS PROTOCOL, WRITE TO REGISTER OR DISPLAY RAM .................................... 52
FIGURE 10 8080-SERIES RDX PROTOCOL ....................................................................................................................... 53
FIGURE 12 SERIAL INTERFACE DATA STREAM FORMAT .................................................................................................. 56
................................................................................................................................................................................. 57
................................................................................................................................................................................. 57
FIGURE 15 3-LINE SERIAL INTERFACE READ PROTOCOL ................................................................................................ 59
FIGURE 16 4-LINE SERIAL INTERFACE READ PROTOCOL ................................................................................................ 61
FIGURE 17 HARDWARE SUGGESTION OF 2 DATA LANE SERIAL INTERFACE .................................................................... 62
................................................................................................................................................................................. 63
FIGURE 19 3-LINE SERIAL INTERFACE READ PROTOCOL ................................................................................................ 65
FIGURE 20 WRITE INTERRUPTS RECOVERY (SERIAL INTERFACE).................................................................................. 66
FIGURE 21 WRITE INTERRUPTS RECOVERY (BOTH SERIAL AND PARALLEL INTERFACE) .............................................. 67
FIGURE 22 PARALLEL BUS PAUSE PROTOCOL (PAUSED BY CSX) .................................................................................... 68
FIGURE 23 RGB INTERFACE DATA FORMAT................................................................................................................. 112
FIGURE 24 DRAM ACCESS AREA BY RGB INTERFACE................................................................................................ 113
FIGURE 25 TIMING CHART OF SIGNALS IN RGB INTERFACE DE MODE ..................................................................... 115
FIGURE 26 TIMING CHART OF RGB INTERFACE HV MOD ............................................................................................ 116
FIGURE 27 DATA TRANSMISSION THROUGH VSYNC INTERFACE ................................................................................ 118
FIGURE 28 OPERATION THROUGH VSYNC INTERFACE ............................................................................................... 118
FIGURE 29 TIMING DIAGRAM OF VSYNC INTERFACE................................................................................................. 119
FIGURE 30 OPERATION FOR LEADING MODE OF VSYNC INTERFACE ........................................................................ 120
FIGURE 31 OPERATION FOR LAGGING MODE OF VSYNC INTERFACE........................................................................ 120
FIGURE 32 DISPLAY DATA RAM ORGANIZATION .......................................................................................................... 122
FIGURE 33 DISPLAY DATA RAM ORGANIZATION .......................................................................................................... 125
FIGURE 34 ROLLING SCROLL DEFINITION ................................................................................................................... 128
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FIGURE 35 GRAY SCALE VOLTAGE GENERATION (POSITIVE) ...................................................................................... 140
FIGURE 36 RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN SOURCE OUTPUT AND VCOM .......................................................................... 141
FIGURE 37 BLOCK DIAGRAM OF DIGITAL GAMMA ........................................................................................................ 145
FIGURE 38 POWER BOOSTER LEVEL ............................................................................................................................ 313
FIGURE 39 RELATIONSHIP ABOUT SOURCE VOLTAGE ................................................................................................... 314
FIGURE 40 VOLTAGE OUTPUT TO TFT LCD PANEL ..................................................................................................... 315

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disclosed in whole or in part without prior written permission of Sitronix.
TABLE 1 ABSOLUTE OPERATION RANGE......................................................................................................................... 37
TABLE 2 BASIC DC CHARACTERISTICS .......................................................................................................................... 38
TABLE 3 POWER CONSUMPTION ..................................................................................................................................... 40
TABLE 4 8080 PARALLEL INTERFACE CHARACTERISTICS.............................................................................................. 42
TABLE 5 3-LINE SERIAL INTERFACE CHARACTERISTICS ................................................................................................ 43
TABLE 6 4-LINE SERIAL INTERFACE CHARACTERISTICS ................................................................................................ 44
TABLE 7 18/16 BITS RGB INTERFACE TIMING CHARACTERISTICS ............................................................................... 46
TABLE 8 6 BITS RGB INTERFACE TIMING CHARACTERISTICS ...................................................................................... 47
TABLE 9 RESET TIMING ................................................................................................................................................... 48
TABLE 10 INTERFACE TYPE SELECTION ......................................................................................................................... 50
TABLE 11 THE FUNCTION OF 8080-SERIES PARALLEL INTERFACE .................................................................................. 51
Ⅱ SERIES PARALLEL INTERFACE............................................................................ 54
TABLE 13 SELECTION OF SERIAL INTERFACE .................................................................................................................. 55
TABLE 14 PIN DESCRIPTION OF SERIAL INTERFACE ........................................................................................................ 56
TABLE 15 IM PIN SELECTION........................................................................................................................................... 62
TABLE 16 PIN DESCRIPTION OF 2 DATA LANE SERIAL INTERFACE .................................................................................. 62
............................................................................................................................................................................... 133
TABLE 18 VOLTAGE LEVEL PERCENTAGE ADJUSTMENT DESCRIPTION ......................................................................... 141
TABLE 19 SYSTEM FUNCTION COMMAND LIST ............................................................................................................ 161

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Sitronix Confidential The information contained herein is the exclusive property of Sitronix and shall not be distributed, reproduced, or
disclosed in whole or in part without prior written permission of Sitronix.
The ST7789V is a single-chip controller/driver for 262K-color, graphic type TFT-LCD. It consists of 720
source line and 320 gate line driving circuits. This chip is capable of connecting directly to an external
microprocessor, and accepts, 8-bits/9-bits/16-bits/18-bits parallel interface. Display data can be stored in the
on-chip display data RAM of 240x320x18 bits. It can perform display data RAM read/write operation with no
external operation clock to minimize power consumption. In addition, because of the integrated power supply
circuit necessary to drive liquid crystal; it is possible to make a display system with the fewest components.

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Sitronix Confidential The information contained herein is the exclusive property of Sitronix and shall not be distributed, reproduced, or
disclosed in whole or in part without prior written permission of Sitronix.
 Single chip TFT-LCD Controller/Driver with On-chip Frame Memory (FM)
 Display Resolution: 240*RGB (H) *320(V)
 Frame Memory Size: 240 x 320 x 18-bit = 1,382,400 bits
 LCD Driver Output Circuits
- Source Outputs: 240 RGB Channels
- Gate Outputs: 320 Channels
- Common Electrode Output
 Display Colors (Color Mode)
- Full Color: 262K, RGB=(666) max., Idle Mode Off
- Color Reduce: 8-color, RGB=(111), Idle Mode On
 Programmable Pixel Color Format (Color Depth) for Various Display Data input Format
- 12-bit/pixel: RGB=(444)
- 16-bit/pixel: RGB=(565)
- 18-bit/pixel: RGB=(666)
 MCU Interface
- Parallel 8080-series MCU Interface (8-bit, 9-bit, 16-bit & 18-bit)
- 6/16/18 RGB Interface(VSYNC, HSYNC, DOTCLK, ENABLE, DB[17:0])
- Serial Peripheral Interface(SPI Interface)
- VSYNC Interface
 Display Features
- Programmable Partial Display Duty
- CABC for saving current consumption
- Color enhancement
 On Chip Build-In Circuits
- DC/DC Converter
- Adjustable VCOM Generation
- Non-Volatile (NV) Memory to Store Initial Register Setting and Factory Default Value (Module ID,
Module Version, etc)
- Timing Controller
- 4 preset Gamma curve with separated RGB Gamma setting
 Build-In NV Memory for LCD Initial Register Setting
- 8-bits for ID1 setting
- 8-bits for ID2 setting
- 8-bits for ID3 setting
- 6-bits for VCOM Offset adjustment
 Driving Algorithm
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- Dot Inversion
- Column Inversion
 Wide Supply Voltage Range
- I/O Voltage (VDDI to DGND): 1.65V ~ 3.3V (VDDI≦VDD)
- Analog Voltage (VDD to AGND): 2.4V ~ 3.3V
 On-Chip Power System
- Source Voltage (VAP (GVDD) to VAN (GVCL)): +6.4~-4.6V
- VCOM level: GND
- Gate driver HIGH level (VGH to AGND): +12.2V ~ +14.97V
- Gate driver LOW level (VGL to AGND): -12.5V ~ -7.16V
- Adjustable voltage range for feed through compensation: 0.1V~1.675V
 Optimized layout for COG Assembly
 Operate temperature range: −30℃ to +85℃
 Lower Power Consumption

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3.1 Output Bump Dimension

Au bump height 9µm DUMMY


14µmx100µm VCOM

Gate : G1~G320 VDDGX
G 11
G 13



Au bump size Source : S1~S720 DUMMY



40µmx56µm AVDD
Input Pads : Pad 12 to Pad 239 AVCL

VAN G319


Face Up

V20 S1
V20 S2
V20 S3
V20 S4
V20 S5




TEST3 S359


Bump View

WRX S361

SDA S367
DB1 S368





SDO S713
TE2 S717


VCC G320
VCC G318
VCC G316
VCC G314
VCC G312
VCC G310

VCC G308
VCC G306








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3.2 Input Bump Dimension

 Output Pads



Symbol Item Size

A Bump Width 14 um
B Bump Gap 1 (Horizontal) 14 um
C Bump Height 100 um
D Bump Gap 2 (Vertical) 31 um

 Input Pads


Symbol Item Size
E Bump Width 40 um
F Bump Gap 20、32.5、45 um
G Bump Height 56 um
H Bump Pitch 60、72.5、85 um

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3.3 Alignment Mark Dimension

 Alignment Mark : A1(X,Y)=(-7480,251.58)

10 30 30 30 10

20 10

20 30




 Alignment Mark : A2(X,Y)=(+7480,251.58)

10 30 30 30 10
10 20

30 20




3.4 Chip Information

Chip size 15155µm x698µm

Chip thickness 300µm
Pad Location Pad center
Coordinate Origin Chip center

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PIN Name X Y PIN Name X Y PIN Name X Y
No. No. No.

1 DUMMY -7292.5 -256.62 33 AVDD -5372.5 -256.62 65 V20 -3452.5 -256.62

2 DUMMY -7232.5 -256.62 34 AVDD -5312.5 -256.62 66 V20 -3392.5 -256.62

3 VCOM -7172.5 -256.62 35 AVDD -5252.5 -256.62 67 DUMMY -3332.5 -256.62

4 VCOM -7112.5 -256.62 36 AVDD -5192.5 -256.62 68 DUMMY -3272.5 -256.62

5 VCOM -7052.5 -256.62 37 AVDD -5132.5 -256.62 69 DUMMY -3212.5 -256.62

6 VCOM -6992.5 -256.62 38 AVDD -5072.5 -256.62 70 DUMMY -3152.5 -256.62

7 VCOM -6932.5 -256.62 39 AVCL -5012.5 -256.62 71 DUMMY -3092.5 -256.62

8 VCOM -6872.5 -256.62 40 AVCL -4952.5 -256.62 72 DUMMY -3032.5 -256.62

9 VCOM -6812.5 -256.62 41 AVCL -4892.5 -256.62 73 DUMMY -2972.5 -256.62

10 VCOM -6752.5 -256.62 42 AVCL -4832.5 -256.62 74 VDD -2912.5 -256.62

11 DUMMY -6692.5 -256.62 43 AVCL -4772.5 -256.62 75 VDD -2852.5 -256.62

12 VAG -6632.5 -256.62 44 AVCL -4712.5 -256.62 76 VDD -2792.5 -256.62

13 VAG -6572.5 -256.62 45 AVCL -4652.5 -256.62 77 VDD -2732.5 -256.62

14 VDDS -6512.5 -256.62 46 VAN -4592.5 -256.62 78 VDD -2672.5 -256.62

15 VDDS -6452.5 -256.62 47 VAN -4532.5 -256.62 79 VDD -2612.5 -256.62

16 VDDGX -6392.5 -256.62 48 DUMMY -4472.5 -256.62 80 VDD -2552.5 -256.62

17 VDDGX -6332.5 -256.62 49 DUMMY -4412.5 -256.62 81 VDD -2492.5 -256.62

18 DUMMY -6272.5 -256.62 50 DUMMY -4352.5 -256.62 82 AGND -2432.5 -256.62

19 DUMMY -6212.5 -256.62 51 DUMMY -4292.5 -256.62 83 AGND -2372.5 -256.62

20 DUMMY -6152.5 -256.62 52 DUMMY -4232.5 -256.62 84 AGND -2312.5 -256.62

21 DUMMY -6092.5 -256.62 53 DUMMY -4172.5 -256.62 85 AGND -2252.5 -256.62

22 DUMMY -6032.5 -256.62 54 DUMMY -4112.5 -256.62 86 AGND -2192.5 -256.62

23 DUMMY -5972.5 -256.62 55 DUMMY -4052.5 -256.62 87 AGND -2132.5 -256.62

24 DUMMY -5912.5 -256.62 56 DUMMY -3992.5 -256.62 88 AGND -2072.5 -256.62

25 DUMMY -5852.5 -256.62 57 DUMMY -3932.5 -256.62 89 AGND -2012.5 -256.62

26 VGL -5792.5 -256.62 58 VAP -3872.5 -256.62 90 AGND -1952.5 -256.62

27 VGL -5732.5 -256.62 59 VAP -3812.5 -256.62 91 AGND -1892.5 -256.62

28 VGL -5672.5 -256.62 60 V20 -3752.5 -256.62 92 AGND -1832.5 -256.62

29 VGL -5612.5 -256.62 61 V20 -3692.5 -256.62 93 AGND -1772.5 -256.62

30 VGL -5552.5 -256.62 62 V20 -3632.5 -256.62 94 AGND -1712.5 -256.62

31 VGL -5492.5 -256.62 63 V20 -3572.5 -256.62 95 AGND -1652.5 -256.62

32 AVDD -5432.5 -256.62 64 V20 -3512.5 -256.62 96 AGND -1592.5 -256.62

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PIN Name X Y PIN Name X Y PIN Name X Y
No. No. No.

97 AGND -1532.5 -256.62 131 DB4 645 -256.62 165 VDDI 3272.5 -256.62

98 DGND -1472.5 -256.62 132 DB5 730 -256.62 166 VDDI 3332.5 -256.62

99 DGND -1412.5 -256.62 133 DB6 815 -256.62 167 VDDI 3392.5 -256.62

100 DGND -1352.5 -256.62 134 DB7 900 -256.62 168 VDDI 3452.5 -256.62

101 DGND -1292.5 -256.62 135 DUMMY 972.5 -256.62 169 VCC 3512.5 -256.62

102 DGND -1232.5 -256.62 136 DB8 1045 -256.62 170 VCC 3572.5 -256.62

103 DGND -1172.5 -256.62 137 DB9 1130 -256.62 171 VCC 3632.5 -256.62

104 DGND -1112.5 -256.62 138 DB10 1215 -256.62 172 VCC 3692.5 -256.62

105 DGND -1052.5 -256.62 139 DB11 1300 -256.62 173 VCC 3752.5 -256.62

106 TEST3 -992.5 -256.62 140 DUMMY 1372.5 -256.62 174 VCC 3812.5 -256.62

107 DUMMY -932.5 -256.62 141 DB12 1445 -256.62 175 VCC 3872.5 -256.62

108 DUMMY -872.5 -256.62 142 DB13 1530 -256.62 176 VCC 3932.5 -256.62

109 EXTC -812.5 -256.62 143 DB14 1615 -256.62 177 VCC 3992.5 -256.62

110 IM3 -752.5 -256.62 144 DB15 1700 -256.62 178 VCC 4052.5 -256.62

111 IM2 -692.5 -256.62 145 DUMMY 1772.5 -256.62 179 VCC 4112.5 -256.62

112 IM1 -632.5 -256.62 146 DB16 1845 -256.62 180 VCC 4172.5 -256.62

113 IM0 -572.5 -256.62 147 DB17 1930 -256.62 181 VCC 4232.5 -256.62

114 RESX -512.5 -256.62 148 TEST0 2002.5 -256.62 182 VCC 4292.5 -256.62

115 CSX -452.5 -256.62 149 TE 2075 -256.62 183 DUMMY 4352.5 -256.62

116 DCX -392.5 -256.62 150 SDO 2160 -256.62 184 VPP 4412.5 -256.62

117 WRX -332.5 -256.62 151 LED_PWM 2245 -256.62 185 VPP 4472.5 -256.62

118 RDX -272.5 -256.62 152 LED_EN 2330 -256.62 186 VPP 4532.5 -256.62

119 TEST2 -212.5 -256.62 153 VDDI_LED 2402.5 -256.62 187 VPP 4592.5 -256.62

120 VSYNC -152.5 -256.62 154 VDDI_LED 2462.5 -256.62 188 DUMMY 4652.5 -256.62

121 HSYNC -92.5 -256.62 155 TE2 2535 -256.62 189 DUMMY 4712.5 -256.62

122 ENABLE -32.5 -256.62 156 TESTO1 2620 -256.62 190 VGH 4772.5 -256.62

123 DOTCLK 27.5 -256.62 157 TESTO2 2705 -256.62 191 VGH 4832.5 -256.62

124 DUMMY 87.5 -256.62 158 TESTO3 2790 -256.62 192 VGH 4892.5 -256.62

125 SDA 160 -256.62 159 TESTO4 2875 -256.62 193 VGH 4952.5 -256.62

126 DB0 245 -256.62 160 TESTO5 2960 -256.62 194 VGH 5012.5 -256.62

127 DB1 330 -256.62 161 TESTO6 3032.5 -256.62 195 VGH 5072.5 -256.62

128 DB2 415 -256.62 162 VDDI 3092.5 -256.62 196 VGH 5132.5 -256.62

129 DB3 500 -256.62 163 VDDI 3152.5 -256.62 197 VGH 5192.5 -256.62

130 TEST1 572.5 -256.62 164 VDDI 3212.5 -256.62 198 DUMMY 5252.5 -256.62

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PIN Name X Y PIN Name X Y PIN Name X Y
No. No. No.

199 DUMMY 5312.5 -256.62 233 DUMMY 7399 250.58 267 G64 6923 250.58

200 DUMMY 5372.5 -256.62 234 DUMMY 7385 119.58 268 G66 6909 119.58

201 DUMMY 5432.5 -256.62 235 DUMMY 7371 250.58 269 G68 6895 250.58

202 DUMMY 5492.5 -256.62 236 G2 7357 119.58 270 G70 6881 119.58

203 DUMMY 5552.5 -256.62 237 G4 7343 250.58 271 G72 6867 250.58

204 DUMMY 5612.5 -256.62 238 G6 7329 119.58 272 G74 6853 119.58

205 DUMMY 5672.5 -256.62 239 G8 7315 250.58 273 G76 6839 250.58

206 AGND 5732.5 -256.62 240 G10 7301 119.58 274 G78 6825 119.58

207 AGND 5792.5 -256.62 241 G12 7287 250.58 275 G80 6811 250.58

208 AGND 5852.5 -256.62 242 G14 7273 119.58 276 G82 6797 119.58

209 AGND 5912.5 -256.62 243 G16 7259 250.58 277 G84 6783 250.58

210 AGND 5972.5 -256.62 244 G18 7245 119.58 278 G86 6769 119.58

211 AGND 6032.5 -256.62 245 G20 7231 250.58 279 G88 6755 250.58

212 AGND 6092.5 -256.62 246 G22 7217 119.58 280 G90 6741 119.58

213 AGND 6152.5 -256.62 247 G24 7203 250.58 281 G92 6727 250.58

214 DUMMYR1 6212.5 -256.62 248 G26 7189 119.58 282 G94 6713 119.58

215 DUMMYR2 6272.5 -256.62 249 G28 7175 250.58 283 G96 6699 250.58

216 DUMMY 6332.5 -256.62 250 G30 7161 119.58 284 G98 6685 119.58

217 DUMMY 6392.5 -256.62 251 G32 7147 250.58 285 G100 6671 250.58

218 DUMMY 6452.5 -256.62 252 G34 7133 119.58 286 G102 6657 119.58

219 DUMMY 6512.5 -256.62 253 G36 7119 250.58 287 G104 6643 250.58

220 DUMMY 6572.5 -256.62 254 G38 7105 119.58 288 G106 6629 119.58

221 DUMMY 6632.5 -256.62 255 G40 7091 250.58 289 G108 6615 250.58

222 DUMMY 6692.5 -256.62 250.58 G42 7077 119.58 290 G110 6601 119.58

223 VCOM 6752.5 -256.62 257 G44 7063 250.58 291 G112 6587 250.58

224 VCOM 6812.5 -256.62 258 G46 7049 119.58 292 G114 6573 119.58

225 VCOM 6872.5 -256.62 259 G48 7035 250.58 293 G116 6559 250.58

226 VCOM 6932.5 -256.62 260 G50 7021 119.58 294 G118 6545 119.58

227 VCOM 6992.5 -256.62 261 G52 7007 250.58 295 G120 6531 250.58

228 VCOM 7052.5 -256.62 262 G54 6993 119.58 296 G122 6517 119.58

229 VCOM 7112.5 -256.62 263 G56 6979 250.58 297 G124 6503 250.58

230 VCOM 7172.5 -256.62 264 G58 6965 119.58 298 G126 6489 119.58

231 DUMMY 7232.5 -256.62 265 G60 6951 250.58 299 G128 6475 250.58

232 DUMMY 7292.5 -256.62 266 G62 6937 119.58 300 G130 6461 119.58

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PIN Name X Y PIN Name X Y PIN Name X Y
No. No. No.

301 G132 6447 250.58 335 G200 5971 250.58 369 G268 5495 250.58

302 G134 6433 119.58 336 G202 5957 119.58 370 G270 5481 119.58

303 G136 6419 250.58 337 G204 5943 250.58 371 G272 5467 250.58

304 G138 6405 119.58 338 G206 5929 119.58 372 G274 5453 119.58

305 G140 6391 250.58 339 G208 5915 250.58 373 G276 5439 250.58

306 G142 6377 119.58 340 G210 5901 119.58 374 G278 5425 119.58

307 G144 6363 250.58 341 G212 5887 250.58 375 G280 5411 250.58

308 G146 6349 119.58 342 G214 5873 119.58 376 G282 5397 119.58

309 G148 6335 250.58 343 G216 5859 250.58 377 G284 5383 250.58

310 G150 6321 119.58 344 G218 5845 119.58 378 G286 5369 119.58

311 G152 6307 250.58 345 G220 5831 250.58 379 G288 5355 250.58

312 G154 6293 119.58 346 G222 5817 119.58 380 G290 5341 119.58

313 G156 6279 250.58 347 G224 5803 250.58 381 G292 5327 250.58

314 G158 6265 119.58 348 G226 5789 119.58 382 G294 5313 119.58

315 G160 6251 250.58 349 G228 5775 250.58 383 G296 5299 250.58

316 G162 6237 119.58 350 G230 5761 119.58 384 G298 5285 119.58

317 G164 6223 250.58 351 G232 5747 250.58 385 G300 5271 250.58

318 G166 6209 119.58 352 G234 5733 119.58 386 G302 5257 119.58

319 G168 6195 250.58 353 G236 5719 250.58 387 G304 5243 250.58

320 G170 6181 119.58 354 G238 5705 119.58 388 G306 5229 119.58

321 G172 6167 250.58 355 G240 5691 250.58 389 G308 5215 250.58

322 G174 6153 119.58 356 G242 5677 119.58 390 G310 5201 119.58

323 G176 6139 250.58 357 G244 5663 250.58 391 G312 5187 250.58

324 G178 6125 119.58 358 G246 5649 119.58 392 G314 5173 119.58

325 G180 6111 250.58 359 G248 5635 250.58 393 G316 5159 250.58

326 G182 6097 119.58 360 G250 5621 119.58 394 G318 5145 119.58

327 G184 6083 250.58 361 G252 5607 250.58 395 G320 5131 250.58

328 G186 6069 119.58 362 G254 5593 119.58 396 S720 5075 119.58

329 G188 6055 250.58 363 G256 5579 250.58 397 S719 5061 250.58

330 G190 6041 119.58 364 G258 5565 119.58 398 S718 5047 119.58

331 G192 6027 250.58 365 G260 5551 250.58 399 S717 5033 250.58

332 G194 6013 119.58 366 G262 5537 119.58 400 S716 5019 119.58

333 G196 5999 250.58 367 G264 5523 250.58 401 S715 5005 250.58

334 G198 5985 119.58 368 G266 5509 119.58 402 S714 4991 119.58

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PIN Name X Y PIN Name X Y PIN Name X Y
No. No. No.

403 S713 4977 250.58 437 S679 4501 250.58 471 S645 4025 250.58

404 S712 4963 119.58 438 S678 4487 119.58 472 S644 4011 119.58

405 S711 4949 250.58 439 S677 4473 250.58 473 S643 3997 250.58

406 S710 4935 119.58 440 S676 4459 119.58 474 S642 3983 119.58

407 S709 4921 250.58 441 S675 4445 250.58 475 S641 3969 250.58

408 S708 4907 119.58 442 S674 4431 119.58 476 S640 3955 119.58

409 S707 4893 250.58 443 S673 4417 250.58 477 S639 3941 250.58

410 S706 4879 119.58 444 S672 4403 119.58 478 S638 3927 119.58

411 S705 4865 250.58 445 S671 4389 250.58 479 S637 3913 250.58

412 S704 4851 119.58 446 S670 4375 119.58 480 S636 3899 119.58

413 S703 4837 250.58 447 S669 4361 250.58 481 S635 3885 250.58

414 S702 4823 119.58 448 S668 4347 119.58 482 S634 3871 119.58

415 S701 4809 250.58 449 S667 4333 250.58 483 S633 3857 250.58

416 S700 4795 119.58 450 S666 4319 119.58 484 S632 3843 119.58

417 S699 4781 250.58 451 S665 4305 250.58 485 S631 3829 250.58

418 S698 4767 119.58 452 S664 4291 119.58 486 S630 3815 119.58

419 S697 4753 250.58 453 S663 4277 250.58 487 S629 3801 250.58

420 S696 4739 119.58 454 S662 4263 119.58 488 S628 3787 119.58

421 S695 4725 250.58 455 S661 4249 250.58 489 S627 3773 250.58

422 S694 4711 119.58 456 S660 4235 119.58 490 S626 3759 119.58

423 S693 4697 250.58 457 S659 4221 250.58 491 S625 3745 250.58

424 S692 4683 119.58 458 S658 4207 119.58 492 S624 3731 119.58

425 S691 4669 250.58 459 S657 4193 250.58 493 S623 3717 250.58

426 S690 4655 119.58 460 S656 4179 119.58 494 S622 3703 119.58

427 S689 4641 250.58 461 S655 4165 250.58 495 S621 3689 250.58

428 S688 4627 119.58 462 S654 4151 119.58 496 S620 3675 119.58

429 S687 4613 250.58 463 S653 4137 250.58 497 S619 3661 250.58

430 S686 4599 119.58 464 S652 4123 119.58 498 S618 3647 119.58

431 S685 4585 250.58 465 S651 4109 250.58 499 S617 3633 250.58

432 S684 4571 119.58 466 S650 4095 119.58 500 S616 3619 119.58

433 S683 4557 250.58 467 S649 4081 250.58 501 S615 3605 250.58

434 S682 4543 119.58 468 S648 4067 119.58 502 S614 3591 119.58

435 S681 4529 250.58 469 S647 4053 250.58 503 S613 3577 250.58

436 S680 4515 119.58 470 S646 4039 119.58 504 S612 3563 119.58

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PIN Name X Y PIN Name X Y PIN Name X Y
No. No. No.

505 S611 3549 250.58 539 S577 3073 250.58 573 S543 2597 250.58

506 S610 3535 119.58 540 S576 3059 119.58 574 S542 2583 119.58

507 S609 3521 250.58 541 S575 3045 250.58 575 S541 2569 250.58

508 S608 3507 119.58 542 S574 3031 119.58 576 S540 2555 119.58

509 S607 3493 250.58 543 S573 3017 250.58 577 S539 2541 250.58

510 S606 3479 119.58 544 S572 3003 119.58 578 S538 2527 119.58

511 S605 3465 250.58 545 S571 2989 250.58 579 S537 2513 250.58

512 S604 3451 119.58 546 S570 2975 119.58 580 S536 2499 119.58

513 S603 3437 250.58 547 S569 2961 250.58 581 S535 2485 250.58

514 S602 3423 119.58 548 S568 2947 119.58 582 S534 2471 119.58

515 S601 3409 250.58 549 S567 2933 250.58 583 S533 2457 250.58

516 S600 3395 119.58 550 S566 2919 119.58 584 S532 2443 119.58

517 S599 3381 250.58 551 S565 2905 250.58 585 S531 2429 250.58

518 S598 3367 119.58 552 S564 2891 119.58 586 S530 2415 119.58

519 S597 3353 250.58 553 S563 2877 250.58 587 S529 2401 250.58

520 S596 3339 119.58 554 S562 2863 119.58 588 S528 2387 119.58

521 S595 3325 250.58 555 S561 2849 250.58 589 S527 2373 250.58

522 S594 3311 119.58 556 S560 2835 119.58 590 S526 2359 119.58

523 S593 3297 250.58 557 S559 2821 250.58 591 S525 2345 250.58

524 S592 3283 119.58 558 S558 2807 119.58 592 S524 2331 119.58

525 S591 3269 250.58 559 S557 2793 250.58 593 S523 2317 250.58

526 S590 3255 119.58 560 S556 2779 119.58 594 S522 2303 119.58

527 S589 3241 250.58 561 S555 2765 250.58 595 S521 2289 250.58

528 S588 3227 119.58 562 S554 2751 119.58 596 S520 2275 119.58

529 S587 3213 250.58 563 S553 2737 250.58 597 S519 2261 250.58

530 S586 3199 119.58 564 S552 2723 119.58 598 S518 2247 119.58

531 S585 3185 250.58 565 S551 2709 250.58 599 S517 2233 250.58

532 S584 3171 119.58 566 S550 2695 119.58 600 S516 2219 119.58

533 S583 3157 250.58 567 S549 2681 250.58 601 S515 2205 250.58

534 S582 3143 119.58 568 S548 2667 119.58 602 S514 2191 119.58

535 S581 3129 250.58 569 S547 2653 250.58 603 S513 2177 250.58

536 S580 3115 119.58 570 S546 2639 119.58 604 S512 2163 119.58

537 S579 3101 250.58 571 S545 2625 250.58 605 S511 2149 250.58

538 S578 3087 119.58 572 S544 2611 119.58 606 S510 2135 119.58

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PIN Name X Y PIN Name X Y PIN Name X Y
No. No. No.

607 S509 2121 250.58 641 S475 1645 250.58 675 S441 1169 250.58

608 S508 2107 119.58 642 S474 1631 119.58 676 S440 1155 119.58

609 S507 2093 250.58 643 S473 1617 250.58 677 S439 1141 250.58

610 S506 2079 119.58 644 S472 1603 119.58 678 S438 1127 119.58

611 S505 2065 250.58 645 S471 1589 250.58 679 S437 1113 250.58

612 S504 2051 119.58 646 S470 1575 119.58 680 S436 1099 119.58

613 S503 2037 250.58 647 S469 1561 250.58 681 S435 1085 250.58

614 S502 2023 119.58 648 S468 1547 119.58 682 S434 1071 119.58

615 S501 2009 250.58 649 S467 1533 250.58 683 S433 1057 250.58

616 S500 1995 119.58 650 S466 1519 119.58 684 S432 1043 119.58

617 S499 1981 250.58 651 S465 1505 250.58 685 S431 1029 250.58

618 S498 1967 119.58 652 S464 1491 119.58 686 S430 1015 119.58

619 S497 1953 250.58 653 S463 1477 250.58 687 S429 1001 250.58

620 S496 1939 119.58 654 S462 1463 119.58 688 S428 987 119.58

621 S495 1925 250.58 655 S461 1449 250.58 689 S427 973 250.58

622 S494 1911 119.58 656 S460 1435 119.58 690 S426 959 119.58

623 S493 1897 250.58 657 S459 1421 250.58 691 S425 945 250.58

624 S492 1883 119.58 658 S458 1407 119.58 692 S424 931 119.58

625 S491 1869 250.58 659 S457 1393 250.58 693 S423 917 250.58

626 S490 1855 119.58 660 S456 1379 119.58 694 S422 903 119.58

627 S489 1841 250.58 661 S455 1365 250.58 695 S421 889 250.58

628 S488 1827 119.58 662 S454 1351 119.58 696 S420 875 119.58

629 S487 1813 250.58 663 S453 1337 250.58 697 S419 861 250.58

630 S486 1799 119.58 664 S452 1323 119.58 698 S418 847 119.58

631 S485 1785 250.58 665 S451 1309 250.58 699 S417 833 250.58

632 S484 1771 119.58 666 S450 1295 119.58 700 S416 819 119.58

633 S483 1757 250.58 667 S449 1281 250.58 701 S415 805 250.58

634 S482 1743 119.58 668 S448 1267 119.58 702 S414 791 119.58

635 S481 1729 250.58 669 S447 1253 250.58 703 S413 777 250.58

636 S480 1715 119.58 670 S446 1239 119.58 704 S412 763 119.58

637 S479 1701 250.58 671 S445 1225 250.58 705 S411 749 250.58

638 S478 1687 119.58 672 S444 1211 119.58 706 S410 735 119.58

639 S477 1673 250.58 673 S443 1197 250.58 707 S409 721 250.58

640 S476 1659 119.58 674 S442 1183 119.58 708 S408 707 119.58

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Sitronix Confidential The information contained herein is the exclusive property of Sitronix and shall not be distributed, reproduced, or
disclosed in whole or in part without prior written permission of Sitronix.
PIN Name X Y PIN Name X Y PIN Name X Y
No. No. No.

709 S407 693 250.58 743 S373 217 250.58 777 S339 -343 250.58

710 S406 679 119.58 744 S372 203 119.58 778 S338 -357 119.58

711 S405 665 250.58 745 S371 189 250.58 779 S337 -371 250.58

712 S404 651 119.58 746 S370 175 119.58 780 S336 -385 119.58

713 S403 637 250.58 747 S369 161 250.58 781 S335 -399 250.58

714 S402 623 119.58 748 S368 147 119.58 782 S334 -413 119.58

715 S401 609 250.58 749 S367 133 250.58 783 S333 -427 250.58

716 S400 595 119.58 750 S366 119 119.58 784 S332 -441 119.58

717 S399 581 250.58 751 S365 105 250.58 785 S331 -455 250.58

718 S398 567 119.58 752 S364 91 119.58 786 S330 -469 119.58

719 S397 553 250.58 753 S363 77 250.58 787 S329 -483 250.58

720 S396 539 119.58 754 S362 63 119.58 788 S328 -497 119.58

721 S395 525 250.58 755 S361 49 250.58 789 S327 -511 250.58

722 S394 511 119.58 756 S360 -49 119.58 790 S326 -525 119.58

723 S393 497 250.58 757 S359 -63 250.58 791 S325 -539 250.58

724 S392 483 119.58 758 S358 -77 119.58 792 S324 -553 119.58

725 S391 469 250.58 759 S357 -91 250.58 793 S323 -567 250.58

726 S390 455 119.58 760 S356 -105 119.58 794 S322 -581 119.58

727 S389 441 250.58 761 S355 -119 250.58 795 S321 -595 250.58

728 S388 427 119.58 762 S354 -133 119.58 796 S320 -609 119.58

729 S387 413 250.58 763 S353 -147 250.58 797 S319 -623 250.58

730 S386 399 119.58 764 S352 -161 119.58 798 S318 -637 119.58

731 S385 385 250.58 765 S351 -175 250.58 799 S317 -651 250.58

732 S384 371 119.58 766 S350 -189 119.58 800 S316 -665 119.58

733 S383 357 250.58 767 S349 -203 250.58 801 S315 -679 250.58

734 S382 343 119.58 768 S348 -217 119.58 802 S314 -693 119.58

735 S381 329 250.58 769 S347 -231 250.58 803 S313 -707 250.58

736 S380 315 119.58 770 S346 -245 119.58 804 S312 -721 119.58

737 S379 301 250.58 771 S345 -259 250.58 805 S311 -735 250.58

738 S378 287 119.58 772 S344 -273 119.58 806 S310 -749 119.58

739 S377 273 250.58 773 S343 -287 250.58 807 S309 -763 250.58

740 S376 259 119.58 774 S342 -301 119.58 808 S308 -777 119.58

741 S375 245 250.58 775 S341 -315 250.58 809 S307 -791 250.58

742 S374 231 119.58 776 S340 -329 119.58 810 S306 -805 119.58

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Sitronix Confidential The information contained herein is the exclusive property of Sitronix and shall not be distributed, reproduced, or
disclosed in whole or in part without prior written permission of Sitronix.
PIN Name X Y PIN Name X Y PIN Name X Y
No. No. No.

811 S305 -819 250.58 845 S271 -1295 250.58 879 S237 -1771 250.58

812 S304 -833 119.58 846 S270 -1309 119.58 880 S236 -1785 119.58

813 S303 -847 250.58 847 S269 -1323 250.58 881 S235 -1799 250.58

814 S302 -861 119.58 848 S268 -1337 119.58 882 S234 -1813 119.58

815 S301 -875 250.58 849 S267 -1351 250.58 883 S233 -1827 250.58

816 S300 -889 119.58 850 S266 -1365 119.58 884 S232 -1841 119.58

817 S299 -903 250.58 851 S265 -1379 250.58 885 S231 -1855 250.58

818 S298 -917 119.58 852 S264 -1393 119.58 886 S230 -1869 119.58

819 S297 -931 250.58 853 S263 -1407 250.58 887 S229 -1883 250.58

820 S296 -945 119.58 854 S262 -1421 119.58 888 S228 -1897 119.58

821 S295 -959 250.58 855 S261 -1435 250.58 889 S227 -1911 250.58

822 S294 -973 119.58 856 S260 -1449 119.58 890 S226 -1925 119.58

823 S293 -987 250.58 857 S259 -1463 250.58 891 S225 -1939 250.58

824 S292 -1001 119.58 858 S258 -1477 119.58 892 S224 -1953 119.58

825 S291 -1015 250.58 859 S257 -1491 250.58 893 S223 -1967 250.58

826 S290 -1029 119.58 860 S256 -1505 119.58 894 S222 -1981 119.58

827 S289 -1043 250.58 861 S255 -1519 250.58 895 S221 -1995 250.58

828 S288 -1057 119.58 862 S254 -1533 119.58 896 S220 -2009 119.58

829 S287 -1071 250.58 863 S253 -1547 250.58 897 S219 -2023 250.58

830 S286 -1085 119.58 864 S252 -1561 119.58 898 S218 -2037 119.58

831 S285 -1099 250.58 865 S251 -1575 250.58 899 S217 -2051 250.58

832 S284 -1113 119.58 866 S250 -1589 119.58 900 S216 -2065 119.58

833 S283 -1127 250.58 867 S249 -1603 250.58 901 S215 -2079 250.58

834 S282 -1141 119.58 868 S248 -1617 119.58 902 S214 -2093 119.58

835 S281 -1155 250.58 869 S247 -1631 250.58 903 S213 -2107 250.58

836 S280 -1169 119.58 870 S246 -1645 119.58 904 S212 -2121 119.58

837 S279 -1183 250.58 871 S245 -1659 250.58 905 S211 -2135 250.58

838 S278 -1197 119.58 872 S244 -1673 119.58 906 S210 -2149 119.58

839 S277 -1211 250.58 873 S243 -1687 250.58 907 S209 -2163 250.58

840 S276 -1225 119.58 874 S242 -1701 119.58 908 S208 -2177 119.58

841 S275 -1239 250.58 875 S241 -1715 250.58 909 S207 -2191 250.58

842 S274 -1253 119.58 876 S240 -1729 119.58 910 S206 -2205 119.58

843 S273 -1267 250.58 877 S239 -1743 250.58 911 S205 -2219 250.58

844 S272 -1281 119.58 878 S238 -1757 119.58 912 S204 -2233 119.58

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Sitronix Confidential The information contained herein is the exclusive property of Sitronix and shall not be distributed, reproduced, or
disclosed in whole or in part without prior written permission of Sitronix.
PIN Name X Y PIN Name X Y PIN Name X Y
No. No. No.

913 S203 -2247 250.58 947 S169 -2723 250.58 981 S135 -3199 250.58

914 S202 -2261 119.58 948 S168 -2737 119.58 982 S134 -3213 119.58

915 S201 -2275 250.58 949 S167 -2751 250.58 983 S133 -3227 250.58

916 S200 -2289 119.58 950 S166 -2765 119.58 984 S132 -3241 119.58

917 S199 -2303 250.58 951 S165 -2779 250.58 985 S131 -3255 250.58

918 S198 -2317 119.58 952 S164 -2793 119.58 986 S130 -3269 119.58

919 S197 -2331 250.58 953 S163 -2807 250.58 987 S129 -3283 250.58

920 S196 -2345 119.58 954 S162 -2821 119.58 988 S128 -3297 119.58

921 S195 -2359 250.58 955 S161 -2835 250.58 989 S127 -3311 250.58

922 S194 -2373 119.58 956 S160 -2849 119.58 990 S126 -3325 119.58

923 S193 -2387 250.58 957 S159 -2863 250.58 991 S125 -3339 250.58

924 S192 -2401 119.58 958 S158 -2877 119.58 992 S124 -3353 119.58

925 S191 -2415 250.58 959 S157 -2891 250.58 993 S123 -3367 250.58

926 S190 -2429 119.58 960 S156 -2905 119.58 994 S122 -3381 119.58

927 S189 -2443 250.58 961 S155 -2919 250.58 995 S121 -3395 250.58

928 S188 -2457 119.58 962 S154 -2933 119.58 996 S120 -3409 119.58

929 S187 -2471 250.58 963 S153 -2947 250.58 997 S119 -3423 250.58

930 S186 -2485 119.58 964 S152 -2961 119.58 998 S118 -3437 119.58

931 S185 -2499 250.58 965 S151 -2975 250.58 999 S117 -3451 250.58

932 S184 -2513 119.58 966 S150 -2989 119.58 1000 S116 -3465 119.58

933 S183 -2527 250.58 967 S149 -3003 250.58 1001 S115 -3479 250.58

934 S182 -2541 119.58 968 S148 -3017 119.58 1002 S114 -3493 119.58

935 S181 -2555 250.58 969 S147 -3031 250.58 1003 S113 -3507 250.58

936 S180 -2569 119.58 970 S146 -3045 119.58 1004 S112 -3521 119.58

937 S179 -2583 250.58 971 S145 -3059 250.58 1005 S111 -3535 250.58

938 S178 -2597 119.58 972 S144 -3073 119.58 1006 S110 -3549 119.58

939 S177 -2611 250.58 973 S143 -3087 250.58 1007 S109 -3563 250.58

940 S176 -2625 119.58 974 S142 -3101 119.58 1008 S108 -3577 119.58

941 S175 -2639 250.58 975 S141 -3115 250.58 1009 S107 -3591 250.58

942 S174 -2653 119.58 976 S140 -3129 119.58 1010 S106 -3605 119.58

943 S173 -2667 250.58 977 S139 -3143 250.58 1011 S105 -3619 250.58

944 S172 -2681 119.58 978 S138 -3157 119.58 1012 S104 -3633 119.58

945 S171 -2695 250.58 979 S137 -3171 250.58 1013 S103 -3647 250.58

946 S170 -2709 119.58 980 S136 -3185 119.58 1014 S102 -3661 119.58

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Sitronix Confidential The information contained herein is the exclusive property of Sitronix and shall not be distributed, reproduced, or
disclosed in whole or in part without prior written permission of Sitronix.
PIN Name X Y PIN Name X Y PIN Name X Y
No. No. No.

1015 S101 -3675 250.58 1049 S67 -4151 250.58 1083 S33 -4627 250.58

1016 S100 -3689 119.58 1050 S66 -4165 119.58 1084 S32 -4641 119.58

1017 S99 -3703 250.58 1051 S65 -4179 250.58 1085 S31 -4655 250.58

1018 S98 -3717 119.58 1052 S64 -4193 119.58 1086 S30 -4669 119.58

1019 S97 -3731 250.58 1053 S63 -4207 250.58 1087 S29 -4683 250.58

1020 S96 -3745 119.58 1054 S62 -4221 119.58 1088 S28 -4697 119.58

1021 S95 -3759 250.58 1055 S61 -4235 250.58 1089 S27 -4711 250.58

1022 S94 -3773 119.58 1056 S60 -4249 119.58 1090 S26 -4725 119.58

1023 S93 -3787 250.58 1057 S59 -4263 250.58 1091 S25 -4739 250.58

1024 S92 -3801 119.58 1058 S58 -4277 119.58 1092 S24 -4753 119.58

1025 S91 -3815 250.58 1059 S57 -4291 250.58 1093 S23 -4767 250.58

1026 S90 -3829 119.58 1060 S56 -4305 119.58 1094 S22 -4781 119.58

1027 S89 -3843 250.58 1061 S55 -4319 250.58 1095 S21 -4795 250.58

1028 S88 -3857 119.58 1062 S54 -4333 119.58 1096 S20 -4809 119.58

1029 S87 -3871 250.58 1063 S53 -4347 250.58 1097 S19 -4823 250.58

1030 S86 -3885 119.58 1064 S52 -4361 119.58 1098 S18 -4837 119.58

1031 S85 -3899 250.58 1065 S51 -4375 250.58 1099 S17 -4851 250.58

1032 S84 -3913 119.58 1066 S50 -4389 119.58 1100 S16 -4865 119.58

1033 S83 -3927 250.58 1067 S49 -4403 250.58 1101 S15 -4879 250.58

1034 S82 -3941 119.58 1068 S48 -4417 119.58 1102 S14 -4893 119.58

1035 S81 -3955 250.58 1069 S47 -4431 250.58 1103 S13 -4907 250.58

1036 S80 -3969 119.58 1070 S46 -4445 119.58 1104 S12 -4921 119.58

1037 S79 -3983 250.58 1071 S45 -4459 250.58 1105 S11 -4935 250.58

1038 S78 -3997 119.58 1072 S44 -4473 119.58 1106 S10 -4949 119.58

1039 S77 -4011 250.58 1073 S43 -4487 250.58 1107 S9 -4963 250.58

1040 S76 -4025 119.58 1074 S42 -4501 119.58 1108 S8 -4977 119.58

1041 S75 -4039 250.58 1075 S41 -4515 250.58 1109 S7 -4991 250.58

1042 S74 -4053 119.58 1076 S40 -4529 119.58 1110 S6 -5005 119.58

1043 S73 -4067 250.58 1077 S39 -4543 250.58 1111 S5 -5019 250.58

1044 S72 -4081 119.58 1078 S38 -4557 119.58 1112 S4 -5033 119.58

1045 S71 -4095 250.58 1079 S37 -4571 250.58 1113 S3 -5047 250.58

1046 S70 -4109 119.58 1080 S36 -4585 119.58 1114 S2 -5061 119.58

1047 S69 -4123 250.58 1081 S35 -4599 250.58 1115 S1 -5075 250.58

1048 S68 -4137 119.58 1082 S34 -4613 119.58 1116 G319 -5131 119.58

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disclosed in whole or in part without prior written permission of Sitronix.
PIN Name X Y PIN Name X Y PIN Name X Y
No. No. No.

1117 G317 -5145 250.58 1151 G249 -5621 250.58 1185 G181 -6097 250.58

1118 G315 -5159 119.58 1152 G247 -5635 119.58 1186 G179 -6111 119.58

1119 G313 -5173 250.58 1153 G245 -5649 250.58 1187 G177 -6125 250.58

1120 G311 -5187 119.58 1154 G243 -5663 119.58 1188 G175 -6139 119.58

1121 G309 -5201 250.58 1155 G241 -5677 250.58 1189 G173 -6153 250.58

1122 G307 -5215 119.58 1156 G239 -5691 119.58 1190 G171 -6167 119.58

1123 G305 -5229 250.58 1157 G237 -5705 250.58 1191 G169 -6181 250.58

1124 G303 -5243 119.58 1158 G235 -5719 119.58 1192 G167 -6195 119.58

1125 G301 -5257 250.58 1159 G233 -5733 250.58 1193 G165 -6209 250.58

1126 G299 -5271 119.58 1160 G231 -5747 119.58 1194 G163 -6223 119.58

1127 G297 -5285 250.58 1161 G229 -5761 250.58 1195 G161 -6237 250.58

1128 G295 -5299 119.58 1162 G227 -5775 119.58 1196 G159 -6251 119.58

1129 G293 -5313 250.58 1163 G225 -5789 250.58 1197 G157 -6265 250.58

1130 G291 -5327 119.58 1164 G223 -5803 119.58 1198 G155 -6279 119.58

1131 G289 -5341 250.58 1165 G221 -5817 250.58 1199 G153 -6293 250.58

1132 G287 -5355 119.58 1166 G219 -5831 119.58 1200 G151 -6307 119.58

1133 G285 -5369 250.58 1167 G217 -5845 250.58 1201 G149 -6321 250.58

1134 G283 -5383 119.58 1168 G215 -5859 119.58 1202 G147 -6335 119.58

1135 G281 -5397 250.58 1169 G213 -5873 250.58 1203 G145 -6349 250.58

1136 G279 -5411 119.58 1170 G211 -5887 119.58 1204 G143 -6363 119.58

1137 G277 -5425 250.58 1171 G209 -5901 250.58 1205 G141 -6377 250.58

1138 G275 -5439 119.58 1172 G207 -5915 119.58 1206 G139 -6391 119.58

1139 G273 -5453 250.58 1173 G205 -5929 250.58 1207 G137 -6405 250.58

1140 G271 -5467 119.58 1174 G203 -5943 119.58 1208 G135 -6419 119.58

1141 G269 -5481 250.58 1175 G201 -5957 250.58 1209 G133 -6433 250.58

1142 G267 -5495 119.58 1176 G199 -5971 119.58 1210 G131 -6447 119.58

1143 G265 -5509 250.58 1177 G197 -5985 250.58 1211 G129 -6461 250.58

1144 G263 -5523 119.58 1178 G195 -5999 119.58 1212 G127 -6475 119.58

1145 G261 -5537 250.58 1179 G193 -6013 250.58 1213 G125 -6489 250.58

1146 G259 -5551 119.58 1180 G191 -6027 119.58 1214 G123 -6503 119.58

1147 G257 -5565 250.58 1181 G189 -6041 250.58 1215 G121 -6517 250.58

1148 G255 -5579 119.58 1182 G187 -6055 119.58 1216 G119 -6531 119.58

1149 G253 -5593 250.58 1183 G185 -6069 250.58 1217 G117 -6545 250.58

1150 G251 -5607 119.58 1184 G183 -6083 119.58 1218 G115 -6559 119.58

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Sitronix Confidential The information contained herein is the exclusive property of Sitronix and shall not be distributed, reproduced, or
disclosed in whole or in part without prior written permission of Sitronix.
PIN Name X Y PIN Name X Y PIN Name X Y
No. No. No.

1219 G113 -6573 250.58 1240 G71 -6867 119.58 1261 G29 -7161 250.58

1220 G111 -6587 119.58 1241 G69 -6881 250.58 1262 G27 -7175 119.58

1221 G109 -6601 250.58 1242 G67 -6895 119.58 1263 G25 -7189 250.58

1222 G107 -6615 119.58 1243 G65 -6909 250.58 1264 G23 -7203 119.58

1223 G105 -6629 250.58 1244 G63 -6923 119.58 1265 G21 -7217 250.58

1224 G103 -6643 119.58 1245 G61 -6937 250.58 1266 G19 -7231 119.58

1225 G101 -6657 250.58 1246 G59 -6951 119.58 1267 G17 -7245 250.58

1226 G99 -6671 119.58 1247 G57 -6965 250.58 1268 G15 -7259 119.58

1227 G97 -6685 250.58 1248 G55 -6979 119.58 1269 G13 -7273 250.58

1228 G95 -6699 119.58 1249 G53 -6993 250.58 1270 G11 -7287 119.58

1229 G93 -6713 250.58 1250 G51 -7007 119.58 1271 G9 -7301 250.58

1230 G91 -6727 119.58 1251 G49 -7021 250.58 1272 G7 -7315 119.58

1231 G89 -6741 250.58 1252 G47 -7035 119.58 1273 G5 -7329 250.58

1232 G87 -6755 119.58 1253 G45 -7049 250.58 1274 G3 -7343 119.58

1233 G85 -6769 250.58 1254 G43 -7063 119.58 1275 G1 -7357 250.58

1234 G83 -6783 119.58 1255 G41 -7077 250.58 1276 DUMMY -7371 119.58

1235 G81 -6797 250.58 1256 G39 -7091 119.58 1277 DUMMY -7385 250.58

1236 G79 -6811 119.58 1257 G37 -7105 250.58 1278 DUMMY -7399 119.58

1237 G77 -6825 250.58 1258 G35 -7119 119.58 A1 -7480 251.58

1238 G75 -6839 119.58 1259 G33 -7133 250.58 A2 7480 255.58

1239 G73 -6853 250.58 1260 G31 -7147 119.58

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Sitronix Confidential The information contained herein is the exclusive property of Sitronix and shall not be distributed, reproduced, or
disclosed in whole or in part without prior written permission of Sitronix.
6.1 Power Supply Pins
Name I/O Description Connect Pin
VDD I Power Supply for Analog, Digital System and Booster Circuit. VDD
VDDI I Power Supply for I/O System. VDDI
Power Supply for LED driver.
If not used, please fix this pad to GND level.
AGND I System Ground for Analog System and Booster Circuit. GND
DGND I System Ground for I/O System and Digital System. GND

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Sitronix Confidential The information contained herein is the exclusive property of Sitronix and shall not be distributed, reproduced, or
disclosed in whole or in part without prior written permission of Sitronix.
6.2 Interface Logic Pins
Name I/O Description Connect Pin
-The MCU interface mode select.
IM3 IM2 IM1 IM0 MPU Interface Mode Data pin
0 0 0 0 80-8bit parallel I/F DB[7:0]
0 0 0 1 80-16bit parallel I/F DB[15:0]
0 0 1 0 80-9bit parallel I/F DB[8:0]
0 0 1 1 80-18bit parallel I/F DB[17:0],

3-line 9bit serial I/F SDA: in/out

0 1 0 1
SDA: in/out
2 data lane serial I/F
IM3, IM2, WRX: in
IM1, IM0 0 1 1 0 4-line 8bit serial I/F SDA: in/out
1 0 0 0 80-16bit parallel I/F Ⅱ
1 0 0 1 80-8bit parallel I/F Ⅱ DB[17:10]
1 0 1 0 80-18bit parallel I/F Ⅱ DB[17:0],
1 0 1 1 80-9bit parallel I/F Ⅱ DB[17:9]
SDA: in/
1 1 0 1 3-line 9bit serial I/F Ⅱ
SDO: out
1 1 1 0 4-line 8bit serial I/F Ⅱ
SDO: out

-Select to access extension command (“Low”: system command 1,

EXTC I “High”: system command 1 and 2). DGND/VDDI
-When programming NVM, this pin should connect to high level.
-When programming NVM, it needs external power supply voltage
VPP I (7.5V); the current of Ivpp must be more than 10mA. -
-If not used, let this pin open.
-This signal will reset the device and it must be applied to properly
RESX I initialize the chip. MCU
-Signal is active low.
-Chip selection pin
CSX I Low enable. MCU
High disable.
-Display data/command selection pin in parallel interface.
-This pin is used to be serial interface clock.

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Sitronix Confidential The information contained herein is the exclusive property of Sitronix and shall not be distributed, reproduced, or
disclosed in whole or in part without prior written permission of Sitronix.
Name I/O Description Connect Pin
DCX=’1’: display data or parameter.
DCX=’0’: command data.
-If not used, please fix this pin at VDDI or DGND.
-Read enable in 8080 MCU parallel interface.
-If not used, please fix this pin at VDDI or DGND.
-Write enable in MCU parallel interface.
- Display data/command selection pin in 4-line serial interface.
- Second Data lane in 2 data lane serial interface.
-If not used, please fix this pin at VDDI or DGND.
-Vertical (Frame) synchronizing input signal for RGB interface operation.
-If not used, please fix to the VDDI or DGND.
-Horizontal (Line) synchronizing input signal for RGB interface operation.
- If not used, please fix to VDDI or DGND.
-Data enable signal for RGB interface operation.
-If not used, please fix this pin at VDDI or DGND.
-Dot clock signal for RGB interface operation.
-If not used, please fix this pin at VDDI or DGND.
-When IM3: Low, SPI interface input/output pin.
-When IM3: High, SPI interface input pin.
-The data is latched on the rising edge of the SCL signal.
-If not used, please fix this pin at VDDI or DGND level.
-SPI interface output pin.
SDO O -The data is output on the falling edge of the SCL signal. MCU
-If not used, let this pin open.
-DB[17:0] are used as MCU parallel interface data bus.
8-bit I/F: when IM3:0, DB[7:0] are used; when IM3:1, DB[17:10] are used.
9-bit I/F: when IM3:0, DB[8:0] are used; when IM3:1, DB[17:9] are used.
16-bit I/F: when IM3:0, DB[15:0] are used; when IM3:1, DB[17:10] and
DB[8:1] are used.
DB[17:0] I/O 18-bit I/F: DB[17:0] are used. MCU
-DB[17:0] are used as RGB interface data bus.
6-bit RGB I/F: DB[5:0] are used.
16-bit RGB I/F: DB[17:13], DB[11:1] are used.
18-bit RGB I/F: DB[17:0] are used.
-If not used, please fix this pin at VDDI or DGND.
TE O -Tearing effect signal is used to synchronize MCU to frame memory MCU

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Name I/O Description Connect Pin
-If not used, please let this pin open
Note1. “1” = VDDI level, “0” = DGND level.

Note2. When in parallel mode, unused data pins must be connected to “1” or “0”.

Note3. When CSX=”1”, there is no influence to the parallel and serial interface.

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6.3 Driver Output Pins
Name I/O Description Connect pin
S1 to S720 O -Source driver output pad. LCD
-Gate driver output pad.
G1 to G320 O VGH: Selecting Gate Lines Level. LCD
VGL: Non-selecting Gate Lines Level.
AVDD O -Power pad for analog circuit. OPEN
VAP(GVDD) O - A power output of grayscale voltage generator. OPEN
AVCL O - A power supply pin for generating VAN. OPEN
VAN(GVCL) O - A power output (Negative) of grayscale voltage generator. OPEN
VGH O - Power output pin for gate driver OPEN
VGL O - Power output (Negative) pin for gate driver OPEN
VCC O - Monitoring pin of internal digital reference voltage. OPEN
VCOM O - A power supply for the TFT-LCD common electrode. GND
-Output pad for PWM output signal to driving LED.
-If not used, keep it open.
-Output pad for enabling LED.
-If not used, keep it open.

6.4 Test and other pins

Input pins for testing.
Please open these pins.
Output pin for testing.
Please keep this pin floating.
Output pins for testing.
Please keep these pins floating.
These pins are dummy (no electrical characteristic)
DUMMY - Can pass signal through these pads on TFT panel. OPEN
Please open these pins.
DUMMYR1 These pins are dummy (no electrical characteristic).
DUMMYR2 DUMMYR1 and DUMMYR2 are connected each other internally.
VDDS Used for monitoring
VDDGX Please keep these pins floating.

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7.1 Absolute Operation Range
Item Symbol Rating Unit
Supply Voltage VDD - 0.3 ~ +4.6 V
Supply Voltage (Logic) VDDI - 0.3 ~ +4.6 V
Driver Supply Voltage VGH-VGL -0.3 ~ +30.0 V
Logic Input Voltage Range VIN -0.3 ~ VDDI + 0.5 V
Logic Output Voltage Range VO -0.3 ~ VDDI + 0.5 V
Operating Temperature Range TOPR -30 ~ +85 ℃
Storage Temperature Range TSTG -40 ~ +125 ℃
Table 1 Absolute Operation Range
Note: If one of the above items is exceeded its maximum limitation momentarily, the quality of the product may be degraded.

Absolute maximum limitation, therefore, specify the values exceeding which the product may be physically damaged. Be sure to use the

product within the recommend range.

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7.2 DC Characteristics
Specification Related
Parameter Symbol Condition Unit
Power & Operation Voltage
System Voltage VDD 2.4 2.75 3.3 V
I/O Supply
Interface Operation Voltage VDDI 1.65 1.8 3.3 V
Gate Driver High Voltage VGH 12.2 14.97 V Note 4
Gate Driver Low Voltage VGL -12.5 -7.16 V
Gate Driver Supply Voltage | VGH-VGL | 19.36 27.47 V Note 5
Input / Output
Logic-High Input Voltage VIH 0.7VDDI VDDI V Note 1
Logic-Low Input Voltage VIL VSS 0.3VDDI V Note 1
Logic-High Output Voltage VOH IOH = -1.0mA 0.8VDDI VDDI V Note 1
Logic-Low Output Voltage VOL IOL = +1.0mA VSS 0.2VDDI V Note 1
Logic-High Input Current IIH VIN = VDDI 1 uA Note 1
Logic-Low Input Current IIL VIN = VSS -1 uA Note 1
Input Leakage Current IIL IOH = -1.0mA -0.1 +0.1 uA Note 1
VCOM Voltage
VCOM amplitude VCOM VSS V
Source Driver
Source Output Range Vsout VAN VAP V
Gamma Reference
VAP 4.45 6.4 V Note 6
Gamma Reference
VAN -4.6 -2.65 V
Below with 99%
Source Output Settling Time Tr 20 us Note 2

Output Offset Voltage VOFFSET 35 mV Note 3

Table 2 Basic DC Characteristics


1. TA= -30 to 70℃ (to +85℃ no damage).

2. Source channel loading= 2KΩ+12pF/channel, Gate channel loading=5KΩ+40pF/channel.

3. The Max. value is between measured point of source output and gamma setting value.

4. When evaluating the maximum and minimum of VGH, VDD=2.8V.

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5. The maximum value of |VGH-VGL| can no over 30V.

6. Default register setting of Vcom and Vcomoffset is 20h

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7.3 Power Consumption
Ta=25℃, Frame rate = 60Hz, Registers setting are IC default setting.

Current Consumption
Typical Maximum
Operation Mode Image
(mA) (mA) (mA) (mA)
Normal Mode Black 0.005 6.0 0.01 7.5
Partial + Idle Mode (48 lines) Black 0.005 5.0 0.01 6.0
Sleep-in Mode N/A 0.005 0.015 0.01 0.03
Table 3 Power Consumption

1. The Current Consumption is DC characteristics of ST7789V.

2. Typical: VDDI=1.8V, VDD=2.75V; Maximum: VDDI=1.65 to 3.3V, VDD=2.4 to 3.3V

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7.4 AC Characteristics
7.4.1 8080 Series MCU Parallel Interface Characteristics: 18/16/9/8-bit Bus

Figure 1 Parallel Interface Timing Characteristics (8080-Series MCU Interface)

VDDI=1.65 to 3.3V, VDD=2.4 to 3.3V, AGND=DGND=0V, Ta= -30 to 70 ℃

Signal Symbol Parameter Min Max Unit Description

TAST Address setup time 0 ns
D/CX -
TAHT Address hold time (Write/Read) 10 ns
TCHW Chip select “H” pulse width 0 ns
TCS Chip select setup time (Write) 15 ns
TRCS Chip select setup time (Read ID) 45 ns
TRCSFM Chip select setup time (Read FM) 355 ns
TCSF Chip select wait time (Write/Read) 10 ns
TCSH Chip select hold time 10 ns
TWC Write cycle 66 ns
WRX TWRH Control pulse “H” duration 15 ns
TWRL Control pulse “L” duration 15 ns
TRC Read cycle (ID) 160 ns
RDX (ID) TRDH Control pulse “H” duration (ID) 90 ns When read ID data
TRDL Control pulse “L” duration (ID) 45 ns
TRCFM Read cycle (FM) 450 ns
RDX When read from
TRDHFM Control pulse “H” duration (FM) 90 ns
(FM) frame memory
TRDLFM Control pulse “L” duration (FM) 355 ns
D[17:0] TDST Data setup time 10 ns For CL=30pF

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TDHT Data hold time 10 ns
TRAT Read access time (ID) 40 ns
TRATFM Read access time (FM) 340 ns
TODH Output disable time 20 80 ns
Table 4 8080 Parallel Interface Characteristics

Figure 2 Rising and Falling Timing for I/O Signal

Figure 3 Write-to-Read and Read-to-Write Timing

Note: The rising time and falling time (Tr, Tf) of input signal and fall time are specified at 15 ns or less. Logic high and low levels are

specified as 30% and 70% of VDDI for Input signals.

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7.4.2 Serial Interface Characteristics (3-line serial):

Figure 4 3-line serial Interface Timing Characteristics

VDDI=1.65 to 3.3V, VDD=2.4 to 3.3V, AGND=DGND=0V, Ta=-30 to 70 ℃

Signal Symbol Parameter Min Max Unit Description

TCSS Chip select setup time (write) 15 ns
TCSH Chip select hold time (write) 15 ns
CSX TCSS Chip select setup time (read) 60 ns
TSCC Chip select hold time (read) 65 ns
TCHW Chip select “H” pulse width 40 ns
TSCYCW Serial clock cycle (Write) 66 ns
TSHW SCL “H” pulse width (Write) 15 ns
TSLW SCL “L” pulse width (Write) 15 ns
TSCYCR Serial clock cycle (Read) 150 ns
TSHR SCL “H” pulse width (Read) 60 ns
TSLR SCL “L” pulse width (Read) 60 ns
SDA TSDS Data setup time 10 ns
(DIN) TSDH Data hold time 10 ns
TACC Access time 10 50 ns For maximum CL=30pF
TOH Output disable time 15 50 ns For minimum CL=8pF

Table 5 3-line serial Interface Characteristics

Note : The rising time and falling time (Tr, Tf) of input signal are specified at 15 ns or less. Logic high and low levels are specified as

30% and 70% of VDDI for Input signals.

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7.4.3 Serial Interface Characteristics (4-line serial):

Figure 5 4-line serial Interface Timing Characteristics

VDDI=1.65 to 3.3V, VDD=2.4 to 3.3V, AGND=DGND=0V, Ta=-30 to 70 ℃

Signal Symbol Parameter MIN MAX Unit Description

TCSS Chip select setup time (write) 15 ns
TCSH Chip select hold time (write) 15 ns
CSX TCSS Chip select setup time (read) 60 ns
TSCC Chip select hold time (read) 65 ns
TCHW Chip select “H” pulse width 40 ns
TSCYCW Serial clock cycle (Write) 66 ns
-write command & data
TSHW SCL “H” pulse width (Write) 15 ns
TSLW SCL “L” pulse width (Write) 15 ns
TSCYCR Serial clock cycle (Read) 150 ns
-read command & data
TSHR SCL “H” pulse width (Read) 60 ns
TSLR SCL “L” pulse width (Read) 60 ns
TDCS D/CX setup time 10 ns
TDCH D/CX hold time 10 ns
SDA TSDS Data setup time 10 ns
(DIN) TSDH Data hold time 10 ns
TACC Access time 10 50 ns For maximum CL=30pF
TOH Output disable time 15 50 ns For minimum CL=8pF
Table 6 4-line serial Interface Characteristics
Note : The rising time and falling time (Tr, Tf) of input signal are specified at 15 ns or less. Logic high and low levels are specified as

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30% and 70% of VDDI for Input signals.

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7.4.4 RGB Interface Characteristics:



Trgbf Trgbr




Data Bus VIH VIH

Write Data

Figure 6 RGB Interface Timing Characteristics

VDDI=1.65 to 3.3V, VDD=2.4 to 3.3V, AGND=DGND=0V, Ta=-30 ~ 70 ℃

Signal Symbol Parameter MIN MAX Unit Description

TSYNCS VSYNC, HSYNC Setup Time 30 - ns
TENS Enable Setup Time 25 - ns
TENH Enable Hold Time 25 - ns
PWDH DOTCLK High-level Pulse Width 60 - ns
PWDL DOTCLK Low-level Pulse Width 60 - ns
TCYCD DOTCLK Cycle Time 120 - ns
Trghr, Trghf DOTCLK Rise/Fall time - 20 ns
TPDS PD Data Setup Time 50 - ns
TPDH PD Data Hold Time 50 - ns
Table 7 18/16 Bits RGB Interface Timing Characteristics

Signal Symbol Parameter MIN MAX Unit Description

TSYNCS VSYNC, HSYNC Setup Time 20 - ns
ENABLE TENS Enable Setup Time 20 - ns

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TENH Enable Hold Time 20 - ns
PWDH DOTCLK High-level Pulse Width 20 - ns
PWDL DOTCLK Low-level Pulse Width 20 - ns
TCYCD DOTCLK Cycle Time 55 - ns
Trghr, Trghf DOTCLK Rise/Fall time - 10 ns
TPDS PD Data Setup Time 20 - ns
TPDH PD Data Hold Time 20 - ns
Table 8 6 Bits RGB Interface Timing Characteristics

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7.4.5 Reset Timing:

Shorter than 5us


Normal operation During reset Initial condition
status (Default for H/W reset)

Figure 7 Reset Timing

VDDI=1.65 to 3.3V, VDD=2.4 to 3.3V, AGND=DGND=0V, Ta=-30 ~ 70 ℃

Related Pins Symbol Parameter MIN MAX Unit

TRW Reset pulse duration 10 - us
RESX - 5 (Note 1, 5) ms
TRT Reset cancel
120 (Note 1, 6, 7) ms

Table 9 Reset Timing


1. The reset cancel includes also required time for loading ID bytes, VCOM setting and other settings from NVM (or similar device) to

registers. This loading is done every time when there is HW reset cancel time (tRT) within 5 ms after a rising edge of RESX.

2. Spike due to an electrostatic discharge on RESX line does not cause irregular system reset according to the table below:

RESX Pulse Action

Shorter than 5us Reset Rejected
Longer than 9us Reset
Between 5us and 9us Reset starts

3. During the Resetting period, the display will be blanked (The display is entering blanking sequence, which maximum time is 120

ms, when Reset Starts in Sleep Out –mode. The display remains the blank state in Sleep In –mode.) and then return to Default condition

for Hardware Reset.

4. Spike Rejection also applies during a valid reset pulse as shown below:

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5. When Reset applied during Sleep In Mode.

6. When Reset applied during Sleep Out Mode.

7. It is necessary to wait 5msec after releasing RESX before sending commands. Also Sleep Out command cannot be sent for


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8.1 MPU Interface Type Selection
ST7789V supports 8/16/9/18 bit parallel data bus for 8080 series CPU, RGB serial interfaces. Selection
of these interfaces are set by IM[3:0] pins as shown below.
IM3 IM2 IM1 IM0 Interface Read Back Data Bus Selection
0 0 0 0 80-8bit parallel I/F DB[7:0]
0 0 0 1 80-16bit parallel I/F DB[15:0]
0 0 1 0 80-9bit parallel I/F DB[8:0]
0 0 1 1 80-18bit parallel I/F DB[17:0],
3-line 9bit serial I/F SDA: in/out
0 1 0 1
2 data lane serial I/F SDA: in/out, WRX: in
0 1 1 0 4-line 8bit serial I/F SDA: in/out
1 0 0 0 80-16bit parallel I/F Ⅱ DB[17:10], DB[8:1]
1 0 0 1 80-8bit parallel I/F Ⅱ DB[17:10]
1 0 1 0 80-18bit parallel I/F Ⅱ DB[17:0],
1 0 1 1 80-9bit parallel I/F Ⅱ DB[17:9]
1 1 0 1 3-line 9bit serial I/F Ⅱ SDA: in/ SDO: out
1 1 1 0 4-line 8bit serial I/F Ⅱ SDA: in/ SDO: out
Table 10 Interface Type Selection

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8.2 8080-Ⅰ Series MCU Parallel Interface
The MCU can use one of following interfaces: 11-lines with 8-data parallel interface, 12-lines with 9-data
parallel interface, 19-line with 16-data parallel interface or 21-lines with 18-data parallel interface. The
chip-select CSX (active low) enables/disables the parallel interface. RESX (active low) is an external reset
signal. WRX is the parallel data write enable, RDX is the parallel data read enable and D[17:0] is parallel data
The LCD driver reads the data at the rising edge of WRX signal. The D/CX is the data/command flag.
When D/CX=’1’, D[17:0] bits is either display data or command parameter. When D/C=’0’, D[17:0] bits is
command. The interface functions of 8080-series parallel interface are given in following table.

IM3 IM2 IM1 IM0 Interface D/CX RDX WRX Read back selection

0 1 ↑ Write 8-bit command (D7 to D0)

8-bit 1 1 ↑ Write 8-bit display data or 8-bit parameter (D7 to D0)

0 0 0 0
parallel 1 ↑ 1 Read 8-bit display data (D7 to D0)

1 ↑ 1 Read 8-bit parameter or status (D7 to D0)

0 1 ↑ Write 8-bit command (D7 to D0)

16-bit 1 1 ↑ Write 16-bit display data or 8-bit parameter (D15 to D0)

0 0 0 1
parallel 1 ↑ 1 Read 16-bit display data (D15 to D0)

1 ↑ 1 Read 8-bit parameter or status (D7 to D0)

0 1 ↑ Write 8-bit command (D7 to D0)

9-bit 1 1 ↑ Write 9-bit display data or 8-bit parameter (D8 to D0)

0 0 1 0
parallel 1 ↑ 1 Read 9-bit display data (D8 to D0)

1 ↑ 1 Read 8-bit parameter or status (D7 to D0)

0 1 ↑ Write 8-bit command (D7 to D0)

18-bit 1 1 ↑ Write 18-bit display data or 8-bit parameter (D17 to D0)

0 0 1 1
parallel 1 ↑ 1 Read 18-bit display data (D17 to D0)

1 ↑ 1 Read 8-bit parameter or status (D7 to D0)

Table 11 the function of 8080-series parallel interface

8.2.1 Write cycle sequence

The write cycle means that the host writes information (command / data) to the display via the interface.
Each write cycle (WRX high-low-high sequence) consists of 3 control signals (DCX, RDX, WRX) and data
signals (DB[17:0]). DCX bit is a control signal, which tells if the data is a command or a data. The data signals
are the command if the control signal is low (=’0’) and vice versa it is data (=’1’).

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Figure 8 8080-Series WRX Protocol

Note: WRX is an unsynchronized signal (It can be stopped).

Figure 9 8080-Series Parallel Bus Protocol, Write to Register or Display RAM

8.2.2 Read cycle sequence

The read cycle (RDX high-low-high sequence) means that the host reads information from LCD driver via
interface. The driver sends data (D[17:0]) to the host when there is a falling edge of RDX and the host reads
data when there is a rising edge of RDX.

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Figure 10 8080-series RDX protocol

Note: RDX is an unsynchronized signal (It can be stopped).

Read parameter Read display data

D[17:0] S CMD DM PA CMD DM & data Data Data P

RESX “1”





D[17:0] S CMD DM PA CMD DM & data Data Data P

Host D[17:0] Hi-Z Hi-Z

Host to LCD

Driver D[17:0] Hi-Z Hi-Z

S DM PA1 DM & data PAN-2 PAN-1 P
LCD to Host

CMD: write command code Signals on D[17:0], D/CX, R/WX, E

PA: parameter or display data pins during CSX=1 are ignored.

Figure 11 8080-series parallel bus protocol, read data from register or display RAM

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8.3 8080-Ⅱ series MCU Parallel Interface
The MCU uses one of following interface: 11-lines with 8-data parallel interface, 12-lines with 9-data
parallel interface, 19-lines with 16-data parallel interface, or 21-lines with 18-data parallel interface. The
chip-select CSX(active low) enables and disables the parallel interface. RESX (active low) is an external reset
signal. The R/WX is the Read/Write flag and D[17:0] is parallel data bus.

The LCD driver reads the data at the rising edge of WRX signal. The D/CX is the data/command flag.
When D/CX=’1’, D[17:0] bits is either display data or command parameter. When D/C=’0’, D[17:0] bits is

The 8080-Ⅱ series bi-directional interface can be used for communication between the micro controller
and LCD driver. Interface bus width can be selected with IM3, IM2, IM1 and IM0.The interface functions of
8080-Ⅱ series parallel interface are given in Table 12 The function of 8080-Ⅱ series parallel interface.

IM3 IM2 IM1 IM0 Interface D/CX RDX WRX Function

0 1 ↑ Write 8-bit command (D[8:1])
1 1 ↑ Write 16-bit display data or 8-bit parameter (D[17:10], D[8:1])
1 0 0 0 16-bit Parallel
1 ↑ 1 Read 16-bit Display data (D[17:10], D[8:1])
1 ↑ 1 Read 8-bit parameter or status (D[8:1])
0 1 ↑ Write 8-bit command (D[17:10])
1 1 ↑ Write 8-bit display data or 8-bit parameter (D[17:10])
1 0 0 1 8-bit Parallel
1 ↑ 1 Read 8-bit Display data (D[17:10])
1 ↑ 1 Read 8-bit parameter or status (D[17:10])
0 1 ↑ Write 8-bit command (D[8:1])
1 1 ↑ Write 18-bit display data or 8-bit parameter (D[17:0], D[8:1])
1 0 1 0 18-bit Parallel
1 ↑ 1 Read 18-bit Display data (D[17:0])
1 ↑ 1 Read 8-bit parameter or status (D[8:1])
0 1 ↑ Write 8-bit command (D[17:10])
1 1 ↑ Write 9-bit display data or 8-bit parameter (D[17:9])
1 0 1 1 9-bit Parallel
1 ↑ 1 Read 9-bit Display data (D[17:9])
1 ↑ 1 Read 8-bit parameter or status (D[17:10])
Table 12 The function of 8080-Ⅱ series parallel interface

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8.4 Serial Interface
IM3 IM2 IM1 IM0 Interface Read back selection
0 1 0 1 3-line serial interface Ⅰ
0 1 1 0 4-line serial interface Ⅰ Via the read instruction (8-bit, 24-bit and 32-bit read
1 1 0 1 3-line serial interface Ⅱ parameter)
1 1 1 0 4-line serial interface Ⅱ
Table 13 Selection of serial interface
The serial interface is either 3-lines/9-bits or 4-lines/8-bits bi-directional interface for communication
between the micro controller and the LCD driver. The 3-lines serial interface use: CSX (chip enable), SCL
(serial clock) and SDA (serial data input/output), and the 4-lines serial interface use: CSX (chip enable), D/CX
(data/ command flag), SCL (serial clock) and SDA (serial data input/output). Serial clock (SCL) is used for
interface with MCU only, so it can be stopped when no communication is necessary.

8.4.1 Pin description

3-line serial interface Ⅰ
Pin Name Description
CSX Chip selection signal
DCX Clock signal
SDA Serial input/output data
4-line serial interface Ⅰ
Pin Name Description
CSX Chip selection signal
Data is regarded as a command when WRX is low
Data is regarded as a parameter or data when WRX is high
DCX Clock signal
SDA Serial input/output data
3-line serial interface Ⅱ
Pin Name Description
CSX Chip selection signal
DCX Clock signal
SDA Serial input data
SDO Serial output data
4-line serial interface Ⅱ
Pin Name Description
CSX Chip selection signal
Data is regarded as a command when WRX is low
Data is regarded as a parameter or data when WRX is high

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DCX Clock signal
SDA Serial input data
SDO Serial output data
Table 14 pin description of serial interface

8.4.2 Command write mode

The write mode of the interface means the micro controller writes commands and data to the LCD driver.
3-lines serial data packet contains a control bit D/CX and a transmission byte. In 4-lines serial interface, data
packet contains just transmission byte and control bit D/CX is transferred by the D/CX pin. If D/CX is “low”, the
transmission byte is interpreted as a command byte. If D/CX is “high”, the transmission byte is stored in the
display data RAM (memory write command), or command register as parameter.

Any instruction can be sent in any order to the driver. The MSB is transmitted first. The serial interface is
initialized when CSX is high. In this state, SCL clock pulse or SDA data have no effect. A falling edge on CSX
enables the serial interface and indicates the start of data transmission.

Figure 12 Serial interface data stream format

When CSX is “high”, SCL clock is ignored. During the high period of CSX the serial interface is initialized.
At the falling edge of CSX, SCL can be high or low. SDA is sampled at the rising edge of SCL. D/CX indicates
whether the byte is command (D/CX=’0’) or parameter/RAM data (D/CX=’1’). D/CX is sampled when first
rising edge of SCL (3-line serial interface) or 8th rising edge of SCL (4-line serial interface). If CSX stays low
after the last bit of command/data byte, the serial interface expects the D/CX bit (3-line serial interface) or D7

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(4-line serial interface) of the next byte at the next rising edge of SCL..

Figure 13 3-line serial interface write protocol (write to register with control bit in transmission)

Figure 14 4-line serial interface write protocol (write to register with control bit in transmission)

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8.4.3 Read function
The read mode of the interface means that the micro controller reads register value from the driver. To
achieve read function, the micro controller first has to send a command (read ID or register command) and
then the following byte is transmitted in the opposite direction. After that CSX is required to go to high before a
new command is send (see the below figure). The driver samples the SDA (input data) at rising edge of SCL,
but shifts SDA (output data) at the falling edge of SCL. Thus the micro controller is supported to read at the
rising edge of SCL.

After the read status command has been sent, the SDA line must be set to tri-state no later than at the
falling edge of SCL of the last bit.

8.4.4 3-line serial interface Ⅰ/Ⅱ protocol

3-line serial protocol (for RDID1/RDID2/RDID3/0Ah/0Bh/0Ch/0Dh/0Eh/0Fh command: 8-bit read):

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3-line serial protocol (for RDDID command: 24-bit read)

3-line Serial Protocol (for RDDST command: 32-bit read)

Figure 15 3-line serial interface read protocol

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8.4.5 4-line serial protocol
4-line serial protocol (for RDID1/RDID2/RDID3/0Ah/0Bh/0Ch/0Dh/0Eh/0Fh command: 8-bit read):




D/CX 0

Interface-І SDA D7 D6 D5 D4 D3 D2 D1 D0 D7 D6 D5 D4 D3 D2 D1 D0 D7

SDA D7 D6 D5 D4 D3 D2 D1 D0 D7

SDO D7 D6 D5 D4 D3 D2 D1 D0

4-line serial protocol (for RDDID command: 24-bit read)

4-line Serial Protocol (for RDDST command: 32-bit read)

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Figure 16 4-line serial interface read protocol

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8.4.6 2 data lane serial Interface
Interface selection:
IM3 IM2 IM1 IM0 Interface Read back selection
Via the read instruction (8-bit, 24-bit and 32-bit
0 1 0 1 2 data lane serial interface
Table 15 IM pin selection

2-wire data lane serial interface use: CSX (chip enable), DCX (serial clock) and SDA (serial data
input/output 1), and WRX (serial data input 2). To enter this interface, command E7h need set 10h.

2 data lane hardware suggestion and Pin description:

2 data lane serial interface, IM[3:0]=0101

Figure 17 Hardware suggestion of 2 data lane serial interface

Pin Name Description

CSX Chip selection signal
DCX Clock signal
SDA Serial data input/output1
WRX Serial data input2
Table 16 Pin description of 2 data lane serial interface

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Command write mode:
The command write protocol of 2-wire data lane serial interface is the same with the 3-line serial interface,
so users can ignore the input data of WRX.
Any instruction can be sent in any order to the driver. The MSB is transmitted first. The serial interface is
initialized when CSX is high. In this state, SCL clock pulse or SDA data have no effect. A falling edge on CSX
enables the serial interface and indicates the start of data transmission.

Figure 18 3-line serial interface write protocol (write to register with control bit in transmission)

SRAM write mode:

The SRAM write mode of 2-wire data line serial interface need use SDA pin and WRX pin to be data input

Read function:
The read mode of 2-wire data lane serial interface is the same with the 3-line serial interface and WRX
pin can be ignored. To achieve read function, the micro controller first has to send a command (read ID or
register command) and then the following byte is transmitted in the opposite direction. After that CSX is
required to go to high before a new command is send (see the below figure). The driver samples the SDA
(input data) at rising edge of SCL, but shifts SDA (output data) at the falling edge of SCL. Thus the micro
controller is supported to read at the rising edge of SCL.

After the read status command has been sent, the SDA line must be set to tri-state no later than at the
falling edge of SCL of the last bit.

3-line serial interface Ⅰ/Ⅱ

Ⅱ protocol:
3-line serial protocol (for RDID1/RDID2/RDID3/0Ah/0Bh/0Ch/0Dh/0Eh/0Fh command: 8-bit read):

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3-line serial protocol (for RDDID command: 24-bit read)

3-line Serial Protocol (for RDDST command: 32-bit read)

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Figure 19 3-line serial interface read protocol

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8.5 Data Transfer Break and Recovery
If there is a break in data transmission by RESX pulse, while transferring a command or frame memory
data or multiple parameter command data, before Bit D0 of the byte has been completed, then driver will
reject the previous bits and have reset the interface such that it will be ready to receive command data again
when the chip select line (CSX) is next activated after RESX have been HIGH state.

If there is a break in data transmission by CSX pulse, while transferring a command or frame memory
data or multiple parameter command data, before Bit D0 of the byte has been completed, then driver will
reject the previous bits and have reset the interface such that it will be ready to receive the same byte
re-transmitted when the chip select line (CSX) is next activated.

If 1, 2 or more parameter commands are being sent and a break occurs while sending any parameter
before the last one and if the host then sends a new command rather than re-transmitting the parameter that
was interrupted, then the parameters that were successfully sent are stored and the parameter where the
break occurred is rejected. The interface is ready to receive next byte as shown below.

Figure 20 Write interrupts recovery (serial interface)

If a 2 or more parameter commands are being sent and a break occurs by the other command before the
last one is sent, then the parameters that were successfully sent are stored and the other parameter of that
command remains previous value.

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Figure 21 Write interrupts recovery (both serial and parallel Interface)

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8.6 Data Transfer Pause
It will be possible when transferring a command, frame memory data or multiple parameter data to invoke
a pause in the data transmission. If the chip select line is released after a whole byte of a frame memory data
or multiple parameter data has been completed, then driver will wait and continue the frame memory data or
parameter data transmission from the point where it was paused. If the chip select Line is released after a
whole byte of a command has been completed, then the display module will receive either the command‘s
parameters (if appropriate) or a new command when the chip select line is next enabled as shown below.

This applies to the following 4 conditions:

1) Command-Pause-Command
2) Command-Pause-Parameter
3) Parameter-Pause-Command
4) Parameter-Pause-Parameter
8.6.1 Parallel interface pause

Figure 22 Parallel bus pause protocol (paused by CSX)

8.7 Data Transfer Mode

The module has three kinds color modes for transferring data to the display RAM. These are 12-bit color
per pixel, 16-bit color per pixel and 18-bit color per pixel. The data format is described for each interface. Data
can be downloaded to the frame memory by 2 methods.
8.7.1 Method 1
The image data is sent to the frame memory in successive frame writes, each time the frame memory is
filled, the frame memory pointer is reset to the start point and the next frame is written.

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8.7.2 Method 2
The image data is sent and at the end of each frame memory download, a command is sent to stop frame
memory write. Then start memory write command is sent, and a new frame is downloaded.

Note 1: These apply to all data transfer Color modes on both serial and parallel interfaces.

Note 2: The frame memory can contain both odd and even number of pixels for both methods. Only complete pixel data will be stored in

the frame memory.

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8.8 Data Color Coding
8.8.1 8080-Ⅰ series 8-bit Parallel Interface
The 8080-Ⅰ series 8-bit parallel interface of ST7789V can be used by setting IM[3:0]=”0000b”. Different
display data formats are available for three Colors depth supported by listed below.
- 4k colors, RGB 4,4,4-bit input.
- 65k colors, RGB 5,6,5-bit input.
- 262k colors, RGB 6,6,6-bit input.
8.8.2 8-bit data bus for 12-bit/pixel (RGB 4-4-4-bit input), 4K-Colors, 3Ah=”03h”





8080-series control pins

D7 0 R1, Bit 3 B1, Bit 3 G2, Bit 3 R3, Bit 3

D6 0 R1, Bit 2 B1, Bit 2 G2, Bit 2 R3, Bit 2

D5 1 R1, Bit 1 B1, Bit 1 G2, Bit 1 R3, Bit 1

D4 0 R1, Bit 0 B1, Bit 0 G2, Bit 0 R3, Bit 0

D3 1 G1, Bit 3 R2, Bit 3 B2, Bit 3 G3, Bit 3

D2 1 G1, Bit 2 R2, Bit 2 B2, Bit 2 G3, Bit 2

D1 0 G1, Bit 1 R2, Bit 1 B2, Bit 1 G3, Bit 1

D0 0 G1, Bit 0 R2, Bit 0 B2, Bit 0 G3, Bit 0

Pixel n Pixel n+1

12 bits 12 bits

Look-up table for 4096 color data mapping (12 bits to 18 bits)

18 bits

Frame memory
R1 G1 B1 R2 G2 B2 R3 G3 B3

Note 1: The data order is as follows, MSB=D7, LSB=D0 and picture data is MSB=Bit 3, LSB=Bit 0 for Red, Green and Blue data.
Note 2: 3-time transfer is used to transmit 2 pixel data with the 12-bit color depth information.
Note 3: ‘-‘ = Don’t care – Can be set to ‘0’ or ‘1’

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8.8.3 8-bit data bus for 16-bit/pixel (RGB 5-6-5-bit input), 65K-Colors, 3Ah=”05h”
There is 1pixel (3 sub-pixels) per 2-byte





8080-series control pins

D7 0 R1, Bit 4 G1, Bit 2 R2, Bit 4 G2, Bit 2

D6 0 R1, Bit 3 G1, Bit 1 R2, Bit 3 G2, Bit 1

D5 1 R1, Bit 2 G1, Bit 0 R2, Bit 2 G2, Bit 0

D4 0 R1, Bit 1 B1, Bit 4 R2, Bit 1 B2, Bit 4

D3 1 R1, Bit 0 B1, Bit 3 R2, Bit 0 B2, Bit 3

D2 1 G1, Bit 5 B1, Bit 2 G2, Bit 5 B2, Bit 2

D1 0 G1, Bit 4 B1, Bit 1 G2, Bit 4 B2, Bit 1

D0 0 G1, Bit 3 B1, Bit 0 G2, Bit 3 B2, Bit 0

Pixel n Pixel n+1

16 bits 16 bits

Look-up table for 65k color data mapping (16 bits to 18 bits)

18 bits

Frame memory
R1 G1 B1 R2 G2 B2 R3 G3 B3

Note 1: The data order is as follows, MSB=D15, LSB=D0 and picture data is MSB=Bit 5, LSB=Bit 0 for Green, and MSB=Bit 4, LSB=Bit 0
for Red and Blue data.
Note 2: 2-times transfer is used to transmit 1 pixel data with the 16-bit color depth information.
Note 3: ‘-‘ = Don’t care – Can be set to ‘0’ or ‘1’

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disclosed in whole or in part without prior written permission of Sitronix.
8.8.4 8-bit data bus for 18-bit/pixel (RGB-6-6-6-bit input), 262K-Colors, 3Ah=”06h”
There is 1pixel (3 sub-pixels) per 3-bytes.





8080-series control pins

D7 0 R1, Bit 5 G1, Bit 5 B1, Bit 5 R2, Bit 5

D6 0 R1, Bit 4 G1, Bit 4 B1, Bit 4 R2, Bit 4

D5 1 R1, Bit 3 G1, Bit 3 B1, Bit 3 R2, Bit 3

D4 0 R1, Bit 2 G1, Bit 2 B1, Bit 2 R2, Bit 2

D3 1 R1, Bit 1 G1, Bit 1 B1, Bit 1 R2, Bit 1

D2 1 R1, Bit 0 G1, Bit 0 B1, Bit 0 R2, Bit 0

D1 0 - - - -

D0 0 - - - -

Pixel n Pixel n+1

18 bits 18 bits

Frame memory
R1 G1 B1 R2 G2 B2 R3 G3 B3

Note 1: The data order is as follows, MSB=D7, LSB=D0 and picture data is MSB=Bit 5, LSB=Bit 0 for Red, Green and Blue data.
Note 2: 3-times transfer is used to transmit 1 pixel data with the 18-bit color depth information.
Note 3: ‘-‘ = Don’t care – Can be set to ‘0’ or ‘1’

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8.8.5 8080-Ⅱ series 8-bit Parallel Interface
The 8080-Ⅱ series 8-bit parallel interface of ST7789V can be used by setting IM[3:0]=”1001b”. Different
display data formats are available for three Colors depth supported by listed below.
- 65k colors, RGB 5,6,5-bit input.
- 262k colors, RGB 6,6,6-bit input.
8.8.6 8-bit data bus for 16-bit/pixel (RGB 5-6-5-bit input), 65K-Colors, 3Ah=”05h”

Note 1: The data order is as follows, MSB=D17, LSB=D10 and picture data is MSB=Bit 5, LSB=Bit 0 for Green, and MSB=Bit 4, LSB=Bit
0 for Red and Blue data.
Note 2: 2-times transfer transmit 1 pixel data with the 16-bit color depth information.
Note 3: ‘-‘ = Don’t care – Can be set to ‘0’ or ‘1’

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8.8.7 8-bit data bus for 18-bit/pixel (RGB 6-6-6-bit input), 262K-Colors, 3Ah=”06h”





8080-series control pins

D17 0 R1, Bit 5 G1, Bit 5 B1, Bit 5 R2, Bit 5

D16 0 R1, Bit 4 G1, Bit 4 B1, Bit 4 R2, Bit 4

D15 1 R1, Bit 3 G1, Bit 3 B1, Bit 3 R2, Bit 3

D14 0 R1, Bit 2 G1, Bit 2 B1, Bit 2 R2, Bit 2

D13 1 R1, Bit 1 G1, Bit 1 B1, Bit 1 R2, Bit 1

D12 1 R1, Bit 0 G1, Bit 0 B1, Bit 0 R2, Bit 0

D11 0 - - - -

D10 0 - - - -

Pixel n Pixel n+1

18 bits 18 bits

Frame memory
R1 G1 B1 R2 G2 B2 R3 G3 B3

Note 1: The data order is as follows, MSB=D17, LSB=D10 and picture data is MSB=Bit 5, LSB=Bit 0 for Red, Green and Blue data.
Note 2: 3-times transfer is used to transmit 1 pixel data with the 18-bit color depth information.
Note 3: ‘-‘ = Don’t care – Can be set to ‘0’ or ‘1’

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8.8.8 8080-Ⅰ series 16-Bit Parallel Interface
The 8080-Ⅰ series 16-bit parallel interface of ST7789V can be used by setting IM[3:0]=”0001b”. Different
display data formats are available for three colors depth supported by listed below.
- 4k colors, RGB 4,4,4-bit input
- 65k colors, RGB 5,6,5-bit input
- 262k colors, RGB 6,6,6-bit input

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8.8.9 16-bit data bus for 12-bit/pixel (RGB 4-4-4-bit input), 4K-Colors, 3Ah=”03h”
There is 1pixel (3 sub-pixels) per 1byte





8080-series control pins

D15 - - - - -

D14 - - - - -

D13 - - - - -

D12 - - - - -

D11 - R1, Bit 3 R2, Bit 3 R3, Bit 3 R4, Bit 3

D10 - R1, Bit 2 R2, Bit 2 R3, Bit 2 R4, Bit 2

D9 - R1, Bit 1 R2, Bit 1 R3, Bit 1 R4, Bit 1

D8 - R1, Bit 0 R2, Bit 0 R3, Bit 0 R4, Bit 0

D7 0 G1, Bit 3 G2, Bit 3 G3, Bit 3 G4, Bit 3

D6 0 G1, Bit 2 G2, Bit 2 G3, Bit 2 G4, Bit 2

D5 1 G1, Bit 1 G2, Bit 1 G3, Bit 1 G4, Bit 1

D4 0 G1, Bit 0 G2, Bit 0 G3, Bit 0 G4, Bit 0

D3 1 B1, Bit 3 B2, Bit 3 B3, Bit 3 B4, Bit 3

D2 1 B1, Bit 2 B2, Bit 2 B3, Bit 2 B4, Bit 2

D1 0 B1, Bit 1 B2, Bit 1 B3, Bit 1 B4, Bit 1

D0 0 B1, Bit 0 B2, Bit 0 B3, Bit 0 B4, Bit 0

Pixel n Pixel n+1 Pixel n+2 Pixel n+3

12 bits 12 bits

Look-up table for 4096 color data mapping (12 bits to 18 bits)

18 bits

Frame memory
R1 G1 B1 R2 G2 B2 R3 G3 B3

Note 1: The data order is as follows, MSB=D11, LSB=D0 and picture data is MSB=Bit 3, LSB=Bit 0 for Red, Green and Blue data.
Note 2: 1-times transfer (D11 to D0) is used to transmit 1 pixel data with the 12-bit color depth information.

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8.8.10 16-bit data bus for 16-bit/pixel (RGB 5-6-5-bit input) 65K-Color, 3Ah=”05h”
There is 1 pixel (3 sub-pixels) per 1 byte

Note 1: The data order is as follows, MSB=D15, LSB=D0 and picture data is MSB=Bit 5, LSB=Bit 0 for Green, and MSB=Bit 4, LSB=Bit 0
for Red and Blue data.
Note 2: 1-times transfer (D15 to D0) is used to transmit 1 pixel data with the 16-bit color depth information.
Note 3: ‘-‘ = Don’t care – Can be set to ‘0’ or ‘1’

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8.8.11 16-bit data bus for 18-bit/pixel (RGB-6-6-6-bit input), 262K-Colors, 3Ah=”06h”,
There are 2 pixels (6 sub-pixels) per 3 bytes





8080-series control pins

D15 - R1, Bit 5 B1, Bit 5 G2, Bit 5 R3, Bit 5

D14 - R1, Bit 4 B1, Bit 4 G2, Bit 4 R3, Bit 4

D13 - R1, Bit 3 B1, Bit 3 G2, Bit 3 R3, Bit 3

D12 - R1, Bit 2 B1, Bit 2 G2, Bit 2 R3, Bit 2

D11 - R1, Bit 1 B1, Bit 1 G2, Bit 1 R3, Bit 1

D10 - R1, Bit 0 B1, Bit 0 G2, Bit 0 R3, Bit 0

D9 - - - - -

D8 - - - - -

D7 0 G1, Bit 5 R2, Bit 5 B2, Bit 5 G3, Bit 5

D6 0 G1, Bit 4 R2, Bit 4 B2, Bit 4 G3, Bit 4

D5 1 G1, Bit 3 R2, Bit 3 B2, Bit 3 G3, Bit 3

D4 0 G1, Bit 2 R2, Bit 2 B2, Bit 2 G3, Bit 2

D3 1 G1, Bit 1 R2, Bit 1 B2, Bit 1 G3, Bit 1

D2 1 G1, Bit 0 R2, Bit 0 B2, Bit 0 G3, Bit 0

D1 0 - - - -

D0 0 - - - -

Pixel n Pixel n+1

18 bits
18 bits
Frame memory

R1 G1 B1 R2 G2 B2 R3 G3 B3

Note 1: The data order is as follows, MSB=D15, LSB=D0 and picture data is MSB=Bits 5, LSB=Bit 0 for Red, Green and Blue data.
Note 2: 3-times transfer is used to transmit 1 pixel data with the 18-bit color depth information.
Note 3: ‘-‘ = Don’t care – Can be set to ‘0’ or ‘1’

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8.8.12 16-bit data bus for 18-bit/pixel (RGB-6-6-6-bit input), 262K-Colors, 3Ah=”06h”,





8080-series control pins

D15 - R1, Bit 5 B1, Bit 5 R2, Bit 5 B2, Bit 5

D14 - R1, Bit 4 B1, Bit 4 R2, Bit 4 B2, Bit 4

D13 - R1, Bit 3 B1, Bit 3 R2, Bit 3 B2, Bit 3

D12 - R1, Bit 2 B1, Bit 2 R2, Bit 2 B2, Bit 2

D11 - R1, Bit 1 B1, Bit 1 R2, Bit 1 B2, Bit 1

D10 - R1, Bit 0 B1, Bit 0 R2, Bit 0 B2, Bit 0

D9 - - - - -

D8 - - - - -

D7 0 G1, Bit 5 - G2, Bit 5 -

D6 0 G1, Bit 4 - G2, Bit 4 -

D5 1 G1, Bit 3 - G2, Bit 3 -

D4 0 G1, Bit 2 - G2, Bit 2 -

D3 1 G1, Bit 1 - G2, Bit 1 -

D2 1 G1, Bit 0 - G2, Bit 0 -

D1 0 - - - -

D0 0 - - - -

Pixel n Pixel n+1

18 bits 18 bits
Frame memory

R1 G1 B1 R2 G2 B2 R3 G3 B3

Note 1: The data order is as follows, MSB=D15, LSB=D0 and picture data is MSB=Bits 5, LSB=Bit 0 for Red, Green and Blue data.
Note 2: 2-times transfer is used to transmit 1 pixel data with the 18-bit color depth information.
Note 3: ‘-‘ = Don’t care – Can be set to ‘0’ or ‘1’

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disclosed in whole or in part without prior written permission of Sitronix.
8.8.13 16-bit data bus for 18-bit/pixel (RGB-6-6-6-bit input), 262K-Colors, 3Ah=”06h”,





8080-series control pins

D15 - R1, Bit 5 B1, Bit 1 R2, Bit 5 B2, Bit 1

D14 - R1, Bit 4 B1, Bit 0 R2, Bit 4 B2, Bit 0

D13 - R1, Bit 3 - R2, Bit 3 -

D12 - R1, Bit 2 - R2, Bit 2 -

D11 - R1, Bit 1 - R2, Bit 1 -

D10 - R1, Bit 0 - R2, Bit 0 -

D9 - G1, Bit 5 - G2, Bit 5 -

D8 - G1, Bit 4 - G2, Bit 4 -

D7 0 G1, Bit 3 - G2, Bit 3 -

D6 0 G1, Bit 2 - G2, Bit 2 -

D5 1 G1, Bit 1 - G2, Bit 1 -

D4 0 G1, Bit 0 - G2, Bit 0 -

D3 1 B1, Bit 5 - B2, Bit 5 -

D2 1 B1, Bit 4 - B2, Bit 4 -

D1 0 B1, Bit 3 - B2, Bit 3 -

D0 0 B1, Bit 2 - B2, Bit2 -

Pixel n Pixel n+1

18 bits 18 bits
Frame memory

R1 G1 B1 R2 G2 B2 R3 G3 B3

Note 1: The data order is as follows, MSB=D15, LSB=D0 and picture data is MSB=Bits 5, LSB=Bit 0 for Red, Green and Blue data.
Note 2: 2-times transfer is used to transmit 1 pixel data with the 18-bit color depth information.
Note 3: ‘-‘ = Don’t care – Can be set to ‘0’ or ‘1’

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8.8.14 16-bit data bus for 18-bit/pixel (RGB-6-6-6-bit input), 262K-Colors, 3Ah=”06h”,





8080-series control pins

D15 - - R1, Bit 3 - R2, Bit 3

D14 - - R1, Bit 2 - R2, Bit 2

D13 - - R1, Bit 1 - R2, Bit 1

D12 - - R1, Bit 0 - R2, Bit 0

D11 - - G1, Bit 5 - G2, Bit 5

D10 - - G1, Bit 4 - G2, Bit 4

D9 - - G1, Bit 3 - G2, Bit 3

D8 - - G1, Bit 2 - G2, Bit 2

D7 0 - G1, Bit 1 - G2, Bit 1

D6 0 - G1, Bit 0 - G2, Bit 0

D5 1 - B1, Bit 5 - B2, Bit 5

D4 0 - B1, Bit 4 - B2, Bit 4

D3 1 - B1, Bit 3 - B2, Bit 3

D2 1 - B1, Bit 2 - B2, Bit 2

D1 0 R1, Bit 5 B1, Bit 1 R2, Bit 5 B2, Bit 1

D0 0 R1, Bit 4 B1, Bit 0 R2, Bit 4 B2, Bit 0

Pixel n Pixel n+1

18 bits 18 bits
Frame memory

R1 G1 B1 R2 G2 B2 R3 G3 B3

Note 1: The data order is as follows, MSB=D15, LSB=D0 and picture data is MSB=Bits 5, LSB=Bit 0 for Red, Green and Blue data.
Note 2: 2-times transfer is used to transmit 1 pixel data with the 18-bit color depth information.
Note 3: ‘-‘ = Don’t care – Can be set to ‘0’ or ‘1’

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Sitronix Confidential The information contained herein is the exclusive property of Sitronix and shall not be distributed, reproduced, or
disclosed in whole or in part without prior written permission of Sitronix.
8.8.15 8080-Ⅱ series 16-Bit Parallel Interface
The 8080-Ⅱ series 16-bit parallel interface of ST7789V can be used by setting IM[3:0]=”1000b”. Different
display data formats are available for two colors depth supported by listed below.
- 65k colors, RGB 5,6,5-bit input
- 262k colors, RGB 6,6,6-bit input
8.8.16 16-bit data bus for 16-bit/pixel (RGB 5-6-5-bit input) 65K-Color, 3Ah=”05h”
There is 1 pixel (3 sub-pixels) per 1 byte

Note 1: The data order is as follows, MSB=D17, LSB=D1 and picture data is MSB=Bit 5, LSB=Bit 0 for Green, and MSB=Bit 4, LSB=Bit 0
for Red and Blue data.
Note 2: 1-times transfer (D17~D10, D8~D1) is used to transmit 1 pixel data with the 16-bit color depth information.
Note 3: ‘-‘ = Don’t care – Can be set to ‘0’ or ‘1’

Version 1.3 Page 82 of 316 2014/03

Sitronix Confidential The information contained herein is the exclusive property of Sitronix and shall not be distributed, reproduced, or
disclosed in whole or in part without prior written permission of Sitronix.
8.8.17 16-bit data bus for 18-bit/pixel (RGB-6-6-6-bit input), 262K-Colors, 3Ah=”06h”,
There are 2 pixels (6 sub-pixels) per 3 bytes





8080-series control pins

D17 - R1, Bit 5 B1, Bit 5 G2, Bit 5 R3, Bit 5

D16 - R1, Bit 4 B1, Bit 4 G2, Bit 4 R3, Bit 4

D15 - R1, Bit 3 B1, Bit 3 G2, Bit 3 R3, Bit 3

D14 - R1, Bit 2 B1, Bit 2 G2, Bit 2 R3, Bit 2

D13 - R1, Bit 1 B1, Bit 1 G2, Bit 1 R3, Bit 1

D12 - R1, Bit 0 B1, Bit 0 G2, Bit 0 R3, Bit 0

D11 - - - - -

D10 - - - - -

D8 0 G1, Bit 5 R2, Bit 5 B2, Bit 5 G3, Bit 5

D7 0 G1, Bit 4 R2, Bit 4 B2, Bit 4 G3, Bit 4

D6 1 G1, Bit 3 R2, Bit 3 B2, Bit 3 G3, Bit 3

D5 0 G1, Bit 2 R2, Bit 2 B2, Bit 2 G3, Bit 2

D4 1 G1, Bit 1 R2, Bit 1 B2, Bit 1 G3, Bit 1

D3 1 G1, Bit 0 R2, Bit 0 B2, Bit 0 G3, Bit 0

D2 0 - - - -

D1 0 - - - -

Pixel n Pixel n+1

18 bits
18 bits
Frame memory

R1 G1 B1 R2 G2 B2 R3 G3 B3

Note 1: The data order is as follows, MSB=D17, LSB=D1 and picture data is MSB=Bits 5, LSB=Bit 0 for Red, Green and Blue data.
Note 2: 3-times transfer is used to transmit 1 pixel data with the 18-bit color depth information.
Note 3: ‘-‘ = Don’t care – Can be set to ‘0’ or ‘1’

Version 1.3 Page 83 of 316 2014/03

Sitronix Confidential The information contained herein is the exclusive property of Sitronix and shall not be distributed, reproduced, or
disclosed in whole or in part without prior written permission of Sitronix.
8.8.18 16-bit data bus for 18-bit/pixel (RGB-6-6-6-bit input), 262K-Colors, 3Ah=”06h”,





8080-series control pins

D17 - R1, Bit 5 B1, Bit 5 R2, Bit 5 B2, Bit 5

D16 - R1, Bit 4 B1, Bit 4 R2, Bit 4 B2, Bit 4

D15 - R1, Bit 3 B1, Bit 3 R2, Bit 3 B2, Bit 3

D14 - R1, Bit 2 B1, Bit 2 R2, Bit 2 B2, Bit 2

D13 - R1, Bit 1 B1, Bit 1 R2, Bit 1 B2, Bit 1

D12 - R1, Bit 0 B1, Bit 0 R2, Bit 0 B2, Bit 0

D11 - - - - -

D10 - - - - -

D8 0 G1, Bit 5 - G2, Bit 5 -

D7 0 G1, Bit 4 - G2, Bit 4 -

D6 1 G1, Bit 3 - G2, Bit 3 -

D5 0 G1, Bit 2 - G2, Bit 2 -

D4 1 G1, Bit 1 - G2, Bit 1 -

D3 1 G1, Bit 0 - G2, Bit 0 -

D2 0 - - - -

D1 0 - - - -

Pixel n Pixel n+1

18 bits 18 bits
Frame memory

R1 G1 B1 R2 G2 B2 R3 G3 B3

Note 1: The data order is as follows, MSB=D17, LSB=D1 and picture data is MSB=Bits 5, LSB=Bit 0 for Red, Green and Blue data.
Note 2: 2-times transfer is used to transmit 1 pixel data with the 18-bit color depth information.
Note 3: ‘-‘ = Don’t care – Can be set to ‘0’ or ‘1’
8.8.19 16-bit data bus for 18-bit/pixel (RGB-6-6-6-bit input), 262K-Colors, 3Ah=”06h”,
Version 1.3 Page 84 of 316 2014/03
Sitronix Confidential The information contained herein is the exclusive property of Sitronix and shall not be distributed, reproduced, or
disclosed in whole or in part without prior written permission of Sitronix.





8080-series control pins

D17 - R1, Bit 5 B1, Bit 1 R2, Bit 5 B2, Bit 1

D16 - R1, Bit 4 B1, Bit 0 R2, Bit 4 B2, Bit 0

D15 - R1, Bit 3 - R2, Bit 3 -

D14 - R1, Bit 2 - R2, Bit 2 -

D13 - R1, Bit 1 - R2, Bit 1 -

D12 - R1, Bit 0 - R2, Bit 0 -

D11 - G1, Bit 5 - G2, Bit 5 -

D10 - G1, Bit 4 - G2, Bit 4 -

D8 0 G1, Bit 3 - G2, Bit 3 -

D7 0 G1, Bit 2 - G2, Bit 2 -

D6 1 G1, Bit 1 - G2, Bit 1 -

D5 0 G1, Bit 0 - G2, Bit 0 -

D4 1 B1, Bit 5 - B2, Bit 5 -

D3 1 B1, Bit 4 - B2, Bit 4 -

D2 0 B1, Bit 3 - B2, Bit 3 -

D1 0 B1, Bit 2 - B2, Bit2 -

Pixel n Pixel n+1

18 bits 18 bits
Frame memory

R1 G1 B1 R2 G2 B2 R3 G3 B3

Note 1: The data order is as follows, MSB=D17, LSB=D0 and picture data is MSB=Bits 5, LSB=Bit 0 for Red, Green and Blue data.
Note 2: 2-times transfer is used to transmit 1 pixel data with the 18-bit color depth information.
Note 3: ‘-‘ = Don’t care – Can be set to ‘0’ or ‘1’

Version 1.3 Page 85 of 316 2014/03

Sitronix Confidential The information contained herein is the exclusive property of Sitronix and shall not be distributed, reproduced, or
disclosed in whole or in part without prior written permission of Sitronix.
8.8.20 16-bit data bus for 18-bit/pixel (RGB-6-6-6-bit input), 262K-Colors, 3Ah=”06h”,





8080-series control pins

D17 - - R1, Bit 3 - R2, Bit 3

D16 - - R1, Bit 2 - R2, Bit 2

D15 - - R1, Bit 1 - R2, Bit 1

D14 - - R1, Bit 0 - R2, Bit 0

D13 - - G1, Bit 5 - G2, Bit 5

D12 - - G1, Bit 4 - G2, Bit 4

D11 - - G1, Bit 3 - G2, Bit 3

D10 - - G1, Bit 2 - G2, Bit 2

D8 0 - G1, Bit 1 - G2, Bit 1

D7 0 - G1, Bit 0 - G2, Bit 0

D6 1 - B1, Bit 5 - B2, Bit 5

D5 0 - B1, Bit 4 - B2, Bit 4

D4 1 - B1, Bit 3 - B2, Bit 3

D3 1 - B1, Bit 2 - B2, Bit 2

D2 0 R1, Bit 5 B1, Bit 1 R2, Bit 5 B2, Bit 1

D1 0 R1, Bit 4 B1, Bit 0 R2, Bit 4 B2, Bit 0

Pixel n Pixel n+1

18 bits 18 bits
Frame memory

R1 G1 B1 R2 G2 B2 R3 G3 B3

Note 1: The data order is as follows, MSB=D17, LSB=D1 and picture data is MSB=Bits 5, LSB=Bit 0 for Red, Green and Blue data.
Note 2: 2-times transfer is used to transmit 1 pixel data with the 18-bit color depth information.
Note 3: ‘-‘ = Don’t care – Can be set to ‘0’ or ‘1’

Version 1.3 Page 86 of 316 2014/03

Sitronix Confidential The information contained herein is the exclusive property of Sitronix and shall not be distributed, reproduced, or
disclosed in whole or in part without prior written permission of Sitronix.
8.8.21 8080-Ⅰ series 9-Bit Parallel Interface
The 8080-Ⅰ series 9-bit parallel interface of ST7789V can be used by setting IM[3:0]=”0010b”Different
display data formats are available for two colors depth supported by listed below.
-65k colors, RGB 5,6,5-bit input
-262k colors, RGB 6,6,6-bit input
8.8.22 Write 9-bit data for RGB 5-6-5-bit input (65K-Color), 3Ah=”05h”

Note 1: The data order is as follows, MSB=D7, LSB=D0 and picture data is MSB=Bit 4, LSB=Bit 0 for Red, Green and Blue data.
Note 2: 2-time transfer is used to transmit 1 pixel data with the 16-bit color depth information.
Note 3: ‘-‘ = Don’t care – Can be set to ‘0’ or ‘1’

Version 1.3 Page 87 of 316 2014/03

Sitronix Confidential The information contained herein is the exclusive property of Sitronix and shall not be distributed, reproduced, or
disclosed in whole or in part without prior written permission of Sitronix.
8.8.23 Write 9-bit data for RGB 6-6-6-bit input (262K-Color), 3Ah=”06h”, MDT[1:0]=”00b”
There is 1 pixel (3 sub-pixels) per 2bytes





8080-series control pins

D8 - R1, Bit 5 G1, Bit 2 R2, Bit 5 G2, Bit 2

D7 0 R1, Bit 4 G1, Bit 1 R2, Bit 4 G2, Bit 1

D6 0 R1, Bit 3 G1, Bit 0 R2, Bit 3 G2, Bit 0

D5 1 R1, Bit 2 B1, Bit 5 R2, Bit 2 B2, Bit 5

D4 0 R1, Bit 1 B1, Bit 4 R2, Bit 1 B2, Bit 4

D3 1 R1, Bit 0 B1, Bit 3 R2, Bit 0 B2, Bit 3

D2 1 G1, Bit 5 B1, Bit 2 G2, Bit 5 B2, Bit 2

D1 0 G1, Bit 4 B1, Bit 1 G2, Bit 4 B2, Bit 1

D0 0 G1, Bit 3 B1, Bit 0 G2, Bit 3 B2, Bit 0

Pixel n Pixel n+1

18 bits 18 bits

Frame memory
R1 G1 B1 R2 G2 B2 R3 G3 B3

Note 1: The data order is as follows, MSB=D8, LSB=D0 and picture data is MSB=Bit 5, LSB=Bit 0 for Red, Green and Blue data.
Note 2: 2-time transfer is used to transmit 1 pixel data with the 18-bit color depth information.
Note 3: ‘-‘ = Don’t care – Can be set to ‘0’ or ‘1’

Version 1.3 Page 88 of 316 2014/03

Sitronix Confidential The information contained herein is the exclusive property of Sitronix and shall not be distributed, reproduced, or
disclosed in whole or in part without prior written permission of Sitronix.
8.8.24 Write 9-bit data for RGB 6-6-6-bit input (262K-Color), 3Ah=”06h”, MDT[1:0]=”01b”





8080-series control pins

D8 - - - - -

D7 0 R1, Bit 5 G1, Bit 5 B1, Bit 5 R2, Bit 5

D6 0 R1, Bit 4 G1, Bit 4 B1, Bit 4 R2, Bit 4

D5 1 R1, Bit 3 G1, Bit 3 B1, Bit 3 R2, Bit 3

D4 0 R1, Bit 2 G1, Bit 2 B1, Bit 2 R2, Bit 2

D3 1 R1, Bit 1 G1, Bit 1 B1, Bit 1 R2, Bit 1

D2 1 R1, Bit 0 G1, Bit 0 B1, Bit 0 R2, Bit 0

D1 0 - - - -

D0 0 - - - -

Pixel n Pixel n+1

18 bits 18 bits

Frame memory
R1 G1 B1 R2 G2 B2 R3 G3 B3

Note 1: The data order is as follows, MSB=D8, LSB=D0 and picture data is MSB=Bit 5, LSB=Bit 0 for Red, Green and Blue data.
Note 2: 3-time transfer is used to transmit 1 pixel data with the 18-bit color depth information.
Note 3: ‘-‘ = Don’t care – Can be set to ‘0’ or ‘1’

Version 1.3 Page 89 of 316 2014/03

Sitronix Confidential The information contained herein is the exclusive property of Sitronix and shall not be distributed, reproduced, or
disclosed in whole or in part without prior written permission of Sitronix.
8.8.25 8080-Ⅱ series 9-bit Parallel Interface
The 8080-Ⅱ series 9-bit parallel interface of ST7789V can be used by setting IM[3:0]=”1011b”Different
display data formats are available for two colors depth supported by listed below.
-65k colors, RGB 5,6,5-bit input
-262k colors, RGB 6,6,6-bit input
8.8.26 Write 9-bit data for RGB 5-6-5-bit input (65K-Color), 3Ah=”05h”

Note 1: The data order is as follows, MSB=D16, LSB=D9 and picture data is MSB=Bit 4, LSB=Bit 0 for Red, Green and Blue data.
Note 2: 2-time transfer is used to transmit 1 pixel data with the 16-bit color depth information.
Note 3: ‘-‘ = Don’t care – Can be set to ‘0’ or ‘1’

Version 1.3 Page 90 of 316 2014/03

Sitronix Confidential The information contained herein is the exclusive property of Sitronix and shall not be distributed, reproduced, or
disclosed in whole or in part without prior written permission of Sitronix.
8.8.27 Write 9-bit data for RGB 6-6-6-bit input (262K-Color), 3Ah=”06h”, MDT[1:0]=”00b”
There is 1 pixel (3 sub-pixels) per 2bytes





8080-series control pins

D17 0 R1, Bit 5 G1, Bit 2 R2, Bit 5 G2, Bit 2

D16 0 R1, Bit 4 G1, Bit 1 R2, Bit 4 G2, Bit 1

D15 1 R1, Bit 3 G1, Bit 0 R2, Bit 3 G2, Bit 0

D14 0 R1, Bit 2 B1, Bit 5 R2, Bit 2 B2, Bit 5

D13 1 R1, Bit 1 B1, Bit 4 R2, Bit 1 B2, Bit 4

D12 1 R1, Bit 0 B1, Bit 3 R2, Bit 0 B2, Bit 3

D11 0 G1, Bit 5 B1, Bit 2 G2, Bit 5 B2, Bit 2

D10 0 G1, Bit 4 B1, Bit 1 G2, Bit 4 B2, Bit 1

D9 - G1, Bit 3 B1, Bit 0 G2, Bit 3 B2, Bit 0

Pixel n Pixel n+1

18 bits 18 bits

Frame memory
R1 G1 B1 R2 G2 B2 R3 G3 B3

Note 1: The data order is as follows, MSB=D17, LSB=D9 and picture data is MSB=Bit 5, LSB=Bit 0 for Red, Green and Blue data.
Note 2: 2-time transfer is used to transmit 1 pixel data with the 18-bit color depth information.
Note 3: ‘-‘ = Don’t care – Can be set to ‘0’ or ‘1’

Version 1.3 Page 91 of 316 2014/03

Sitronix Confidential The information contained herein is the exclusive property of Sitronix and shall not be distributed, reproduced, or
disclosed in whole or in part without prior written permission of Sitronix.
8.8.28 Write 9-bit data for RGB 6-6-6-bit input (262K-Color), 3Ah=”06h”, MDT[1:0]=”01b”





8080-series control pins

D17 0 - - - -

D16 0 R1, Bit 5 G1, Bit 5 B1, Bit 5 R2, Bit 5

D15 1 R1, Bit 4 G1, Bit 4 B1, Bit 4 R2, Bit 4

D14 0 R1, Bit 3 G1, Bit 3 B1, Bit 3 R2, Bit 3

D13 1 R1, Bit 2 G1, Bit 2 B1, Bit 2 R2, Bit 2

D12 1 R1, Bit 1 G1, Bit 1 B1, Bit 1 R2, Bit 1

D11 0 R1, Bit 0 G1, Bit 0 B1, Bit 0 R2, Bit 0

D10 0 - - - -

D9 - - - - -

Pixel n Pixel n+1

18 bits 18 bits

Frame memory
R1 G1 B1 R2 G2 B2 R3 G3 B3

Note 1: The data order is as follows, MSB=D16, LSB=D11 and picture data is MSB=Bit 5, LSB=Bit 0 for Red, Green and Blue data.
Note 2: 3-time transfer is used to transmit 1 pixel data with the 18-bit color depth information.
Note 3: ‘-‘ = Don’t care – Can be set to ‘0’ or ‘1’

Version 1.3 Page 92 of 316 2014/03

Sitronix Confidential The information contained herein is the exclusive property of Sitronix and shall not be distributed, reproduced, or
disclosed in whole or in part without prior written permission of Sitronix.
8.8.29 8080-Ⅰ series 18-Bit Parallel Interface
The 8080-Ⅰ series 18-bit parallel interface of ST7789V can be used by setting IM[3:0]=”0011b”. Different
display data formats are available for three colors depth supported by listed below.
- 4k colors, RGB 4,4,4-bit input
- 65k colors, RGB 5,6,5-bit input
- 262k colors, RGB 6,6,6-bit input.

Version 1.3 Page 93 of 316 2014/03

Sitronix Confidential The information contained herein is the exclusive property of Sitronix and shall not be distributed, reproduced, or
disclosed in whole or in part without prior written permission of Sitronix.
8.8.30 18-bit data bus for 12-bit/pixel (RGB-4-4-4-bit input), 4K-colors, 3Ah=”03h”
There is 1 pixel (3 sub-pixels) per byte




8080-series control pins

D17 - - - - -

D16 - - - - -

D15 - - - - -

D14 - - - - -

D13 - - - - -

D12 - - - - -

D11 - R1, Bit 3 R2, Bit 3 R3, Bit 3 R4, Bit 3

D10 - R1, Bit 2 R2, Bit 2 R3, Bit 2 R4, Bit 2

D9 - R1, Bit 1 R2, Bit 1 R3, Bit 1 R4, Bit 1

D8 - R1, Bit 0 R2, Bit 0 R3, Bit 0 R4, Bit 0

D7 0 G1, Bit 3 G2, Bit 3 G3, Bit 3 G4, Bit 3

D6 0 G1, Bit 2 G2, Bit 2 G3, Bit 2 G4, Bit 2

D5 1 G1, Bit 1 G2, Bit 1 G3, Bit 1 G4, Bit 1

D4 0 G1, Bit 0 G2, Bit 0 G3, Bit 0 G4, Bit 0

D3 1 B1, Bit 3 B2, Bit 3 B3, Bit 3 B4, Bit 3

D2 1 B1, Bit 2 B2, Bit 2 B3, Bit 2 B4, Bit 2

D1 0 B1, Bit 1 B2, Bit 1 B3, Bit 1 B4, Bit 1

D0 0 B1, Bit 0 B2, Bit 0 B3, Bit 0 B4, Bit 0

Pixel n Pixel n+1 Pixel n+2 Pixel n+3

12 bits 12 bits

Look-Up Table for 4096 Color data mapping (12 bits to 18 bits)

18 bits

Frame memory
R1 G1 B1 R2 G2 B2 R3 G3 B3

Note 1: The data order is as follows, MSB=D11, LSB=D0 and picture data is MSB=Bit 3, LSB=Bit 0 for Red, Green and Blue data.
Note 2: 1-times transfer is used to transmit 1 pixel data with the 12-bit color depth information.

Version 1.3 Page 94 of 316 2014/03

Sitronix Confidential The information contained herein is the exclusive property of Sitronix and shall not be distributed, reproduced, or
disclosed in whole or in part without prior written permission of Sitronix.
8.8.31 18-bit data bus for 16-bit/pixel (RGB-5-6-5-bit input), 65K-colors, 3Ah=”05h”
There is one pixel (3 sub-pixels) per byte

Note 1: The data order is as follows, MSB=D15, LSB=D0 and picture data is MSB=Bit 5, LSB=Bit 0 for Green, and MSB=Bit 4, LSB=Bit 0
for Red and Blue data.

Version 1.3 Page 95 of 316 2014/03

Sitronix Confidential The information contained herein is the exclusive property of Sitronix and shall not be distributed, reproduced, or
disclosed in whole or in part without prior written permission of Sitronix.
Note 2: 1-time transfer is used to transmit 1 pixel data with the 16-bit color depth information.

Version 1.3 Page 96 of 316 2014/03

Sitronix Confidential The information contained herein is the exclusive property of Sitronix and shall not be distributed, reproduced, or
disclosed in whole or in part without prior written permission of Sitronix.
8.8.32 18-bit data bus for 18-bit/pixel (RGB-6-6-6-bit input), 262K-colors, 3Ah=”06h”
There is 1 pixel (3 sub-pixels) per byte




8080-series control pins

D17 - R1, Bit 5 R2, Bit 5 R3, Bit 5 R4, Bit 5

D16 - R1, Bit 4 R2, Bit 4 R3, Bit 4 R4, Bit 4

D15 - R1, Bit 3 R2, Bit 3 R3, Bit 3 R4, Bit 3

D14 - R1, Bit 2 R2, Bit 2 R3, Bit 2 R4, Bit 2

D13 - R1, Bit 1 R2, Bit 1 R3, Bit 1 R4, Bit 1

D12 - R1, Bit 0 R2, Bit 0 R3, Bit 0 R4, Bit 0

D11 - G1, Bit 5 G2, Bit 5 G3, Bit 5 G4, Bit 5

D10 - G1, Bit 4 G2, Bit 4 G3, Bit 4 G4, Bit 4

D9 - G1, Bit 3 G2, Bit 3 G3, Bit 3 G4, Bit 3

D8 - G1, Bit 2 G2, Bit 2 G3, Bit 2 G4, Bit 2

D7 0 G1, Bit 1 G2, Bit 1 G3, Bit 1 G4, Bit 1

D6 0 G1, Bit 0 G2, Bit 0 G3, Bit 0 G4, Bit 0

D5 1 B1, Bit 5 B2, Bit 5 B3, Bit 5 B4, Bit 5

D4 0 B1, Bit 4 B2, Bit 4 B3, Bit 4 B4, Bit 4

D3 1 B1, Bit 3 B2, Bit 3 B3, Bit 3 B4, Bit 3

D2 1 B1, Bit 2 B2, Bit 2 B3, Bit 2 B4, Bit 2

D1 0 B1, Bit 1 B2, Bit 1 B3, Bit 1 B4, Bit 1

D0 0 B1, Bit 0 B2, Bit 0 B3, Bit 0 B4, Bit 0

Pixel n Pixel n+1 Pixel n+2 Pixel n+3

18 bits 18 bits

Frame memory
R1 G1 B1 R2 G2 B2 R3 G3 B3

Note 1: The data order is as follows, MSB=D17, LSB=D0 and picture data is MSB=Bit 5, LSB=Bit 0 for Read, Green and Blue data.
Note 2: 1-times transfer (D17o D0) is used to transmit 1 pixel data with the 18-bit color depth information.

Version 1.3 Page 97 of 316 2014/03

Sitronix Confidential The information contained herein is the exclusive property of Sitronix and shall not be distributed, reproduced, or
disclosed in whole or in part without prior written permission of Sitronix.
8.8.33 8080-Ⅱ series 18-Bit Parallel Interface
The 8080-Ⅱ series 18-bit parallel interface of ST7789V can be used by setting IM[3:0]=”1010b”. Different
display data formats are available for two colors depth supported by listed below.
- 65k colors, RGB 5,6,5-bit input
- 262k colors, RGB 6,6,6-bit input.

Version 1.3 Page 98 of 316 2014/03

Sitronix Confidential The information contained herein is the exclusive property of Sitronix and shall not be distributed, reproduced, or
disclosed in whole or in part without prior written permission of Sitronix.
8.8.34 18-bit data bus for 16-bit/pixel (RGB-5-6-5-bit input), 65K-colors, 3Ah=”05h”
There is one pixel (3 sub-pixels) per byte

Note 1: The data order is as follows, MSB=D15, LSB=D0 and picture data is MSB=Bit 5, LSB=Bit 0 for Green, and MSB=Bit 4, LSB=Bit 0
for Red and Blue data.

Version 1.3 Page 99 of 316 2014/03

Sitronix Confidential The information contained herein is the exclusive property of Sitronix and shall not be distributed, reproduced, or
disclosed in whole or in part without prior written permission of Sitronix.
Note 2: 1-time transfer is used to transmit 1 pixel data with the 16-bit color depth information.

Version 1.3 Page 100 of 316 2014/03

Sitronix Confidential The information contained herein is the exclusive property of Sitronix and shall not be distributed, reproduced, or
disclosed in whole or in part without prior written permission of Sitronix.
8.8.35 18-bit data bus for 18-bit/pixel (RGB-6-6-6-bit input), 262K-colors, 3Ah=”06h”
There is 1 pixel (3 sub-pixels) per byte




8080-series control pins

D17 - R1, Bit 5 R2, Bit 5 R3, Bit 5 R4, Bit 5

D16 - R1, Bit 4 R2, Bit 4 R3, Bit 4 R4, Bit 4

D15 - R1, Bit 3 R2, Bit 3 R3, Bit 3 R4, Bit 3

D14 - R1, Bit 2 R2, Bit 2 R3, Bit 2 R4, Bit 2

D13 - R1, Bit 1 R2, Bit 1 R3, Bit 1 R4, Bit 1

D12 - R1, Bit 0 R2, Bit 0 R3, Bit 0 R4, Bit 0

D11 - G1, Bit 5 G2, Bit 5 G3, Bit 5 G4, Bit 5

D10 - G1, Bit 4 G2, Bit 4 G3, Bit 4 G4, Bit 4

D9 - G1, Bit 3 G2, Bit 3 G3, Bit 3 G4, Bit 3

D8 0 G1, Bit 2 G2, Bit 2 G3, Bit 2 G4, Bit 2

D7 0 G1, Bit 1 G2, Bit 1 G3, Bit 1 G4, Bit 1

D6 1 G1, Bit 0 G2, Bit 0 G3, Bit 0 G4, Bit 0

D5 0 B1, Bit 5 B2, Bit 5 B3, Bit 5 B4, Bit 5

D4 1 B1, Bit 4 B2, Bit 4 B3, Bit 4 B4, Bit 4

D3 1 B1, Bit 3 B2, Bit 3 B3, Bit 3 B4, Bit 3

D2 0 B1, Bit 2 B2, Bit 2 B3, Bit 2 B4, Bit 2

D1 0 B1, Bit 1 B2, Bit 1 B3, Bit 1 B4, Bit 1

D0 - B1, Bit 0 B2, Bit 0 B3, Bit 0 B4, Bit 0

Pixel n Pixel n+1 Pixel n+2 Pixel n+3

18 bits 18 bits

Frame memory
R1 G1 B1 R2 G2 B2 R3 G3 B3

Note 1: The data order is as follows, MSB=D17, LSB=D0 and picture data is MSB=Bit 5, LSB=Bit 0 for Read, Green and Blue data.
Note 2: 1-times transfer (D17o D0) is used to transmit 1 pixel data with the 18-bit color depth information.

Version 1.3 Page 101 of 316 2014/03

Sitronix Confidential The information contained herein is the exclusive property of Sitronix and shall not be distributed, reproduced, or
disclosed in whole or in part without prior written permission of Sitronix.
8.8.36 3-Line Serial Interface
Different display data formats are available for three colors depth supported by the LCM listed below.
4k colors, RGB 4-4-4-bit input
65k colors, RGB 5-6-5-bit input
262k colors, RGB 6-6-6-bit input
8.8.37 Write data for 12-bit/pixel (RGB-4-4-4 bit input), 4K-Colors, 3Ah=”03h”

Note 1: Pixel data with the 12-bit color depth information

Note 2: The most significant bits are: Rx3, Gx3 and Bx3
Note 3: The least significant bits are: Rx0, Gx0 and Bx0

Version 1.3 Page 102 of 316 2014/03

Sitronix Confidential The information contained herein is the exclusive property of Sitronix and shall not be distributed, reproduced, or
disclosed in whole or in part without prior written permission of Sitronix.
8.8.38 Write data for 16-bit/pixel (RGB 5-6-5-bit input), 65K-Colors, 3Ah=”05h”

Note 1: Pixel data with the 16-bit color depth information

Note 2: The most significant bits are: Rx4, Gx5 and Bx4
Note 3: The least significant bits are: Rx0, Gx0 and Bx0

8.8.39 Write data for 18-bit/pixel (RGB-6-6-6-bit input), 262K-Colors, 3Ah=”06h”



D8 D7 D6 D5 D4 D3 D2 D1 D0 D8 D7 D6 D5 D4 D3 D2 D1 D0 D8 D7 D6 D5 D4 D3 D2 D1 D0

SDA 1 R15 R14 R13 R12 R11 R10 - - 1 G15 G14 G13 G12 G11 G10 - - 1 B15 B14 B13 B12 B11 B10 - -

Pixel n


18 bits

Frame memory
R1 G1 B1 R2 G2 B2 R3 G3 B3

Note 1: Pixel data with the 18-bit color depth information

Note 2: The most significant bits are: Rx5, Gx5 and Bx5
Note 3: The least significant bits are: Rx0, Gx0 and Bx0

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8.8.40 4-Line Serial Interface
Different display data formats are available for three colors depth supported by the LCM listed below.
4k colors, RGB 4-4-4-bit input
65k colors, RGB 5-6-5-bit input
262k colors, RGB 6-6-6-bit input

8.8.41 Write data for 12-bit/pixel (RGB 4-4-4-bit input), 4K-Colors, 3Ah=”03h”



D7 D6 D5 D4 D3 D2 D1 D0 D7 D6 D5 D4 D3 D2 D1 D0 D7 D6 D5 D4 D3 D2 D1 D0

SDA R13 R12 R11 R10 G13 G12 G11 G10 B13 B12 B11 B10 R23 R22 R21 R20 G23 G22 G21 G20 B23 B22 B21 B20

Pixel n Pixel n+1


12 bits 12 bits

Look-up table for 4096 color data mapping (12 bits to 18 bits)

18 bits

Frame memory
R1 G1 B1 R2 G2 B2 R3 G3 B3

Note 1. pixel data with the 12-bit color depth information

Note 2. The most significant bits are: Rx3, Gx3 and Bx3
Note 3. The least significant bits are: Rx0, Gx0 and Bx0

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8.8.42 Write data for 16-bit/pixel (RGB-5-6-5-bit input), 65K-Colors, 3Ah=”05h”



D7 D6 D5 D4 D3 D2 D1 D0 D7 D6 D5 D4 D3 D2 D1 D0 D7 D6 D5 D4 D3 D2 D1 D0

SDA R14 R13 R12 R11 R10 G15 G14 G13 G12 G11 G10 B14 B13 B12 B11 B10 R24 R23 R22 R21 R20 G25 G24 G23

Pixel n Pixel n+1


16 bits 16 bits

Look-up table for 65k color data mapping (16 bits to 18 bits)

18 bits

Frame memory
R1 G1 B1 R2 G2 B2 R3 G3 B3

Note 1. pixel data with the 16-bit color depth information

Note 2. The most significant bits are: Rx4, Gx5 and Bx4
Note 3. The least significant bits are: Rx0, Gx0 and Bx0

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8.8.43 Write data for 18-bit/pixel (RGB-6-6-6-bit input), 262K-Colors, 3Ah=”06h”

Note 1. pixel data with the 18-bit color depth information

Note 2. The most significant bits are: Rx5, Gx5 and Bx5
Note 3. The least significant bits are: Rx0, Gx0 and Bx0

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8.9 RGB Interface
8.9.1 RGB interface Selection
The color format selection of RGB Interface for ST7789V is selected by setting the RIM and command
3Ah, DB[6:4].
RIM 3Ah, DB[6:4] RGB Interface Mode Data pins
0 110 18-bit 262K RGB Interface DB[17:0]
0 101 16-bit 65K RGB Interface DB[17:13], DB[11:1]
1 110 6-bit 262K RGB Interface DB[5:0]
1 101 6-bit 65K RGB Interface DB[5:0]

8.9.2 RGB Color Format

ST7789V supports two kinds of RGB interface, DE mode and HV mode, and 6bit/18bit data format. When
DE mode is selected and the VSYNC, HSYNC, DOTCLK, DE, D[17:0] pins can be used; when HV mode is
selected and the VSYNC, HSYNC, DOTCLK, D[17:0] pins can be used. When using RGB interface, only
serial interface can be selected.

16-bit RGB interface Hardware suggestion, IM[3:0]=0101.

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Write data for 16-bit/pixel (RGB 5-6-5-bit input), 65K-Colors

D17 R1, Bit 4 R2, Bit 4 R3, Bit 4 R4, Bit 4 R5, Bit 4

D16 R1, Bit 3 R2, Bit 3 R3, Bit 3 R4, Bit 3 R5, Bit 3

D15 R1, Bit 2 R2, Bit 2 R3, Bit 2 R4, Bit 2 R5, Bit 2

D14 R1, Bit 1 R2, Bit 1 R3, Bit 1 R4, Bit 1 R5, Bit 1

D13 R1, Bit 0 R2, Bit 0 R3, Bit 0 R4, Bit 0 R5, Bit 0

D12 - - - - -

D11 G1, Bit 5 G2, Bit 5 G3, Bit 5 G4, Bit 5 G5, Bit 5

D10 G1, Bit 4 G2, Bit 4 G3, Bit 4 G4, Bit 4 G5, Bit 4

D9 G1, Bit 3 G2, Bit 3 G3, Bit 3 G4, Bit 3 G5, Bit 3

D8 G1, Bit 2 G2, Bit 2 G3, Bit 2 G4, Bit 2 G5, Bit 2

D7 G1, Bit 1 G2, Bit 1 G3, Bit 1 G4, Bit 1 G5, Bit 1

D6 G1, Bit 0 G2, Bit 0 G3, Bit 0 G4, Bit 0 G5, Bit 0

D5 B1, Bit 4 B2, Bit 4 B3, Bit 4 B4, Bit 4 B5, Bit 4

D4 B1, Bit 3 B2, Bit 3 B3, Bit 3 B4, Bit 3 B5, Bit 3

D3 B1, Bit 2 B2, Bit 2 B3, Bit 2 B4, Bit 2 B5, Bit 2

D2 B1, Bit 1 B2, Bit 1 B3, Bit 1 B4, Bit 1 B5, Bit 1

D1 B1, Bit 0 B2, Bit 0 B3, Bit 0 B4, Bit 0 B5, Bit 0

D0 - - - - -

Pixel n Pixel n+1 Pixel n+2 Pixel n+3 Pixel n+4

16 bits 16 bits

Frame memory
R1 G1 B1 R2 G2 B2 R3 G3 B3

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18-bit RGB interface hardware suggestion, IM[3:0]=0101.

18-bit RGB Interface

DB[17:0] DB[17:0]

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Write data for 18-bit/pixel (RGB 6-6-6-bit input), 262K-Colors

D17 R1, Bit 5 R2, Bit 5 R3, Bit 5 R4, Bit 5 R5, Bit 5

D16 R1, Bit 4 R2, Bit 4 R3, Bit 4 R4, Bit 4 R5, Bit 4

D15 R1, Bit 3 R2, Bit 3 R3, Bit 3 R4, Bit 3 R5, Bit 3

D14 R1, Bit 2 R2, Bit 2 R3, Bit 2 R4, Bit 2 R5, Bit 2

D13 R1, Bit 1 R2, Bit 1 R3, Bit 1 R4, Bit 1 R5, Bit 1

D12 R1, Bit 0 R2, Bit 0 R3, Bit 0 R4, Bit 0 R5, Bit 0

D11 G1, Bit 5 G2, Bit 5 G3, Bit 5 G4, Bit 5 G5, Bit 5

D10 G1, Bit 4 G2, Bit 4 G3, Bit 4 G4, Bit 4 G5, Bit 4

D9 G1, Bit 3 G2, Bit 3 G3, Bit 3 G4, Bit 3 G5, Bit 3

D8 G1, Bit 2 G2, Bit 2 G3, Bit 2 G4, Bit 2 G5, Bit 2

D7 G1, Bit 1 G2, Bit 1 G3, Bit 1 G4, Bit 1 G5, Bit 1

D6 G1, Bit 0 G2, Bit 0 G3, Bit 0 G4, Bit 0 G5, Bit 0

D5 B1, Bit 5 B2, Bit 5 B3, Bit 5 B4, Bit 5 B5, Bit 5

D4 B1, Bit 4 B2, Bit 4 B3, Bit 4 B4, Bit 4 B5, Bit 4

D3 B1, Bit 3 B2, Bit 3 B3, Bit 3 B4, Bit 3 B5, Bit 3

D2 B1, Bit 2 B2, Bit 2 B3, Bit 2 B4, Bit 2 B5, Bit 2

D1 B1, Bit 1 B2, Bit 1 B3, Bit 1 B4, Bit 1 B5, Bit 1

D0 B1, Bit 0 B2, Bit 0 B3, Bit 0 B4, Bit 0 B5, Bit 0

Pixel n Pixel n+1 Pixel n+2 Pixel n+3 Pixel n+4

18 bits 18 bits

Frame memory
R1 G1 B1 R2 G2 B2 R3 G3 B3

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6-bit RGB interface hardware suggestion, IM[3:0]=0101.

Write data for 6-bit/pixel (RGB 5-6-5-bit input), 65K-Colors

D5 R1, Bit 4 G1, Bit 5 B1, Bit 4 R2, Bit 4 G2, Bit 5

D4 R1, Bit 3 G1, Bit 4 B1, Bit 3 R2, Bit 3 G2, Bit 4

D3 R1, Bit 2 G1, Bit 3 B1, Bit 2 R2, Bit 2 G2, Bit 3

D2 R1, Bit 1 G1, Bit 2 B1, Bit 1 R2, Bit 1 G2, Bit 2

D1 R1, Bit 0 G1, Bit 1 B1, Bit 0 R2, Bit 0 G2, Bit 1

D0 - G1, Bit 0 - - G2, Bit 0

Pixel n Pixel n+1

18 bits 18 bits

Frame memory
R1 G1 B1 R2 G2 B2 R3 G3 B3

Write data for 6-bit/pixel (RGB 6-6-6-bit input), 262K-Colors

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D5 R1, Bit 5 G1, Bit 5 B1, Bit 5 R2, Bit 5 G2, Bit 5

D4 R1, Bit 4 G1, Bit 4 B1, Bit 4 R2, Bit 4 G2, Bit 4

D3 R1, Bit 3 G1, Bit 3 B1, Bit 3 R2, Bit 3 G2, Bit 3

D2 R1, Bit 2 G1, Bit 2 B1, Bit 2 R2, Bit 2 G2, Bit 2

D1 R1, Bit 1 G1, Bit 1 B1, Bit 1 R2, Bit 1 G2, Bit 1

D0 R1, Bit 0 G1, Bit 0 B1, Bit 0 R2, Bit 0 G2, Bit 0

Pixel n Pixel n+1

18 bits 18 bits

Frame memory
R1 G1 B1 R2 G2 B2 R3 G3 B3

Figure 23 RGB Interface Data Format

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8.9.3 RGB Interface Definition
The display operation via the RGB interface is synchronized with the VSYNC, HSYNC, and DOTCLK
signals. The data can be written only within the specified area with low power consumption by using window
address function. The back porch and front porch are used to set the RGB interface timing.

Figure 24 DRAM Access Area by RGB Interface

Please refer to the following table for the setting limitation of RGB interface signals.
18bit RGB interface:
Parameter Symbol Min. Typ. Max. Unit
Horizontal Sync. Width hpw 2 10 Clock
Horizontal Sync. Back Porch hbp 4 10 Clock
Horizontal Sync. Front Porch hfp 2 38 - Clock
Vertical Sync. Width vs 1 4 Line
Vertical Sync. Back Porch vbp 1 4 Line
Vertical Sync. Front Porch vfp 1 8 - Line

Typical value are related to the setting of dot clock is 7MHz and frame rate is 70Hz..

If the setting of hpw is 10 dot clocks and hbp is 10 dot clocks, the setting of HBP in command B1h is 20 dot clocks

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In with ram mode, hpw+hbp+hfp≧22

In without ram mode, hpw+hbp≧20

6bit RGB interface:

Parameter Symbol Min. Typ. Max. Unit
Horizontal Sync. Width hpw 6 30 Clock
Horizontal Sync. Back Porch hbp 12 30 Clock
Horizontal Sync. Front Porch hfp 6 60 - Clock
Vertical Sync. Width vs 1 4 Line
Vertical Sync. Back Porch vbp 1 4 Line
Vertical Sync. Front Porch vfp 1 8 - Line

Typical value are related to the setting of dot clock is 17MHz and frame rate is 60Hz..

In with ram mode, hpw+hbp+hfp≧66

In without ram mode, hpw+hbp≧60

8.9.4 RGB Interface Mode Selection

ST7789V supports two kinds of RGB interface, DE mode and HV mode. Each mode also can select with
ram and without ram. The table shown below uses command B1h to select RGB interface mode.

RCM[1:0] WO RGB Mode Data Path

0 Ram
10 DE mode
1 Shift register (without Ram)
0 Ram
11 HV mode
1 Shift register (without Ram)

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8.9.5 RGB Interface Timing
The timing chart of RGB interface DE mode is shown as follows.

Note: The setting of front porch and back porch in host must match that in IC as this mode.

Figure 25 Timing Chart of Signals in RGB Interface DE Mode

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The timing chart of RGB interface HV mode is shown as follows.

Figure 26 Timing chart of RGB interface HV mod

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The following are the functions not available in RGB Input Interface mode.
Function RGB Interface I80 System Interface
Partial display Not available Available
Scroll function Not available Available
Interlaced scan Not available Available
Graphics operation function Not available Available
VSYNC, HSYNC, and DOTCLK signals must be supplied during a display operation period.
In RGB interface mode, the panel controlling signals are generated from DOTCLK, not the internal clock
generated from the internal oscillator.
In 6-bit RGB interface mode, each of RGB dots are transferred in synchronization with DOTCLK signals.
In other words, one pixel data needs to take three DOTCLKs to transfer.
In 6-bit RGB interface mode, the cycles of VSYNC, HSYNC, ENABLE, DOTCLK signals must be set
correctly so that the data transfer is completed in units of pixels.
When switching between the internal operation mode and the external display interface operation mode,
follow the sequences below in setting instruction.
In RGB interface mode, the front porch period continues until the next VSYNC input is detected after
drawing one frame.
In RGB interface mode, a RAM address is set in the address counter every frame on the falling edge of

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8.10 VSYNC Interface
8.10.1 18-bit RGB Interface
The ST7789V incorporates VSYNC interface, which enables motion pictures to be displayed with only
the conventional system interface and the frame synchronization signal (VSYNC). This interface requires
minimal changes from the conventional system to display motion pictures.In this interface the internal display
operation is synchronized with VSYNC. Data for display is written to RAM via the system interface with higher
speed than for internal display operation. This method enables tearing-free display of motion pictures with the
conventional interface.

Figure 27 Data transmission through VSYNC interface


Back Porch (VBP) RAM Write

Display Scan

Display Area (320 Lines)

Front Porch (VFP)

Figure 28 Operation through VSYNC Interface

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Display operation can be achieved by using the internal clock generated by the internal oscillator and the
VSYNC input. Because all the data for display is written to RAM, only the data to be rewritten is transferred.
This method reduces the amount of data transferred during motion picture display operation.

Write Data to
Frame Memory 1 Line






Figure 29 Timing Diagram of VSYNC Interface

VSYNC interface requires taking the minimum speed for RAM writing via the system interface and the
frequency of the internal clock into consideration. RAM writing should be performed with higher speed than
the result obtained from the calculation shown below. The internal memory writing address counter is reset by
VSYNC. So, insure interval time between VSYNC falling and DRAM data writing.

1. VSYNC period should always be constant. If not, some degradation of display such as flicker may occur in LCD system.

2. Display data don’t need to be written for every VSYNC period. For example, any system is working under 60Hz frame rate and

30-fps motion picture condition. So being written display data for every other frame would be enough.

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8.10.2 VSYNC Interface Mode
Leading Mode

Figure 30 Operation for Leading Mode of VSYNC Interface

Lagging Mode

Figure 31 Operation for Lagging Mode of VSYNC Interface

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1. When RAM writing does not start immediately after the falling edge of VSYNC, the time between the falling edge of VSYNC and

the RAM writing start timing must also be considered.

1. The minimum DRAM write speed must be satisfied and the frequency variation must be taken into consideration.

2. The display frame rate is determined by the VSYNC signal and the period of VSYNC must be longer than the scan period of an

entire display.

3. When switching from the internal clock operation mode to the VSYNC interface mode or inversely, the switching starts from the

next VSYNC cycle, i.e. after completing the display of the frame.

4. The partial display, vertical scroll, and interlaced scan functions are not available in VSYNC interface mode and set the AM bit to

“0” to transfer display data.

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8.11 Display Data RAM

8.11.1 Configuration
The display module has an integrated 240x320x18-bit graphic type static RAM. This 1382400-bit memory
allows storing on-chip a 240xRGBx320 image with an 18-bpp resolution (262K-color). There will be no
abnormal visible effect on the display when there is a simultaneous Panel Read and Interface Read or Write
to the same location of the Frame Memory.

TF-LCD panel
(240 x RGB x 320)

MCU Display data RAM

I/F (240 x 320 x 18-bits) Line
Row counter
Column address
address counter
Host counter

Figure 32 Display data RAM organization

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8.11.2 Memory to display address mapping
RGB alignment
Data control command Column
0 1 239

239 238 0

Color R G B R G B R G B
MY=0 MY=1
0 319
1 318
2 317
3 316
4 315
5 314
6 313
7 312
: :
312 7
313 6
314 5
315 4
316 3
317 2
318 1
319 0
Source output 0 1 2 3 4 5 717 718 719

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8.12 Address Control
The address counter sets the addresses of the display data RAM for writing and reading.
Data is written pixel-wise into the RAM matrix of DRIVER. The data for one pixel or two pixels is collected
(RGB 6-6-6-bit), according to the data formats. As soon as this pixel-data information is complete the “Write
access” is activated on the RAM. The locations of RAM are addressed by the address pointers. The address
ranges are X=0 to X=239 (Efh) and Y=0 to Y=319 (13Fh). Addresses outside these ranges are not allowed.
Before writing to the RAM, a window must be defined that will be written. The window is programmable via
the command registers XS, YS designating the start address and XE, YE designating the end address.

For example the whole display contents will be written, the window is defined by the following values:
XS=0 (0h) YS=0 (0h) and XE=239 (Efh), YE=319 (13Fh).

In vertical addressing mode (MV=1), the Y-address increments after each byte, after the last Y-address
(Y=YE), Y wraps around to YS and X increments to address the next column. In horizontal addressing mode
(V=0), the X-address increments after each byte, after the last X-address (X=XE), X wraps around to XS and
Y increments to address the next row. After the every last address (X=XE and Y=YE) the address pointers
wrap around to address (X=XS and Y=YS).

For flexibility in handling a wide variety of display architectures, the commands “CASET, RASET and
MADCTL”, define flags MX and MY, which allows mirroring of the X-address and Y-address. All combinations
of flags are allowed. Section 8.12 show the available combinations of writing to the display RAM. When MX,
MY and MV will be changed the data bust be rewritten to the display RAM.

For each image condition, the controls for the column and row counters apply as below
Condition Column Counter Row Counter
Return to Return to
When RAMWR/RAMRD command is accepted
“Start Column (XS)” “Start Row (YS)”
Complete Pixel Read / Write action Increment by 1 No change
Return to
The Column counter value is larger than “End Column (XE)” Increment by 1
“Start Column (XS)”
The Column counter value is larger than “End Column (XE)” Return to Return to
and the Row counter value is larger than “End Row (YE)” “Start Column (XS)” “Start Row (YS)”

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Display Data MADCTR Image in the Host Image in the Driver
Direction Parameter (MPU) (DDRAM)
Normal 0 0 0

Y-Mirror 0 0 1

X-Mirror 0 1 0

X-Mirror 0 1 1

X-Y 1 0 0

X-Y 1 0 1

X-Y 1 1 0

X-Y 1 1 1
Figure 33 Display data RAM organization

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8.13 Normal Display On or Partial Mode On, Vertical Scroll Off
In this mode, contents of the frame memory within an area where column address is 00h to 83h and row
address is 00h to
83h is displayed.
To display a dot on leftmost top corner, store the dot data at (column address, row address) = (0,0).
Example1) Normal Display On

Example2) Partial Display On: PSL[15:0] = 0004h, PEL[15:0] = 013Ch, MADCTR (ML)=0

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8.14 Vertical Scroll Mode
8.14.1 Rolling scroll
There is just one types of vertical scrolling, which are determined by the commands “Vertical Scrolling
Definition” (33h) and “Vertical Scrolling Start Address” (37h).

Figure 34 Rolling Scroll Definition

When Vertical Scrolling Definition Parameters (TFA+VSA+BFA) =320. In this case, ‘rolling’ scrolling is
applied as shown below. All the memory contents will be used.

Example1) Panel size=240 x 320, TFA =3, VSA=315, BFA=2, SSA=4, MADCTR ML=0: Rolling Scroll

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Example2) Panel size=132 x 132, TFA =2, VSA=315, BFA=3, SSA=4, MADCTR ML=1: Rolling Scroll
(TFA and BFA are exchanged)

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8.14.2 Vertical Scroll Example
There are 2 types of vertical scrolling, which are determined by the commands “Vertical Scrolling
Definition” (33h) and “Vertical Scrolling Start Address” (37h).
Case 1: TFA + VSA + BFA<320
N/A. Do not set TFA + VSA + BFA<320. In that case, unexpected picture will be shown.
Case 2: TFA + VSA + BFA=320 (Rolling Scrolling)
Example1) When MADCTR parameter ML=”0”, TFA=0, VSA=320, BFA=0 and VSCSAD=40.




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Example2) When MADCTR parameter ML=”1”, TFA=10, VSA=310, BFA=0 and VSCSAD=30.





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8.15 Tearing Effect
The Tearing Effect output line supplies to the MPU a Panel synchronization signal. This signal can be
enabled or disabled by the Tearing Effect Line Off & On commands. The mode of the Tearing Effect signal is
defined by the parameter of the Tearing Effect Line On command. The signal can be used by the MPU to
synchronize Frame Memory Writing when displaying video images.

8.15.1 Tearing effect line modes

Mode 1, the Tearing Effect Output signal consists of V-Blanking Information only:

tvdh= The LCD display is not updated from the Frame Memory
tvdl= The LCD display is updated from the Frame Memory (except Invisible Line – see above)

Mode 2, the Tearing Effect Output signal consists of V-Blanking and H-Blanking Information, there is one
V-sync and 320 H-sync pulses per field.

thdh= The LCD display is not updated from the Frame Memory
thdl= The LCD display is updated from the Frame Memory (except Invisible Line – see above)

Note: During Sleep In Mode, the Tearing Output Pin is active Low.

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8.15.2 Tearign effect line timings
The Tearing Effect signal is described below:

Symbol Parameter min max unit description

tvdl Vertical Timing Low Duration 13 - ms
tvdh Vertical Timing High Duration 1000 - µs
thdl Horizontal Timing Low Duration 33 - µs
thdh Horizontal Timing Low Duration 25 500 µs
Table 17 AC characteristics of Tearing Effect Signal Idle Mode Off (Frame Rate = 60 Hz, Ta=25°C)
Note: The timings in Table 15 apply when MADCTL ML=0 and ML=1

The signal’s rise and fall times (tf, tr) are stipulated to be equal to or less than 15ns.

The Tearing Effect Output Line is fed back to the MPU and should be used as shown below to avoid
Tearing Effect:

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8.15.3 Example 1: MPU Write is faster than panel read

Data write to Frame Memory is now synchronized to the Panel Scan. It should be written during the
vertical sync pulse of the Tearing Effect Output Line. This ensures that data is always written ahead of the
panel scan and each Panel Frame refresh has a complete new image:

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8.15.4 Example 2: MPU write is slower than panel read

The MPU to Frame Memory write begins just after Panel Read has commenced i.e. after one horizontal
sync pulse of the Tearing Effect Output Line. This allows time for the image to download behind the Panel
Read pointer and finishing download during the subsequent Frame before the Read Pointer “catches” the
MPU to Frame memory write position.

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8.16 Power ON/OFF Sequence
VDDI and VDD can be applied in any order.
VDD and VDDI can be power down in any order.
During power off, if LCD is in the Sleep Out mode, VDD and VDDI must be powered down minimum 120msec
after RESX has been released.
During power off, if LCD is in the Sleep In mode, VDDI or VDD can be powered down minimum 0msec after
RESX has been released.
CSX can be applied at any timing or can be permanently grounded. RESX has priority over CSX.

Note 1: There will be no damage to the display module if the power sequences are not met.
Note 2: There will be no abnormal visible effects on the display panel during the Power On/Off Sequences.
Note 3: There will be no abnormal visible effects on the display between end of Power On Sequence and before receiving Sleep Out
command. Also between receiving Sleep In command and Power Off Sequence.
Note 4: If RESX line is not held stable by host during Power On Sequence as defined in the sequence below, then it will be necessary to
apply a Hardware Reset (RESX) after Host Power On Sequence is complete to ensure correct operation. Otherwise function is not

The power on/off sequence is illustrated below

TrPW = +/- no limit TfPW = +/- no limit


Timing when the latter signal rises up to 90% of its typical value.
e.g. When VDD comes later, this timing is defined at the cross
point of 90% of 2.75V, not 90% of 2.6V.

Timing when the latter signal falls up to 90% of its typical value.
e.g. When VDD comes later, this timing is defined at the cross
point of 90% of 2.75V, not 90% of 2.6V.

TfPW-CSX = +/- no limit

TrPW-CSX = +/- no limit

CSX H or L

TrPW-RESX = + no limit


(Power down in
30% 120ms
sleep-out mode)
TrPW-RESX = + no limit TfPW-RESX2 = min 0ms
(Power down in
sleep-in mode)
TfPW-RESx1 is applied to RESX falling in the Sleep Out Mode.
TfPW-RESx2 is applied to RESX falling in the Sleep In Mode.

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8.16.1 Uncontrolled Power Off
The uncontrolled power-off means a situation which removed a battery without the controlled power off
sequence. It will neither damage the module or the host interface.

If uncontrolled power-off happened, the display will go blank and there will not any visible effect on the
display (blank display) and remains blank until “Power On Sequence” powers it up.

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8.17 Power Level Definition
8.17.1 Power Level
6 level modes are defined they are in order of Maximum Power consumption to Minimum Power

1. Normal Mode On (full display), Idle Mode Off, Sleep Out.

In this mode, the display is able to show maximum 262,144 colors.

2. Partial Mode On, Idle Mode Off, Sleep Out.

In this mode part of the display is used with maximum 262,144 colors.

3. Normal Mode On (full display), Idle Mode On, Sleep Out.

In this mode, the full display area is used but with 8 colors.

4. Partial Mode On, Idle Mode On, Sleep Out.

In this mode, part of the display is used but with 8 colors.

5. Sleep In Mode
In this mode, the DC: DC converter, internal oscillator and panel driver circuit are stopped. Only the MCU
interface and memory works with VDDI power supply. Contents of the memory are safe.

Note: Transition between modes 1-5 is controllable by MCU commands. Mode 6 is entered only when both Power supplies are removed.

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8.18 Power Flow Chart
Normal display mode on = NOR ON
Partial display mode on = PTL ON Power on sequence
Idle mode off = IDM OFF HW reset
Idle mode on = IDM ON SW reset
Sleep out = SLP OUT
Sleep in = SLP IN


Sleep out Sleep in
PTL ON Normal display mode on SLP OUT Normal display mode on PTL ON
Idle mode off Idle mode off



Sleep out Sleep in
Normal display mode on SLP OUT Normal display mode on
Idle mode on Idle mode on

Sleep out Sleep in
Partial display mode on SLP OUT Partial display mode on
Idle mode off Idle mode off



Sleep out Sleep in
NOR ON Partial display mode on SLP OUT Partial display mode on NOR ON
Idle mode on Idle mode on

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8.19 Gamma Correction
ST7789V incorporate the gamma correction function to display 262,244 colors for the LCD panel. The
gamma correction is performed with 3 groups of registers, which are gradient adjustment, contrast adjustment
and fine- adjustment registers for positive and negative polarities, and RGB can be adjusted individually.

Figure 35 Gray scale Voltage Generation (Positive)

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Figure 36 Relationship between Source Output and VCOM

Percentage adjustment:
J0P[1:0], J1P[1:0], J0N[1:0], J1N[1:0] these register are used to adjust the voltage level of interpolation
point. The following table is the detail description.

00h 01h 02h 03h
VP3/VN3 50% 56% 50% 60%
VP5/VN5 50% 44% 50% 42%
VP7/VN7 86% 71% 80% 66%
VP8/VN8 71% 57% 63% 49%
VP9/VN9 57% 40% 49% 34%
VP10/VN10 43% 29% 34% 23%
VP11/VN11 29% 17% 20% 14%
VP12/VN12 14% 6% 9% 6%

00h 01h 02h 03h
VP51/VN51 86% 86% 86% 89%
VP52/VN52 71% 71% 77% 80%
VP53/VN53 57% 60% 63% 69%
VP54/VN54 43% 46% 46% 51%
VP55/VN55 29% 34% 31% 37%
VP56/VN56 14% 17% 14% 20%
VP58/VN58 50% 56% 47% 47%
VP60/VN60 50% 50% 50% 53%

Table 18 voltage level percentage adjustment description

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Source voltage of positive gamma level
Gamma level Related Register Formula
VP0 V0P[3:0] (VAP-VBP)*(129R-V0P[3:0]R)/129R+VBP
VP1 V1P[5:0] (VAP-VBP)*(128R-V1P[5:0]R)/129R+VBP
VP2 V2P[5:0] (VAP-VBP)*(128R-V2P[5:0]R)/129R+VBP
VP3 J0P[1:0] (VP2-VP4)*J0P[1:0]+VP4
VP4 V4P[4:0] (VP2-VP20)*(57R-V4P[4:0])/60R+VP20
VP5 J0P[1:0] (VP4-VP6)*J0P[1:0]+VP6
VP6 V6P[4:0] (VP2-VP20)*(47R-V6P[4:0])/60R+VP20
VP7 J0P[1:0] (VP6-VP13)*J0P[1:0]+VP13
VP8 J0P[1:0] (VP6-VP13)*J0P[1:0]+VP13
VP9 J0P[1:0] (VP6-VP13)*J0P[1:0]+VP13
VP10 J0P[1:0] (VP6-VP13)*J0P[1:0]+VP13
VP11 J0P[1:0] (VP6-VP13)*J0P[1:0]+VP13
VP12 J0P[1:0] (VP6-VP13)*J0P[1:0]+VP13
VP13 V13P[3:0] (VP2-VP20)*(21R-V13P[3:0])/60R+VP20
VP14 -- (VP13-VP20)/(20-13)*(20-14)+VP20
VP15 -- (VP13-VP20)/(20-13)*(20-15)+VP20
VP16 -- (VP13-VP20)/(20-13)*(20-16)+VP20
VP17 -- (VP13-VP20)/(20-13)*(20-17)+VP20
VP18 -- (VP13-VP20)/(20-13)*(20-18)+VP20
VP19 -- (VP13-VP20)/(20-13)*(20-19)+VP20
VP20 V20P[6:0] (VAP-VBP)*(128R-V20P[6:0]R)/129R+VBP
VP21 -- (VP20-VP27)/(27-20)*(27-21)+VP27
VP22 -- (VP20-VP27)/(27-20)*(27-22)+VP27
VP23 -- (VP20-VP27)/(27-20)*(27-23)+VP27
VP24 -- (VP20-VP27)/(27-20)*(27-24)+VP27
VP25 -- (VP20-VP27)/(27-20)*(27-25)+VP27
VP26 -- (VP20-VP27)/(27-20)*(27-26)+VP27
VP27 V27P[2:0] (VP20-VP43)*(20R-V27P[2:0])/25R+VP43
VP28 -- (VP27-VP36)/(36-27)*(36-28)+VP36
VP29 -- (VP27-VP36)/(36-27)*(36-29)+VP36
VP30 -- (VP27-VP36)/(36-27)*(36-30)+VP36
VP31 -- (VP27-VP36)/(36-27)*(36-31)+VP36
VP32 -- (VP27-VP36)/(36-27)*(36-32)+VP36
VP33 -- (VP27-VP36)/(36-27)*(36-33)+VP36
VP34 -- (VP27-VP36)/(36-27)*(36-34)+VP36
VP35 -- (VP27-VP36)/(36-27)*(36-35)+VP36
VP36 V36P[2:0] (VP20-VP43)*(11R-V36P[2:0])/25R+VP43
VP37 -- (VP36-VP43)/(43-36)*(43-37)+VP43
VP38 -- (VP36-VP43)/(43-36)*(43-38)+VP43
VP39 -- (VP36-VP43)/(43-36)*(43-39)+VP43
VP40 -- (VP36-VP43)/(43-36)*(43-40)+VP43
VP41 -- (VP36-VP43)/(43-36)*(43-41)+VP43
VP42 -- (VP36-VP43)/(43-36)*(43-42)+VP43
VP43 V43P[6:0] (VAP-VBP)*(128R-V43P[6:0]R)/129R+VBP
VP44 -- (VP43-VP50)/(50-43)*(50-44)+VP50
VP45 -- (VP43-VP50)/(50-43)*(50-45)+VP50
VP46 -- (VP43-VP50)/(50-43)*(50-46)+VP50
VP47 -- (VP43-VP50)/(50-43)*(50-47)+VP50
VP48 -- (VP43-VP50)/(50-43)*(50-48)+VP50
VP49 -- (VP43-VP50)/(50-43)*(50-49)+VP50
VP50 V50P[3:0] (VP43-VP61)*(54R-V50P[3:0])/60R+VP61
VP51 J1P[1:0] (V5P0-VP57)*J1P[1:0]+VP57

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VP52 J1P[1:0] (VP50-VP57)*J1P[1:0]+VP57
VP53 J1P[1:0] (VP50-VP57)*J1P[1:0]+VP57
VP54 J1P[1:0] (VP50-VP57)*J1P[1:0]+VP57
VP55 J1P[1:0] (VP50-VP57)*J1P[1:0]+VP57
VP56 J1P[1:0] (VP50-VP57)*J1P[1:0]+VP57
VP57 V57P[4:0] (VP43-VP61)*(44R-V57P[4:0])/60R+VP61
VP58 J1P[1:0] (VP57-VP59)*J1P[1:0]+VP59
VP59 V59P[4:0] (VP43-VP61)*(34R-V59P[4:0])/60R+VP61
VP60 J1P[1:0] (VP59-VP61)*J1P[1:0]+VP61
VP61 V61P[5:0] (VAP-VBP)*(64R-V61P[5:0]R)/129R+VBP
VP62 V62P[5:0] (VAP-VBP)*(64R-V62P[5:0]R)/129R+VBP
VP63 V63P[3:0] (VAP-VBP)*(23R-V63P[3:0]R)/129R+VBP

Source voltage of negative gamma level

Gamma level Related Register Formula
VN0 V0N[3:0] VBN-(VBN-VAN)*(129R-V0N[3:0]R)/129R
VN1 V1N[5:0] VBN-(VBN-VAN)*(128R-V1N[5:0]R)/129R
VN2 V2N[5:0] VBN-(VBN-VAN)*(128R-V2N[5:0]R)/129R
VN3 J0N[1:0] (VN2-VN4)*J0N[1:0]+VN4
VN4 V4N[4:0] (VN2-VN20)*(57R-V4N[4:0])/60R+VN20
VN5 J0N[1:0] (VN4-VN6)*J0N[1:0]+VN6
VN6 V6N[4:0] (VN2-VN20)*(47R-V6N[4:0])/60R+VN20
VN7 J0N[1:0] (VN6-VN13)*J0N[1:0]+VN13
VN8 J0N[1:0] (VN6-VN13)*J0N[1:0]+VN13
VN9 J0N[1:0] (VN6-VN13)*J0N[1:0]+VN13
VN10 J0N[1:0] (VN6-VN13)*J0N[1:0]+VN13
VN11 J0N[1:0] (VN6-VN13)*J0N[1:0]+VN13
VN12 J0N[1:0] (VN6-VN13)*J0N[1:0]+VN13
VN13 V13N[3:0] (VN2-VN20)*(21R-V13N[3:0])/60R+VN20
VN14 -- (VN13-VN20)/(20-13)*(20-14)+VN20
VN15 -- (VN13-VN20)/(20-13)*(20-15)+VN20
VN16 -- (VN13-VN20)/(20-13)*(20-16)+VN20
VN17 -- (VN13-VN20)/(20-13)*(20-17)+VN20
VN18 -- (VN13-VN20)/(20-13)*(20-18)+VN20
VN19 -- (VN13-VN20)/(20-13)*(20-19)+VN20
VN20 V20N[6:0] VBN-(VBN-VAN)*(128R-V20N[6:0]R)/129R
VN21 -- (VN20-VN27)/(27-20)*(27-21)+VN27
VN22 -- (VN20-VN27)/(27-20)*(27-22)+VN27
VN23 -- (VN20-VN27)/(27-20)*(27-23)+VN27
VN24 -- (VN20-VN27)/(27-20)*(27-24)+VN27
VN25 -- (VN20-VN27)/(27-20)*(27-25)+VN27
VN26 -- (VN20-VN27)/(27-20)*(27-26)+VN27
VN27 V27N[2:0] (VN20-VN43)*(20R-V27N[2:0])/25R+VN43
VN28 -- (VN27-VN36)/(36-27)*(36-28)+VN36
VN29 -- (VN27-VN36)/(36-27)*(36-29)+VN36
VN30 -- (VN27-VN36)/(36-27)*(36-30)+VN36
VN31 -- (VN27-VN36)/(36-27)*(36-31)+VN36
VN32 -- (VN27-VN36)/(36-27)*(36-32)+VN36
VN33 -- (VN27-VN36)/(36-27)*(36-33)+VN36
VN34 -- (VN27-VN36)/(36-27)*(36-34)+VN36
VN35 -- (VN27-VN36)/(36-27)*(36-35)+VN36
VN36 V36N[2:0] (VN20-VN43)*(11R-V36N[2:0])/25R+VN43
VN37 -- (VN36-VN43)/(43-36)*(43-37)+VN43

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VN38 -- (VN36-VN43)/(43-36)*(43-38)+VN43
VN39 -- (VN36-VN43)/(43-36)*(43-39)+VN43
VN40 -- (VN36-VN43)/(43-36)*(43-40)+VN43
VN41 -- (VN36-VN43)/(43-36)*(43-41)+VN43
VN42 -- (VN36-VN43)/(43-36)*(43-42)+VN43
VN43 V43N[6:0] VBN-(VBN-VAN)*(128R-V43N[6:0]R)/129R
VN44 -- (VN43-VN50)/(50-43)*(50-44)+VN50
VN45 -- (VN43-VN50)/(50-43)*(50-45)+VN50
VN46 -- (VN43-VN50)/(50-43)*(50-46)+VN50
VN47 -- (VN43-VN50)/(50-43)*(50-47)+VN50
VN48 -- (VN43-VN50)/(50-43)*(50-48)+VN50
VN49 -- (VN43-VN50)/(50-43)*(50-49)+VN50
VN50 V50N[3:0] (VN43-VN61)*(54R-V50N[3:0])/60R+VN61
VN51 J1N[1:0] (V5N0-VN57)*J1N[1:0]+VN57
VN52 J1N[1:0] (VN50-VN57)*J1N[1:0]+VN57
VN53 J1N[1:0] (VN50-VN57)*J1N[1:0]+VN57
VN54 J1N[1:0] (VN50-VN57)*J1N[1:0]+VN57
VN55 J1N[1:0] (VN50-VN57)*J1N[1:0]+VN57
VN56 J1N[1:0] (VN50-VN57)*J1N[1:0]+VN57
VN57 V57N[4:0] (VN43-VN61)*(44R-V57N[4:0])/60R+VN61
VN58 J1N[1:0] (VN57-VN59)*J1N[1:0]+VN59
VN59 V59N[4:0] (VN43-VN61)*(34R-V59N[4:0])/60R+VN61
VN60 J1N[1:0] (VN59-VN61)*J1N[1:0]+VN61
VN61 V61N[5:0] VBN-(VBN-VAN)*(64R-V61N[5:0]R)/129R
VN62 V62N[5:0] VBN-(VBN-VAN)*(64R-V62N[5:0]R)/129R
VN63 V63N[3:0] VBN-(VBN-VAN)*(23R-V63N[3:0]R)/129R

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8.20 Gray voltage generator for digital gamma correction

ST7789V digital gamma function can implement the RGB gamma correction independently. ST7789V
utilizes look-up table of digital gamma to change ram data, and then display the changed data from source
driver. The following diagram shows the data flow of digital gamma.

Figure 37 Block diagram of digital gamma

There are 2 registers and each register has 64 bytes to set R, G, B gamma independently. When bit
DGMEN be set to 1, R and B gamma will be mapped via look-up table of digital gamma to gray level voltage.

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8.21 Display Dimming
8.21.1 General Description
A dimming function (how fast to change the brightness from old to new level and what are brightness
levels during the change) is used when changing from one brightness level to another. This dimming function
curve is the same in increment and decrement. The basic idea is described below.

Dimming function can be enable and disable. See “Write CTRL Display (53h)” (bit DD) for more

8.21.2 Dimming Requirement

Dimming function in the display module should be implemented so that 400-600ms is used for the
transition between the original brightness value and the target brightness value. The transferring time steps
between these two brightness values are equal making the transition linear.

The dimming function is working similarly in both upward and downward directions.

An upward example is illustrate below

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8.21.3 Definition of brightness transition time
 Shorter transition time than 500ms.
There is some stable time between transitions. Below drawing is for transition time: 400ms.

 Longer transition time than 500ms

There is no any stable time between transitions. Below drawing is for transition time: 600ms.

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8.22 Content Adaptive Brightness Control (CABC)
8.22.1 Definition of CABC
A Content Adaptive Brightness Control function can be used to reduce the power consumption of the
luminance source. Content adaptation means that content gray level scale can be increased while
simultaneously lowering brightness of the backlight to achieve same perceived brightness. The adjusted gray
level scale and thus the power consumption reduction

Definition of Modes and target power reduction ratio:

 Off mode: Content Adaptive Brightness Control functionality is totally off.
 UI [User interface] image mode: Optimized for UI image. It is kept image quality as much as possible. Target
power consumption reduction ratio: 10% or less.
 Still picture mode: Optimized for still picture. Some image quality degradation would be acceptable. Target power
consumption reduction ratio: more than 30%.
 Moving image mode: Optimized for moving image. It is focused on the biggest power reduction with image
quality degradation. Target power consumption reduction ratio: more than 30%.

Note 1: Updating partial area of the image data should be supported by CABC functionality.
Note 2: Processing power consumption of CABC should be minimized.
Note 3: Customer need program OTP GAMMA when using CABC.

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The transition time for dimming function is illustrated below.

 Content Adaptive Brightness Control

Display brightness is changed, according to the image contents. The following graph mentions the case of
displaying three different images.
 Image A: -20% brightness reduction
 Image B: -30% brightness reduction
 Image C: -30% brightness reduction

Transition time from the previous image to the current displayed image is “transition time A”.

Image A Image B Image C

Brightness Brightness Brightness
reduction reduction reduction
ratio: -20% ratio: -30% ratio: -10%

Display brightness

70% Content Adaptive
Brightness Control


Transition time A Transition time A Transition time A



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 Manual brightness setting and Dimming function

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 Combine Display brightness
Green line in the following graph is for the output brightness of display. It is combined with both display
brightness, which are defined in the above graphs.

Maximum transition time is transition time A+B.

Display brightness

Brightness level calculates with the following formula.

Display Output brightness = Manual Brightness setting * CABC brightness ratio
Manual Brightness setting Brightness ratio [CABC] Display Output brightness
Case 1 85% 80% 68%
Case 2 60% 70% 42%
Case 3 85% 90% 76.5%
Transition time from the current brightness to target brightness is A+B in the worst case.

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8.22.2 Minimum brightness setting of CABC function
CABC function is automatically reduced backlight brightness based on image contents. In the case of the
combination with the LABC or manual brightness setting, display brightness is too dark. It must affect to
image quality degradation. CABC minimum brightness setting is to avoid too much brightness reduction.
When CABC is active, CABC can not reduce the display brightness to less than CABC minimum brightness
setting. If CABC algorithm works without any abnormal visual effect, image processing function can operate
even when the brightness can not be changed.

This function does not affect to the other function, manual brightness setting. Manual brightness can be
set the display brightness to less than CABC minimum brightness. Smooth transition and dimming function
can be worked as normal.

When display brightness is turned off (BCTRL=0 of “9.1.39 Write CTRL Display (53h)”), CABC minimum
brightness setting is ignored. “9.1.44 Read CABC minimum brightness (5Fh)” always read the setting value of
“9.1.43 Write CABC minimum brightness (5Eh)”.

WRCABC (55h) Function RDCABCMB (5Fh) Image

Sleep-in NA WRCABCMB (5Eh)

CABC off 00b Disable WRCABCMB (5Eh) Original

CABC on 01b/10b/11b Enable WRCABCMB (5Eh) CABC modified

Brightness level calculates with the following formula.

Display Output Brightness = Manual brightness setting * CABC brightness ratio

Below drawing is for the explanation of the CABC minimum brightness setting.

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CABC minimum brightness value = 51 (33h: 20% display brightness)

Display Brightness Brightness ratio Calculation result of Display Output Image
[manual setting] [CABC] the display Brightness

brightness formula

Case 1 50% 70% 35% 35% CABC modified

Case 2 20% 70% 14% 20% CABC modified

Case 3 50% 70% 35% 35% CABC modified

At the case 2, the calculation result of the display brightness is 14%. CABC minimum brightness value is
set to 20% brightness. Actual display brightness is 20% as the CABC minimum brightness setting.

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9.1 System Function Command Table 1
Instruction D/CX WRX RDX D17-8 D7 D6 D5 D4 D3 D2 D1 D0 Hex Function

NOP 0 ↑ 1 - 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 (00h) No operation

SWRESET 0 ↑ 1 - 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 (01h) Software reset

0 ↑ 1 - 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 (04h) Read display ID

1 1 ↑ - - - - - - - - - Dummy read

RDDID 1 1 ↑ - ID17 ID16 ID15 ID14 ID13 ID12 ID11 ID10 ID1 read

1 1 ↑ - ID27 ID26 ID25 ID24 ID23 ID22 ID21 ID20 ID2 read

1 1 ↑ - ID37 ID36 ID35 ID34 ID33 ID32 ID31 ID30 ID3 read

Read display
0 ↑ 1 - 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 (09h)

1 1 ↑ - - - - - - - - - Dummy read



1 1 ↑ - ST15 ST14 INVON ST12 ST11 DISON TEON GCS2 -

1 1 ↑ - GCS1 GCS0 TEM ST4 ST3 ST2 ST1 ST0 -

Read display
0 ↑ 1 - 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 (0Ah)
1 1 ↑ - - - - - - - - - Dummy read


0 ↑ 1 - 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 1 (0Bh) Read display

1 1 ↑ - - - - - - - - - Dummy read
1 1 ↑ - MY MX MV ML RGB MH 0 0 -

Read display
0 ↑ 1 - 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 (0Ch)
RDD pixel

COLMOD 1 1 ↑ - - - - - - - - - Dummy read

1 1 ↑ - 0 D6 D5 D4 0 D2 D1 D0 -

Read display
0 ↑ 1 - 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 1 (0Dh)
1 1 ↑ - - - - - - - - - Dummy read

1 1 ↑ - VSSON 0 INVON 0 0 GC2 GC1 GC0 -

Read display
0 ↑ 1 - 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 (0Eh)
RDDSM signal

1 1 ↑ - - - - - - - - - Dummy read

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Instruction D/CX WRX RDX D17-8 D7 D6 D5 D4 D3 D2 D1 D0 Hex Function

1 1 ↑ - TEON TEM 0 0 0 0 0 0 -

Read display

0 ↑ 1 - 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 (0Fh) self-diagnostic

RDDSDR result

1 1 ↑ - - - - - - - - - Dummy read

1 1 ↑ - D7 D6 0 0 0 0 0 0 -

SLPIN 0 ↑ 1 - 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 (10h) Sleep in

SLPOUT 0 ↑ 1 - 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 (11h) Sleep out

PTLON 0 ↑ 1 - 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 (12h) Partial mode on

Partial off
NORON 0 ↑ 1 - 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 1 (13h)

Display inversion
INVOFF 0 ↑ 1 - 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 (20h)

Display inversion
INVON 0 ↑ 1 - 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 (21h)

0 ↑ 1 - 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 (26h) Display inversion

1 ↑ 1 - 0 0 0 0 GC3 GC2 GC1 GC0 on

DISPOFF 0 ↑ 1 - 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 (28h) Display off

DISPON 0 ↑ 1 - 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 1 (29h) Display on

Column address
0 ↑ 1 - 0 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 (2Ah)

1 ↑ 1 - XS15 XS14 XS13 XS12 XS11 XS10 XS9 XS8 X address start:
1 ↑ 1 XS7 XS6 XS5 XS4 XS3 XS2 XS1 XS0 0≦XS≦X

1 ↑ 1 XE15 XE14 XE13 XE12 XE11 XE10 XE9 XE8 X address start:

1 ↑ 1 XE7 XE6 XE5 XE4 XE3 XE2 XE1 XE0 S≦XE≦X

0 ↑ 1 - 0 0 1 0 1 0 1 1 (2Bh) Row address set

1 ↑ 1 - YS15 YS14 YS13 YS12 YS11 YS10 YS9 YS8 Y address start:

RASET 1 ↑ 1 YS7 YS6 YS5 YS4 YS3 YS2 YS1 YS0 0≦YS≦Y

1 ↑ 1 YE15 YE14 YE13 YE12 YE11 YE10 YE9 YE8 Y address start:

1 ↑ 1 YE7 YE6 YE5 YE4 YE3 YE2 YE1 YE0 S≦YE≦Y

0 ↑ 1 - 0 0 1 0 1 1 0 0 (2Ch) Memory write

1 ↑ 1 D1[17:8] D1[7] D1[6] D1[5] D1[4] D1[3] D1[2] D1[1] D1[0]

1 ↑ 1 Dx[17:8] Dx[7] Dx[6] Dx[5] Dx[4] Dx[3] Dx[2] Dx[1] Dx[0] Write data

1 ↑ 1 Dn[17:8] Dn[7] Dn[6] Dn[5] Dn[4] Dn[3] Dn[2] Dn[1] Dn[0]

RAMRD 0 ↑ 1 - 0 0 1 0 1 1 1 0 (2Eh) Memory read

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Instruction D/CX WRX RDX D17-8 D7 D6 D5 D4 D3 D2 D1 D0 Hex Function

1 1 ↑ - - - - - - - - - Dummy read

1 1 ↑ D1[17:8] D1[7] D1[6] D1[5] D1[4] D1[3] D1[2] D1[1] D1[0]

1 1 ↑ Dx[17:8] Dx[7] Dx[6] Dx[5] Dx[4] Dx[3] Dx[2] Dx[1] Dx[0] Read data

1 1 ↑ Dn[17:8] Dn[7] Dn[6] Dn[5] Dn[4] Dn[3] Dn[2] Dn[1] Dn[0]

Partial sart/end
0 ↑ 1 - 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 (30h)
address set

1 ↑ 1 - PSL15 PSL14 PSL13 PSL12 PSL11 PSL10 PSL9 PSL8 Partial start

address: (0,
1,2, ..P)

1 ↑ 1 - PEL15 PEL14 PEL13 PEL12 PEL11 PEL10 PEL9 PEL8 Partial end

address (0, 1,2,

3, , P)

Vertical scrolling
0 ↑ 1 - 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 (33h)

1 ↑ 1 - TFA15 TFA14 TFA13 TFA12 TFA11 TFA10 TFA9 TFA8


1 ↑ 1 - VSA15 VSA14 VSA13 VSA12 VSA11 VSA10 VSA9 VSA8


1 ↑ 1 - BFA15 BFA14 BFA13 BFA12 BFA11 BFA10 BFA9 BFA8


Tearing effect
TEOFF 0 ↑ 1 - 0 0 1 1 0 1 0 0 (34h)
line off

Tearing effect
TEON 0 ↑ 1 - 0 0 1 1 0 1 0 1 (35h)
line on

1 ↑ 1 - - - - - - - - TEM

Memory data
0 ↑ 1 - 0 0 1 1 0 1 1 0 (36h)
MADCTL access control

1 ↑ 1 - MY MX MV ML RGB 0 0 0 -

Vertical scrolling
0 ↑ 1 - 0 0 1 1 0 1 1 1 (37h)
start address
1 ↑ 1 - VSP15 VSP14 VSP13 VSP12 VSP11 VSP10 VSP9 VSP8


IDMOFF 0 ↑ 1 - 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 (38h) Idle mode off

IDMON 0 ↑ 1 - 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 1 (39h) Idle mode on

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Instruction D/CX WRX RDX D17-8 D7 D6 D5 D4 D3 D2 D1 D0 Hex Function

Interface pixel
0 ↑ 1 - 0 0 1 1 1 0 1 0 (3Ah)
COLMOD format

1 ↑ 1 - 0 D6 D5 D4 0 D2 D1 D0 Interface format

Memory write
0 ↑ 1 - 0 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 (3Ch)

RAMWRC 1 ↑ 1 D1[17:8] D1[7] D1[6] D1[5] D1[4] D1[3] D1[2] D1[1] D1[0]

1 ↑ 1 Dx[17:8] Dx[7] Dx[6] Dx[5] Dx[4] Dx[3] Dx[2] Dx[1] Dx[0] Write data

1 ↑ 1 Dn[17:8] Dn[7] Dn[6] Dn[5] Dn[4] Dn[3] Dn[2] Dn[1] Dn[0]

Memory read
0 ↑ 1 - 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 0 (3Eh)

1 1 ↑ - - - - - - - - - Dummy Read
1 1 ↑ D1[17:8] D1[7] D1[6] D1[5] D1[4] D1[3] D1[2] D1[1] D1[0]

1 1 ↑ Dx[17:8] Dx[7] Dx[6] Dx[5] Dx[4] Dx[3] Dx[2] Dx[1] Dx[0]

1 1 ↑ Dn[17:8] Dn[7] Dn[6] Dn[5] Dn[4] Dn[3] Dn[2] Dn[1] Dn[0]

0 ↑ 1 - 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 (44h) Set tear scanline

TESCAN 1 ↑ 1 - N15 N14 N13 N12 N11 N10 N9 N8

1 ↑ 1 - N7 N6 N5 N4 N3 N2 N1 N0

0 ↑ 1 - 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 1 (45h) Get scanline

1 1 ↑ - - - - - - - - - Dummy Read
1 1 ↑ - - - - - - - N9 N8

1 1 ↑ - N7 N6 N5 N4 N3 N2 N1 N0

0 ↑ 1 - 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 1 (51h) Write display

1 ↑ 1 - DBV7 DBV6 DBV5 DBV4 DBV3 DBV2 DBV1 DBV0 brightness

Read display
0 ↑ 1 - 0 1 0 1 0 0 1 0 (52h)
brightness value
1 1 ↑ - - - - - - - - - Dummy read


Write CTRL
0 ↑ 1 - 0 1 0 1 0 0 1 1 (53h)
WRCTRLD display

1 ↑ 1 - 0 0 BCTRL 0 DD BL 0 0

0 ↑ 1 - 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 0 (54h)
RDCTRLD value dsiplay

1 1 ↑ - - - - - - - - - Dummy read

1 1 ↑ - 0 0 BCTRL 0 DD BL 0 0

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Instruction D/CX WRX RDX D17-8 D7 D6 D5 D4 D3 D2 D1 D0 Hex Function

Write content


0 ↑ 1 - 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 (55h) brightness
control and Color


1 ↑ 1 - CECTRL 0 CE1 CE0 0 0 C1 C0

Read content

0 ↑ 1 - 0 1 0 1 0 1 1 0 (56h)

1 1 ↑ - - - - - - - - - Dummy read

1 1 ↑ - 0 CECTRL 0 0 0 0 C1 C0

Write CABC

0 ↑ 1 - 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 0 (5Eh) minimum



0 ↑ 1 - 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 (5Fh) minimum


1 1 ↑ - - - - - - - - - Dummy read


Read Automatic


0 ↑ 1 - 0 1 1 0 1 0 0 0 (68h) Control


1 1 ↑ - - - - - - - - - Dummy read

1 1 ↑ - D7 D6 0 0 0 0 0 0 -

0 ↑ 1 - 1 1 0 1 1 0 1 0 (DAh) Read ID1

RDID1 1 1 ↑ - - - - - - - - - Dummy read

1 1 ↑ - ID17 ID16 ID15 ID14 ID13 ID12 ID11 ID10 Read parameter

0 ↑ 1 - 1 1 0 1 1 0 1 1 (DBh) Read ID2

RDID2 1 1 ↑ - - - - - - - - - Dummy read

1 1 ↑ - ID27 ID26 ID25 ID24 ID23 ID22 ID21 ID20 Read parameter

RDID3 0 ↑ 1 - 1 1 0 1 1 1 0 0 (DCh) Read ID3

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Instruction D/CX WRX RDX D17-8 D7 D6 D5 D4 D3 D2 D1 D0 Hex Function

1 1 ↑ - - - - - - - - - Dummy read

1 1 ↑ ID37 ID36 ID35 ID34 ID33 ID32 ID31 ID30 Read parameter

Table 19 System Function Command List

“-”: Don’t care

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9.1.1 NOP (00h)
00H NOP (No Operation)

Inst / Para D/CX WRX RDX D17-8 D7 D6 D5 D4 D3 D2 D1 D0 HEX

NOP 0 ↑ 1 - 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 (00h)

Parameter No Parameter -

Description This command is empty command.


Status Availability

Normal Mode On, Idle Mode Off, Sleep Out Yes

Normal Mode On, Idle Mode On, Sleep Out Yes

Partial Mode On, Idle Mode Off, Sleep Out Yes
Partial Mode On, Idle Mode On, Sleep Out Yes

Sleep In Yes

Status Default Value

Power On Sequence N/A

Default S/W Reset N/A

H/W Reset N/A

Flow Chart

Note: “-“Don’t care

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9.1.2 SWRESET (01h): Software Reset
01H SWRESET (Software Reset)

Inst / Para D/CX WRX RDX D17-8 D7 D6 D5 D4 D3 D2 D1 D0 HEX

SWRESET 0 ↑ 1 - 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 (01h)

Parameter No Parameter -

“-“ Don’t care

Description -The display module performs a software reset, registers are written with their SW reset default values.

-Frame memory contents are unaffected by this command.

It will be necessary to wait 5msec before sending new command following software reset.

The display module loads all display suppliers’ factory default values to the registers during this 5msec.
If software reset is sent during sleep in mode, it will be necessary to wait 120msec before sending sleep out command.

Software reset command cannot be sent during sleep out sequence.

Status Availability

Normal Mode On, Idle Mode Off, Sleep Out Yes

Normal Mode On, Idle Mode On, Sleep Out Yes

Partial Mode On, Idle Mode Off, Sleep Out Yes
Partial Mode On, Idle Mode On, Sleep Out Yes

Sleep In Yes

Status Default Value

Power On Sequence N/A

Default S/W Reset N/A

H/W Reset N/A

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Display whole
blank screen

Flow Chart Commands
to S/W
Value Action

Sleep In Mode


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9.1.3 RDDID (04h): Read Display ID
04H RDDID (Read Display ID)

Inst / Para D/CX WRX RDX D17-8 D7 D6 D5 D4 D3 D2 D1 D0 HEX

RDDID 0 ↑ 1 - 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 (04h)
1 parameter 1 1 ↑ - - - - - - - - - -

2nd parameter 1 1 ↑ - ID17 ID16 ID15 ID14 ID13 ID12 ID11 ID10

3rd parameter 1 1 ↑ - ID27 ID26 ID25 ID24 ID23 ID22 ID21 ID20
4 parameter 1 1 ↑ - ID37 ID36 ID35 ID34 ID33 ID32 ID31 ID30

-This read byte returns 24-bit display identification information.

-The 1st parameter is dummy data

-The 2nd parameter (ID17 to ID10): LCD module’s manufacturer ID.

-The 3rd parameter (ID26 to ID20): LCD module/driver version ID

-The 4th parameter (ID37 to UD30): LCD module/driver ID.

-Commands RDID1/2/3(Dah, DBh, DCh) read data correspond to the parameters 2,3,4 of the command 04h,


“-“ Don’t care


Status Availability

Normal Mode On, Idle Mode Off, Sleep Out Yes

Normal Mode On, Idle Mode On, Sleep Out Yes

Partial Mode On, Idle Mode Off, Sleep Out Yes
Partial Mode On, Idle Mode On, Sleep Out Yes

Sleep In Yes

Status Default Value


Power On Sequence 0x85 0x85 0x52

S/W Reset 0x85 0x85 0x52

H/W Reset 0x85 0x85 0x52

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Serial I/F Mode Parallel I/F Mode
Read 04h Read 04h
Host Command

Dummy Dummy
Clock Read


Flow Chart
Send 2nd Send 2nd
parameter parameter

Send 3rd Send 3rd

parameter parameter

Send 4th Send 4th
parameter parameter

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9.1.4 RDDST (09h): Read Display Status
09H RDDST (Read Display Status)

Inst / Para D/CX WRX RDX D17-8 D7 D6 D5 D4 D3 D2 D1 D0 HEX

RDDST 0 ↑ 1 - 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 (09h)
1 parameter 1 1 ↑ - - - - - - - - - -

2nd parameter 1 1 ↑ - BSTON MY MX MV ML RGB MH ST24

3rd parameter 1 1 ↑ - ST23 IFPF2 IFPF1 IFPF0 IDMON PTLON SLOUT NORON
4 parameter 1 1 ↑ - ST15 ST14 INVON ST12 ST11 DISON TEON GCS2

5th parameter 1 1 ↑ - GCS1 GCS0 TEM ST4 ST3 ST2 ST1 ST0

This command indicates the current status of the display as described in the table below:

Bit Description Value

BSTON Booster Voltage Status ‘1’ =Booster on,

‘0’ =Booster off

MY Row Address Order (MY) ‘1’ =Decrement, (Bottom to Top, when MADCTL (36h) D7=’1’)

‘0’ =Increment, (Top to Bottom, when MADCTL (36h) D7=’0’)

MX Column Address Order (MX) ‘1’ =Decrement, (Right to Left, when MADCTL (36h) D6=’1’)

‘0’ =Increment, (Left to Right, when MADCTL (36h) D6=’0’)

MV Row/Column Exchange (MV) ‘1’ = Row/column exchange, (when MADCTL (36h) D5=’1’)

‘0’ = Normal, (when MADCTL (36h) D5=’0’

ML Scan Address Order (ML) ‘0’ =Decrement,

(LCD refresh Top to Bottom, when MADCTL (36h) D4=’0’)


Description (LCD refresh Bottom to Top, when MADCTL (36h) D4=’1’)

RGB RGB/ BGR Order (RGB) ‘1’ =BGR, (When MADCTL (36h) D3=’1’)

‘0’ =RGB, (When MADCTL (36h) D3=’0’)

MH Horizontal Order ‘0’ =Decrement,

(LCD refresh Left to Right, when MADCTL (36h) D2=’0’)

‘1’ =Increment,

(LCD refresh Right to Left, when MADCTL (36h) D2=’1’)

ST24 For Future Use ‘0’

ST23 For Future Use ‘0’
IFPF2 “011” = 12-bit / pixel,

Interface Color Pixel Format “101” = 16-bit / pixel,

Definition “110” = 18-bit / pixel,
“111” = 16M truncated, others are not defined.

IDMON Idle Mode On/Off ‘1’ = On, “0” = Off

PTLON Partial Mode On/Off ‘1’ = On, “0” = Off

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SLPOUT Sleep In/Out ‘1’ = Out, “0” = In
NORON ‘1’ = Normal Display,
Display Normal Mode On/Off
‘0’ = Partial Display

ST15 Vertical Scrolling Status (Not Used) ‘1’ = Scroll on,“0” = Scroll off
ST14 Horizontal Scroll Status (Not Used) ‘0’
INVON Inversion Status ‘1’ = On, “0” = Off
ST12 All Pixels On (Not Used) ‘0’
ST11 All Pixels Off (Not Used) ‘0’
DISON Display On/Off ‘1’ = On, “0” = Off
TEON Tearing effect line on/off ‘1’ = On, “0” = Off
GCSEL2 “000” = GC0

GCSEL1 “001” = GC1

Gamma Curve Selection “010” = GC2

GCSEL0 “011” = GC3

”100” to “111” = Not defined

TEM Tearing effect line mode ‘0’ = mode1, ‘1’ = mode2

ST4 For Future Use ‘0’
ST3 For Future Use ‘0’
ST2 For Future Use ‘0’
ST1 For Future Use ‘0’
ST0 For Future Use ‘0’

“-“ Don’t care


Status Availability

Normal Mode On, Idle Mode Off, Sleep Out Yes

Normal Mode On, Idle Mode On, Sleep Out Yes

Partial Mode On, Idle Mode Off, Sleep Out Yes
Partial Mode On, Idle Mode On, Sleep Out Yes

Sleep In Yes

Status Default Value (ST31 to ST0)

ST[31-24] ST[23-16] ST[15-8] ST[7-0]

Default Power On Sequence 0000-0000 0110-0001 0000-0000 0000-0000

S/W Reset 0xxx-xx00 0xxx-0001 0000-0000 0000-0000

H/W Reset 0000-0000 0110-0001 0000-0000 0000-0000

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Flow Chart

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9.1.5 RDDPM (0Ah): Read Display Power Mode

0AH RDDPM (Read Display Power Mode)

Inst / Para D/CX WRX RDX D17-8 D7 D6 D5 D4 D3 D2 D1 D0 HEX

RDDPM 0 ↑ 1 - 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 (0Ah)

1st parameter 1 1 ↑ - - - - - - - - - -


This command indicates the current status of the display as described in the table below:

Bit Description Value

BSTON Booster Voltage Status ‘1’ =Booster on,

‘0’ =Booster off

IDMON Idle mode on/off ‘1’ = Idle Mode On,

‘0’ = Idle Mode Off

PTLON Partial mode on/off ‘1’ =Partial mode on,

‘0’ =Partial mode off,

Description SLPOUT Sleep in/out ‘1’ =Sleep out,

‘0’ =Sleep in,

NORON Display normal mode on/off ‘1’ = Normal display,

‘0’ = Partial display,

DISON Display on/off ‘1’ =Display on,

‘0’ =Display off,

D1 Not Used “0”

D0 Not Used “0”

“-“ Don’t care


Status Availability

Normal Mode On, Idle Mode Off, Sleep Out Yes

Normal Mode On, Idle Mode On, Sleep Out Yes

Partial Mode On, Idle Mode Off, Sleep Out Yes
Partial Mode On, Idle Mode On, Sleep Out Yes

Sleep In Yes

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disclosed in whole or in part without prior written permission of Sitronix.

Status Default Value (D7 to D0)

Power On Sequence 0000-1000(08h)

Default S/W Reset 0000-1000(08h)

H/W Reset 0000-1000(08h)

Flow Chart

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disclosed in whole or in part without prior written permission of Sitronix.
9.1.6 RDDMADCTL (0Bh): Read Display MADCTL

Inst / Para D/CX WRX RDX D17-8 D7 D6 D5 D4 D3 D2 D1 D0 HEX

RDDMADCTL 0 ↑ 1 - 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 1 (0Bh)
1 parameter 1 1 ↑ - - - - - - - - - -

2nd parameter 1 1 ↑ - MY MX MV ML RGB MH D1 D0

This command indicates the current status of the display as described in the table below:

Bit Description Value

MY Row Address Order (MY) ‘1’ =Decrement, (Bottom to Top, when MADCTL (36h) D7=’1’)

‘0’ =Increment, (Top to Bottom, when MADCTL (36h) D7=’0’)

MX Column Address Order (MX) ‘1’ =Decrement, (Right to Left, when MADCTL (36h) D6=’1’)

‘0’ =Increment, (Left to Right, when MADCTL (36h) D6=’1’)

MV Row/Column Exchange (MV) ‘1’ = Row/column exchange, (when MADCTL (36h) D5=’1’)

‘0’ = Normal, (when MADCTL (36h) D5=’0’

ML Scan Address Order (ML) ‘0’ =Decrement,

(LCD refresh Top to Bottom, when MADCTL (36h) D4=’0’)


(LCD refresh Bottom to Top, when MADCTL (36h) D4=’1’)

RGB RGB/ BGR Order (RGB) ‘1’ =BGR, (When MADCTL (36h) D3=’1’)

‘0’ =RGB, (When MADCTL (36h) D3=’0’)

MH Horizontal Order ‘0’ =Decrement,

(LCD refresh Left to Right, when MADCTL (36h) D2=’0’)

‘1’ =Increment,

(LCD refresh Right to Left, when MADCTL (36h) D2=’1’)

D1 Not used ‘0’

D0 Not used ‘0’
“-“ Don’t care


Status Availability

Normal Mode On, Idle Mode Off, Sleep Out Yes

Normal Mode On, Idle Mode On, Sleep Out Yes

Partial Mode On, Idle Mode Off, Sleep Out Yes
Partial Mode On, Idle Mode On, Sleep Out Yes

Sleep In Yes

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Status Default Value (D7 to D0)

Default Power On Sequence 0000-0000 (00h)

S/W Reset No change

H/W Reset 0000-0000 (00h)

Flow Chart

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9.1.7 RDDCOLMOD (0Ch): Read Display Pixel Format
0CH RDDCOLMOD (Read Display Pixel Format)

Inst / Para D/CX WRX RDX D17-8 D7 D6 D5 D4 D3 D2 D1 D0 HEX

RDDCOLMOD 0 ↑ 1 - 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 (0Ch)
1 parameter 1 1 ↑ - - - - - - - - - -

2nd parameter 1 1 ↑ - 0 D6 D5 D4 0 D2 D1 D0

This command indicates the current status of the display as described in the table below:

Bit Description Value

D7 - Set to ‘0’

‘101’ = 16 bit/pixel
D5 RGB interface color format
‘110’ = 18 bit/pixel
D3 - Set to ‘0’

‘101’ = 16 bit/pixel
D1 Control interface color format
‘110’ = 18 bit/pixel

Others are no define and invalid

“-“ Don’t care


Status Availability

Normal Mode On, Idle Mode Off, Sleep Out Yes

Normal Mode On, Idle Mode On, Sleep Out Yes

Partial Mode On, Idle Mode Off, Sleep Out Yes
Partial Mode On, Idle Mode On, Sleep Out Yes

Sleep In Yes

Status Default Value

Default Power On Sequence 0000-0110 (18 bit/pixel)

S/W Reset No change

H/W Reset 0000-0110 (18 bit/pixel)

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Flow Chart

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9.1.8 RDDIM (0Dh): Read Display Image Mode
0DH RDDIM (Read Display Image Mode)

Inst / Para D/CX WRX RDX D17-8 D7 D6 D5 D4 D3 D2 D1 D0 HEX

RDDIM 0 ↑ 1 - 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 1 (0Dh)
1 parameter 1 1 ↑ - - - - - - - - - -

2nd parameter 1 1 ↑ - VSSON 0 INVON 0 0 GC2 GC1 GC0

This command indicates the current status of the display as described in the table below:

-VSSON: Vertical scrolling on/off

-INVON: Inversion on/off

Gamma Curve Selection GC2 GC1 GC0 Gamma set (26h) Parameter

Gamma curve 1 0 0 0 GC0

Gamma curve 2 0 0 1 GC1

Description Gamma curve 3 0 1 0 GC2

Gamma curve 4 0 1 1 GC3

Not Defined 1 0 0 Not Defined

Not Defined 1 0 1 Not Defined

Not Defined 1 1 0 Not Defined

Not Defined 1 1 1 Not Defined

Others are no define and invalid

“-“ Don’t care


Status Availability

Normal Mode On, Idle Mode Off, Sleep Out Yes

Normal Mode On, Idle Mode On, Sleep Out Yes

Partial Mode On, Idle Mode Off, Sleep Out Yes
Partial Mode On, Idle Mode On, Sleep Out Yes

Sleep In Yes

Status Default Value

Power On Sequence 0000-0000

S/W Reset 0000-0000

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H/W Reset 0000-0000

Flow Chart

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9.1.9 RDDSM (0Eh): Read Display Signal Mode
0EH RDDSM (Read Display Signal Status)

Inst / Para D/CX WRX RDX D17-8 D7 D6 D5 D4 D3 D2 D1 D0 HEX

RDDSM 0 ↑ 1 - 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 (0Eh)
1 parameter 1 1 ↑ - - - - - - - - - -

2nd parameter 1 1 ↑ - TEON TEM 0 0 0 0 0 0 -

This command indicates the current status of the display as described in the table below:

Bit Description Value

‘1’ = ON,
TEON Tearing effect line on/off
Description ‘0’ = OFF,

‘1’ = mode2,
TEM Tearing effect line mode
‘0’ = mode1,

“-“ Don’t care


Status Availability

Normal Mode On, Idle Mode Off, Sleep Out Yes

Normal Mode On, Idle Mode On, Sleep Out Yes
Partial Mode On, Idle Mode Off, Sleep Out Yes

Partial Mode On, Idle Mode On, Sleep Out Yes

Sleep In Yes

Status Default Value

Default Power On Sequence 0000-0000

S/W Reset 0000-0000

H/W Reset 0000-0000

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Flow Chart

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9.1.10 RDDSDR (0Fh): Read Display Self-Diagnostic Result
09H RDDSDR (Read Display Self-Diagnostic Result)

Inst / Para D/CX WRX RDX D17-8 D7 D6 D5 D4 D3 D2 D1 D0 HEX

RDDSDR 0 ↑ 1 - 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 (0Fh)
1 parameter 1 1 ↑ - - - - - - - - - -

2nd parameter 1 1 ↑ - D7 D6 0 0 0 0 0 0 -

This command indicates the current status of the display self-diagnostic result after sleep out command as described


Description -D7: Register loading detection

-D6: Functionality detection

“-“ Don’t care


Status Availability

Normal Mode On, Idle Mode Off, Sleep Out Yes

Normal Mode On, Idle Mode On, Sleep Out Yes
Partial Mode On, Idle Mode Off, Sleep Out Yes

Partial Mode On, Idle Mode On, Sleep Out Yes

Sleep In Yes

Status Default Value

Default Power On Sequence 0000-0000

S/W Reset 0000-0000

H/W Reset 0000-0000

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Flow Chart

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9.1.11 SLPIN (10h): Sleep in

10H SLPIN (Sleep In)

Inst / Para D/CX WRX RDX D17-8 D7 D6 D5 D4 D3 D2 D1 D0 HEX

SLPIN 0 ↑ 1 - 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 (10h)

parameter No Parameter

-This command causes the LCD module to enter the minimum power consumption mode.

-In this mode the DC/DC converter is stopped, internal oscillator is stopped, and panel scanning is stopped.
-MCU interface and memory are still working and the memory keeps its contents.

“-“ Don’t care

-This command has no effect when module is already in sleep in mode. Sleep in mode can only be left by the sleep out

command (11h).

-It will be necessary to wait 5msec before sending any new commands to a display module following this command to
allow time for the supply voltages and clock circuits to stabilize.

-It will be necessary to wait 120msec after sending sleep out command (when in sleep in mode) before sending an sleep

in command.

Status Availability

Normal Mode On, Idle Mode Off, Sleep Out Yes

Normal Mode On, Idle Mode On, Sleep Out Yes
Partial Mode On, Idle Mode Off, Sleep Out Yes

Partial Mode On, Idle Mode On, Sleep Out Yes

Sleep In Yes

Status Default Value

Default Power On Sequence Sleep in mode

S/W Reset Sleep in mode

H/W Reset Sleep in mode

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SLPIN Stop Command


Display whole Parameter

blank screen
(Automatic No effect Stop
to DISP ON/OFF Internal
Commands) Oscillator

Flow Chart
Drain Sleep In Mode
From LCD Action



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9.1.12 SLPOUT (11h): Sleep Out
11H SLPOUT (Sleep Out)

Inst / Para D/CX WRX RDX D17-8 D7 D6 D5 D4 D3 D2 D1 D0 HEX

SLPOUT 0 ↑ 1 - 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 (11h)

parameter No Parameter

-This command turn off sleep mode.

-In this mode the DC/DC converter is enable, internal display oscillator is started, and panel scanning is started.

-This command has no effect when module is already in sleep out mode. Sleep out mode can only be left by the sleep in

command (10h).

-It will be necessary to wait 5msec before sending any new commands to a display module following this command to

Restriction allow time for the supply voltages and clock circuits to stabilize.

-It will be necessary to wait 120msec after sending sleep out command (when in sleep in mode) before sending an sleep

in command.

-The display module runs the self-diagnostic functions after this command is received.

Status Availability

Normal Mode On, Idle Mode Off, Sleep Out Yes

Normal Mode On, Idle Mode On, Sleep Out Yes
Partial Mode On, Idle Mode Off, Sleep Out Yes

Partial Mode On, Idle Mode On, Sleep Out Yes

Sleep In Yes

Status Default Value

Default Power On Sequence Sleep in mode

S/W Reset Sleep in mode

H/W Reset Sleep in mode

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SLPOUT Command
Display whole blank
screen for 2 firames
(Automatic No effect
to DISP ON/OFF Parameter


Flow Chart
Start up Display Memory
DC:DC contents In
Converter accordance with
the current Action
command table

Offset Mode
voltage for
Panel Sleep Out mode


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9.1.13 PTLON (12h): Partial Display Mode On
12H PTLON (Partial Display Mode On)

Inst / Para D/CX WRX RDX D17-8 D7 D6 D5 D4 D3 D2 D1 D0 HEX

PTLON 0 ↑ 1 - 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 (12h)

parameter No Parameter

-This command turns on Partial mode. The partial mode window is described by the Partial Area command (30h)

Description -To leave Partial mode, the Normal Display Mode On command (13h) should be written.

“-“ Don’t care

Restriction This command has no effect when partial mode is active.

Status Availability

Normal Mode On, Idle Mode Off, Sleep Out Yes

Normal Mode On, Idle Mode On, Sleep Out Yes
Partial Mode On, Idle Mode Off, Sleep Out Yes

Partial Mode On, Idle Mode On, Sleep Out Yes

Sleep In Yes

Status Default Value

Default Power On Sequence Normal display mode on

S/W Reset Normal display mode on

H/W Reset Normal display mode on

Flow Chart See Partial Area (30h)

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9.1.14 NORON (13h): Normal Display Mode On
12H NORON (Normal Display Mode On)

Inst / Para D/CX WRX RDX D17-8 D7 D6 D5 D4 D3 D2 D1 D0 HEX

NORON 0 ↑ 1 - 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 1 (13h)

parameter No Parameter

-This command turns the display to normal mode.

-Normal display mode on means partial mode off.

-Exit from NORON by the partial mode on command.

“-“ Don’t care

Restriction This command has no effect when normal display mode is active.

Status Availability

Normal Mode On, Idle Mode Off, Sleep Out Yes

Normal Mode On, Idle Mode On, Sleep Out Yes
Partial Mode On, Idle Mode Off, Sleep Out Yes

Partial Mode On, Idle Mode On, Sleep Out Yes

Sleep In Yes

Status Default Value

Default Power On Sequence Normal display mode on

S/W Reset Normal display mode on

H/W Reset Normal display mode on

Flow Chart See partial area description for details of when to use this command.

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9.1.15 INVOFF (20h): Display Inversion Off
20H INVOFF (Display Inversion Off)

Inst / Para D/CX WRX RDX D17-8 D7 D6 D5 D4 D3 D2 D1 D0 HEX

INVOFF 0 ↑ 1 - 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 (20h)

parameter No Parameter

-This command is used to recover from display inversion mode.

“-“ Don’t care

Memory Display
Description Top-Lef
t (0,0)

Restriction This command has no effect when module is already in inversion off mode.

Status Availability

Normal Mode On, Idle Mode Off, Sleep Out Yes

Normal Mode On, Idle Mode On, Sleep Out Yes
Partial Mode On, Idle Mode Off, Sleep Out Yes

Partial Mode On, Idle Mode On, Sleep Out Yes

Sleep In Yes

Status Default Value

Default Power On Sequence Display inversion off

S/W Reset Display inversion off

H/W Reset Display inversion off

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Display Parameter
Inversion On


Flow Chart
INVOFF (20h)


Inversion OFF
Mode Mode


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9.1.16 INVON (21h): Display Inversion On
21H INVON (Display Inversion On)

Inst / Para D/CX WRX RDX D17-8 D7 D6 D5 D4 D3 D2 D1 D0 HEX

INVON 0 ↑ 1 - 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 (21h)

parameter No Parameter

-This command is used to recover from display inversion mode.

“-“ Don’t care

Memory Display
Description Top-Left (0,0)

Restriction This command has no effect when module is already in inversion on mode.

Status Availability

Normal Mode On, Idle Mode Off, Sleep Out Yes

Normal Mode On, Idle Mode On, Sleep Out Yes
Partial Mode On, Idle Mode Off, Sleep Out Yes

Partial Mode On, Idle Mode On, Sleep Out Yes

Sleep In Yes

Status Default Value

Default Power On Sequence Display inversion off

S/W Reset Display inversion off

H/W Reset Display inversion off

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Display Parameter
Inversion OFF


Flow Chart
INVON (21h)


Inversion ON
Mode Mode


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9.1.17 GAMSET (26h): Gamma Set
26H GAMSET (Gamma Set)

Inst / Para D/CX WRX RDX D17-8 D7 D6 D5 D4 D3 D2 D1 D0 HEX

GAMSET 0 ↑ 1 - 0 0 1 0 0 1 1 0 (26h)

parameter 1 ↑ 1 - 0 0 0 0 GC3 GC2 GC1 GC0

-This command is used to select the desired Gamma curve for the current display. A maximum of 4

curves can be selected. The curve is selected by setting the appropriate bit in the parameter as

described in the Table.

GC [7:0] Parameter Curve Selected

1. Description 01h GC0 Gamma Curve 1 (G2.2)

02h GC1 Gamma Curve 2 (G1.8)

04h GC2 Gamma Curve 3 (G2.5)

08h GC3 Gamma Curve 4 (G1.0)

Note: All other values are undefined.

Values of GC[7:0] not shown in table above are invalid and will not change the current selected
Gamma curve until valid value is received.

Status Availability

Normal Mode On, Idle Mode Off, Sleep Out Yes

Register availability Normal Mode On, Idle Mode On, Sleep Out Yes

Partial Mode On, Idle Mode Off, Sleep Out Yes

Partial Mode On, Idle Mode On, Sleep Out Yes

Sleep In Yes

Status Default Value

Default Power On Sequence 0x01

S/W Reset 0x01

H/W Reset 0x01

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Flow Chart

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9.1.18 DISPOFF (28h): Display Off
28H DISPOFF (Display Off)

Inst / Para D/CX WRX RDX D17-8 D7 D6 D5 D4 D3 D2 D1 D0 HEX

DISPOFF 0 ↑ 1 - 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 (28h)

parameter No Parameter

- This command is used to enter into DISPLAY OFF mode. In this mode, the output from Frame Memory is disabled and

blank page inserted.

- This command makes no change of contents of frame memory.

- This command does not change any other status.

- There will be no abnormal visible effect on the display.

- Exit from this command by Display On (29h)


Memory Display

Restriction This command has no effect when module is already in display off mode.

Status Availability

Normal Mode On, Idle Mode Off, Sleep Out Yes

Normal Mode On, Idle Mode On, Sleep Out Yes
Partial Mode On, Idle Mode Off, Sleep Out Yes

Partial Mode On, Idle Mode On, Sleep Out Yes

Sleep In Yes

Status Default Value

Default Power On Sequence Display off

S/W Reset Display off

H/W Reset Display off

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Flow Chart

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9.1.19 DISPON (29h): Display On
29H DISPON (Display On)

Inst / Para D/CX WRX RDX D17-8 D7 D6 D5 D4 D3 D2 D1 D0 HEX

DISPON 0 ↑ 1 - 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 1 (29h)

parameter No Parameter

- This command is used to recover from DISPLAY OFF mode.

- Output from the Frame Memory is enabled.

- This command makes no change of contents of frame memory.

- This command does not change any other status.

Memory Display

Restriction This command has no effect when module is already in display on mode.

Status Availability

Normal Mode On, Idle Mode Off, Sleep Out Yes

Normal Mode On, Idle Mode On, Sleep Out Yes
Partial Mode On, Idle Mode Off, Sleep Out Yes

Partial Mode On, Idle Mode On, Sleep Out Yes

Sleep In Yes

Status Default Value

Default Power On Sequence Display off

S/W Reset Display off

H/W Reset Display off

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Display Off


Flow Chart


Display On
Mode Mode


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9.1.20 CASET (2Ah): Column Address Set
2AH CASET (Column Address Set)

Inst / Para D/CX WRX RDX D17-8 D7 D6 D5 D4 D3 D2 D1 D0 HEX

CASET 0 ↑ 1 - 0 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 (2Ah)
1 parameter 1 ↑ 1 - XS15 XS14 XS13 XS12 XS11 XS10 XS9 XS8

2nd parameter 1 ↑ 1 - XS7 XS6 XS5 XS4 XS3 XS2 XS1 XS0

3rd parameter 1 ↑ 1 - XE15 XE14 XE13 XE12 XE11 XE10 XE9 XE8
4 parameter 1 ↑ 1 - XE7 XE6 XE5 XE4 XE3 XE2 XE1 XE0

-The value of XS [7:0] and XE [7:0] are referred when RAMWR command comes.

-Each value represents one column line in the Frame Memory.

XS[7:0] XE[7:0]

2. Description

XS [15:0] always must be equal to or less than XE [15:0]

When XS [15:0] or XE [15:0] is greater than maximum address like below, data of out of range will

Restriction be ignored.

(Parameter range: 0 < XS [15:0] < XE [15:0] < 239 (00Efh)): MV=”0”)

(Parameter range: 0 < XS [15:0] < XE [15:0] < 319 (013Fh)): MV=”1”)

Status Availability

Normal Mode On, Idle Mode Off, Sleep Out Yes

Register availability Normal Mode On, Idle Mode On, Sleep Out Yes

Partial Mode On, Idle Mode Off, Sleep Out Yes

Partial Mode On, Idle Mode On, Sleep Out Yes

Sleep In Yes

Status Default Value

Power On Sequence XS[15:0]=0x00 XE[15:0]=0Xef

XS[15:0]=0x00 When MV=0: XE[15:0]=00Efh,
S/W Reset
When MV=1: XE[15:0]=013Fh

H/W Reset XS[15:0]=0x00 XE[15:0]=0Xef

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Flow Chart

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9.1.21 RASET (2Bh): Row Address Set
2BH RASET (Row Address Set)

Inst / Para D/CX WRX RDX D17-8 D7 D6 D5 D4 D3 D2 D1 D0 HEX

RASET 0 ↑ 1 - 0 0 1 0 1 0 1 1 (2Bh)
1 parameter 1 ↑ 1 - YS15 YS14 YS13 YS12 YS11 YS10 YS9 YS8

2nd parameter 1 ↑ 1 - YS7 YS6 YS5 YS4 YS3 YS2 YS1 YS0

3rd parameter 1 ↑ 1 - YE15 YE14 YE13 YE12 YE11 YE10 YE9 YE8
4 parameter 1 ↑ 1 - YE7 YE6 YE5 YE4 YE3 YE2 YE1 YE0

-This command is used to defined area of frame memory where MCU can access.

-The value of YS [15:0] and YE [15:0] are referred when RAMWR command comes.

-Each value represents one page line in the Frame Memory.

3. Description


YS [15:0] always must be equal to or less than YE [15:0]

When YS [15:0] or YE [15:0] is greater than maximum address like below, data of out of range will

Restriction be ignored.

(Parameter range: 0 < YS [15:0] < YE [15:0] < 239 (00Efh)): MV=”0”)

(Parameter range: 0 < YS [15:0] < YE [15:0] < 319 (013Fh)): MV=”1”)

Status Availability

Normal Mode On, Idle Mode Off, Sleep Out Yes

Register availability Normal Mode On, Idle Mode On, Sleep Out Yes

Partial Mode On, Idle Mode Off, Sleep Out Yes

Partial Mode On, Idle Mode On, Sleep Out Yes

Sleep In Yes

Status Default Value

Power On Sequence YS[15:0]=0000h YE[15:0]=013Fh

YS[15:0]=0000h When MV=0: YE[15:0]=013Fh,
S/W Reset
When MV=1: YE[15:0]=00Efh

H/W Reset YS[15:0]=0000h YE[15:0]=013Fh

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1st parameter XS[15:0]
2nd parameter XE[15:0]



1st parameter YS[15:0]

Flow Chart Action
2nd parameter YE[15:0]



Image Data

Any Command

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9.1.22 RAMWR (2Ch): Memory Write
2CH RAMWR (Memory Write)

Inst / Para D/CX WRX RDX D17-8 D7 D6 D5 D4 D3 D2 D1 D0 HEX

RAMWR 0 ↑ 1 - 0 0 1 0 1 1 0 0 (2Ch)
1 parameter 1 ↑ 1 D1[17]-1[8] D1[7] D1[6] D1[5] D1[4] D1[3] D1[2] D1[1] D1[0]

… 1 ↑ 1 Dx[17]-x[8] Dx[7] Dx[6] Dx[5] Dx[4] Dx[3] Dx[2] Dx[1] Dx[0]

N parameter 1 ↑ 1 Dn[17]-n[8] Dn[7] Dn[6] Dn[5] Dn[4] Dn[3] Dn[2] Dn[1] Dn[0]

-This command is used to transfer data from MCU to frame memory.

-When this command is accepted, the column register and the page register are reset to the start column/start

Description page positions.

-The start column/start page positions are different in accordance with MADCTL setting.

-Sending any other command can stop frame write.


Status Availability

Normal Mode On, Idle Mode Off, Sleep Out Yes

Register availability Normal Mode On, Idle Mode On, Sleep Out Yes

Partial Mode On, Idle Mode Off, Sleep Out Yes

Partial Mode On, Idle Mode On, Sleep Out Yes

Sleep In Yes

Status Default Value

Default Power On Sequence Contents of memory is set randomly

S/W Reset Contents of memory is not cleared

H/W Reset Contents of memory is not cleared

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Flow Chart
Image Data
…….Dn[17:0] Action


Any Command transter

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9.1.23 RAMRD (2Eh): Memory Read
2EH RAMRD (Memory Read)

Inst / Para D/CX WRX RDX D17-8 D7 D6 D5 D4 D3 D2 D1 D0 HEX

RAMRD 0 ↑ 1 - 0 0 1 0 1 1 1 0 (2Eh)
1 parameter 1 1 ↑ - - - - - - - - -

2nd parameter 1 1 ↑ D17-8 D7 D6 D5 D4 D3 D2 D1 D0


1 1 ↑









(N+1) parameter 1 1 ↑ D17-8 D7 D6 D5 D4 D3 D2 D1 D0

-This command is used to transfer data from frame memory to MCU.

-When this command is accepted, the column register and the row register are reset to the Start Column/Start

Row positions.

-The Start Column/Start Row positions are different in accordance with MADCTL setting.

-Then D[17:0] is read back from the frame memory and the column register and the row register incremented
-Frame Read can be cancelled by sending any other command.

-The data color coding is fixed to 18-bit in reading function. Please see section 9.8 “Data color coding” for color

coding (18-bit cases), when there is used 8, 9, 16 and 18-bit data lines for image data.

Note1: The Command 3Ah should be set to 66h when reading pixel data from frame memory.


Status Availability

Normal Mode On, Idle Mode Off, Sleep Out Yes

Register availability Normal Mode On, Idle Mode On, Sleep Out Yes

Partial Mode On, Idle Mode Off, Sleep Out Yes

Partial Mode On, Idle Mode On, Sleep Out Yes

Sleep In Yes

Status Default Value

Default Power On Sequence Contents of memory is set randomly

S/W Reset Contents of memory is not cleared

H/W Reset Contents of memory is not cleared

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Flow Chart

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9.1.24 PTLAR (30h): Partial Area
30H PTLAR (Partial Area)

Inst / Para D/CX WRX RDX D17-8 D7 D6 D5 D4 D3 D2 D1 D0 HEX

PTLAR 0 ↑ 1 - 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 (30h)
1 parameter 1 ↑ 1 - PSL15 PSL14 PSL13 PSL12 PSL11 PSL10 PSL9 PSL8

2nd parameter 1 ↑ 1 - PSL7 PSL6 PSL5 PSL4 PSL3 PSL2 PSL1 PSL0

3rd parameter 1 ↑ 1 - PEL15 PEL14 PEL13 PEL12 PEL11 PEL10 PEL9 PEL8
4 parameter 1 ↑ 1 - PEL7 PEL6 PEL5 PEL4 PEL3 PEL2 PEL1 PEL0

-This command defines the partial mode’s display area.

-There are 4 parameters associated with this command, the first defines the Start Row (PSL) and the second the End

Row (PEL), as illustrated in the figures below. PSL and PEL refer to the Frame Memory row address counter.

-If End Row > Start Row, when MADCTL ML=’1’

End row

PEL [15:0] Non-display area

Partial display area

PSL [15:0]
Non-display area
Start row

-If End Row > Start Row, when MADCTL ML=’0’

Start row
Non-display area
Description PSL [15:0]

Partial display area

PEL [15:0]
Non-display area
End row

-If End Row < Start Row, when MADCTL ML=’0’

End row Partial display area

PEL [15:0]

Non-display area
PSL [15:0]

Start row
Partial display area

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-If End Row = Start Row then the Partial Area will be one row deep.

Restriction Each detail initial value by the display resolution will be updated.

Status Availability

Normal Mode On, Idle Mode Off, Sleep Out Yes

Normal Mode On, Idle Mode On, Sleep Out Yes
Partial Mode On, Idle Mode Off, Sleep Out Yes

Partial Mode On, Idle Mode On, Sleep Out Yes

Sleep In Yes

Status Default Value

Default Power On Sequence PSL[15:0]=0000h, PEL=013Fh

S/W Reset PSL[15:0]=0000h, PEL=013Fh

H/W Reset PSL[15:0]=0000h, PEL=013Fh

Flow Chart

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9.1.25 VSCRDEF (33h): Vertical Scrolling Definition
33H (Vertical Scrolling Definition)

Inst / Para D/CX WRX RDX D17-8 D7 D6 D5 D4 D3 D2 D1 D0 HEX

VSCRDEF 0 ↑ 1 - 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 (33h)
1 ↑ 1 - TFA15 TFA14 TFA13 TFA12 TFA11 TFA10 TFA9 TFA8


1 ↑ 1 - VSA15 VSA14 VSA13 VSA12 VSA11 VSA10 VSA9 VSA8


1 ↑ 1 BFA15 BFA14 BFA13 BFA12 BFA11 BFA10 BFA9 BFA8


-This command just defines the Vertical Scrolling Area of the display and not performs vertical scroll


-The 1st & 2nd parameter TFA [15:0] describes the Top Fixed Area (in No. of lines from Top of the Frame Memory and Display).

-The 3rd & 4th parameter VSA [15:0] describes the height of the Vertical Scrolling Area (in No. of lines of the Frame Memory

[not the display] from the Vertical Scrolling Start Address) The first line appears immediately after the bottom most line of the

Top Fixed Area.

-The 4th & 5th parameter BFA [6:0] describes the Bottom Fixed Area (in No. of lines from Bottom of the Frame Memory and


TFA, VSA and BFA refer to the Frame Memory Line Pointer


Restriction The condition is TFA+VSA+BFA = 320, otherwise Scrolling mode is undefined.

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In Vertical Scrolling Mode, MADCTL parameter MV should be set to ‘0’ – this only affects the Frame Memory write.

Status Availability

Normal Mode On, Idle Mode Off, Sleep Out Yes

Normal Mode On, Idle Mode On, Sleep Out Yes
Partial Mode On, Idle Mode Off, Sleep Out Yes

Partial Mode On, Idle Mode On, Sleep Out Yes

Sleep In Yes

Status Default Value

Default Power On Sequence TFA[15:0] = 0000h VSA[0:15] = 0140h BFA[15:0] = 0000h

S/W Reset TFA[15:0] = 0000h VSA[0:15] = 0140h BFA[15:0] = 0000h

H/W Reset TFA[15:0] = 0000h VSA[0:15] = 0140h BFA[15:0] = 0000h

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1. TO Enter Vertical Scroll Mode:

Normal Mode


1st parameter TFA[15:0]


2nd parameter VSA[15:0]

3rd parameter BFA[15:0]

1st &2nd parameter XS[15:0]
Redefines the
3rd & 4th parameter XE[15:0] Frame Memory
Window that Action
Flow Chart
RASET the scroll data
will be written
1st &2nd parameter YS[15:0] to. Mode
Only required
for non-rolling
3rd &4th parameter YE[15:0]
scrolling Optional - It
may be transter
necessary to
Parameter redefine the
frame memory
write direction.

Scroll Image Data


1st &2nd parameter VSA[15:0]

Scroll Mode

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9.1.26 TEOFF (34h): Tearing Effect Line OFF

34H TEOFF (Tearing Effect Line OFF)

Inst / Para D/CX WRX RDX D17-8 D7 D6 D5 D4 D3 D2 D1 D0 HEX

TEOFF 0 ↑ 1 - 0 0 1 1 0 1 0 0 (34h)

parameter No Parameter

Description -This command is used to turn OFF (Active Low) the Tearing Effect output signal from the TE signal line.

Restriction This command has no effect when tearing effect output is already off..

Status Availability

Normal Mode On, Idle Mode Off, Sleep Out Yes

Normal Mode On, Idle Mode On, Sleep Out Yes
Partial Mode On, Idle Mode Off, Sleep Out Yes

Partial Mode On, Idle Mode On, Sleep Out Yes

Sleep In Yes

Status Default Value

Default Power On Sequence Off

S/W Reset Off

H/W Reset Off

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TE Line Output

TEOFF Display

Flow Chart

TE Line Output



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9.1.27 TEON (35h): Tearing Effect Line On
35H TEON (Tearing Effect Line On)

Inst / Para D/CX WRX RDX D17-8 D7 D6 D5 D4 D3 D2 D1 D0 HEX

TEON 0 ↑ 1 - 0 0 1 1 0 1 0 1 (35h)

parameter 1 ↑ 1 - 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 TEM

-This command is used to turn ON the Tearing Effect output signal from the TE signal line.

-This output is not affected by changing MADCTL bit ML.

-The Tearing Effect Line On has one parameter, which describes the mode of the Tearing Effect Output Line:

-When TEM =’0’: The Tearing Effect output line consists of V-Blanking information
Tvdl Tvdh

Description Vertical time scale

-When TEM =’1’: The Tearing Effect output Line consists of both V-Blanking and H-Blanking information

Tvdl Tvdh

Vertical time scale

Note: During Sleep In Mode with Tearing Effect Line On, Tearing Effect Output pin will be active Low.

Restriction This command has no effect when tearing effect output is already on.

Status Availability

Normal Mode On, Idle Mode Off, Sleep Out Yes

Normal Mode On, Idle Mode On, Sleep Out Yes
Partial Mode On, Idle Mode Off, Sleep Out Yes

Partial Mode On, Idle Mode On, Sleep Out Yes

Sleep In Yes

Status Default Value

Default Power On Sequence Off

S/W Reset Off

H/W Reset Off

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TE Line Output



Flow Chart

TE Line Output


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9.1.28 MADCTL (36h): Memory Data Access Control
36H MADCTL (Memory Data Access Control)

Inst / Para D/CX WRX RDX D17-8 D7 D6 D5 D4 D3 D2 D1 D0 HEX

MADCTL 0 ↑ 1 - 0 0 1 1 0 1 1 0 (36h)

parameter 1 ↑ 1 - MY MX MV ML RGB MH - -

-This command defines read/ write scanning direction of frame memory.


D7 MY Page Address Order
D6 MX Column Address Order
D5 MV Page/Column Order
D4 ML Line Address Order
D2 MH Display Data Latch Order
-Bit Assignment

Bit D7- Page Address Order

“0” = Top to Bottom (When MADCTL D7=”0”).
“1” = Bottom to Top (When MADCTL D7=”1”).
Bit D6- Column Address Order
“0” = Left to Right (When MADCTL D6=”0”).
“1” = Right to Left (When MADCTL D6=”1”).
Bit D5- Page/Column Order
“0” = Normal Mode (When MADCTL D5=”0”).
“1” = Reverse Mode (When MADCTL D5=”1”)
Note: Bits D7 to D5, alse refer to section 8.12 Address Control
Bit D4- Line Address Order
“0” = LCD Refresh Top to Bottom (When MADCTL D4=”0”)
“1” = LCD Refresh Bottom to Top (When MADCTL D4=”1”)
Bit D3- RGB/BGR Order
“0” = RGB (When MADCTL D3=”0”)
“1” = BGR (When MADCTL D3=”1”)
Bit D2- Display Data Latch Data Order
“0” = LCD Refresh Left to Right (When MADCTL D2=”0”)
“1” = LCD Refresh Right to Left (When MADCTL D2=”1”)

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RGB="0" RGB="1"

Driver IC Driver IC






LCD panel LCD panel

Top-left (0, 0) Top-left (0, 0)

Memory Memory

MH="0" MH="1"

Sent 2nd
Sent 3rd
Sent First

Sent First
Sent Last

Sent Last
Sent 2nd
Sent 3rd

Top-left (0, 0) Top-left (0, 0)

Display Display



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availability Status Availability

Normal Mode On, Idle Mode Off, Sleep Out Yes

Normal Mode On, Idle Mode On, Sleep Out Yes

Partial Mode On, Idle Mode Off, Sleep Out Yes

Partial Mode On, Idle Mode On, Sleep Out Yes

Sleep In Yes

Status Default Value

Default Power On Sequence 0000h

S/W Reset No change

H/W Reset 0000h





Flow Chart

1st parameter



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9.1.29 VSCSAD (37h): Vertical Scroll Start Address of RAM
37H VSCSAD (Vertical Scroll Start Address of RAM)

Inst / Para D/CX WRX RDX D17-8 D7 D6 D5 D4 D3 D2 D1 D0 HEX

VSCSAD 0 ↑ 1 - 0 0 1 1 0 1 1 1 (37h)
1 parameter 1 ↑ 1 - VSP15 VSP14 VSP13 VSP12 VSP11 VSP10 VSP9 VSP8

2ND parameter 1 ↑ 1 - VSP7 VSP6 VSP5 VSP4 VSP3 VSP2 VSP1 VSP0

-This command is used together with Vertical Scrolling Definition (33h).

-These two commands describe the scrolling area and the scrolling mode.

-The Vertical Scrolling Start Address command has one parameter which describes which line in the Frame Memory

will be written as the first line after the last line of the Top Fixed Area on the display as illustrated below:

When ML=0


When Top Fixed Area = Bottom Fixed Area = 00, vertical Scrolling Area = 320 and VSP = ‘3’


When ML=1


When Top Fixed Area = Bottom Fixed Area = 00, vertical Scrolling Area = 320 and VSP = ‘3’

NOTE: When new Pointer position and Picture Data are sent, the result on the display will happen at the next Panel

Scan to avoid tearing effect.

VSP refers to the Frame Memory line Pointer

Since the value of the vertical scrolling start address is absolute (with reference to the frame memory), it must not

Restriction enter the fixed area (defined by Vertical Scrolling Definition (33h)- otherwise undesirable image will be displayed on

the panel)


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availability Status Availability

Normal Mode On, Idle Mode Off, Sleep Out Yes

Normal Mode On, Idle Mode On, Sleep Out Yes

Partial Mode On, Idle Mode Off, Sleep Out Yes

Partial Mode On, Idle Mode On, Sleep Out Yes

Sleep In Yes

Status Default Value

Default Power On Sequence 0000h

S/W Reset 0000h

H/W Reset 0000h

Flow Chart See Vertical Scrolling Definition (33h) description

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9.1.30 IDMOFF (38h): Idle Mode Off

38H IDMOFF (Idle Mode Off)

Inst / Para D/CX WRX RDX D17-8 D7 D6 D5 D4 D3 D2 D1 D0 HEX

IDMOFF 0 ↑ 1 - 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 (38h)

parameter No Parameter

-This command is used to recover from Idle mode on.

-In the idle off mode,

1. LCD can display 4096, 65k or 262k colors.

2. Normal frame frequency is applied.

Restriction This command has no effect when module is already in idle off mode

Status Availability

Normal Mode On, Idle Mode Off, Sleep Out Yes

Normal Mode On, Idle Mode On, Sleep Out Yes
Partial Mode On, Idle Mode Off, Sleep Out Yes

Partial Mode On, Idle Mode On, Sleep Out Yes

Sleep In Yes

Status Default Value

Default Power On Sequence Idle mode off

S/W Reset Idle mode off

H/W Reset Idle mode off

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Flow Chart

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9.1.31 IDMON (39h): Idle mode on
39H IDMON (Idle Mode On)

Inst / Para D/CX WRX RDX D17-8 D7 D6 D5 D4 D3 D2 D1 D0 HEX

IDMON 0 ↑ 1 - 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 1 (39h)

parameter No Parameter

-This command is used to enter into Idle mode on.

-There will be no abnormal visible effect on the display mode change transition.

-In the idle on mode,

1. Color expression is reduced. The primary and the secondary colors using MSB of each R,G and B in the Frame

Memory, 8 color depth data is displayed.

2. 8-Color mode frame frequency is applied.

3. Exit from IDMON by Idle Mode Off (38h) command

(Example) Memory Display

Top-Left (0,0)


R5 R4 R3 R2 R1 G5 G4 G3 G2 G1 B5 B4 B3 B4 B1
R0 G0 B0
Black 0xxxxx 0xxxxx 0xxxxx
Blue 0xxxxx 0xxxxx 1xxxxx
Red 1xxxxx 0xxxxx 0xxxxx
Magenta 1xxxxx 0xxxxx 1xxxxx
Green 0xxxxx 1xxxxx 0xxxxx
Cyan 0xxxxx 1xxxxx 1xxxxx
Yellow 1xxxxx 1xxxxx 0xxxxx
White 1xxxxx 1xxxxx 1xxxxx
Restriction This command has no effect when module is already in idle off mode

Status Availability

Normal Mode On, Idle Mode Off, Sleep Out Yes

Normal Mode On, Idle Mode On, Sleep Out Yes
Partial Mode On, Idle Mode Off, Sleep Out Yes

Partial Mode On, Idle Mode On, Sleep Out Yes

Sleep In Yes

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Status Default Value

Default Power On Sequence Idle mode off

S/W Reset Idle mode off

H/W Reset Idle mode off



Idle off mode


IDMON Display

Flow Chart

Idle on mode Action



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9.1.32 COLMOD (3Ah): Interface Pixel Format

3AH COLMOD (Interface Pixel Format)

Inst / Para D/CX WRX RDX D17-8 D7 D6 D5 D4 D3 D2 D1 D0 HEX

COLMOD 0 ↑ 1 - 0 0 1 1 1 0 1 0 (3Ah)

1st Parameter 1 ↑ 1 - 0 D6 D5 D4 0 D2 D1 D0

This command is used to define the format of RGB picture data, which is to be transferred via the

MCU interface. The formats are shown in the table:

1st parameter:

Bit Description
D7 - Set to ‘0’
D6 ‘101’ = 65K of RGB interface
D5 RGB interface color format ‘110’ = 262K of RGB
Description D4 interface
D3 - Set to ‘0’
D2 ‘011’ = 12bit/pixel
D1 ‘101’ = 16bit/pixel
Control interface color format
‘110’ = 18bit/pixel
‘111’ = 16M truncated
Note1: In 12-bit/Pixel, 16-bit/Pixel or 18-bit/Pixel mode, the LUT is applied to transfer data into the Frame Memory.
Note2: The Command 3Ah should be set at 55h when writing 16-bit/pixel data into frame memory, but 3Ah should be
re-set to 66h when reading pixel data from frame memory.

Status Availability

Normal Mode On, Idle Mode Off, Sleep Out Yes

Normal Mode On, Idle Mode On, Sleep Out Yes
Partial Mode On, Idle Mode Off, Sleep Out Yes

Partial Mode On, Idle Mode On, Sleep Out Yes

Sleep In Yes

Status Default Value

Default Power On Sequence 18bit/pixel

S/W Reset No change

H/W Reset 18bit/pixel

Flow Chart See Vertical Scrolling Definition (33h) description

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9.1.33 WRMEMC (3Ch): Write Memory Continue
3CH WRMEMC (Write Memory Continue)

Inst / Para D/CX WRX RDX D17-8 D7 D6 D5 D4 D3 D2 D1 D0 HEX

WRMEMC 0 ↑ 1 - 0 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 (3Ch)
1 parameter 1 ↑ 1 D1[17]-D1[8] D1[7] D1[6] D1[5] D1[4] D1[3] D1[2] D1[1] D1[0]

1 ↑ 1 Dx[17]-Dx[8] Dx[7] Dx[6] Dx[5] Dx[4] Dx[3] Dx[2] Dx[1] Dx[0]

Nth parameter 1 ↑ 1 Dn[17]-Dn[8] Dn[7] Dn[6] Dn[5] Dn[4] Dn[3] Dn[2] Dn[1] Dn[0]

-This command transfers image data from the host processor to the display module’s frame memory continuing from

the pixel location following the previous write memory continue or memory write command.

-If MV=0:

Data is written continuing from the pixel location after the write range of the previous memory write or write memory

continue. The column register is then incremented and pixels are written to the frame memory until the column register

equals the end column (XE) value. The column register is then reset to XS and the page register is incremented. Pixels

are written to the frame memory until the page register equals the end page (YE) value and the column register equals

the XE value, or the host processor sends another command. If the number of pixels exceeds (XE-XS+1)*(YE-YS+1)

Description the extra pixels are ignored.

If MV=1:

Data is written continuing from the pixel location after the write range of the previous memory write or write memory

continue. The page register is then incremented and pixels are written to the frame memory until the page register

equals the end page (YE) value. The page register is then reset to YS and the column register is incremented. Pixels

are written to the frame memory until the column register equals the end column (XE) value and the page register

equals the YE value, or the host processor sends another command. If the number of pixels exceeds

(XE-XS+1)*(YE-YS+1) the extra pixels are ignored.

A memory write should follow a column address set or page address set to define the write address. Otherwise, data
written with write memory continue is written to undefined addresses.

Status Availability

Normal Mode On, Idle Mode Off, Sleep Out Yes

Normal Mode On, Idle Mode On, Sleep Out Yes
Partial Mode On, Idle Mode Off, Sleep Out Yes

Partial Mode On, Idle Mode On, Sleep Out Yes

Sleep In Yes

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Status Default Value

Default Power On Sequence Contents of memory is set randomly

S/W Reset Contents of memory is not cleared

H/W Reset Contents of memory is not cleared





Flow Chart
Image Data
…….Dn[17:0] Action


Any Command transter

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9.1.34 RDMEMC (3Eh): Read Memory Continue
3EH RDMEMC (Read Memory Continue)

Inst / Para D/CX WRX RDX D17-8 D7 D6 D5 D4 D3 D2 D1 D0 HEX

RDMEMC 0 ↑ 1 - 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 0 (3Eh)
1 parameter 1 1 ↑ - - - - - - - - -

2nd parameter 1 1 ↑ D1[17]-D1[8] D1[7] D1[6] D1[5] D1[4] D1[3] D1[2] D1[1] D1[0]

1 1 ↑ Dx[17]-Dx[8] Dx[7] Dx[6] Dx[5] Dx[4] Dx[3] Dx[2] Dx[1] Dx[0]

Nth parameter 1 1 ↑ Dn[17]-Dn[8] Dn[7] Dn[6] Dn[5] Dn[4] Dn[3] Dn[2] Dn[1] Dn[0]

-This command transfers image data from the host processor to the display module’s frame memory continuing from

the pixel location following the previous read memory continue or memory read command.

-If MV=0:

Pixels are read continuing from the pixel location after the read range of the previous memory read or read memory

continue. The column register is then incremented and pixels are read from the frame memory until the column register

equals the end column (XE) value. The column register is then reset to XS and the page register is incremented. Pixels

are read from the frame memory until the page register equals the end page (YE) value and the column register equals

Description the XE value, or the host processor sends another command.

If MV=1:

Pixels are read continuing from the pixel location after the read range of the previous memory read or read memory

continue. The page register is then incremented and pixels are read from the frame memory until the page register

equals the end page (YE) value. The page register is then reset to YS and the column register is incremented. Pixels

are read from the frame memory until the column register equals the end column (XE) value and the page register

equals the YE value, or the host processor sends another command.

Regardless of the color mode set in interface pixel format, the pixel format returned by read memory continue is always
18-bit so there is no restriction on the length of data

Status Availability

Normal Mode On, Idle Mode Off, Sleep Out Yes

Normal Mode On, Idle Mode On, Sleep Out Yes
Partial Mode On, Idle Mode Off, Sleep Out Yes

Partial Mode On, Idle Mode On, Sleep Out Yes

Sleep In Yes

Status Default Value

Power On Sequence Contents of memory is set randomly

S/W Reset Contents of memory is not cleared

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H/W Reset Contents of memory is not cleared

Flow Chart

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9.1.35 STE (44h): Set Tear Scanline

44H STE (Set Tear ScanLine )

Inst / Para D/CX WRX RDX D17-8 D7 D6 D5 D4 D3 D2 D1 D0 HEX

STE 0 ↑ 1 - 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 (44h)

1st parameter 1 ↑ 1 - N15 N14 N13 N12 N11 N10 N9 N8

2nd parameter 1 ↑ 1 - N7 N6 N5 N4 N3 N2 N1 N0

-This command turns on the display module’s Tearing Effect output signal on the TE signal line when the display

module reaches line N. The TE signal is not affected by changing MV.

-The tearing effect line on has one parameter that describes the tearing effect output line mode.

-The tearing effect output line consist of V-blanking information only.

Description Tvdl Tvdh

Vertical time scale

Note that set tear scanline with N=0 is equivalent to tearing effect line on with TEM=0.

The tearing effect output line shall be active low when the display module is in sleep mode

This command takes affect on the frame following the current frame. Therefore, if the tear effect (TE) output is already

Restriction on, the TE output shall continue to operate as programmed by the previous tearing effect line on or set tear scanline

command until the end of the frame

Status Availability

Normal Mode On, Idle Mode Off, Sleep Out Yes

Normal Mode On, Idle Mode On, Sleep Out Yes
Partial Mode On, Idle Mode Off, Sleep Out Yes

Partial Mode On, Idle Mode On, Sleep Out Yes

Sleep In Yes

Status Default Value

Default Power On Sequence 0000h

S/W Reset 0000h

H/W Reset 0000h

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TE Output On or OFF


Set Tear on

Flow Chart
Line N (LSB)


Line N (MSB)


TE Output ON


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9.1.36 GSCAN (45h): Get Scanline
45H GSCAN (Get ScanLine )

Inst / Para D/CX WRX RDX D17-8 D7 D6 D5 D4 D3 D2 D1 D0 HEX

GSCAN 0 ↑ 1 - 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 1 (45h)
1 parameter 1 1 ↑ - - - - - - - - -

2nd parameter 1 1 ↑ - N15 N14 N13 N12 N11 N10 N9 N8

3rd parameter 1 1 ↑ - N7 N6 N5 N4 N3 N2 N1 N0

-The display module returns the current scanline ,N, used to update the display device. The total number of scanlines

on a display device is defined as VSYNC+VBP+VACT+VFP. The first scanline is defined as the first line of V Sync and
is denoted as Line 0.

-When in sleep in mode, the value returned by get scanline is undefined.

Restriction -

Status Availability

Normal Mode On, Idle Mode Off, Sleep Out Yes

Normal Mode On, Idle Mode On, Sleep Out Yes
Partial Mode On, Idle Mode Off, Sleep Out Yes

Partial Mode On, Idle Mode On, Sleep Out Yes

Sleep In Yes

Status Default Value

Default Power On Sequence 0000h

S/W Reset 0000h

H/W Reset 0000h

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Get scanline

Dummy read Parameter

Line N (MSB) Display

Flow Chart

Line N (LSB)



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9.1.37 WRDISBV (51h): Write Display Brightness

51H WRDISBV (Write Display Brightness)

Inst / Para D/CX WRX RDX D17-8 D7 D6 D5 D4 D3 D2 D1 D0 HEX

WRDISBV 0 ↑ 1 - 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 1 (51h)

Parameter 1 ↑ 1 - DBV7 DBV6 DBV5 DBV4 DBV3 DBV2 DBV1 DBV0

-This command is used to adjust the brightness value of the display.

-It should be checked what the relationship between this written value and output brightness of the display is. This
relationship is defined on the display module specification.

-In principle relationship is that 00h value means the lowest brightness and FFh value means the highest brightness.


Status Availability

Normal Mode On, Idle Mode Off, Sleep Out Yes

Normal Mode On, Idle Mode On, Sleep Out Yes
Partial Mode On, Idle Mode Off, Sleep Out Yes

Partial Mode On, Idle Mode On, Sleep Out Yes

Sleep In Yes

Status Default Value

Default Power On Sequence 0000h

S/W Reset 0000h

H/W Reset 0000h

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Flow Chart


New Display
Value Loaded


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9.1.38 RDDISBV (52h): Read Display Brightness Value
52H RDDISBV (Read Display Brightness Value )

Inst / Para D/CX WRX RDX D17-8 D7 D6 D5 D4 D3 D2 D1 D0 HEX

RDDISBV 0 ↑ 1 - 0 1 0 1 0 0 1 0 (52h)
1 parameter 1 1 ↑ - - - - - - - - -

2nd parameter 1 1 ↑ - DBV7 DBV6 DBV5 DBV4 DBV3 DBV2 DBV1 DBV0

-This command returns the brightness value of the display.

-It should be checked what the relationship between this returned value and output brightness of the display. This

relationship is defined on the display module specification is.

Description -In principle the relationship is that 00h value means the lowest brightness and FFh value means the highest brightness.

-DBV[7:0] is reset when display is in sleep in mode.

-DBV[7:0] is ‘0’ when bit BCTRL of write CTRL display command (53h) is ‘0’

-DBV[7:0] IS manual set brightness specified with write CTRL display command (53h) when bit BCTRL is ‘1’

Restriction -

Status Availability

Normal Mode On, Idle Mode Off, Sleep Out Yes

Normal Mode On, Idle Mode On, Sleep Out Yes
Partial Mode On, Idle Mode Off, Sleep Out Yes

Partial Mode On, Idle Mode On, Sleep Out Yes

Sleep In Yes

Status Default Value

Default Power On Sequence 0000h

S/W Reset 0000h

H/W Reset 0000h

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Flow Chart

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9.1.39 WRCTRLD (53h): Write CTRL Display
53H WRCTRLD (Write CTRL Display )

Inst / Para D/CX WRX RDX D17-8 D7 D6 D5 D4 D3 D2 D1 D0 HEX

WRCTRLD 0 ↑ 1 - 0 1 0 1 0 0 1 1 (53h)

Parameter 1 ↑ 1 - 0 0 BCTRL 0 DD BL 0 0

-This command is used to control display brightness.

-BCTRL: Brightness Control Block On/Off, This bit is always used to switch brightness for display.

0 = Off (Brightness register are 00h, DBV[7:0])

1 = On (Brightness register are active, according to the other parameters.)

-DD: Display Dimming (Only for manual brightness setting)

DD = 0: Display Dimming is off.

DD = 1: Display Dimming is on.


-BL: Backlight Control On/Off

0 = Off (Completely turn off backlight circuit. Control lines must be low.)

1 = On

-Dimming function is adapted to the brightness registers for display when bit BCTRL is changed at DD=1.

-When BL bit changed from ‘on’ to ‘off’, backlight is turned off without gradual dimming, even if dimming-on (DD=1) are



Status Availability

Normal Mode On, Idle Mode Off, Sleep Out Yes

Normal Mode On, Idle Mode On, Sleep Out Yes
Partial Mode On, Idle Mode Off, Sleep Out Yes

Partial Mode On, Idle Mode On, Sleep Out Yes

Sleep In Yes

Status Default Value

Default Power On Sequence 0000h

S/W Reset 0000h

H/W Reset 0000h

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Flow Chart


New control
Value loaded


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9.1.40 RDCTRLD (54h): Read CTRL Value Display
54H RDCTRLD (Read CTRL value Display )

Inst / Para D/CX WRX RDX D17-8 D7 D6 D5 D4 D3 D2 D1 D0 HEX

RDCTRLD 0 ↑ 1 - 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 0 (54h)
1 parameter 1 1 ↑ - - - - - - - - -

2nd parameter 1 1 ↑ - 0 0 BCTRL 0 DD BL 0 0

-This command returns ambient light and brightness control values..

-BCTRL: Brightness Control Block On/Off, This bit is always used to switch brightness for display.

0 = Off

1 = On

-DD: Display Dimming (Only for manual brightness setting)

Description DD = 0

DD = 1

-BL: Backlight Control On/Off

0 = Off

1 = On

Restriction -

Status Availability

Normal Mode On, Idle Mode Off, Sleep Out Yes

Normal Mode On, Idle Mode On, Sleep Out Yes
Partial Mode On, Idle Mode Off, Sleep Out Yes

Partial Mode On, Idle Mode On, Sleep Out Yes

Sleep In Yes

Status Default Value

Default Power On Sequence 0000h

S/W Reset 0000h

H/W Reset 0000h

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Flow Chart

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9.1.41 WRCACE (55h): Write Content Adaptive Brightness Control and Color Enhancement
55H WRCACE (Write Content Adaptive Brightness Control and Color Enhancement)

Inst / Para D/CX WRX RDX D17-8 D7 D6 D5 D4 D3 D2 D1 D0 HEX

WRCACE 0 ↑ 1 - 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 (55h)

Parameter 1 ↑ 1 - CECTRL 0 CE1 CE0 0 0 C1 C0

-This command is used to set parameters for image content based adaptive brightness control functionality and Color

Enhancement function.

-There is possible to used 4 different modes for content adaptive image functionality, which are defined on a table


C1 C0 Function

0 0 Off

0 1 User Interface Mode

1 0 Still Picture

1 1 Moving Image
-CECTRL: Color Enhancement Control Bit:

CECTRL=0: Color Enhancement Off.

CECTRL=1: Color Enhancement On.

-There are three color enhancement levels can be set.

CE1 CE0 Color enhancement level

0 0 Low enhancement

0 1 Medium enhancement

1 1 High enhancement

‘-’: Don’t care


Status Availability

Normal Mode On, Idle Mode Off, Sleep Out Yes

Normal Mode On, Idle Mode On, Sleep Out Yes
Partial Mode On, Idle Mode Off, Sleep Out Yes

Partial Mode On, Idle Mode On, Sleep Out Yes

Sleep In Yes

Status Default Value

Default Power On Sequence 0000h

S/W Reset 0000h

H/W Reset 0000h

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1 parameter:
Flow Chart C[1:0]


New Adaptive
Image Mode


Version 1.3 Page 242 of 316 2014/03

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9.1.42 RDCABC (56h): Read Content Adaptive Brightness Control
56H RDCABC (Read Content Adaptive Brightness Control )

Inst / Para D/CX WRX RDX D17-8 D7 D6 D5 D4 D3 D2 D1 D0 HEX

RDCABC 0 ↑ 1 - 0 1 0 1 0 1 1 0 (56h)
1 parameter 1 1 ↑ - - - - - - - - -

2nd parameter 1 1 ↑ - 0 0 0 0 0 0 C1 C0

-This command is used to read the settings for image content based adaptive brightness control functionality.

-There is possible to used 4 different modes for content adaptive image functionality, which are defined on a table


C1 C0 Function

Description 0 0 Off

0 1 User Interface Mode

1 0 Still Picture

1 1 Moving Image

‘-’: Don’t care

Restriction -

Status Availability

Normal Mode On, Idle Mode Off, Sleep Out Yes

Normal Mode On, Idle Mode On, Sleep Out Yes
Partial Mode On, Idle Mode Off, Sleep Out Yes

Partial Mode On, Idle Mode On, Sleep Out Yes

Sleep In Yes

Status Default Value

Default Power On Sequence 0000h

S/W Reset 0000h

H/W Reset 0000h

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Flow Chart

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9.1.43 WRCABCMB (5Eh): Write CABC Minimum Brightness
5EH WRCABCMB (Write CABC Minimum Brightness )

Inst / Para D/CX WRX RDX D17-8 D7 D6 D5 D4 D3 D2 D1 D0 HEX

WRCABCMB 0 ↑ 1 - 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 0 (5Eh)

Parameter 1 ↑ 1 - CMB7 CMB6 CMB5 CMB4 CMB3 CMB2 CMB1 CMB0

-This command is used to set the minimum brightness value of the display for CABC function.

-In principle relationship is that 00h value means the lowest brightness for CABC and FFh value means the brightness
for CABC.

‘-’: Don’t care


Status Availability

Normal Mode On, Idle Mode Off, Sleep Out Yes

Normal Mode On, Idle Mode On, Sleep Out Yes
Partial Mode On, Idle Mode Off, Sleep Out Yes

Partial Mode On, Idle Mode On, Sleep Out Yes

Sleep In Yes

Status Default Value

Default Power On Sequence 0000h

S/W Reset 0000h

H/W Reset 0000h

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Flow Chart


New Display
Value Loaded


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9.1.44 RDCABCMB (5Fh): Read CABC Minimum Brightness
5FH RDCABCMB (Read CABC Minimum Brightness)

Inst / Para D/CX WRX RDX D17-8 D7 D6 D5 D4 D3 D2 D1 D0 HEX

RDCABCMB 0 ↑ 1 - 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 (5Fh)
1 parameter 1 1 ↑ - - - - - - - - -

2nd parameter 1 1 ↑ - CMB7 CMB6 CMB5 CMB4 CMB3 CMB2 CMB1 CMB0

-This command returns the minimum brightness value of CABC function.

-In principle relationship is that 00h value means the lowest brightness for CABC and FFh value means the brightness for

‘-’: Don’t care

Restriction -

Status Availability

Normal Mode On, Idle Mode Off, Sleep Out Yes

Normal Mode On, Idle Mode On, Sleep Out Yes
Partial Mode On, Idle Mode Off, Sleep Out Yes

Partial Mode On, Idle Mode On, Sleep Out Yes

Sleep In Yes

Status Default Value

Default Power On Sequence 0000h

S/W Reset 0000h

H/W Reset 0000h

Flow Chart

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disclosed in whole or in part without prior written permission of Sitronix.
9.1.45 RDABCSDR (68h): Read Automatic Brightness Control Self-Diagnostic Result
68H RDABCSDR (Read Automatic Brightness Control Self-Diagnostic Result)

Inst / Para D/CX WRX RDX D17-8 D7 D6 D5 D4 D3 D2 D1 D0 HEX

RDABCSDR 0 ↑ 1 - 0 1 1 0 1 0 0 0 (68h)
1 parameter 1 1 ↑ - - - - - - - - - -

2nd parameter 1 1 ↑ - D7 D6 0 0 0 0 0 0 -

This command indicates the current status of the display self-diagnostic results for automatic brightness control after

sleep out -command as described below:

Description -D7: Register loading detection

-D6: Functionality detection

“-“ Don’t care


Status Availability

Normal Mode On, Idle Mode Off, Sleep Out Yes

Normal Mode On, Idle Mode On, Sleep Out Yes
Partial Mode On, Idle Mode Off, Sleep Out Yes

Partial Mode On, Idle Mode On, Sleep Out Yes

Sleep In Yes

Status Default Value

Default Power On Sequence 00h

S/W Reset 00h

H/W Reset 00h

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Serial I/F Mode Parallel I/F Mode Legend

Display Parameter

Send 2nd
Dummy Read

Flow Chart

Send 2nd



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9.1.46 RDID1 (DAh): Read ID1
DAH RDID1 (Read ID1)

Inst / Para D/CX WRX RDX D17-8 D7 D6 D5 D4 D3 D2 D1 D0 HEX

RDID1 0 ↑ 1 - 1 1 0 1 1 0 1 0 (Dah)
1 parameter 1 1 ↑ - - - - - - - - -

2nd parameter 1 1 ↑ - ID17 ID16 ID15 ID14 ID13 ID12 ID11 ID10

Description -This read byte identifies the LCD module’s manufacturer.

Restriction -

Status Availability

Normal Mode On, Idle Mode Off, Sleep Out Yes

Normal Mode On, Idle Mode On, Sleep Out Yes
Partial Mode On, Idle Mode Off, Sleep Out Yes

Partial Mode On, Idle Mode On, Sleep Out Yes

Sleep In Yes

Status Default Value

Default Power On Sequence 85h

S/W Reset 85h

H/W Reset 85h

Flow Chart

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9.1.47 RDID2 (DBh): Read ID2

DBH RDID2 (Read ID2)

Inst / Para D/CX WRX RDX D17-8 D7 D6 D5 D4 D3 D2 D1 D0 HEX

RDID2 0 ↑ 1 - 1 1 0 1 1 0 1 1 (DBh)

1st parameter 1 1 ↑ - - - - - - - - -

2nd parameter 1 1 ↑ - ID27 ID26 ID25 ID24 ID23 ID22 ID21 ID20

This read byte is used to track the LCD module/driver IC version.

‘-’: Don’t care.

Restriction -

Status Availability

Normal Mode On, Idle Mode Off, Sleep Out Yes

Normal Mode On, Idle Mode On, Sleep Out Yes
Partial Mode On, Idle Mode Off, Sleep Out Yes

Partial Mode On, Idle Mode On, Sleep Out Yes

Sleep In Yes

Status Default Value

Default Power On Sequence 85h

S/W Reset 85h

H/W Reset 85h

Flow Chart

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9.1.48 RDID3 (DCh): Read ID3
DCH RDID3 (Read ID3)

Inst / Para D/CX WRX RDX D17-8 D7 D6 D5 D4 D3 D2 D1 D0 HEX

RDID3 0 ↑ 1 - 1 1 0 1 1 1 0 0 (DCh)
1 parameter 1 1 ↑ - - - - - - - - -

2nd parameter 1 1 ↑ - ID37 ID36 ID35 ID34 ID33 ID32 ID31 ID30

Description This read byte identifies the LCD module/driver.

Restriction -

Status Availability

Normal Mode On, Idle Mode Off, Sleep Out Yes

Normal Mode On, Idle Mode On, Sleep Out Yes
Partial Mode On, Idle Mode Off, Sleep Out Yes

Partial Mode On, Idle Mode On, Sleep Out Yes

Sleep In Yes

Status Default Value

Default Power On Sequence 52h

S/W Reset 52h

H/W Reset 52h

Flow Chart

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9.2 System Function Command Table 2
Instruction D/CX WRX RDX D17-8 D7 D6 D5 D4 D3 D2 D1 D0 Hex Function

0 ↑ 1 - 1 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 (B0h)
RAMCTRL 1 ↑ 1 - 0 0 0 RM 0 0 DM1 DM0
1 ↑ 1 - 1 1 EPF1 EPF0 ENDIAN RIM MDT1 MDT0

0 ↑ 1 - 1 0 1 1 0 0 0 1 (B1h)


1 ↑ 1 - 0 VBP6 VBP5 VBP4 VBP3 VBP2 VBP1 VBP0 Control

1 ↑ 1 - 0 0 0 HBP4 HBP3 HBP2 HBP1 HBP0

0 ↑ 1 - 1 0 1 1 0 0 1 0 (B2h)

1 ↑ 1 - 0 BPA6 BPA5 BPA4 BPA3 BPA2 BPA1 BPA0

1 ↑ 1 - 0 FPA6 FPA5 FPA4 FPA3 FPA2 FPA1 FPA0 Porch

1 ↑ 1 - 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 PSEN control



0 ↑ 1 - 1 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 (B3h)
1 ↑ 1 - 0 0 0 FRSEN 0 0 DIV1 DIV0
Control 1

0 ↑ 1 - 1 0 1 1 0 1 0 1 (B5h) Partial

1 ↑ 1 - NDL 0 0 PTGISC ISC3 ISC2 ISC1 ISC0

0 ↑ 1 - 1 0 1 1 0 1 1 1 (B7h) Gate
1 ↑ 1 - 0 VGHS2 VGHS1 VGHS0 0 VGLS2 VGLS1 VGLS0 control

0 ↑ 1 - 1 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 (B8h)

1 ↑ 1 - 0 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 Gate on

GTADJ 1 ↑ 1 - 0 0 1 0 1 0 1 1 timing

1 ↑ 1 - 0 0 GTA5 GTA4 GTA3 GTA2 GTA1 GTA0 adjustment


0 ↑ 1 - 1 0 1 1 1 0 1 0 (BAh) Digital

1 ↑ 1 - 0 0 0 0 0 DGMEN 0 0

0 ↑ 1 - 1 0 1 1 1 0 1 1 (BBh) VCOMS

0 ↑ 1 - 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 (C0h) LCM

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Instruction D/CX WRX RDX D17-8 D7 D6 D5 D4 D3 D2 D1 D0 Hex Function

0 ↑ 1 - 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 (C1h)

1 ↑ 1 - ID17 ID16 ID15 ID14 ID13 ID12 ID11 ID10

IDSET ID Setting
1 ↑ 1 - ID27 ID26 ID25 ID24 ID23 ID22 ID21 ID20

1 ↑ 1 - ID37 ID36 ID35 ID34 ID33 ID32 ID31 ID30

0 ↑ 1 - 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 (C2h) VDV and

1 ↑ 1 - 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 CMDEN VRH
1 ↑ 1 - 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

0 ↑ 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 (C3h)

0 ↑ 1 - 1 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 (C4h) VDV
1 ↑ 1 - 0 0 VDVS5 VDVS4 VDVS3 VDVS2 VDVS1 VDVS0 Setting

0 ↑ 1 - 1 1 0 0 0 1 0 1 (C5h) VCOMS

0 ↑ 1 1 1 0 0 0 1 1 0 (C6h) FR Control

0 ↑ 1 - 1 1 0 0 0 1 1 1 (C7h) CABC

0 ↑ 1 - 1 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 (C8h) Register

REGSEL1 value
1 ↑ 1 - 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0

0 ↑ 1 - 1 1 0 0 1 0 1 0 (CAh) Register

REGSEL2 value
1 ↑ 1 - 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1

0 ↑ 1 - 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 (CCh) PWM

PWMFRSEL Frequency
1 ↑ 1 - 0 0 CS2 CS1 CS0 CLK2 CLK1 CLK0

0 ↑ 1 - 1 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 (D0h)
PWCTRL1 1 ↑ 1 - 1 0 1 0 0 1 0 0
Control 1
1 ↑ 1 - AVDD1 AVDD0 AVCL1 AVCL0 0 0 VDS1 VDS0

0 ↑ 1 - 1 1 0 1 0 0 1 0 (D2h) Enable

1 ↑ 1 - 0 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 signal


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Instruction D/CX WRX RDX D17-8 D7 D6 D5 D4 D3 D2 D1 D0 Hex Function

0 ↑ 1 - 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 (DFh)

1 ↑ 1 - 0 1 0 1 1 0 1 0 (5Ah)
CMD2EN 1 ↑ 1 - 0 1 1 0 1 0 0 1 (69h)
2 Enable
1 ↑ 1 - 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 (02h)

1 ↑ 1 - 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 EN

0 ↑ 1 - 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 (E0h)

1 ↑ 1 - V63P3 V63P2 V63P1 V63P0 V0P3 V0P2 V0P1 V0P0

1 ↑ 1 - 0 0 V1P5 V1P4 V1P3 V1P2 V1P1 V1P0

1 ↑ 1 - 0 0 V2P5 V2P4 V2P3 V2P2 V2P1 V2P0

1 ↑ 1 - 0 0 0 V4P4 V4P3 V4P2 V4P1 V4P0

1 ↑ 1 - 0 0 0 V6P4 V6P3 V6P2 V6P1 V6P0

1 ↑ 1 - 0 0 J0P1 J0P0 V13P3 V13P2 V13P1 V13P0
PVGAMCTRL 1 ↑ 1 - 0 V20P6 V20P5 V20P4 V20P3 V20P2 V20P1 V20P0
1 ↑ 1 - 0 V36P2 V36P1 V36P0 0 V27P2 V27P1 V27P0

1 ↑ 1 - 0 V43P6 V43P5 V43P4 V43P3 V43P2 V43P1 V43P0

1 ↑ 1 - 0 0 J1P1 J1P0 V50P3 V50P2 V50P1 V50P0

1 ↑ 1 - 0 0 0 V57P4 V57P3 V57P2 V57P1 V57P0

1 ↑ 1 - 0 0 0 V59P4 V59P3 V59P2 V59P1 V59P0

1 ↑ 1 - 0 0 V61P5 V61P4 V61P3 V61P2 V61P1 V61P0

1 ↑ 1 - 0 0 V62P5 V62P4 V62P3 V62P2 V62P1 V62P0

0 ↑ 1 - 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 (E1h)

1 ↑ 1 - V63N3 V63N2 V63N1 V63N0 V0N3 V0N2 V0N1 V0N0

1 ↑ 1 - 0 0 V1N5 V1N4 V1N3 V1N2 V1N1 V1N0

1 ↑ 1 - 0 0 V2N5 V2N4 V2N3 V2N2 V2N1 V2N0
NVGAMCTRL 1 ↑ 1 - 0 0 0 V4N4 V4N3 V4N2 V4N1 V4N0
1 ↑ 1 - 0 0 0 V6N4 V6N3 V6N2 V6N1 V6N0

1 ↑ 1 - 0 0 J0N1 J0N0 V13N3 V13N2 V13N1 V13N0

1 ↑ 1 0 V20N6 V20N5 V20N4 V20N3 V20N2 V20N1 V20N0

1 ↑ 1 0 V36N2 V36N1 V36N0 0 V27N2 V27N1 V27N0

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Instruction D/CX WRX RDX D17-8 D7 D6 D5 D4 D3 D2 D1 D0 Hex Function

1 ↑ 1 0 V43N6 V43N5 V43N4 V43N3 V43N2 V43N1 V43N0

1 ↑ 1 0 0 J1N1 J1N0 V50N3 V50N2 V50N1 V50N0

1 ↑ 1 0 0 0 V57N4 V57N3 V57N2 V57N1 V57N0

1 ↑ 1 0 0 0 V59N4 V59N3 V59N2 V59N1 V59N0

1 ↑ 1 0 0 V61N5 V61N4 V61N3 V61N2 V61N1 V61N0

1 ↑ 1 0 0 V62N5 V62N4 V62N3 V62N2 V62N1 V62N0

0 ↑ 1 - 1 1 1 0 0 0 1 0 (E2h)

1 ↑ 1 - DGM_LUT_R00[7:0]

1 ↑ 1 - DGM_LUT_R01[7:0]

1 ↑ 1 -

DGMLUTR 1 ↑ 1 - DGM_LUT_R30[7:0] Look-up

Table for
1 ↑ 1 - DGM_LUT_R31[7:0]

1 ↑ 1 -

1 ↑ 1 - DGM_LUT_R62[7:0]

1 ↑ 1 - DGM_LUT_R63[7:0]

0 ↑ 1 - 1 1 1 0 0 0 1 1 (E3h)

1 ↑ 1 - DGM_LUT_B00[7:0]

1 ↑ 1 - DGM_LUT_B01[7:0]

1 ↑ 1 -

DGMLUTB 1 ↑ 1 - DGM_LUT_B30[7:0] Look-up

Table for
1 ↑ 1 - DGM_LUT_B31[7:0]

1 ↑ 1 -

1 ↑ 1 - DGM_LUT_B62[7:0]

1 ↑ 1 - DGM_LUT_B63[7:0]

0 ↑ 1 - 1 1 1 0 0 1 0 0 (E4h)

1 ↑ 1 - 0 0 NL5 NL4 NL3 NL2 NL1 NL0 Gate

1 ↑ 1 - 0 0 SCN5 SCN4 SCN3 SCN2 SCN1 SCN0 control

1 ↑ 1 - 0 0 1 0 0 SM 0 GS

SPI2EN 0 ↑ 1 - 1 1 1 0 0 1 1 1 (E7h) SPI2

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Instruction D/CX WRX RDX D17-8 D7 D6 D5 D4 D3 D2 D1 D0 Hex Function

1 ↑ 1 - 0 0 0 SPI2EN 0 0 0 SPIRD enable

0 ↑ 1 - 1 1 1 0 1 0 0 0 (E8h) Power
1 ↑ 1 - 1 0 SBCLK1 SBCLK0 0 0 STP14CK1 STP14CK0 Control 2

0 ↑ 1 - 1 1 1 0 1 0 0 1 (E9h)

1 ↑ 1 - 0 0 0 SEQ4 SEQ3 SEQ2 SEQ1 SEQ0

1 ↑ 1 - 0 0 0 0 GEQ3 GEQ2 GEQ1 GEQ0

0 ↑ 1 - 1 1 1 0 1 1 0 0 (ECh) Program
1 ↑ 1 - 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 Control

0 ↑ 1 - 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 0 (FAh)

1 ↑ 1 - 0 1 0 1 1 0 1 0 Program

PROMEN 1 ↑ 1 - 0 1 1 0 1 0 0 1 Mode

1 ↑ 1 - 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 0

1 ↑ 1 - 0 0 0 0 0 PROMEN 0 0

0 ↑ 1 - 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 (FCh)
1 ↑ 1 - D7 D6 D5 D4 D3 D2 D1 D0

0 ↑ 1 - 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 (FEh)
PROMACT 1 ↑ 1 - 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 1
1 ↑ 1 - 1 0 1 0 0 1 0 1

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9.2.1 RAMCTRL (B0h): RAM Control
B0H RAMCTR (RAM Control)

Inst / Para D/CX WRX RDX D17-8 D7 D6 D5 D4 D3 D2 D1 D0 HEX

RAMCTRL 0 ↑ 1 - 1 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 (B0h)
1 Parameter 1 ↑ 1 - 0 0 0 RM 0 0 DM1 DM0

2nd Parameter 1 ↑ 1 - 1 1 EPF1 EPF0 ENDIAN RIM MDT1 MDT0

RM : ram access selection.

RM=”0” : Ram access from MCU interface
RM=”1” : Ram access from RGB interface

DM[1:0] : Display operation selection.

DM[1:0] Mode

00h MCU interface

01h RGB interface

10h VSYNC interface

11h Reserved


0 Normal (MSB first)

1 Little Endian (LSB first)


Note: Little Endian only can be supported in 65K 8-bit and 9-bit interface.

MDT[1:0] : Method of pixel data transfer.

Please refer to section 8.8 Data Color Coding

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RIM: Specify RGB interface bus width.

RIM=”0”: 18 bit bus width.
RIM=”1”: 6 bit bus width

EPF[1:0] : Data translate of 65k and 4k to frame data.

65K data formate:

Data Bus DB15 DB14 DB13 DB12 DB11 DB10 DB9 DB8 DB7 DB6 DB5 DB4 DB3 DB2 DB1 DB0

R5 R4 R3 R2 R1 0 G5 G4 G3 G2 G1 G0 B5 B4 B3 B2 B1 0

Read Data DB15 DB14 DB13 DB12 DB11 DB10 DB9 DB8 DB7 DB6 DB5 DB4 DB3 DB2 DB1 DB0

Data Bus DB15 DB14 DB13 DB12 DB11 DB10 DB9 DB8 DB7 DB6 DB5 DB4 DB3 DB2 DB1 DB0


R5 R4 R3 R2 R1 1 G5 G4 G3 G2 G1 G0 B5 B4 B3 B2 B1 1

Read Data DB15 DB14 DB13 DB12 DB11 DB10 DB9 DB8 DB7 DB6 DB5 DB4 DB3 DB2 DB1 DB0

Data Bus DB15 DB14 DB13 DB12 DB11 DB10 DB9 DB8 DB7 DB6 DB5 DB4 DB3 DB2 DB1 DB0


R5 R4 R3 R2 R1 R0 G5 G4 G3 G2 G1 G0 B5 B4 B3 B2 B1 B0

Read Data DB15 DB14 DB13 DB12 DB11 DB10 DB9 DB8 DB7 DB6 DB5 DB4 DB3 DB2 DB1 DB0

Data Bus DB15 DB14 DB13 DB12 DB11 DB10 DB9 DB8 DB7 DB6 DB5 DB4 DB3 DB2 DB1 DB0


R5 R4 R3 R2 R1 R0 G5 G4 G3 G2 G1 G0 B5 B4 B3 B2 B1 B0

Read Data DB15 DB14 DB13 DB12 DB11 DB10 DB9 DB8 DB7 DB6 DB5 DB4 DB3 DB2 DB1 DB0

Status Availability

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Normal Mode On, Idle Mode Off, Sleep Out Yes

Normal Mode On, Idle Mode On, Sleep Out Yes

Partial Mode On, Idle Mode Off, Sleep Out Yes

Partial Mode On, Idle Mode On, Sleep Out Yes

Sleep In Yes

Status Default Value

Default Power On Sequence 00h/F0h

S/W Reset 00h/F0h

H/W Reset 00h/F0h

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disclosed in whole or in part without prior written permission of Sitronix.
9.2.2 RGBCTRL (B1h): RGB Interface Control
B1H RGBCTRL (RGB Interface Control)

Inst / Para D/CX WRX RDX D17-8 D7 D6 D5 D4 D3 D2 D1 D0 HEX

RGBCTRL 0 ↑ 1 - 1 0 1 1 0 0 0 1 (B1h)
1 parameter 1 ↑ 1 - WO RCM1 RCM0 0 VSPL HSPL DPL EPL

2nd parameter 1 ↑ 1 - 0 VBP6 VBP5 VBP4 VBP3 VBP2 VBP1 VBP0

3rd parameter 1 ↑ 1 - 0 0 0 HBP4 HBP3 HBP2 HBP1 HBP0

WO: Direct RGB mode.

WO Mode

0 Memory

1 Shift register

RCM[1:0]: RGB I/F enable mode selection.

RCM[1:0] Mode

MCU interface

10 RGB DE mode

11 RGB HV mode

VSPL : Sets the signal polarity of the VSYNC pin.

VSPL=”0”, Low active
Description VSPL=”1”, High active
HSPL : Sets the signal polarity of the HSYNC pin.
HSPL=”0”, Low active
HSPL=”1”, High active
DPL : Sets the signal polarity of the DOTCLK pin.
DPL = “0” The data is input on the positive edge of DOTCLK
DPL = “1” The data is input on the negative edge of DOTCLK
EPL : Sets the signal polarity of the ENABLE pin.
EPL = “0” The data DB17-0 is written when ENABLE = “1”. Disable data write operation when
ENABLE = “0”.
EPL = “1” The data DB17-0 is written when ENABLE = “0”. Disable data write operation when
ENABLE = “1”.
VBP[6:0]: RGB interface Vsync back porch setting. Minimum setting is 0x02.
HBP[4:0]: RGB interface Hsync back porch setting. Please refer to the section 8.9.3 for
minimum setting.

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Status Availability

Normal Mode On, Idle Mode Off, Sleep Out Yes

Normal Mode On, Idle Mode On, Sleep Out Yes

Partial Mode On, Idle Mode Off, Sleep Out Yes

Partial Mode On, Idle Mode On, Sleep Out Yes

Sleep In Yes

Status Default Value

Default Power On Sequence 40h/02h/14h

S/W Reset 40h/02h/14h

H/W Reset 40h/02h/14h

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disclosed in whole or in part without prior written permission of Sitronix.
9.2.3 PORCTRL (B2h): Porch Setting
B2H PORCTRL (Porch Setting)

Inst / Para D/CX WRX RDX D17-8 D7 D6 D5 D4 D3 D2 D1 D0 HEX

PORCTRL 0 ↑ 1 - 1 0 1 1 0 0 1 0 (B2h)
1 parameter 1 ↑ 1 - 0 BPA6 BPA5 BPA4 BPA3 BPA2 BPA1 BPA0

2nd parameter 1 ↑ 1 - 0 FPA6 FPA5 FPA4 FPA3 FPA2 FPA1 FPA0

3rd parameter 1 ↑ 1 - 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 PSEN

4 parameter 1 ↑ 1 - BPB3 BPB2 BPB1 BPB0 FPB3 FPB2 FPB1 FPB0

5th parameter 1 ↑ 1 - BPC3 BPC2 BPC1 BPC0 FPC3 FPC2 FPC1 FPC0

BPA[6:0]: Back porch setting in normal mode. The minimum setting is 0x01.
FPA[6:0]: Front porch setting in normal mode. The minimum setting is 0x01.
PSEN: Enable separate porch control.

0 Disable separate porch control

1 Enable separate porch control

BPB[3:0]: Back porch setting in idle mode. The minimum setting is 0x01.
FPB[3:0]: Front porch setting in idle mode. The minimum setting is 0x01.
BPC[3:0]: Back porch setting in partial mode. The minimum setting is 0x01.
FPC[3:0]: Front porch setting in partial mode. The minimum setting is 0x01.
Status Availability

Normal Mode On, Idle Mode Off, Sleep Out Yes

Normal Mode On, Idle Mode On, Sleep Out Yes

Partial Mode On, Idle Mode Off, Sleep Out Yes

Partial Mode On, Idle Mode On, Sleep Out Yes

Sleep In Yes

Status Default Value

Default Power On Sequence 0Ch/0Ch/00h/33h/33h

S/W Reset 0Ch/0Ch/00h/33h/33h

H/W Reset 0Ch/0Ch/00h/33h/33h

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9.2.4 FRCTRL1 (B3h): Frame Rate Control 1 (In partial mode/ idle colors)
B3H FRCTRL1 (Frame rate control 1)

Inst / Para D/CX WRX RDX D17-8 D7 D6 D5 D4 D3 D2 D1 D0 HEX

FRCTRL1 0 ↑ 1 - 1 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 (B3h)
1 parameter 1 ↑ 1 - 0 0 0 FRSEN 0 0 DIV1 DIV0

2nd parameter 1 ↑ 1 - NLB2 NLB1 NLB0 RTNB4 RTNB3 RTNB2 RTNB1 RTNB0

3rd parameter 1 ↑ 1 - NLC2 NLC1 NLC0 RTNC4 RTNC3 RTNC2 RTNC1 RTNC0

FRSEN: Enable separate frame rate control.

When FRSEN=0, Frame rate of idle and partial mode are determined by C6h
When FRSEN=1, Frame rate of idle and partial mode are determined by B3h

0 Disable separate FR control

1 Enable separate FR control

DIV[1:0]: Frame rate divided control

DIV[1:0] Mode

00 Divide by 1

01 Divide by 2

10 Divide by 4

11 Divide by 8

Description NLB[2:0]: Inversion selection in idle mode.

0x00: dot inversion.
0x07: column inversion.
RTNB[4:0]: Frame rate control in idle mode.
RTNB[4:0] FR in idle mode (Hz) RTNB[4:0] FR in idle mode (Hz)

00h 119 10h 58

01h 111 11h 57

02h 105 12h 55

03h 99 13h 53

04h 94 14h 52

05h 90 15h 50

06h 86 16h 49

07h 82 17h 48

08h 78 18h 46

09h 75 19h 45

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0Ah 72 1Ah 44

0Bh 69 1Bh 43

0Ch 67 1Ch 42

0Dh 64 1Dh 41

0Eh 62 1Eh 40

0Fh 60 1Fh 39


1. If FRSEN=1, Frame rate in idle mode=10MHz/(320+(FPB[3:0]+BPB[3:0])*4)*(250+RTNB[4:0]*16).

2. FPB[6:0] and BPB[6:0] are in command B2h
3. In this frame rate table, FPB[3:0]=03h, BPB[3:0]=03h

NLC[2:0]: Inversion setting in partial mode.

0x00: dot inversion.
0x07: column inversion.

RTNC[4:0]: Frame rate control in partial mode. This setting is equal to RTNB.

Status Availability

Normal Mode On, Idle Mode Off, Sleep Out Yes

Normal Mode On, Idle Mode On, Sleep Out Yes

Partial Mode On, Idle Mode Off, Sleep Out Yes
Partial Mode On, Idle Mode On, Sleep Out Yes

Sleep In Yes

Status Default Value

Default Power On Sequence 00h/0Fh/0Fh

S/W Reset 00h/0Fh/0Fh

H/W Reset 00h/0Fh/0Fh

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9.2.5 PARCTRL (B5h): Partial mode Control
B5H PARCTRL (Partial mode Control)

Inst / Para D/CX WRX RDX D17-8 D7 D6 D5 D4 D3 D2 D1 D0 HEX

PARCTRL 0 ↑ 1 - 1 0 1 1 0 1 0 1 (B5h)

Parameter 1 ↑ 1 - NDL 0 0 PTGISC ISC3 ISC2 ISC1 ISC0

NDL: Source output level selection in non-display area in partial mode.

“0”: V63
“1”: V0
PTGISC: Non-display area scan mode.
“0”: Normal mode.
“1”: Interval scan mode.

ISC[3:0]: Non-display area Scan frequency selection in interval scan mode

ISC[3:0] Scan frequency

00h Every frame

01h 1/3 frame

02h 1/5 frame

03h 1/7 frame

Description 04h 1/9 frame

05h 1/11 frame

06h 1/13 frame

07h 1/15 frame

08h 1/17 frame

09h 1/19 frame

0Ah 1/21 frame

0Bh 1/23 frame

0Ch 1/25 frame

0Dh 1/27 frame

0Eh 1/29 frame

0Fh 1/31 frame

Status Availability
Normal Mode On, Idle Mode Off, Sleep Out Yes

Normal Mode On, Idle Mode On, Sleep Out Yes

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Partial Mode On, Idle Mode Off, Sleep Out Yes

Partial Mode On, Idle Mode On, Sleep Out Yes

Sleep In Yes

Status Default Value

Default Power On Sequence 00h

S/W Reset 00h

H/W Reset 00h

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9.2.6 GCTRL (B7h): Gate Control
B7H GCTRL (Gate Control)

Inst / Para D/CX WRX RDX D17-8 D7 D6 D5 D4 D3 D2 D1 D0 HEX

GCTRL 0 ↑ 1 - 1 0 1 1 0 1 1 1 (B7h)

Parameter 1 ↑ 1 - 0 VGHS2 VGHS1 VGHS0 0 VGLS2 VGLS1 VGLS0

VGHS[2:0]: VGH Setting.

VGHS[2:0] VGH (V)

00h 12.2

01h 12.54

02h 12.89

03h 13.26

04h 13.65

05h 14.06

06h 14.5

07h 14.97

VGLS[2:0]: VGL Setting.

VGLS[2:0] VGL (V)

00h -7.16

01h -7.67

02h -8.23

03h -8.87

04h -9.6

05h -10.43

06h -11.38

07h -12.5

Status Availability

Normal Mode On, Idle Mode Off, Sleep Out Yes

Normal Mode On, Idle Mode On, Sleep Out Yes

Partial Mode On, Idle Mode Off, Sleep Out Yes
Partial Mode On, Idle Mode On, Sleep Out Yes

Sleep In Yes

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disclosed in whole or in part without prior written permission of Sitronix.

Status Default Value

Default Power On Sequence 35h

S/W Reset 35h

H/W Reset 35h

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9.2.7 GTADJ (B8h): Gate On Timing Adjustment
B8H GTADJ(Gate On Timing Adjustment)

Inst / Para D/CX WRX RDX D17-8 D7 D6 D5 D4 D3 D2 D1 D0 HEX

GTADJ 0 ↑ 1 - 1 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 (B8h)
1 Parameter 1 ↑ 1 - 0 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 2Ah

2nd Parameter 1 ↑ 1 - 0 0 1 0 1 0 1 1 2Bh

3rd Parameter 1 ↑ 1 - 0 0 GTA5 GTA4 GTA3 GTA2 GTA1 GTA0

4 Parameter 1 ↑ 1 - GOFR3 GOFR2 GOFR1 GOFR0 GOF3 GOF2 GOF1 GOF0

GTA[5:0]: Gate on timing adjustment.

Gate on timing=300ns+GTA[5:0]*400ns
In RGB interface:


In 18bit RGB interface:

Gate on timing=6dotclk+GTA[5:0]*4dotclk
In 6bit RGB interface:
Gate on timing=6*3dotclk+GTA[5:0]*4*3dotclk
GOFR[3:0]: Gate off timing adjustment only for RGB interface
In 18bit RGB interface:
Gate off timing=512dotclk-16dotclk*GOFR[3:0]
In 6bit RGB interface:
Gate off timing=512*3dotclk-16dotclk*3*GOFR[3:0]

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In rgb interface, if the setting of gate off timing is more than the number of dotclk in one line, the gate off
timing is determined by hsync.

GOF[3:0]: Gate off timing adjustment

Gate off timing=-GOF[3:0]*400ns

Status Availability

Normal Mode On, Idle Mode Off, Sleep Out Yes

Normal Mode On, Idle Mode On, Sleep Out Yes

Partial Mode On, Idle Mode Off, Sleep Out Yes
Partial Mode On, Idle Mode On, Sleep Out Yes

Sleep In Yes

Status Default Value

Default Power On Sequence 2Ah/2Bh/22h/75h

S/W Reset 2Ah/2Bh/22h/75h

H/W Reset 2Ah/2Bh/22h/75h

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9.2.8 DGMEN (BAh): Digital Gamma Enable
BAH DGMEN (Digital Gamma Enable)

Inst / Para D/CX WRX RDX D17-8 D7 D6 D5 D4 D3 D2 D1 D0 HEX

DGMEN 0 ↑ 1 - 1 0 1 1 1 0 1 0 (BAh)

Parameter 1 ↑ 1 - 0 0 0 0 0 DGMEN 0 0

Description “0”: disable digital gamma.
“1”: enable digital gamma.

Status Availability

Normal Mode On, Idle Mode Off, Sleep Out Yes

Normal Mode On, Idle Mode On, Sleep Out Yes

Partial Mode On, Idle Mode Off, Sleep Out Yes
Partial Mode On, Idle Mode On, Sleep Out Yes

Sleep In Yes

Status Default Value

Default Power On Sequence 00h

S/W Reset 00h

H/W Reset 00h

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9.2.9 VCOMS (BBh): VCOMS Setting

Inst / Para D/CX WRX RDX D17-8 D7 D6 D5 D4 D3 D2 D1 D0 HEX

VCOMS 0 ↑ 1 - 1 0 1 1 1 0 1 1 (BBh)

Parameter 1 ↑ 1 - 0 0 VCOMS5 VCOMS4 VCOMS3 VCOMS2 VCOMS1 VCOMS0


00h 0.1 20h 0.9

01h 0.125 21h 0.925

02h 0.15 22h 0.95

03h 0.175 23h 0.975

04h 0.2 24h 1.0

05h 0.225 25h 1.025

06h 0.25 26h 1.05

07h 0.275 27h 1.075

08h 0.3 28h 1.1

09h 0.325 29h 1.125

0Ah 0.35 2Ah 1.15

0Bh 0.375 2Bh 1.175

0Ch 0.4 2Ch 1.2

Description 0Dh 0.425 2Dh 1.225

0Eh 0.45 2Eh 1.25

0Fh 0.475 2Fh 1.275

10h 0.5 30h 1.3

11h 0.525 31h 1.325

12h 0.55 32h 1.35

13h 0.575 33h 1.375

14h 0.6 34h 1.4

15h 0.625 35h 1.425

16h 0.65 36h 1.45

17h 0.675 37h 1.475

18h 0.7 38h 1.5

19h 0.725 39h 1.525

1Ah 0.75 3Ah 1.55

1Bh 0.775 3Bh 1.575

1Ch 0.8 3Ch 1.6

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1Dh 0.825 3Dh 1.625

1Eh 0.85 3Eh 1.65

1Fh 0.875 3Fh 1.675

1. VCOMS is used for feed through voltage compensation.
2. Setting limitation: VCOMS+VCOMS offset+VDV=0.1V~1.675V.

Status Availability

Normal Mode On, Idle Mode Off, Sleep Out Yes

Normal Mode On, Idle Mode On, Sleep Out Yes

Availability Partial Mode On, Idle Mode Off, Sleep Out Yes

Partial Mode On, Idle Mode On, Sleep Out Yes

Sleep In Yes

Status Default Value

Default Power On Sequence 20h

S/W Reset 20h

H/W Reset 20h

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9.2.10 LCMCTRL (C0h): LCM Control

Inst / Para D/CX WRX RDX D17-8 D7 D6 D5 D4 D3 D2 D1 D0 HEX

LCMCTRL 0 ↑ 1 - 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 (C0h)
1 parameter 1 ↑ 1 - 0 XMY XBGR XINV XMX XMH XMV XGS

XMY: XOR MY setting in command 36h.

XBGR: XOR RGB setting in command 36h.
XREV: XOR inverse setting in command 21h
XMH: this bit can reverse source output order and only support for RGB interface without RAM
XMV: XOR MV setting in command 36h
XMX: XOR MX setting in command 36h.
XGS: XOR GS setting in command E4h.

Status Availability

Normal Mode On, Idle Mode Off, Sleep Out Yes

Normal Mode On, Idle Mode On, Sleep Out Yes

Partial Mode On, Idle Mode Off, Sleep Out Yes
Partial Mode On, Idle Mode On, Sleep Out Yes

Sleep In Yes

Status Default Value

Default Power On Sequence 2Ch

S/W Reset 2Ch

H/W Reset 2Ch

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9.2.11 IDSET (C1h): ID Code Setting
C1H IDSET (ID Code Setting)

Inst / Para D/CX WRX RDX D17-8 D7 D6 D5 D4 D3 D2 D1 D0 HEX

IDSET 0 ↑ 1 - 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 (C1h)
Parameter 1 1 ↑ 1 - ID17 ID16 ID15 ID14 ID13 ID12 ID11 ID10

Parameter 2nd 1 ↑ 1 - ID27 ID26 ID25 ID24 ID23 ID22 ID21 ID20

Parameter 3rd 1 ↑ 1 - ID37 ID36 ID35 ID34 ID33 ID32 ID31 ID30

ID1[7:0]: ID1 Setting.

Description ID2[7:0]: ID2 Setting.
ID3[7:0]: ID3 Setting.
Status Availability

Normal Mode On, Idle Mode Off, Sleep Out Yes

Normal Mode On, Idle Mode On, Sleep Out Yes

Partial Mode On, Idle Mode Off, Sleep Out Yes

Partial Mode On, Idle Mode On, Sleep Out Yes

Sleep In Yes

Status Default Value

Default Power On Sequence 85h/85h/52h

S/W Reset 85h/85h/52h

H/W Reset 85h/85h/52h

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9.2.12 VDVVRHEN (C2h): VDV and VRH Command Enable
C2H VDVVRHEN (VDV and VRH Command Enable)

Inst / Para D/CX WRX RDX D17-8 D7 D6 D5 D4 D3 D2 D1 D0 HEX

VDVVRHEN 0 ↑ 1 - 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 (C2h)
1 Parameter 1 ↑ 1 - 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 CMDEN

2nd Parameter 1 ↑ 1 - 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

CMDEN: VDV and VRH command write enable.

Description CMDEN=”0”: VDV and VRH register value comes from NVM.
CMDEN=”1”, VDV and VRH register value comes from command write.

Status Availability

Normal Mode On, Idle Mode Off, Sleep Out Yes

Normal Mode On, Idle Mode On, Sleep Out Yes

Partial Mode On, Idle Mode Off, Sleep Out Yes
Partial Mode On, Idle Mode On, Sleep Out Yes

Sleep In Yes

Status Default Value

Default Power On Sequence 01h/FFh

S/W Reset 01h/FFh

H/W Reset 01h/FFh

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9.2.13 VRHS (C3h): VRH Set

Inst / Para D/CX WRX RDX D17-8 D7 D6 D5 D4 D3 D2 D1 D0 HEX

VRHS 0 ↑ 1 - 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 (C3h)
1 Parameter 1 ↑ 1 - 0 0 VRHS5 VRHS4 VRHS3 VRHS2 VRHS1 VRHS0

VRHS[5:0]: VRH Set.


00h 3.55+(vcom+vcom offset+0.5vdv) 15h 4.6+( vcom+vcom offset+0.5vdv)

01h 3.6+( vcom+vcom offset+0.5vdv) 16h 4.65+( vcom+vcom offset+0.5vdv)

02h 3.65+( vcom+vcom offset+0.5vdv) 17h 4.7+( vcom+vcom offset+0.5vdv)

03h 3.7+( vcom+vcom offset+0.5vdv) 18h 4.75+( vcom+vcom offset+0.5vdv)

04h 3.75+( vcom+vcom offset+0.5vdv) 19h 4.8+( vcom+vcom offset+0.5vdv)

05h 3.8+( vcom+vcom offset+0.5vdv) 1Ah 4.85+( vcom+vcom offset+0.5vdv)

06h 3.85+( vcom+vcom offset+0.5vdv) 1Bh 4.9+( vcom+vcom offset+0.5vdv)

07h 3.9+( vcom+vcom offset+0.5vdv) 1Ch 4.95+( vcom+vcom offset+0.5vdv)

08h 3.95+( vcom+vcom offset+0.5vdv) 1Dh 5+( vcom+vcom offset+0.5vdv)

09h 4+( vcom+vcom offset+0.5vdv) 1Eh 5.05+( vcom+vcom offset+0.5vdv)

0Ah 4.05+( vcom+vcom offset+0.5vdv) 1Fh 5.1+( vcom+vcom offset+0.5vdv)

0Bh 4.1+( vcom+vcom offset+0.5vdv) 20h 5.15+( vcom+vcom offset+0.5vdv)

0Ch 4.15+( vcom+vcom offset+0.5vdv) 21h 5.2+( vcom+vcom offset+0.5vdv)

Description 0Dh 4.2+( vcom+vcom offset+0.5vdv) 22h 5.25+( vcom+vcom offset+0.5vdv)

0Eh 4.25+( vcom+vcom offset+0.5vdv) 23h 5.3+( vcom+vcom offset+0.5vdv)

0Fh 4.3+( vcom+vcom offset+0.5vdv) 24h 5.35+( vcom+vcom offset+0.5vdv)

10h 4.35+( vcom+vcom offset+0.5vdv) 25h 5.4+( vcom+vcom offset+0.5vdv)

11h 4.4+( vcom+vcom offset+0.5vdv) 26h 5.45+( vcom+vcom offset+0.5vdv)

12h 4.45+( vcom+vcom offset+0.5vdv) 27h 5.5+( vcom+vcom offset+0.5vdv)

13h 4.5+( vcom+vcom offset+0.5vdv) 28h~3Fh Reserved

14h 4.55+( vcom+vcom offset+0.5vdv) -- --


00h -3.55+(vcom+vcom offset-0.5vdv) 15h -4.6+( vcom+vcom offset-0.5vdv)

01h -3.6+( vcom+vcom offset-0.5vdv) 16h -4.65+( vcom+vcom offset-0.5vdv)

02h -3.65+( vcom+vcom offset-0.5vdv) 17h -4.7+( vcom+vcom offset-0.5vdv)

03h -3.7+( vcom+vcom offset-0.5vdv) 18h -4.75+( vcom+vcom offset-0.5vdv)

04h -3.75+( vcom+vcom offset-0.5vdv) 19h -4.8+( vcom+vcom offset-0.5vdv)

05h -3.8+( vcom+vcom offset-0.5vdv) 1Ah -4.85+( vcom+vcom offset-0.5vdv)

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disclosed in whole or in part without prior written permission of Sitronix.
06h -3.85+( vcom+vcom offset-0.5vdv) 1Bh -4.9+( vcom+vcom offset-0.5vdv)

07h -3.9+( vcom+vcom offset-0.5vdv) 1Ch -4.95+( vcom+vcom offset-0.5vdv)

08h -3.95+( vcom+vcom offset-0.5vdv) 1Dh -5+( vcom+vcom offset-0.5vdv)

09h -4+( vcom+vcom offset-0.5vdv) 1Eh -5.05+( vcom+vcom offset-0.5vdv)

0Ah -4.05+( vcom+vcom offset-0.5vdv) 1Fh -5.1+( vcom+vcom offset-0.5vdv)

0Bh -4.1+( vcom+vcom offset-0.5vdv) 20h -5.15+( vcom+vcom offset-0.5vdv)

0Ch -4.15+( vcom+vcom offset-0.5vdv) 21h -5.2+( vcom+vcom offset-0.5vdv)

0Dh -4.2+( vcom+vcom offset-0.5vdv) 22h -5.25+( vcom+vcom offset-0.5vdv)

0Eh -4.25+( vcom+vcom offset-0.5vdv) 23h -5.3+( vcom+vcom offset-0.5vdv)

0Fh -4.3+( vcom+vcom offset-0.5vdv) 24h -5.35+( vcom+vcom offset-0.5vdv)

10h -4.35+( vcom+vcom offset-0.5vdv) 25h -5.4+( vcom+vcom offset-0.5vdv)

11h -4.4+( vcom+vcom offset-0.5vdv) 26h -5.45+( vcom+vcom offset-0.5vdv)

12h -4.45+( vcom+vcom offset-0.5vdv) 27h -5.5+( vcom+vcom offset-0.5vdv)

13h -4.5+( vcom+vcom offset-0.5vdv) 28h~3Fh Reserved

14h -4.55+( vcom+vcom offset-0.5vdv) -- --

Status Availability

Normal Mode On, Idle Mode Off, Sleep Out Yes

Normal Mode On, Idle Mode On, Sleep Out Yes

Availability Partial Mode On, Idle Mode Off, Sleep Out Yes

Partial Mode On, Idle Mode On, Sleep Out Yes

Sleep In Yes

Status Default Value

Default Power On Sequence 0Bh

S/W Reset 0Bh

H/W Reset 0Bh

Version 1.3 Page 279 of 316 2014/03

Sitronix Confidential The information contained herein is the exclusive property of Sitronix and shall not be distributed, reproduced, or
disclosed in whole or in part without prior written permission of Sitronix.
9.2.14 VDVS (C4h): VDV Set

Inst / Para D/CX WRX RDX D17-8 D7 D6 D5 D4 D3 D2 D1 D0 HEX

VDVS 0 ↑ 1 - 1 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 (C4h)
1 Parameter 1 ↑ 1 - 0 0 VDVS5 VDVS4 VDVS3 VDVS2 VDVS1 VDVS0

VDVS[5:0]: VDV Set.

VDVS[5:0] VDV (V) VDVS[5:0] VDV (V)

00h -0.8 20h 0

01h -0.775 21h 0.025

02h -0.75 22h 0.05

03h -0.725 23h 0.075

04h -0.7 24h 0.1

05h -0.675 25h 0.125

06h -0.65 26h 0.15

07h -0.625 27h 0.175

08h -0.6 28h 0.2

09h -0.575 29h 0.225

0Ah -0.55 2Ah 0.25

0Bh -0.525 2Bh 0.275

0Ch -0.5 2Ch 0.3

Description 0Dh -0.475 2Dh 0.325

0Eh -0.45 2Eh 0.35

0Fh -0.425 2Fh 0.375

10h -0.4 30h 0.4

11h -0.375 31h 0.425

12h -0.35 32h 0.45

13h -0.325 33h 0.475

14h -0.3 34h 0.5

15h -0.275 35h 0.525

16h -0.25 36h 0.55

17h -0.225 37h 0.575

18h -0.2 38h 0.6

19h -0.175 39h 0.625

1Ah -0.15 3Ah 0.65

1Bh -0.125 3Bh 0.675

1Ch -0.1 3Ch 0.7

Version 1.3 Page 280 of 316 2014/03

Sitronix Confidential The information contained herein is the exclusive property of Sitronix and shall not be distributed, reproduced, or
disclosed in whole or in part without prior written permission of Sitronix.
1Dh -0.075 3Dh 0.725

1Eh -0.05 3Eh 0.75

1Fh -0.025 3Fh 0.775

Setting limitation: VCOMS+VCOMS offset+VDV=0.1V~1.675V

Status Availability

Normal Mode On, Idle Mode Off, Sleep Out Yes

Normal Mode On, Idle Mode On, Sleep Out Yes

Availability Partial Mode On, Idle Mode Off, Sleep Out Yes

Partial Mode On, Idle Mode On, Sleep Out Yes

Sleep In Yes

Status Default Value

Default Power On Sequence 20h

S/W Reset 20h

H/W Reset 20h

Version 1.3 Page 281 of 316 2014/03

Sitronix Confidential The information contained herein is the exclusive property of Sitronix and shall not be distributed, reproduced, or
disclosed in whole or in part without prior written permission of Sitronix.
9.2.15 VCMOFSET (C5h): VCOMS Offset Set

Inst / Para D/CX WRX RDX D17-8 D7 D6 D5 D4 D3 D2 D1 D0 HEX

VCMOFSET 0 ↑ 1 - 1 1 0 0 0 1 0 1 (C5h)

VCOMS offset setting:


00h -0.8 20h 0

01h -0.775 21h 0.025

02h -0.75 22h 0.05

03h -0.725 23h 0.075

04h -0.7 24h 0.1

05h -0.675 25h 0.125

06h -0.65 26h 0.15

07h -0.625 27h 0.175

08h -0.6 28h 0.2

09h -0.575 29h 0.225

0Ah -0.55 2Ah 0.25

0Bh -0.525 2Bh 0.275

0Ch -0.5 2Ch 0.3

Description 0Dh -0.475 2Dh 0.325

0Eh -0.45 2Eh 0.35

0Fh -0.425 2Fh 0.375

10h -0.4 30h 0.4

11h -0.375 31h 0.425

12h -0.35 32h 0.45

13h -0.325 33h 0.475

14h -0.3 34h 0.5

15h -0.275 35h 0.525

16h -0.25 36h 0.55

17h -0.225 37h 0.575

18h -0.2 38h 0.6

19h -0.175 39h 0.625

1Ah -0.15 3Ah 0.65

1Bh -0.125 3Bh 0.675

1Ch -0.1 3Ch 0.7

Version 1.3 Page 282 of 316 2014/03

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disclosed in whole or in part without prior written permission of Sitronix.
1Dh -0.075 3Dh 0.725

1Eh -0.05 3Eh 0.75

1Fh -0.025 3Fh 0.775

Setting limitation: VCOMS+VCOMS offset+VDV=0.1V~1.675V

Status Availability

Normal Mode On, Idle Mode Off, Sleep Out Yes

Normal Mode On, Idle Mode On, Sleep Out Yes

Availability Partial Mode On, Idle Mode Off, Sleep Out Yes

Partial Mode On, Idle Mode On, Sleep Out Yes

Sleep In Yes

Status Default Value

Default Power On Sequence 20h

S/W Reset 20h

H/W Reset 20h

Version 1.3 Page 283 of 316 2014/03

Sitronix Confidential The information contained herein is the exclusive property of Sitronix and shall not be distributed, reproduced, or
disclosed in whole or in part without prior written permission of Sitronix.
9.2.16 FRCTRL2 (C6h): Frame Rate Control in Normal Mode
C6H FRCTRL2 (Frame Rate Control in Normal Mode)

Inst / Para D/CX WRX RDX D17-8 D7 D6 D5 D4 D3 D2 D1 D0 HEX

FRCTRL2 0 ↑ 1 - 1 1 0 0 0 1 1 0 (C6h)
1 Parameter 1 ↑ 1 - NLA2 NLA1 NLA0 RTNA4 RTNA3 RTNA2 RTNA1 RTNA0

NLA[2 :0] : Inversion selection in normal mode.

0x00 : dot inversion.
0x07: column inversion.
RTNA[4:0] FR in normal mode (Hz) RTNA[4:0] FR in normal mode (Hz)

00h 119 10h 58

01h 111 11h 57

02h 105 12h 55

03h 99 13h 53

04h 94 14h 52

05h 90 15h 50

06h 86 16h 49

Description 07h 82 17h 48

08h 78 18h 46

09h 75 19h 45

0Ah 72 1Ah 44

0Bh 69 1Bh 43

0Ch 67 1Ch 42

0Dh 64 1Dh 41

0Eh 62 1Eh 40

0Fh 60 1Fh 39


1. Frame rate=10MHz/(320+FPA[6:0]+BPA[6:0])*(250+RTNA[4:0]*16).
2. FPA[6:0] and BPA[6:0] are in command B2h

3. In this frame rate table, FPA[6:0]=0Ch, BPA[6:0]=0Ch

Status Availability

Normal Mode On, Idle Mode Off, Sleep Out Yes

Normal Mode On, Idle Mode On, Sleep Out Yes

Partial Mode On, Idle Mode Off, Sleep Out Yes

Partial Mode On, Idle Mode On, Sleep Out Yes

Version 1.3 Page 284 of 316 2014/03

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disclosed in whole or in part without prior written permission of Sitronix.
Sleep In Yes

Status Default Value

Default Power On Sequence 0Fh

S/W Reset 0Fh

H/W Reset 0Fh

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disclosed in whole or in part without prior written permission of Sitronix.
9.2.17 CABCCTRL (C7h): CABC Control

Inst / Para D/CX WRX RDX D17-8 D7 D6 D5 D4 D3 D2 D1 D0 HEX

CABCCTRL 0 ↑ 1 - 1 1 0 0 0 1 1 1 (C7h)
1 Parameter 1 ↑ 1 - 0 0 0 0 LEDONREV DPOFPWM PWMFIX PWMPOL

LEDONREV: Reverse the status of LED_ON:

“0”: keep the status of LED_ON.
“1”: reverse the status of LED_ON.
DPOFPWM: initial state control of LEDPWM.
“0”: The initial state of LEDPWM is low.
“1”: The initial state of LEDPWM is high.
PWMFIX: LEDPWM fix control.
“0”: LEDPWM control by CABC.
“1”: fix LEDPWM in “ON” status.
PWMPOL: LEDPWM polarity control.
“0”: polarity high.
“1”: polarity low.

Status Availability

Normal Mode On, Idle Mode Off, Sleep Out Yes

Normal Mode On, Idle Mode On, Sleep Out Yes

Partial Mode On, Idle Mode Off, Sleep Out Yes
Partial Mode On, Idle Mode On, Sleep Out Yes

Sleep In Yes

Status Default Value

Default Power On Sequence 00h

S/W Reset 00h

H/W Reset 00h

Version 1.3 Page 286 of 316 2014/03

Sitronix Confidential The information contained herein is the exclusive property of Sitronix and shall not be distributed, reproduced, or
disclosed in whole or in part without prior written permission of Sitronix.
9.2.18 REGSEL1 (C8h): Register Value Selection 1
C8H REGSEL1 (Register Value Selection 1)

Inst / Para D/CX WRX RDX D17-8 D7 D6 D5 D4 D3 D2 D1 D0 HEX

REGSEL1 0 ↑ 1 - 1 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 (C8h)

Parameter 1 ↑ 1 - 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0

Description Reserved for testing

Status Availability

Normal Mode On, Idle Mode Off, Sleep Out Yes

Normal Mode On, Idle Mode On, Sleep Out Yes

Partial Mode On, Idle Mode Off, Sleep Out Yes
Partial Mode On, Idle Mode On, Sleep Out Yes

Sleep In Yes

Status Default Value

Default Power On Sequence 08h

S/W Reset 08h

H/W Reset 08h

Version 1.3 Page 287 of 316 2014/03

Sitronix Confidential The information contained herein is the exclusive property of Sitronix and shall not be distributed, reproduced, or
disclosed in whole or in part without prior written permission of Sitronix.
9.2.19 REGSEL2 (CAh): Register Value Selection 2
CAH REGSEL2 (Register Value Selection 2)

Inst / Para D/CX WRX RDX D17-8 D7 D6 D5 D4 D3 D2 D1 D0 HEX

REGSEL2 0 ↑ 1 - 1 1 0 0 1 0 1 0 (Cah)

Parameter 1 ↑ 1 - 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1

Description Reserved for testing

Status Availability

Normal Mode On, Idle Mode Off, Sleep Out Yes

Normal Mode On, Idle Mode On, Sleep Out Yes

Partial Mode On, Idle Mode Off, Sleep Out Yes
Partial Mode On, Idle Mode On, Sleep Out Yes

Sleep In Yes

Status Default Value

Default Power On Sequence 0Fh

S/W Reset 0Fh

H/W Reset 0Fh

Version 1.3 Page 288 of 316 2014/03

Sitronix Confidential The information contained herein is the exclusive property of Sitronix and shall not be distributed, reproduced, or
disclosed in whole or in part without prior written permission of Sitronix.
9.2.20 PWMFRSEL (CCh): PWM Frequency Selection
CCH PWMFRSEL (PWM Frequency Selection)

Inst / Para D/CX WRX RDX D17-8 D7 D6 D5 D4 D3 D2 D1 D0 HEX

PWMFRSEL 0 ↑ 1 - 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 (CCh)
1 Parameter 1 ↑ 1 - 0 0 CS2 CS1 CS0 CLK2 CLK1 CLK0

00h 01h 02h 03h 04h 05h

00h 39.2 78.7 158.7 322.6 666.7 1428.6

01h 19.6 39.4 79.4 161.3 333.3 714.3

02h 9.8 19.7 39.7 80.6 166.7 357.1

Description 03h 4.9 9.8 19.8 40.3 83.3 178.6

04h 2.45 4.9 9.9 20.2 41.7 89.3

05h 1.23 2.5 5 10.1 20.8 44.6

06h 0.61 1.23 2.48 5 10.4 22.3

07h 0.31 0.62 1.24 2.5 5.2 11.2


Status Availability

Normal Mode On, Idle Mode Off, Sleep Out Yes

Normal Mode On, Idle Mode On, Sleep Out Yes

Partial Mode On, Idle Mode Off, Sleep Out Yes
Partial Mode On, Idle Mode On, Sleep Out Yes

Sleep In Yes

Status Default Value

Default Power On Sequence 02h

S/W Reset 02h

H/W Reset 02h

Version 1.3 Page 289 of 316 2014/03

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disclosed in whole or in part without prior written permission of Sitronix.
9.2.21 PWCTRL1 (D0h): Power Control 1
D0H PWCTRL (Power Control)

Inst / Para D/CX WRX RDX D17-8 D7 D6 D5 D4 D3 D2 D1 D0 HEX

PWCTRL 0 ↑ 1 - 1 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 (D0h)
1 Parameter 1 ↑ 1 - 1 0 1 0 0 1 0 0

2nd Parameter 1 ↑ 1 - AVDD1 AVDD0 AVCL1 AVCL0 0 0 VDS1 VDS0

AVDD[1:0] AVDD (V)

00h 6.4

01h 6.6

02h 6.8

03h Reserved

AVCL[1:0] AVCL (V)

00h -4.4

01h -4.6
02h -4.8

03h -5.0

VDS[1:0] VDDS (V)

00h 2.19

01h 2.3

02h 2.4

03h 2.51

VDDS: Power of source OP

Status Availability

Normal Mode On, Idle Mode Off, Sleep Out Yes

Normal Mode On, Idle Mode On, Sleep Out Yes

Partial Mode On, Idle Mode Off, Sleep Out Yes

Partial Mode On, Idle Mode On, Sleep Out Yes

Sleep In Yes

Version 1.3 Page 290 of 316 2014/03

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disclosed in whole or in part without prior written permission of Sitronix.

Status Default Value

Default Power On Sequence A4h/81h

S/W Reset A4h/81h

H/W Reset A4h/81h

Version 1.3 Page 291 of 316 2014/03

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disclosed in whole or in part without prior written permission of Sitronix.
9.2.22 VAPVANEN (D2h): Enable VAP/VAN signal output
D2H VAPVANEN (Enable VAP/VAN signal output)

Inst / Para D/CX WRX RDX D17-8 D7 D6 D5 D4 D3 D2 D1 D0 HEX

VAPVANEN 0 ↑ 1 - 1 1 0 1 0 0 1 0 (D2h)

Parameter 1 ↑ 1 - 0 1 0 0 1 1 0 0

Description Enable VAP/VAN signal output

Status Availability

Normal Mode On, Idle Mode Off, Sleep Out Yes

Normal Mode On, Idle Mode On, Sleep Out Yes

Partial Mode On, Idle Mode Off, Sleep Out Yes
Partial Mode On, Idle Mode On, Sleep Out Yes

Sleep In Yes

Status Default Value

Default Power On Sequence 00h

S/W Reset 00h

H/W Reset 00h

Version 1.3 Page 292 of 316 2014/03

Sitronix Confidential The information contained herein is the exclusive property of Sitronix and shall not be distributed, reproduced, or
disclosed in whole or in part without prior written permission of Sitronix.
9.2.23 CMD2EN (DFh): Command 2 Enable
DFH CMD2EN (Command 2 Enable)

Inst / Para D/CX WRX RDX D17-8 D7 D6 D5 D4 D3 D2 D1 D0 HEX

CMD2EN 0 ↑ 1 - 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 (DFh)
1 Parameter 1 ↑ 1 - 0 1 0 1 1 0 1 0 (5Ah)

2nd Parameter 1 ↑ 1 - 0 1 1 0 1 0 0 1 (69h)

3rd Parameter 1 ↑ 1 - 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 (02h)

4 Parameter 1 ↑ 1 - 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 EN

Description “0”: Commands in Command table 2 cannot be executed when EXTC level is “Low”.
“1”: Commands in command table 2 can be executed when EXTC level is “Low”.

Status Availability

Normal Mode On, Idle Mode Off, Sleep Out Yes

Normal Mode On, Idle Mode On, Sleep Out Yes

Partial Mode On, Idle Mode Off, Sleep Out Yes
Partial Mode On, Idle Mode On, Sleep Out Yes

Sleep In Yes

Status Default Value

Default Power On Sequence 5Ah/69h/02h/00h

S/W Reset 5Ah/69h/02h/00h

H/W Reset 5Ah/69h/02h/00h

Version 1.3 Page 293 of 316 2014/03

Sitronix Confidential The information contained herein is the exclusive property of Sitronix and shall not be distributed, reproduced, or
disclosed in whole or in part without prior written permission of Sitronix.
9.2.24 PVGAMCTRL (E0h): Positive Voltage Gamma Control
E0H PVGAMCTRL (Positive Voltage Gamma Control)

Inst / Para D/CX WRX RDX D17-8 D7 D6 D5 D4 D3 D2 D1 D0 HEX

PVGAMCTRL 0 ↑ 1 - 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 (E0h)
1 Parameter 1 ↑ 1 - V63P3 V63P2 V63P1 V63P0 V0P3 V0P2 V0P1 V0P0

2nd Parameter 1 ↑ 1 - 0 0 V1P5 V1P4 V1P3 V1P2 V1P1 V1P0

3rd Parameter 1 ↑ 1 - 0 0 V2P5 V2P4 V2P3 V2P2 V2P1 V2P0

4 Parameter 1 ↑ 1 - 0 0 0 V4P4 V4P3 V4P2 V4P1 V4P0

5th Parameter 1 ↑ 1 - 0 0 0 V6P4 V6P3 V6P2 V6P1 V6P0

6th Parameter 1 ↑ 1 - 0 0 J0P1 J0P0 V13P3 V13P2 V13P1 V13P0

7th Parameter 1 ↑ 1 - 0 V20P6 V20P5 V20P4 V20P3 V20P2 V20P1 V20P0

8 Parameter 1 ↑ 1 - 0 V36P2 V36P1 V36P0 0 V27P2 V27P1 V27P0

9th Parameter 1 ↑ 1 - 0 V43P6 V43P5 V43P4 V43P3 V43P2 V43P1 V43P0

10th Parameter 1 ↑ 1 - 0 0 J1P1 J1P0 V50P3 V50P2 V50P1 V50P0

11 Parameter 1 ↑ 1 - 0 0 0 V57P4 V57P3 V57P2 V57P1 V57P0

12th Parameter 1 ↑ 1 - 0 0 0 V59P4 V59P3 V59P2 V59P1 V59P0

13th Parameter 1 ↑ 1 - 0 0 V61P5 V61P4 V61P3 V61P2 V61P1 V61P0

14 Parameter 1 ↑ 1 - 0 0 V62P5 V62P4 V62P3 V62P2 V62P1 V62P0

Please refer to 8.19.

Default value:

VP0[3:0] 0

VP1[5:0] 0

VP2[5:0] 2

VP4[4:0] 7

VP6[4:0] B

VP13[3:0] A
VP20[6:0] 31

VP27[2:0] 4

VP36[2:0] 5

VP43[6:0] 40

VP50[3:0] 9

VP57[4:0] 12

VP59[4:0] 12

VP61[5:0] 12

VP62[5:0] 17

Version 1.3 Page 294 of 316 2014/03

Sitronix Confidential The information contained herein is the exclusive property of Sitronix and shall not be distributed, reproduced, or
disclosed in whole or in part without prior written permission of Sitronix.
VP63[3:0] D

JP0[1:0] 1

JP1[1:0] 2

Status Availability

Normal Mode On, Idle Mode Off, Sleep Out Yes

Normal Mode On, Idle Mode On, Sleep Out Yes

Availability Partial Mode On, Idle Mode Off, Sleep Out Yes

Partial Mode On, Idle Mode On, Sleep Out Yes

Sleep In Yes

Status Default Value

Default Power On Sequence Refer to description

S/W Reset Refer to description

H/W Reset Refer to description

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Sitronix Confidential The information contained herein is the exclusive property of Sitronix and shall not be distributed, reproduced, or
disclosed in whole or in part without prior written permission of Sitronix.
9.2.25 NVGAMCTRL (E1h): Negative Voltage Gamma Control
E1H NVGAMCTRL (Negative Voltage Gamma Control)

Inst / Para D/CX WRX RDX D17-8 D7 D6 D5 D4 D3 D2 D1 D0 HEX

NVGAMCTRL 0 ↑ 1 - 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 (E1h)
1 Parameter 1 ↑ 1 - V63N3 V63N2 V63N1 V63N0 V0N3 V0N2 V0N1 V0N0

2nd Parameter 1 ↑ 1 - 0 0 V1N5 V1N4 V1N3 V1N2 V1N1 V1N0

3rd Parameter 1 ↑ 1 - 0 0 V2N5 V2N4 V2N3 V2N2 V2N1 V2N0

4 Parameter 1 ↑ 1 - 0 0 0 V4N4 V4N3 V4N2 V4N1 V4N0

5th Parameter 1 ↑ 1 - 0 0 0 V6N4 V6N3 V6N2 V6N1 V6N0

6th Parameter 1 ↑ 1 - 0 0 J0N1 J0N0 V13N3 V13N2 V13N1 V13N0

7th Parameter 1 ↑ 1 - 0 V20N6 V20N5 V20N4 V20N3 V20N2 V20N1 V20N0

8 Parameter 1 ↑ 1 - 0 V36N2 V36N1 V36N0 0 V27N2 V27N1 V27N0

9th Parameter 1 ↑ 1 - 0 V43N6 V43N5 V43N4 V43N3 V43N2 V43N1 V43N0

10th Parameter 1 ↑ 1 - 0 0 J1N1 J1N0 V50N3 V50N2 V50N1 V50N0

11 Parameter 1 ↑ 1 - 0 0 0 V57N4 V57N3 V57N2 V57N1 V57N0

12th Parameter 1 ↑ 1 - 0 0 0 V59N4 V59N3 V59N2 V59N1 V59N0

13th Parameter 1 ↑ 1 - 0 0 V61N5 V61N4 V61N3 V61N2 V61N1 V61N0

14 Parameter 1 ↑ 1 - 0 0 V62N5 V62N4 V62N3 V62N2 V62N1 V62N0

Please refer to 8.19.

Default value:

VN0[3:0] 0

VN1[5:0] 0

VN2[5:0] 2

VN4[4:0] 7

VN6[4:0] 5

VN13[3:0] 5
VN20[6:0] 2D

VN27[2:0] 4

VN36[2:0] 4

VN43[6:0] 44

VN50[3:0] C

VN57[4:0] 18

VN59[4:0] 16

VN61[5:0] 1C

VN62[5:0] 1D

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Sitronix Confidential The information contained herein is the exclusive property of Sitronix and shall not be distributed, reproduced, or
disclosed in whole or in part without prior written permission of Sitronix.
VN63[3:0] D

JN0[1:0] 2

JN1[1:0] 1

Status Availability

Normal Mode On, Idle Mode Off, Sleep Out Yes

Normal Mode On, Idle Mode On, Sleep Out Yes

Availability Partial Mode On, Idle Mode Off, Sleep Out Yes

Partial Mode On, Idle Mode On, Sleep Out Yes

Sleep In Yes

Status Default Value

Default Power On Sequence Refer to description

S/W Reset Refer to description

H/W Reset Refer to description

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disclosed in whole or in part without prior written permission of Sitronix.
9.2.26 DGMLUTR (E2h): Digital Gamma Look-up Table for Red
E2H DGMLUTR (Digital Gamma Look-up Table for Red)

Inst / Para D/CX WRX RDX D17-8 D7 D6 D5 D4 D3 D2 D1 D0 HEX

DGMLUTR 0 ↑ 1 - 1 1 1 0 0 0 1 0 (E2h)
1 Parameter 1 ↑ 1 - DGM_LUT_R00[7:0]

2nd Parameter 1 ↑ 1 - DGM_LUT_R01[7:0]

1 ↑ 1 -
31 Parameter 1 ↑ 1 - DGM_LUT_R30[7:0]

32th Parameter 1 ↑ 1 - DGM_LUT_R31[7:0]

1 ↑ 1 -

63th Parameter 1 ↑ 1 - DGM_LUT_R62[7:0]

64 Parameter 1 ↑ 1 - DGM_LUT_R63[7:0]

Please refer to 8.20.

Default value:

DGM_LUT_R00[7:0] 00h

DGM_LUT_R01[7:0] 04h


DGM_LUT_R30[7:0] 78h

DGM_LUT_R31[7:0] 7Ch

DGM_LUT_R62[7:0] F8h

DGM_LUT_R63[7:0] FCh

Status Availability

Normal Mode On, Idle Mode Off, Sleep Out Yes

Normal Mode On, Idle Mode On, Sleep Out Yes

Partial Mode On, Idle Mode Off, Sleep Out Yes
Partial Mode On, Idle Mode On, Sleep Out Yes

Sleep In Yes

Status Default Value

Power On Sequence Refer to description

S/W Reset Refer to description

Version 1.3 Page 298 of 316 2014/03

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H/W Reset Refer to description

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disclosed in whole or in part without prior written permission of Sitronix.
9.2.27 DGMLUTB (E3h): Digital Gamma Look-up Table for Blue
E3H DGMLUTB (Digital Gamma Look-up Table for Blue)

Inst / Para D/CX WRX RDX D17-8 D7 D6 D5 D4 D3 D2 D1 D0 HEX

DGMLUTB 0 ↑ 1 - 1 1 1 0 0 0 1 1 (E3h)
1 Parameter 1 ↑ 1 - DGM_LUT_B00[7:0]

2nd Parameter 1 ↑ 1 - DGM_LUT_B01[7:0]

1 ↑ 1 -
31 Parameter 1 ↑ 1 - DGM_LUT_B30[7:0]

32th Parameter 1 ↑ 1 - DGM_LUT_B31[7:0]

1 ↑ 1 -

63th Parameter 1 ↑ 1 - DGM_LUT_B62[7:0]

64 Parameter 1 ↑ 1 - DGM_LUT_B63[7:0]

Please refer to 8.20.

Default value:

DGM_LUT_B00[7:0] 00h

DGM_LUT_B01[7:0] 04h


DGM_LUT_B30[7:0] 78h

DGM_LUT_B31[7:0] 7Ch

DGM_LUT_B62[7:0] F8h

DGM_LUT_B63[7:0] FCh

Status Availability

Normal Mode On, Idle Mode Off, Sleep Out Yes

Normal Mode On, Idle Mode On, Sleep Out Yes

Partial Mode On, Idle Mode Off, Sleep Out Yes
Partial Mode On, Idle Mode On, Sleep Out Yes

Sleep In Yes

Status Default Value

Power On Sequence Refer to description

S/W Reset Refer to description

Version 1.3 Page 300 of 316 2014/03

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H/W Reset Refer to description

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disclosed in whole or in part without prior written permission of Sitronix.
9.2.28 GATECTRL (E4h): Gate Control
E4H GATECTRL (Gate Control)

Inst / Para D/CX WRX RDX D17-8 D7 D6 D5 D4 D3 D2 D1 D0 HEX

GATECTRL 0 ↑ 1 - 1 1 1 0 0 1 0 0 (E4h)
1 Parameter 1 ↑ 1 - 0 0 NL5 NL4 NL3 NL2 NL1 NL0

2nd Parameter 1 ↑ 1 - 0 0 SCN5 SCN4 SCN3 SCN2 SCN1 SCN0

3rd Parameter 1 ↑ 1 - 0 0 0 1 0 SM 0 GS

NL[5:0]: Set the number of gate line.

NL[5:0] The number of gate line

0x00 8 gate line

0x01 16 gate line

0x02 24 gate line

0x27 320 gate line

SCN[5:0]: set the first scan line

SCN[5:0] The first scan line
Description 0x00 Gate 0

0x01 Gate 1

0x3F Gate 319

SM: Gate interlace mode selection

SM=”0”: Gate scan using interlace mode.
SM=”1”: Gate scan using non-interlace mode.
GS: Gate scan direction
GS=”0”: Gate scan direction is 0319
GS=”1”: Gate scan direction is 3190

Status Availability

Normal Mode On, Idle Mode Off, Sleep Out Yes

Normal Mode On, Idle Mode On, Sleep Out Yes

Partial Mode On, Idle Mode Off, Sleep Out Yes
Partial Mode On, Idle Mode On, Sleep Out Yes

Sleep In Yes

Version 1.3 Page 302 of 316 2014/03

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disclosed in whole or in part without prior written permission of Sitronix.

Status Default Value

Default Power On Sequence 27h/00h/10h

S/W Reset 27h/00h/10h

H/W Reset 27h/00h/10h

Version 1.3 Page 303 of 316 2014/03

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disclosed in whole or in part without prior written permission of Sitronix.
9.2.29 SPI2EN (E7h): SPI2 Enable
E7H SPI2EN (SPI2 Enable)

Inst / Para D/CX WRX RDX D17-8 D7 D6 D5 D4 D3 D2 D1 D0 HEX

SPI2EN 0 ↑ 1 - 1 1 1 0 0 1 1 1 (E7h)

Parameter 1 ↑ 1 - 0 0 0 SPI2EN 0 0 0 SPIRD

SPI2EN: 2 data lane enable control.

“0”: disable 2 data lane mode.
“1”: enable 2 data lane mode
SPIRD: SPI read enable for command table 2
Description “0”: commands in command table 2 can not be read in serial interface
“1”: commands in command table 2 can be read in serial interface.

It needs one dummy clock if commands in command table 2 need to be read in serial interface.

Status Availability

Normal Mode On, Idle Mode Off, Sleep Out Yes

Normal Mode On, Idle Mode On, Sleep Out Yes

Partial Mode On, Idle Mode Off, Sleep Out Yes
Partial Mode On, Idle Mode On, Sleep Out Yes

Sleep In Yes

Status Default Value

Default Power On Sequence 00h

S/W Reset 00h

H/W Reset 00h

Version 1.3 Page 304 of 316 2014/03

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disclosed in whole or in part without prior written permission of Sitronix.
9.2.30 PWCTRL2 (E8h): Power Control 2
E8H PWCTRL2 (Power Control 2)

Inst / Para D/CX WRX RDX D17-8 D7 D6 D5 D4 D3 D2 D1 D0 HEX

PWCTRL2 0 ↑ 1 - 1 1 1 0 1 0 0 0 (E8h)

Parameter 1 ↑ 1 - 1 0 SBCLK1 SBCLK0 0 0 STP14CK1 STP14CK0

SBCLK[1:0]:Source booster clock selection







STP14CK[1:0]:STP14(AVDD/AVCL) booster clock selection


00h BCLK DIV 2

01h BCLK DIV 3

02h BCLK DIV 4

03h BCLK DIV 6

Status Availability

Normal Mode On, Idle Mode Off, Sleep Out Yes

Normal Mode On, Idle Mode On, Sleep Out Yes

Partial Mode On, Idle Mode Off, Sleep Out Yes
Partial Mode On, Idle Mode On, Sleep Out Yes

Sleep In Yes

Status Default Value

Default Power On Sequence 93h

S/W Reset 93h

H/W Reset 93h

Version 1.3 Page 305 of 316 2014/03

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disclosed in whole or in part without prior written permission of Sitronix.
9.2.31 EQCTRL (E9h): Equalize time control
E9H EQCTRL (Equalize time Control)

Inst / Para D/CX WRX RDX D17-8 D7 D6 D5 D4 D3 D2 D1 D0 HEX

EQCTRL 0 ↑ 1 - 1 1 1 0 1 0 0 1 (E9h)
1 Parameter 1 ↑ 1 - 0 0 0 SEQ4 SEQ3 SEQ2 SEQ1 SEQ0

2nd Parameter 1 ↑ 1 - 0 0 0 SPRET4 SPRET3 SPRET2 SPRET1 SPRET0

3rd Parameter 1 ↑ 1 - 0 0 0 0 GEQ3 GEQ2 GEQ1 GEQ0

SEQ[4:0]:Source Equalize Time

Source equalize time: SEQ[4:0]*400ns, SEQ[4:0]=0x01~0x1f
In 18bit RGB interface:
Source equalize time: SEQ[4:0]*4*1period of dotclk, SEQ[4:0]=0x01~0x1f
In 6bit RGB interface:
Source equalize time: SEQ[4:0]*4*3*1period of dotclk, SEQ[4:0]=0x01~0x1f

SPRET[4:0]: Source Pre-drive Time

Source pre-drive time: SPRET[4:0]*400ns, SPRET[4:0]=0x01~0x1f
In 18bit RGB interface:
Description Source equalize time: SPRET[4:0]*4*1period of dotclk, SPRET[4:0]=0x01~0x1f
In 6bit RGB interface:
Source equalize time: SPRET[4:0]*4*3*1period of dotclk, SPRET[4:0]=0x01~0x1f

GEQ[3:0]: Gate Equalize Time

Gate equalize time: GEQ[3:0]*400ns, GEQ[3:0]=0x00~0x0f
In 18bit RGB interface:
Gate equalize time: GEQ[3:0]*4*1period of dotclk, GEQ[3:0]=0x00~0x0f
In 6bit RGB interface:
Gate equalize time: GEQ[3:0]*4*3*1period of dotclk, GEQ[3:0]=0x00~0x0f

Status Availability

Normal Mode On, Idle Mode Off, Sleep Out Yes

Normal Mode On, Idle Mode On, Sleep Out Yes

Availability Partial Mode On, Idle Mode Off, Sleep Out Yes

Partial Mode On, Idle Mode On, Sleep Out Yes

Sleep In Yes

Version 1.3 Page 306 of 316 2014/03

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disclosed in whole or in part without prior written permission of Sitronix.

Status Default Value

Default Power On Sequence 11h/11h/08h

S/W Reset 11h/11h/08h

H/W Reset 11h/11h/08h

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disclosed in whole or in part without prior written permission of Sitronix.
9.2.32 PROMCTRL (ECh): Program Mode Control
ECH PROMCTRL (Program Mode Control)

Inst / Para D/CX WRX RDX D17-8 D7 D6 D5 D4 D3 D2 D1 D0 HEX

PROMCTRL 0 ↑ 1 - 1 1 1 0 1 1 0 0 (ECh)

Parameter 1 ↑ 1 - 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1

Description When program mode enable, this command need be set.

Status Availability

Normal Mode On, Idle Mode Off, Sleep Out Yes

Normal Mode On, Idle Mode On, Sleep Out Yes

Partial Mode On, Idle Mode Off, Sleep Out Yes
Partial Mode On, Idle Mode On, Sleep Out Yes

Sleep In Yes

Status Default Value

Default Power On Sequence 00h

S/W Reset 00h

H/W Reset 00h

Version 1.3 Page 308 of 316 2014/03

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disclosed in whole or in part without prior written permission of Sitronix.
9.2.33 PROMEN (FAh): Program Mode Enable
FAH PROMEN (Program Mode Enable)

Inst / Para D/CX WRX RDX D17-8 D7 D6 D5 D4 D3 D2 D1 D0 HEX

PROMEN 0 ↑ 1 - 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 0 (FAh)
1 Parameter 1 ↑ 1 - 0 1 0 1 1 0 1 0 (5Ah)

2nd Parameter 1 ↑ 1 - 0 1 1 0 1 0 0 1 (69h)

3rd Parameter 1 ↑ 1 - 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 0 (EEh)

4 Parameter 1 ↑ 1 - 0 0 0 0 0 PROMEN 0 0

Description “0”: Program mode disable
“1”: Program mode enable

Status Availability

Normal Mode On, Idle Mode Off, Sleep Out Yes

Normal Mode On, Idle Mode On, Sleep Out Yes

Partial Mode On, Idle Mode Off, Sleep Out Yes
Partial Mode On, Idle Mode On, Sleep Out Yes

Sleep In Yes

Status Default Value

Default Power On Sequence 00h

S/W Reset 00h

H/W Reset 00h

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disclosed in whole or in part without prior written permission of Sitronix.
9.2.34 NVMSET (FCh): NVM Setting

Inst / Para D/CX WRX RDX D17-8 D7 D6 D5 D4 D3 D2 D1 D0 HEX

NVMSET 0 ↑ 1 - 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 (FCh)
1 Parameter 1 ↑ 1 - ADD7 ADD6 ADD5 ADD4 ADD3 ADD2 ADD1 ADD0

2nd Parameter 1 ↑ 1 - D7 D6 D5 D4 D3 D2 D1 D0

ADD[7:0]: NVM address setting

D[7:0]: Data setting of NVM address

Status Availability

Normal Mode On, Idle Mode Off, Sleep Out Yes

Normal Mode On, Idle Mode On, Sleep Out Yes

Partial Mode On, Idle Mode Off, Sleep Out Yes
Partial Mode On, Idle Mode On, Sleep Out Yes

Sleep In Yes

Status Default Value

Default Power On Sequence 00h/00h

S/W Reset 00h/00h

H/W Reset 00h/00h

Version 1.3 Page 310 of 316 2014/03

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disclosed in whole or in part without prior written permission of Sitronix.
9.2.35 PROMACT (FEh): Program action
FEH PROMACT (Program action)

Inst / Para D/CX WRX RDX D17-8 D7 D6 D5 D4 D3 D2 D1 D0 HEX

PROMACT 0 ↑ 1 - 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 (FEh)
1 Parameter 1 ↑ 1 - 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 1 (29h)

2nd Parameter 1 ↑ 1 - 1 0 1 0 0 1 0 1 (A5h)

Description When program mode enable, this command need be set.

Status Availability

Normal Mode On, Idle Mode Off, Sleep Out Yes

Normal Mode On, Idle Mode On, Sleep Out Yes

Partial Mode On, Idle Mode Off, Sleep Out Yes
Partial Mode On, Idle Mode On, Sleep Out Yes

Sleep In Yes

Status Default Value

Default Power On Sequence 00h/00h

S/W Reset 00h/00h

H/W Reset 00h/00h

Version 1.3 Page 311 of 316 2014/03

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disclosed in whole or in part without prior written permission of Sitronix.
10.1 Configuration of Power Supply Circuit

VAN G317
V20 S4
V20 S5
V20 S6
VDD <10ohm VDD
<10ohm AGND
<10ohm DGND S355
TEST3 S359
EXTC <100ohm EXTC
IM3 <100ohm IM3
IM2 <100ohm IM2

<100ohm IM1
IM0 <100ohm IM0
RESX <100ohm RESX
CSX <100ohm CSX
DCX <100ohm DCX
WRX <100ohm WRX S361
RDX <100ohm RDX
VSYNC <100ohm VSYNC S363
HSYNC <100ohm HSYNC S364
ENABLE <100ohm ENABLE S365
SDA <100ohm SDA S367
DB0 <100ohm DB0
DB1 <100ohm DB1
DB2 <100ohm DB2
DB3 <100ohm DB3
DB4 <100ohm DB4
DB5 <100ohm DB5

DB12 <100ohm DB12
DB13 <100ohm DB13
DB14 <100ohm DB14
DB15 <100ohm DB15
DB16 <100ohm DB16
DB17 <100ohm DB17
TE <100ohm TE
SDO <100ohm SDO
LED_EN <100ohm LED_EN
VDDI <10ohm VDDI S713
VCC S716
VCC S718
VCC S719
VPP <10ohm VPP
VGH G318
VGH G316
VGH G314
VGH G312
VGH G310
VGH G308
<10ohm AGND

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disclosed in whole or in part without prior written permission of Sitronix.
10.2 Voltage Generation
The following is the ST7789V analog voltage pattern diagram:

Figure 38 Power Booster Level

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10.3 Relationship about source voltage
The relationship about source voltage is shown as below:














Figure 39 Relationship about source voltage


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10.4 Applied Voltage to the TFT panel

Figure 40 Voltage Output to TFT LCD Panel

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disclosed in whole or in part without prior written permission of Sitronix.
Version Date Description
V1.0 2013/10 First issue
V1.1 2013/11 1. Add frame rate formula for command B2h, B3h and C6h.
2. Add description of command B8h.
V1.2 2013/12 Specify command B8h and E7h.
V1.3 2014/03 1. Specify gate on and gate off formula for 6bit RGB interface.
2. Specify setting formula for RGB interface in command E9h.
3. Specify timing characteristic and limitation table for 6bit RGB interface.
4. Modify chip size.
5. Specify command B5h

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disclosed in whole or in part without prior written permission of Sitronix.

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