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Name : Christina Natalia Simarmata

Class : R-002

ID : A1B218032

“Final Project Design of TESOL Syllabus”



Course Description

English language learning is a compulsory subject at Senior High School.

Therefore, English language lessons need to be understood by every student properly
so that students can gain more skills in learning English, especially in listening
skills.The students are expected to be able to practice their listening skills both
formally and informally, or perhaps independently or in class discussions. While in
the process of learning to listen, there are so many benefits to be gained including
other English language skills, such as adding vocabulary, understanding grammar
rules, speaking and reading skills. As well as other objectives of this learning as a first
step in preparing students to the next higher level as well as to support some of the
dreams of students. For example, as a condition of getting scholarships, looking for
work and much more. An English-language grammar in this day and age is very
important for everyone.

Course Objectives
Listening is one skill of the four skills in English.So,the objectives in this
Course are:

1) Students can understood the correct pronunciation by using various media.

2) Developing students' memory on vocabulary that is difficult or sounds
rarely to use.
3) Understand the various ways of pronunciation of native speakers.
4) Students can add new vocabulary along with learn listening skill.
5) Adding other abilities of students in skill of English.
6) The preparatory stage for students preparing for further education.

Course Expetations
After all learning is finished.At the end of class, studetns will be able
to do the following items:

1. Students can what the correct pronouncation with their listening skill.
2. Students can develop their confident when to want speak something
because they are already know the correct produce sound.
3. Students can be a role models around their family,neighbours,etc to how
say pronouncation correct.
4. Students are expected to understood what they hears without ask someone
Course Outline and Schedule

Week Topic Activity Methods Duration

 Lecturing by
teacher:Talk about
definition, listening
 Teachers using
Introduction to techniques, 3 x 45
1 Power Point
Listening skill structure,etc. minutes
 Q&A section around
about listening skill.

 Complete blank  Listening a sample

space:song or short from
Complete blank movie Internet:Youtube 3 x 45
space  Students re-write back minutes
what they hears ?hl=id&gl=ID
 Student listening music
 Students listen a short
dialogue between 2  Play dialogue
speakers. inInternet:Many
 Summarize the main things, TED Ed,
Summarizing a 3 x 45
3-4 topics from dialogue.
short dialogue minutes
 Write the answer and
present in front the
class g/

 Students listen and

watch a short story or  Watching a short
news .
story or news.
 Student can make
Summarizing a 3 x 45
5-6 summary the main
short story or topics.
news.  Students can answer
and report infront the
7 Mind mapping  Students listening audio  Listening audio. 3 x 45
but not only one.And  Write answer on the minutes
write their mind paper.
maping in white board..
And other students will
point based on the
 Another task is that
students need to write
the answer what their
friend ask.

 Students divided in to
several groups, and  Power point
listen or watching 3 x 45
 Internet minutes
Collaborative  Students answer
8-9 Listening together and discuss
about certain topic.
 One group explain the
problems, other groups
share their idea
 Students listening  Listening audio. 3 x 45
 Write answer on the minutes
listening some
10 Final Exam recordings.
 Complete blank space,
summarizing a dialogue
and short story or news.

Grading Policies
Letter Grade % Description
Grade Point Value
A+ 9 90-100 Exceptional
A 8 85-89 Outstanding
A- 7 80-84 Execellent
B+ 6 75-79 Very good
B 5 70-74 Good
B- 4 65-69 Solid
C+ 3 60-64 Satisfactory
C 2 55-59 Minimally satisfactory
D 1 50-54 Marginal
F 0 0-49 Unsatisfactory

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