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Conference Paper · December 2014


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4 authors, including:

Shubhagata Roy Shazzadul Islam

Memorial University of Newfoundland United International University


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ID: SEE-085

2nd International Conference on Advances in Civil Engineering 2014 (ICACE-2014)

26 –28 December, 2014
CUET, Chittagong, Bangladesh



Shubhagata Roy1*, M shazzadul Islam1, M Tarequl Alam2, M Saiful Islam3

Civil Department, CUET, Chittagong, Bangladesh <[email protected]>
Civil Department, CUET, Chittagong, Bangladesh, <[email protected]>
*Corresponding Author


Waste-Tire rubber is one of the significant environmental problems worldwide. With the increase in the
automobile production, huge amounts of waste tire need to be disposed. This waste being non-
biodegradable poses severe fire, environmental and health risks. Due to the increasingly serious
environmental problems owing to disposal of waste tires, the feasibility of using such elastic and flexible
waste particles as a partial replacement of coarse aggregate has become a research issue. The primary
objective of this study is to investigate the change in strength of concrete due to the use of waste tire. Total
72 nos. of 4 inch cube were cast using waste tire chips as a partial replacement of coarse aggregate ( 5%,
10% and 15% by weight) and cured in plain water for 7, 28 and 90 days. Compressive and tensile strength
of the specimens was measured after specific exposure period. The results of this study show that there was
a significant reduction in the compressive strength and tensile strength of concrete containing waste tire
rubber than normal concrete. It was also noted that the slump value was reduced as the percentage of rubber
increased. But the most important fact is that unlike plain concrete, the failure state in rubberized concrete
occurs gently and uniformly indicating the ductile behaviour. Finally it is recommended to use waste tires
for making non-structural Portland cement concrete, such as mass concrete, partitions, back stone concrete,
concrete blocks, and other non-structural uses.

Keywords: Recycle tire, Rubberized concrete, Compressive Strength, Tensile Strength.


The disposal of waste tires is becoming a waste management problem in the world including Bangladesh
particularly in Dhaka and Chittagong city. Management of waste-tire rubber is very difficult for
municipalities to handle because the waste tire rubber is not easily biodegradable even after long-period of
landfill treatment (Guneyisi et al. 2004). Stockpiling is dangerous, not only due to a potential negative
environmental impact, but also because it presents a fire hazard and provides a breeding ground for rats,
mice, vermin, and mosquitoes (Ghaly and Cahill, 2005). Also due to increase of vehicle ownership and
traffic volume within the city, this eventually will increase consumption of tires over time. Current practices
show that residents throw it randomly in different places such as valleys, road sides, open areas, and waste
dumpsites in improper ways taking the means of open fire, and without consideration of risk on human
health and environment. Uncontrolled combustion of tire tends to release significant amount of unburned
hydrocarbons and noxious emissions into the atmosphere. The melting tires also produce large quantity of
oil, which cause contamination of soil and ground water. Recycled waste tire rubber is a promising material
in the construction industry due to its lightweight, elasticity, energy absorption, sound and heat insulating
Recycled waste tire rubber has been used in this study to replace coarse aggregate by weight using different
percentages. Mainly compressive strength & tensile strength of selected numbers of rubberized concrete
cube has been investigated in this paper. The change in workability along with the failure mode also have
been observed during the study. Finally it is recommended to use of such waste tire in concrete construction,
thereby minimizing cost and risk of pollution.


Cement is a cementing or binding material used in engineering construction. It is manufactured from
calcareous substance (components of calcium and magnesium) and is similar, in many respects, to the
strongly hydraulic limes but possessing greater hydraulic properties. Ordinary Portland cement (OPC) was
used in the present study. The physical properties and chemical constituent of the used OPC is given in
table 1 and 2.

Table 1: Physical properties of the OPC Table 2:Chemical constituent of the OPC
SL Characteristics Value Obtained Constituents Oxide Composition
NO Experimentally Composition (%)
1. Fineness 92% Tri-calcium Ca3SiO4 48
2. Normal Consistency 26.8% Silicate
3. Soundness 7mm Di-calcium Ca2SiO5 28
4. Setting Time Initial 140 min Tri-calcium Ca3Al2O6 10
Final 182 min Aluminate
5. Compressive 3 days 16.5 Tetra-calcium 9
Strength(MPa) 7 days Aluminoferrite Ca4Al2Fe2O10
Calcium CaSO4.2H2O 3
Sand and surki are commonly used as fine aggregate
in Bangladesh. Stone screenings, burnt clays, cinders and fly-ash may also be used as a substitute for sand
in making concrete. Locally available sand having physical properties of FM 1.60, Specific gravity 2.40,
Absorption capacity 3.31%, Moisture content 2.18% was used.

Brick Khoa (broken bricks), broken stones, gravels, pebbles, clinker cinders etc. of the size of 3/16 to 2
inch are commonly used as coarse aggregate in Bangladesh. Here stone chips of 20mmф nominal size were
used as coarse aggregate. Physical properties of coarse aggregate are: Dry rodded Unit Weight 1680
Kg/m^3, Bulk specific gravity(SSD) 2.84, Absorption capacity 1.28 %,Moisture content 0.90 %.
RECYCLE TIRE: Generally two categories of commercially available rubber products are natural rubber
and synthetic rubber. Despite the competition of synthetic compounds, natural rubber continues to hold an
important place in tire consumption. Physical properties of used recycle tire are Unit Weight 1150 Kg/m^3,
Bulk specific gravity(SSD)1.13,Absorption capacity 48.36%.

Fig 1: waste tire


As per experimental plan of the study all raw materials were collected. Waste tire was collected from a
private car (Ref. fig 1). After completing test of all the physical properties of the ingredient materials mix
design for M35 concrete was performed following ACI code. A total of 72 nos.4 inch concrete cube
specimen were cast for 0%, 5%, 10% and 15% replacement of coarse aggregate by recycle tire chips. Thus
total 18 no. of cubes were used from each percentage replacement. All the samples were cured in plain
water for 7, 28 & 90 days. At the end of each curing period, 3 samples were tested for compressive strength
and 3 samples for tensile strength to get the average strength at each curing period. All the tests data were
analyzed critically and presented in tabular and graphical form.


As per experimental program, the specimens were taken out from curing tanks periodically and tested for
both compressive and tensile strength. The test results are presented in subsequent tables and figures are
discussed with a view to arrive at some necessary conclusion.

Compressive strength test: Compressive strength of test specimen (from M35) made with waste tire chips
as partial replacement of coarse aggregate by weight (0%, 5%, 10% and15%) are tested after different
curing period of 7 days,28 days and 90 days. Table 3 show the compressive strength results of plain and
rubberized concrete samples cured by 7, 28 & 90 days.Fig2 shows the graphical presentation of compressive
strength development of different concrete sample with age. Also fig 3 shows the relative compressive
strength (%) as compared to normal concrete for different exposure periods. Compressive strength
machine1000 KN capacity was used to determine the compressive strength. From the relevant strength
tables and graphs it is seen that the strength of rubberized concrete specimens are lower than the normal
control concrete. As the tire chips content increases the strength decreases. The inclusion of tire chips
content 5 to 15 % as partial replacement of coarse aggregate led to the strength reduction ranging from 14-
Table 3: Compressive strength of different concrete specimens for 7, 28 & 90 days
7 days 28 days 90 days
Sample Type Compressive Average Compressive Average Compressive Average
(% Strength (psi) Compressive Strength (psi) Compressive Strength (psi) Compressive
replacement) Strength (psi) Strength (psi) Strength (psi)
A 3656 4745 5331
(0%) 3488 3712 4661 4828 4912 5052
3991 5080 4912
B 2986 4075 4493
(5%) 2902 2930 4493 4270 4326 4354
2902 4242 4242
C 2567 3153 3488
(10%) 2651 2539 3237 3237 3488 3516
2399 3321 3572
D 1981 2734 2818
(15%) 1897 1869 2818 2790 2902 2930
1729 2818 3069

Fig 2: Compressive strength of different concrete Fig 3: Relative compressive strength (%)compared
specimens to normal concrete for different curing periods

Fig 4 : Failure pattern for compressive test

From above comparison of results, it is clear that excess use of recycle tire chips reduce the compressive
strength of rubberized concrete significantly.
However concrete utilizing waste tire rubber demonstrated a ductile, plastic failure rather than brittle
failure. Crack width in rubberized concrete is observed to be smaller than that of plain concrete, and the
propagation of cracks and failure symptoms are more gradual and uniform (Ref. Fig 4). It was also noticed
that concrete broke around the rubber particles during failure.

Tensile strength test: For the tension test, the specimens were put under compressive strength machine
and a device with two rods in top & bottom was used (Ref. fig 7).The surface of the specimen was kept
plain by placing a smooth plate on both top and bottom. The load was applied until the specimen failed and
the corresponding reading was taken from dial gauge. Table 4 and fig 5 shows the tensile strength values
for both normal and rubberized concrete specimens at different age. On the other hand fig 6 gives the
relative tensile strength(%) as compared to normal concrete for different exposure periods.

Table 4:Tensile strength of different concrete specimens for 7,28 & 90 days

7 days 28 days 90 days

Sample Type Tensile Average Tensile Average Tensile strength Average
(% strength tensile strength tensile (psi) tensile
replacement) (psi) Strength (psi) Strength Strength (psi)
(psi) (psi)
A 557 557 724
(0%) 501 529 668
515 389 557
431 641 724
B 515 473 641.0
(5%) 473 487 557 515 557 613
473 515 641
C 431 431 641
(10%) 389 417 473 459 557 585
431 473 557
D 389 389 473
(15%) 389 375 431 417 515 487
347 431 473

Fig 5: Tensile strength of different concrete Fig 6: Relative tensile strength (%) compared
specimens to normal concrete for different curing periods
From the relevant table and graphs, it is seen that plain concrete strength is more than rubberized concrete
for all curing periods, but strength decreasing rate is lower in tensile test as compared to compressive
strength test. Similar trend for strength decrease with tire chips content is also observed in case if tensile
strength development. However with the use of tire chips content of 5% to15%, the decrease in tensile
strength are observed to vary from 5 to 29%. The relatively lower decrease in tensile strength may be due
to the random presence of tire chips particles within the concrete matrix which might act as a crack arrested.
The tire particles used were not uniformly graded due to its improper shape. Making of tire chips by
machine could provide uniformly graded particle size and hence better concrete strength.
Again rubber particles may not adhere with the cement paste perfectly which can be minimized by pre-
treatment of rubber. Moreover, during temping of concrete in mold some rubber particle came out on the
surface due to its elastic property.

Fig 7: Failure pattern for tensile test

Unlike plain concrete, the failure state in rubberized concrete did not occur quickly and it was a gradual
manner without separation in to two pieces which indicate the ductile behavior of tire chip concrete.

Workability: Replacing coarse aggregates by 5%, 10% and 15% of waste tire is resulted in a decreased
concrete slump value. It is noticed that increasing waste tire content decreases the concrete slump and
workability. Variations of slump of fresh concrete with and without waste tire aggregate are presented in
fig 8.From the fig, it is clearly seen that as the tire chips content increases in the concrete mix, the slump
values decreases. However up-to the replacement of 10% tire content showed the slump value that can be
accepted from practical consideration.

Fig 8: Slump value of fresh concrete and rubberized concrete


Based on the limited scope of study on the concrete incorporating tire chips as partial replacement of
coarse aggregate, the following conclusion can be drawn
 Concrete with recycle tire chips as a partial replacement of coarse aggregate shows a significant
reduction in the concrete compressive strength (14 to 42%) as compared to the plain concrete.
 Tensile test indicated a systematic reduction in strength (5 to 29%) with the increase of recycle
rubber content.
 Unlike plain concrete, the failure state in rubberized concrete did not occur quickly and did not
cause any detachment in the specimen’s elements. More ductile behavior is observed for
rubberized concrete compared to plain concrete specimens under compression and tensile testing.
 Crack width in rubberized concrete is observed to be smaller than that of plain concrete, and the
propagation of cracks failure symptoms is more gradual and uniform.
 The results revealed that slump values decrease i.e workability decrease as waste tire rubber
content increase from 0% to 10%.However the mixture had acceptable workability as compared
to normal concrete mixture.
 Use of recycled rubber tires as aggregate could be successful in lightweight concrete and in non-
structural applications. It represents a viable alternative to recycle tires helping the conservation
of the environment.
 As tire chips replace the coarse aggregate by substantial amount , it will reduce the cost of


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